Windows mobile 2003 Second edition available yet - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

I have the O2 XDA ii and was wondering if the Second Edition of windows mobile 2003 is available yet? I see on Microsofts developer site all the tools are available for it, so i'm presumming its now available. I'm desperate for the different screen orientations.

Hmmm, given O2's past performance, expect to see it sometime around November.
It's always bugged me that O2 think the XDA is a mobile phone, and that they have to test everything to make it fit for the dumb consumer market. A good 50% of XDA owners are very tech savvy, and probably involved in the IT industry, if not developers. Just look at this site - so where's the consumer equivalent, with 20-30 new topics every day with titles like 'how can I get my O2 Active menu to show pictures of kittens?'
Personally I wish O2 would treat their 'developer' SourceO2 site as a proper technical resource, offering low level documentation and potentially unstable new software to the tech community at their own risk. But it's not going to happen. In fact, I've just tried to log on, and the site's got a server side bug. Bet nobody notices until Wednesday. Thank heavens we at least have this site.

you said it. O2 in Ireland is a joke. The only reason I ended up on it in the first place was to get my hands on the XDA II. Soon as my contract expires, I will port over to vodafone (although, in honesty, they are not much better).
Maybe the option is to install a firmware update from another XDA II that is WM2003 SE and modify the rom? Which brings up the question, what could be used to cook the rom from another provider, and replace the settings with the ones I need for O2 (if anything exists yet). i notice there are plenty of cookers etc for the XDA, but haven't noticed anything for the XDA II, but then again, I could just be being dumb as although I have been developing for 20+ years now, I am new to the world of XDA II so forgiveness is asked if i'm asking the obvious or downright stupid

I just got word from O2 support that WM2003 SE for XDA II is planned to be shipped sometime Q4 this year. Based on past performance - I'd say December 2004. :x

I just got word from O2 support that WM2003 SE for XDA II is planned to be shipped sometime Q4 this year. Based on past performance - I'd say December 2004.
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Sounds about right for 02 :evil:

as a follow upo to
Which brings up the question, what could be used to cook the rom from another provider, and replace the settings with the ones I need for O2 (if anything exists yet). i notice there are plenty of cookers etc for the XDA, but haven't noticed anything for the XDA II, but then again, I could just be being dumb as although I have been developing for 20+ years now, I am new to the world of XDA II so forgiveness is asked if i'm asking the obvious or downright stupid
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I have modified ms_.nbf and added new startup logos, and uploaded it to the phone using HimaUpgradeUt.exe.
If I just send that rom alone to the phone, the phone will lock at the serial / usb v1.03 screen, so I have to send all the images up, which is a pain. Once I have done this, and restart, the phone displays my new boot images.
The problem is, is that there is some config files in 02's cabs that overwrite by boot images again, so next reboot and the phone ends up back as it was. I know there are programs such as XDA2_boot_image_changer_by_akira to do the job, but I need to write this into rom.
Any suggestions welcome


SMS/Cell site questions

First of all, great site. Congratulations to all those involved with and to those who contribute to it.
I've owned this lill' gem for a week now and wow. I love gadgets!!
SMS - I've checked out a Arabic/English site
claiming to count your charactors as you type away. Has anyone used this software or downloaded it OR can suggest a better program?? AND if I do decide to get it, find it's garbage, can I get the original software back?
Cell site - Is there a download for finding what cell site you're currently conected to? My skanky ole Nokia 3310 comes with this facility and it would make my calender year if this feature could appear on my "today" screen.
Don't be too hard on me. As I said I've owned the Qtec 1010 for a week and this is my first posting. Any advice would great.

New XDA?

I read in this month's issue of Stuff magazine that a new version of the XDA will be released later this year.
Browsing on internet I found only one link that showed a picture of a xda with a blue back panel and could as well be the original model.
Has anyone heard about this and maybe know where to find more info on this (if O2 will support them for instance) and some specs and maybe photo's?
There will be a new version of the XDA but it's not certain yet which company/ies will be releasing it. I heard some rumours about bluetooth, more memory and a faster processor, I haven't heard anything on SDIO support yet.
Bluetooth would be great, WiFi would be fantastic. Maybe even GPS and a 56K color screen (for the freaks among us to watch movies)?
Anyone know the mail adress/website of HTC who makes them? Have some requests of my own....
Hope someone will post here as soon as they find out more..
If it has the newer Xscale CPU it's very likely it will support SDIO. The SD controller is build-in the CPU and all Xscale CPU's support SDIO.
Ok, first off, getting your electronics info from "Stuff" magazine is like getting steak grilling tips from PETA. Plus all magazines like that are typically posted about two months after they are written, making them pretty useless for new developments.
Secondly, predicting a new XDA is like predicting that the sun will come up tomorrow, that winter will come in a few months, or that the curry I ate today will sting my ass tomorrow. It's obviously going to happen.
It's worthless until they say "on this date a new XDA with these features will be available." And when they can do that, you'll already have read it here two months earlier.
pc pro
i have a pc pro subscription. They had a review of the new iPaq with pocketPc 2k3. they went on to mention that all the pocket devices will be getting the update. including XDA.
Tomorrow never comes? But we old get older, and hopefully wiser...
Right Carlos...
One of the main reasons for a forum is for guys like me to wonder about stuff. Ask questions to other users with the same interest. Sometimes intelligent questions and some times less intelligent, but always within the region of interest of other forum readers. If you feel a threat is dumb, don't read it and especially don't reply on it. No need for smart-ass remarks here, we just want to chat about stuff we like.
I had a question, couldn't find it in the forum so I asked. Big Deal.
is like getting steak grilling tips from PETA
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Anyway, PPC2K3 will appear on the XDA: Maybe not today; maybe not tomorrow; but soon and for the rest of your life.
::Bonkers eyes that revolve around three times per second because of copious amonts of beer:: Oh, not allowed that emoticon yet?
No need for smart-ass remarks here, we just want to chat about stuff we like.
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Sorry, I wasn't laughing AT you, but WITH you... I posted what I did because many people don't realize just how that publishing process goes--it's very lengthy and full of PR assholes. Those "what's new in electronics" columns are one of my pet peeves. And I'm a gruff asshole by nature anyway, so it came out worse than intended.
Hehe, no harm done. At least you were true about Stuff Magazine and most of it's other companions.
So.... When is the new model comming out?
Playboy says next week...
..... it will have more intellectual articles about geopolitical situation? :wink:
in this article
Taiwanese ODM High Tech Computer (HTC) Corp will ship an updated PPC 2003/ARM4 version of its Falcon (aka Spaceneedle, Wallaby) PPC Phone Edition design, as sold by AT&T, mm02 and T-Mobile, before the end of June.
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and yesterday being the end of june, they seem to have missed the deadline... : [
This may be of interest..
I spoke to T Mobile UK about when the MDA was going to be introduced. They said that it was originally going to be introduced in March but now has been put back to the end of this year (because of techical difficulties?).
I wonder if they are planning to introduce the new unit.
New XDA details
This s the response I received from Carrier Devices regarding the New Qtek (XDA):
"There are plans for a new Qtek device, however I can't give out any official information. It won't be available until the end of the year, but will have Built in Bluetooth, SDIO and be tri-band"
please refer to topic for further information about the XDA II
I guess I got my initial question answered, so as far as I'm concerned, this topic is now out-of-date
thanx for all the replies!
New XDA gets a mention at the register
As usaul no details about it though
The article on the register hints at WiFi.
Saying that users can seamlessly jump from hot spot to gprs...
Bet it will all cost a small fortune though!!
Who cares Martin! Us suckers will still buy it, it's only money!
If somebody has the time...
Bring back the wishlist for XDA II and make it a sticky.
Bring on SDIO and the bluetooth!!!!

More bad nes for Dopod Users...(Definatly no AKU3.3 ROM)

Well, after the last email i sent to dopod about a newer firmware i posted here, i sent another one, as theres obviously AKU3.3 updates from HTC themselves.
Dear Michael,
The 838pro ROM code is AKU2.3
I checked our schedule again for you and nothing has changed since your last email . There would not be any new ROM update in future for the Dopod 838 Pro.
If you want an updated unit, we suggest buying the newer Dopod 810. I appreciate that the Dopod 838 Pro is our current top PDA, however, we feel no update is needed. If your not happy with not having WPA2, i suggest more care in selecting a PDA next time.
Kind regards,
ANZ Service
Dopod International (Australia New Zealand) Pty Ltd
ABN 48 119 011 639
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Be rest assured, the "CARE" i take next time, will be NEVER to buy, or recommend a Dopod to anyone ever again. Considering they are trying very hard to break into the Australian market, they've done an appaling job at winning customers with crap service like this.
And no offence but its clear they don't care and are employing monkeys with there "engirsh"
8one pissed off Dopod owner8
Gosh That's really bad news...
I will also Inform and Definately NOT recommend to any of me friends/forums on DoPoD Devices (YuCK!)
or you can politely make it known to them that we've a aku 3.3 update for hermes here so they can just put a note in their future sales boxes to inform customers to come here to update a software that they are too lazy to do
:LooooooooooooooooooooL: m8!!
They surely are lazy!
that is fu**n s**t of Dopod as im using a Dopod 838 Pro.... as i stuffed by radio when trying to unlock the CID im now stuck to Dopod... might just have to go and buy the IMEI-CHECK unlocker....
Ahh wells.. At least they are the OEM distributor for HTC. We still can get nice updates.
Thats the bit about it all i don't understand.
HTC own Dopod now. There supposed to be HTC's break into Asia pacific etc.
Even though HTC release newer, needed ROM's, dopod's answer to that is essentially "Go F**k yourself, we want more money from you, so to upgrade buy another PDA"
Rest assured, when i buy a new PDA, especially in Oz, it won't ever be a Dopod thats for sure.
If your not happy with not having WPA2, i suggest more care in selecting a PDA next time.
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Someone interacting with customers and talking like that will soon find out that this can be "career limiting experience".
What is the email for the support or the person you contacted?
I reckon if enough of us ask about it they might respond
If they're owned by HTC, I'd forward that onto them. It is not good customer service to respond like that. A
nyway the problem is that when you are buying a device finding information in that much detail is very hard and it is completely capable of WPA2 and you would assume a market leading device would be capable of that.
-wireless- said:
What is the email for the support or the person you contacted?
I reckon if enough of us ask about it they might respond
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[email protected]
I've fowarded onto HTC. Lets see what they have to say about how there new retail arm treats HTC's new market and potential customers.
Seriously, i can handle them not doing an update (although that in itself is poor customer after sales support, basically buy the unit then we don't give a f**k about you) but the complete lack of respect for me and their own company pisses me off.
Oh well, how ever much i actually love the device, another dopod product will never grace my hands again, thats for sure.
yeah, dopod service sucks in this part of the world. you should pray that the device has no issue. i have a loose stylus issue and would rather not send it in for servicing
I appreciate that the Dopod 838 Pro is our current top PDA [...] i suggest more care in selecting a PDA next time.
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what a tool!
Some people really dont understand how to treat their customers. There are hundreds of better ways he could have gotten his point accross without being rude, and contradicting himself.
Hi, first post here.
I have owned numerous PDA's over the last 5yrs or so and cannot remember any of them getting an upgrade for the firmware. There have been various updates to fix minor bugs but usually if you wanted a newer OS then you replaced the PDA. HTC and Dopod arent doing anything different than any other manufacturer. I dont like it either but can see that if they released a new OS for the product then no-one would buy the newest kit.
It stinks but thats how it is
Umm, clearly you are very mistaken.
PDA's have had continuos updates for bug fixes etc for a long time. The Hermes has bugs that need to be resolved.
AKU3.3 is NOT a new OS. Its WIN CE 5 still, just with latest patches. Nearly all other manufacturers release updates. I don't care what happened 5 years ago, then industry and its problems then are nothing like they are today.
Its perfectly acceptable to expect a third party producer of a product, that the main manufacturer has released updates for, to get of their own lazy arses and customise that update for them.
What your saying, is its perfectly fine to release unfinished, bug ridden hardware/software and then the consumer should just pay for a whole new unit on a hope that that one isn't as bad.
Or, would you expect a simple update that they have to do very little work to customise to be released when its spoon fed to them.
Tell you what, buy a car from me, i won't include wheels with it. Everythign will work, but it will be usesless to you. You'd expect me to supply some simple wheels, but i will palm you off with bad service, **** english and tell you you should buy the newer, better car as that has wheels.
Um, clearly in my post i stated:
There have been various updates to fix minor bugs but usually if you wanted a newer OS then you replaced the PDA. If this is a MINOR update then I stand to be corrected.
You can keep your car by the way
No its not minor, its probably in the same capacity as SP2 was for XP.
However, nonetheless, it is an update thats needed to make the devices function as they are supposed to.
The update has been released by HTC to carriers. Dopod, are simply to tight and lazy to do anything, and beleive it acceptable to shaft its customers, rather than what some of the better carriers are doing (HTC direct, AT&T etc) and releasing an update thats much needed.
Im not asking for them to update to Crossbow for free. Im asking them to release a standard upgrade, to help their device they released to function properly.
you just got the standard Customer Support bugger-off-with-with-new-rom-inquiries reply, it's not up to him to know whether it will be available or not..

HTC official upgrade stolen!

Take a look on their website, news section.
The upgrade is OUT since 31/7 and we are blind people !
The truth is that their FTP site today went crashed because all XDA-DEVS users were trying to download the new TyTN official rom for european main languages.
This happens when this morning, in the WM6 section, a Trinity user posted the FTP address and username and password were discovered
In the afternoon HTC chose to publish "the official release is out", dated 2 days ago, without having set ut the download site. Is better than saying, YES, THEY CRACKED OUR FTP SITE AND ALL THE ROM WE WERE STORING THERE, WAITING THE OPERATOR CUSTOMIZATIONS, WENT STOLEN.
Waggener Eddstom Internet rapid responce team , the same working for Microsoft works for HTC too, and I am sure they suggested this strategy to reduce the damage in terms of company's image.
Now you can find all national HTC TyTN official ROM on rapidshare, who cares about htc e-club?
To read all the story just check the WM6 section or click here
It sounds great!
Ah, the world weeps.
Stolen.. hahahahahaha... Can they not say another better thing.
I have mail them every day in this week. They say at that should comes before aug. But that are that month now so...
My next phone not be a HTC.
I just registered my TyTN (branded TMN, a major Portuguese mobile Operator) and I'm currently downloading the upgrade with my slow UMTS connection.
I suppose that if they let me come this far I should be able to upgrade...
Would I still get warranty support if I install official HTC upgarde?
micke_nkpg said:
Stolen.. hahahahahaha... Can they not say another better thing.
I have mail them every day in this week. They say at that should comes before aug. But that are that month now so...
My next phone not be a HTC.
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The Swedish ROM comes out end of aug.or begining of sep. read below:

Petition for XDA-DEV ROM library_Pls SIGN

ORIGINALLY from this thread: ( i just want to help to have more signature )
To: Microsoft
This Petition aims to show the support for's archive of 'ROM Images'
The Undersigned wish to notify Microsoft Corp. of their strong feelings against the recent demands to remove the 'ROM Images'. We feel that they bring more publicity and support to the 'Windows Mobile' platform and device: without this we feel they would not be as popular as they are to this date.
Please think rationally Microsoft!
The Undersigned
This is an old and sensitive issue. This is not solely Microsoft's decision. Microsoft's Windows Mobile is bundled with Manufacturer's device under operators/distributors specification. This is a three-way agreement. Microsoft can not sell you the OS, because the device drivers is built by third party.
The reason for its removal from this site is the consequences of flashing an unofficial ROM. Some damn users don't know what they are doing... Flash their devices with custom ROMs, brick their devices unnecessarily, claims warranty to operator/distributor, and even sometimes demand support to an unofficial ROM.
Simply stated, if your were in their shoes, what would you do?
In the same manner, we, the users who understand the situation, are left with devices with very little or no support when new devices come out. We were sold with devices that cost like a PC, and NO OPTION to buy an upgrade from them.
And what are we supposed to do? buy again another device with the new software? That's plain bull.
So, your campaign is pointless! In the end, what really matters to them is the bottom line.
jiggs said:
This is an old and sensitive issue. This is not solely Microsoft's decision. Microsoft's Windows Mobile is bundled with Manufacturer's device under operators/distributors specification. This is a three-way agreement. Microsoft can not sell you the OS, because the device drivers is built by third party.
The reason for its removal from this site is the consequences of flashing an unofficial ROM. Some damn users don't know what they are doing... Flash their devices with custom ROMs, brick their devices unnecessarily, claims warranty to operator/distributor, and even sometimes demand support to an unofficial ROM.
Simply stated, if your were in their shoes, what would you do?
In the same manner, we, the users who understand the situation, are left with devices with very little or no support when new devices come out. We were sold with devices that cost like a PC, and NO OPTION to buy an upgrade from them.
And what are we supposed to do? buy again another device with the new software? That's plain bull.
So, your campaign is pointless! In the end, what really matters to them is the bottom line.
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bro this is not my campaign, im just supporting this.
Thanks for the explanation,.
Feh, Microsoft just doesn't want unsupported devices floating around. <_<
And seriously, the custom ROM excuse is... crap.
It's similar to the case of a laptop owner having his warranty voided because he ran Linux instead of Vista (he later got his warranty repair anyway).
I know it's a PDA but I expect the folks who make the stuff to be better than trying to lock people down into a walled garden. -.-"
Especially a brand such as O2 who sell the product then dont provide a decent OS or service to go with it! These are our devices we paid for them we extracted the OS's to build or rebuild a better quality rom, from what I have seen nobody has asked for money or otherwise! Lets face it MS arnt going to break their budget over a handful of ppl cooking and sharing a few upgraded roms.
This was an old thread.. Feb.
It now really does not or really concern as all the rom is for evaluation and testing. As long we agree to flash it to the so-call required version, and even it spoilt, we fix ourself
Mine's out of warranty. The only thing I wish right now is that O2 actually releases the service manual.
Dont forget someone needs to pay for the software
post removed because of my employer
homer285 said:
Especially a brand such as O2 who sell the product then dont provide a decent OS or service to go with it! These are our devices we paid for them we extracted the OS's to build or rebuild a better quality rom, from what I have seen nobody has asked for money or otherwise! Lets face it MS arnt going to break their budget over a handful of ppl cooking and sharing a few upgraded roms.
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Let's see, I have setup the download center for the XDA Atom WM6 AKU0.7 to see the statistics... as of this date, there are 3,349 downloads....
jiggs said:
Let's see, I have setup the download center for the XDA Atom WM6 AKU0.7 to see the statistics... as of this date, there are 3,349 downloads....
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briliant jiggs,.
Hi Guys,
Don't forget that windows mobile is a copy written bit of software. Someone needs to pay for it. Normally the vendor pays Microsoft for the license for your device. That's fine for the initial release. However notice that only products that are still being sold get an updated rom? Why's that.... Because the vendor still wants to sell that device. Once its out of production no rom upgrades... funny that. Its the trend for all consumer electronics. Its all about pushing sku's or stock unit items. Remember that all these company's are in the game to make money.
How can o2 make any money by making a rom upgrade available to a new OS when they need to pay Microsoft for the OS and they cant make any more money as the unit is out of production.
I think the whole thing is silly. I have an atom exec that is still faster than many of the "new" mobile 6 devices with older processors but no officially upgrade option. I am not going to dump my perfectly good atom exec to something else for no reason but I want mobile 6.
What needs to happen, so everyone is happy and gets their $$ is that o2 should offer an upgrade service. I'd be happy to pay for an upgrade rom that way both O2 get their slice and Microsoft get their $ for the software.
*We should be pushing o2 to offer an upgrade service with a price tag to produce the new roms. Its never going to happen for free.* Microsoft don't give software away for free if you haven't noticed. It should be much cheaper than buying a new PDA with pretty much the same(or lower) specs as they haven't really moved in hardware they just keep moving buttons around.....
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Boy. HP used to do this before wm2k3se to wm5. How I wish it existed, then I didn't get to waste 5 mos of my life just to make the upgrade myself. BUT, the bottom line is much better with the new devices...
How much percentage of users really do flash their devices with the 'test' ROMs?
Just that the guy who quoted the above would know... the official wm5 ROM for the Atom really sucks!!!

