Hi there. I have/had wizard g4, but after upgradin' rom by ruu my phone is bricked. he doesn't even respone to charger.
Now technical details: upgrade was done on i/spl 2.21.001/olip, so after hardspl'ing him. Everythin' went just fine, but in 73% i've realised that i'm uploadin' g3 rom... So i let ruu finish his job and now my pda is completly dead.
I won't be askin' for HELP, i will ask for info. Will anyone can tell me: if i take out 'disk on chip' (cause i think that's the flashrom chip), how i can reflash it? I mean: should i just put nk.nbf from 0x0000 or split rom image onto bootloader, radio and os and put it partially? what are adressess of those thinx and lenght of code? and how can i split nk.nbf?
Congrats !
What your are asking is not easy to do,it requires special flashing tools and connectors,which only the manufacturers and vendors have,It needs new bootloaders,you cannot do it yourself.DOC chip might have to be replaced,it means an almost new phone
Btw,have you tried to force it into bootloaders ? might be lucky,if it gets into bootloaders.well there's no harm in trying,if it does,then you might in luck and safe.
whatdy'a mean sayin' 'force it into bootloader'? if you mean pressing cam button while poweing it on- yes i've tried. i even tried to boot linux on desktop computer, connectin' wizard and typin' 'lsusb' in console, hoping that something like 'xxxx:xxxx unkown vendor' occurs. But, still no luck. even linux thoughts that usb port with connected wiz is free.
I know that only vendors and sevice-guyz know 'tricks' about connecting directly to DOC chip... but i'm still hopeing, cause i've found two unused connector places on mainboard(after disassemblin' of corse)- one in the middle, second next to sim card connector and i'm wondering if there's any chance to ommit BGA-welding(sorry 4 my english).
Have you heard about conspiracy theory ? i begun to belive in it... I think that many people know what 2 do, but noone want to help me from one particular reason: if someone helps me, i wouldn't need to pay in service, so someone will not earn money...
anyway, what do you mean about 'force in2 bl'?
lis6502 said:
whatdy'a mean sayin' 'force it into bootloader'? if you mean pressing cam button while poweing it on- yes i've tried. i even tried to boot linux on desktop computer, connectin' wizard and typin' 'lsusb' in console, hoping that something like 'xxxx:xxxx unkown vendor' occurs. But, still no luck. even linux thoughts that usb port with connected wiz is free.
I know that only vendors and sevice-guyz know 'tricks' about connecting directly to DOC chip... but i'm still hopeing, cause i've found two unused connector places on mainboard(after disassemblin' of corse)- one in the middle, second next to sim card connector and i'm wondering if there's any chance to ommit BGA-welding(sorry 4 my english).
Have you heard about conspiracy theory ? i begun to belive in it... I think that many people know what 2 do, but noone want to help me from one particular reason: if someone helps me, i wouldn't need to pay in service, so someone will not earn money...
anyway, what do you mean about 'force in2 bl'?
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First,let me clear you here, There's no such "Conspiracy theory" being practiced here in this Forum.It's a development Forum and not a Technical Advisory Service of some sort,where experts give advise and earn money.Its a free forum to help the newbies about the problem regarding their phones,We here believe in "Help & Support".The guys and gurus are not trained technical experts,its a voluntary website,where guys help and advise what they have learned and gained to the new guys joining and asking for help and they do it with honesty and to the best of their knowledge without any monetary benefits.
Secondly,Yes ! thats exactly what I meant for 'Force into booltloaders',cuz,may be if it does boot in the bootloaders,then it might be recovered,just a haunch,but if it doesn't,then its another dead paper weight on the desk.
I think it's a misunderstood there. I mean that maybe someone know what to do, but if it would leak to internet then services can lost money, cause what to pay 50$ i.e. if you can repair PDA by yourself?. I mean also that i've searched whole wide web... My polish sites of electronics, pda forums, even those forums where volunteers helps guys who crashed their bioses on PC's. And nothin', no one replies to mails, and if i ask someone directly they say thats no hope for me and my PDA.
I just cannot believe it... Even old PC had protection, if you uploaded wrong code into BIOS and PC cannot boot you always could ISA graphic card and boot from floppy.
lis6502 said:
I think it's a misunderstood there. I mean that maybe someone know what to do, but if it would leak to internet then services can lost money, cause what to pay 50$ i.e. if you can repair PDA by yourself?. I mean also that i've searched whole wide web... My polish sites of electronics, pda forums, even those forums where volunteers helps guys who crashed their bioses on PC's. And nothin', no one replies to mails, and if i ask someone directly they say thats no hope for me and my PDA.
I just cannot believe it... Even old PC had protection, if you uploaded wrong code into BIOS and PC cannot boot you always could ISA graphic card and boot from floppy.
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focus on the problem:
tell me if u can at least see the bootloader ? If yes then u can have a fair chance of bringing urs back to life
It is because you are not supposed to flash a ROM that is not for your device!
For example, what will happen if you flash a AMIBIOS to a motherboard that uses AWARDBIOS (By your own way for sure)? Flashing G3-only ROMs to G4 device is just like that.
The protection for htc device is not letting you to flash a G3 only RUU in the usual way, you cracked to let it allow any ROM is your own problem, not problem of htc, and htc doesn't have to take care of it.
alber786 said:
focus on the problem:
tell me if u can at least see the bootloader ?
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few posts ago i've wrote, that i cannot even see red led when pluggin' onto charger. BL mode doesn't work either (cam+ sr or cam+pwr).
i've found another way to resurrect my wiza200. JTAG.
But ofcoz noone knows where are testpoints located. But i'll find it. BTW someone can e-mail me fubu of working g4 wizard? lis6502 (at) gmail (dot) com
starkwong said:
For example, what will happen if you flash a AMIBIOS to a motherboard that uses AWARDBIOS (By your own way for sure)? Flashing G3-only ROMs to G4 device is just like that.
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yeah, i know what i did. i understand example of bioses misupload. i've explained in that way to some guys who doesn't understand what i did
starkwong said:
The protection for htc device is not letting you to flash a G3 only RUU in the usual way, you cracked to let it allow any ROM is your own problem, not problem of htc, and htc doesn't have to take care of it.
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Do i cracked it? i just found ONE working ruu which allowed me to upload any rom to my device. i've switched nk.nbf files in folder wich ruu was in.
I know also that HTC wouldn't help mi, i'm not counting on warranty or manufacturer help.
No No...
You installed HardSPL to your device, so your device is already cracked (say patched may be better) by you.
starkwong said:
No No...
You installed HardSPL to your device, so your device is already cracked (say patched may be better) by you.
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uhm, it may be infatile question, but is it illegal? i know thah chaging IMEI is illegal, but is hardspl'ing too?
Cracking SPL is not an offense in law, just violate the warranty terms only.
2 starwonk: man, i'm from poland. i've bought my spv on polish eqiuvalent of e-bay. It's o2 xda mini s, so warranty is only valid in UK. i've told that i'm not counting on warranty. i need and must do it all by myself. and i will do it. Wish me luck
Sent from my R800x using xda premium
? I have found nothing yet for this ps I love this phone for gaming
Sent from my R800x using xda premium
First you have to get your bootloader unlocked which there is only a paid way to do that right now. After you get your phone's bootloader unlocked, you download and copy to your SD card. Then you download and copy recoveryPLAY.img to the same directory on your PC as adb and fastboot.
Fastboot boot recoveryPLAY.img
Then choose to install zip which will be the on your SD card.
Or simply.....
Unlock bootloader, flash doomlord's v3 kernel which installs root, then flash back stock kernel.
Ok so you do need to get it unlocked I thought you might be able to get root without unlockex bootloader
Sent from my R800x using xda premium
There is no working root for the R800x without an unlocked bootloader.
Sent from my R800x using XDA App
Don't flash doomlords kernel if u did the 2.3.3 update. We don't have the 2.3.3 kernel and 2.3.2 Kernels will break ur wifi on a 2.3.3 system.
Unfortunately I did the update and wifi doesn't stay connected which is no good to play games like modern combat an 9mm, was hoping to some how root this or crack the bootloader so I can run different rom I don't like sonys at all
Sent from my R800x using xda premium
my question is since when does a locked bootloadert stop development from my experience with xda its more of a challenge, i would like to unlock it free if possible theres got to be a solution to this problem i dont want the gsm version its weak if someone can point me in the right direction i can start to try an unlock the bootloader
crisis187 said:
my question is since when does a locked bootloadert stop development from my experience with xda its more of a challenge, i would like to unlock it free if possible theres got to be a solution to this problem i dont want the gsm version its weak if someone can point me in the right direction i can start to try an unlock the bootloader
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You can start by reading the 400+ reply thread here on the subject and then wash it down with the entire saga of bootloader unlocking roller coaster that SE sent us through on the 280 post thread located here.
Those would be a couple of good places to start. And its not the locked bootloader thats stopped development. Its the fact that you cant flash anything when its locked. There is no root exploit for gingerbread. Look at any of the other phones. The whole community is at a standstill on devices running gingerbread (except for the blur-based exploit of recent moto's).
But yet there's a paid version and dev stopped is it really worth payment, cause I did read them they are all dead an, and I'm kinda see'ing if anyone else still has the same problem someone had a solution but didn't release it cause of the paid version and would like to continue were was left off
Sent from my R800x using xda premium
crisis187 said:
But yet there's a paid version and dev stopped is it really worth payment, cause I did read them they are all dead an, and I'm kinda see'ing if anyone else still has the same problem someone had a solution but didn't release it cause of the paid version and would like to continue were was left off
Sent from my R800x using xda premium
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Dev work pretty much stopped because there's nothing that can be done. If a gingerbread-specific exploit is found, then we will reap the benefits along with every other gingerbread device. Otherwise, the problem is this - we need to reverse engineer Sony's hashing algorithm. See this thread for the specifics. If you figure out how to do it, you're a much smarter person than the rest of us and you should be working for the government or something, because reverse engineering a hashing algorithm is designed to be pretty fracking impossible. And we don't access to enough computing power to even think about attempting to brute force it, and even if we did we can't because we don't know the algorithm being used so we don't even know where to start.
so then are you saying this method doesn't work with verizon plays?
how sad I just got a free one today and was looking forward to some cm7
flamesbladeflcl said:
so then are you saying this method doesn't work with verizon plays?
how sad I just got a free one today and was looking forward to some cm7
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This is where Sony is outright lying to us. Yes, the R800x can get into Fastboot no problem, which by their instructions means it should be unlockable (and it is!). But the catch is you have to use Sony's submission form to get the unlock code. It's unique to every device, and it's a value created from the result of applying a hash algorithm against a devices IMEI (GSM) or MEID (CDMA).
If you go to the form and attempt to enter in your MEID, it will fail and say it's not a valid IMEI (Which of course it's not). However in the past their web form coding sucked, and all the validation of the form was client-side in the browser. So if you just manually formulated an HTTP POST request with the correct parameters, it would accept your MEID blindly in the IMEI post var without checking it. With the help of Mills and Asher, I wrote a console app in C# that would do just that. And sure enough, their code will apply their hash algorithm and spit you out a valid unlock key.
However, one day it got published in the bootloader cracked thread how we were doing the end-around their javascript validation. Within 48 hours Sony pulled the site down for maintenance and when it came back up, they had added a CAPTCHA to the form and also added server side checking on the postvar containing the IMEI. So even if you manually make a request now, it will error off. This is what cut off our free unlocking.
So in short, their web based unlocking system can unlock our phones, they just won't let us, and claim that "They cannot unlock CDMA Plays at this time, and they are working on it".
If you can come up with a way to publicly shame Sony into removing this restriction, well, we're all ears.
Ladies & Gentlemen, brought to you by CrimsonSentinal13, root with a locked bootloader!!
I'm trying to get the Exynos4412 to boot from SDCard. My team (Ralekdev, and Rebellos) are working on decompiling bootloaders and other crazy stuff. Ralekdev has stumbled upon an interesting theory that the Exynos4412 hardware keys are the same across the Exynos4x12 family (GS2, GS3, Gnote, Gnote2, MeizuMX, Galaxy Camera). This means we may be able to boot the bootloaders of any Exynos4x12 device on any other. We need a device to test on though.
So, I'm here to offer a FREE UNBRICKING SERVICE in exchange for letting me use your device for a couple of days to test my theory. No harm will come to your device. Most of the procedure is documented in one of my Samsung Repair manuals and I will be booting the device from an SDCard for testing.
This project has the potential to help out anyone with a bricked Exynos and it can work-around the i9100 "Brick Bug".
So, if you want to help my open-source project which will help out thousands of bricked devices, please spread the word to those having problems. I will unbrick your i9300 device for free if you let me use it for a couple of days.
I gaurantee it will be returned in proper operational condition as long as there is no physical hardware damage to the device.
would love to provide the device but not possible as I live in India
but +1 for your project
You found out how to boot the S2/S3 from SDCard in case of damaged bootloaders?
Care to share how to do it?
HellcatDroid said:
You found out how to boot the S2/S3 from SDCard in case of damaged bootloaders?
Care to share how to do it?
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The S3 only currently. You have to bridge a resistor. it's currently only good for Download Mode. I hope to change that with this project. Once I've got U-Boot on the S3, I can work back to the S2 and forward to the Note/note2.
I've got nothing to report right now. I need a device to work with. Think about it like this.. Someone throws a GS3 my way for a couple of days and that's basically Ground Zero. There will be an explosion of information for several devices and alternate open-source bootloaders capable of running firmware for all other Exynos devices.
Hey, I live in Ohio and would be willing to help you. I guess my device is bricked.
AdamOutler said:
The S3 only currently. You have to bridge a resistor. it's currently only good for Download Mode. I hope to change that with this project. Once I've got U-Boot on the S3, I can work back to the S2 and forward to the Note/note2.
I've got nothing to report right now. I need a device to work with. Think about it like this.. Someone throws a GS3 my way for a couple of days and that's basically Ground Zero. There will be an explosion of information for several devices and alternate open-source bootloaders capable of running firmware for all other Exynos devices.
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bmr_reddy2002 said:
Hey, I live in Ohio and would be willing to help you. I guess my device is bricked.
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Great! PM sent.
I have a brickbugged S2 I could send you.
Only problem is I'm from Croatia,Europe.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
bmr_reddy2002 said:
Hey, I live in Ohio and would be willing to help you. I guess my device is bricked.
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No response from this guy. I'm still looking for a GS3. DON'T REPLY UNLESS YOU ARE SERIOUS. It just makes this take longer!
AdamOutler said:
No response from this guy. I'm still looking for a GS3. DON'T REPLY UNLESS YOU ARE SERIOUS. It just makes this take longer!
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I got one I'd be happy to lend to better help the community. Seeing how my Nexus 4 has been getting all the attention anyway. PM me if your still looking for a temp S3.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
@AdamOutler, are you still interested on an i9300? Mine has problems with power button. Sometimes power off popup arises an it reboots automagically.
Would send from Spain.
Little story.....
I spent weeks and couple hundred dollars looking for a solution for the bootloader lock on my OTA 4.3 Verizon Note 2. i heard about the site called MobileTechVideos. I emailed and asked questions, Josh was very responsive and said they could do it. So i sent the phone to them....1 week later (today) I get a call from Josh saying all is well and I am downgraded successfully and it would ship out today. i can't say enough about MobileTechVideos, and their site is packed with info and videos. check them out!
But Young Jedi...
onefast50 said:
Little story.....
I spent weeks and couple hundred dollars looking for a solution for the bootloader lock on my OTA 4.3 Verizon Note 2. i heard about the site called MobileTechVideos. I emailed and asked questions, Josh was very responsive and said they could do it. So i sent the phone to them....1 week later (today) I get a call from Josh saying all is well and I am downgraded successfully and it would ship out today. i can't say enough about MobileTechVideos, and their site is packed with info and videos. check them out!
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I have spent a vast amount of research and hands on technical work on downgrading
From: VRUEMJ9 4.3
To: VRALJB 4.1.1
And it possible. The problem isn't downgrading the ROM, it's the bootloader, it consistently stays at a 4.3 Bootloader while the ROM is at 4.1.1. Your post looks more like a promotion/advertisement, therefore I ask you OneFast50, can MobileTechVideos:
1) Downgrade the bootloader
2) Unlock the bootloader
3) Load a custom recovery (CWM, Philz, TWRP).......
4) Furthermore installing a custom rom?
If Josh at MobileTechVideos can accomplish all this, then Josh and his peeps are gurus and I will happily send them my phone, tuck my tail between my legs, and hats off to them! Taking it a step further, this is what fellow techies really want: If we could please get a technical post by [email protected] here on XDA describing the process that him and his team used to perform the four requirements above. This would be the most beneficial post that the rest of the Note II SCH-I605 4.3 community could really appreciate. Awaiting a follow up OneFast50
Yes that's the service they offer and obviously they aren't going to post how to do it or they would lose business
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
We are the only source I am aware of for offering this downgrade. When you get your device back, it will arrive with stock 4.1.2 firmware, unlocked bootloader, root access and custom recovery. Everything you need for a custom rom flashing experience. 4.3 update got ya down? Get back your innocence by downgrading!
Technical aspects: This is NOT a DIY method as it involves removing and reprogramming the eMMC chip from the main board. Essentially, we are removing the eMMC, uploading and the old bootloader with a proprietary programmer and then reinstalling the chip. I have received permission from Adam Outler to give a more thorough post about this procedure. The service is also live and can be found on our store (just Google us).
connexion2005 said:
We are the only source I am aware of for offering this downgrade. When you get your device back, it will arrive with stock 4.1.2 firmware, unlocked bootloader, root access and custom recovery. Everything you need for a custom rom flashing experience. 4.3 update got ya down? Get back your innocence by downgrading!
Technical aspects: This is NOT a DIY method as it involves removing and reprogramming the eMMC chip from the main board. Essentially, we are removing the eMMC, uploading and the old bootloader with a proprietary programmer and then reinstalling the chip. I have received permission from Adam Outler to give a more thorough post about this procedure. The service is also live and can be found on our store (just Google us).
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I believe the z3x and Easy JTAG can do this, but that's only if you can solder direct ISP, breadboard, and then hope there's no shorts and you didn't damage any tracers. Go with MobileTechVideos. I've heard nothing but excellent things about you guys.
connexion2005 said:
We are the only source I am aware of for offering this downgrade. When you get your device back, it will arrive with stock 4.1.2 firmware, unlocked bootloader, root access and custom recovery. Everything you need for a custom rom flashing experience. 4.3 update got ya down? Get back your innocence by downgrading!
Technical aspects: This is NOT a DIY method as it involves removing and reprogramming the eMMC chip from the main board. Essentially, we are removing the eMMC, uploading and the old bootloader with a proprietary programmer and then reinstalling the chip. I have received permission from Adam Outler to give a more thorough post about this procedure. The service is also live and can be found on our store (just Google us).
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Thanks again Josh
I would just like to CONFIRM with the first few posts that it can be done.
In addition to the above methods described:
1- Send It Away
2- eMMC
There are other ways as well. I have successfully downgraded the bootloader with a RIFF Box and weeks of communication with a friend in Turkey.
I am only posting this to let others know that there are other methods and that they shouldn't give up hope on someone unlocking it one day. I unfortunately cannot unlock the bootloader.
Any DEVS or Members that are actively working on unlocking the bootloader on a realistic level for the community (not for personal use or knowledge) can contact me through PM if they have any questions.
I will NOT be answering ANY questions in this thread. Sorry.
h311sdr0id said:
I would just like to CONFIRM with the first few posts that it can be done.
In addition to the above methods described:
1- Send It Away
2- eMMC
There are other ways as well. I have successfully downgraded the bootloader with a RIFF Box and weeks of communication with a friend in Turkey.
I am only posting this to let others know that there are other methods and that they shouldn't give up hope on someone unlocking it one day. I unfortunately cannot unlock the bootloader.
Any DEVS or Members that are actively working on unlocking the bootloader on a realistic level for the community (not for personal use or knowledge) can contact me through PM if they have any questions.
I will NOT be answering ANY questions in this thread. Sorry.
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ur alive its been a long time but honestly why cant we just dd the old bootloader? this isnt qualcomm and none of the new 4.3 firmware is attached to bootloader. the s3 has ties with aboot and sbl1 aka if u flash new firmware on old bootloader u brick or if u flash old firmware on new bootloader u brick(s3) the note2 isnt like that we can use full 4.3 firmware on 4.1 and vice versa.. unless its somehow tied to the pbl.. which i really have no idea about.
connexion2005 said:
We are the only source I am aware of for offering this downgrade. When you get your device back, it will arrive with stock 4.1.2 firmware, unlocked bootloader, root access and custom recovery. Everything you need for a custom rom flashing experience. 4.3 update got ya down? Get back your innocence by downgrading!
Technical aspects: This is NOT a DIY method as it involves removing and reprogramming the eMMC chip from the main board. Essentially, we are removing the eMMC, uploading and the old bootloader with a proprietary programmer and then reinstalling the chip. I have received permission from Adam Outler to give a more thorough post about this procedure. The service is also live and can be found on our store (just Google us).
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why do u need adams permission to give a more thorough post? isnt this your store? your method? i get the need to make money but seems kinda shady that him and lee stopped working on a new unlock and your now selling downgrades.. with his permission lol..
just my .02 this is xda its suposed to be a place to learn, help the community, teach these verizon/att trolls that locking down bootloaders isnt nice..
would have been nice to continue the saga
no you verizon - xda seriously ur done - we never give up verizon
Edit: i dont mean any disrespect to anyone here adam, lee, josh just the way i read the above post sounded kinda fishy
I understand what your saying. First off, I have zero affiliation with either of those developers. I made that post purely for other moderators to understand that I come in peace. There is such a fine line to walk on these forums when you have some sort of a profitable organization. I always make sure I'm within the bounds of the XDA rules and guidelines so I made that post to help make sure the thread was not closed. Adam in no way benefits from any of my work is 100% a man of the community for those that know him. Anyhow, I'm confident those guys are working on a DIY solution but the issue here is that currently, there simply is not one.
By the way I'm a fan of your work @BeansTown106!
connexion2005 said:
I understand what your saying. First off, I have zero affiliation with either of those developers. I made that post purely for other moderators to understand that I come in peace. There is such a fine line to walk on these forums when you have some sort of a profitable organization. I always make sure I'm within the bounds of the XDA rules and guidelines so I made that post to help make sure the thread was not closed. Adam in no way benefits from any of my work is 100% a man of the community for those that know him. Anyhow, I'm confident those guys are working on a DIY solution but the issue here is that currently, there simply is not one.
By the way I'm a fan of your work @BeansTown106!
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gotcha thanks josh, i didnt mean the above post in a disrespectful way towards either of you guys. was just curious, re reading it it might of sounded a little hostile but it was more of how i guess i read the other post. thanks for clearing up any confusion and ya i know adam is a good guy i have talked to him quite a bit in the past. hopefully him and lee are working on something DIY although last time i talked with adam he said the device is old now and he doesnt want to work on it anymore.. i guess time will tell.. i have been reversing casual and going through the peices/comparing to stock files etc. to see how it was originally done more so for personal knowledge and to see if i can replicate it at all but i doubt i will be succesful lol.. all i have to say is it was really unique how it was originally done
thanks for being a fan, i am as well, i have sent you a cpl devices in the past. iirc was a old gtab 2 and the s4 when me7 first hit. you do great work and i have always reccomended you!
I'd imagine it's as simple as erasing/re-provisioning the RPMB and either bypassing write protection on the eMMC or change it via EXT_CSD registers.
connexion2005 said:
I understand what your saying. First off, I have zero affiliation with either of those developers. I made that post purely for other moderators to understand that I come in peace. There is such a fine line to walk on these forums when you have some sort of a profitable organization. I always make sure I'm within the bounds of the XDA rules and guidelines so I made that post to help make sure the thread was not closed. Adam in no way benefits from any of my work is 100% a man of the community for those that know him. Anyhow, I'm confident those guys are working on a DIY solution but the issue here is that currently, there simply is not one.
By the way I'm a fan of your work @BeansTown106!
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Maybe it would be in our interest or this forum interest to direct are attention to this method..
Not sure how far he has come/got working.. Even though it is not a total unlock, it is a viable solution
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Viva La MobileTEchVideos!
I can vouch for MobileTechVideos too. Best cash I spent to get a bricked phone back with the right bootloader on it. Very responsive and professional. Thanks Josh.
guitari said:
I have spent a vast amount of research and hands on technical work on downgrading
From: VRUEMJ9 4.3
To: VRALJB 4.1.1
And it possible. The problem isn't downgrading the ROM, it's the bootloader, it consistently stays at a 4.3 Bootloader while the ROM is at 4.1.1. Your post looks more like a promotion/advertisement, therefore I ask you OneFast50, can MobileTechVideos:
1) Downgrade the bootloader
2) Unlock the bootloader
3) Load a custom recovery (CWM, Philz, TWRP).......
4) Furthermore installing a custom rom?
If Josh at MobileTechVideos can accomplish all this, then Josh and his peeps are gurus and I will happily send them my phone, tuck my tail between my legs, and hats off to them! Taking it a step further, this is what fellow techies really want: If we could please get a technical post by [email protected] here on XDA describing the process that him and his team used to perform the four requirements above. This would be the most beneficial post that the rest of the Note II SCH-I605 4.3 community could really appreciate. Awaiting a follow up OneFast50
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h311sdr0id said:
I would just like to CONFIRM with the first few posts that it can be done.
In addition to the above methods described:
1- Send It Away
2- eMMC
There are other ways as well. I have successfully downgraded the bootloader with a RIFF Box and weeks of communication with a friend in Turkey.
I am only posting this to let others know that there are other methods and that they shouldn't give up hope on someone unlocking it one day. I unfortunately cannot unlock the bootloader.
Any DEVS or Members that are actively working on unlocking the bootloader on a realistic level for the community (not for personal use or knowledge) can contact me through PM if they have any questions.
I will NOT be answering ANY questions in this thread. Sorry.
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I don't think it would be too much to ask for proof of this? Or at least comment in the S4 Jtag downgrade thread or bootloader thread? Why not help the community out? And if your not answering questions in this thread then what thread would you direct me to in which you will answer questions? Of course you can PM the answers too if you wish.
Ya so were I send my phone 2 & how much? I clicked the link and it was dead
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Link works... $75.00,
Sent from my SCH-I605 / Galaxy Note 2 / JB 4.3 / Unlocked, Rooted, ROMed and ANGi-ed !!... using Tapatalk v 2.4.13
lacoursiere18 said:
Maybe it would be in our interest or this forum interest to direct are attention to this method..
Not sure how far he has come/got working.. Even though it is not a total unlock, it is a viable solution
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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Apaco said:
I can vouch for MobileTechVideos too. Best cash I spent to get a bricked phone back with the right bootloader on it. Very responsive and professional. Thanks Josh.
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Surge1223 said:
I don't think it would be too much to ask for proof of this? Or at least comment in the S4 Jtag downgrade thread or bootloader thread? Why not help the community out? And if your not answering questions in this thread then what thread would you direct me to in which you will answer questions? Of course you can PM the answers too if you wish.
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kkemp31 said:
Ya so were I send my phone 2 & how much? I clicked the link and it was dead
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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manbat said:
Link works... $75.00,
Sent from my SCH-I605 / Galaxy Note 2 / JB 4.3 / Unlocked, Rooted, ROMed and ANGi-ed !!... using Tapatalk v 2.4.13
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Listen guys, if you want to know the truth, h311sdr0id is still "not available" at the moment. I am currently taking care of all his forum accounts, websites, and emails u til he is back. I have to print out all these things every 2 days, and then send them to him in the mail.
Whatever he was working on (around the time of this post) is part of the reason he is gone now . If you don't know what I mean by that, then I don't know what to tell you.
I cannot do anything for you at this time. I just learned how to change my ring tone yesterday... You see what I mean...
I send him all his PMs and he loves to hear from you guys.
I will try and post replies to his PMs every week. So of you have a question, go ahead and PM his account.
He should be back soon.... I hope.
Mrs. h311sdr0id
How many different model phones are you gonna start a thread stating you can downgrade bootloader versions? You post with no information or proof. Then you say "that's all I'm gonna say about it" or you state its through JTAG or a riff box. Then you request that the thread gets closed.
Close this one too and move along.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
michigan66 said:
How many different model phones are you gonna start a thread stating you can downgrade bootloader versions? You post with no information or proof. Then you say "that's all I'm gonna say about it" or you state its through JTAG or a riff box. Then you request that the thread gets closed.
Close this one too and move along.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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Agreed. On S4 and older, there's only ONE way to legitimately downgrade. That's to do a MoviNAND format + reset so the rollback protection bytes are wiped from the RPMB. You must do this via Direct eMMC ISP. It certainly is possible via JTAG, but I HIGHLY doubt he had the resources or information to do so, unless it was stolen, in which case he's in jail for it.
connexion2005 said:
We are the only source I am aware of for offering this downgrade. When you get your device back, it will arrive with stock 4.1.2 firmware, unlocked bootloader, root access and custom recovery. Everything you need for a custom rom flashing experience. 4.3 update got ya down? Get back your innocence by downgrading!
Technical aspects: This is NOT a DIY method as it involves removing and reprogramming the eMMC chip from the main board. Essentially, we are removing the eMMC, uploading and the old bootloader with a proprietary programmer and then reinstalling the chip. I have received permission from Adam Outler to give a more thorough post about this procedure. The service is also live and can be found on our store (just Google us).
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Hey Josh sent a pm could you please reply. Thanks
I found this phone listed at gsmarena:
Anybody here has one?
No idea if meanwhile someone has SM-Z300F... and would give some feedback...
Best Regards
Meanwhile something new about SM-Z300F in Russia?
Best Regards
Found User manual...
Best Regards
It overpriced! 19700 russian rubles it is about $300 (US) and this version don't have access for tizen store, google and samsung services.
I thought this is business version for business man...
B2B stuff...
Not really for every customer like you and me...
I have not seen any news or reviews or unpack or what ever related to this SM-Z300F...
No idea if someone bought this...
No idea if it is really available yet...
No idea.
Best Regards
Review is here (with wrong model name), now Z300F is in stock with one day shipping on
If someone have it for developing i think they can't tell anything because of NDA.. I see one man on russian forum with dead bootloader.
Thanx for info.
I see one man on russian forum with dead bootloader.
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Few months ago someone has killed Firmware on his SM-Z300F, but Bootloader was alive...
Now after/since in BPD4 is Knox Security increased... no idea how dead is dead...
SM-Z300F is Qualcomm stuff... maybe JTAG or "easier" with USB cable and special Qualcomm Tools reanimation possible...
But I have no Firmware for research...
The only Firmware I have found is only for cash available...
And it is really old... outdated...
Best Regards
Edit 1.
Review seems the old one... from 2015...
I hoped to see Pics from Final Product... with minimum Firmware BPD4...
User manual from 2015... should be obsolete...
Maybe it is possible to find Manual from actual final SM-Z300F?
Best Regards