Mega weird UK O2 XDA !!!!! - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

hi guys,
bit of a weird problem this, i bought this usb sync and charge cable from ebay
i plugged it in, activsync all connected fine.
its was only after a while that i noticed a weird noise coming from the xda.
basically as soon as you plug in the cable, the xda makes a whinning noise ... like a radio tuning.. like weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i dont want to damage my xda ..... have any of you people come across this ?
what could it be ?
please let me know

Is it a prolonged sound - or just a short ear-splitting ping ? The latter is normal and happens on soft reset ? Sorry if that's obvious ..

spence said:
Is it a prolonged sound - or just a short ear-splitting ping ? The latter is normal and happens on soft reset.
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Yes. Imagine having to test mkrom, welcome.exe, adaptROM and all these tools, over and over again. I'm willing to build a suitably equipped and insulated room in my house for the guy that put in that sound.

hi guys
thanks for your replys.
no, its a long eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and its goes on for ever, until i disconnect the cable
what could it be :-(
has anyone downloaded ppc2003 from edonkey ?

Ali-Butt , I ordered the same cable from Brando, and as you, I had this noise, and after a few minutes my XDA was very hot !!
Of course I stop using it, and mail Brando about that ; they email back saying that this cable seems to be corrupted, and send me a new one FREE ; 4 days after, I received a new one, and no noise, no heat , everything's OK !

oh my Gosh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you so much for your info !
the thing is, i bought the cable from ebay ....
shall i contact brando or ebay ?
what email address did you send your request to ?
thanks again

If you did'nt buy it from Brando, you could'nt ask him for a new have to contact the e-bay seller's who sold this item to you , if he is serious he do replace your cable ;;;if he don't , mail e-bay for complain and write a bad feed-back on this e-bay seller ... but I hope you don't have to do so !!!
That's why, I bought a lot from Brando, a very serious on-line shop , in Hong-Kong, I'm from France, and I received my stuff in 4 or 5 days !
I bought there the famous "Brando screen protector", as far the best screen protectors I had (and I tested a lot !)

glad you got it sorted - I thought the soft reset was a long shot... :roll:
and I pity you guys having to put up with that ping throughout, it's enough with my limited use - people think I've got a hearing aid now... (might need one soon!)


XDA display

I got an XDA from eBay. When it arrive it had no battery at all. So I charge it for a while wuth a USB cable. The XDA switches itself ON ok (makes a ding noise) but when it arrives to the color screen everything is very fussy as something is terribly wrong. In details:
Have you ever set your PC monitor to a resolution that doesnt support? (aka in an frequency that doesnt support). If you do you will see several vertical (or horizontal lines) all over the screen and no real desktop items at all! That is how my XDA looks. The owner said that whn he post it for me it was OK??? Anyone knows what is this? Anf how to fix?
It seems like the someone tried to set very very high resolution and now the XDA doesnt dispaly anthing else apart color (vertical) lines.
Is htere is a file in windows CE that when I erase it can make the XDA to boot in "safe" mode in crap resolution?
Any help will be greatly appreciated, especialy if it comes from the developers,
Best Regards,
It is broken. I had the exact same thing happen to my Jornada twice. Seems it was caused by having it in my pocket rather than a case. It could have happened in the post--how well was it packed?
You should try a hard reset, but I'm pretty sure this is a hardware problem.
What u mean hard reset? How to try it? Any idea what your had? And how I can repair it apart the obvious (aka sending it to O2).
Hard reset: Unscrew the top of the stylus, use the thin pin inside to push the button on the opposite side of the soft reset button, wait 15 seconds, push it again.
As far as the repair, I imagine it may just have been a broken connection, but I don't know. I just sent them back to HP.
Thank you very much for your help. Actually did they ever told you whats wrong with the PDA? I mean, did they change the screen, or did they change the board or finally just repair the original board? If you had this issue again you probable have some idea. Eg if your IMEI is different after you got it back then surely they changed the board. I am asking this detail to see if its worth to send it back to O2 UK for repair. If they are going to change the board then... They told me that the screen costs 130 UK pounds but I dont thing that my problem is in the screen.
It was a Jornada, so they don't have an IMEI. And they do advance replacements, so I never saw my actual unit again. No idea what they did or what was wrong.
You already tried the hard-reset? I've experienced a simular problem with the display after running JSlandscape. I bought my XDA only 2 weeks ago so the only remedy I could think of was a hard-reset which fixed the problem
Display troubble
I have the exact same problem!
After having used my XDA for about 2 months the screen stopped working proparly a few days ago. Looks exactly the way you describe it!
I've done acouple of hard resets, now I'm waiting for the battery to get "empty". Hoping that may erase this problem. I know it's silly, but that is the only option left. I too bought my XDA on the net, and have no idea if there is any guarantie on it...
I now use an old Nokia.I miss my XDA
The hard reset switch does exactly the same thing as an empty battery. The units have a one year warranty.
sysop104, how much did you pay for it on ebay...
Did you know that if someone sells something that is knowingly substandard to you you can degrade their ebay rating, and claim £130 back from ebay as compensation.
You could always return it to the seller and demand a refund. It sounds like he didnt give you any of the manuals, as you were unaware of the hard reset function. More importantly - If he didnt pack it properly then its his fault. Did he use a registered postal service, was it signed for upon delivery, what was the condition of the packaging?
Unfortunately you get what you pay for these days, and given the complexity and fragility of this wonderful device, I opted for a new one under contract, I did toy with the idea of getting one on ebay though, having read this I'm glad I didnt.

XDA Display Problems again :(

Hi there,
I have again troubles with my XDA-Display.
After Loading my XDA´the Display has many Strips in all Colors and will not return to normal-mode.
HW-Reset, SW-Reset, New Flashing brought no result.
After opening the equipment I had briefly again a normal picture, but since that have I again only strips on the XDA.
Synchronise is okay, Backup I can do, but I have still no CE-Screen, only stripes. it would be beautifully if someone the problem knows and me thereby help could.
At The begin of Juny I had the same problem, but after switching on and of (ca. 100 Retries ) the XDA had the normal scren. But now the Xda will not go back to ormal screen
Best regards
): monitor problams
im trully sorry for your XDA, i know how is it to lose a friend...
your problem is probably related to the very delicate contacts between the glass and the last display controller.
to verify that, open the equipment and hold your display GENTLY!while its on.
with two fingers along the edge, both horizontaly and vertically, and add a little pressure along the edges BE CAREFUL! you will see some changes on the display, if some of the strips will disapear, you will probably have to replace the display.
if there is no change while prforming the above, disconnect the big brown connector, clean it with alcohol and connect it again. BE CAREFUL while you handle the plastic cover. and generally with the motherboard.
if you want, i can help you, contact me:
[email protected]
i holp you will use it again
good luck
now -> 2 hours later, I still sit by my XDA and wait for a normal CE- Picture on my Display.
Has somebody a tip or a solution to ix this problem ??
Its urgent !!!! -> I need this PocketPC for my work and training for MCSE
Obermaus said:
At The begin of Juny I had the same problem, but after switching on and of (ca. 100 Retries ) the XDA had the normal scren. But now the Xda will not go back to normal screen
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I'd say this is an intermittent hardware problem. You could check whether the keyboard cables are fitted well to the motherboard, and otherwise the unit needs a new display, which is expensive.
Don't worry about breaking any warranty seals: nobody in their right mind would argue with an MSCE, even when he's merely in training.
Thanks Sonic for your reply, I try to clean it....I think the problem happens, if the PDA in the loading station for more as 3 hrs. it seems to overload the accu..
Hi there,
perhaps has somebody another idea ?
PS: i` ve cleanad all parts, and the Display i think is okay, but Software or Accu ??? The Stripse stay on :roll:
I dont know if this will work with you But it did with mine.
Try to reinstall your OS via an SD Card. I doubt you installed a new OS and had your installation interupted. This happend with mine and I lost my PDA for 2 weeks until i configured how in the world to restore the OS via SD Card.
All of the informations gathered here are all experimental to me and its scary sometimes to venture in solving your problems with thoughts that you might break your device by doing it wrong.
Take things as a learning experience including the risks involved. I'm sure you'll learn alot just like what I did. I solved my problems by looking at others' problems giving me ideas on the HOWs. This is my first time to participate by writing you. I had a similar problem seeing lines like i did with my PDA that wont even start...just the line displays. This should work for you.
See ya....

Needing help with 2 Dead Xdas

Hi i was wondering if anybody has any ideas how i could get my XDAs working again.
I know excactly what i have done but it just trying to find out to sort it.
I Tried to charge my XDA using an iPaq Sync and charge USB didnt charge the phone but didnt show any problems untill i tried to charge them with the Proper XDA charger.No Charging light and no response.I can't get it into bootloader mode, hard and soft reset does nothing, it is a proper dead phone.
I was thinking that i have obviously blown a resistor or a fuse somewhere it is just trying to find out what one and how to fix it.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Same thing happended to me yesterday after my GPS HW company sent me back the wrong cable :evil: :evil: :evil:
Try searching with IPAQ and Fuse or cable or connector.
I have found the most valuable poste at
Hope you can solve your case.
Same thing happended to me yesterday after my GPS HW company sent me back the wrong cable
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So they're sending you a new XDA...?
Carlos said:
So they're sending you a new XDA...?
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Well that's what I'll see tomorrow as I'm driving 400 Km to pay them visit which may be quite hot :twisted:
I anticipate quite a battle taking into account the relative small margin they have made with me versus the cost of an XDA.
We'll see :!:
True, but negligence bears a cost. Certainly you were not at fault. Seems though that a repair could be done, especially considering some of the posts here that illustrate a fuse that causes similar symptoms.
We’ll see.
As you suggest, there are walk around regarding the fuse issue.
My worry is that the speaker (when I speak) seems neither working neither the one on the device itself nor the earphone speaker.
Any hint ?

Cingular phone.

I dropped the phone while traveling at the airport and the power button on the top of the phone became de-soldered.
Anyway the phone was working fine until I finally powered it off to take it apart to assess the damage. If anyone is interested or has any questions please drop me an email or PM me.
I have had one person interested so far...but no commitment. If anyone is interested please make an offer...I want to get this thing off my desk
What city are you in?
im in US and need an LCD screen and battery and battery cover.
need a speaker, the one used to hear phone calls
still got it?
i would need the battery and camera cover.... and the best would be like the cover at the side which goes arround ....
do u stil have it?
please pm me if u want to sell them and tell me a price...
I could use parts of the innards...Like the usb connector.
hello, im looking for the tiny volume slider switch... I hope you didnt broke it during disassembly process (its so tiny you maybe broke it and you dont even know about it)...
please Im so desperately looking for this part
Interested in the motherboard.
would pay around $15US
[email protected]
I have a Tmobile mda the usb recharger has broken off. I am looking for a replacement motherboard. Thanks [email protected]
I need help tooo...
[email protected] said:
I have a Tmobile mda the usb recharger has broken off. I am looking for a replacement motherboard. Thanks [email protected]
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I need IC power of this phone........
Who know what is the type of ic power this phone???
Sorry folks, thought I had closed out this thread a while ago. Phone has already been spoken for and has been gone for a while now.
poorboy08 said:
Sorry folks, thought I had closed out this thread a while ago. Phone has already been spoken for and has been gone for a while now.
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Sorry to poorboy
Don't mean to reopen your thread but haven't found anywhere else to post
Anyone interested I have a spare battery, back cover, stylus, and headset due to upgrading to Htc Rhodium. In Los Angeles area if anyone is interested in getting any of the above items
abeyantone said:
Sorry to poorboy
Don't mean to reopen your thread but haven't found anywhere else to post
Anyone interested I have a spare battery, back cover, stylus, and headset due to upgrading to Htc Rhodium. In Los Angeles area if anyone is interested in getting any of the above items
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I suggest, you'd better post in the correct forum --->
for all members of xda - developers can understand what you are offering

[Q] Xperia x10 motherboard problem

The problem:-
1- restarts many times.
2-randomly shut down when i open Wi-Fi or apps or use it for more than 5 mins.
3-can't turn on sometimes and can't turn on using charger , only pc companion.
4-Burning Smell.
i know there's another thread talks about this problem but pleaese it's a serious common problem , i bought the mobile yesterday and i can't replace it , i've seen this post in SE forms : -
It cost about more than 2 hours,and i sat near the engineer looked at what he was doing,everything.
1. He said before this one,he has fix 4 x10 with the same problem.He checked my phone and told me he must take the phone to parts,i agreeed.
2.The restart problem is neither a software problem nor briefly hardware problem.The reason most likely is welding procedure .Between X10's CPU and the chassis on the M/B there is no bayonet(i'm not sure it's the right word), so the closeness of them only depends on colophony(another word i use google to translate it) and solder (the third one).He said when x10 is koncked or bumped,fissure or something others may appear,and when CPU runs at a high level,the ammeter shows a number above 200mA,you can think its fever.Because goods expand with heat and contract with cold,here comes the flexibility.It may influence the contact between cpu and chassis.So the restart happens. He get the CPU off M/B,clear and rebuilt solder on them very carefully,and packed everything back.THIS COST TWO HOURS.
3.When parts became back to a phone,I push sim card,sd card back,truned it on,it booted successed.Then i run the Backup and Restore app,no problem.Before repaired erverytime i run it, the phone restarted.view www web use the brower by 3G, opened servel windows,no problem;Played Asphalt 5 for 10 mins,the phone became hot,still no problem.So i paid for it and left.That cost fuxk 500RMB,nearly 100$!!!!!!!!!!
4.When the engineer was soleing it, i talked to him,he said G7 also has a lot of problem,G7 use the smae CPU as x10,it also may restart.
anyone tried this?????
please if anyone has fixed this problem (i know i can change the motherboard but it cost alot , I need Electric solve) . and it's not a software problem at all and n ot in the battry .
this is the best forms for PPC's so i don't have to post this in every site so better sign up and replay please maybe someone can help...
64 views and no answer -,-
and btw the phone works well when it's cold but it shut down when it's worm or using Wi-Fi or Calling . so to re-operate it you need to put it in air conditioner then but the battery back and switch on
So far no problem.
By the way the phone had no warranty?
yea , i bought it used and it looks that someone bought it from china and sell it here so the warranty doesn't cover my country.
thanx for telling me that x10 doesn't have another factory problems.
i send it today to one of those small repair places , they said the IC's are burned because of short circuit or something like that so we'll see what will happen tomorrow.
it cost me around 100$ but it doesn't matter as long it work.
sorry to say it but you buy cheap, you get cheap. might have to shell out for some repair work or ditch it and buy a new one. hard luck man.
hemo1001 said:
The problem:-
1- restarts many times.
2-randomly shut down when i open Wi-Fi or apps or use it for more than 5 mins.
3-can't turn on sometimes and can't turn on using charger , only pc companion.
4-Burning Smell.
i know there's another thread talks about this problem but pleaese it's a serious common problem , i bought the mobile yesterday and i can't replace it , i've seen this post in SE forms : -
It cost about more than 2 hours,and i sat near the engineer looked at what he was doing,everything.
1. He said before this one,he has fix 4 x10 with the same problem.He checked my phone and told me he must take the phone to parts,i agreeed.
2.The restart problem is neither a software problem nor briefly hardware problem.The reason most likely is welding procedure .Between X10's CPU and the chassis on the M/B there is no bayonet(i'm not sure it's the right word), so the closeness of them only depends on colophony(another word i use google to translate it) and solder (the third one).He said when x10 is koncked or bumped,fissure or something others may appear,and when CPU runs at a high level,the ammeter shows a number above 200mA,you can think its fever.Because goods expand with heat and contract with cold,here comes the flexibility.It may influence the contact between cpu and chassis.So the restart happens. He get the CPU off M/B,clear and rebuilt solder on them very carefully,and packed everything back.THIS COST TWO HOURS.
3.When parts became back to a phone,I push sim card,sd card back,truned it on,it booted successed.Then i run the Backup and Restore app,no problem.Before repaired erverytime i run it, the phone restarted.view www web use the brower by 3G, opened servel windows,no problem;Played Asphalt 5 for 10 mins,the phone became hot,still no problem.So i paid for it and left.That cost fuxk 500RMB,nearly 100$!!!!!!!!!!
4.When the engineer was soleing it, i talked to him,he said G7 also has a lot of problem,G7 use the smae CPU as x10,it also may restart.
anyone tried this?????
please if anyone has fixed this problem (i know i can change the motherboard but it cost alot , I need Electric solve) . and it's not a software problem at all and n ot in the battry .
this is the best forms for PPC's so i don't have to post this in every site so better sign up and replay please maybe someone can help...
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my friend I am sorry but there is no quick fix for something like this. To repair SMT type circuit boards you need a clean room environment and also some very expensive equipment. My advice is to get a new handset, there are a few people on here that need some parts for their phones and you can off set the cost of a new handset that way.
thanx for the advice , i'll replace it with one that works and with a warranty . this will be my last time buying cheap S***, i really like it and i hope they release android 2.0 soon for it.
hemo1001 said:
thanx for the advice , i'll replace it with one that works and with a warranty . this will be my last time buying cheap S***, i really like it and i hope they release android 2.0 soon for it.
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As I said there are people who need parts, so it will not be a total loss!
where are you located? I need a few bits.
Tomorrow i'll sell it with around 150 dollar, i'll replace it with another X10 but with WARRANTY this time
just found this thread and it seems to describe my problem with my x10. If the crashing is heat related would using a cpu underclock help? for more info
my phone doesnt charge the battery, but charging animation is playing, gave to service centre,they told motherboard replacement,but that told we dont do for the handsets without warranty.... pls help how can i sort this prob.
I don't agree with the first post, I had this problem too, and the problem was bad, but as soon I as I flashed with the latest firmware, that problem seems to have been fixed, gone by 2 days without any restarts.
i also have this problem.
The worse is now my charged battery will become red low batt at first and recharge itself back to normal without plug in power...i think i just solve the world energy problem here.
May have fixed the problem, for a bit.
I bought one of these used (x10a), I basically got ripped off by some guy that must have known about the issue. Anyway, I tore the phone apart down to the screen, I left that intact. I cleaned the housing, motherboard and sound jack with compressed air (lightly), cleaned contacts that looked a little dull. I noticed the foil covering the CPU and other components was a little askew and there were some heat bubbles forming. I used a mini spatula as a squeegee and got rid of the bubbles, cleaned up the edges around the foil to insure they didn't contact their neighbors and put the thing back together.
Before this I could use the phone for a call for longer than 2 minutes, the second I ended the call it would crash/reboot. Same with playing games and listening to music at the same time. Movies, forget it. I don't want to curse it because it has only been a day, but no crashes yet and I'm doing/running everything I can to try and get this thing to crash. If it was the bubbles contacting other metal in the chassis then they will probably return sometime in the future.
Who knows.
For now, I say it's fixed. I hope.
I downloaded the schematic and disassembly, reassembly instructions off the net.
UPDATE: Cleaning did not work, I really didn't think it would but it was worth a try. I did however rebake the main board in my convection oven for 10 minutes at 210 degrees Celsius and it worked. I have uploaded videos to youtube. If you're like me, no warranty and don't mind tearing things apart. Check out my videos on youtube, do a search for MrSpywhite.
I had the same problem and SE replaced the motherboard.
spywhite said:
UPDATE: Cleaning did not work, I really didn't think it would but it was worth a try. I did however rebake the main board in my convection oven for 10 minutes at 210 degrees Celsius and it worked. I have uploaded videos to youtube. If you're like me, no warranty and don't mind tearing things apart. Check out my videos on youtube, do a search for MrSpywhite.
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That sounds like good news, I have a friend with a similar problem, but his phone has the same behaviour faster than yours... did really work? any problems after the bake? (mic, speaker) ?
Sorry for bumping in a old thread but I am also facing the same problem i guess. Anyone got it to work ?
The motherboard is costing me Rs.8000 ( 160$ approx ) and its a 2 yr old phone. Cant spend that much now on such an old phone.
This solution might help on that cases, as main reason for such things are Pb free soldering (small balls between CPU and MB).
Of course you do it on your own risk...

