Help with sync to exchange server - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I need some help on syncing with a exchange server on my Qtek 1010. It worked perfectly but then I upgraded to rom dev 1.2 and then I even tried ppc2003 wich I have on right now. The problem is when I try to sync with a server it gives me the error code internet_29. I checked the ip on my device and I recieved a 192.168 adress and I guess that i correct. There is not much to configure for passtrhrough connection so I wonder if anybode ran into this problem.
Where does the device get the IP?I checked the networkcard in the setting area but they are saying not connected!!!
Is there a bug in the newer roms?
Please help.Any ideas would be appriciated


Configuration for Vodafone

I unlocked succesfully my MDAII with T-Mobile-NL.
I tried several configurations to get on the internet or make e-mail possible. Does someone knows the config for Vodafone-NL for the MDAII?
I have also the registry tool and noticed that there are several IP-adresses registrated there. Has it to do with that registrations??
Normaly you configure the accespoint and the gateway and a username, but that doesn't work now.
thanks ks
Check out the vodafone site they will have the configuration definitly placed there !


hi friends i fixed the root certificate problem!!!!
download this exe and copy it on ur mem card ,go to file exlporer in ppc
and install it
if it says demo expire then set your date 3 years back and install it after that set correct date and time.
This doesn't solve the issues of ActiveSync and other SSL dependent applications. Still get those 'server name' warnings in IE and ActiveSync is still stubbornly refusing to connect with the 0x80072F06 error.
spmohapatra said:
This doesn't solve the issues of ActiveSync and other SSL dependent applications. Still get those 'server name' warnings in IE and ActiveSync is still stubbornly refusing to connect with the 0x80072F06 error.
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i m using this and its working fine
use Active sync 4.5
deepv84 said:
i m using this and its working fine
use Active sync 4.5
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Hey deep,
I'm glad you've got it to work. I use Vista Enterprise - so am on WMDC. Do I have to find a ActiveSync 4.5 machine? Also I am using mun_rus & orefkov's WM6.1 ROM. Which ROM are you on?
Would appreciate if you could describe what you did after installing the sysroots. Please help - pretty desparate to get back on company e-mail.
spmohapatra said:
Hey deep,
I'm glad you've got it to work. I use Vista Enterprise - so am on WMDC. Do I have to find a ActiveSync 4.5 machine? Also I am using mun_rus & orefkov's WM6.1 ROM. Which ROM are you on?
Would appreciate if you could describe what you did after installing the sysroots. Please help - pretty desparate to get back on company e-mail.
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I am using mun_rus WM6.1 ROM on windows xp sp2 i m not sure about vista
deepv84 said:
hi friends i fixed the root certificate problem!!!!
download this exe and copy it on ur mem card ,go to file exlporer in ppc
and install it
MOD EDIT email removed
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Not working on my Gene as I am unable to install my company certificate. Plz Do some thing for this...$1000 will be donated to that person who will resolve this problem.
This remains the biggest problem of the RM upgrades on Gene. Anyone like me (my work, life and entertainment runs on my WM) is screwed by upgrading to WM6.
- There is no WM5 ROM available that I know of.
- There is no resolution to the SSL certificate issue.
So upgrade to WM6 only if ActiveSync is not vital to your work.
Reg- SPM
shahkh said:
Not working on my Gene as I am unable to install my company certificate. Plz Do some thing for this...$1000 will be donated to that person who will resolve this problem.
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Create windows\system\CertDtls folder on your device, and try install your certs.
Still does not work. Sorry.
Still get the dreaded 80072F06 error.
Yeah. Tried installing the certs manually, but wouldn't work. Strange..I haven't been able to figure out. I have tried Orefkov's patch file, manual install of certs, creation of the windows folder, etc. Have given up!! Have to switch my SIM to my HTC S710. Crap!!
Give ur certificate files
shahkh said:
Not working on my Gene as I am unable to install my company certificate. Plz Do some thing for this...$1000 will be donated to that person who will resolve this problem.
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Give ur all certificates files to me i will give u a patch to install all things!!
u said not wrking on ur gene can u tell what message it display.
plz give comments that i can fix it thanx!
New patch plz try it and give ur comments
plz try it
Plz download attached files
deepv84 said:
plz try it
Plz download attached files
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I installed your patch on my Gene then tried to install my ROOT (company) certificate but coult not installed it shows msg that certificate could not be added please restart and try again. Then I created CertDtls folder in Windows/syaytem/ path then i allowed me to install my company certificate but I am still unable to sync my email as it shows error while syncronization that "The security Certificate on the server is not valid. Contact your Exchange Server administrator or ISP to install a valid certificate on the server" with code "0x80072F06". On the other hand if I install WM5 same company certificate work well but not on WM6 or WM6.1 , please help.
My company cerificate is attached below:
shahkh said:
I installed your patch on my Gene then tried to install my ROOT (company) certificate but coult not installed it shows msg that certificate could not be added please restart and try again. Then I created CertDtls folder in Windows/syaytem/ path then i allowed me to install my company certificate but I am still unable to sync my email as it shows error while syncronization that "The security Certificate on the server is not valid. Contact your Exchange Server administrator or ISP to install a valid certificate on the server" with code "0x80072F06". On the other hand if I install WM5 same company certificate work well but not on WM6 or WM6.1 , please help.
My company cerificate is attached below:
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plz wait for a day i will give u solution......
@@ mr shahkh
try this and ur certificate is installed
deepv84 said:
try this and ur certificate is installed
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Your this patch does not install my company certificate and when I try to sync emails it shows below error (find screen shots). If I create CertDtls folder in Windows/syaytem/ path then i allowed me to install my company certificate but I am still unable to sync my email as it shows error while syncronization that "The security Certificate on the server is not valid. Contact your Exchange Server administrator or ISP to install a valid certificate on the server" with code "0x80072F06". On the other hand if I install WM5 same company certificate work well but not on WM6 or WM6.1 , please help.
ok then we have to fing some other solution plz give me some time thanks!
HTC Touch Cruise - Still Getting 0x80072F06
I just purchased a brand-new HTC Touch Cruise last week, and it's preinstalled with Windows Mobile 6.1. I can't downgrade because there's no ROM available. Is there any solution to this problem?
Thank u bro'
Now I can use gmail mobile.
Thanks ...
deepv84 said:
ok then we have to fing some other solution plz give me some time thanks!
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I got a new WM 6.1 ROM on below link, it is working fine and very fast, Thank you for your support.

[Q] HELP! Email or Device Encryption

I have already unsuccessfully searched in the forum ...
i have configured in the device my exchange server works everything but it is missing a device encryption which would allow me to read the email than now are completely unformatted.
I am searching for a *.p12 file but no way to find it anywhere...
As an alternative I have downloaded Secure EAS, an application which allows me to view the email perfectly well but, at the same time, downloads the full email and cannot set up 2Kb as a default....
I am getting quite crazy here...would appreciate if anybody could give me a hint...thank you guys!
Matteo, Amsterdam

[Q] Connected to AP but can't browse the net

Dear friends,
I have SGS3 with stock ROM and not rooted it yet.
Other devices can browse the net thru my router; but not my SGS3.
It's also configured as DHCP server.
Please help me; and please asked for any missing information.
Are you sure you're fully connected to the WiFI?
Check the information in Settings->Wi-FI (and click your access point).
It should say Status Connected, and show a proper IP address at the end.
Problem solved....
Hi saigai,
thanks for replying.
I found out that it was my bad....
the other end of the LAN cable was bad.
thanks anyway...
Problem solved
PS: Dear mods, please close the thread... thank you

[Q] Harshjelly 3.2 - tethering not working

hi to all, i'm a newbie on this forum, and i know this may not be the right place for this 3d, but i don't have enogh messages to write on developer topic.
I've a strange behaviour on my galaxy S advance.
I've installed Harhjely 3.2 with cocore 8.2 and CWM, with HJ 3.0 all works fine, i've upgraded to 3.2 but tethering is not more working.
Doesn't work neither wi-fi and bluetooth tethering.
I found the problem but i don't know how to fix it.
essentially the problem is on the dhcp server,
I'm able to see wi-fi connection from different devices to my phone, i can see on the tethering table the mac address of my pc and the ip address reserved to it, but the pc doesn't acquire the address and after a lttle it assigns itself an ip from PIPA netwoek ( ) and so is not able to use the phone to go to internet.
I tried different devices (many laptop with different OS, tablet and others phones), but no luck, dhcp server is not working properly.
Any idea how to fix it ?
still not working
i tried to update to 4.0 version of harshjelly, but no luck, tethering is still not working.
i put here a log taken with logextreme during tethering process (device is able to connect, phone seems able to give it an ip address, but no one ip address is released), so please if any of you is able to give me an hand i'll be extremely gratefull.
Tethering is crucial for me, if i'm not able to make it working, i need to revert to stock image that i hate, but tethering works...
Please help me:
many thanks
kasparh said:
i tried to update to 4.0 version of harshjelly, but no luck, tethering is still not working.
i put here a log taken with logextreme during tethering process (device is able to connect, phone seems able to give it an ip address, but no one ip address is released), so please if any of you is able to give me an hand i'll be extremely gratefull.
Tethering is crucial for me, if i'm not able to make it working, i need to revert to stock image that i hate, but tethering works...
Please help me:
many thanks
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ok, i solved the issue, i flashed from scratch and re-installed, now all works like a charm.
thanks for the help

