Pocket Access - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

What happened to Pocket Access?
Where can I get it?

if you want to know more

so why is there the ability to sync pocket access files if there is no pocket access?? how do i view my pocket access files?

There is a Pocket Access database engine on the Pocket PC but you [or developer] has to write their own GUI to it.
Keith Burke
Dublin, Ireland.

unless some program is already writen then you could make it in mfc using ado.net without too much problems unless of cause you needed more then just modifying tables and adding records

Rudegar said:
you could make it in mfc using ado.net without too much problems unless of cause you needed more then just modifying tables and adding records
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Yes but don't forget the old Pocket PC 2002. These little babies aren't going to die just cause 2003 came out. One can still use eVB. It's not the best but quite adaquate and free.
Keith Burke
Dublin, Ireland


Pocket Access for XDA??

is it possible to have pocket access onXDA - the active sync has access tables to be sync etc but no access on xda or dicks that came with it to install. is it possible or only for other pocket pc machines??
if s where can i d/l it??
I would love to find a version of this as well
it really is the missing APP for me.
there are other databases but i want the compatability with access without the hassle.

Program that convert win98 or higher to pocket pc

can you help please, i have got programon on my laptop which I need to run on my XDA II how can i convert it to pocket pc 2003 so i only need to take my XDA II with me in the week. ps im new to all this but i will try, thanks guys for all your help. plus guys i have got the new blue tooth up grade from o2 but i dont know how to install the files cheers.
MUCKER said:
can you help please, i have got programon on my laptop which I need to run on my XDA II how can i convert it to pocket pc 2003 so i only need to take my XDA II with me in the week.
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Bad news: there is no way to 'convert programs' from Win98 (or any other versions of desktop Windows to Pocket PC. Most Pocket PC devices have an ARM processor, the desktop machines have Pentiums. If it's Open Source, or if you are/know the developer, you will have the "source code" to the programme, you may be able to (usually after quite some work) "compile" the program to run on Pocket PC. But my guess is this doesn't apply to you, so I'm afraid to say you're out of luck.
The makers of this programme don't offer a Pocket PC version? Otherwise, you could try to use MS Terminal Services or VNC to "Remote Control" your PC at home. Note that this is almost never an ideal solution, but I though I'd mention it.
plus guys i have got the new blue tooth up grade from o2 but i dont know how to install the files cheers
When did O2 release the bluetooth upgrade, where can i get it from please.
Peter's right. And even if you did have the source code, you cannot simply compile it for the Pocket PC. Windows 98 supports many features that are not supported by the Pocket PC because of the Pocket PC's limited memory, screen size and processing power. You would have to modify the program's user interface so that it would be usable in the Pocket PC's 240x320 screen. And you would have to hunt down each unsupported API (Application Programming Interface) function call and reimplement each one using only supported API function calls. That may not even be possible. Plus, you would have to hunt down all routines that allocate memory and make sure that they don't allocate more memory than a typical Pocket PC can provide.
but one does come along way with the sourcecode
because if it's using MFC which many older programs written in
visual c++ is likely to do then with some changes of the dialogs
it could be run on a pocketpc which also support most of MFC
more about embedded visual c++ read here

Windows Mobile Security?

I'm looking for some screen locking and encryption software for Windows Mobile 6 (or 6.1).
I'm looking for software that will lock the screen and buttons when the PDA is turned on, and require a password, either PIN or button entry.
I would also especially like a poison pill where the system would hard reset after a number of password failures, or failing that, at the very least it would autodelete the internal memory and PIM data. It would also be great if such a program had an OEM install for adding to one of DCDs ROMs, but that's more wishful thinking than an actual requirment.
I would be willing to pay for this software, but freeware is my first choice for obvious reasons.
Thanks to anyone who can help out.
Currently running Telus P4000 (aka Titan) with DCD 2.3.2, but willing to reflash to get the security software runing if necessary.
ncotton said:
I'm looking for some screen locking and encryption software for Windows Mobile 6 (or 6.1).
I'm looking for software that will lock the screen and buttons when the PDA is turned on, and require a password, either PIN or button entry.
I would also especially like a poison pill where the system would hard reset after a number of password failures, or failing that, at the very least it would autodelete the internal memory and PIM data. It would also be great if such a program had an OEM install for adding to one of DCDs ROMs, but that's more wishful thinking than an actual requirment.
I would be willing to pay for this software, but freeware is my first choice for obvious reasons.
Thanks to anyone who can help out.
Currently running Telus P4000 (aka Titan) with DCD 2.3.2, but willing to reflash to get the security software runing if necessary.
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I don't know about a program will hard reset the phone on failure to authenticate, that is a hard one. But your phone should already have a security feature were you can add a pin to lock your phone or add a longer password.
Every time you boot up it will prompt you for a password.
built in security
The built in security can be bypassed by connecting to activesync, which is one of the reasons I want to replace it.
ncotton said:
The built in security can be bypassed by connecting to activesync, which is one of the reasons I want to replace it.
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How can you bypass it through active sync?
I mean when I set the password and connected through active sync, it wouldn't sync or read unless i typed in the pin on my phone. It prompted me first and if i was unsuccessfull it would kick me off and not let active sync work.
PIN entry on PC
It's also possible to enter the PIN from the PC side (at least with WMDC on vista), which means it's easy to brute force the PIN.
There are programs that can do this, matter of fact, there are security programs out there that can remotley flash your phone should it ever get stolen or lost. Normally they are set up that you send a certain text mesage to your phone and it wipes itself clean. I just did a google search and found this: mSecure PDA
Enforces security policies Windows Mobile, Palm OS and Symbian devices
Broad platform support including Windows Mobile, Palm OS
Reliable and automatic data protection, without downgrading the user experience
Protection on device or removable media using centrally-controlled, policy-based security
Remote data destruction if device is lost, stolen or subject to misuse
"You're just a couple of steps away from an mSuite trial... Remeber that mSuite is for Enterprises only, requires a minimum of ten users for purchase and as an installer you will need Administrator rights to your corporate server. "
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The price is ok, if I only had to buy it once that is. It seems like most of the software that does this is enterprise only.
There's another one called SafeGuard PDA but they discontinued the single user version before they got to WM6 compatability (and the WM5 version absolutely kills a WM6 device).
For anyone running WM5 who's looking at this thread someday, PocketSecure is a great program that does pretty much everything I was looking for but sadly isn't compatible with WM6 (or at least, the version I'm using anyway).
And I thought the cold war was over.
It seems if you guys want to get some James Bond gadgetry on your phones.
I understand this because we keep highly value data in our phones, but even if we do lose our phone they are is always a way to crack any locking mechanism or security measure if they have physical access to your device.
I mean if the other person is smart enough to do so.
True enough
I'm not planning on keeping national secrets on my PDA, it's just that I would like to keep some phone numbers on there that I don't want someone stumbeling upon if I'm draft enough to lose my phone or someone is quick enough to lift it.
The annoying thing is that there's a lot of decent software like this for Palm platforms. (TealLock, etc).
ncotton said:
I'm not planning on keeping national secrets on my PDA, it's just that I would like to keep some phone numbers on there that I don't want someone stumbeling upon if I'm draft enough to lose my phone or someone is quick enough to lift it.
The annoying thing is that there's a lot of decent software like this for Palm platforms. (TealLock, etc).
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All security measures should start at the physical level. By not allowing others to steal our phones or lose them, but if you feel that you need software to secure your phone in any way check out.
they have many types of software that could help you. It is a start, better to be protected then not.
[email protected]$
Sorry mate, I'm not sure if I'm just missing something there or if I didn't what I'm looking for properly...
I've looked through the handango store and while it's got plenty of good software for encrypting a file (word doc etc) and plenty of good stuff for storing extra data like passwords and credit card info, all I really want is something that will lock the PDA and the built in PIM (contacts mainly) inforamation.
I'm *not* looking for a way to encrypt my storage card or individual files in main memory (and I've already got a password managent program that encypts that data and syncs it with my laptop).
P.S. It's not like I don't plan on keeping my phone secure, but the idea is that good security STARTS with physical security, it doesn't end there.
ncotton said:
Sorry mate, I'm not sure if I'm just missing something there or if I didn't what I'm looking for properly...
I've looked through the handango store and while it's got plenty of good software for encrypting a file (word doc etc) and plenty of good stuff for storing extra data like passwords and credit card info, all I really want is something that will lock the PDA and the built in PIM (contacts mainly) inforamation.
I'm *not* looking for a way to encrypt my storage card or individual files in main memory (and I've already got a password managent program that encypts that data and syncs it with my laptop).
P.S. It's not like I don't plan on keeping my phone secure, but the idea is that good security STARTS with physical security, it doesn't end there.
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Hmm I have looked for some apps that describe your needs and found some, but they are for WM5 ...... you can try it out and see if it works. As some cabs from WM5 still work..
Well here is another website that might help out..
Other then that I would recommend using google to search for your needs due to the fact that not many people here post about this.
http://www.truecrypt.org the windows version can install a program to mount a truecrypt encoded card on your PPC, but so far I dont think it can encrypt on it.
also found this http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...CF-EF96-4567-B817-215E24668F75&displaylang=en
Dont know if these help, worth a look maybe.

Turn your Pocket PC into a

do a google search for 'Turn your Pocket PC into a'
theres actually some pretty cool things you can do. i liked the FTP server. damn easy for transferring files. the iPhone hack was cool for like 5 minutes. theres a bunch of others like:
2 way walkie talkie
Wifi Phone
Universal Remote (effin sweet)
Router (WMWifiRouter - awesome)
www.lifehacker.com has some awesome stuff also. search Pocket PC and you'll get alot of cool little tricks
Wow, guys.... Do I detect subliminal messaging?
nice find. The FTP Server link is pretty Rad. Have you verified that the software will work on WM6/6.1?
Did you try the Universal Remote and get it working? I know a lot of people have been wanting this.
One very simple app that incredibly oddly is missing is a dyndns client for windows mobile.
You'd think this would be one of the first applications, so that you all of the dynamic ip pocket pcs out there could get their own "permanent" address that people could use for FTP, http servers and other reasons. And it was. Some guy churned a little one out back in 2002. But it's now very buggy with WM5 and WM6.
I'm not a programmer, but I think these are extremely small applications that essentially just ping the dyndns.org site every once in a while (or every time their IP address changes) with a code that passes along the current IP address.
Sounds far more simple to make than most Pocket PC apps, but I don't see one anywhere. Another guy was in the process of cranking one out last year, but has since been apparently traveling in India for the last year.
yes ive tested the FTP server, not extensively. it was pretty sweet though.
i used the universal remote alot. it was awesome. you program it by holding the button of a remote down and letting the IR detect the signal, and you can map the command to a button. ive been trying to find one that can detect the 'Unlock' key on my car keys, so if i ever lock my keys in my car i can use my phone to unlock it. haha. that would be killer. works great on a TV though
rpongett said:
One very simple app that incredibly oddly is missing is a dyndns client for windows mobile.
You'd think this would be one of the first applications, so that you all of the dynamic ip pocket pcs out there could get their own "permanent" address that people could use for FTP, http servers and other reasons. And it was. Some guy churned a little one out back in 2002. But it's now very buggy with WM5 and WM6.
I'm not a programmer, but I think these are extremely small applications that essentially just ping the dyndns.org site every once in a while (or every time their IP address changes) with a code that passes along the current IP address.
Sounds far more simple to make than most Pocket PC apps, but I don't see one anywhere. Another guy was in the process of cranking one out last year, but has since been apparently traveling in India for the last year.
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I could probably do the DynDNS client using .NET, but I wouldn't really be able to test it since I don't have a data plan... but it would probably pull my IP from my Wi-Fi... We'll see if I have time next week to work on one, if I don't forget about it.
kflipproductions said:
i used the universal remote alot. it was awesome. you program it by holding the button of a remote down and letting the IR detect the signal, and you can map the command to a button. ive been trying to find one that can detect the 'Unlock' key on my car keys, so if i ever lock my keys in my car i can use my phone to unlock it. haha. that would be killer. works great on a TV though
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Your car most likely uses RF, not infrared. What software are you using to get it to be a universal remote? I tried novii and vito, but neither of them supported the titan's chipset
kflipproductions said:
yes ive tested the FTP server, not extensively. it was pretty sweet though.
i used the universal remote alot. it was awesome. you program it by holding the button of a remote down and letting the IR detect the signal, and you can map the command to a button. ive been trying to find one that can detect the 'Unlock' key on my car keys, so if i ever lock my keys in my car i can use my phone to unlock it. haha. that would be killer. works great on a TV though
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You said you used the remote alot, but are you referring to using it on the Titan? If so, I want to know what software setup you had.
Unlock your car through a phone line
I just tried this and it really works!
My wife and i were on a call 60 miles apart (she has an alias I have the titan), with her on my speakerphone. I had her press the unlock button on the extra remote and she unlocked then locked my car throught the phone line, no lie try it yourself! Fuggin awesome!!
I searched but could not find the universal remote software you are talking about - any help would be appreciated
(oops, delete this post please)
The best Universal Remote software EVER for windows mobile was called "Nevo"
Not sure if Nevo works on Windows Mobile 5/6, but worth a shot (see attached CAB file)
serfboreds said:
I just tried this and it really works!
My wife and i were on a call 60 miles apart (she has an alias I have the titan), with her on my speakerphone. I had her press the unlock button on the extra remote and she unlocked then locked my car throught the phone line, no lie try it yourself! Fuggin awesome!!
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What program did you use for this?
Blkdymond said:
What program did you use for this?
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That is the amazing thing, there is no programs and you just need two phones of any make or model.
The phones transmit the RF signal.
Now what would be great is if we could save the sound of the RF and replay it if we lock ourselves out. After testing, I don't think .wav files or other encryption will work but I will keep trying.
serfboreds said:
That is the amazing thing, there is no programs and you just need two phones of any make or model.
The phones transmit the RF signal.
Now what would be great is if we could save the sound of the RF and replay it if we lock ourselves out. After testing, I don't think .wav files or other encryption will work but I will keep trying.
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I've read about this in the past, but found this Snopes article that says it doesn't work... Of course, you could have a newer car that uses a different technology... What kind of car do you have? I just got a new car and am dying to try this out!
greymatter said:
I've read about this in the past, but found this Snopes article that says it doesn't work... Of course, you could have a newer car that uses a different technology... What kind of car do you have? I just got a new car and am dying to try this out!
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I have a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I swear it worked.
Send me a PM if it works.
Also, if anyone knows how to encrypt a RF signal so that it can be saved as a sound file and will work let me know!
serfboreds said:
I have a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I swear it worked.
Send me a PM if it works.
Also, if anyone knows how to encrypt a RF signal so that it can be saved as a sound file and will work let me know!
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I'm guessing you want it protected so noone can steal your sound?
How bout DRM'ing a Windows Media format file? It should only play on that PocketPC...
scrawnyb said:
I'm guessing you want it protected so noone can steal your sound?
How bout DRM'ing a Windows Media format file? It should only play on that PocketPC...
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No, by encryption I mean the way that the sound is decoded from the microphone into a file (possibly not the right word).
My thought is that the reason why it won't work to save a .wav file is that there is some way that the RF sound is decoding to the wav file that makes it not work.
thats pretty sweet you were able to do that. i tried that trick on an old LG phone a while back and it didnt work. never tried it on my 6800

Question - Batch Files & WinMo

I have a question about WinMo / Batch files
I want to keep 'certain' images in one folder, along with 2 batch files
If hide.bat is executed it converts all the file extensions (.jpg) to .895 (or anything random)
If show.bat is executed it reverses the process.
Where as this entire process is working flawlessly on the PC the batch files do not execute on Winmo, what is the way around?
I feel this should be the easiest way to hide unwanted content when you leave your phone unattended around home or work OR worse, give it to your partner to play with
P.S. - if there is already a utility that does that please let me know!
have a read up on mortscript.
Methinks someone is trying to keep their Pr0n hidden ....
Mortscript is your way to go ....
but there are , I know I've seen them in action , just don't know what it is called, a program that keeps an encrypted file store on WM that can only be access with a pw.
I know a little off base from your question but .........
samsamuel said:
have a read up on mortscript.
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Thanks Sam I will read up on this.
watcher64 said:
Methinks someone is trying to keep their Pr0n hidden ....
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Ofcourse, what else???
Its pr0n for them..... for us its 'me' time
disregarding the nature of yours khmmm... "important documents of sensitive nature", I'd rather recommend more adult solution, i.e.
FreeOTFE: "free, open source, on-the-fly transparent disk encryption program for PCs and PDAs"
p107r0 said:
disregarding the nature of yours khmmm... "important documents of sensitive nature", I'd rather recommend more adult solution, i.e.
FreeOTFE: "free, open source, on-the-fly transparent disk encryption program for PCs and PDAs"
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+1 That was one I had seen but could not remember the name ....
But what I wonder who does the OP give his phone to that might see his "Sensitive" Documents, hell my HD2 rarely leaves my hand when it is on , except when I need a free one .......

