Dumb question but er.. - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

How do i tell me XDA to use my Synch connection to browse the 'net? ATM it launches into GPRS which is a bit of a pain.
Looking through the settings it seems i can set it up for my work and home PC? Just a bit scared to experiement and knacker it altogether!
I'm on an O2 XDA in the UK.

i'm just about to experiment with this very thing whilst at work today, one thing i know you do need is a serial connection.
you can use wmodem depending upon the version of operating system ie whether its included. for that you also need a serial connection.
i'm going to try to use the microsoft connection wizard and hope i work around the college security system.
i'll let you know.

The odd thing is the POI Warner 'magically' communicates through activesynch->The Internet seemlessly...


XDA as an internet proxy server....

I am new to the forum and just upgraded to PPC2003PE with no problem. Set up my internet and all works fine. (at least I think. )
Anyway since T-Mobile here in the US has UNLIMITED Internet for $19.99 for the PPCPE, it would be good to use that connection with my laptop to get to the internet. Activesync does great using to PC's internet connection for the PPC, but there it does not work the other way around.
There should be a way to use the PPC as a proxy to the laptop if I am cradled, but I can't find anything that works in that way. Perhaps I should write one. But I don't want to reinvent the wheel. I have seen the wireless modem instructions, but since I don't have IR on my notebook, nor do I wish to go through the hassle of buying a serial either, just to find out I can't use my T-Mobile internet account. (I assume it might not work).
So my only other alternative is to find a USB solution. I would like to not have to disable my voice calls from coming through. The only way I can see to do this is the trusted relationship with activesync. Can anyone assist me in the information need to either set it up or write the program? My time is limited and I would welcome any help I can get.
Quick answer - It won't work - I've tried.
You can get very cheap infrared ports (with a USB / serial plug) which you can use on the laptop, and then setup the XDA as an infra red modem. Thats the only way you can do it - Sorry!!!

HELP: Sync over the internet ???

Is it possible to sync using activesync over the internet without running an exchange server? I'd like to be able to sync my XDA while I'm out and about to my PC at home.
:shock: :?: :?:
been trying to do the same for ages , but never found out how to do it
It can be done, under a few conditions:
1. You need to have a static IP address for you PC
2. You need to install Pocket Hosts or a similar free utility to map the WINS host name to your PC's IP address.
3. Your carrier / ISP must not have a firewall that blocks ports 5678 or 5679 (T-mobile seems to block this)
Remote active sync was designed with a local area network in mind and it is configured to connect to you computer by using the WINS name and not using an internet based DNS name. When you connect over an internet connection from your XDA, it is not able to find you PC.
If you install a free utility such as Pocket Hosts (http://zimac.de/cestuff.htm) you can configure the Pocket PC to be able to find you PC. This utility will allow you to configure you Pocket PC to map your PC Name to an IP address (similar to the HOST file on a Windows based PC)
Before I had the unlimited GPRS plan, I created a dial up connection to an ISP on my PocketPC Phone and it works perfectly. However, when I try the same thing over the GPRS connection, it does not work. From my end, it looks like T-Mobile blocks ports 5678 or 5679 on their firewall, which are the ports that remote active sync uses to complete the connection. (It looks like it is about to work, but then fails to complete the connection)
I have tried to convince t-mobile to fix this, but they keep claiming that it will not work out of the box, they don't know how to make it work, and they won't support it. They try to "upsell" me the sidekick or other device. I can't seem to get through to the right people. It seems crazy that a setting on their end blocks us from being able to sync over the air. After all, what is the point of a data connection if you are still restricted to using a cradle to sync. I understand that they don't want to support this and walk people through setting this up, but blocking the functionality seems pointless.
Anyone tested this on ATT? With number portability starting, I may have to explore other options. Anyone have an in at T-mobile that can get them to open up these ports on the firewall?
try www.yahoo.com
get an account (if you don't have one already)
login -- click on mail
the click the tab for addresses
on the next line to the right you will see the word "sync"
this will take you to download intellisync for yahoo
then follow instructions
sync you pda and your good to go, you will have your info on the internet and sync from anywhere
one more thing if youown a palm os and a pocket pc pda and you want to have both devices with same info (contacts, mail, notes etc. etc.)
the change the settings on your intellisync for your other device and resync
hope this helps it did for me...
Hi, I'm from the Philippines and my Network is SMART Communications. I tried synching with my active sync via GPRS but it seems it can't find my PC eventhough I used Pocket Hosts utility. It seems they block the port too. Anybody from Smart to please open the gate for us.
I've setup up my Win2k PC as dial-up server. And with the help of the Pocket Hosts utility, I can now be able to sync my Outlook over the air. But the call charges is killing me.
I've been investigating this myself too - and have to say T-Mobile's attitude is also alive and well here in the UK on O2 (via crapphone-whorehouse data support team).
I was actually shouted at by one of their 'tech' guys when I tried to persuade them that it could technically be done, but I needed to find out whether they were blocking the relevant ports. He eventually hung up on me! Fantastic service, eh!
I've been trying to get ActiveSync working over the Internet for the past few days and have finally managed to get it to work reliably. There are a couple of things that I have found...
Firstly, at least one of the ports required for ActiveSync does seem to be blocked when using GPRS (Vodadone UK in my case). Setting up a normal dial-up ISP connection results in first time connections to ActiveSync every time. It would be nice to know why there is problem over GPRS.
Secondly, my device was still connecting as Guest. Whilst reading through various other forums I found a fix that seem to work for this but it involves deleting a registry key. I wouldn't recommend it as I have know idea what else this key might be used for but it certainly solved the problem for me. The key I removed is HKLM/Ident/Username value is guest. The key is replaced automatically at some point (maybe after a reset) so if it stops working, you have to go and delete it again! There must be a better way....
That's great information, thanks.
I now have my device remote synching!
Just to summarise my steps to get things working on my XDA II:
1) XDA: Set up new work connection (don't you just hate the organisation of conenctions...) to a dial-up ISP over GSM, as O2 UK also block the ports required for activesync.
2) PC: Open sockets 990, 999, 5678, 5679 on my firewall
3) XDA: Use pockethosts to set up the IP address for my PC name
4) XDA: Change HKLM\Ident\User from guest to my normal PC logon user id
5) PC: Set allow network connections in activesync
6) XDA: Manually Connect to the ISP connection
7) XDA: Open activesync and click synch - away we go!
As an update to this, I had to do a full restore at the weekend after loosing all my data on the XDAII. The problem was not related to these changes but it made me look again at the Ident key. There are two keys normally like...
HKLM/Ident/Name Value<Your chosen PDA Name>
HKLM/Ident/OrigName Value<Pocket_PC>
This time I changed only HKLM/Ident/OrigName to the same value as in HKLM/Ident/Name and it connected first time. Also, this value does not seem to be reset unless you do a hard reset on the device. This may be better than changing the Username value though I have yet to try either on another computer where my preferred connection should actually be as a Guest.
Got it working
Thanks to andyclap's suggestions I finally got it working. It looks like T-mobile does not block any ports, but without the registry hack the error I got was the same as when I tested this over a dial up connection and blocked the ports on my firewall.
The other change since my last post is that I am using WM2003 and it requires you to set up a VPN connection to the PC instead of just using PocketHosts for the name resolution.

Working: Hermes + Mac 10.4.8 + AKU 3.3 + USB + MissingSync = Internet!

OK. Like a lot of people, I was horrified to discover that my Mac could no longer use my Hermes' bluetooth connection (DUN) after I upgraded to AKU 3.3. Microsoft lovingly removed DUN and added PAN, which MacOS doesn't support yet (rumors are that 10.4.9 or 10.5.0 will).
So I suddenly was left without a way to connect to the 'net using my phone and my MacBook Pro.
Plugging it up USB didn't do anything -- the Mac had no idea what the phone was, and didn't know how to use it for anything.
Enter MarkSpace MissingSync. I installed the latest version (3.0.1) on my Mac, and plugged in my phone to sync it up. By chance, I ran an 'ifconfig -a' in a terminal window, and noticed this:
ether 80:00:60:0f:e8:00
media: 10baseT/UTP <full-duplex> status: active
supported media: 10baseT/UTP <full-duplex>
So MissingSync is establishing a connection using a faked IP address. OK. Interesting. So I unplug the phone, and go into the all new "Internet Sharing" app on my phone, set it to USB and turned it to connect. I plug my phone back in, and MissingSync tries to start up (and fails). But the IP (en2) is still there. I turn off my Airport (wireless) connection, make sure Bluetooth is disabled (to make sure).. and do a netstat -rn, and lo and behold, my Mac has suddenly taken on my phone as a default gateway.
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
default UGSc 9 40 en2
127 UCS 0 0 lo0
And... I'm on the 'net. I didn't have to create any connections, I didn't have to add any routes manually. Nothing. It just worked. (Yeah, I'm amazed, too).
Everything works. DNS, SlingPlayer, Entourage w/ Exchange.
I'm getting around 900/kbps down, 600/kbps up on Cingular/AT&T. Of course I live about 2 miles from Cingular HQ, so that's probably to be expected..
In MissingSync, turn *off* USB syncing, and it won't throw as many errors -- just sync via Bluetooth, but the drivers are still there, so it still comes up with an IP address and pseudo-ethernet device.
MarkSpace needs to market this. Awesome. It's not as convenient as bluetooth, but it's a lot faster, and you have the added benefit of charging your phone at the same time.
oh.. and one more thing... you can still use your phone for voice phone calls (when you're on 3G), and data. It works just like your're not plugged into it. And you can use a bluetooth headset with your phone while you're connected.
edited: make sure "use advanced usb networking" is turned OFF in the Settings>Connections page on your phone.
Wow, just tried this myself on cingular as well, 150k/sec down and 90k/sec up using EDGE. Extremely easy as well, just kinda works by itself if you have MissingSync installed. Posting using my TYTN right now actually.
I'm on the medianet unlimited plan so I connect through wap.cingular. Will I get hit for any additional data charges for tethering?
birdman666 said:
Wow, just tried this myself on cingular as well, 150k/sec down and 90k/sec up using EDGE. Extremely easy as well, just kinda works by itself if you have MissingSync installed. Posting using my TYTN right now actually.
I'm on the medianet unlimited plan so I connect through wap.cingular. Will I get hit for any additional data charges for tethering?
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Very doubtful, although I don't know for sure. My phone is set to use MediaNET, and uses wap.cingular. I have PDA Unlimited Connect. From all appearances on Cingular's billing page, a notebook hooking into your phone via this method just looks like ordinary phone data to Cingular.
Now... I wouldn't use this as a primary internet connection. I'd bet if you put several gigs through the phone, they're going to get suspicious.
I actually use around 4-5 gigs a month normally (just with ActiveSync polling for mail and normal use), and they've never said anything to me.. so.. who knows.
Unfortunately, it's so difficult to get info from Cingular/AT&T these days (I'm still trying to get my [email protected] to work)..
My billing cycle is up in 7 days -- I will post back here if I see any different charges on my bill.
If this works, I'm going to hump your leg.
wow, works. time to start humping. i love you. please, bear my children.
btw, definitely worth adding to the wiki.
I am assuming that disabling the connection in Internet Sharing restores Missing Sync's normal (supported sync) functionality? Great pick-up. I already have Missing Sync and my 8525 will be here on Wednesday. Thanks.
Damn, I can't afford Missing Sync
Oh well, I bought it anyway. I'd already played with version 2.5 so I knew it was starting to get good. I can make use of some of the other features, (like importing my cameraphone snaps into iPhoto) but this internet sharing feature is why I bought it. And it works just as you said:
1) Run "Internet Sharing" on the phone with 'PC Connection' set to USB.
2) Plug into the Mac.
In fact "Missing Sync for Windows Mobile" shows up as a network interface in System Preferences / Network, too.
This is actually a lot nicer that the old way I used to do it. Before AKU 3.3 and Missing Sync 3 I was getting Internet access on my iBook over Bluetooth using Internet Connect and a lot of faffing around with modem scripts. I eventually found one that worked.. .but I always had to 'dial' 3 times before it connected and it took about 2 minutes to get a connection.
Now I can just plug in and go ... and my phone doesn't need a separate power supply to keep me connected all day. ** very happy **
(Yes, they should really advertise this!)
i'd really like my hermes to work on my Linux box, since I use it as my main system over XP.. i read a few articles regarding this, and it turns out the older version of synce worked on most HTC devices.. but for some odd reason the new ones dont seem to.. someone did mention that WM5 devices weren't supported for now.. the older WM2003 does tho..
if it makes any difference, I'm on Ubuntu Linux 6.10 32bit version..
any help is appreciated..
mizuchi said:
i'd really like my hermes to work on my Linux box, since I use it as my main system over XP.. i read a few articles regarding this, and it turns out the older version of synce worked on most HTC devices.. but for some odd reason the new ones dont seem to.. someone did mention that WM5 devices weren't supported for now.. the older WM2003 does tho..
if it makes any difference, I'm on Ubuntu Linux 6.10 32bit version..
any help is appreciated..
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I followed the (lenghty) instructions on the synce site, and it works for me with my TyTN. I have not set up contact syncing, but I can browse/copy/run stuff from my Ubuntu 6.10 installations on my TyTN.
i'll give it another shot.. thanks for the confirmation..
jmat said:
...So I unplug the phone, and go into the all new "Internet Sharing" app on my phone, set it to USB and turned it to connect. I plug my phone back in, and MissingSync tries to start up (and fails). But the IP (en2) is still there. ...
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I don't have en2 when connecting in Share mode
MDA Compact III
What version of Missing Sync are you using? It's working for me using version 3.01
It's 3.0.0 (315) and it reports as the latest.
Well that's clearly not true I suggest you download the new version from the site (I only got this a few days ago).
Upgraded to the 3.0.1 (downloaded from the site). The client on the phone upgraded as well. Still nothing. On the sync mode there is en2 connection (with orange status) in the network preferences. When I activate the sharing mode it disappears. Checked in terminal as well.
And you're *definitely* using AKU 3.3 on the phone?
Izzard-UK said:
And you're *definitely* using AKU 3.3 on the phone?
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I'm sure it's 3.x but may not be 3.3. How do I check this?
So, can it use bluetooth to link up my Hermes (AKU 3.3) and connect to the internet from my macbook thru the Hermes??
bowen.chau said:
So, can it use bluetooth to link up my Hermes (AKU 3.3) and connect to the internet from my macbook thru the Hermes??
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I don't believe so, I've only tried using the "USB" setting. Besides, the phone gets power through the USB cable and more bandwidth. There is no advantage to using Bluetooth except not needing a cable!

Help - Calling anyone who uses a TomTom Go 910/710/510 with their Hermes

I have a TomTom Go 910 and an M3100 running WM6.
I have been using the hands-free BT connection with no problem.
However, I recently tried to set up a data connection to access TomTom Plus services through the phone over BT, and the setup routine fails every time. (I have no problem connecting to the internet over WAP from the phone in general).
Of course, TomTom support refuse to help, telling me that the phone is not supported for the 910. According to them I should not even be able to use the hands-free feature...
Before I go spending hours trying different ROMs and BT stacks etc., does anyone out there have the same setup (even with a 710 or 510) and got it to work? (No point wasting time if they are simply not compatible and no one has actually got it to work).
Thanks for your help
My very basic guess is that you need to use the Internet Connection Sharing program on windows mobile, as just paring the devices won't do anything.
So I guess I fire ICS up and and choose Bluetooth PAN and then try to see if TomTom sees it.?
I'll try tonight and report back.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Let us know how it goes. But isn't WM6 lacking either PAN or DUN that's required to establish the connection?
No luck using ICS
Percz said:
My very basic guess is that you need to use the Internet Connection Sharing program on windows mobile, as just paring the devices won't do anything.
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Well, I tried it... no luck. TomTom still insists on going through a DUN setup routine (entering access point, GPRS dial-up number, etc.) and promptly fails both with automatic and manual setup. It does not detect the PAN already running with ICS connected.
I wonder if DUN can be ported back to WM6 with CABs from WM5?
Any other ideas?

Remote Desktop Woes

I am seriously frustrated here:
I have an Ameo 16 GB (T-Mobile UK) and for the 1st couple of weeks remote desktop was working fine, then suddenly it stopped working.
I thought I broke the settings somewhere, so I double-checked everything. The T-Mobile Ameo comes with the default T-Mobile Internet connection pre-configured. It actually states "This connection is pre-configured. It cannot be modified."
The default settings are programs that auto connect to the Net should connect using the default T-Mobile Internet connection, and programs that auto-connect to a private network should use "My Work Network".
"My Work Network" has no values set anywhere.
Normal Internet access is fine in either IE or Opera (branded by T-Mobile as Web'n'Walk).
I have changed so programs that auto-connect to private network use T-Mobile Internet connection, same result as before.
I have set up a custom Internet connection for "My Work Network" using "general.t-mobile.uk" as access point, "user" as username, "pass" as password and domain left blank. I can connect to the Internet with these settings, but not via Remote Desktop.
Sometimes, normally after having re-booted the Amea and manually connected to "My Work Network" (as per settings above) I can connect, but it drops the connection while I'm still typing in username and password.
Normally I get either of these error messages when trying to connect via Remote Desktop:
"Cannot connect. Likely reasons are:
1) Specified computer name or ip does not exist.
2) A network error occurred while establishing the connection"
"Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settings".
I have cleared storage memory on the Ameo five times. I have phoned T-Mobile tech support who basically told me to sod off - apparently as long as the device can browse the Net they've done their job!
I have had T-Mobile replace the device and this morning I received a brand-spanking-new Ameo. I fired it up, let it go through the customisations, and reboot, then I tried Remote Desktop without changing anything or installing anything. And I got the same as above!!!!!
Please, guys, I'm desperate! Any help is very welcome here! I do network support for a living and I got the Ameo because I can fit a server's entire screen in and have a seperate keyboard. Except now I can't use it!
I used to have a Universal, which I sold to help finance the Ameo, so I'm truly stuck!
Oh how I wish I could unlock the damn thing and flash a better ROM to it!
Just as an update, yes, I've tried using "My ISP" as well, with the same results. And yes, everything's just peachy on the servers I need to connect to - I can connect to those servers using other devices.
And no, using Logmein is NOT an option and please don't even mention any form of VNC - you have to be seriously foolish to run VNC on a server, you might as well pay for some banner ads that say "Come hack me!"
Please don't give me advice on setting up routers, or Remote Desktop on 2000 Server, Server 2003 or Server 2008. I can do those quite well.
What I cannot do is get my damn Ameo to connect and stay connected and I'm absolutely desperate for help there!
the same
my ameo on t-mobile has done same thing, stopped working about 2 weeks ago, was working fine till then, only reason i bought the damn thing (anmd yes, i too ebayed my exec, i regretting it
so anyone out there got any ideas? i have same problem using ICS so i am guessing either a network etting on the phone, or some idiot at t has closed rdp traffic (tried chanmging a port number to 80 on a test box behind my router, still no go)
What is the operating system on the target pc first off. as i had that problem with a hack fix on vista home premium
all i had to do was to re-apply the fix.
as far as remote desktop the Ameo 8gb model ( x7500) didn't have rdp on it so i used one of the ones from this forum but under another section ( i think it was networking but do s earch to find them )
needless to say mine has never stopped working
a good test is try it from your local wireless home network if it's a home pc, and if ti works then look at the forwards on your router, make sure 3398 is still forwarding to YOUR pc and that your pc still has the same IP.
if you have a static ip and no router. always check your firewall settings.
as far as other possibles if your internet is working and all other data connections then there's no reason it SHOULDN'T work as t-mobile do not filter out 3389 port.
it has to be a problem at the target machine or network in that case.
but feel free to tell us more about the target pc and how it's connected to the internet and maybe we can find a solution
also what RDP client are you using on your Ameo
Cyberjak, the target machines vary: Server 2003 Enterprise Edition running ISA Server 2006, and Server 2008.
RRAS is installed on the non-ISA servers, while ISA of course takes over where RRAS left off. In all cases ports 3389 (TC{P & UDP) is open for inbound access, and on the ISA box it is open for in and outbound access.
Had you read what I wrote in my second post you would have seen I need no help in setting up RDP. I build, support and maintain networks for a living and trust me when I say the issue is NOT with the remote servers, but with the Ameo! I can use a collegue's O2 Touch Diamond and connect to any of the servers, but not the Ameo 16 GB.
I'm using a default T-Mobile Windows Mobile 6.1 setup as my Ameo has never been unlocked or flashed, and I'm using the stock standard Remote Desktop client that came pre-loaded and that used to work.
The issue is either with the Ameo, or with T-Mobile blocking RDP.
NanoRuler said:
Oh how I wish I could unlock the damn thing and flash a better ROM to it!
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Why can't you do this? Is your phone owned by the company and they would frown if you modified it? AP4 includes Remote Desktop Mobile, so you might try that ROM if you do unlock.
My device is a 7510 and Olipro's unlocker doesn't work on it. I have been explicitly told that the unlocker might brick it
Hallelujah! The age of miracles is upon us!
I've put in a complaint to T-Mobile, and out of the blue Remote Desktop started working, while I also received an e-mail from T-Mobile's tech support.
Here's an extract from the e-mail:
"I have came across someone else with this problem and we are trying a temporary fix by adding a update to your account which is on now, so if you could retry the connection and let me know how you get on"
My translation of the message: We screwed up by choking RDP to save bandwidth across our network, you (and presumably others) caught us out, so now we'll pretend we're the good guys and that we've discovered something wrong and we'll fix it, but don't expect us to say sorry!
I will give T-Mobile a ring today and see, I guessed it would be t-mobile as I ave a whole range of different RDP servers I connect to and none worked!
lol, T-Mobile took all of about 2 minutes to enable my RDP again, told them I knew it was there prob as I read on XDA-Developers, got to love the internet nice one NanoRuler
NanoRuler said:
Hallelujah! The age of miracles is upon us!
I've put in a complaint to T-Mobile, and out of the blue Remote Desktop started working, while I also received an e-mail from T-Mobile's tech support.
Here's an extract from the e-mail:
"I have came across someone else with this problem and we are trying a temporary fix by adding a update to your account which is on now, so if you could retry the connection and let me know how you get on"
My translation of the message: We screwed up by choking RDP to save bandwidth across our network, you (and presumably others) caught us out, so now we'll pretend we're the good guys and that we've discovered something wrong and we'll fix it, but don't expect us to say sorry!
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RDP Port filtering or NAT misconfigured !
bhermer said:
lol, T-Mobile took all of about 2 minutes to enable my RDP again, told them I knew it was there prob as I read on XDA-Developers, got to love the internet nice one NanoRuler
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Just realised what T-Mobile said in their e-mail "I have came across someone else with this problem" - was that you? That WOULD be funny!
Way I look at it if we don't stick together we'll get shafted by big corporations!
Used to know a guy who had something printed on the reverse of some of his business cards. It read "Doing business with your firm is like having sex: it gives one a feeling of warm bliss.....while being screwed!"
Thanks to T-Mobile I know what that feels like! Having said that I'll also categorically state the last guy I dealt with at T-Mobile knows his stuff and was very helpful.
Curious, it does lead to believe something about the ports being like group policy's that they use as the voice over ip ports only are open for WnW Max customers usually unless you scream at them after being with them for a long time. heheh
Nano, no offence mate but i've been doing similar work for years as well but it's sometimes the simple things so you can understand me asking.
you would ask a client the same thing.
NanoRuler said:
Hallelujah! The age of miracles is upon us!
I've put in a complaint to T-Mobile, and out of the blue Remote Desktop started working, while I also received an e-mail from T-Mobile's tech support.
Here's an extract from the e-mail:
"I have came across someone else with this problem and we are trying a temporary fix by adding a update to your account which is on now, so if you could retry the connection and let me know how you get on"
My translation of the message: We screwed up by choking RDP to save bandwidth across our network, you (and presumably others) caught us out, so now we'll pretend we're the good guys and that we've discovered something wrong and we'll fix it, but don't expect us to say sorry!
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A possible solution for those of us on T-Mobile's standard web n walk
Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I thought I'd post my experiences here in case anyone else (like me) searches for a solution to enabling RDP on T-Mobile (UK at least).
I was having the same problem with remote desktop, it saying that the server was not available. I phoned up T-Mobile's helpdesk as recommended here and after getting past first line support (who didn't know what remote desktop was, and tried sending new connection settings to my phone to resolve the issue) I got through to someone who knew what they were talking about. Turns out that I'm on T-Mobile's "basic" or "handset-only" web-n-walk package, and it's not possible to use RDP on this. I assume they block the relevant ports. They told me that I could pay an extra fiver a month to upgrade to a version of web-n-walk which can handle RDP.
Well I told them I would think about it, but instead tried to find a way around it as the one or two times I need to use RDP are certainly not worth a fiver a month. My solution is probably only suitable for the more techy of us, but without much work and with no prior experience I managed to set up a SSH tunnel using FreeSSHd as a server running on my windows server (although a normal windows box should work fine - http://www.freesshd.com/) and zaTunnel as a client on my phone (http://www.zatelnet.com/zatunnel/main.php). Both programs are free.
Basically my phone takes all RDP connections and tunnels them over SSH to my windows server, which then turns them back into RDP connections. T-Mobile have no idea I'm using RDP, and if they block the SSH port in the future I can always change FreeSSHd to run on port 80 (for web). This will also work for other protocols T-Mobile might be blocking (FTP springs to mind).
Just thought I'd post this in case anyone was in my situation of needing RDP on their standard web'n'walk.
Cool! Thanks for posting your rather excellent work-around! I will certainly be referring people back to your solution.
I think T-Mobile's out of order for not allowing RDP on all plans, without absolutely clearly stating that on some plans it isn't allowed.
You're the customer and you pay for some bandwidth. Short of illegal activities, what you use that bandwidth for is none of their business.
T-Mobile Grrrr
Many Thanks for this thread.
My Remote Desktop stopped working on my phone last month but co-incidently it was around the time I was re-intsalling my server and also flashing numerous roms to my phone so thought it maybe something with that.
But then realised I could remote desktop over my wireless at home and from other networks across the net so it wasn't anything to do with config on my side. Thought either phone or network.
Flashed a rom with remote desktop that i KNEW worked and still nothing...
Thought - this MUST be T-Mobile... glad I'm not the only one.
Have sent an email and hopefully they'll enable Remote Desktop on my line.
There is no way I'm gonna start paying an extra £5 a month for something I've been using for the last 20 months as part of my package and have removed wihtout any notice/warning.
i'll tell 'em where to shove their £5 extra a month

