Not able to enter Bootloader... - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hey Guys.
Have a little problem with my xda. I want to upgrade to WM2003 via SD-Card-Method, but i can not enter the bootloader.
I hold the power button and make a soft reset, but the bootloader screen did not appears. It make only a normal soft reset....
Tried also after a hard reset, but that didnĀ“t change anything.
Last Rom-Update worked via Bootloader.
I user a cooked kitchen rom 3.17.03 with RSU 4.21
Any one got infos how i can "repair" it?

If I'm not mistaken XDAtools can be used to reload your boot loader.
Check out the below thread for more info.

you need the tool discussed in this thread:

Thanks to all your answers....
Tried to flash the Rom via Programm A, but i get an Error.
Now the device is out of order. No function any more.
Neither a soft nor a hard reset returns the function.
Screen is "black" and nothing happens.
I wll call my insurance tommorrow to get a new device...
Thanks for help, hread can be closed...


My Wallaby GSM Error fixed! Finally

Hi all,
Hope I may be of help to those who have GSM Error on their Wallabys. I have almost given up hope but I just searched the threads. This is basically what I did:
1. Download xda developers special rom and re-flash via sd card
2. Hard reset, press contact and calendar buttons (or a combination of both), volume button, and soft reset will bring you to the today homescreen (I cant remember exactly what buttons I pressed, I just pressed them all)
3. Re-boot phone, you will notice you still have no radio but you can now enter today homescreen (please take note the "start" menu is not there)
4. Align screen / stylus. You can do this by pressing Action Key then Calendar button.
5. Press Contact and Action Key (both) several times (I think around 20 times). You will hear clicking sound. This will bring out the "start" drop down menu. If it does not pop out, repeat again.
6. Download the correct RSU for your phone. Save into SD and copy to programs (same procedure as in wiki)
7. Run the RSU program, expect to fail at 1%. Re-boot. this time you will be able to active sync your phone again. (my wallaby did to my surprise)
8. I gave up on the RSU 4.16 (after countless tries) and I downloaded RSU 4.21 from xda-developers ftp (exe file) since I am now able to sync to my device.
9. Install RSU upgrade to your device, the phone will automatically re-boot.
10. Surprise! I was able to re-flash the RSU! (I think the problem is the RSU 4.16, try other 4.xx instead but be careful to use the correct version)
Now my Wallaby is up and running again! Thanks to xda-developers and Wiki and to Lumpi. There is no secret. I just did a lot of reading from the threads. It's all there. Good luck guys! Merry Christmas!
why ur wallaby resynched....
The reason it re-synched.... is because... when u go to the wallaby bootloader... and go into the GSM menu's (that allow u to tun off and on the gsm... and band tests... the key to it is there.... just reset those puppies at least 1nce.. then when u reset and boot... voila... it will sync,, but... I'm still stuck on that 1% error... rsu failed!! so.. wish me luck... oh.. btw.. when u get the 1% error it will not sync again until u repeat the process at the wallaby bootloader... so... any ideas anyone>> to get past the 1% error? I've read up and down ... searched left and right here... but no luck yet... I'm still trying what was posted here... so... wish me luck.... !!! oh... question what version is ur wallaby?? PW10A or B?
Re: why ur wallaby resynched....
r5pete said:
The reason it re-synched.... is because... when u go to the wallaby bootloader... and go into the GSM menu's (that allow u to tun off and on the gsm... and band tests... the key to it is there.... just reset those puppies at least 1nce.. then when u reset and boot... voila... it will sync,, but... I'm still stuck on that 1% error... rsu failed!! so.. wish me luck... oh.. btw.. when u get the 1% error it will not sync again until u repeat the process at the wallaby bootloader... so... any ideas anyone>> to get past the 1% error? I've read up and down ... searched left and right here... but no luck yet... I'm still trying what was posted here... so... wish me luck.... !!! oh... question what version is ur wallaby?? PW10A or B?
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did you find a solution for 1% error? I have the same issue and I tried all night...and day...and nothing (
Reflash via SD
Hi morph751,
Firstly, thanks for this, I have now finally got my Wallaby back to a state where I can ActiveSync it, and actually run programs on the thing. Unfortunately, the RSUupgrade continually faults at the 1% mark both version 4.16 and version 4.21. The one step in your instructions that I did not follow, was the first "Download xda developers special rom and re-flash via sd card". The problem with doing this, is that when cold booting with the SD card in the slot the device simply hangs at the GSM Error screen. I have bootloader version 6.22, so I assumed this was due to the post 5.17 SD card locking. But the info and utility to bypass this doesn't seem to help either.
Is there something fundamental I am missing in terms of being able to boot the device into a mode that will allow me to flash it via SD?
By the way, when trying to flash the device via Program A, it fails with an error indicating that the power cable is not plugged into the device. The device is in the cradle, with USB connected and power connected to cradle.
OK, by folllowing the instructions at, I have been able to sucessfully flash the device to XDA Developers special ROM image 1.2. But I still get Program B failing at 1%, using version 4.21. Has anyone managed to overcome this, if so how? Thanks in advance for any help.

hp rw6828 wm6 (odd conditions) -> wm5

Hi guys,
I'm a hp rw6828 user and is very much enthusiast to try out those wm6 roms made by those experts. However, i did a mistake while trying to flash.
I tried flashing with a rom from wantat but i forgotten to delete the EBOOT.nb0 before i clicked "upgrade". Then the program stopped at 6% for a long time and didnt move. I disconnect the cables and tried to turn the device on.
THe device can go into the wm6 and the start button can be use but the screen is "moved" to the right side and other function is not working.
After that, i did a hard reset and the the os seem to work like normal. However, when i tried to go into bootloader mode by pressing both "_" and soft reset. That didnt work. I tried another way by taking out the batt, leave it for a 10mins, press both "_" and soft reset, put in batt, release soft reset then "_" keys. That didn't work either.
But, just lately, i've tried taking out batt, holding the camera key and softreset, place back batt, release soft reset n camera button. This method works and i get what it seems to be an atom bootloader?
i get a black background with "MN1 Bootloader Mar 29 2006 13;52;14 copyright..... 1) debug module through UART 2) jump to DM Enter your selection.
I've searched the forums and found few ways to downgrade back to wm5 but those aren't the same conditions with what im facing. Can someone recommend how can i downgrade back to wm5 with the conditions that im facing? All you help is much appreciated. THank you.
You are lucky , at lease your device now become atom. My was totally cannot on power and just vibrate. Till I have to sent it back to HP SC and change the main board . Can you understand chinese , if yes than I have a solution you may try . Else you have to wait . I just download a program and doing some testing , the program is in chinese language .
Thx for you reply. I guess u can say that. I'm from msia but cant read chinese.
Is it possible to solve the problem by sending back to hp using warranty claim? I think i still have warranty left but its ending very soon. One more week i think.
elus said:
Thx for you reply. I guess u can say that. I'm from msia but cant read chinese.
Is it possible to solve the problem by sending back to hp using warranty claim? I think i still have warranty left but its ending very soon. One more week i think.
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I don't think you still can claim under warranty unless you can make your phone total can't on and access to windows mobile. Last time I sent it back they charge me RM 385 to change the main board . I did talk to their technical personal , it seen like they don't know what is bootloader and flash it back to original rom . What they do was just change the main board with preloaded program .
Good luck
If you think that you can claim you warranty , than you just go a head . If not , may be you can access my thread "HP6828 WM6" , download any one of the rom that I post , follow the instruction accept downgrade bootloader . Enter your phone in bootloader mode . If you can start the process , than it will flash a new hp bootloader into your phone .
Against . Good luck
I'm from malaysia also.
Ok. I'll try your method to restore the bootloader. Thx for the fast reply. I'll keep u update with the progress. Thx again.
elus said:
Ok. I'll try your method to restore the bootloader. Thx for the fast reply. I'll keep u update with the progress. Thx again.
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You've flash ATOM Bootloader, there are many ways to restore to HP Bootloader ... don't worry !!!
nhocbanme said:
You've flash ATOM Bootloader, there are many ways to restore to HP Bootloader ... don't worry !!!
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Can share the information how to restore back the HP original bootloader ? And the procedure . Thanks
First you must have HP bootloader file (Eboot.nb0) 1.01 or 1.05 are OK.
- Use DRUU to restore Bootloader : replace ATOM bootloader file with HP bootloader file
- Use miniSD to restore Bootloader : copy Eboot.nb0 to miniSD card, go to bootloader ... wait 1' it will auto hard reset.
After flash successfull remmember remove Eboot.nb0 from miniSD.
- Reflashing Bootloader using JTAG. (Use only when can't use two above menthods)
HP Bootloader 1.01 :
HP Bootloader 1.05 :
nhocbanme could you please specify which specfic DRUU should be use for your method? Thank you.
You should use DRUU of Chartreux, replace Eboot.nb0 and choose OS and Eboot
Remember copy a HP68xx ROM (diskimage_Ver.nb0) to C:\Windows\Temp with DRUU of Chartreux then start...
nhocbanme, you explanation seems vague to me. Probably cause im still new. Could you please give a clearer instructions? Thank you
elus said:
nhocbanme, you explanation seems vague to me. Probably cause im still new. Could you please give a clearer instructions? Thank you
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-You must extract RUU in C:\Windows\Temp (no sub folder) then replace Eboot.nb0 with Hp bootloader 1.01/1.05
-Copy a diskimage_Ver.nb0 (any ROM WM6 for HP 68xx) to C:\Windows\Temp
-Run the DRUU program and choose OS and Eboot and start.
Goodluck !!!
It worked! Thx a lot nhocbanme and wantat. The methods restore the atom bootloader to hp bootloader. The DSUU by chartreux is a good tool.
Now, i would like to put this solution up into the wiki. How may i do so? Thank you.
hi, im william from M'sia. i like to know how you recover your previous installed AtomROm back to WM5.
can u provide some step to step detail
if possible upload some files can let me flash from memory card in the bootloader screen
ur reply are highly appreciated
thx ~~
williamSun said:
hi, im william from M'sia. i like to know how you recover your previous installed AtomROm back to WM5.
can u provide some step to step detail
if possible upload some files can let me flash from memory card in the bootloader screen
ur reply are highly appreciated
thx ~~
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OK, please read my topic, I'll post a WM5 ROM flash via miniSD
help !!
im facing another problem again...
this time i changed the file extension EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nbf to EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nb0
(file from HP official WM5 SP34074, inside the installed folder )
and copy to memory card and put in 6828 then started to go bootloader screen
few minutes later my screen goes blank, and i tried with the revive methods
which is
-press the 2 softkey " - " and reset button
-put in the battery ,
-release reset, then release softkey
but didt work out!!!!no repsponse at all..tried many times..possible dead ad???
plz help me abit ..big troblem!
I dont think i can help u much here as im still new. From the looks of your problem, i guess u forgotten to cut the first 12bits (or something like that) of your bootloader when u use it to flash via mini sd. Maybe you can try the JTAG method mentioned in the atom wiki to restore your bootloader. Good luck.
Thanks guys!
The same exact thing happened to me yesterday..I was already about to sell my ipaq as a dead unit and i came upon this thread and after following the steps it did made ipaq alive again..
thank you very much guys,i hope you continue to help more people..
god bless and best of luck to you
more power xda-dev!

How to flash Hard-SPL onto HERMES

Can anyone please post a guide on how to flash Hard-SPL onto my HTC TYTN.
The guide for installing Hard-SPL onto the HERMES is not available anymore, and i am EXTREMELY confused about what im doing, and i am afraid i will brick my phone if i do something wrong.
Please please please help!
Read the sticky, first post on this page.
It really isn't hard to do. But be sure you know what you are doing btw. SO read the sticky!
Basically you just download the flavor of Hard SPL you want (I used 2.10 which I can recommend, very easy to downgrade to factory SPL again as I just learned!).
After download unzip the folder and run the RUUWrapper. Follow instructions exactly, do nout unplug your device etc. and it should work like a charm. It takes about 1 minute!
If you don't know what you are doing or you are still doubting, wait for Mr Vanx site to come online again or don't flash. There is always a risk you screw up and end with a $500 brick.
So use at your own risk!
Download hard spl v7 from
thanks guys i did it
hi guys have tried to update mine today on a jasjam it connects sys it updating but starts at 0% then just jumps to 100% and says flash finished but when i restart the phone it still has the same loader what am i doing wrong i want to update it from windows 5 to windows 6 using crc-9 but don't want to update till i do the loader any help from you guys would be great
cheers puca
puca said:
hi guys have tried to update mine today on a jasjam it connects sys it updating but starts at 0% then just jumps to 100% and says flash finished but when i restart the phone it still has the same loader what am i doing wrong i want to update it from windows 5 to windows 6 using crc-9 but don't want to update till i do the loader any help from you guys would be great
cheers puca
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start the device in bootloader, what is displayed?
Mine is doing the exact same thing. Starts at 0% and jumps to 100% and says it is done, but it has done nothing.
Rockford_622 said:
Mine is doing the exact same thing. Starts at 0% and jumps to 100% and says it is done, but it has done nothing.
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the SPL flash is VERY quick.
I'll ask YOU this aswell, put your device into bootloader mode and tell us what it says.
hi mrvanx
thanks for your reply after checking the bootloader it has changed to 2.10 olie it did it so fast i thought it had failed will check properly next time and have successfully flashed it to crc 9 and it runs great thanks for all the help
mrvanx said:
the SPL flash is VERY quick.
I'll ask YOU this aswell, put your device into bootloader mode and tell us what it says.
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I appreciate your reply Mr. Vanx. Same as with puca, I put my phone into the bootloader mode and it does indeed show the correct 2.10 Olipro version. This is the 3rd 8525 I have had and I could have SWORN it took much longer on the first 2. Even the update from WM5 to WM6 seemed to take much less time with this particular phone. Guess I shouldn't really complain
Downgrade Error 260
Hi Mr Vanx I have followed your guide to downgrade my current SSPL (2.10 Olipro) to SSPL (1.11). But I keep getting error 260. I have followed guide step by step.
I have even tried flashing from SD-Card (by renaming to HERMING.nbh). Process runs successfully, but nothing happens.
Its still showing SSPL-2.10 Olipro in bootloader. Am I missing anything?
can some one point me to the guide. I am facing a NO GSM problem on vodafone VPA 1605 with following config:
ROM Version:
Bootloader: 1.04
I do not see the radio version or the IMEI. So I would like to do a HARDSPLv7 followed by Radio ROM update to I hope this will work. Seniors may help with their sggestion.
Can someone help me with the guide to HARDSPL as I am doing it for the first time and the guides are not available at MR Vanx site nor can I locate the sticky?
have you read the first page?
cant uprade from spl 1.40 to 2.04
am using hermes 300 and i want to uprade from 1.40 t o 2.40 but i cant do it.i ve tried can anyone help
How to hard reset without win
I have an I-mate 9502 but my problem is for pocket pc generaly.
I installed a program for sound, When I do a soft reset it hangs on Blue Imate page and didn't boot.
I tried to hard reset but it dosen't worked too(I know hard reset of it, is Green+FN+Power button) but it don't work, Also I tried to install a fresh Rom but it need to loud windows.
Please help how to hard reset it.
majida said:
I have an I-mate 9502 but my problem is for pocket pc generaly.
I installed a program for sound, When I do a soft reset it hangs on Blue Imate page and didn't boot.
I tried to hard reset but it dosen't worked too(I know hard reset of it, is Green+FN+Power button) but it don't work, Also I tried to install a fresh Rom but it need to loud windows.
Please help how to hard reset it.
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you should try the hard reset iMate 9502 posts by martin_yo in
After Flashed with the new ROM, My Device is now stuck in iMate Blue Screen Logo....!!!
But Don't worry can be solved with manually hard Reset...
1. Remove battery and reinsert (to make sure the phone is off).
2. Hold down Fn and the Green button (with the phone icon on it) and press the power button.
3. You will see the white hard reset option screen almost immediately. Press the Left Soft Key to hard reset.
Work for me...
but !!
With many thanks Hakim
But I know hard reset of my phone, I did it many time before, unfortunately it dosen't work this time. I tried all I knew about hard reset. but I couldn't do anything for my phone.
I tried (FN+Green+power like last time I did hard reset easy)(FN+Green+reset button)It don't sho any reaction.
Please help me.

Bricked? Hermes stuck on OS Bootscreen

i flashed a rom 2 weeks ago, everything went well. yesterday i wanted to flash another os but before i could flash it, it seemed to get bricked. It stucks on the "HTC Splash" (not the WM6 Splash). I read a lot of threads and wiki threads but i don't unterstand anything! What i've to do to unbrick my phone? I tried to flash another rom but after 0% of flashing a error appears.... flashing with sd card doesn't work, too it changes to bootloader after the "Loading..." screen
i havent got hardspl or something...
please help!
UPDATE: i got the sd flashing to work... same thing but: now it stucks at the WM splash, not the t-mobile/htc one...
You need to find out what SPL you have (I'm guessing 2.03 but if you have 2.10 olipro then its got Hard SPl on it) and then do a search for "bricked SPL x.xx". You will probably find a HEAP of posts. However, some advice that seems to recover a small minority (sometimes with the "No GSM" error) -
1st thing to do is do a hard reset. Both softkeys and reset with stylus. Hold in all buttons until it asks if you want to reset to factory. Press "R" on the slideout keyboard and the "Space".
Hopefully this will fix. If it doesn't, Put it in bootloader, connect to pc (make sure "Allow USB Connection" Active Sync settings have been unticked) and run the SHIPPED STOCK ROM. This is the rom the Hermes came with originally. This MAY fix it otherwise you're in for some major reading and hair pulling.
If you should fix this then PLEASE, for the love of god, Hard SPL your Hermes before going into the wide world of flashing.....
Good Luck...
thanks i'll try it. hard reset causes kinda... nothing^^
i hope i can fix it otherwise i'll buy a touch pro
...but i think it doesn't work, because i flashed a shipped rom via sd card yesterday and the problem is still there... isn't there any way to put hard spl on my device, yet?
Try re-installing the stock rom again using sd card (if thatys how you did it last time), it could've been a bad flash. I've had those a couple of times myself. Just remember to install Hard SPL if you're successful as it makes it SOOOO much easier to recover from bad flashes.
Last thing to check would be if you have "bad blocks" using MTTY. If the boot sector has been stuffed up this may cause this problem. Do a search through the wiki, its been covered extensively...
okay i think my problem is solved: t-mobile replaced my device
first thing i'll do with my new device: HardSPL^^
anyhow thanks!
Upgrade successful but now stuck
I have a Three (au) Dopod 838 pro, which I upgraded from the original Windows Mobile 5 to the Three Windows Mobile 6.0 ROM. Unfortunately I didn't read up on this site first, I thought it would be straightforward since it was a ROM from the manufacturer and all, so I haven't Hard SSPL.
The upgrade reported as successful and my PC disconnected but the phone won't boot, it sticks at the Dopod screen with some numbers at the bottom. They are:
M 05 R
S 04 G 32.80.7020.20H
B 07 D 3.54
I have tried hard resetting, and returning the phone to bootloader and reflashing the same new ROM image, always with the same result.
On the bootloader, it says
Is there anything which can be done or is it a trip to the service centre (wherever that is)?
Just checking - Hard reset = both soft keys above the dialler closest to the lcd and reset with stylus. Hold in until it asks if you want to reset to factory. Press r on slideout keyboard then space.
This is a hard reset, not just using the stylus.
Otherwise, you have a LOT of reading material to go through with (maybe) no actual solution.
tried that
Thanks, but yes, I had tried that, a number of times. I think the phone will be going to a service centre today.

Unbricking hermes

hi guys
I have a bricked hermes
DOPOD 8525 -> WM 6.1 Professional
From bootloader screen
HERM100 IPL-1.01
bootloader SPL-1,40.01ipro
Tried to flash ROM using safe SSPL with RUUwrapper.
At completion of flash both my mobiler & win mobile device centre disconected or lost connection with device, after soft reset will only load up to second HTC screen. How can I recover from this brick? device manager recognises HTC usb sync when plugged in but I can't connect to re flash rom.
Reading helps my friend
Get to bootloader, press ok and power on left and right respectively and stick stylus in all at same time.
that should bring up tricolour screen.
Download your imate jasjam official ROM
EDIT i think you got a dopod so the dopod ROM is what you want from my 4shared or wiki!!
from the wiki or from my 4shared, and flash it while it is in boot loader mode.
then you need to flash hard spl one of the first stickys on this thread that you have just posted to.
Then flash your desired rom.
Thank you Zocster
Got it unbricked & working, thanks to you I have a lot of trouble reading as I am leagally blind but get by with T2V & magnifiers most times. however searching threads is a lot harder than for most.
PS if you ever cross the tasman drop me a line
loulian, to make it easier to recover from bricks, It would be best if you flashed Hard SPL V7 from here -
It won't guarantee a flawless flash but will help if something goes wrong by giving you a GOOD chance of recovery.
You can then use the sd card method and make life easier by not having to worry about pc crashes, cables being pulled, blackouts or those annoying "sync" errros.
Also if you have trouble setting up your Hermes after a flash/hard reset because of the alignment points being hard to see, It would be a good idea to download this -
It will, after you save the settings, allow you to use your PC to set up the Alignment point if you need to Hard Reset or flash your phone making it load the os to the today screen.
zocster said:
Reading helps my friend
Get to bootloader, press ok and power on left and right respectively and stick stylus in all at same time.
that should bring up tricolour screen.
Download your imate jasjam official ROM
EDIT i think you got a dopod so the dopod ROM is what you want from my 4shared or wiki!!
from the wiki or from my 4shared, and flash it while it is in boot loader mode.
then you need to flash hard spl one of the first stickys on this thread that you have just posted to.
Then flash your desired rom.
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Sorry to ask a stupid question. I have the same problem, but when i try to flush it from a TriColor mode i get a communication error, it complains about activesynch not connected. BTY mine is cingular 8525 so i am trying to use one of the cingular roms.

