Mobem mConvert (crashing during online update) - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Since changing to the ROM built in Jeffs Kitchen, I have started having problems with mConvert from Mobem.
This program can sync/update all its currencies online.
Since flashing my ROM however, if I try to sync online the program simply exits with no error messages.
When installed, mCovert also adds itself as an item in ActiveSync. However, when I sync, it creates an abend reporting an error (which I can't force at the moment without logging off and back on)
mConvert has never given problems in the past.
Any other mConvert users in the same boat? :roll:


QTEK S200 G3 and WM6

I've read many posts, and also the upgrade guide, but I still cannot understand what ROM should I use.
I've found many comments on PDAViet, Cristal, ShadoW, etc., but I've not the competence (and the proper english language skill) to know what is the better choice.
I know that newbies are not well tolerate by experts, but I really need help.
1) What should i choose?
2) The upgrade guide is useful for any ROM?
Please any help is appreciated
look at the screenshots and choose the rom that you like best.. there is no best rom but there is a best rom for your needs and only you know whitch rom that is.
Yes I know.
Ok, can you tell me what ROM (of the Cristal or PDAViet type) is more stable and complete (in you opinion)?
sammis9 said:
Yes I know.
Ok, can you tell me what ROM (of the Cristal or PDAViet type) is more stable and complete (in you opinion)?
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I can't tell because I only use my Prophet for cooking now but I tried Crystal 5.1 and shadow 1 and shadow Touch. and they are all good although there have been some problems reported on all of them.
But you can also try one of my roms
Ah, ignorance is a big problem. For me is very difficult to read (and understand) dozen of threads. Now I have WM5 and I need an advice to upgrade to WM6.
By the way, I will try to flash some random ROM.
I will follow the upgrade guide, it's right for all ROMs?
An when I flash a ROM, the content of my Qtek will be erased?
A little Help
Yes, you'll end up lossing all your data and aps, so choose your ROM carefully. I've installed Fantasic 2.04b and now Gullum's Touch Xb, since I coudn't fix the problems on wi fi and bluethoot on the Fantastic.
First thing you need is a WM5 Basic ROM, I've user PDAViet Temp on Step 1 ( Just follow the guide (the old one).
Choose "ROMUpdateUtility_NV_G3.exe" witch is included on this Step 1. Remember that is normal that the process lock itself on 80/85% porcent of success for 10 minutes, allow it to run a max of 30 minutes before attemp any rescue.
As soon as the PDA resets, it will ask you to tap on the screen to start using Windows 5. Instead, execute the BAT file on your Step 2 choosed ROM;
In "ProphetTouchXB.rar", the installer is "Upgrade_ROM.bat". This updater works for G3 and G4 phones as well.
You'll receive a DOS windows with some cannot locate file error, disregard those. This process is the longest time comsumer. When the bat file finish you'll see a "Press any Key...." message in DOS.
Now you need to hard reset your device, press the camera button and the Comm button and the soft reset with the pensil (all at the same time!).
Most likely, when WM6 stars you'll not be able to access Contacts, it will close itself, you'll nedd to "Clear Storage", Start|Settings|System|Clear Storage (On Touch Xb), must performed until you see some action, if nothing happens after you click the option, then it didn't execute.
After you do so, you'll need to soft reset, change regional settings, date, city on the weather forecast, and that's all
Be aware that Touch Xb do not include Windows Live Messenger, so you can install it on SD or use some modified X ROM. Also MS Voice Commander 1.6 needs some tricks to anounce incoming voice calls, and you gonna need some registry changes to improbe volume on that program.
Previous steps that are recomended:
*Detele Sincronization profile in Active Sync 4.5 (and install 4.5 version), all your contacs would remain in MS Outlook, make a copy of the documents.
*Sicronize in Visitting mode (cancel the sicnro option windows, witch ask you to choose what to sincro, Contacts, Calendar, etc.). You will only have the "Expore" option in Active Sync.
* Charge the battery on 100%
* Use a notebook whit full battery load, of a PC with a UPS.
Hope it helps-
Many thanks!
I've installed Crystal, it works, but the real problem is ActiveSync 4.5; it's a very buggy app.
1. First I've got the problem of 85010017 error, and after many attempts, syncronizing 10 contacts at time, it seems I've solved the problem
2. Then the rapimgr.exe has become to use 99% of CPU. No solutions.
3. Restarting the computer, activesync have lost my previous settings, and now I should re-sync all contacts!
I'm very tired: I've seen that there is a program Nokia Intellisync, that could replace activesync. Maybe I will test it.
sammis9 said:
Many thanks!
I've installed Crystal, it works, but the real problem is ActiveSync 4.5; it's a very buggy app.
1. First I've got the problem of 85010017 error, and after many attempts, syncronizing 10 contacts at time, it seems I've solved the problem
2. Then the rapimgr.exe has become to use 99% of CPU. No solutions.
3. Restarting the computer, activesync have lost my previous settings, and now I should re-sync all contacts!
I'm very tired: I've seen that there is a program Nokia Intellisync, that could replace activesync. Maybe I will test it.
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Any help??? Sadly, Intellisync needs activesync to work. I've googled anywhere, without answers!
No help this time
Its strange, you shoun't have that problem, active sync 4.5 works flawesly for me, with Fantastic 2.04b and Touch Xb, are you sure you format the storage area?, it is supposed to happens after the hard reset, but in my case had to be done manually in both occasions.
Yes, I do it. I had this problem months before, with WM5 and activesync 4.5; then I read some discussion about it, and downgrade to activesync 4.3.
Now, with WM6, the 4.3 is not supported, so I have installed the 4.5, but it's impossibler to use it. 99% CPU used, 85010017 error on sync (I know they are two different/indipendents problems).
try uninstalling & installing back activesync & see if it helps
also do a proper hard reset after upgrading
congrats! you managed to upgrade your prophet!!!
I bet is a Windows problem...
Its a Windows or USB Problem.
Update BIOS
Reinstall Windows XP SP2, or some up to date Vista.
Reinstall Activesync
If none of this helps, check for a bargain motherboard, if you got a PC Chips, ECS, Asrock, Gigabyte, Aopen, Foxcomm, drop it in the trash container and buy some ASUS, or if you are in a budget, MSI.
wanwarlock said:
try uninstalling & installing back activesync & see if it helps
also do a proper hard reset after upgrading
congrats! you managed to upgrade your prophet!!!
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I've done both things, but without results. It's a common problem for many users, as I've seen in several forums.
The 85010017 error seems to happen with AS 4.5 due to a 2 minuts limit in sync. If, in your first sync your data are many (contacts, calendar), then you can reach this time limit and you'll never be able to resolve it (4.3 had no time limit and works perfectly).
The "99% CPU" error may be related to some communication bug within handheld and PC, that generate an idle loop. I've tried also to change the connection from NIDS to serial, but I wasn't able to let it work.
sammis9 said:
I've done both things, but without results. It's a common problem for many users, as I've seen in several forums.
The 85010017 error seems to happen with AS 4.5 due to a 2 minuts limit in sync. If, in your first sync your data are many (contacts, calendar), then you can reach this time limit and you'll never be able to resolve it (4.3 had no time limit and works perfectly).
The "99% CPU" error may be related to some communication bug within handheld and PC, that generate an idle loop. I've tried also to change the connection from NIDS to serial, but I wasn't able to let it work.
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I'm sure you're right, but... On the other hand, many (I think most) people are using AS 4.5 without any pain, even with big sync-files. So there should be something different on your PC.
Not really a helpfull solution, but it is a waste to spend your time on generalities if they aren't the cause of your problem. Anyway, good luck.
It's not my PC, as I have the same problem with 2 different PCs (acer aspire, macbook boot camp), one with xp home sp2 and another with xp pro sp2. And I cannot understand why AS 4.5 is full of errors and 4.3 no.
It's really bad if the only solution is to downgrade to WM5 to use AS 4.3...
sammis9 said:
It's not my PC, as I have the same problem with 2 different PCs (acer aspire, macbook boot camp), one with xp home sp2 and another with xp pro sp2. And I cannot understand why AS 4.5 is full of errors and 4.3 no.
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As I said, I can't help you, but keep in mind that thousands of WM users are doing the job with AS 4.5 without any alteration. So, I don't want to offend... But I think you do something different. And if it's not the PC, then there might be something out of order with your PPC (hardware or any third-party software?) I asume you tried different USB-cables as well?
rondol1 said:
As I said, I can't help you, but keep in mind that thousands of WM users are doing the job with AS 4.5 without any alteration. So, I don't want to offend... But I think you do something different. And if it's not the PC, then there might be something out of order with your PPC (hardware or any third-party software?) I asume you tried different USB-cables as well?
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I've used different USB cables. I know so much people have AS 4.5 working, but, as you can see by the links I've posted before, I'm not the only one with this kind of problem.
I think, simply, that if certain conditions happens, then you got those errors (also if you are not me...). The problem is to identify these conditions to resolve the problems. A third-party software? Maybe.
rondol1 said:
...any third-party software?
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I've clean-installed xp pro sp2 on a new partition, no firewalls nor antivirus, no third-party software except for outlook 2007 and AS 4.5.
Always the same two problems.
sammis9 said:
I've clean-installed xp pro sp2 on a new partition, no firewalls nor antivirus, no third-party software except for outlook 2007 and AS 4.5.
Always the same two problems.
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And on your PPC? Anything out-of-the-ordinairy installed?
If not, maybe you should try to sync with only a few contacts, appointments etc. At least you can find out if it has something to do with the file-size (I don't think it's related, but you never know). If you hadn't tried it on several PC's I would have bet that is was a hardware/BIOS issue.
I'm puzzled.
On my Qtek s200 there is a fresh install of crystal 5, that erased all. I've not downloaded any other program.
Maybe the problem is the file size (at least for the 85010017 error); for the CPU 99% error, I really don't know how to do.
Installing a demo of Intellisync, the 85010017 error is bypassed (because the AS syncronization is not used), but not the CPU error, because Intellisync needs however Activesync to works.

Memory leak -- tmail.exe?

I am running DCD's 2.3.1 rom and I am suffering a terrible memory leak. I have tried to disable any third party applications and that hasn't resolved the problem. Also, I don't have htc home installed on the phone.
While searching for the problem, I realized that I have my mail application running continuously (checking mail every 5 minutes) and tmail.exe is a program that is difficult to isolate. I was wondering if it is possible to substitute the WM5 version of tmail.exe with the WM6 version before cooking a new rom and have the mail client actually work? There is really only one new feature in the new tmail.exe that I find useful and I can live without that. Also, the new tmail.exe is 3-4 times larger than the older version which means a lot of new (and potentially buggy) code is in the new version. I tried to drop the old email client into the windows directory but I think it needs to be signed before it will work.
Anyway, if anyone has 2 cents to offer before I take the plunge I sure would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance...
P.S. I know I'm grasping at straws which is why I don't want to cook a new rom just to test it but I will if no one can tell me that the old email client won't work.
You probably know this already, but tmail is also used for SMS.

AP 4.0 and Goodlink Issue

I did some searches and looking in threads but didn't find anything (though I don't claim to be a search master so I apologize if this has been posted already).
Just yesterday, I upgraded to Athena Project 4.0 (which is freakin' awesome BTW). My company email uses Goodlink 5 for push email. I have no problems installing Goodlink 5 and I can see my corporate email once it finishes syncing.
The issue I have is that when I go into "Programs", I cannot open any of the programs in the folder. I can navigate through the folers (I can open the directory "Games") without any issue.
Does anyone have (or had) this problem and have a resolution?

Titan Build 21193\21195\21198

I ask two things in providing these SYS files and ROMs.
1.) If you post a mirror, state that it is a mirror, and link to the first page of this thread.
2.) If you find errors in the SYS files I have provided, and you fix them, please report back to me via PM which SYS you have, when you Downloaded it (because they may get updated), and Exactly what was done to fix the error. This way I can make the corrections, give you credit, and update the files for everyone else.
Okay folks, here's a new thread to break up some of the Chaos. I am currently breaking down everything for Build 21195 and I will do my best to keep things organized (as far as links to builds) in the first three posts. This way, we don't have to search around to find a particular RUU link. These Builds are designed for the Titan and for Verizon. If you are not on Verizon, load up the DCD Carrier CAB for your carrier. Many thanks go out to the countless individuals and teams that have played a role in educating me as well as releasing some great builds for WM6.x.
I use XIP's compiled by dan-htc-touch (PPCGeeks).
If it weren't for members like Mr. Free (XDA/PPCGeeks), Drellisdee (PPCGeeks), Conflipper (PPCGeeks), GC14 (XDA-for the Arcsoft CABs we had to use in the beginning of this project), and countless other members here on XDA-Developers, over on PPCGeeks, HTCGeeks, and other Windows Mobile sites all over the world, many of us wouldn't be where we are now....Beta Testing.
Remember, these are all Beta Releases of a potentially unstable OS. It is very possible that they could get you in over your head. I am providing these builds for testing purposes only, and I am not responsible for any damage that may result from your actions of using these files. You do so at your own risk.
All links contain a RARed RUU and a txt file that lists what OEMs were added. Just to help you follow along. There are a couple of extras I throw in that are not stock to the builds, but are needed for edits and testing purposes. These include, but are not limited to: Total Commander (File Explorer), nueExtROM, nuePerformance, and the Network Plug-in. These were not designed for these builds, but have ran for me and I use them in my testing. You may use them if I post manual fixes to get you by until the next release.
QVGA 21189 and 21193 SYS files
QVGA 21198 SYS
Build 21501 OFFICIAL RELEASE!!!!
*SYS by ConFlipper (PPCGeeks)
*XIP by Dan_HTC_Touch (PPCGeeks)
*Added nueKernel and Compatible Camera.
*This is basically out of the box except for the additions I mentioned above.
Build 21725
*This is not my ROM. I did not build or assist with any part of this ROM. I am currently testing it and it seems pretty quick and has some interesting features in it.
*Be sure to thank <bbsandkm> over at PPCGeeks for this one. ( )
*Built for Verizon and Sprint users respectively.
*Must install Arcsoft manually.
*Comparible to the 21501 Release as far as add-ons.
*Has Extended ROM.
*I have a new PROVXML in this release. Wireless Manager, Battery Settings, Version Number, Ring/Vibrate....attempting to correct all previous issues we have had right away. Not alil settings are taking effect right away, it seems a couple Soft Resets are in order, but after 1-2 Soft Resets, it looks like life is good.
*Now labeled as "FDE_21725" (Force Developments Edition) instead of "Force_21725."
*The Start menu from <bbsandkim> has been modified to remove the Hexegons, but the 4/5 row Start Menu in this release is otherwise their's.
*Built for Sprint or Verizon respectively.
*Must install Arcsoft manually.
*This is comparible to the Beta 1.2 Releases above as far as add-ons.
*I have a new PROVXML in this release. Wireless Manager, Battery Settings, Version Number, Ring/Vibrate....attempting to correct all previous issues we have had right away. Not alil settings are taking effect right away, it seems a couple Soft Resets are in order, but after 1-2 Soft Resets, it looks like life is good.
*Now labeled as "FDE_21725" (Force Developments Edition) instead of "Force_21725."
*The Start menu from <bbsandkim> has been modified to remove the Hexegons, but the 4/5 row Start Menu in this release is otherwise their's.
Due to unknown conflicts with files pertaining to the Sprint Carrier OEM, I have decided to pull this build until the issue can be resolved. Sprint users (and other carriers), please flash the Verizon CAB and load your DCD Carier cab if needed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
***Microsoft MyPhone has been reported and confirm to be non functional. Please download and install the Microsoft MyPhone CAB to correct this issue*** (Thanks to <mattsm> for providing the cab file)
*This is nothing like you are used to! Thanks to the hard work of <Colonel00> and the PPCKitchens team, we have managed to add the WM7 Titanium Project to this ROM.
*Thanks to <mattsm> (XDA) for his hard work in helping me test and fix a number of issues. And also for helping to get the Battery/Memory gauges into a fully functional OEM. Great work!
*You will need to manually run Showaco's Titanium Weather and manually insert various files to get the weather app to look right. Download this package: Showaco Titanium Weather_v4.2 Update for WM7 Project.rar , it has the cab installer for Showco's Titanium Weather v4.2 (latest) and the various files to intigrate it into the WM7 Project. An Instructions.txt file is included, follow it and you will be on your way!
*Replaced the dialer, and we have TierAuto Install back again. Oh, and check out your new default ringtone good for a grin at least. It is my default ringtone on my phone.
*Go to the Start Menu, run "ATContacts" and close it. This will cure the issue for your "Fave People" pane on the Today screen.
*Do not install a different CHome Config tool. It may screw up the WM7 Project and leave you having to reflash. There is a devoted CHome Config tool in your Start Menu.
*This is a link to my folder on Media Fire. There are 3 ROM's (Base, Beta 1.0, and Beta 1.0 WM7). These ROMS have been tested to see if they boot and nothing else. They are provided so y'all have something to play with if you are having flashing withdrawls while I am away this week. I CANNOT BUILD ANY ROMs THIS WEEK. SORRY.
WM7 Titanium Project Thread
Showaco Applications (Various)
G-Alarm (Alarm clock with lots of features)
OEM Bubble Breaker
GPS knowledge
More GPS knowledge
Remote Desktop
Some Customization Info for the Titanium Today Screen
GPS\aGPS with gpsONE -Thanks to Drellisdee.
*Verizon user's (not sure on the other Carriers), use the settings for TELUS and the CAB for TELUS in the second post in that link. This took care of my GPS issue, turns out it's Verizon, not us!
Drellisdee's 21198 PPCKitchens SYS and Core files. Multiple Devices.-Thanks to "Drellisdee" [PPCGeeks] & "DA_G" [XDA]
Titanium Customizer -Thanks to "anton_spaz" [XDA]
Titanium Weather -Thanks to "anton_spaz" [XDA]
SYS by "dan-htc-touch" @ -Thanks to "dan-htc-touch" [XDA & PPCGeeks]
DCD Carrier CABs
Device Lock 1.2
*Not quite an Auto Lock, but give you some added features.
*Also able to be mapped to Hard Key.
Cyberon Voice Command
USO Edition Dialer Skin
Arcsoft SMS/MMS CAB (Verizon) Thanks to "GC14" [XDA]
Arcsoft SMS/MMS (Sprint) -Thanks to "djbeames" [XDA]
Titan_21198_Beta_1.2 Fixes:
Power_Settings_Today_Screen Fix -Thanks to "henry.91" [XDA] & dan-htc-touch [XDA & PPCGeeks]
*This CAB writes the Registry entry to make the Power Settings shortcut work when you tap the Battery in the upper bar. Thanks to "dsi76" over at PPCGeeks for the initial post, and to "henry.91" in this thread for pushing the issue and helping me to spel "Consistent" properly to make it work. (RegEdit. Soft Reset after install.)
Wireless Manager Settings Link Fix-Thanks to "djbeames" [XDA] for figuring this one out.
*The link in <Settings> <Wireless Manager> will no longer give you an error when you try to use it. It will instead route to the Wireless Manager like it is supposed to. (RegEdit. Soft Reset after install.)
Annoying Vibrate Fix-Thanks to "shapiror06" [XDA] & "djbeames" [XDA]
*Fix that annoying vibrate for Notifications. (RegEdit. Soft Reset after install.)
Start Menu Small Icon/Highlight Fix
*See what you are doing in the Start Menu again. CPR's are meant to overwrite the exisiting ones. This is an example of why I include "Total Commander" in my builds. Instructions in RAR file.
Titanium Clock/WiFi Fix
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
*Relocated the AM/PM, moved the Clock, Date, and WiFi to the right some more to resolve the overlap issue. Instructions in RAR file.
*Landscape View needs some work. My fault, will update as soon as I can.
21501 VGA WWE Kitchen -By djbeams (XDA)
thank you very much. i'm flashing 21193 1.2 right now
dunebuggydude11 said:
thank you very much. i'm flashing 21193 1.2 right now
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thanks, gonna flash as well!
exchange 2003 error code for active sync
Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition
ok after looking a my works 2003 exchange server there are a lot of things that could be giving errors im looking in to all of these as we speak hang tight with this there are some add-on's that are needed im looking all the errors i got today
but here is this you can do a domain enroll and sync that way and could use active sync with out look that is attached to a domain
here look at this site it explains it in detail
Originally Posted by tmorris52 View Post
Hey Jdume which contacts did you use for that
6.5 rom? I flashed to another 6.5 rom and the youtube worked. I am just waiting on your new one so I can flash back.
Originally Posted by DavidinCT View Post
Tplane...This is the post I posted on xda about your 21193 1.2 with exchange 2003 sync, as you requested....
Ok, I set it up to sync against my personal exchange 2003 server (I found a 25 licence on ebay for almost nothing about 2 years ago) with build 1.2 of 21193, I got the same exact error. Here's how it all went down... for the test here (oh, and 21195 is out, update to that version plz for the next build)..
1. Setup on PC, set up to sync against my server (I am on the local domain in my home), it seemed to sync mail and I was able to select my folders to sync.
2. Make sure I am fully sync'ed....all good here...all mail is on the 6800 as requested
3. Disconnect from PC, connect via VZW internet and sync again..
4. Activesync on WM said it sync'ed fine (checked time difference).
5. Logged in to 3rd party mail to send a test mail to my account on my exchange server.
6. Heard test e-mail arrived on my desktop. Attempt to sync again, active sync error 0x80070057...Pull 3 hairs out of my head..
Nope, does not work, I know my 2003 Exchange server very well, This is a problem with this build, I have been syncing for a long time from WM 5.0 (when 5.0 was new)
Quote of the week by tplan37
You cannot add Nitrous Oxide to an engine with with 2 dead cylinders and expect it to run 9's in the quarter mile. So why add features to an OS that isn't running at 100% yet?....It isn't logical.
yoda1 said:
Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition
ok after looking a my works 2003 exchange server there are a lot of things that could be giving errors im looking in to all of these as we speak hang tight with this there are some add-on's that are needed im looking all the errors i got today
but here is this you can do a domain enroll and sync that way and could use active sync with out look that is attached to a domain
here look at this site it explains it in detail
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What does this have to do with exchange ? I looked up Domain Enroll (never had to use on a WM device so I didn't know too much about it), You need Microsoft's System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008 (MDM) to be able to Enroll a WM deivce to the domain, from what I have read.
One of the places I read about it...
I hope you figure out something on this, I know I am behind with a old 2003 Exchange server but, a lot of us need to be able to sync here.
I thank you for your efforts here !!!
exchange 2003 (behind in times)
dont read in to the title but here is my thoughts on this yes to domain enroll can be done but major problem is this for it to work right you need a vpn from exchange server but you also have to have it linked with server 2003 witch is a another part you have to have the device setting in the AD right for the phone for it to sync right if not you will get a comm error unable to connect witch is what i was getting this after noon now on the other hand looking at the set up it is really simple just have to make sure you have the server client active sync plug in and service turned on in the MMC console and have all the setting for the plug ins im going to be doing more work with this tomorrow i work for a medical foundation that is looking at going from a blackberry server to a wm and we are going to be getting like 200 new HTC phones so i have to get this figured out as well
Just installed
I'm definitely liking this build much more so than previous ones, runs alot smoother, could use a little more free ram, but hey, it's a beta so I'm not really stressing that, I'll just use it bare bones for now to get a feel.
One of the first things I've noticed is that for some reason, running the alignment screen makes my mogul freeze up, I have to soft reset to get out of that, the default setting is accurate enough for now though so not that big of a deal at the moment, I'm not really a power user but I definitely use enough of the features to be able to give some good input...I guess more to come stay tuned....
great work, keep it coming.
Missing files for proper build
Please review Post #3 regularly. I will be posting files that I am missing to complete build 21195. I can already see there are some changes in 21195 by looking at the SYS. There are new files. If you locate any of the files in RED, please ZIP the files and post them. Once the correct files have been located, I will change the file name in post #3 to GREEN and place the member's name next to the located file. This is to ensure all those involved get credit for their efforts in building 21195.
ok, I have to stop playing with this, I need to have another life besides living on these 2 sites....
Anyway, as for 21193 1.2, No games ? No Voice control app ? (I know there was a newer version of the voice control app in PPCkitchen that you didn't have to train)
yoda1 said:
dont read in to the title but here is my thoughts on this yes to domain enroll can be done but major problem is this for it to work right you need a vpn from exchange server but you also have to have it linked with server 2003 witch is a another part you have to have the device setting in the AD right for the phone for it to sync right if not you will get a comm error unable to connect witch is what i was getting this after noon now on the other hand looking at the set up it is really simple just have to make sure you have the server client active sync plug in and service turned on in the MMC console and have all the setting for the plug ins im going to be doing more work with this tomorrow i work for a medical foundation that is looking at going from a blackberry server to a wm and we are going to be getting like 200 new HTC phones so i have to get this figured out as well
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Don't take any offence to what I said....Exchange 2003 is still current in most companies I have worked in...
As for behind in times, I can't count how many times I have been doing work on domains (migrations, active directory issues, etc) and find old NT 4 servers and even a working Exchange 5.5 (do you remember that ? ) setup in a sub domain someplace...
Ah, blackberry to, fun, fun.... Did you have a part of that ?
Contacts x2 and Transparency Start menu
Just wanted to see if any luck with fixes yet? Also in 21193 WMP library on mine is acting a little funny. Screen flashes some
Thanks a million for the hard work.
Build 21198 XIP and SYS are being downloaded as I type. 21195 Beta 1 will be posted in the first post before I have 21198 up and going. These builds are coming pretty quick now. The word on PPCGeeks right now is that 21198 works with Exchange to find files and get this thing going.....and they say nothing good comes of being unemployed! Back to work, you folks are waiting.
Tplane37 said:
Build 21198 XIP and SYS are being downloaded as I type. 21195 Beta 1 will be posted in the first post before I have 21198 up and going. These builds are coming pretty quick now. The word on PPCGeeks right now is that 21198 works with Exchange to find files and get this thing going.....and they say nothing good comes of being unemployed! Back to work, you folks are waiting.
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It's been said Exchange 2003 works with 21195 now...
Wow, we were just discussing last night if you wanted to drop 21193 and move on to 21195, now 21198 ? If you didn't start 21195 already, I would of said to skip over it.
I wonder what will be be here in a few days....
Is this a bug or setting ? On 1.2 21193, as we know as this point activesync with Exchange 2003 does not work. So I went into Activesync on the device and put Sync During to Manually for Peak/Off peak.
So, it's not syncing correcty what happens is every time I pull the phone out of my pocket, it's connected to the data network (it keeps trying to sync, even tho I set it to manual sync only). It atempts but does not disconnect, so it's always on.
I don't mind being connected to the internet all the time but, if I miss it and do not disconnect it, My battery goes from lasting 2 days to 4-5 hours.
I'm not kidding, when I was on 21169, my battery life was bad, really bad (I'd be charging the phone 2-3 times a day because of it), to the point where I removed the password to the data network so it would not connect to it just to get most of the day out of the battery (and it would still pop up all the time asking for the network password).
Any idea ?
DavidinCT said:
Is this a bug or setting ? On 1.2 21193, as we know as this point activesync with Exchange 2003 does not work. So I went into Activesync on the device and put Sync During to Manually for Peak/Off peak.
So, it's not syncing correcty what happens is every time I pull the phone out of my pocket, it's connected to the data network (it keeps trying to sync, even tho I set it to manual sync only). It atempts but does not disconnect, so it's always on.
I don't mind being connected to the internet all the time but, if I miss it and do not disconnect it, My battery goes from lasting 2 days to 4-5 hours.
I'm not kidding, when I was on 21169, my battery life was bad, really bad (I'd be charging the phone 2-3 times a day because of it), to the point where I removed the password to the data network so it would not connect to it just to get most of the day out of the battery (and it would still pop up all the time asking for the network password).
Any idea ?
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I'm not sure. Like I said before, I don't even use Exchange. But at anypoint in time, you can open up the Task Manager and see ActiveSync running. Even after I manually close the app. It has been this way on every 6.5 build I have flashed to my phone. (And don't ask how many, because I haven't the slightest clue...but it's a lot of flashes.)
Yesterday when I took the boy to the zoo, I unplugged the phone at about 8:30 in the morning, and the battery lasted until 8 at night when I got back to the house. I had my data connected and AIM, Yahoo Messenger, and MSN signed in and running, and my email accounts (Live, Yahoo, and Gmail) all set to the most frequent retrieval setting. The only time during the day that I was plugged into the car charger was on my way to and from the zoo, which was about a 30 minute drive. In the beginning (21139, 21159, and 21169) I found that IE was causing a major drain on the battery. I haven't noticed it as much since IE was fixed somewhere along the way (21176 I believe.) I tested this theory by putting the IE from 21176 into 21159 Beta 5, and I got better battery life.
Anyway, I just RARed up 21195. the translation is almost complete oother than the 3 files I listed in Post #3. I am off to work on 21198 now and see what we have there. Will post with any updates. As of right now, the list in post #3 is for 21195. If I locate any files I need in 21198, I will make sure you guys can tell which build I am missing which files for in Post #3.
a bit more on exchange 2003:
i enabled verbose logging
obvious things are
User-Agent: MSFT-PPC/5.2.1003 from mr2
User-Agent: MSFT-PPC/5.2.5000 from 21193
MS-ASProtocolVersion: 2.5 from mr2
MS-ASProtocolVersion: 14.0 from 21193
ms-asprotocolversion 14.0?????????
i cant find that in the registry to change back to 2.5 can someone tell me what key its getting that from?
exchange 2003
ok every one that is having the connection problem
well it is simple there are 2 ways to connect and one program needed
first off you have to set up your active sync right
go to active sync and go to the tools drop down menu
go to options in there it gives you the option to add exchange
click on the Microsoft exchange and click on settings
it gives you the access to add your log on credentials
and you will be able to add your information for your server names and ip address
but remember you have to enroll your wm device before doing that
by adding it to the server and also setting the user accounts in Active D
and also needing to make sure you have your wifi set up so you can us wireless sync and you should be good to go and jsut remember if you are testing this on a live server to make sure you back up all contacts and test and e-mails before syncing and or befor you enroll in the domain that way you do no lose any thing the ver of 21193 beta 1.2 i am running has no problems syncing with exchange and is vary stable thanks to the long hrs of work from my self and tplane 37
any more questions send me a pm and i will try and help

[APP] Who's Near Me (Mobile Geo-Proximity Social Networking)

Hello everyone,
We have released a free new Windows Mobile application called Who's Near Me. In a nutshell, this application uses GPS (or cell tower info if no GPS) to determine your location and then displays other users that are nearby you - along with their photo, age, gender, and bio. You can then start an anonymous message conversation with anyone on the list. It uses your data connection only so you are never charged for any text messages.
The application is still considered beta but has already been in closed testing for a few weeks. Most major issues should be resolved at this point. We plan to add it to the Microsoft Marketplace for Mobile as a free application in the next few weeks - at which point we expect the number of active users to increase substantially. A Windows Phone version (with additional functionality) will also be available at the launch of the WP7 platform.
The application is free (100% free, no advertisements even), small, and pretty cool. You can download the latest version of the application from our website as a cab file directly to your phone at The download link is pretty clearly located to the right of the page title. I have also uploaded the current release's cab file to this post. This current release is focused for touch devices and no testing has been done with non-touch phones. Windows Mobile 5.x and 6.x are both supported. The Microsoft .Net Compact Framework 2.0 is required on the device.
Since the application is in beta, your feedback would be greatly appreciated. You can either use the feedback form in the application or post your feedback to this forum post.
Brian P. Hamachek
President & CEO
SynergeTech Solutions
Cool app. If you all can get everyone to adapt and use this program, it could become it's own personal social network giant. Kind of like speed meeting
Who's near me?
Well - I still don't know. Heard about the app from 1800pocketpc. But so far, can't get it going. Downloaded from the dev's website. It says it was installed correctly. Then when I open it it says, "Connecting to service..." and it just goes around and around without ever connecting.
I wonder if it is because I live in a rural area (Boron Ca 93516) without very good cel coverage? Bc I thought I read it works to position you through cel towers.
I have no idea. Wanted to test it. But no luck so far.
Crash after view SynergeTech user profile. Fail to connect to server then.
Using HTC HD2.
started good,chatted a little bit.also notified by answers.
then after a while, I tried to answer again and app crashed. restart didn't work "profile error"
After soft reset my hd2 was very background process to see.restart still failed.
reinstall takes no effect.sometimes it crashes to answer, afterwards profile error.
but the app is young and a great idea.
please add options to switch off/on gps localization and use cell manually.
the footprint/cpu usage is quite high and noticeable on hd 2...
sended also report by app, but crashes afterwards...
keep up good work! thanx
Mine also just stops and get stuck on the Connecting to service... on my touch pro 2.. great concept though.. Cant wait to get a working version.
Same thing here. Gets stuck at the connecting screen. ...On TP
Will be waitin for the app to start working...
Thanks for all of the feedback. As I stated, this application is still a beta release. We have just published a major update though and the issues some of you were having should be resolved at this point. The application is picking up popularity in Europe so it is definitely worth taking a look at if you live there. Here are the changes that this update include:
Substantially redesigned the user interface (see attached screenshots)
Added a settings screen - including filters for narrowing down the nearby people list
Added support for showing distances in either Kilometers or Miles
Added ability to "delete" messages in order to reduce clutter
Fixed local timezone bug on messages list.
Added terms and conditions consent screen.
Fixed geo-locating issues for some locations.
Added auto-update (with a confirmation prompt) feature.
Fixed issue that caused profile to revert to showing age 13
Many, many, many performance/bandwith enhancements
Many, many, many minor cosmetic and usability improvements
Overall, the application is much more usable now. We hope to get it into the Marketplace for Mobile as soon as possible - which is when it should really get intresting.
You can learn more here:
I have attached the latest cab file for the application to this post.
Latest beta still is not working on my Sprint Tp2. I hit agree to terms and conditions page and gets stuck there now. Would like to give this a try..
Check and see if there is a file called "WhosNearMeLog.txt" in your My Documents (or Personal) folder on the device. If an error is occuring during connecting, it should be logged there. Please send me that file and I will diagnose the issue for you and either fix it in our software or let you know how to resolve it on your end. Thanks.
at first: it's an app, which it free and a beta - soo I appreciate your efforts and don't mind in any way if something doesn't work.
just want to say thank you!
now the result if new cab:
it can't connect to service.
I installed it to internal storage and switched on wifi.
but no way to start it.
I saw... you rely on wwe ... and I have german rom. so I didn't found it in startmenü (= start menu) and had yoi start it in /storage card/programme (not programs or program files)
perhaps the .cab lacks the international parameters like %ce1% or %ce11% ?
or inside app is a wwe-path hardcoded?
here's my log:
12.05.10 23:09:32
System.FormatException: FormatException
bei System.Double.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider)
bei SynergeTechSolutions.WhosNearMe.Client.WinMobile.SplashScreen.StartApplication()
bei SynergeTechSolutions.WhosNearMe.Client.WinMobile.SplashScreen.timer1_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Timer._WnProc(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
bei System.Windows.Forms.ApplicationThreadContext._InternalContextMessages(WM wm, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam)
bei Microsoft.AGL.Forms.EVL.EnterMainLoop(IntPtr hwnMain)
bei System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form fm)
bei SynergeTechSolutions.WhosNearMe.Client.WinMobile.Program.Main()
It's working fine on my T-Mobile HD2. Wish there were more people using it though (of course). Nearest person to me is 3000+ miles away...hahaha
Works on Hd2
Just testing it now, works well. Thanks.. Found 28 people and nearest person is 48 miles away
MichelDiamond said:
I saw... you rely on wwe ... and I have german rom. so I didn't found it in startmenü (= start menu) and had yoi start it in /storage card/programme (not programs or program files)
perhaps the .cab lacks the international parameters like %ce1% or %ce11% ?
or inside app is a wwe-path hardcoded?
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I will look into this. The application is currently being used primarily by users located in Germany (due to a popular German website writing about it) and I haven't heard of this problem yet so not sure why it isn't showing in your start menu.
MichelDiamond said:
I installed it to internal storage and switched on wifi.
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Someone else reported that the application would not run when installed on a storage card. They reinstalled in the device's main memory and it worked for them though. The application isn't excessively large (around 1MB) so hopefully this will be a suitable workaround for you. This will be addressed in hopefully the next release though.
TechnoHippie said:
Wish there were more people using it though (of course). Nearest person to me is 3000+ miles away...hahaha
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Obviouslly, this application's value really won't show until a fairly substantial userbase has been established. I am actually fairly encouraged by the number of users that the application has established already though. I was expecting hopefully 50 users would help beta test the application. In reality, the application has had well over 1,500 users try it in just the last 48 hours. Our goal is to add the application to the Microsoft Marketplace for Mobile as a free download once the bugs have been eliminated - hopefully sometime in the next 2 weeks. Hopefully, that exposure will be enough to get the number of users high enough to make the application intresting. Microsoft has also expressed intrest in helping promote the application.
I created a story on Digg about the application. Feel free to Digg it at If it gets enough Diggs, that would really help to get the word out there about it as well.
SynergeTechSolutions said:
Check and see if there is a file called "WhosNearMeLog.txt" in your My Documents (or Personal) folder on the device. If an error is occuring during connecting, it should be logged there. Please send me that file and I will diagnose the issue for you and either fix it in our software or let you know how to resolve it on your end. Thanks.
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I have tried installing to sd and main memory with no luck. I get past the connecting to service page, but after i hit agree on the terms and conditions page it just gets stuck there. I dont have "WhosNearMeLog.txt" anywhere on the device.
Thanks again for your ongoing support.
Does your culture's number formatting conventions use a comma before the decimals? For example: 1,20 rather than 1.20
Well, that is what beta tests are for, right?
Jdignazio, please let me know if this updated version works for you.
Version 0.4 BETA (Released on 5/13/2010)
- Fixed issue that prevented connection from devices set to a locale that uses a comma before decimal digits (Example: 4,77 rather than 4.77)
- Redesigned profile picture selection screen and also added functionality to use phone's camera to take a new photo for usage as the profile photo
- Fixed issue where deleted message conversations would return upon the next launch of the application​
Still no go on a HTC TP2 on Sprint. Retried installing the new version in main memory.
Some suggestions:
Please add a version number to the name of the file.
Please add autocheck.autoupdate feature in the program once it is run.
thanks and keep up the good work.
Who's near me APP
Tried it seems to be working pretty good here in Seattle. No one even remotely close to me and plus they all dudes.....bummer
seems to work fine for me, installed and running from the storage card on my HD2. using vodaphone as a supplier.
nearest person is 33 miles away from me, and i live in hemel hempstead in the UK.

