Battery life and SD card - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Am I looking at less battery life if I keep SD card in my PPC?

Battery management is much improved under WM2003, so if you
haven't already you might should think about upgrading.

Since installing my 256mb MMC card I've noticed a definate decrease in battery life while reading 90mb MP3's from the card (as opposed to reading 30mb highly compressed mono .ogg's from system ram).

Oh yea I forgot to mention that one way to increase your battery life is to turn off "Receive all incoming beams" under Settings, Beam. :lol:


32 MB / 64 MB battery life

Am I right in noticing that the batteries of the 64 MB xda model are depleted quicker than the 32 mb model
And is there any other diffrence of the models besides battery-life ?
The difference is unnoticable
I'm sure it's just me, but I think I get better battery life with my 64mb than I did with the 32. Battery Pack (3rd party app) now tells me to expect 3hr 10mins from a charge, whereas on the 32mb xda it used to average around 2hr 50mins.
I seem to remember seeing somewhere that the service pack release for PPCPE (which comes with recent ROM updates) had some coding to enhance battery life. Maybe I just conditioned the battery better.
adesalis said:
... 64mb ... 3hr 10mins ... 32mb ... 2hr 50mins.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My 32MB Qtek gives me 10hr 46mins newly charged. Your device has to be seriously messed up.
So it said in the manual... Battery Pack's battery remaining time indicator 'learns' how you use your battery and adjusts the time accordingly.
I make phone calls and listen to WMP a lot - I suppose they both give the battery a serious caning.
I don't really believe the display anyway!
What do you do with yours?
Sorry, that last post was me, not logged in!
I use Spb GPRS monitor which displays remaining time depending on the load and usage of GSM. It displays 6:39 when fully charged which is correct IF
1) I connect to GPRS and use it (30kbit average all the time)
2) Have backlight on
3) Have MP3 playing
and it is absolutely correct (with a 20 minute reserve at the end)

Battery I need a High Capacity Battery

Ok so I just ordered a 4gb Micro SD card for my phone. Which means Movies and MP3's are going to get played almost constantly on my phone. I am getting really poor battery life with my phone, full charge only nets me about 4hrs of heavy use, and 8-12 if I don't do anything but send and receive calls/emails.
I would like some recommendations on high cap battery's for the Hermes phones. My specific phone is an HTC TYTN. I currently have the 1350mAh battery in it. (3.7vdc 1350mAh)
Are there even HC (high capacity) batteries that will work with the phone without having to change the back plate.
My network just did a major upgrade and rolled out HSPDA / UMTS which I thought would be great, but ever since they did, I seem to be going through batts twice as fast. I have just upgraded to the latest radio from AT&T v1.54 however have not had enough time to test it.
Any help with battery choices would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
no other options but to get a physically larger battery as of now. try other powers saving features like turning down screen briteness or going into flight mode.
Well I found an Ebay seller that is selling a 3000mAh battery with replacement back panel for 16.99 and they just happen to be a 10min drive from me. I have been using various power saving features of the phone to try and save battery power, IE setting it to go to sleep mode after only 60 seconds of non use as well as trying to keep the phone in "locked" mode as much as possible so that no app gets loaded accidentally.
Can anyone comment on how much of an improvement I will see with a 3000mAh battery over the stock 1350mAh version. The 3000 is considerably thicker and I imagine much heaver as well.
Here is the link to the battery I bought.

[Q] Micro SD card power consumption

I still have about 2 GB of internal storage free but I also have some spare micro SD cards and I wonder if installing one can hurt my battery life. Google revealed that the card may drain like 1 mA continuously when idling. This means that the card alone will drain 1500 mA/h battery in about 2 months which is quite Ok and you should not probably care about that. Is this true, or having the card installed may visibly affect the battery life? Thanks.
I installed a 8GB card on my photon and I can't see any difference on my battery life due to having it.
All my pictures/videos go to that one

[Q] Nook tablet 16Gb low performance

I have a rooted Nook Tablet 16 Gb with CM 10.2.1 and I have serious performance issues.
The speed is very low and apps frequently crash, the SD card (Sandisk) can be mounted but after a while is corrupted (I can reformat it and it looks healthy on PC scan, remounted but again after a while is corrupted), the battery life is very low and when reaching ~30% it shuts down.
I am surprised to see that many users are very happy with the Nook performance, this means that my sample has a problem.
What can I do to improve it? I flashed it and formatted everything several times without success, the same low speed right after a fresh install.
Is it possible that a bad battery affects also the overall performance? Can I check somehow if I have any other hardware error?
I don't know if I should buy a replacement battery or buy a new tablet.
Thank you.
LE: I checked again and in fact the current ROM is CM11 M12, which seems more stable than 10.2.1, but still slow.

Galaxy Tab S3, over half of memory RAM unavailable?

Hello everyone. I've noticed that of my 4gb RAM only 1,7gb seems available. I'm no expert to how Android system works, so is this normal? Thanks for any answers!
It may sound excessive but it's on a par with what my tablet usually displays.
I wouldn't worry about it to be honest. Memory is there to be used. And by the nature of memory it gets reallocated as needed. This is what makes it less of a worry than high storage use, or low battery.
I would be looking for actual defects eg. if the tasks I wanted, were not running properly, before worrying about memory

