Where to get useful Files for Pocket PC? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I have scoured the entire web for free useful programs like EzWap 2.5 and Caller2Picture but to no avail. It seems like nothing comes for free nowadays...


PIE and bank sites

Does anyone know how to view bank sites, I have tried neally everything from "ThunderHawk" which is the only one that works but you have to pay yearly subsciption. It just seems stupid that we pay so much for a ppc phone and we get such basic programs, eg: word, PIE. The processors in a PPC now are bigger than an older laptop that can run anything you want currently on the market neally so what the F##K is Microsoft doing. They bring out PPC 2003 and sure it runs faster but it has PIE on it that you can't even do everday banking on.
Any one know of a tweak or program that will allow me to access NetBank Australia. :?:
Try Netfront
It works for me........
There's also a registry tweak which I can't remember right now. That will fool the pocket explorer into reporting it's a different version when connecting to a web site which would probably allow you to view the bank site.
If I remember correctly, the error message you get says you need a newer version of PIE. There is a freeware program called RegKing that includes a simple menu of registry tweaks, one of which fools websites into thinking PIE is version 5, which should be high enough to get on their sites.
Here's a link:
RegKing is the brainchild of Chris De Herrera and Terence "Dr. CE" Goggin.
Still no luck with PIE
I can log into NETBANKS website and enter my ID and password and then it goes onto the site OK but when I am on the site I can't click on anything, eg. To "transfer Money", "exit NetBank" or click on the account number to view transactions.
When I click on anything I get a popup that reads "Microsoft JScript runtime error. Line: 126 Character: 2 Error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment."
Any help ME. :?:
I have tried the tweak to internet Explorer 5.0, didn't make any difference, I have tried ToggleIE, doesn't work either.
I to do internet banking at home, or on the works pc...
Like many of you others out there I look forward to this flaw and many others being fixed on the pocket pc. ANy help developers?
It looks like this is something more than a quick fix...
Why dont you complain to your bank.
It all depend on whether the particular bank even bother to cater for handhelds.
Ive found wm2003 able to access more sites including bank sites.
Come on now, complain to the bank, how many thousand customers and I ring up and say I want to use NetBank with my PPC and I expect them to redo there million dollar web site, don't think so...... But I will take your advise and try.
What I am getting at is there is a way to do it as "ThunderHawk" software works, so there is software that can go on the PPC that will work with bank sites, they have made a browser that is nearlly or if not the same as internet explorer on your computer. But they are to expensive and an on going cost. There are programs like NETFRONT 3.0 which have so much more than PIE but still have not gone all the way, why bother if you are going to stop short. Why can't microsoft just make a proper PIE, as I said before, its not as if theres not enough hardrive space or processor speed. Why half hearted products. This is the main problem with PPC, the gap between a PPC and a normal computer is to big. I wanted to print invoices out on the job, so I copied my invoice from word in my computer to the PPC and wala, Its now F##ked it looks nothing like the PC one and its so hard to edit the margins on PPC. I should really stop going on, its Microsoft what more could I expect........ :evil: :evil: :evil:

Are there any freeware browsers that handle a proxy

Are there any freeware browsers that handle proxy's like NetFront?
I am in the process of upgrading from PPC 2002 and just can't justify spending any more money on software for the old version.
I'd rather keep changing my connection settings.
But it would be nice if there was a freeware browser that let me set a proxy, so I can continue using my t-mobile free internet until the upgrade.
Thanks in advance.
(sorry for the cross post, I posted it in the wrong forum first)
I thought proxy was set up under settings/connections rather than in the browser....or are you referring to something else. Have you tried ftxpbrowser, it is in the rom kitchen and can be included in the rom to be burned. I looked on the web and searched ftxpbrowser and saw that there are different version for 2000, 2002 and wm2003, it was a free program, you will need to check if this is still the case.
No need to double post a question, lots of people on the board without duplicating.
Yeah, but then the email is messed up.

Opera mobile: Oom :-( help plz!!

Hey guys,
I'm a noob because I have just joined and not an experienced Sprint Mogul or Titan user/ developer so please go easy on me (explain in detail) and excuse any "duuh questions" that I might have. I have a Sprint Mogul/ Titan PPC and had downloaded (is currently removed) Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta Explorer. I was very impressed with its easy-to-use interface and its wicked full page/ desktop view on websites. I deleted it thoroughly because it kept saying OUT OF MEMORY. That really pissed me off because I deleted just about everything necessary and kept saying that and even when I went to Task Manager to turn off the process it still said it! It messed everything up and I would be glad to get some help. I looked around at forums and it talked about making "New ROM directories thingees and making new Kitchens, etc." If you can, please explain what the heck that is and what I should do to get Opera Mobile up and running flawlessly. It also said things about making everything run smoother with no lag so that's interesting.Thank you so much! Please be kind with the comments, suggestions, advice, etc.
Also, I have Manilla2D (still working on errors and need help with that too) installed along with S2U2 IphoneLock.
I've given up on opera 9.5 till I see someone with this phone have success with it. I'm assuming you installed one of the versions that has no uninstall? A trick I used in the past was to install v8.65, let it over write the 9.5 files, then uninstall it. You might want to check out Skyfire and Opera Mini. Personally, I use Opera Mini for general browsing because it's fast and formats well along with Opera 8.65 when I need to download something. Skyfire shows promise with flash support, but it's beta, the d/l ability is poor, it sometimes hangs and is slower than mini. I've played with Manilla and SPB Mobile Shell, but I'm currently having fun with ThrottleLauncher. It's way more configurable than Manilla, a little lighter on the memory than Manilla and way lighter than Mobile Shell and with Gsmart skin, very powerful. It does take quite a bit of tweaking to get it just right though.
A ROM kitchen is a software suite used to create a custom ROM for the phone. This allows you to add the features you want and avoid some of the junk that Sprint/Verizon/Altell/HTC add. The WIKI explains things well. Don't forget to look at the "stickies" at the top of this page too.

What Manila, Titanium, etc...

Ok, I've tried searching the forums to see what these are but I can't find the explanations. So, what is Manila, Titanium, Rhodium, PagePool? If there is a site with this info i'd appreciate it. Since I highly doubt Sprint will release Windows 6.5 for the Touch Pro (I hope they do though), I'm seriously thinking about flashing a custom ROM but before I do, I'm trying to do as much research as possible. Any and all help is appreciated.
any one??????
I am not an expert so maybe someone can give you a more detail explanations but here is what I know...
Manila is TouchFlo3D, it is a Tab based system that basically masks Windows Mobile. You can turn it off and use just windows mobile if you prefer.
Rhodium is TouchFlo3D2, it is similar just has a few enhancements. A couple additional tabs and a few extra features...Five day forecast, search internet, calendar...
Titanium is something developed by windows that is similar in function to TF3D but looks completely different. It allows you to operate your phone with your thumb, for the most part. I believe this only comes with WM6.5, not sure tho.
PagePool...I have no idea, never heard of it.
Thank You Gators, that cleared up lot of my confusion. Does anyone know detailed differences between them, and what is pagepool?
Pagepool I believe is an amount of the devices RAM that's set aside at boot for the pagefile (swap file) only. Usually I'm seeing 16-24MB for these lately, which really makes the phone fast, at the expense of having a few less programs open before it runs out of memory.

[Q] Best FTP Server for Android ???

Hey guys, I am looking for a simple but good and secure FTP Server for Android. If possible also something that includes a possibility of DynDNS and on top of that, maybe even free and not something that must be "Upgraded" as a payed app to get these features. If there is nothing free that can do all that, what would be the next thing that costs a bit but still is not that expensive considering its only for occasional use.
Any help is appreciated.

