hard resetting - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Okay, so now I've played around with my XDA for quite some time, tried a lot of software and collected quite some data.
All this playing and trying led to lots of scrap files and remainders of different soft on my device, and I feel it gets a bit clogged and unstable now (after a year or so). As I have lost the orientation on what files belong to what software I feel it's time for a hard reset and clean reinstall of the software I found useful.
I was careful and most of my data is on SD anyway.
I also saved the my connection and contacts to flash memory.
I got all my third party software on a CD I can use to reinstall from my PC.
Then I ran the SD backup app that comes with the XDA.
It claims it stores all files of the file system on the SD card, and on request restores them all to thier original position, which in fact is not what I want: That'd only bring me back to a point I was at before. I only want to restore the files I really need.
I want to clear the whole device, but do not want to loose my contacts, my inbox and my connection settings. The manual (I only got the german translated manual, which is a poor job in some places) does not exactly say what data will be erased on a hard reset, and which will be unaffected, so I'm a bit scared to do the step right now.
Are there any specific files I could/should keep a copy of before hard resetting the device?
Thanks for your assistance,

If you have selected "pemanent save", for your contacts etc, they will not be lost by a hard reset, you can also backup connection settings to flash. I think you will need to backup your emails/messages using sync or another method.

guess what happened.
I selected permanent save, but after hard resetting there was nothing restored. That's quite bad because syncing was one of the features that became unstable the last days (always failed after half done) so I could not save my contacts this way. They were about 300. ;-(
Just now I try what comes back fro SD backup.

make sure you have the latest activesync 3.71

... at least now active sync is working again, so I got at least most of my contacts back onto the device, only the recently added/changed were lost.
The permanent save option has a bad HMI-bug: You are allowed go to the PIM tag, select what you want to do, then go to the connection tag and start the whole thing by hitting the save button, but then your contacts will not be stored, even if you believe they will because a pop up makes you think everything's allright: Instead you'll have to quit permanent save by tapping OK after you checked the boxes on the PIM tag, then open permanent save again and go to the connection tag to save the settings.
I should have known: It's Microsoft, and they love such HMI oddities...
Why can't we have MacOS on the XDA ... [sigh...] :roll:

Have you clicked on permanent save again after doing the hard reset, I had to do that as my contacts didnt come back until I did.

No, I didn't dare to: I thought maybe the second time the empty contacts or something else would get written to flash memory overwriting what ever might still be there ...

i think u have to click permanant save/ RESTORE after the hard reset!
becarful not to save after hard reset, that will save blank entries ontop of the old entries!

Hi, sorry for budging in.
Whenever I want to do a hard reset, I always save it in SD card. After
that I removed my Sd card before I do the hard reset. Once its is done,
I just have to set the GMT time and restore from SD card and thats all
I have to do. Everything including contacts, connections are in order.
By the way I do the hard reset once month so that I can have a stable

ntabikha said:
i think u have to click permanant save/ RESTORE after the hard reset!
becarful not to save after hard reset, that will save blank entries ontop of the old entries!
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Hmmm. yes, of cause I tapped permanent save/Restore after the hard reset. (With no result) What is going to happen if I do it time and again?
I'm afraid the german translation of the text in the screen is misleading. In "Permanent Save" there is one "PIM" page that has two checkboxes (one for Contacts, one for Calendar) and the text says "check the boxes and 1. contacts will be stored to flash and 2. calendar will be stored to flash". Nothing else.
Then there is a "Connections" tag that brings up a page that has two buttons (Save to flash and restore from flash) and a text that says "tap save to save connections and restore to restore connections" in short.
So I understood page 1 is for contacts and calendar data to be saved when boxes are checked and I tap OK, while page 2 is for the connection settings to be saved. Is that true?
Or is it true that I'll have to check the boxes on page one, then go to the second page and choose whether I want to save or restore them? (But why is the second page titled "Connections" then?)
This does neither come clear from the text on screen nor from the manual which basically tells me the same with the same words. The translation is awful. (Hope my english is better than MS's german ... )

aao588 said:
By the way I do the hard reset once month so that I can have a stable
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How often do you guys in general perform a hard reset*?
I did my first one after a year of permanent uninterrupted use, but reading this forum I get suspicion that others do it on a regular base?
So what's this forum's users experience and recommendation?
* Except from now beeing able to delete a formerly undeleteable file, I do not see any effects on stability the hard reset had.


Data lost because battery went flat ?!!!

I left my XDA on my bed side table for about a week as I'd forgotten my charger. As expected it lost all power - what I did NOT expect is that when I did eventually plug it in to charge EVERYTHING had gone. All contacts, messages, installed software.
In fact it was as if it was brand new - asking me to realign my touch screen and do that stupid Cut/paste tutorial.
Sounds like a hard reset was done....but because it ran out of power?!
Any comments appreciated.
...it'll happen, one thing you should always do is keep a backup by using wither the built-in backup utility or purchasing Sprite Pocket Backup so that you can quickly recover from a hard reset.
Sprite Pocket Backup is my number one backup application for its simple ability to back up your entire device's data and applications into a .exe file which you can use after a hard reset - it doesn't even require a reinstallation of Pocket Backup! Just imagine how handy it is when you're on the road away from the PC you sync to - invaluable!
If you go to settings....system........permanent save...you will see the option to save all contacts and also connection settings in nvram, then if it happens again you can get them back.


Does anybody knows why is this?
1. After a hard reset I want to restore my backup data with active sync but a lot of things don't want to restore because they are running. I deleted all the files from the \Windows\StartUp I unchecked everything from the New&Today&Start menus. After these I made a reset, and tried to restore my backups, but I realised the same thing than before.
Why is that? And how can I make a full backup, and then how can I restore this full backup with my XDA2 with 1_60ROM.
2. Another interesting things with the synchronise. After the restore I wanted to synchronise my contacts&appointments&tasks but for example if the elements of the contacts is the same in the PC and in the XDA2 active sync says double unsynchronised elements than in the PC or the XDA2. And these are the same with appointments and tasks too.
In the options menu of active sync I checked the 'Leave the item unresolved' if there's a conflict.
(If I check another option there is the same thing happens)
3. A lot of times my activesync disconnects but my XDA2 is in the cradle. Why is that? The best thing was when I started to upgrade my phone to 1_60 and the first second of upgrading Dear Activesync disconnected and my XDA was unuseless. Just a SDcard-upgrade helped.
One of you is an ActiveSync-Magician? :lol:
If yes, please write here for us your experience.
I'm the only one with this frustration?
Everybody can do everything allright with the active sync?
How lucky you are
I have all the same problems trying to use acytivesync backup, So i dont use it anymore, i use the inbuilt backup program on the XDA-2 this restores fine (normally just 1 file complains) but dose not seem to make any differance, Then using activesync it says it needs to sync double the contacts, taks, notes, etc etc despite it not needing to do this as they are already there, so i sync a few times and then its all back to normal.
The idea of not using activesync to backup is fine, but do other people have the same problem with duplicated contacts, tasks, etc etc
File 'in-use' conflicts are par for the course with activesync backup, as there's no real 'restore mode' on the PocketPC. However removing everything from statup and soft-rebooting usually works for me - although there are still a fair few files in use, these are usually system dlls rather than data files, and can be skipped.
As for duplicate contacts and appointments, do you get the 'replace all items on my device' option? This works fine for me.
Are you using ActiveSync 3.7.1?
Yeah, I'm using the latest (3.7.1) active sync.
My problem is I don't want to use the synchronization as 'replace all items on my device', because the source database is on my phone. Every new contact or data get in my XDA. That's why I need rather the 'replace all items on the desktop' but when I sign it, my phone gets the other half of the double items.
You said, that removing everything from statup and soft-rebooting usually works for you - although there are still a fair few files in use, these are usually system dlls rather than data files, and can be skipped.
In my practice it doesn't happen. Active sync says in the restore mode that something are using the contact, task, appointement...ect databases, not just .dll files. And after it I can't restore my databases in any case.
Yes, your method would be ok, but I had more than 5 times that all datas from my SD-card were gone. So, I'm afraid to store my datas on my card. One of my faithful deleting was happening when I was using the XDAbackup. If something wrong during your SD-backup, the XDAbackup tool makes your card unuseless. SO, be careful! Your battery has to be full, your radio has to be off....etc.
(If somebody has the the situation with SD seems empty, maybe your datas repairable with some of the system tools on the PC or Norton Utilities)
My problem is I don't want to use the synchronization as 'replace all items on my device', because the source database is on my phone
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Yeah, I guess that is your problem. Activesync really only supports a full backup of the device to the PC, with a restore replacing all data on the device. I presume when you're trying to restore your applications and settings, yet keep all your contacts on the device, the contacts etc databases are not being closed correctly.
Thinking about it logically, have you tried doing a sync with your device so that new contacts etc are in outlook; setting preferences to replace device data with PC data; doing a restore, replacing all device data; then doing another synch so that the new contacts are moved back from outlook to the device? Once this is done, you can set the synch mode back to replace items on the PC with items on the device.
Failing all that, you're probably going to be best off with a third party backup product that allows more fine grained control of what is restored to where.
I'm not sure that I undarstand correctly what you wrote - maybe 'cause I'm hungarian -, but I did your suggestion, and it failed.
Do you know any other PC-XDA backup utility than ActiveSync?
I'm sure it's just my rather confusing sytax: your command of English is very good - I didn't realise you were a non native speaker.
Perhaps the confusion is arising from my understanding of the situation - correct me if I'm wrong here:
- Your activesync is working normally (with the occasional connection glitch, but we all get these). You have the desktop conflict settings set to "Always replace the item on this computer", because you use the XDA as the main entry point for new items.
- You can do a full backup no problem
- When you come to restore the backup, after a hard reset of the device or total power-down, there are problems replacing items on the device becuase the files are considered in use.
- After the backup, on the first synch, all contacts and appointments are duplicated.
So my suggestion was to:
- Synch as normal, so that everything is correct on your PC
- change the conflic resolution to "Always replace the item on my device"
- Un-cradle, remove startup links, soft-reset, re-cradle.
- Do the restore
- Un-cradle, soft-reset, re-cradle
- Synch again, so that everything is correct on the XDA
- change the conflict resolution back to "Always replace the item on this computer" so that new items are taken from the XDA.
If all else fails, I've heard good things about Sprite backup:
I wrote minimum three chapters like a novel and after that the explorer freezed, that's why I don't wanna write it again.
The point is: not exactly the problem you understood, but I don't care now. Tahnx the answer and I'm waiting for the new AS update.

What is a hard reset?

The GPS on my Rose has never worked and now I have some other strange issues with the phone (cant read or write sms, some pages wont load in explorer etc) - so I thought I'd try a hard reset. Before I do that, however, I would like to know what that implies exactly. Will the phone go back to factory settings? Will all my messages, files and documents be deleted? If so, what is the simplest way to back up, so that I can just restore everything after the hard reset?
Can I take out the memory card before a hard reset and then put it back after, so that I can keep everything that is on there?
Thanks a lot!
Hard reset will return your phone to a factory state, i.e. the state when you first got your phone - your messages, files, settings, contacts..etc WILL BE GONE.
You can leave your memory card in the phone, it wouldn't be affected by the hard reset.
There is no direct way of restoring everything.
However you can use this application: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=299705, to back up your messages, contacts, etc. You can even store the backup file on the memory card.
Ok, great, I already have that program. I'm gonna give the hard reset a shot, even though I have warranty left and could as well turn it back to the store I suppose (maybe even get a new one?).
Thank you!
If you were to take it to the store, the first thing they would do is a hard reset anyway. Better to save yourself some time doing it yourself. If you still have problems then take it back.

[Q] My phone just did a hard reset and I need help

Hi everyone,
This is my first time posting.
I am a complete novice to this, and I'm looking for help. It this question has already been answered, then can you please point me in the right direction, cause I've had a look, and I can't see this issue anywhere.
I've had my HD2 since January, and it's been fine, till now. I tried to install an apparently "fixed" Swype specifically for the Telstra version of the HD2 found at , cause I really wanted to install it, but it never worked, however that's not my issue.
There must have been a virus or something on it, becuase all it did was successfully put my phone back in the stone age. I've lost all of my email sync, the contacts, settings, photos, and the biggest issue which I would like help with, my phone can't find the SD card any more...
Has anyone heard of this problem before? And if so, how can I get it to work?
It's not like the problems in the thread "SD card NOT reading" in the HD2 General page, it's that the phone does not recognise the SD slot any more... It's just vanished. I'm trying to search for it by going to file explorer, then tapping on the top left corner where it used to say "My Devide" and gave me the option of "external storage" or something like that...
If you need more information about ROM versions etc., please let me know how to get to it, and I'll let you know.
1. sign up for microsoft myphone
it will backup daily all contacts, sms, pictures, documents, etc.
It is free
2. At this point, you are just going to have to start over. If you don't hard reset often (I usually do twice a week flashing), then you might want to look into a backup program. Backup once a week then you won't lose everything if this happens again:
Both of these are good programs.
Cheers for that. I'll definately be doing that from now on, however it doesn't really help me with getting the SD card recognised again...
Looks like Your phone is connected to your computer as disk-drive (or "locked" in that position)
Look in your system settings (windows key, options, more) Connetcion > USB to PC.
Which option id selected? (Activesync, Disk Drive or Internet sharing)

[Q] How to secure the phone in case of loss/theft // My experience with remote-wiping

Quick Question regarding remote wipes and overall security of the phone's data in case of a loss/theft
Background story:
On New Year's Eve my good friend's iPhone 5S got stolen out of his pocket in a crowded club.
So I lent him my phone and we logged into iCloud using the Chrome Browser and triggered the wipe of the iPhone.
I offered him to call the credit card company and such if he had delicate data stored on the phone. But he refused...he trusts Apple's iCloud wipe routine and said he tested it at home and the phone was completely empty after that.
And he was surprisingly calm during the whole situation.
Okay he pays for insurance that covers a stolen phone, but I would have totally freaked out about my data...account logins, stored files and pictures, evernote notes, dropbox files etc.
My experience with the Android remote wipe:
Last evening I wanted to give it a try on my Android phone. So I pulled all the data that was on my phone and performed a nandroid-Backup of the system-files within TWRP and backed up my apps and data using TitaniumBackup.
And then I tried the Android Device Manager, which I had activated since it got released somewhen 2013, but never really tested more than the "localize" and "ring phone" functions.
Just yesterday I noticed the new "lock screen" function. Which is great, but I have always been using pattern locks anyway (triggered by Tasker, if my Wifi is not near). It's still nice to have and works like a charm (if the phone is connected to the internet).
So in addition I ordered my phone to get wiped. And it did what it said...it booted into Recovery and performed a factory reset / full-wipe.
But still all the data on the virtual sdcard was accessible after entering the SIM's pin code (I assume switching SIMs wouldn't change that) and setting up a new user profile. I know that it displays a warning that sdcards might not be wiped, during the process, but I thought this was referring to additional physical "microSD" storage. How wrong I was.
So all my pictures and stored files were fully accessible from the new user account.
If you store your unencrypted TitaniumBackup files on there the thief could easily restore them.
So encrypt them!
I was a bit shocked, to be honest.
And especially the fact that someone can access my phone's files without even knowing the lockscreen pattern/pin by simply booting into recovery bugs me.
Does encrypting the phone help in this situation?
Are there any drawbacks? I guess the speed and overall performance will decrease?
How can I protect the Recovery (I've got a HTC ONE, which is S-OFF'd and the bootloader unlocked via htcdev.com)?
Should I reflash the stock-recovery after flashing a CustomROM to at least make the thief require to reinstall the custom-recovery?
What other ways are there to protect the phone's data?
I don't let ADB turned on. (But this doesn't affect getting into recovery by rebooting.)
I don't keep nandroid/TitaniumBackup Backups on the phone. I pull them immediately onto a local computer after creation and delete them on the phone.
...what else?
To me booting the phone into recovery, hooking it up to any computer and using ADB to pull the sdcard's files is the most concerning security loop-hole. What am I saying...it's a shining and welcoming entrance with neon-signs all around it like a casino.
And exactly this is what taking my phone with me feels like, after the experience described above: GAMBLING...
Thanks in advance!
Every hint is very welcome
PS: If you want to try the wipe with the Android device manger yourself, be prepared that restoring the nandroid-Backup won't be possible! After a short while the phone will reboot itself and get wiped again.
The only way to restore the phone's former state was to restore the apps backups using TitaniumBackup in my case. Unfortunately some settings won't get restored, so I had to reenter all my mail accounts.
Just be prepared that it takes some time
PPS: I already posted this in the thread of the ROM I am currently using. Obviously no one didn't care over there So I thought the question might be to broad and ROM-unrelated. Hence the repost here. :angel:
No one? :angel:

