any one know how to? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I would like to ask
How to disable the Protection of Extenede Rom of XdaII?
Now it is protected, just allow to read, but can't either delete or write.
Please help!

Not to be rude or anything, but don't you think cross-posting this in 5 different forums is a bit inconsiderate? I don't think I'm the only one that utilizes the "New Posts" feature every time I come here, and you'll get a lot more attention to a post with one well-thought out question than 5 copies.
It isn't unheard of to have entire communities ignore cross-posters, as a sort of unwritten rule.
That being said,
I don't know how you'd go about unprotecting the ROM. I haven't tried to modify mine, but perhaps its a registry key that needs to be changed.

Thanks for your reply!
And I would like to say Sorry about the cross posts as I can't identify which category this question belongs to.


All problems(ADMIN AND XDA RELATED) faced by users concerning xda to be reported here

Hello fellow members.
As a mod to this Forum, i have opened this thread to address issues faced by the users related to this sub-forum. No problems related to the device will be entertained in this thread.
all users are requested to put forward their issues in this thread and i shall look into it and do the best to put away with ne such issues.
Currently I am going through each and every post of the android development sub-sub-forum..
i think i have to delete many posts and clean up a lot of the threads.
i'll do that as soon as i m over with going through the forum..
cvchetan said:
Currently I am going through each and every post of the android development sub-sub-forum..
i think i have to delete many posts and clean up a lot of the threads.
i'll do that as soon as i m over with going through the forum..
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Hi cvchetan,
to my opinion this is a not needed Sisyphean task.
You'd have to clean thousands of useless posts and flame wars.
The main Problem is, that there are lots of users that start threads again and again without using the forums search.
And: Some People cross post in wrong threads so that the threads go off topic very soon.
Also flaming and swearing against some people is a main problem.
(That's why most X10-Root-Devs gone private).
I'd say: from now, keeping the eyes open and moderate here and there, as you began recently, would be enough to keep this Kindergarten under control...
McKebapp said:
Hi cvchetan,
to my opinion this is a not needed Sisyphean task.
You'd have to clean thousands of useless posts and flame wars.
The main Problem is, that there are lots of users that start threads again and again without using the forums search.
And: Some People cross post in wrong threads so that the threads go off topic very soon.
Also flaming and swearing against some people is a main problem.
(That's why most X10-Root-Devs gone private).
I'd say: from now, keeping the eyes open and moderate here and there, as you began recently, would be enough to keep this Kindergarten under control...
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wel that is indeed a good idea...
but then we need to remove unwanted posts and threads so tht the threads become useful to any new members or visitors as they do not have to read through all unwanted data..
cvchetan said:
wel that is indeed a good idea...
but then we need to remove unwanted posts and threads so tht the threads become useful to any new members or visitors as they do not have to read through all unwanted data..
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What about just making the most useful one sticky, clean the waste out of them and close them?
So this ones would be the reference.
Within first post could a link to a discussion thread.
This behavior works very well over at .
My Idea: put all good guides into an own sub category "Guides".
These Guides should be closed. If there are any increments, these Posts / Threads could be opened for a short period of time.
They can be edited by the thread starter / poster anyways.
Then there should be a second sub category "Discussion on Guides", where common users can ask everything, regarding the posts.
I have a suggestion for a new sub-forum. Something along the lines of "X10 Café" where the discussions could be informal for more general ramblings about the X10. I hesitate to call it off-topic since the topic would be the X10. Think of it like a free-for-all with general decency rules, no flaming, no personal attacks but an otherwise open place where we can air grievances or just toss around ideas.
That way general can be more about news, events and so on while the speculation and what have you goes on in the Café. It would make keeping up with the forum a lot easier since it should be a place that you don't really "have" to read.
well i like both the ideas..
lemme consult with my fellow mods for futher actions..
Maybe you can stick a link to the Wiki X10 Page and edit this Wiki page to add links to useful posts in the forum ?
imo this forums needs some temp/permanent banning, plain and simple. I read threads here every day since I have the x10, and I have to agree with many people here, some users just don't understand patience, don't understand how to use the search options and then they have to cry out loud for something they want now but they cannot provide any help so they keep posting useless replies in every 'used to be' useful threads.
The 'Café' kind of forum is a nice idea too, to me it sounds a lot like the general discussion forum but still, the mods should do anything to keep the good discussions going.
Going back to the dark lurking around, WAITING for the good stuff without acting like a 12yo, and I'll give some money for the hard work, whatever i can give, until then keep up the good work guys
I started reading on XDA since 2 weeks when I bought my first droid phone (the X10 obviously ). This is my first post though because for every question I had i was able to find the answer in the forums.
The real PITA was when I started reading the rooting and custom rom dev threads where seriously 80% of the posters are either off topic, flaming or simply asking questions that already have been asked AND answered earlier.
As previous poster said I wouldn't mind that mods would apply temp bans to flamers and off topic poster or even perm bans when people continue to do so.
I did read in another x10 subforum that there was a X10 mod appointed (dunno if there are more than one), but unfortunately haven't seen much of that person specifically on those rooting and rom dev threads where they would have been most wanted.
It is nice to see that you are now taking the time to get something constructive going on. Regarding current topics it probably will be too much effort cleaning those up so it might be better to simply close those topics, start new ones and apply some stricter modding on those (including the temp/perm bans).
I sure would love to see the x10 devs coming back to these forums to discuss there progress on the X10 rooting for example, but they won't unless something is really done against these unnecesarry flaming/off topic/unnecesarry questions posts.
PS as soon as I have something in my paypal account again I will donate something towards this forum for the good work you guys are doing
we are too many, so dont blame anybody... things are like they're
FRiKiNFRoG said:
imo this forums needs some temp/permanent banning, plain and simple. I read threads here every day since I have the x10, and I have to agree with many people here, some users just don't understand patience, don't understand how to use the search options and then they have to cry out loud for something they want now but they cannot provide any help so they keep posting useless replies in every 'used to be' useful threads.
The 'Café' kind of forum is a nice idea too, to me it sounds a lot like the general discussion forum but still, the mods should do anything to keep the good discussions going.
Going back to the dark lurking around, WAITING for the good stuff without acting like a 12yo, and I'll give some money for the hard work, whatever i can give, until then keep up the good work guys
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+1 here also i feel that you are talking about me
guys.. what i see here is that you people are posting suggestions rather than problems.
regarding feelings abt hoss_n2, this is what i analysed.
Hoss_n2 seems to be clean at heart and intentions but the wording he uses are kinda direct and might make sumone feel he is demanding. but guys as long as intentions are not wrong no need to attack him..
more over by pointing out that hoss_n2 is doing this, this and bla bla you people too are flaming and remember these forum rules apply to you aswell..
so please keep your calm and help people rather than critisize them.
on the rooting forum i will be deleting all the posts not related to rooting..
cvchetan said:
guys.. what i see here is that you people are posting suggestions rather than problems.
regarding feelings abt hoss_n2, this is what i analysed.
Hoss_n2 seems to be clean at heart and intentions but the wording he uses are kinda direct and might make sumone feel he is demanding. but guys as long as intentions are not wrong no need to attack him..
more over by pointing out that hoss_n2 is doing this, this and bla bla you people too are flaming and remember these forum rules apply to you aswell..
so please keep your calm and help people rather than critisize them.
on the rooting forum i will be deleting all the posts not related to rooting..
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thanks allot you are the only one here that understands me right . may be i cannot say what i really mean with writing as english is not my main language , but they don't give me any chance . sorry for going out of topic but i wanted to illustrate my point . good luck cleaning
I'm not pointing at anyone in particular as I only read threads and rarely look at who posted. My point wasn't to accuse anyone. But warning to off topics and complainers should be sent, failing to change their behavior should lead to more action.
Yes these are more suggestions than issues we have, but I think most of the people know what are the issues. The main one being 'talking in a thread about anything'. Most of the useful threads have a self-explanatory title, reading the original post usually tells a user where he wants to go with the thread he created.
I know some might 'sound' harsh or rude but personally I don't really mind that as long as it does not become a flaming war/troll feeding discussion. But keeping a discussion on the right direction is probably the most important thing in such a huge forum. Then the search tool comes handy when the discussion is going one way.
Warning/temp/perm banning. Sending public message to people saying 'please stop' is not going to work. A temp ban with a nice message included stating what he did wrong should be effective in most cases. Failing to comply after 'x' warnings/temp ban, bye bye we do not need you (They can still read threads, they'll just stop posting what devs don't need).
I'm not pissed or angry at anyone, I'm just one of those people who thinks that moderation is important. The easier/cleaner it is for everyone, the faster we'll get the good news/progress. This site is one big community, let's make it look good/the best there is.
well.. right now m cleaning up threads and rest assured that all off topic posts, flames wars will be stopped from now on..
lets get ourselves together and make this forum productive..
Maybe issue warning on some fanatic on this forum, some people are extremely rude for no reason, acting like their keyboard and mouse give them God like power.
Realize lots of people have limited knowledge and are trying to get some information. When you see the reaction of some user…bashing on them saying search first idiot there a post about it .Maybe you should realize some of them just don’t know what they have to search. Why not just point them in the proper direction and help them , it would make this forum way more attractive.
Cnrl said:
Maybe issue warning on some fanatic on this forum, some people are extremely rude for no reason, acting like their keyboard and mouse give them God like power.
Realize lots of people have limited knowledge and are trying to get some information. When you see the reaction of some user…bashing on them saying search first idiot there a post about it .Maybe you should realize some of them just don’t know what they have to search. Why not just point them in the proper direction and help them , it would make this forum way more attractive.
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you are right i see this usless replies not only here but on all forums ,why don't he just tell the answer ,new members don't think about search they are still new when i was juinor member i faced allot of these replies . if any body don't want to help just don't reply
Pointing the right direction if you can yes, not answering like an a**hole to a newcomer yes. But there is nothing wrong about telling them politely to search, we might know there is a thread on a subject, but pointing them to the right direction is also searching for them in some/most cases. All forums work pretty much the same, joining one means learning how to use it/navigate it.
Search is the biggest tool there is on the internet. This is how you find what you want, this is how you find answers. Internet is full of it. The faster you start, the more stuff you'll get out of it.
BTW: Answering like a a**hole to a newcomer is also worthy of warnings and ban. It's part of the issue too.
I'm all about common sense.
You can generally class users in 3 categories. The devs, the supporters, and the noobs. The devs are resourceful enough to not care, because they'll always find a way to get things done. The supporters have kinda a clue about what's going on, and are always trying to enforce rules to keep the noobs in order. The noobs almost always assume a hierarchy of power, try to suck up, seek attention, and post ridiculous amounts of crap to get out of trouble/sound smart/kiss ass.
So understanding this dynamics, devs really don't care about flaming and junk, they just want to get product out. Supporters need to learn to refrain, not feed the troll and stop thinking they are better than noobs. Noobs usually just chat amongst themselves if left alone, and are mostly harmless.
The only thing that need to happen here is a set of clear guidelines for noobs to read about when to post, where to post, and when not to post. Also, clean up the place from its state now so people don't get the idea that it's okay to post crap. Maybe a reminder (after submission of a post) for users with low post count to remind them useless junk are indeed useless and bin-worthy.

Fed up with the lazy, non searching ppl

I am so feed up with people on this board that think they are entitled and better than us to ask a question that has been asked a million times, instead of searching. It is only getting worse. Now that leakers have root, ppl from androidforum (where the mods treat them like babies and shield them) are flooding this forum with repeated threads and posts. We are not helping them by answering the questions for them. We need to stop this! I for one will no longer give the answer after a smart @$$ reply. I will only leave the smart @$$ comment in.
For those that are lazy and read this. Why do you think you are better than any of us that use search, trial and error? If yuo dont understand it, and cant search, then dont do it. Plain and simple.
I'd say don't answer them. I myself am not educated at all in rooting and could answer a decent amount of questions I see.
So....rather than looking up their question to see if they could have done the same thing previous to them making a new thread....don't
By doing this we'll at least take some slack off from the moderators from closing unnecessary threads bashing foolish OP's....and instead let them focus on real questions and site maintenance. I feel doing otherwise will lead to more silly threads and more attention to these threads a.k.a. bashing them you know.
Also we need not let this thread turn into ANYTHING like XDA vs. androidforums because it still is a teaching/learning community, some people just need to work/search harder before they make threads.
cpupeli1 said:
I'd say don't answer them. I myself am not educated at all in rooting and could answer a decent amount of questions I see.
So....rather than looking up their question to see if they could have done the same thing previous to them making a new thread....don't
By doing this we'll at least take some slack off from the moderators from closing unnecessary threads bashing foolish OP's....and instead let them focus on real questions and site maintenance. I feel doing otherwise will lead to more silly threads and more attention to these threads a.k.a. bashing them you know.
Also we need not let this thread turn into ANYTHING like XDA vs. androidforums because it still is a teaching/learning community, some people just need to work/search harder before they make threads.
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I am not trying to make it a af vs xda. Was just giving an example of how things are there. Whole point of my rant/post was people need to search and ppl need to stop helping ppl that dont search. But just putting that wouldnt have felt better after typing.
I am totally with you droidkevlar. I am no senior member or dev or anything like that. I'm just a regular user who is fortunate enough to have devs like you working to make our phones great. I posted this in a thanks thread, but I suppose I could have posted a new thread like you did.
Also, I just want to stress the importance of SEARCHING AND READING!!!! I made the mistake early on of just either creating a new thread or posting in the wrong thread just so I wouldn't have to read to find the answer. THAT WAS FREAKIN STUPID ON MY PART!!! I wish I would have just read up on everything I wanted to know in the beginning. I would have saved myself a ton of headaches and resets. I would have also learned more than what I know now. I now know that if I want to ask a question, to just search for it first. I can't count the times that someone else has asked the same questions that have been answered countless times. And if I'm wanting to try a script, or change my lock screen or something along those lines, IT HELPS TO READ ALL OF THE POSTS IN THAT PARTICULAR THREAD particularly because most likely, someone with your setup has encountered some sort of problem, did some troubleshooting, and posted a fix for it.
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the new guys need to stop posting help threads in the dev forum for one.
I don't see a huge problem if its kept to the general section. Maybe even a sticky thread for newbies where they can see links to threads for most commonly asked questions and they can post some questions in that thread only.
This way it keeps it all compartmentalized and separated from the rest of the forum. We can direct all the new guys there. If any of the more experienced guys who want to help, they can do so in that thread only.
I understand how too many newbs can clutter up a forum pretty quick. But a lot of this stuff even after searching and reading still leaves a lot of questions, until you absorb the whole concept of this phone/os/rooting culture.
If we don't help some of the new users, we will end up with more threads about how they bricked their phones and then the real flame wars will start.
Keep it in one area. It has to be dealt with, we can't ignore them. We all gain if we share some knowledge, but lay down some ground rules beforehand.
Jp50 said:
the new guys need to stop posting help threads in the dev forum for one.
I don't see a huge problem if its kept to the general section. Maybe even a sticky thread for newbies where they can see links to threads for most commonly asked questions and they can post some questions in that thread only.
This way it keeps it all compartmentalized and separated from the rest of the forum. We can direct all the new guys there. If any of the more experienced guys who want to help, they can do so in that thread only.
I understand how too many newbs can clutter up a forum pretty quick. But a lot of this stuff even after searching and reading still leaves a lot of questions, until you absorb the whole concept of this phone/os/rooting culture.
If we don't help some of the new users, we will end up with more threads about how they bricked their phones and then the real flame wars will start.
Keep it in one area. It has to be dealt with, we can't ignore them. We all gain if we share some knowledge, but lay down some ground rules beforehand.
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I agree 100%. I was a newb before. But I always search first before posting. Even to this day, I 2X to make sure I searched correctly before posting on here.
droidkevlar said:
I agree 100%. I was a newb before. But I always search first before posting. Even to this day, I 2X to make sure I searched correctly before posting on here.
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you were a big help to me and without you i would be s.o.l.
the newbie thing isn't going away and dealing with it in a way that satisfies everyone makes the most sense.
I learned alot in the last few weeks. I pretty much spend all my time here now. I'm willing to help with some basic rooting tips for any of the real new guys.
You were right, this phone will consume your life!
I has a question.
What is rootz? and hows to I gets it??
No thanks. I've been using the internet long enough to know that people don't change and that being a **** about things doesn't help anyone. I'd rather actually provide something for the community other than "USE THE SEARCH" and tell them what they need to know while reminding them that the search function would have just saved everyone the time.
If you really care that much don't go into their topics, this is hardly a bustling forum with a thousand posts an hour clogging the thing, a few **** topics where someone gets confused really has no effect on us. YES they should learn, but like I said being a **** does nothing about it.
My 2 cents.
P.S. I love your themes.
P.S.S. I always used the search lol
Hungry Man said:
No thanks. I've been using the internet long enough to know that people don't change and that being a **** about things doesn't help anyone. I'd rather actually provide something for the community other than "USE THE SEARCH" and tell them what they need to know while reminding them that the search function would have just saved everyone the time.
If you really care that much don't go into their topics, this is hardly a bustling forum with a thousand posts an hour clogging the thing, a few **** topics where someone gets confused really has no effect on us. YES they should learn, but like I said being a **** does nothing about it.
My 2 cents.
P.S. I love your themes.
P.S.S. I always used the search lol
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Check out Kaosfroyo tell me that out of those 4k+ post, 1k or so isnt dumb questions being asked over and over and over. That is just 1 thread. They feel entitled and dont want to search. Its the same kids that blamed devs for them putting leak on their phones and not letting them have root until now. This was more of a rant more than anything. As I have grown feed up with reading the same thing over and over and over and over. Perfect example is my threads. Even though in big, bold, red letters saying dont flash via recovery my MM's, they complain. I mean, its plain as day and they still screw it up.
And thanks for liking my theme. Only reason I made a Froyo one is so many liked the OG Kevlar Mash.
KF as an example, half the posts in that topic if not more are literally just spam or talking about random ****. I don't care because whatever people are having a nice chat but if anything that's even worse because it's absolutely irrellevant to the topic. Like I said, I've got no problem with it and am up for a chat any time.
But I see what you're saying. There is a difference though between asking legitimate questions that can be answered with a search and asking dumb questions that have been answered right there in the topic, no search even required. There really isn't any excuse when people ask questions that are answered right in the first post. I hate all of the posts in the dev stick where it plainly says "DO NOT POST IN HERE UNLESS YOU ARE MAKING A SUGGESTION" and three people so far have actually posted there just asking random questions... it's a bit ridiculous.
I just feel like rather than telling someone off for asking a question it's best to just educate them and let them know how to use a forum. Not everyone is used to being on a forum after all.
Hungry Man said:
I just feel like rather than telling someone off for asking a question it's best to just educate them and let them know how to use a forum. Not everyone is used to being on a forum after all.
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I both agree and disagree with the arguments made here. Personally, I don't ask too many questions because I try to conduct thorough research on my own knowing that somewhere someone else has asked the question before and it must be answered somehow (which is why I don't post too much). I'm horrible at using the forum search, though. Google is much better and it will actually bring up XDA and AF forum posts in the search (amongst other items and forums so that's my search of choice).
Some people are not quite as "internet savvy" and I agree that many are lazy, however personally I think if you can't perform a simple google search you have no business messing with technology at all.
I understand people want to learn and sometimes if you're just starting out you don't know where to start in which case a simple tactfully answered question with a push in the right direction towards research resources would be much more appropriate than "use the search, newb" but generally you can differentiate those with a genuine willingness & aptitude to learn & who may just need some guidance, and those who are just too ignorant or lazy to guide themselves.
That's just my $0.02.
It doesn't matter how many times you tell people to search. If your on any forum at all there are always going to be lots of people posting multiple threads that have already been answered. I'm not saying its ok just inevitable.
Sent from my leaked rooted HTC Droid Eris with Sense-Able 3.1 using Swype
I am pretty much on the same page with digitaljeannie on this one. However, a lot of us gloss over the fact that a lot of people just don't know how to search for stuff, or are just absolutely not tech savvy at all. The idea of trying to do anything outside of "the norm" on something phone or computer oriented scares them. If computers are confusing to you, the last thing you want to do is start messing with programs and such that can potentially make your phone inoperable. I walked a gentleman through the process of rooting, and he absolutely could not take a step without me telling him what to do. He wasn't even sure what a zip file was, so trying to do command line prompts pretty much terrified him without someone being there to tell him what to put in, baby step, by baby step. Now, just because he was clueless, doesn't mean he shouldn't enjoy being rooted. Also, being good at searching for stuff is a skill that a lot of you might not even realize you are good at, as it seems natural. However, I have came across quite a few people who are intelligent in other things, but can't find stuff online worth a hoot. I'm often going behind people who say I can't find this info on such and such, and I'll have it in like 10 minutes. Sure there are tons of lazy people who want you to do the work, but it's a shame to paint the same broad stroke for everyone...
I don't think it's really fair to say "If you can't do one thing you shouldn't do the other." I mean I can barely manage a google maps search to get where I want to go but I can do minor programming and know more about hardware than anyone else I know. People shouldn't be stuck with an unrooted eris ever lol and whether they are into computers or not they should have the right to root it and use the phone the way they want to.
not for nothin..... this is the 4th seperate "rant" post Ive read this week on this very topic......... physician heal thyself
While all of you make very good points. I just feel like if they cant search or are too scared, then maybe like the other 70%+ people that dont root their phone, they shouldnt either. And if they complain about its functions, then they shouldnt have bought the phone. Get an iPhone or BlackBerry. Android OS is meant for tech savy ppl IMO. I love Android more than my wife but at work when they asked what phones to get, I said iPhone. Just because users here are not very smart...even thought they have PhD's, lol
I think the idea that Android OS is for the tech savy only is a bit of a dangerous rumor that's pretty unjustified. I went from not having any smartphone to going to android 1.6 and it really is quite userfriendly. Tap icon to open, tap and hold for more options, tap and drag to move; these are the basic movements that set the stage for the entire phone, there's nothing fancy.
Apple basically puts out to web blogs (*cough gizmodo endgadget cough*) these rumors that Android OS is far less user friendly than iOS but really anyone can figure it out very quickly.
iPhones are simpler only in the sense that they treat their users with super kiddy gloves, no true multitasking, one button, very simple functionality by removing complex functionality. But if you're an unrooted android user there's really very little you can do to mess up your phone that you could not already do to your iphone.
Hungry Man said:
I think the idea that Android OS is for the tech savy only is a bit of a dangerous rumor that's pretty unjustified. I went from not having any smartphone to going to android 1.6 and it really is quite userfriendly. Tap icon to open, tap and hold for more options, tap and drag to move; these are the basic movements that set the stage for the entire phone, there's nothing fancy.
Apple basically puts out to web blogs (*cough gizmodo endgadget cough*) these rumors that Android OS is far less user friendly than iOS but really anyone can figure it out very quickly.
iPhones are simpler only in the sense that they treat their users with super kiddy gloves, no true multitasking, one button, very simple functionality by removing complex functionality. But if you're an unrooted android user there's really very little you can do to mess up your phone that you could not already do to your iphone.
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Let me re-word that. The ERIS is for more of the tech savy. Reason I say that is because it is kind of a slow phone stock. Once rooted, bloatware removed and OC'd, it rocks.
I gotcha =p

My phone has freezed, suspect a virus..

About an hour ago I noticed a strange message on my phone which said "helo". (helo with a single 'l').
The only way it seemed to go away, was if I said OK to it or tried the back button. It popped up every few seconds, and it was everywhere, in the browser, in the market, on my homepage, just everywhere..
I suspected its a virus or trojan or just something malicious, and I've been googling ever since, I cant seem to find any information on this 'helo' virus/trojan/whatever.
And Now my phone has freezed. In just one hour, my phone has freezed!!! About an hour ago, when I first saw it, I could use my phone, only the message popped up every few second, but now my phone has Freezed! In just about an hour, whatever this is has cause so much damage?!?
Can anyone please tell me, if this is really a malicious thing, or some software error?
I haven't downloaded anything suspicious, and today espescially I haven't used my phone much..
Phone: LG Optimus One P500.
1) Please use proper english. 2) Do a full wipe of your phone if you can't boot, you'll lose everything, including that program. 3) If your phone is still frozen remove the battery and reboot.
4) I don't suggest anyone give any more information than this. I hate to say it but I've seen things like this before. A new user will sign up for a site, post something like "i've got a virus", get help from the community and then it turns out it's the virus writer using the info on how to combat the virus to make it worse. Being wary is always a good option, and a factory wipe will make sure this program is gone so there's no need for anything else.
Wow! did you just say "use proper english?"
Define proper english.
The flag below your Avatar shows Unites States, I bet, not everyone who lives in the US is a native english speaker. If you can't comprehend what I write, then its your problem.
I hate to say this in a publc forum but you sound like an Idiot!, You couldn't have helped me anyways.
GoodLuck trolling around forums.
Just my 2 cents, but me/me you look more like the idiot here. You have 2 posts, one asking for help (which you got), and one calling somebody an idiot.
Yea im going to support dbzfanatic on this. The way you, me/me, started to criticize and name call, especially with only two posts, was uncalled for. Now back to the original topic. The above stated method should work. You could just try a battery pull, then find the culprit. That may unfreeze your phone, but if not you will have to do a reset and lose data.
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic
Firstly, I wouldn't call that help. Whatever was suggested was someothing anyone would do with or without help. In a technical forum, more helpful suggestions are expected.
My post, if not grammatically correct, was comprehendible. The poster, didn't have to be so condescending. Her/His assumption that any new poster is a virus writer is ridiculous. She/he does come across as an Idiot.
I get it that you want to defend a fellow member, you may, I'm not going to attack you for defending a friend.
Btw, soon after I made my first post, I figured what the problem was, adn I came here to delete my post. I was very surprised to see such arrogance. I believe, a knowleadgeable person had a more humble demeanor.
me/me said:
Firstly, I wouldn't call that help. Whatever was suggested was someothing anyone would do with or without help. In a technical forum, more helpful suggestions are expected.
My post, if not grammatically correct, was comprehendible. The poster, didn't have to be so condescending. Her/His assumption that any new poster is a virus writer is ridiculous. She/he does come across as an Idiot.
I get it that you want to defend a fellow member, you may, I'm not going to attack you for defending a friend.
Btw, soon after I made my first post, I figured what the problem was, adn I came here to delete my post. I was very surprised to see such arrogance. I believe, a knowleadgeable person had a more humble demeanor.
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So then tell us what the problem was.
there a strange rule here, new posters cannot edit their posts soon after posting, we will have to wait for 5 minutes or something. there is a correction i want to make in my previous post *has not had.
Product F(RED) said:
So then tell us what the problem was.
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I got to know the problem is at the carriers end.
I tried to post teh link, but this site doesn't allow me to post.
I understood exactly what you said, but you're correct that some users aren't native English speakers. Using proper English on a public forum where not everyone speaks the language natively will make things easier for people to translate if they need to. You had one post at the time and thus, you're a n00b, at least on this forum. The first things to tell a n00b are the obvious basic things to try. If you're technologically inclined good, if not then the steps I suggested would have been enough. Calling someone arrogant for being cautions is like saying someone's a chicken for not holding a gun to their head. There is also a standing rule (if you would take the time to read the forum rules) that new users can't post links. You could always have removed the http:// and posted the rest of the URL which would have been allowed. Glad you fixed your problem but even in a technical forum the first suggestions will be the obvious ones unless you specifically post that you have already tried those steps. If you continue to stay on this forum I hope your demeanor changes. As I said I've seen situations like this where the poster was the one writing the malicious program, we don't need that here so precautions are necessary. Lastly, I'm a guy, so no need for the his/her anymore when referring to me somewhere.
I didn't say you are arrogant because you assumed I am a virus writer. I said you are arrogant because of your condescending manner..which reflects in this post too. Clearly, you haven't understood my post.
As for the need for translation, freeze and froze, don't make much of a difference while translating. Any one whose first languare is not english will not have any trouble understanding that one of them is in present tense and the other is in past.
I doub't you really were thinking of some poor non native english speaking soul, when you demanded I speak 'proper english'. What is more important is to be polite and open minded. Good manners! Have you heard this somewhere?
Your fellow members attacked me, when I called you an Idiot. I didn't call you an Idiot because you were being cautious. I called you an Idiot because, your condescending manner coupled with your ridiculous assumptions and you demanding others to offer no further help..comes across as rather Stupid. I don't regret calling you anything.
As for grading the members based on their number of posts, you didn't have to explain that to me at all. I maybe a noob because I have only 1 or 2 posts, but let me tell you, technically I am a noob too. And no, I am not ashamed to say this.
Did your post help me? You gave some basic suggestions, which I can just google. I am a noob and I could do those things without your help. Now you got to figure how helpful you are. In your own words, your knowledge level is more superior simply because your number of posts categorize you as senior member.
It didn't occur to me that I could remove the http// inorder to the link posted here, I am a noob, but if you were smart enough, you would google to find out what it is.
You are male/female or whatever, I couldn't care less.I don't want to refer to you here or anywhere else. Good Bye!
Go easy guys
No need to judge each other's English speaking skills; especially based on the flag below the avatar.
Let's not welcome anew member in a harsh way, and hey new member must read the rules.
Please guys, relax. This community is all about helping each other, and diversity is the best part of it : ) This is no grammar/vocabulary community. so go easy; not everyone is perfect in everything.
@me/me: Yes, you will need 10-12 posts before you can post without the 5 minutes gap and also edit your post + avatar and signature.
BTW, welcome to XDA-Developers.
Go easy guys
No need to judge each other's English speaking skills; especially based on the flag below the avatar.
Let's not welcome anew member in a harsh way, and hey new member must read the rules.
Please guys, relax. This community is all about helping each other, and diversity is the best part of it : ) This is no grammar/vocabulary community. so go easy; not everyone is perfect in everything.
@me/me: Yes, you will need 10-12 posts before you can post without the 5 minutes gap and also edit your post + avatar and signature.
BTW, welcome to XDA-Developers.
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Remember, even the best rom chefs and devs started somewhere with only one post.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
me/me said:
Firstly, I wouldn't call that help. Whatever was suggested was someothing anyone would do with or without help. In a technical forum, more helpful suggestions are expected.
My post, if not grammatically correct, was comprehendible. The poster, didn't have to be so condescending. Her/His assumption that any new poster is a virus writer is ridiculous. She/he does come across as an Idiot.
I get it that you want to defend a fellow member, you may, I'm not going to attack you for defending a friend.
Btw, soon after I made my first post, I figured what the problem was, adn I came here to delete my post. I was very surprised to see such arrogance. I believe, a knowleadgeable person had a more humble demeanor.
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Maybe he should go to the store and purchase your phone model to better assist you? I'm willing to take donations. /sarcasam
madnish30 said:
Go easy guys
No need to judge each other's English speaking skills; especially based on the flag below the avatar.
Let's not welcome anew member in a harsh way, and hey new member must read the rules.
Please guys, relax. This community is all about helping each other, and diversity is the best part of it : ) This is no grammar/vocabulary community. so go easy; not everyone is perfect in everything.
@me/me: Yes, you will need 10-12 posts before you can post without the 5 minutes gap and also edit your post + avatar and signature.
BTW, welcome to XDA-Developers.
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[Q] Locking Dev Threads

Is there a way to lock normal users out of a DEV thread? I ask this because it's becoming increasingly difficult to navigate a 100+ page thread, of which only about 4 pages actually contain ANYTHING related to the development of these ROMS, when you have to read through PAGES of spam. I know in another forum I frequent, they can setup private debates that users can READ, but not post in. If this is something that has already been discussed or whatnot, then please forgive me. I did a short search before hand and didn't really find anything, so I thought I would bring it up. Also, if I stepped on any toes, again I apologize, not intending this as such, just a simple curiosity I guess. I know I would probably do more here myself if I was able to limit a threads participants, so that I and the people testing (or even the people reading it) could find the info we were seeking much more easily.
Thanks for reading my half brained post, and again, if this is out of line or anything, please feel free to remove it with my sincere apologies.

Upgrade rooted tab s3 nougat to oreo, re-root

So as someone who, like all of you, has to work all day, commute forever back and forth, then spend time with family in the evening, i dont want to have to spend my little free time googling and link hopping looking for often badly written and never complete guides.
If a COMPLETE, SELF-CONTAINED, GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT guide to upgrading my rooted tab s3 from stock nougat to stock oreo and rerooting exists, would someone be so kind as to point me to i? I once had the time to track things down on my own and try to interpret horribly disfigured grammar, but life has entered a phase where i just don't anymore. Any and all help appreciated. THANKS!! {no offense intended - i know for many english is a second language.}
No replies at all? Surely someone can at least give me a start...?
Same question, no answer. And I don't understand, if I need formatting data after flashing full wipe rom via Odin and using patch for verity and encryption when I was already decrypted before, or I don't need to format data again.
Well firstly you may try creating a proper question in the Q&A forum instead of creating a voting thread?
pardon my ignorance, but i have no idea how to create a voting thread, so my doing so was purely by accident. and this forum is called "Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 Questions & Answers" which sounds like a Q&A forum. And i see at least one question mark in what i posted, implying that it is, indeed, a question. Could you be a bit clearer about how this is a 'voting thread', not a question, and not in a Q&A forum? You know, i have a PhD in physics. if you were to post an inadequate question in an improper forum on a physics site, i would explain, fully, what was incorrect, then i'd try to answer your effing question anyway, not give some useless nonsense. I've noticed that as a common difference between physics/science/math forums and pretty much all of the 'computer' related forums I've asked questions in: when the question is 'in the wrong forum' (gasp - end of the world! ) class A tries to be helpful, class B just posts non-info, usually in an insulting way (i appreciate your not doing so). if you know the freakin' answer, why not answer the question, regardless of the forum? sorry for all the blathering, and apologies to the poster, but the information-free answer ticked me off...
that user who gave you some useless nonsense is the main person who provided root for the tab s3. check out his guide.
theres no reason you shouldn't check the original tab s3 root/twrp thread for updates if you rooted the tablet yourself back then
not to be too obvious, but if you'll look at my original post, you'll see i have neither the time nor the inclination to spend an hour (or more) googling/searching forums when the answer to one simple question, which can be given in 30 seconds or less, will get me where i need to be. what is it with this BS refusal to answer a question if you know the answer? 'look it up yourself' - my god, how many person-hours are wasted because you people refuse to answer questions you know the answer to. i knew there was a reason i avoided computer 'science' for real science - we'll answer a question if you ask it, usually in far more detail than you want. (computer 'science' isn't by the way. at best it's trade school.) if the poster you're so gallantly defending is such a diety, why didn't he just answer the bloody question? i'm self-educated and know far more than most of the B.Sc. CS people I've worked with, i just can't stand the thought of banging out code day after day, it's no more than working on a production line. yes - i'm pissed. if you know the answer, answer the damn question! or block me (like it would affect my life at all). Android 8 is still as primitive as Android 7, so i see no real need to change anyway. yeesh.
look - i realize i'm acting like a TOTAL jerk, and i apologize. I've just spent most of my life working with people who are eager to pass along knowledge, and will answer any question when they could easily say 'go figure it out yourself', so i just plain don't get that attitude. i apologize for the attitude in my posts. (to my knowledge, there's no emoji for 'contrite')
This is the only guide to root the tab s3 on oreo:
but it doesn't fit your criteria of COMPLETE, SELF-CONTAINED, GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT so I don't suggest you use it.
@Msamp Mike -- surely you understand that this is not a shop with tidy shelves, but a messy community of tinkerers and hackers (of the best kind!).
Some develop, some test, and others write. There are few off-the-shelf solutions here, but there's a lot of collaboration and goodwill.
What you're asking for may not exist, but we can create it collectively. I'm planning to go through the update myself. I'll post my experience. You (or anyone else) is welcome to try, comment, and improve!

