permantly turning off beam recieve - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi , i am running wm2003 4.0.11 and tomtom navigator.
the problem i have is when it launches i lose all the radio buttons and checkboxes from the common dialogs but more infuriating is the fact that the beam recieve seems to be active even when disabled rusulting in com1 not being available for my gps mouse.
is there a more reliable way of disabling the beam recieve maybe in the registry?


GPS / Keyboard Conflict

I have a Darfon keyboard (the one that is sold by O2 (and is shown on their packaging) for my XDA, and when the driver is loaded it automatically disables my GPS software on Com1.
There is no way in the keyboard settings to disable the keyboard (unlike the Targus unit). Does anyone have any idea how I can easily disable the keyboard to use the GPS without have to resort to removing the programme (which works incidentally)?
many thanks
keyboard settings
i had the same workes when You open the keyborad software and activate infrared instead of keyboard, the start the gps should work
Thanks for that - did the trick.
The only gotcha, is that you have to also go into settings and disable the infrared service after using the keyboard. But hey, its working.
I have a similar problem I am trying to get around.
The reason Darfon use in their manual is
This keyboard uses the COM1 port (default setting) to communicate with your Pocket PC, and the default IR transmission port in some Pocket PC devices is COM1.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is a bit anoying ar the XDA uses COM3 for IR communication.

disable communication functions

Hello, i'm new in this forum. I have the following problem: I have to install a MDA II on a PC in our company, but for security reasons i have to disable all communication functions like blue tooth and internet before doing this.
Is this possible? How can I do this?
If it's for security reasons then don't connect to the PC.
Other wise how secure will it be. If you hack the registry for bluetooth and take out the sim for phone (to inhibit internet access) then that person can put in a SDIO with WIFI or Bluetooth an yet has communication oppertunities again. Or he can put in another SIM so the phone is up again.
Most of above is also valid if you would give that person a plain PocketPC.
if you disable phone and bluetooth then why get a xda2 at all ?
thank you for your answer. I have to connect the MDA for synchronizing email and contacts with Outlook. Although Internet and Bluetooth have to be deactivated, the phone-function must still be available.
I thought of deinstalling or hiding the Internet Explorer in the registry (the user isn't skilled enaugh to modify the registry to turn on again). Unfortunately, I have no idea for doing this. And I have no idea how I could disable bluetooth.
A user (the chief of our company) have bought a MDA II from T-Mobile (and he really don't care about our security policies). I'm not allowed to change or ignore these policies, but on the other hand I have to connect the MDA to the PC. :?
I think Internet is easy: In the connection profiles on the Proxy settings tab uncheck "this network connects to the internet".
This must be done for both work and internet profile.
But for bluetooth? I can't help you. Maybe a little bit stupid but instruct him not to turn bluetooth on would I say.
how will se be syncing with outlook ?
if by usb then no problem
about bluetooth then there are some posts in the forums if you search where people give the registry values you have to change to disable bluetooth and remove the icons (of cause by reversing those changest he could turn it back on unless you remove it by hammer and screwdriver )
about grps then you can just delete the settings in
settings connections -> connections and remove the extry's regarding grps
of cause if he want he could just type them back in
but another way is to get the phone company to block grps
on most cellphone company's it's not enabled as default and you have to ask them to turn it on, so i asume you could ask them to turn it off
the buttomline is that you can make anything 100% secure
Thank you all very much. The MDA is connected to our network now.

BT autostart and i cant disable it!

well, i just recognized that my bt always autostarts on a softreset, but i cant deactivate it after this, the bt icon (bottom right corner) is there but i cant click on it
any suggestions?
1- And from settings->Bluetooth settings?
just to see whether you can't turned it off at all.
2- Sometimes in the response is bad and the interface appears after a long time.
Sorry have no solution. Had sometimes the same problem.
to 1.)
when i go to settings - bt settings it shows me the widcomm bt settings, but not the ms settings (i have both, widcomm and ms bt) i also deleted the widcomm bt from the startup folder, so theres only one bt driver loaded,...
edit: oh no, my fault, its not the widcomm settings, its the ms ****, with bt beam authentication, active sync setup and serial port setup , i know there was another bt settings where i could enable and disable it, but where is it?
the one with activesync bluetooth and..........
is in system->system
the one with turning on and off and bonding devices is in
there is only one bt icon in connections, and thats the one for widcomm's

TyTN + TTN6 issue

I'm still having problems conencting the 'TomTom Wireless GPS MkII' to the TyTN using TTN6 (tried both, 6.01 and 6.02).
Current ROM is (11/14/06) installed with and without Ext. ROM, the BT pair is properly configured and attached to COM0 (Secure Connection 'on').
After starting TTN6 the map points to my Home position (the only position it knows) and remains disabled (gray). The GPS receiver is in sync (green led flashing) but BT indicator (blue led) remains solid and TTN6 says...
After various tweaks I found the possible cause... The Phone (2G) should be on when starting TTN6, if not the BT radio doesn't sync...
Comm Manager, GSM 'off', BT 'on': TTN6 doesn't work (GPS status is blank),
Comm Manager, GSM 'on', BT 'on': TTN6 works (GPS status grayed or active).
Can anyone confirm this issue? Tnx.
Try creating a COM0 port with security off
I am running TT6 and have used both a Tomtom GPS Mk II unit and one of the cheaper alternative brand of GPS units too.
I did have to set up a port for the non-Tomtom unit on COM4 but for the Tomtom GPS Mk II I didn't have to, all I had to do was pair it.
Try deleting the COM0 that you have set up so there are no COM ports set up for the Tomtom Unit and see if that helps. Also, in the beam settings, if 'Receive all incoming beams' is unticked, tick it.
Hope this helps.

How to disable Bluetooth's Phone Book Access Profile?

Hi folks, my car's flunky bluetooth kit flakes out when downloading the my touch pro's contacts. If I empty out the contacts list on the phone, the car's bluetooth kit works fine.
So, one way to prevent the contacts to download to the car is to disable PBAP profile. Is there a reg key or tool to do that?
ATT's Fuze version of activesync won't let me sync by category (the option is disabled), so I can't just reduce the number of contacts downloaded.
I've searched the wiki and googled it, no joy.
Cheers, and Thanks!
If i'm not mistaken, it was Bluetooth SIM Access Profile (BTSAP) which u can disable it in many ways.
Maybe u can prevent the boot call by deleting this key.
I tried this and no joy. This only turns off the SIM Access Profile (SAP) which btw can also be turned off with the Bluetooth manager on the phone.
Anybody have luck with reg keys/tools?
Disable PBAP in WM 6.1
See the solution to this issue in the thread at

