Zeroing of the counter : Call Duration - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Incoming: 7hr.21 min. 1 sec.
Outgoing: 1193045 hr. 9 min. ...
What is it?

Can be done with xda manipulator for xda1 but I dont know of any way to do this on xda2.

XDA - 2 ????

xda2, niet, as far as I know.


Manipulator:what if it breaks?

This message contains all postings in this thread
dated before January 19th 2003
Subject: Manipulator:what if it breaks?
From: anonymous
Date: 13 Jan, 2003 09:37:03
I have PPC from T-mobile Czech, ROM ver. 3.14.02 ENG, 09/27/02,
Radio version T310. You says on your www that you have tested
XDA manipulator on Radio versions 4.06, 4.10. Do you thing, that
it might work with my XDA?
In case I screw my phone, is there any way to repair it?
Subject: Breaking it with manipulator
From: XDA developers
Date: 13 Jan, 2003 09:40:56
You can always try: SID and GID lock are very, very unlikely to
harm the phone, counter reset is slightly more risky, and IMEI
change is the most risky. On the other hand, we do pretty
rigorous checking to see if the IMEI really is where we expect
it to be. They could always cause our software to break the
phone if they were evil, but we think using it on versions up
until now is pretty safe.
Given the server traffic we've been seeing over the last few
days, we would know by now if the Manipulator broke phones.
> In case I screw my phone, is there any way to repair it?
Depends... Maybe not... We're not making money here, so we're
not in the business of guartanteeing anything. The only thing we
do with warranties is void them.
Subject: counter reset
From: hatch
Date: 16 Jan, 2003 04:19:39
may i ask for your findings for resetting call counter on the
XDA? what are the possible risk for using this? thank you for
your much appreciated help.
Subject: Counter reset
From: XDA developers
Date: 16 Jan, 2003 08:26:59
The counters have their own 4k block in the ROM. This is because
the device can only erase 4k blocks, so it erases and then write
4 bytes per call. These 4 bytes are the low-order 16 bits of
incoming and outgoing call durations. When the block is full it
re-writes the high-order bits at the beginning and starts over.
If there exist ROM versions where this counter is somewhere
else, then resetting the counter would overwrite the wrong
block, with possible bad consequences. But we haven't had any
reports of the XDA Manipulator breaking a phone, just one single
report of failing to write an IMEI (creating an IMEI that ends
in all zeroes instead, but leaving the phone functional).
Subject: thanks
From: hatch
Date: 17 Jan, 2003 00:50:01
thanks for that quick detailed explanation, im just waiting for
my serial cable andd will try the reset, my readio version is
4.10 o probably mo unlikely problem maybe encountered. will
update xda-dev fof my progress. thanks so much.

please help - cant charge the xda....

My xda cannot be charged anymore. As soon as I plug in the power supply unit the charging indicator does not light up. The PocketPC, however is running without any problems. What can I do?
another thing that u should now that - i was plug it in to my old cable of my ipaq 3800 to the gps mouse car by mistake
because i now there is a special cable for the xda
but it is look the same cable
but can i still solve the problemm ?
don't worry...
try with an hard reset...
I had the same problem and I solved it in this way.
Well I also had the same problem, using a wrong (IPAQ) power/gps cable but my XDA was damaged so badly it had to be repaired! Even a hard reset was no help. I cannot understand why XDA and IPAQ use the same connectionplug but have the powerscheme switch damaging the device this way
It's because.....
It forces people to buy the accessoires of brand of the product. Every vendor will try to endorse their view of the world en make it difficult for others to enter their market. Only when a LARGE chunk of the market starts to complain and the vendors start to have more benefits from standards will they try to persue them. But even then they try to get as much benefit out of it. So they use the same plug because it's there and cheap, but change the connections.
It's all about market control.
Where does it leave us here? Be careful what you do in messing with the hardware.
I am sorry to hear your XDA was damaged.
Hi Robert, did you get your 64 MB upgrade in Maarssen(broek)? Is it oke and do you now have 48 Mb ROM?
yes, yes and ehm???
To answer your questions:
Yes in Maarssen
Yes it is oke
Ehm....48 MB Rom???
Device information shows the following
Speed 206 Mhz
RAM size 64 MB
Flash size 32 MB
I posted a 'review' of the people in Maarssen on the dutch site
ROM is same as Flash size and so it is 32 MB, I was asking this because it seems Pocket PC 2003 wil need 48 MB. So XDA owner and obviously more PDA owners wil not be able to upgrade
Unless you have an early xda (prior to official launch) or a very unusual iPAQ they are not the same chargers - look more closely.

UK O2 XDA Phoning issues ..........

Hi chaps,
Being on this forum for a few weeks now and am really impressed with the help received.
I have an small issue with my XDA (back to business ). Its really the phone part that causing probs. On two occasions i have tried to dial a number, it tries to dial for about 3 secs then just makes a little chime and ends. I tried about 5 different numbers and its the same.
i checked for reception and it was on max bars - why was is not dialling?
I did a soft reset and after a few attempts it sorted itself out.
I am a little new to xda (how'd ya guess :? ) - is this something to do with the radio version of the phone, ie something i can update?
I am using SE 1.1 (have not taken the plunge to 1.2 .. but thanks jeff !)
Rom version = 3.17.03 ENG
Rom Date = 05/15/03
Radio version = 4.20.00
protocol version = 32S54
If i need to update the radio, could you kindly tell me the link.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Ali,
I think the problem you are describing is caused by a bug. What is really happening is the phone number you are dialling is busy but the XDA can't handle this and so just gives you a rather unimpressive beep. The fact that after you softboot a coupld of times it goes away only means that the number is no longer busy.
I believe this is fixed in Pocket PC 2003.
Cheers, Malachi
...aren't chaps something cowboys wear?
Hi Malachi
thanks for your reply.
you are right about the chaps but it also means
chap2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (chp)
n. Informal
A man or boy; a fellow. :wink:
i understand what you are saying about the phone being engaged, the thing is, i did try a few different numbers... hrm ...
you say its fixed in ppc2003. I have seen that on edonkey... but dont i need the ppc2003 phone edition or something?
is it safe to just download ppc2003 from edonkey and install ?
can i ask, is ppc2003 what you are running?
what is a radio update for?
thanks for your help

Pls help for russian user of wallaby.How to check vibra ring

Hello everybody! Please help me.... I purchaised 2 yers ago sx56 at ebay and unlock it by myself (special windows edition)
Everything was oke. But several days ago vibrate stop working... (((
Last week was very frosty in Siberia, around minus 43 in celsius. That is why i doesnt use pda out of warm buildings (on the frost pda become freezy, windows work incorrect and battery die very fast.
QUESTION... please tell me how can i check working of vibrate engine? Does anybody have a special program to test it???
Unpatient looking forward to hearing from u
If I were you I'd open my XDA and check if the vibration engine is still connected to the motherboard [I had once problem with not workin' wibration and this was the cause]

Bluetooth-Problem between Hermes and a new macbook

Hello there,
I have a curious problem. Since two years i have tethered my tytn I (hermes) with my old powerbook (ppc). I used it as internet-modem via bluetooth-pan. It worked fine. Depending on my provider I had a rate about 20 - 45 kB per second (umts). Fine.
Last week i bougth a new macbook pro. I tethered it in exactly the same way (same prefs etc.) and now i have a rate between 1 and 2 kB (on the macbook)!!! When I disconnect and connect to the powerbook again (without changing anything), I have 20 - 45 kB per second again!
I dont understand that problem! I there anybody, who knows this?
Please help me! If you need further information, please write me. This is my only way to connect and its not funny to surfe with that speed.
Three additional information:
1) I use wm6 on the hermes.
2) Its a little bit curious, that my macbook gets (per dhpc from hermes) an IP: (the last one is curious). My powerbook gets everytime a I dont know, if this does matter...
3) When I have a look at the transfer-peaks, it shows (on the macbook), that I get at highest about 20 to 45 kB! That means, that I obviously have umts. But this is only the peak. At average... 1-2kB. Additional to that I have extremly long ping-rates (when i ping from macbook to telephone).
Thanking you in anticipation,

