Bluetooth-Problem between Hermes and a new macbook - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

Hello there,
I have a curious problem. Since two years i have tethered my tytn I (hermes) with my old powerbook (ppc). I used it as internet-modem via bluetooth-pan. It worked fine. Depending on my provider I had a rate about 20 - 45 kB per second (umts). Fine.
Last week i bougth a new macbook pro. I tethered it in exactly the same way (same prefs etc.) and now i have a rate between 1 and 2 kB (on the macbook)!!! When I disconnect and connect to the powerbook again (without changing anything), I have 20 - 45 kB per second again!
I dont understand that problem! I there anybody, who knows this?
Please help me! If you need further information, please write me. This is my only way to connect and its not funny to surfe with that speed.
Three additional information:
1) I use wm6 on the hermes.
2) Its a little bit curious, that my macbook gets (per dhpc from hermes) an IP: (the last one is curious). My powerbook gets everytime a I dont know, if this does matter...
3) When I have a look at the transfer-peaks, it shows (on the macbook), that I get at highest about 20 to 45 kB! That means, that I obviously have umts. But this is only the peak. At average... 1-2kB. Additional to that I have extremly long ping-rates (when i ping from macbook to telephone).
Thanking you in anticipation,


Ameo GPS Problem on T-Mobile WM6 ROM!!

Hi all , just got an Ameo (U.K T-Mobile version) and upgraded to Windows Mobile 6 Professional CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2) official rom.
Everything works fine except GPS signal that really sucks!! I have red all topics carefully and i have set all parameters right such as COM 5 and baud 9600 but with Destinator 7 it does not fix satellite signal! It gets one satellite on cold start after 3-5 minutes and maybe some 2nd or 3rd but really it loses fix and again from start.. Navigation is almost impossible!
Any suggestions please?Does someone else have the same problem maybe?..Or my device is faulty?Is it possible that Destinator 7 does not work fine with the built in GPS?I have tried external bluetooth gps on other port and baud and it goes fine!!6 satellites minimum 8-9 maximum and fast fix even on cold start.Is it possible that my ROM version is problematic?
ROM Version:
ROM Date : 10/09/07
Radio Version:
Protocol version: 32.83.7020.20H
I can never get a fix when it's in the faux-leather case, if that's any help... usually get a fix within 30s out of the case.
davemee said:
I can never get a fix when it's in the faux-leather case, if that's any help... usually get a fix within 30s out of the case.
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agreed, i get better results though in faux leather case, but my primary case is a n aluminum case hahaha so i know my own problem. temp resolve was an external recvr
Have you tried the reg change to enable GPS in Camera mode (to allow location metadata to be stored within the picture)? I find if the GPS is ever slow to start up, using this first of all to get a location seems to kick things into life. Also make sure your QuickGPS file is upto date.
For some reason mine is now getting a lock much quicker than ever it has been before. I normally start TT just before I set off and previously it was taking approximatly a mile of driving before getting a lock. Now, it only takes about 1/2 a mile - have the US done something to the signal, or has my Ameo now developed supercow powers?
I'm running the cooked rom v3, radio 1.5 and its in the leather wallet.
Crumbs - half a mile? I usually start CoPilot when i get in the car and by the time I've started moving i have a fix - I take it out f the case to put in my Brodit mount but even in the house in the case it doesn't take that long to get a fix!
It is TomTom !!!
giorgosp: Yes, I can conform the problem and it's driving me mad!
Flashed to the T-Mo ROM this week, as PK3 was giving problems connecting to WMDC (tried a hard reset initially, and no better )
The T-Mo ROM is good, and allows WMDC to connect well, but since flashing, I've been unable to obtain a valid GPS lock. Tried with GPSInfo and iGO2006. I get a couple of small bars, and nothing more. Today, I drove for 45minutes, and no lock at all. My Orbit2 sitting on the car seat with CPL got a lock in 20 seconds from cold.
Previously, I could get a lock within 2 minutes if stationary, and about 10 minutes if moving (I live in a region with lots of windy country lanes, so rarely see the same bit of sy for more than a few seconds!), so this does seem to be an issue with the T-Mo radio.
..and further to the above, I've just downgraded the Radio to V1.47 (which means hard reset), and taken both the Orbit 2 and the Ameo outside- Orbit2 got a full fix in 30 seconds, and Ameo 30 seconds later (so 1min TTFF from cold, which is the best I've yet seen!)
Don't know if going back to radio 1.50 will keep the improvement, but I'm tempted to keep it as it is
im running 1.50 in a pawell rom and it's all good !! I think T-mo have messed things up !
So NeilM do you suggest me to downgrade radio version to 1.47?how many satellites is reaching to fix? get a valid signal i think at least 4 and stable,right?
To all of you using other than the official t-mobile 2.35 rom with radio 1.50: how many sat signals do you achieve to fix using athena with the leather case under normal condition? does the radio version impact on gps signal so much?
I tried reverting to radio V1.50 and same problem, so at least in my Ameo there is a problem with the new T-Mo ROM, Radio 1.50 and the GPS receiver.
Went back to 1.47, and this morning got a cold TTFF in 1 minute.
You need 3 satelites for a 2D fix- locates at ground level, and 4 for a 3D fix, which includes altitude.
From a cold boot, the 1st sat signal takes a while, but it then provides almanac info for any other in its vicinity. As the reciver gets more almanac info it builds a picture of the sky, then the ephemeral data is downloaded.
Once almanac info is obtained, you will see the short bars in GPS apps; once ephemeris is obtained the bars turn dark, or change colour and when you have 3 of those, navigation can commence.
I can't advise you to change the radio version, especially as it needs a hard reset, but can only repeat that it worked for me, here in East Anglia, using the Ameo on Orange.
Neilm,when reverted to radio 1.50 have you used the t-mobile rom or have you used only the radio cab provided by forum?even if my question seems silly i was thinking that maybe a file of those included in t-mobiles 2.35 rom radio 1.50 is problematic??so have you flashed only the radio version back to 1.50 or the entire rom (including t-mob radio 1.50)?
So you suggest change to 1.47?i understand that hard reset is unpleasant setup from beginning but having a dead gps after paying so much for this device is worse.. Could some expert please find this issue..?
..guys i live in rome and i tried gets 1 sat fix after 3 minutes and upon gets a second one it looses both of ameo is like without gps.. only when i use an external bt i-blue i can use it.. but i bought this mobile for not carrying 200 things with me.. :-(
I used the Radio only link, not the whoe T-Mo ROM, so it seems, for me at least, that it is the radio version, rather than where it comes from.
If you don't mind doing a hard rest, I'd say try it I can't say it will work, because it seems there are a number of factors which I don't understand. Some users have GPS working OK with this ROM and radio 1.50.
My personal experience is that radio 1.47 works much better for me, both for GPS and WiFi, and the phone reception is no worse. Battery use seems about the same.
Are you in Rome city centre? If so, have you tried going to a more open space to get a 1st fix? High density buildings can give a poor view of the sky, and give some 'multipath' interference, which can prevent a proper fix.
Athena GPS Quickconnect can't find anything else vaguely apprnnect
Firstly, sorry to hijack this thread, but I couldn't find anything else appropriate.
Relevant to this thread: I have no problems with my current hard/firm/software combo and GPS connect time. It is about 2-3 mins without a current quickconnect file, but fine with both TomTom 6 and VisualGPSce.
Does anyone know what the antenna hardware is like for the GPS radio in Athena? Is it inbuilt to the semiconductor hardware or is there something else? If there is a physical antenna it could be broken? Try attaching an external bluetooth/USB receiver or external antenna. If one works it can only be the antenna or the GPS hardware at fault, right?
My problem
GPS quick connect will no longer connect through 802.11 wifi, bluetooth activesync or USB activesync. The only thing to have changed is that I briefly enabled and then disabled GPRS wifi. Although the settings for GPRS/WAP have been disabled and in network settings the option for 'programs that use the internet automatically' is set to 'my work network', GPSquickconnect still seems to be using my GPRS service provider (which cannot be deleted).
I know a hard reset will resolve this but it would be nice to know if anyone else has come across this and found a reg tweak to remove the service providers in the drop down connections list.
Thanks is advance.

Switch Tech working on data drop on radio 3.27

Greetings all,
I am an old Nortel NI engineer working in a Verizon switch room. My specialty is the Nortel CDMA platform, including the data equipment as well. I sit in a room where a toy cell provides a super signal so I am ideally suited to test this stuff. Mostly I am working on the dreaded data drop problem that we are having with the 3.27 radio, and so far I am finding that there is a problem, but not too bad and I am not finished gathering data. The device I will log into on a slow night is called the RNC, which is the box that controls, connects, and administers to the DOMs at the sites. So far I find that running 3.27 and SelectRadio I do get random dropps and reconnects, however with Resco Pocket Radio I do not seem to have the drops at all, well at least for the last 30 minutes that I have been listening to it. SelectRadio would drop sometimes in 1 minute and sometimes in 3 minutes but would never go over 4 minutes and sometimes would not be able to get going on its own. Resco is not at 32 minutes and not a drop or glitch. I am not sure why as i have not logged into the RNC to monitor what is happening with the session, but either Resco pre-buffers a lot farther ahead, which would make the connection outage come back before you run out of data, or perhaps Resco keeps the session alive by constantly pushing traffig up the reverse link, like an internet 'keep alive' program and SelectRadio may not do this, allowing the session to go 'dormant' state. This is very possible scenario as the dormant state is valid and a means of bandwidth management. If the system does not see a handshake within a certain time, triggered by the mobile as set by a timer value in the radio, it will put the mobile in a dormant session state. What I will do when I get some time is launch WMWIFIRouter and hook to my laptop or just teather with ICS and ping Yahoo for a very long period of time, or perhaps run a net keep alive on the laptop and stream XM thru it and see if it dies.
Anyone running Resco Pocket Radio out there getting better results than they do with SelectRadio ?????
I will keep this thread up until I get a log from the RNC and we will know what exactly is happening, but I vote for a timer value getting altered in the new Radio build that is giving trouble.
Umm, have Verizon task you to find the problem?
If so, what will you do to fix it? If not, is there any way for you to modify a radio driver as it exist now without have access to source code? Why would they modify any setting that already work fine by just upgrade to Rev.A and GPS?
Now, when I run the 3.27 radio, maybe 1 time in 50 time I have perfect connection to my VPN in Japan. There is no trouble at all on that occurrence. I can stay connect for hours. BUT, 49 times out of 50, I will be random disconnect every 3 or 4 minutes, sometimes as short as 20 seconds. If I got lucky by the 1 in 50 chance, I will have no trouble. So, how can it be "timer" issue? I think that it may be an incompatibility with the network and the EVDO Rev.A that is brought in by the 3.27 driver. If nothing else change but sometimes the data connection works fine, then obviously something else is happening.
I have never use 3.27 radio on non WinMo 6.1 ROM and I have also never use WinMo 6.1 on 1.40 or 1.47 radio either. Couldn't this be a WinMo 6.1 issue as well?
The bottom line is, 3.27 radio driver and random disconnects are correlated, but what is the cause? It may be any number of things, please check it and tell us the result, like you said - if you can.
More data and a file to examine
Attached is a log from the DOM/RNC connection between my unit and the network and what is going on. Someone else please feel free to offer any analysis you would care to but it looks like with SelectRadio running here is what happens: The session never dies even when the audio skips and SelectRadio re-connects, but what happens is that the PPP session (RN session) breaks and gets renewed, the session stays and does not go dormant. When it finally gets the 'tuner error' the PPP dropps and does not recover, and the session goes dormant. The interesting thing is that clicking another channel or launching any other program brings the session out of dormant and renews the PPP connection. Resco Pocket Radio never dies for me, and I can tether to my PC either with cable or Wi-Fi and ping until the battery dies and never skip a beat. I am thinking that a parm in the new radio ROM has been tweaked either for power management or for making REV-A or GPS work better and maybe they did not realize that it would effect the streaming media like it has, and as I said Resco does not crap out but SelectRadio does very badly. I am not finished yet, but I would like to get a ping utility, ftp, telnet, both client and daemons for my device so maybe I can run a long ping to somewhere while running SelectRadio to see if that helps. So anyone out there have this stuff ????? i will be looking and test more and attach more logs when I get these. Keep Moving Forward.
More data
I am useing SelectRadio and Resco Pocket Radio in the unit as test software. Listening to SelectRadio tab is Radioio channel 70's Rock 128kbps, and it drops like a rock regularly. I am now teathered with WMWIFIrouter 0.95 and on the Radioio web page and streaming the same channel on my PC for the last 30 minutes without so much as a skip. Useing NetPerSec to monitor the connection shows 136.1k average download and 3.9 k average upload speed, so I am leaning towards a compatibility issue between the SelectRadio app not keeping the network alive. This as I have said before might be a trim of a timer or a power management change in the ROM or radio ROM. Just more food for thought. Anyone feel free to chime in with results or ways for me to persue this.
And No I only work for Verizon in the switchroom, I was not tasked by them to look into this, it is a personal quest.
Perhaps this is whats holding up the sprint rom. If this is so,then its good news,as it implies that it may be fixed in the final release.
results from tonight, interesting
Greetings all,
Tonight sitting in the switchroom I loaded up VxUTIL and started pinging 99999999 times once per second and launched SelectRadio on the usual station aand got some interesting results. First, the pings went flawlessly and never missed a ping, SelectRadio dropped out as usual 2 or 3 times then got the 'tuner error' message as usual, but as I said the ping never skipped a beat nor in the network did the PPP session fall down. Resco Pocket Radio clicks along without ever skipping as usual with or without the pinging going on. Next test is for me to find the URL for the channel I am testing with in SelectRadio and get it imported into Resco Pocket Radio and see what happens. Anyone know how to get the URL for Radioio channels ??????? I will find this and post back.
Maybe try to load on your PC in WinAMP or something, then examine the .pls file?
One way to find the URL is to use the Titan's WIFI, and run tcpdump or equivalent on the wireless router or one connected to it. Assuming you have that capability.
Also, maybe your fancy CDMA gear has an option like that.
Did it and very interesting
Heres some more food for thought. I got the URL and loaded it up in Resco and played it at the same time as SelectRadio and though there was a time shift between the streams, each could be heard at the same time. Anoying, yes. Revealing, yes. The same stream stayed up in Resco but dropped out and reconnected and eventually got tuner error in SelectRadio as Resco clicked right along. So although the bad performance of SelectRadio is related to the REV-A radio and ROM upgrade, it is a problem with SelectRadio and how it handles a stream differently from Resco that makes it a problem. It is important to note that the actual data session and PPP stay up and will not drop as long as the net is kept alive. The dormant state was caused by SelectRadio dropping the connection, as opposed to the connection dropping and halting SelectRadio.
When I go in tonight during the maintenance window I will turn off the REV-A on the toy cell and see if the problem with SelectRadio stays or goes.
I don't mean to play devils advocate or be the ass here cuz i'm sure you're working hard....but from what i can see....all that you've proven is that there's an issue with SelectRadio dropping the connection. That is all well and good for people who care about streaming radio on their phone because they'll all make sure to use resco, but that still does absolutely nothing for the tons of people out there ready to punch a hole in their wall because their connection craps out while on aim, or surfing the web, or using their slingbox. Luckily, my connection doesn't drop all that often, every once in a while, but I've read countless other posts with people losing their connection quite frequently while using many other programs that use the data network.
Actually you are helping
gcincotta said:
I don't mean to play devils advocate or be the ass here cuz i'm sure you're working hard....but from what i can see....all that you've proven is that there's an issue with SelectRadio dropping the connection. That is all well and good for people who care about streaming radio on their phone because they'll all make sure to use resco, but that still does absolutely nothing for the tons of people out there ready to punch a hole in their wall because their connection craps out while on aim, or surfing the web, or using their slingbox. Luckily, my connection doesn't drop all that often, every once in a while, but I've read countless other posts with people losing their connection quite frequently while using many other programs that use the data network.
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This is what I am looking for, some feedback from others on the issue as I work on it here because I thought that my experience with SelectRadio was an example and good test platform for the problem. From what you are saying perhaps I am not having the same problem, or maybe not as extreme, as those complaining about it. Sort of like those who said their bluetooth quit after flashing this ROM, or their WiFi, or some other stuff, when none of that stuff broke in mine. Maybe I do not have this problem either so am spinning my wheels as far as helping those who do. So then if tell me what program is dropping in your case and I will load it up in mine and see if I can duplicate it in mine, if Slingplayer then I would need a server to log into as I do not have one myself. If anyone is near where I am and having the problem then I can log into the RNC here while you are on the network and do a data audit to see whats happening. Another thing is do a ##debug and watch particularly if the session goes dormant or if it goes null when the data loss is perceived, as this will help too. Thanks and keep those comming as I do aim to help and have the network at my disposal and all the diagnostic tools it posseses to figure this out.
Well, For me it's using the FTP over at PPC geeks.... Goto their site while tethering to your laptop, and try to download any ROM or the Kaiser OEM file(it's like 90megs). One time it hung at 9 megabytes, I restarted it, hung at 9 again, did that like 5 straight times.... A second time, it hung at 16.0 megs, 6 straight tries..... weird..... On a few occasions, it actually got the whole file.....
I think downloading large files is a really good consistent test to see flaws in the radio.
You speak of resco... Have you tried running the resco update utility? Any time I would run that to download an update on 3.27 radio it would ALWAYS freeze and pretty much require a reboot.
Also, to comment on the wm6.1 thing someone said previously... dcd just released 1.7.0 rom that works with 1.40 radio and I've been using it with 0 data problems/drops. There is def a problem with the 3.27 radio and I don't think it's related to wm6.1...
I'm using the "stock" leaked rom with the 3.27 radio and I have the problem too.
Yes, WM6.1 is no problem. It is problem by 3.27 radio for sure.
Try to make a virtual private network connection across ocean, and you will have big trouble by 3.27 radio. Next, my american friend tell me he can't play online game with 3.27 radio for disconnect randomly and major LAG. So, if you want a good "test" maybe try online game or VPN.

WMWiFi Router And Sprint Touch Pro

Simply asked, will WMWifirouter work on the Sprint's Touch Pro? Or will it at least work as well on there as it does on my Mogul? (in that it will allow me to use the "Sprint PCS" as a teathering option instead of getting sprint's phone as modem service.)
I took a different route: Tether via USB cable which takes a lot less battery power to do than running WiFi. Yeah, cables are "old school" but they can be more practical at times.
Anyway, I can now tether my Sprint Touch Pro via a USB cable and do Internet sharing without subscribing to the "Phone as Modem" service. If you're interested in how I did that, visit THIS THREAD.
wmwifi router
Short answer yes it works. Longer answer it works but you still have to do the ics hack first. There is a new version out there if you register it lets you do more things. It can work with the cable as well. The cost for the liscences version is 30 dollars us. It is worth it the old free version is also still out there. They both work I have used them. Tho the old version did seem to have some problems. Not sure if it was the phone or vista causing the problems tho.
I can confirm that the lastest version 1.25 works perfectly on the Sprint Touch Pro. It does allow you to choose "Sprint" as the network instead of "Phone As Modem". Also, with the latest version, there is no need to do the ICS hack. Just install, follow the prompts, and everything needed is setup for you.
I hope that helps!
So you said you got it to work without doing the ics hack? Their website says you must a working ICS and sprint by default turns that off. I have noticed I can't get ICS to work thru usb anymore since I installed it. any way the important thing is it does work. 15 day free trial in fact they request you test with the free trial before you can buy.
Let me add that though the latest version of WiFiRouter DOES indeed work perfectly with my TP and ANY computer with WiFi capability there is one drawback. After about 45 minutes of use, the TP is almost scorching hot on the backside. I limit my usage to make sure I'm not going to fry any of the internal components on the phone. Just my two cents.
WMWifiRouter is a great program. It works great for almost all of the computers that I have that I would want to have connected to the internet when I am on the road
my lenovo laptop. it will not see the network created by wmwifirouter, no matter what I do.
wmwifirouter can only set up ad-hoc connections, and not infrastructure connections.
so make sure to test it out before you go and buy a licensem just to find out that you can't use it with your primary laptop
opening the keyboard and setting up so it is kind of sitting up helps it stay cool. It also has a temp reading in the program if it gets to hot it shuts down the connection anyway. I also cheat and hook up to my playstation 3 using their standard cable for the remotes and it charges my phone while it getting me online.
To combat the heat I made a "cold box" out of a small (5"x5")square shipping box and an old computer fan. I just set the phone inside it with the back removed and faced down so the bottom faces the fan. It never over heats.
I use a similar method to the cld box..a small desk fan with the back cover off and the TP stays cool

App wanted/searched : track/limit amount of minutes called per #time

Hi there,
Since i use my phone way too soon for all sort of non important phone calls, and get expensive bills quite often, i wonder if there is some sort of program that tracks the amount of minutes used to call. Or even better, that you are able to set a maximum per month
Is something like that existing?
I use a TP2, winmo 6.5

[Q] Use Storm2 as a modem

Ok I know that if anyone knows how to do this it is yous guys.
I cant always find a signal or i refuse to pay (spend alot of times in airports) I have looked up how to tether or bluetooth my phone to laptops and all say the same thing. I have to have blackberry manager running on my LAPTOP well I have never seen a driod ver.
Some info
Storm 2
Business phone on enterprise (yes if I could I would just be on a driod so please dont just say get a new phone)
Vegan Ginger 7.0.0
It took me like 100 trys and alot of screeming just to get ginger on it I dont know terms or abbreiviations so please be gentle.
I am rather low on the company totem pole and I am trying to stop using the company laptop that weighs 8.2 pounds thats to heavy to drag with me everywhere. I have logmein to access it from afar and not use it but if I am caught in a spot where I cant use my tab to get what I need i will be forced to carry the brick around because they pay for a usb at&t wifi thing. (can that be used?)
Thanks in advance
I can answer about the USB modem - generally the answer is no (unfortunately). I had a Verizon USB modem that I tried for months to get working, but the problem is that these devices needed both kernel and OS support. Some of the more popular ones overseas were supported on devices like the ZT-180, but even those were few and far betweeen.
I had the same issue with my company but I managed to get a Mifi device to replace the USB modem I had previously. The con is the battery life (just a few hours), but the pro is that it works like any other Wifi router and you can connect up to 5 devices to it.

