SX56 WM2003 - Pocket explorer & msn wont work in craddle - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

ok the desktop is connected and the Software "Battery Pack" does download information from the net and also updates itself. But when i try to open any website or try to connect msn it says service not available. is there a way to fix this?
i really want my mobile msn to work separately when the phone is craddled

I havent personally tried this but I know that updates are needed for many programs in wm2003, try to see if any later software is needed for the pda.

Check the Pass Through option in ActivSync.
Its located in the OPTIONS dialog, RULES tab, at the bottom.
Select The Internet instead of Work.


HELP: Sync over the internet ???

Is it possible to sync using activesync over the internet without running an exchange server? I'd like to be able to sync my XDA while I'm out and about to my PC at home.
:shock: :?: :?:
been trying to do the same for ages , but never found out how to do it
It can be done, under a few conditions:
1. You need to have a static IP address for you PC
2. You need to install Pocket Hosts or a similar free utility to map the WINS host name to your PC's IP address.
3. Your carrier / ISP must not have a firewall that blocks ports 5678 or 5679 (T-mobile seems to block this)
Remote active sync was designed with a local area network in mind and it is configured to connect to you computer by using the WINS name and not using an internet based DNS name. When you connect over an internet connection from your XDA, it is not able to find you PC.
If you install a free utility such as Pocket Hosts ( you can configure the Pocket PC to be able to find you PC. This utility will allow you to configure you Pocket PC to map your PC Name to an IP address (similar to the HOST file on a Windows based PC)
Before I had the unlimited GPRS plan, I created a dial up connection to an ISP on my PocketPC Phone and it works perfectly. However, when I try the same thing over the GPRS connection, it does not work. From my end, it looks like T-Mobile blocks ports 5678 or 5679 on their firewall, which are the ports that remote active sync uses to complete the connection. (It looks like it is about to work, but then fails to complete the connection)
I have tried to convince t-mobile to fix this, but they keep claiming that it will not work out of the box, they don't know how to make it work, and they won't support it. They try to "upsell" me the sidekick or other device. I can't seem to get through to the right people. It seems crazy that a setting on their end blocks us from being able to sync over the air. After all, what is the point of a data connection if you are still restricted to using a cradle to sync. I understand that they don't want to support this and walk people through setting this up, but blocking the functionality seems pointless.
Anyone tested this on ATT? With number portability starting, I may have to explore other options. Anyone have an in at T-mobile that can get them to open up these ports on the firewall?
get an account (if you don't have one already)
login -- click on mail
the click the tab for addresses
on the next line to the right you will see the word "sync"
this will take you to download intellisync for yahoo
then follow instructions
sync you pda and your good to go, you will have your info on the internet and sync from anywhere
one more thing if youown a palm os and a pocket pc pda and you want to have both devices with same info (contacts, mail, notes etc. etc.)
the change the settings on your intellisync for your other device and resync
hope this helps it did for me...
Hi, I'm from the Philippines and my Network is SMART Communications. I tried synching with my active sync via GPRS but it seems it can't find my PC eventhough I used Pocket Hosts utility. It seems they block the port too. Anybody from Smart to please open the gate for us.
I've setup up my Win2k PC as dial-up server. And with the help of the Pocket Hosts utility, I can now be able to sync my Outlook over the air. But the call charges is killing me.
I've been investigating this myself too - and have to say T-Mobile's attitude is also alive and well here in the UK on O2 (via crapphone-whorehouse data support team).
I was actually shouted at by one of their 'tech' guys when I tried to persuade them that it could technically be done, but I needed to find out whether they were blocking the relevant ports. He eventually hung up on me! Fantastic service, eh!
I've been trying to get ActiveSync working over the Internet for the past few days and have finally managed to get it to work reliably. There are a couple of things that I have found...
Firstly, at least one of the ports required for ActiveSync does seem to be blocked when using GPRS (Vodadone UK in my case). Setting up a normal dial-up ISP connection results in first time connections to ActiveSync every time. It would be nice to know why there is problem over GPRS.
Secondly, my device was still connecting as Guest. Whilst reading through various other forums I found a fix that seem to work for this but it involves deleting a registry key. I wouldn't recommend it as I have know idea what else this key might be used for but it certainly solved the problem for me. The key I removed is HKLM/Ident/Username value is guest. The key is replaced automatically at some point (maybe after a reset) so if it stops working, you have to go and delete it again! There must be a better way....
That's great information, thanks.
I now have my device remote synching!
Just to summarise my steps to get things working on my XDA II:
1) XDA: Set up new work connection (don't you just hate the organisation of conenctions...) to a dial-up ISP over GSM, as O2 UK also block the ports required for activesync.
2) PC: Open sockets 990, 999, 5678, 5679 on my firewall
3) XDA: Use pockethosts to set up the IP address for my PC name
4) XDA: Change HKLM\Ident\User from guest to my normal PC logon user id
5) PC: Set allow network connections in activesync
6) XDA: Manually Connect to the ISP connection
7) XDA: Open activesync and click synch - away we go!
As an update to this, I had to do a full restore at the weekend after loosing all my data on the XDAII. The problem was not related to these changes but it made me look again at the Ident key. There are two keys normally like...
HKLM/Ident/Name Value<Your chosen PDA Name>
HKLM/Ident/OrigName Value<Pocket_PC>
This time I changed only HKLM/Ident/OrigName to the same value as in HKLM/Ident/Name and it connected first time. Also, this value does not seem to be reset unless you do a hard reset on the device. This may be better than changing the Username value though I have yet to try either on another computer where my preferred connection should actually be as a Guest.
Got it working
Thanks to andyclap's suggestions I finally got it working. It looks like T-mobile does not block any ports, but without the registry hack the error I got was the same as when I tested this over a dial up connection and blocked the ports on my firewall.
The other change since my last post is that I am using WM2003 and it requires you to set up a VPN connection to the PC instead of just using PocketHosts for the name resolution.

I can´t syncronize with activesync 4.0 and w2k5 via USB.

I have already download the new w2k5 to my XDAII and now I can´t wyncronize it via USB with the new ActiveSync 4.0
I have tried via infrared and it works, but when i put my XDA II in the credle, and I try to do it via USB it doesn´t works... Any idea?¿
are u sure the File/Connection settings/allow USB connection is checked??!!! :wink:....... otherwise,u cannot synchronise via USB...
RAGO :lol:
Yes, everything it´s ok
I don´t know what could it be... Maybe reinstalling activesync 4.0...
thanks 4 all.
The problem with the USB conection of my xda II and activesync 4.0 still kickin´...
I have read something abaut the same problem in another post? Or it´s just a dream?
It's kinda strange what's happening with u... :?
Now am not sure,but try the following:
*u must have service pack 2 installed(it's a prerequisite)
1-on ur mobile:go to active sync/menu/connections check synchronize all PCs using this connection,and in the window tab below choose USB.
2-try changing the USB port on ur PC.
3-try restarting ur PC,and ur mobile as well...
4-make sure the File/Connection settings/allow USB connection is checked
5-make sure ur cable is functionning well(try another device if u can,or another cradle if possible)
Good luck....
RAGO :lol:
I´m trying to synchronize in a IBM T21 Laptop... Maybe USB 2.0 not soported? Does anybody knows if ActiveSync 4.0 and wm2k5 only works with USB 2.0 ?
Many Thanks
spend some time today to make it work.
first check on device manager if under network adapters exist "windows mobile-based device" and is ok (not with ! sign),
then go to control panel at network and internet connection > network connection.if you have network card there will be one local area connection (or maybe much depend how many network cards have in pc).when conected pocketpc (wm2005) will create another local area conection,connect and disconect to see what number have ex. local area connection 2.right click properties then better tick on show icon on notification area to see what is about connection.go to advanced windows firewall > general tab turn off,at advanced tab unmark this area connection only,( I want to say to unmark local area connection 2 or what number have this connection between pocketpc and pc) leave marked other local area conection (if is present) to keep protect your pc from ok in that window,now you are back in properties page check at general tab >tcp/ip protocol > properties to be selected obtain an ip address automatically press ok ok again. now in pocketpc go to start > settings > connections > network cards here select connect to "work" and adapter remote-ndis host select "use server assigned ip address" ok ok again.dissconect and connect pocketpc to pc.look at taskbar right-down corner of monitor,near clock,you should see appear network connection icon.first time at every connection between two little monitor will be a red dot going from one to another,in this time computere search for dhcp server to receive ip address,in short time (4-5-6 seconds) link will be active icon will be clear not fading like previous and the two monitors will blink.if this is not happened check on control panel > Performance and Maintenance > Administrative Tools > services if dhcp client is started,if not start it manual and change startup type to automatic.if until now everything is ok disconnect pocket pc, dezinstall old version of active sync install version 4.0 build 4343 restart pc.after pc started up connect pocketpc to pc,it should work.if still not work dezinstall active sync and from control panel uninstall windows mobile-based device disconect pocketpc restart pc install active sync and connect pocketpc,in this way windows reinstall networ driver and now must work ok.
btw I forgot to tel to check at active sync allow usb connection.
good luck.
Thank you very much for everything gabiz_ro.
Ok, I´m going to tell you what I have realized trying to follow your instructions.
Firstable I don´t have that you call:"windows mobile-based device" Or I didn´t find it... I have looked at Lan or Internet connection.
Then, I have tried to find out the conection that you talk abaut that it must be created when I connect my PPC, but I didn´t find it too. I tried to find it conecting the XDA II via USB and via Infrareds (remember that via IRDA does works)
Finally I changed at my PPC what you say abaut remote ndis host, I saved it, and disconnected and connected again, but it didn´t appear anything at taskbar right-down corner of monitor...
I don´t know what to do... And I´m sure that the problem is hosted the new activesync 5.0 or in wm2k5, cause one hour ago, when I came back to w2003se, I synchronized the ppc correctly with the credle via USB...
I´m feeling very weird with it, cause when I put the PPC in the credle (with wm2k5 and actvesync 4.0) the normal sound of the PC when you connect something reconigzed, don´t sounds... what I hear is the double "tun tun" that sounds when you connect something not recognized.
Many thanks
wm2003 is identified by windows as usb device.
but wm2005 like a network connection.
right click on "my computer" > properties > hardware > device manager.expand network adapters,and here when conected pocketpc to usb you'll see "windows mobile-based device"
local area conection 2 (or other number,in raport with how many network cards are installed on pc) you''l find in start > control panel > network and internet conection > network connection.but appear only when xda is connected if xda is disconected that "local area connection" dissapear too,and xda must be identified and driver installed (windows mobile-based device show without any ! symbol in control panel).infrared connection will not work here.on that local area network who represent connexion between pc and xda right click > properties and mark show icon on notification area.....
if you hear other sound like you say,maybe xda is not identified or windows didn't install corect driver.take a look to see in control panel what is wrong.expand universal serial bus to see if ther is some unknow device or something wrong.
there is control panel print-screen and taskbar area prinscreen.
I think that finally thanks to you we have discovered the problem...
I don´t have everything you talk abaut in the device list...
But what I have is this: Generic RNDIS (PROTOTYPE- Remembber to change id Vendor)
It is with the yellow alert icon.
But what could I do to put it right?
Problem FIXED!
That was the problem... It was not recognized, and with alert yellow icon... Thank you very much gabiz_ro, if you´ll didn´t helped me, now I would be changing back to w2003se
Thank you very much again
glad to can help.
Problem with sync on WM 5.0
Hi, All. Anyone HELP ME pls.
When I finished upgrade my device to WM2005, my Active Sync (4.0) not working, on USB mode.
Only it's working with Bluethooth.
And I saw on PC Device Manager -> Unknown Windows Mobile Device.(Generic RNDIS (PROTOTYPE--Remember to change idVendor)
How can I fix this Problem? :?:
re-install drivers for this device
Hoe installeer je de drivers opnieuw. Volgens mij heb ik die niet
Frenske :lol:
Yes, everything what you need to do, is to click on update drivers, and everything will be fixed
Best Regards
click Update!!!
Windows cannot find this driver...
But I fixed this problem, whereas after than my device is dead. (not working radio, calendar, bluetooth etc...)
Now WM2005 is not good working on XDA II.
try deleting the device, restart pc and have windows find it again.
Ive got the same problem, where can I get the drivers to fix this???
Thanks Peter
IIve got my MDA PRO for afew days now.
I coudnt sync with active sync 4.
I did a rom update and de beta version of active sync 4.2
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This PDA is like the world in my hand.
Greetings pocket pc freaks

Pocket Internet Explorer 'page cannot be found' problems

I have a O2 XDA I with Microsoft Pocket PC Version 3.0.12039 (Build 11178).
When I try to use Pocket Internet Explorer I see that the phone is connecting to Orange GPRS network. I see the status changing from 'connecting' to 'connected'. So fas so good.
But then I get the message "The Page you are looking for cannot be found".
I installed also EzWAP and there I have no problem.
There I have another problem. On a lot of pages I get the message 'Unable to display page. Size is too long'.
Any help is much appreciated!!!!
I am also having this problem. It just started recently. It happens will every website I try to connect to with Pocket IE. It's not an Internet connectivity problem, as other Internet applications work fine. In addition, I installed an alternate browser (Minimo) and it connects just fine to any web page. It seems to be specific to Pocket IE. I'd like to know if:
1 - Has anyone has experienced this and fixed it along with the steps to take to fix it?
2 - or can I just reinstall Pocket IE? Where can I get the latest Pocket IE installation file?
Thanks in advance!
Michael Smith
Any solution to this problem?

WMDC ActiveSync No Connection

I have an Advantage x7500. I've installed the WM6 ROM here. My problem is I can't connect to my Advantage via Windows Mobile Device Center on my Vista box or ActiveSync on my XP box. The computer makes the expected sound when the USB connection is made, and in ActiveSync I can explore the device, but that's it. In WMDC, the error message for RapiMgr is "Windows Mobile-based device failed to connect due to communication (0x80072745) failure (see data for failure code)." I've done a lot of searching before I posted this and found a lot of posts (so at least I'm not alone). I've disabled firewalls, AV, anti-spyware, but no change. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled WMDC and ActiveSync. I do notice in Device Manager no Windows Mobile Remote Adapter under the Network Adapters node. Under the Mobile Devices node is HTC USB Sync. Any suggestions would be appreciated as I've been beating my head on wall on this. Thanks.
cayotte said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, but been there, done that. (I didn't want to waste everyone's time so I did use the search button first)
As I mentioned in my prior message, in Device Manager there is no Windows Mobile Remote Adapter under the Network Adapters node. Do those of you using WM6 have such an entry for that adapter?
I have the same problem, but in Vista.
Sync has been working fine, but now suddenly it wont connect.
ps: sync on my SPV C500 works perfect. It's only my X7500 that won't connect.
lo and behold.....xman06's solution in the other tread worked for me.
"Try to go on setting connection usbtopc and disable advanced network functionality and ok"
teddyen66 said:
lo and behold.....xman06's solution in the other tread worked for me. "Try to go on setting connection usbtopc and disable advanced network functionality and ok" perfect
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, but been there and done that too. (The downside of searching first is that all the usual solutions have been tried)
Tell me, under Device Manager do you have Windows Mobile Remote Adapter under the Network Adapters node? And under the Mobile Devices node do you have HTC USB Sync? I'm missing the former; that may be the issue but I'm not sure not knowing if others have it or not.
I bit the bullet and did a hard reset (too bad that doesn't work on spouses ) and ActiveSync started working again.
Kaiser / TyTN II WMDC Activesync no connection
I have the same issue described above. And no, the solutions given don't work. Not even a hard reset.
I am not sure what the issue is. Any ideas?
Similar problem solved
I had the same problem and went through many steps like those posted in this forum. I'm going to show my steps to solve this problem without hard reset your phone.
1) When the phone is connected, at the phone ActiveSync setting delete the PC profile.
2) Unplug the phone from the PC.
3) Uninstall and then reinstall the ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Center.
4) At phone system setting -> About -> make sure there is a name ID. Without this the PC cannot identify the phone and thus cannot sync.
5) Set the USBtoPC with 'advance network..." enabled.
6) To the extreme, before step 3, go to PC windows\inf and remove infcache.1 (need to add in an administrators account and set the privilage to full control). That may remove old corrupted drivers.
This page was coming up on the top list of google so i'll post my solution here.
I also spent hours trying to find the problem
uninstalled/reinstalled WMDC/Downloaded the latest version etc/Hard reset TYTN II/followed endless google searches,followed the instructions here etc etc.
Similiar to the OP i had windows making the "normal ding dong sounds but no connection happening.
In the finish what fixed my problem was with the device plugged in go to Device Manager on the PC and in "Network Adapters" select "Microsoft Windows Mobile Remote Adapter" and right click "Update Driver Software"
That got me back connected.....Hope it helps someone else out
Did it worked? I can't install WMDC without having my Pocket PC conected and when I have it it doesn't install anyway...
hey guys, if you have firewall installed disable it until the connection is made with your computer and phone, then re-enable your firewall.
this seems to be the problem solution for me all the time. Hope it helps.

Activesync Help Thread

I definitely don't have any good answers to the age 'ol problem of connectivity issues with Activesync. I have been scouring the internet for hours and hours and hours trying everything and anything imaginable to get it working flawlessly. I haven't seen a Thread like this anywhere so I thought I would make one with easy, quick navigation to a system of solutions.
What I am running and have tested the following avenues on:
ROM Version: DCD 3.2.5​Radio Version: 3.42.30​
Here is what all the different forums recommend:
- Reinstall Activesync- 4.5 is the most resent and, supposedly with the fewest bugs.​
- Restart both desktop/laptop and also soft reset the PPC​
- If you are running a Firewall, either:​(a) Follow the instructions on this page to add ports to your firewall to allow communication with Activesync​(b) Completely turn off your Firewall. "Not reccomended"​
- Some sites recommend that you turn off your antivirus to see if that helps. "Also not recommended"​
- Ensure that no other program is using the same port/ports that activesync also uses. Most of these programs are file sharing, remote login, and other similar programs. -If other programs do exist, either alter their ports or turn them off completely​
- On the PPC- toggle the "Enable advanced network functionality" on and off- located START->SETTINGS->CONNECTIONS->USB to PC​
- Opening Outlook. Some say this helps Activesync connect.​
- One far fetched idea is to continuously pull out and plug in the USB cord until it connects. If it still doesn't connect, restart PPC and try again.​
- Replace the USB cable and/or trying different USB ports on the computer​---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have done everything imaginable and I can't seem to get any kind of a reliable connection.
Here is a list of all the issues I have had:
~ Activesync connects and never syncs, arrows turning​~ Activesync in the Sys Tray says connected- arrows stopped, but the program says connecting- arrows turning- Never connects​~ Activesync connects, starts to sync- then suddenly disconnects and no longer recognizes the device​~ Activesync tries to connect but says it cannot communicant with device- Runs troubleshooter and finds nothing wrong​~ Windows identifies device as unknown and avtivesync does nothing- even searching for the device turns up nothing.​
Some of these issues are a hit an miss, but I am almost guaranteed to have one of the above problems every time I try to connect.
If anyone has any more ideas for me, that would be great! Please help spread the word of known fixes to the horrible world of Activesync.
I truly hope this helps everyone who reads it.
Have you tried deleting all the mobile devices showing up and then start can also go into the device manger and delete everything there as well....if anything is showing....
I am experiencing the exact same issue with the exact same Rom/Radio. Now when I go to Connections\USB to PC and try to uncheck "Enable Advanced network functionality" I get this message: Failed to disable RNDIS to use Serial. Hope this helps in troubleshooting.
Thanks for all you do DCD and GC!
Web2mail calendar & Desktop Calendar
After signing up with Web2mail live version my active sync has two accounts. The outlook account I familiar with and the exchange server account via
Is it possilbe to sync my desktop calendar under activesync with the exchange server calendar? Any pointing to help, threads or pdf manuals would be greatly appreciated.
I believe that if you click on each account under activesync you will be able to select what you want to sync with each, but cannot be in both. I do all but e-mail on my work PC. Use the Exchange server for e-mails. When I plug into cable on PC it will sync both the exchange server and the PC items.

