XDA Service Center UK - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hi Folks
Have just recieved my xda2 back from the uk service center. Credit due, they were quick and helpful, but the faults are still the same. Theyd upgraded the extROM but apart from that it appears nothing has changed.
The ROM is o2 1.66WWE and ive been having numberous freezing problems, I thought about upgrading the ROM to 1.72 imate but of course i guess once this is done, if something goes wrong o2 wont support the device any more. The other problem is i cant quite pull enough information together from the thousands of topics on this board to find out how to upgrade, what to use, what to do if it goes wrong, etc. Does anyone know of a recommended guide?
Aside from that, what does everyone think? Shall i continue to send it back to o2 or take matters into my own hands and start upgrading?

For anyone who ends up in the same situation as me, i had the device returned to me recently and the service center had changed the motherboard. Now it works perfectly fine, not problems and chances are if i had flashed to 1.72imate i wouldve had the same problems due to hardware fault and o2 wouldnt have supported me anymore. Tread carefully o2 upgraders


can't go into bootloader mode, thanks to O2 cust. service.

hey all, my XDA II O2 is dead, i have a bit of a story to tell about it too. the poor thing won't boot up past the O2 spash screen.
i was initially selling my O2 around the traps as a working unit, then someone asked me to show them landscape view, and i didn't know how. i soon found out i needed to upgrade to 2003se or 2005. so on my homage to flashing my O2's ROM. i went and tried a 2005 and some random version radio stack hoping to upgrade two things at once, then, only one worked. my OS flash was fine, but my radio ROM didn't work at all. so basically i could get into WM2003, 2003SE, 2005 fine but couldnt use my simcard.
i've tried countless times to manually fix it aswell as using the official O2 ROM update off their site. then i went and sent it to O2 customer service or whatever it's called this year Razz. they charged me $45AUD for general service fee which included flashing the radio and OS roms up to the latest. then they ring me up one morning saying my poor O2 needs a new motherboard (somewhere between $350 - 450 i think). i asked why, they said because it wouldn't power on at all. so i tried turning it on, it didnt work all of a sudden, so to speak.
i still had to pay the $45aud and ended up without a working O2, at all.
i felt furious but helpless and tried not to have to pay the fee, but had to.
long story short, heh, i need to do something with my shell of a XDA II, either sell, sell parts, fix, find a special ROM flash that might fix it. i don't know, i've tried so hard and have gotten nowhere. so, guys, any insight in what i could/should do?? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks! Shocked
OH OH OH also, on that note, i can't go into bootloader mode or any other mode at all, so i cant re-flash

"NO RADIO" or "NO GSM" GSM/3G module failure T-Mobile Ameo original ROM for warranty?

"NO RADIO" or "NO GSM" GSM/3G module failure T-Mobile Ameo original ROM for warranty?
****** A note for those who may be in a similar situation or pondering over something similar ****
How it ended is that HTC refused to honour the warranty for the reason of "nonstandard software installed / user inflicted damage". To be perfectly honest the law is on their side on this one unfortunately.
I was charged for the repair, waiting for the unit now. :/
Conclusion - as was easy to predict is that HTC will try to use the argument of different branding to refuse warranty, so if you're using HTC branded ROM on T-Mobile branded unit - the warranty goes.
Nothing new here, just for others to have a track.
Also, for those experiencing following problems:
- No GSM, No 3G, but at the same time WiFi and GPS working
- At the boot "NO GSM", "NO RADIO" or "R NONE" displayed instead of the radio stack version, the message depends on the radio stack version
... your motherboard is 99% damaged.
It's not repairable apparently (relax, the unit is). I was charged for "M/B repair", but when the unit came back the motherboard was obviously replaced - new IMEI, physical marks gone. Compared to the price of the whole unit the repair is not that much, so don't despair, send it to them. They're very fast.
The fault is apparently rather rare, but not unknown. May be caused by misuse like leaving the power source plugged in when removing the battery or simply a manufacturing fault. If you have standard software, you will have the repair under the warranty.
Mine just died in the middle of the call for no apparent reason and as I had Olipro's SPL and other non-standard ROM on it I was charged for the repair.
The unit is back, like new, I'm happy again and hope it won't happen to any of you.
Hi all.
First of all, thx for all the effort that you've put into making Athena/Ameo work with WM6 and all those tools.
Now, I need an original T-Mobile UK Ameo ROM. I have searched hi and low on FTP, wiki, but I cannot find an original T-Mobile UK ROM, only HTC (different branding, etc)
The situation is such - my Ameo was bought second hand from E-bay. It already had a WM6 put on it by a very nice and helpful seller.
After some time of using it, the phone module got fried somehow. After the soft reset due to a hang in a phone call the device doesn't see the phone anymore.
GPS works, WIFI works but no phone, when booting it shows "R NONE" like there's no radio.
I've tried re-flashing with two different radio ROM's, then a full WM6 re-flash, all to no avail.
I have a feeling it's a fried SIM reader, before going completely it complained once about "incorrect SIM" or something similar. The SIM is ok of course, I've checked it in other mobiles and also other sims in the Ameo with the same result.
I've seen similar posts on the net, but to claim warranty I will have to revert back to WM5 or of course they will try to claim that the phone module got fried by WM6, wich is balls (excuse my Latin).
So... after this lengthy introduction - does ANYONE have a backup copy of T-Mobile UK original ROM?
Check here:
jpiskorski said:
Hi all.
First of all, thx for all the effort that you've put into making Athena/Ameo work with WM6 and all those tools.
Now, I need an original T-Mobile UK Ameo ROM. I have searched hi and low on FTP, wiki, but I cannot find a definite answer.
The situation is such - my Ameo was bought second hand from E-bay. It already had a WM6 put on it by a very nice and helpful seller.
After some time of using it, the phone module got fried somehow. After the soft reset due to a hang in a phone call the device doesn't see the phone anymore.
GPS works, WIFI works but no phone, when booting it shows "R NONE" like there's no radio.
I've tried re-flashing with two different radio ROM's, then a full WM6 re-flash, all to no avail.
I have a feeling it's a fried SIM reader, before going completely it complained once about "incorrect SIM" or something similar. The SIM is ok of course, I've checked it in other mobiles and also other sims in the Ameo with the same result.
I've seen similar posts on the net, but to claim warranty I will have to revert back to WM5 or of course they will try to claim that the phone module got fried by WM6, wich is balls (excuse my Latin).
So... after this lengthy introduction - does ANYONE have a backup copy of T-Mobile UK original ROM?
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And you're sure it's a hardware problem and not a band issue with the phone? I know when I first got my phone I had to change the band to make it work with T-Mobile.
ltxda said:
And you're sure it's a hardware problem and not a band issue with the phone? I know when I first got my phone I had to change the band to make it work with T-Mobile.
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Yes, 100%.
1. It did work for 3 days with some heavy usage (phone calls, 3G for browsing for 3 hours straight for a test, GPS driving across country roads for 4 hours, boy that was fun).
2. Before it stopped working it complained about a problem with SIM. SIM is ok, other SIMs don't work either.
3. After a soft reset and all following hard resets, radio rom updates, full re-flashing still at the black screen there is that "R NONE" message. Google'ing around I've found three similar reports about Athena/U1000 and all three end up with "had to take the handset to the warranty repair, got a new one back"...
4. And finally - I left it switched off for the night with 50% battery still there at 1am. At 7:30am when switched on it had 10%. There seems to be some power drain, that makes me think something is hardware-fried.
I am really cautious about approaching T-Mobile warranty with WM6 and Olipro 1.20 SPL onboard, I can almost hear the answer and I don't like it.
wgary said:
Check here:
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Hi, thx for your answer, I've looked there, but there's no T-Mobile UK ROM there, only HTC.
Does anyone have an original backup ROM for T-Mobile UK?
Also - how can I make sure the Hard-SPL by Olipro is gone and all is left is Ameo as it left the factory? Is there something I have to be aware of (to take it off)?
If those questions are stupid I appologise, but I don't have much experience with Athena, I only had it for 4 days. :/
So far I was always working with ipaq's and Imate Jam. Never had to deal with warranty on those.
Thx once again.
i can send you an NBH file with the T-mobile splash screens, i think you can find the extended rom in the forum.. i don't know what is the Radio rom version is, nor the OS that came with mine .. i've a problem with the GPS as well and i did buy my unit from ebay
whammer said:
i can send you an NBH file with the T-mobile splash screens, i think you can find the extended rom in the forum.. i don't know what is the Radio rom version is, nor the OS that came with mine .. i've a problem with the GPS as well and i did buy my unit from ebay
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Hey, that would be great. Can you upload them here? Or simply mail to [email protected]
Do you still have original WM5 on your device too by any chance?
What problems do you have with your GPS? Maybe I can help?
If your unit is bought on E-bay, you still should have the manufacturers warranty, check that on http://service.htceurope.com/Wizard.aspx
At that link you can quickly check if your unit is still covered, it should be, Ameos are not long enough on the market to expire their warranty.
Thx in advance
Thanks man for the info, here is the NBH file i've crearted using the HTC tool (attached), Note that your device should be SUPERCID to be able to flash the rom with this image.
My gps isn't working under wm6, tried wm5 but still didn't work, it stops when i try to flash the SIRFBootloader.nb (GPS) with an error code 00018003, i only get that error when i use the miniSD for flashing, as the normal activesync flashing doesn't show the errors as well as the miniSD one. i've tried every single rom in the forum, all fails .. asked for help but non had that problem, some don't know that some roms don't include that SIRFbootloader.nbh and only have the OS,splashes are the radio.
whammer said:
Thanks man for the info, here is the NBH file i've crearted using the HTC tool (attached), Note that your device should be SUPERCID to be able to flash the rom with this image.
My gps isn't working under wm6, tried wm5 but still didn't work, it stops when i try to flash the SIRFBootloader.nb (GPS) with an error code 00018003, i only get that error when i use the miniSD for flashing, as the normal activesync flashing doesn't show the errors as well as the miniSD one. i've tried every single rom in the forum, all fails .. asked for help but non had that problem, some don't know that some roms don't include that SIRFbootloader.nbh and only have the OS,splashes are the radio.
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Cheerz mate, I will try to combine this branding with HTC WM5 and see how it looks... still I'm hoping somebody will come up with full original image.
Somehow I can't believe nobody backed it up before doing upgrades. In the olden days when I was playing with Linux on iPaq's, how else could we come back? (Ohhh... the warm fuzzy feeling of a text console on the black screen on my iPaq... and nothing more. That was year 2000. )
Sounds like some real trouble you're having there with GPS... I'm afraid it's completely out of my league, maybe somebody else will have some advise.
Original Ameo ROM
having bricked one Ameo trying to unlock it I have a replacement from T-Mobile UK. I am a noobie so I have no idea how to make an image of what you need, but if you post instructions and there is no danger of another bricked unit I'd be happy to upload it for you
Hard-SPL is permanent
Just thought I'd let you guys know that Olipro's Hard-SPL and signature on the bootloader-screen is permanent. Sorry, but that is what made it unbrickable too.
I don't think it is permanent, I no longer have his spl appearing on the boot screen. I presume it was during the last rom flash, (but I've been to sleep since then so may have forgotten what I did), but it now shows as 2.20. before it was the olipro one..
mackaby007 said:
Just thought I'd let you guys know that Olipro's Hard-SPL and signature on the bootloader-screen is permanent. Sorry, but that is what made it unbrickable too.
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Oh sweet... :/
Thx for clearing this up.
Did anyone have experience trying to claim warranty from HTC on the T-Mobile unit with WM6 on it? After all it's HTC's own soft, but the legal standing is that voids the warranty, so they can use it to refuse repair.
Damn it, it seems the GSM module is not repairable, all reports say about replacing the whole unit. :/
I saw some reports here about T-Mobile UK releasing WM6 official upgrade in September, I think I'll just wait until then, the soft will be official even if the SPL won't.
Will keep you all posted here about the development of all that in case some other poor sod finds himself in a similar pickle.
Damn. :/
ArnieSack said:
having bricked one Ameo trying to unlock it I have a replacement from T-Mobile UK. I am a noobie so I have no idea how to make an image of what you need, but if you post instructions and there is no danger of another bricked unit I'd be happy to upload it for you
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Thx for your offer, it's really nice to find help when you need it.
Although I think I'm giving up.
I'm at the mercy of HTC Europe service anyway. In that situation I'd rather approach them honest with WM6 and the unit as it is, as it is clearly a hardware fault, if they're sensible I have half a chance there.
I need the unit badly as a GPS now anyway, so I have to wait and there's a chance T-Mob UK will release WM6. Then the situation looks even better again.
But as I cannot apparently remove Olipro's SPL, the unit shows clear signs of tampering. If I were them, I must say I would be much less understanding seeing a modified unit which then somebody tried to conceal and did it badly on top of it leaving the SPL cracked.
Or... if that's hardware problem and there's a power drain there's that outside chance the whole motherboard will go and the ROM version is not a problem anymore I guess.
I find it all a bit crazy though, I hate those legal catch 22 cases. ROM by the manufacturer, but warranty void on a 400 quid unit because of branding (warranty would be ok if I used the HTC WM6 straight on the HTC branded unit instead of Ameo).
Ok, sorry for flooding, it's just that the frustration is killing me. :/
fards said:
I don't think it is permanent, I no longer have his spl appearing on the boot screen. I presume it was during the last rom flash, (but I've been to sleep since then so may have forgotten what I did), but it now shows as 2.20. before it was the olipro one..
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I think you're referring to ROM version.
SPL original would be 1.00 I think and Olipro's I have now is 1.20

[Q] Imate Ultimate 9502 - Need some expert advise

Hi Experts of the world!
Im having major issue with my beloved imate, i want to edit the extended rom as its bloated to hell.
Before anyone says oh just flash it, can you get my rom unlcock code from imate?
Would love WM6.1 with some code work around crack or a simple ext rom tool that actually works and lets me delete the telstra rubbish.
If it helps i have a half dead imate 9502 with the imei and rom unlock code if that can some how help.
When you find out let me know...
I've been on this quest since just after I-mate shut down. if you have the box it came in, you are in luck, as it is listed on the sticker with the IME number, if not... Don't hold your breath...
After I-Mate had shut down, I had to send my phone into Telstra for a warranty repair. It came back flashed (each of the three times it went to them), but they would not give me the code, or tell me how they got around it.
An appeal... If any service techs are out there that know how they get the code, and can let us know, there would be a lot of very greatful users.

Finally got my HD2 fixed, but they've changed the ROM

Hey guys,
So my phone developed a strange white mark on the screen. Took it to get it fixed and finally a month later Vodafone returned a different handset to me with the latest Vodafone ROM on it as I expected.
Bottom line is I don't want the Vodafone ROM on it. Can I simply install the official HTC ROM onto the handset from their website? Is it that simple or will it totally mess up my handset?
Ha, just discovered now that it is locked to Vodafone. Can I make an issue out of this with the idiots at Vodafone? HTC website won't let me download their ROMs. What can I do about this?
do a hspl and flash away.......
If the phone you send in to repair was originally an unbranded device and they returned you a branded device. I would make a BIG (oh no a HUGE) issue out of it, they just can't do that. They have to replace it with a similar device, a branded Vodafone device isn't worth half on the second hand market because of SIM-lock.
But you cannot just install a HTC ROM, you'll have to use HSPL2 (1.66HSPL preferable) but HSPL2 can void your warranty, all tough it is reversible. With HSPL2 the Vodafone branded device will still be SIM-locked.
webpatrick this is exactly as I thought...so yesterday before looking at the posts on here I sent a very heated email to Vodafone telling them exactly as it is. This handset is worthless to me. And you are right about the branding. I bought a phone last year that was branded (I didn't know this when I got it) and I had loads of trouble trying to sell it on. I can mess with the ROMs all I want but the bottom line is that any new HTC ROMs would never install unless I HSPL2 it, so how could I sell it on to someone without telling them that it is branded? I can't.
Words cannot convey how fuming I am with Vodafone right now. It took them a month to get a working device back into my hands...and then it wasn't even my device or indeed a similarly set up device. Absolutely pathetic. This means I have to make more journeys to the Vodafone store, waste my time and money etc.
Thanks for your posts guys. I will let you know what develops. I should be recieving a reply to my email at some point soon.
Ok so I got this email back from them today. How do you think I should proceed?
"Hello Richard,
To reinstall the HTC ROM on your phone you can visit the nearest Vodafone stores.
Alternatively, you need to contact the HTC manufacturer if they can help you to reinstall the HTC ROM on your phone.
I trust this helps."
What should I do? Should I persue the issue or do one of the above?
So basically....THEY DIDN'T READ MY EMAIL.
So it was originally branded, you probable had a bit of discount back then.
But the employee that sold it to you probable didn't know it was branded neither. Vodafone used to brand devices with a visible vodafone logo on the outside, and they didn't do that with the HD2.
I also was mislead by it a year ago, but since an vodafone upgrade is available, i don't bother anymore, cause I can install any ROM I like with HSPL2 (except new 3.14 ROMs), and revert with the official vodafone upgrade if needed.
So if you want an original HTC ROM, you have to use HSLP2 or for the latest HTC ROM a GoldCard, cause there's no HSPL for the new 3.14 ROMs (with SPL 3.03.0000 bootloader) (see Artemis Thread).
Turns out I have just installed custom roms. I figured that I might as well void the warranty. I will just revert to the stock if worse comes to worse.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

all about htc hd2 repaid center

hi guys i need a litter help, cause i'm sending my htc hd2 back for repair i just wondering if i'm running 1.66 rom will it be a problem cause as far as i know the lattes rom for australia is only up to 1.42 or 3
and how about the radio do i need to downgrade? and have any1 deal with htc repair center before? re they quick or slow how long normally they take to fix up a fone cause is almost new years.
Hi, I just had my repaired here in the US, the screen was no longer functioning. I mailed it out on Thursday, they received it on Saturday, fixed it on Monday, shipped it on Tuesday, got it on Friday. Absolutely quick. I returned everything back to factory settings, stock radio and rom. I went into a store and looked at the original radio & hspl as i glanced at the phone to make sure. Then I went on the forum and looked for the original stock/radio and switched it back, otherwise they will NOT fix it. Good luck.

