all about htc hd2 repaid center - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi guys i need a litter help, cause i'm sending my htc hd2 back for repair i just wondering if i'm running 1.66 rom will it be a problem cause as far as i know the lattes rom for australia is only up to 1.42 or 3
and how about the radio do i need to downgrade? and have any1 deal with htc repair center before? re they quick or slow how long normally they take to fix up a fone cause is almost new years.

Hi, I just had my repaired here in the US, the screen was no longer functioning. I mailed it out on Thursday, they received it on Saturday, fixed it on Monday, shipped it on Tuesday, got it on Friday. Absolutely quick. I returned everything back to factory settings, stock radio and rom. I went into a store and looked at the original radio & hspl as i glanced at the phone to make sure. Then I went on the forum and looked for the original stock/radio and switched it back, otherwise they will NOT fix it. Good luck.


XDA white screen after O2 upload gone wrong.

Is there anyone there who knows if there's a repair station in holland.
Ive been downloading teh O2 software pack and during the last pack installation its gone wrong .
I now only have a white screen with an blue edge at the top.
Tried fist soft reset and after this a hard reset.
It doesn't communicate with activesinc.
Anyone ideas???
Same thing happened me on Tuesday 18th. My supplier kindly gave me a new XDA. I don't know if this helps.
phone O2 (previously and soon te be Telfort) and log your problem.
I told them the update from their website had ****ed my XDA
They gave me a reference number to send it back to them (it's still under waranty) and they said they'll fix it. Though I dunno whether that'll be replacement or whether they'll just reflash it.
White Screen of doom
Same thing happened to me. Nothing works. very anoying and the second time i'm going to lose all my contacts and recent notes (travelling so they haven't been backed up for a while =( )
Same thing here too .. radio update killed my XDA
call it in to O2 customer service
they will fix it free if you still have warranty left (as they did for me) otherwise they will send you a bill
Took them slightly over a week to send it back to me. They sent it back to me with all the latest updates.

XDA Service Center UK

Hi Folks
Have just recieved my xda2 back from the uk service center. Credit due, they were quick and helpful, but the faults are still the same. Theyd upgraded the extROM but apart from that it appears nothing has changed.
The ROM is o2 1.66WWE and ive been having numberous freezing problems, I thought about upgrading the ROM to 1.72 imate but of course i guess once this is done, if something goes wrong o2 wont support the device any more. The other problem is i cant quite pull enough information together from the thousands of topics on this board to find out how to upgrade, what to use, what to do if it goes wrong, etc. Does anyone know of a recommended guide?
Aside from that, what does everyone think? Shall i continue to send it back to o2 or take matters into my own hands and start upgrading?
For anyone who ends up in the same situation as me, i had the device returned to me recently and the service center had changed the motherboard. Now it works perfectly fine, not problems and chances are if i had flashed to 1.72imate i wouldve had the same problems due to hardware fault and o2 wouldnt have supported me anymore. Tread carefully o2 upgraders

can't go into bootloader mode, thanks to O2 cust. service.

hey all, my XDA II O2 is dead, i have a bit of a story to tell about it too. the poor thing won't boot up past the O2 spash screen.
i was initially selling my O2 around the traps as a working unit, then someone asked me to show them landscape view, and i didn't know how. i soon found out i needed to upgrade to 2003se or 2005. so on my homage to flashing my O2's ROM. i went and tried a 2005 and some random version radio stack hoping to upgrade two things at once, then, only one worked. my OS flash was fine, but my radio ROM didn't work at all. so basically i could get into WM2003, 2003SE, 2005 fine but couldnt use my simcard.
i've tried countless times to manually fix it aswell as using the official O2 ROM update off their site. then i went and sent it to O2 customer service or whatever it's called this year Razz. they charged me $45AUD for general service fee which included flashing the radio and OS roms up to the latest. then they ring me up one morning saying my poor O2 needs a new motherboard (somewhere between $350 - 450 i think). i asked why, they said because it wouldn't power on at all. so i tried turning it on, it didnt work all of a sudden, so to speak.
i still had to pay the $45aud and ended up without a working O2, at all.
i felt furious but helpless and tried not to have to pay the fee, but had to.
long story short, heh, i need to do something with my shell of a XDA II, either sell, sell parts, fix, find a special ROM flash that might fix it. i don't know, i've tried so hard and have gotten nowhere. so, guys, any insight in what i could/should do?? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks! Shocked
OH OH OH also, on that note, i can't go into bootloader mode or any other mode at all, so i cant re-flash

HTC Upgrade in UK only through repair centre!

Just had this back from HTC Support ...
The HTC TyTN ROM update will not be made available as a download. Only the repair centres can update your phone to the latest ROM. Please contact the below repair centre to get yours booked in.
So, the official UK upgrade ROM is now available, but they'll only make it available if you physically take or send your phone to Milton Keynes. Bloody ridiculous!
petes said:
Just had this back from HTC Support ...
The HTC TyTN ROM update will not be made available as a download. Only the repair centres can update your phone to the latest ROM. Please contact the below repair centre to get yours booked in.
So, the official UK upgrade ROM is now available, but they'll only make it available if you physically take or send your phone to Milton Keynes. Bloody ridiculous!
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HTC Europe Support SUCKS!
After many attempts to get the Repair Centre to phone me back, I gave up.
BTW. Their latest ROM update was the same as the one released by Leaf Wireless in South Africa more than a month ago.(they even denied existance of the SA ROM release)
This ROM does not resolve all issues as claimed by them. If you have a problem with the data card dissapearing in the Media Player, then don't even waste your time on the update. It does not resolve the issue.
Want the problem fixed - flash WM6 Black 2.5 and hey presto!
Most likely it would be the same ROM that was released by Leaf some time ago, so no loss, IMHO.
HTC may feel that it is too close to their planned release of WM6?
Truth be told - I've been a Black man from 1.0 on my M3100 - happily running 2.5 with radio 1.40 (1.41 was a dog!). A far more conservative friend has a TyTn and I've gone down the "Official" rom path for her, but this is the final nail in that coffin. Given Black 3.0 Diddy is only a few days away, I'll wait for that and then it's flash time.
I guess the only reason for wanting the "official" upgrade would be just in case the TyTn gets sick - but there's always the Leaf rom for that I guess.

Finally got my HD2 fixed, but they've changed the ROM

Hey guys,
So my phone developed a strange white mark on the screen. Took it to get it fixed and finally a month later Vodafone returned a different handset to me with the latest Vodafone ROM on it as I expected.
Bottom line is I don't want the Vodafone ROM on it. Can I simply install the official HTC ROM onto the handset from their website? Is it that simple or will it totally mess up my handset?
Ha, just discovered now that it is locked to Vodafone. Can I make an issue out of this with the idiots at Vodafone? HTC website won't let me download their ROMs. What can I do about this?
do a hspl and flash away.......
If the phone you send in to repair was originally an unbranded device and they returned you a branded device. I would make a BIG (oh no a HUGE) issue out of it, they just can't do that. They have to replace it with a similar device, a branded Vodafone device isn't worth half on the second hand market because of SIM-lock.
But you cannot just install a HTC ROM, you'll have to use HSPL2 (1.66HSPL preferable) but HSPL2 can void your warranty, all tough it is reversible. With HSPL2 the Vodafone branded device will still be SIM-locked.
webpatrick this is exactly as I yesterday before looking at the posts on here I sent a very heated email to Vodafone telling them exactly as it is. This handset is worthless to me. And you are right about the branding. I bought a phone last year that was branded (I didn't know this when I got it) and I had loads of trouble trying to sell it on. I can mess with the ROMs all I want but the bottom line is that any new HTC ROMs would never install unless I HSPL2 it, so how could I sell it on to someone without telling them that it is branded? I can't.
Words cannot convey how fuming I am with Vodafone right now. It took them a month to get a working device back into my hands...and then it wasn't even my device or indeed a similarly set up device. Absolutely pathetic. This means I have to make more journeys to the Vodafone store, waste my time and money etc.
Thanks for your posts guys. I will let you know what develops. I should be recieving a reply to my email at some point soon.
Ok so I got this email back from them today. How do you think I should proceed?
"Hello Richard,
To reinstall the HTC ROM on your phone you can visit the nearest Vodafone stores.
Alternatively, you need to contact the HTC manufacturer if they can help you to reinstall the HTC ROM on your phone.
I trust this helps."
What should I do? Should I persue the issue or do one of the above?
So basically....THEY DIDN'T READ MY EMAIL.
So it was originally branded, you probable had a bit of discount back then.
But the employee that sold it to you probable didn't know it was branded neither. Vodafone used to brand devices with a visible vodafone logo on the outside, and they didn't do that with the HD2.
I also was mislead by it a year ago, but since an vodafone upgrade is available, i don't bother anymore, cause I can install any ROM I like with HSPL2 (except new 3.14 ROMs), and revert with the official vodafone upgrade if needed.
So if you want an original HTC ROM, you have to use HSLP2 or for the latest HTC ROM a GoldCard, cause there's no HSPL for the new 3.14 ROMs (with SPL 3.03.0000 bootloader) (see Artemis Thread).
Turns out I have just installed custom roms. I figured that I might as well void the warranty. I will just revert to the stock if worse comes to worse.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

