Boot problem. Would appreciate any advice - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I recently had a problem with my XDA 1. It started running VERY VERY slowly (kind of like a computer that was infected with 10000 spyware programs). The battery was constantly showing that it was going to shutdown but yet seemed to still operate.
I tried doing a backup to SD Card while it was on the cradle, yet after about 4 minutes of usage it would automatically soft reset - interrupting the backup.
So i thought stuff it, i don't care about the data i will just do a hard reset. Now, after doing the hard reset i can't even get it to turn on. The O2 Screen comes up and the light flashes on and off every few seconds. It does this for about 45 seconds then switches off again.
Does it sound like the mainboard is gone? Could it just be the battery? Are there any home repairs ideas? I do have a second xda i can pull apart if i must to test what is wrong with this one.

boot problem
if a desktop pc were to exhibit these sort of problems then i would definitely suspect a motherboard problem. if you are still under warranty then straight back to the store is the place for you. if not then scour the forums for solutions fixes or suggestions, there are some very experienced people on here - not me -

since it's still under warrenty I strongly advice to replace it or at least to get it repaired by the center ... but if you tend to feel it's a challenge for you to fix it your self, then you may do the following to eleminate the possibility of S/W problem ...
1. Flash the ROM with a new OS image. This should solve any ROM problem.
2. Make sure you didn't turn on the "Calib/Debug" option in the GSM menu of the boot loader.
BTW, was the radio part OK while having this problem ?

actually its not under warranty, i bought it off a friend when he upgraded to his XDA II. Im not sure what the radio version was, i jsut put any details in there because i couldnt boot to find out what it was at.
Can you flash the rom without having to boot it up? Are there the instructions on how to do it on this site?


Another droped XDA

I dropped it but it still turns on. It gets to the Welcome to t-Moble screen or what ever splash screen from the rom I have loaded and stay there forever. I have tried a few SD card rom changes but no success. I asume since this happend after a fall it is a hardware issue. Is there anything that can be done?
Mike :shock:
Don't everyone respond at once? :?:
I cannot see that dropping it would wipe the flash memory however you could try hooking it up to usb and attempting a rom flash via that method, if there is no obvious sign of damage it should be returned to supplier for repair.
Thanks for the response
It won't even let me sync. Won't even connect. I dont think it is getting far enough to start those programs. The boot loader works fine and the diagnostic checks from the boot loader all say they are ok. It has indeed been through a lot and has quit a few obvious marks on it. Like I said before, it takes a boot load ROM up grade from an SD card but when I reset the device it just stops at the "splash" screen that says welcome to Tmobile. Cant get it to go any further
I'm havin a similar problem. I dropped my xda, and it 's stuck now in the bootloader. I can't even boot normal. I tried flashing it with another rom through an SD card, but he's still stuck in the bootloader menu.
Doing a hardware replacement will kost met 400 euro, so i'm not going to do that. If anyone has risky solutions, just pm me ... it's wasted anywayz
Where can I send thid to get it fixed???
If there is a solution please post
amd2be said:
I dropped it but it still turns on. It gets to the Welcome to t-Moble screen or what ever splash screen from the rom I have loaded and stay there forever. I have tried a few SD card rom changes but no success. I asume since this happend after a fall it is a hardware issue. Is there anything that can be done?
Mike :shock:
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Why did you drop it? try un dropping it.
Pick it back up.
Oh and... quit dropping that ****.
Either that or pay the $3 a month for insurance and just get a new one.
** I've fallen! And I can't get up! **
Sometimes the power button gets jammed down after a drop, worth checking the buttons for this. When you go to bootloader does gsm say ok? If the xda has intact bootloader and gsm I think there is still hope.

XDA keeps reseting

Hi all,
I have one of the original O2 XDA's (64mb), and it has been fine, but over the last 6-8 months the xda keeps resetting (similar to pressing the reset on the left with the stylus) and the phone switches off.
I do not loose any data, but I have to re-enter the code for the phone. It does it randomly, diverting calls to voicemail, till I turn the phone back on.
I thought mine was a one off, but my brother has the same model and he said he has been getting the same problem.
The details are:
ROM Version 3.14.13 ENG dated 10/09/02
Radio Version 4.08
Protocol version 32S54
Any ideas ?
All help will be appreciated.
AA :?
PS It is not Sim locked. ( Thanks to this site)
Sounds like a software program, it might be worth using the xda without any additional software for a while, backup first, do a hard reset and use the phone as normal. If this cures it then you will know that one of your programs is causing the problem.
This might be a long shot in the dark....check the reset button to make sure it isn't damaged in some way. I haven't heard of a PPC reset button being jammed in the reset position but it could be a viable theory.
Good Luck
I have tried this, but keep getting the same problem.
I set the phone to manual selection of network, and when it reset itself, the phone part would not come on again.
In the end I had to take out the sim, and put a different one in before the phone part would come on. could there be a problem with the GSM bit ?
It might be the sim-door switch which automatically switch off your phone when you open it. There was a solution of similar problem on this forum

*MODS, PLEASE CLOSE* Phone Freezes After Drop

So I pulled a stupid move and dropped my phone off of a deli counter. It's not the worst fall it's had so I don't really know what the deal is. I tried searching the site but didn't come up with anything like this(I will keep trying) Here's the chain of events to make it easier to read:
1) It was acting weird before when I tried to start Pocket Player, really slow. Then the screen went to sleep and I couldn't get it to wake up so I hit soft reset.
3) Went into the store thinking it's doing it's reset thing, then I knocked it off the counter when I went to pay.
Can't hard reset, tried all four ways on a page I found, or enter boot loader.
Not entirely sure what caused the freezing but I can't really see the soft reset doing it because I've done it so many times.
The next step is a repair place but the one I use(it's free) is a three hour round trip and I want to avoid it if I can. Any one know of any way to hard reset that isn't well known or have an idea what I should do? Thanks in advance.
have you pulled the battery and still failed at putting the phone into bootloader mode?
flashing the shipped ROM (.exe) to restore the phone should work, if you can get to the bootloader.
Couldn't get to boot loader, pulled the battery and what not. Actually got a new phone so this thread can be closed. Thanks for the reply, anyways.

No Boot: Vibrates 8 times than nothing

Hi everyone!
I would just like to receive some user experience since I haven't found anything on the net or forums.
The thing is, my HD2 (HSPL 3, Radio 2.12.50, ROM Energy 6.5), after months of tests and fun, freezed as usual (like a normal WinMo) but this time did not start up after a battery removal ( or a soft reset button).
The first two startups were followed by an 8 vibrates code than nothing. I've removed a battery and tried to boot again but this time nothing happened.
The only action I can hear is the starting of the vibration motor while trying a Hard reset. No charging, no leds are working nothing.
Seems that BIOS encounters an error and stops, but where can I find to what error the 8 vibs code is related?
Any help, resolved identical story or information would be highly appreciated.
bootloader is work ?
Hi, thanks for your reply,
Can't exactly tell you if the boot is summarized before or after a bootloader starts.
From my point of view, it seems that he freezes on some BIOS check.
I tried to boot in both normal mode and hard reset but he freezes even before the screen is loaded. He only starts to vibrate (makes a little noise) than nothing.
I hope it's a hardware problem not some junky app that damaged the BIOS (if any)/xSPL so that I can even try to use my guarantee hoping that they will not know what kind of OS I have on it.
I've had the same issue but I think mine vibrated 7 times. After pulling the battery and letting it cool a few min it fired up fine.
TKhawk01 said:
I've had the same issue but I think mine vibrated 7 times. After pulling the battery and letting it cool a few min it fired up fine.
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Yeah, seems it is some kind of an overheating issue. I've tried to cooled it down but seems that the heat already damaged something.
I've put it on reparation under warranty. Just crossing fingers they will not find out about the cooked ROM or the HSPL that was on it..
Anyway, thanks for helps guys. Will keep you updated about the resolution if any.
I too have this issue.
1 vibration when phone powers on, followed by 7 vibrations in a row (8 in total)
It seems to happen whenever I use Android for extended periods of time (15min+ Android freezes and then when resetting it occurs) and is becoming more frequent.
Worked out that it was heat related, but not sure if its worth restoring windows and returning for warranty repair. Are there any easy ways to replicate in Windows? How did you go cthulhu0dyssey with the warranty repair did it solve your issues?
Also can anyone point me into the right direction on the easiest way to restore windows on the device, if that is what I end up having to do?
SPL: 2.08.HSPL (HSPL3)
ROM: Energy Leo COM2
Android: MCCM SE V3.4 (SD) (
mullaly said:
I too have this issue.
1 vibration when phone powers on, followed by 7 vibrations in a row (8 in total)
It seems to happen whenever I use Android for extended periods of time (15min+ Android freezes and then when resetting it occurs) and is becoming more frequent.
Worked out that it was heat related, but not sure if its worth restoring windows and returning for warranty repair. Are there any easy ways to replicate in Windows? How did you go cthulhu0dyssey with the warranty repair did it solve your issues?
Also can anyone point me into the right direction on the easiest way to restore windows on the device, if that is what I end up having to do?
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Would be really convenient to try helping you with this problem if you specify your ROM, Radio, SPL, Android version/type (SD/NAND).
[The Punisher] said:
Would be really convenient to try helping you with this problem if you specify your ROM, Radio, SPL, Android version/type (SD/NAND).
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Sorry, knew I forgot something, edited original post. Another thing to add is that when it happens if I pull the battery out and wait a couple of mins it powers on fine and boots into Windows/Android with no problems.
Just thought I'd send a follow up post.
I removed Android and loaded back windows mobile. After a while it just keeps rebooting until the phone will no longer turn on until it cools down.
Heat seems to be the cause. Guess its back to the shop!
Just thought I'd add an additional comment to say I got the phone back from repair, reinstalled android and now the problem has gone away.
Update here!
Hi guys,
Same here, Leo came back form the repair (completely new hardware + SPL 3.03) saying that there was an known issue with one conductor. Whatever...
Was glad to find out Cotulla rolled-out HSPL 4 so I can finally enjoy Android from internal memory, though I hope overheating issues were solved 'cos I don't think they'll give me a warranty repair for the 4th time ...

HD2 stuck at logo boot up!

Every time I reset or turn on my fone after shutting down, it will stuck at the logo boot up. It wasn't like that when I first bought the fone. Now it's getting worse and worse since the issue happens so frequently.
I have to take out the battery and put it back, then wait for about 3 to 5 mn before I turn the phone on.Then it would boot up as usual.
Is there anyone facing the same issue as I am? Any suggestion guys?
Are you experiencing excessive heat when this occurs? Also, can you give more info such as: does this happen only after recent charging or does it ever happen when the phone has been turned off for a long time? Was there any recent apps you installed or ROM changes when this started happening? Was there any potential damage done to the phone -dropped it, got it wet, or microwaved
When you say frequently, does that mean every time you restart? every other time? every five times?
Lastly, do you have any other issues/symptoms other than freezing at startup? Does the phone ever freeze during normal use?
i'd suggest you do a hard reset of your phone (hold down both vol up and vol down keys while powering on/resetting). that should fix the problem. if the problem still persists, it's probably some hardware faults.
Me too
My HD2 just started doing this too. It was fine for 7 weeks I have owned it. However, as described in this by OP, when doing soft reset would it would also get stuck on bootup logo. I'd have to remove the battery for a few minutes before it would bootup.
However, my HD2 also crashes and upon reboot then get stuck on bootup logo. It appears to crashes randomly eg not with any particular program or action.
I figured it was software issue so did hard reset. This worked fine. After hard reset the only software I loaded were Total Commander and Cookie Editor.
After Cookie Editor install I did soft reset and it got stuck on bootup logo. : (
So I did another hard reset but it hung up again upon reboot on bootup logo.
This appears to be a hardware issue. But has anyone else had same issue?
T-Mobile HD2
Stock ROM
Purchased July 6 2010 from Expansys
yes i am experiencing the same problem and i have uploded a video on youtube showing this! Yes my phone heats up when this happens..
Hi. I got this problem for quite sometime and am so used to taking out and putting back and taking out and putting back the batt.
But now I have another prob: my ringtone suddenly went soft and I now have to keep myself alert all the time to see if there's any incoming call or SMS.
I would like to do a hard reset but the question is: will it set my phone back to the stock ROM or still retain the updated version - 1.66.707.1?
Thanks in advance.
Stormrider75 said:
Hi. I got this problem for quite sometime and am so used to taking out and putting back and taking out and putting back the batt.
But now I have another prob: my ringtone suddenly went soft and I now have to keep myself alert all the time to see if there's any incoming call or SMS.
I would like to do a hard reset but the question is: will it set my phone back to the stock ROM or still retain the updated version - 1.66.707.1?
Thanks in advance.
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It will retain whatever rom you are using
Htc Hd2 vodafone UK
HD2 issue
After some more searching it appears this is not uncommon for HD2. Its not clear to me if it is specific to T-Mobile HD2 or HD2 in general.
It appears to be a hardware issue. Although that is not 100% clear either. I find it hard to distinguish what some people report as 'freezing' which i believe is different to the issue described in this post which is 'hanging up' or 'getting stuck' on boot up screen - in my case it is the T-Mobile 'stick together' pink and white screen/logo.
(The 'freezing' issue that i believe is different to this 'getting stuck on bootup logo' issue appeared to have been resolved iwth new T-Mobile ROM - and I never experienced it on my HD2).
The resolution for getting stuck on bootup screen issue described here appears to have been to exchange HD2 (although some people exchanged up to 6 times and keep getting same issue!)
I think it is important to note that my HD2 performed fine for 7 weeks with lots of soft resets, hard resets, and lots of software installs (though no ROM reflashing) but within last week or so, start crashing randomly, then upon reboot get stuck on bootup screen/logo. This also became more frequent as time progressed. After doing hard reboot, the issue is now acute, eg it gets stuck on every reboot, and crashes more often.
This leads me to think some hardware has failed or degraded and is getting worse, maybe a connection/soldering etc?
However, is there any possibility that a ROM could 'degrade'? Can a ROM have a setting that is modifiable? (I know it is 'read only memory' but is it really?)
Anyways, love to hear from others on this issue.
Same problem here. Bought my HD2 in june. Cooked my own rom with Chucky's kitchen. Flashed different radios, hard resets, task 29 etc. Absolutely no problem. Worked fine for several weeks. But sometime it begun to freeze, auto resets, stuck at boot logo. It was getting worse. Even flashing stock rom it hungs at boot logo.
Now my HD2 is out for repair. Now waiting for returning. Hope they will change the motherboard.
several people have had their motherboards replaced and that has seemed to fix it for them. You'll probably have to fight with htc or your carrier, but should be able to get it replaced.
Hi guys. Another question:
I'm considering doing a hard reset. How do I store my messages before doing it? I can't seem to locate the folder that keeps all my messages.
HD2 is an odd one
Thanks for replies. I really don't want to send it in .. but it will probably be the only way to resolve the issue. It will cost me courier there and back, and $20 'triage' fee .. total cost to me will be ~$100 just to have them look at it. Price of doing business I guess.
Anyways, I realized that one of my issues was that it was crashing when syncing. A little digging reveals that HTC Sense does something to all contacts when syncing first time putting a bit of html in contact notes field (weird but it is true .. its their way of reminding you bought an HTC phone?) So once I got it up and running, I disabled Sense and syncing went fine, no crashing.
(Btw, Sense also appears to do something with SMS msgs too so if you have lots it crashes on due to this reason too).
However, even with plain Jane MS today screen (eg not using Sense) it still crashed once on sync and again when listening to radio. Both times had to remove battery for few minutes before it would reboot without getting stuck at bootup logo.
But so far it seemed to be working 'better' without using Sense.
So, I re-enabled Sense to see what would happen and over a day it has crashed twice. I am going to see how it behaves for few days before sending it in as RMA repair.
Still, important point is that it was ok for 7 weeks, and then started crashing, more and more, even after hard reset, though some of issues may have been due to Sense (which is reported by many users).
It is still not a 'normal' thing for a $700 consumer device to have such erratic behaviour. So, given others have exchanged crashing handsets for new handset that has no issues points to underlying hardware issues as suggested above eg motherboard.
As comparison I also have HTC Diamond 2 which has been rock solid for 2 years of continuous use even with lots of software install, tweaking, reg hacks, etc.
Stormrider75 said:
Hi guys. Another question:
I'm considering doing a hard reset. How do I store my messages before doing it? I can't seem to locate the folder that keeps all my messages.
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I don't text a lot so i just hard reset without saving .. but do a quick search on on XDA for SMS backup or PIM backup .. during my searches I am sure i have seen a couple of utilities that do what you want.
genoki said:
I don't text a lot so i just hard reset without saving .. but do a quick search on on XDA for SMS backup or PIM backup .. during my searches I am sure i have seen a couple of utilities that do what you want.
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Thanks. Btw I read before we can actually 'disable' Sense.
How do we do that?
Sense - go to Today
Go to Start - Settings
- iI you see the black HTC Settings (has 'Personalize' on top of items) then go to Menu and select 'All Settings' (this will show Windows Mobile's Settings. HTC Sense 'Settings' doesn't everything Windows Mobile Settings has or shows it differently)
- Select 'Today'
- Select the 'Items' tab in Today
- Check 'Windows Default' and click OK in top right.
This will 'swap' out HTC Sense 'today' with Windows Mobile standard Today screen and voila you will have 'disabled' HTC Sense and you are back to using Microsoft's Windows Mobile 6.5 version of Sense (not anywhere near as useful or neat-o to look at but hey they are pretty happy with it )
genoki said:
However, even with plain Jane MS today screen (eg not using Sense) it still crashed once on sync and again when listening to radio. Both times had to remove battery for few minutes before it would reboot without getting stuck at bootup logo.
But so far it seemed to be working 'better' without using Sense.
So, I re-enabled Sense to see what would happen and over a day it has crashed twice. I am going to see how it behaves for few days before sending it in as RMA repair.
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Just by disabling Sense is not going to make it work. I had this problem with my HD2 also and without using Sense it seemed to be working (there were fewer crashes), but only for few days. My HD2 was getting worse day by day - it was not crashing only if it was not touched (it was crashing just cycling between Sense tabs or by initiating a call).
At repair center they told me (after three weeks of waiting) that the motherboard must to be changed.
Is it possible to damage it by flashing custom ROMs?
For me, this problem appeared after just one month of usage. I was flashed some custom ROMs.
Now, I have a new HD2 but I'm affraid to flash a custom ROM (at least in the near future).
I have my HD2 back. Took me 2 weeks, the repair center changed the motherboard and got an new IMEI.
Now all is working, no more stuck at bootlogo.
But i'm on stock rom (1.66) with 2.07 radio. No way to run Android with this radio. Hmm...
axman79 said:
Is it possible to damage it by flashing custom ROMs?
For me, this problem appeared after just one month of usage. I was flashed some custom ROMs.
Now, I have a new HD2 but I'm affraid to flash a custom ROM (at least in the near future).
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I'm afraid as well to flash any custom rom now. For Android i need to HSPL and flash a 2.08 radio or greater to use it. But i'm stick on stock rom for sure.
I want to know as well if it possible to damage it by flashing customs roms ?
As i stated earlier, i flashed plenty of roms, doing task 29 etc., in the end stuck on bootlogo.
Thanks for the feedback on your repairs axman79 and Kalip. Btw, aside from courier cost there and back, did you have to pay the $30 'triage' fee or whatever they call it? Also, did they challenge your observations at all or did they just replace motherboard without question?
Yah, disabling Sense hasn't stopped my HD2 from crashing eith. Without using Sense it crashed several times while using Opera and more than a few times while syncing over the past three days. Also, it still gets stuck on reboot often, requiring battery to be removed for few minutes before rebooting.
So, guess I will send my HD2 in for RMA repair too (and wait for up to 3 weeks) and hope I get a functioning device in return.
Interesting though I didn't flash my HD2 but it went from 'good' to 'bad' in similar way that your two HD2's. From reading other posts around here on XDA and elsewhere it appears that HD2 motherboards fail with surprising frequency and for variety of reasons.
Would be nice to know if HD2 motherboards are unusually delicate and something physically breaks, or if there is some electrical operation, eg charging it on USB or unusual combination of button pushes that shorts something out?
The fact that battery has to be removed for few minutes in order to get thing to reboot hints that something requires charge to dissipate eg a component somehow 'locks up' which causes crash, and needs to be discharged by removing battery?
genoki said:
Thanks for the feedback on your repairs axman79 and Kalip. Btw, aside from courier cost there and back, did you have to pay the $30 'triage' fee or whatever they call it? Also, did they challenge your observations at all or did they just replace motherboard without question?
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Was flashing stock rom with stock SPL, was at the shop where i bought it and they send it. I told them it stucks at bootlogo. Repair center changed motherboard without any question. Cost me nothing.
genoki said:
Also, it still gets stuck on reboot often, requiring battery to be removed for few minutes before rebooting.
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Ja ja, same here.
genoki said:
So, guess I will send my HD2 in for RMA repair too (and wait for up to 3 weeks) and hope I get a functioning device in return.
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Yes you will, but dont forget to flash back stock rom regarding SPL !
genoki said:
Interesting though I didn't flash my HD2 but it went from 'good' to 'bad' in similar way that your two HD2's. From reading other posts around here on XDA and elsewhere it appears that HD2 motherboards fail with surprising frequency and for variety of reasons.
Would be nice to know if HD2 motherboards are unusually delicate and something physically breaks, or if there is some electrical operation, eg charging it on USB or unusual combination of button pushes that shorts something out?
The fact that battery has to be removed for few minutes in order to get thing to reboot hints that something requires charge to dissipate eg a component somehow 'locks up' which causes crash, and needs to be discharged by removing battery?
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I want to know as well !
hey guys. I am so glad I found this post! I have exact same issues ith my HD2, it's driving me nuts.
I kept sort of log and described my problems in this post:
I think I have to send my HD2 for replacement or repair.
Can you please tell me how can I get my phone fixed/replaced?
I got the US T-Mobile version, but I don't have account in T-Mobile. Can I deal directly with HTC? Where do I have to call to get RMA number etc.
I would greatly appreciate your help!

