I've got model id error - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

when i'm trying upgrade to wm2003 se from 1.72 with v 1.03 boatloader i've got model id error and stuck in boatloader. i try to reset and plug Gin to continue the upgrade and still the same problem appeared.
anyone help please :roll:

Hi guest,
first log in with some registered username here...
second, describe your problem bit more. What device do you have, which ROM you tried to flash, at least...

buzz_lightyear said:
Hi guest,
first log in with some registered username here...
second, describe your problem bit more. What device do you have, which ROM you tried to flash, at least...
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sori be-4 :lol:
I'm using xda II trying to upgrade from 1.72.104 to WM2003 se with 1.03 boatloader. before that I've succesfully upgrade my XDA II from 1.72.800 to WM 2003se with boatloader 1.02. what I do not know why appeared model id error with boatloader 1.03
anyone help please

how did you change your bootloader from 1.02 to 1.03?

?? 1.02 --> 1.03 ??
new way of upgrade

no... that's not what i meant. the one i have is xda with 1.02 the other is my friends. of course you now that we cannot change he boatloader. :lol:
btw, the problem is solved

plz post the solution too, as the forum is meant to help others as well


Another Solution to downgrade 1.72 Beta to 1.66

download this installer I think this one doesnt check Rom version provider and ID machine....
Its a WWE 1.66 qtek Generik
Jean Sebastien
I confirm it's work on mine !!
"Magic Rom"
After I think it's easy to change rom for any .....
.... :lol:
Sorry mate... Doesn't WORK either!! This still CHECK the ROM and PROVIDER!! As long as it contains HimaGetDeviceData, it will be checking the ROM and PROVIDER. Still get ERROR 100 : MODEL ID ERROR!!
This probably because the different BOOTLOADER!! Looks like waiting for "GENIUS - itsme" to fix this problem.
[email protected]#$%!&G FREAK ROM(ROM 1.72.00)!! :evil:
Sorry, my bootloader is 1.06
what is yours ?
This did not work with me either. I got "Country ID Error".
I have Bootloader 1.06, with 1.72 tmob WWE ROM, Qtek 1.58 Frensh Extended ROM, and Radio 1.06
oh my god
it's worked for me
I was so enthousiast ...
Mine is 1.03.... OLD BOOTLOADER!!
[email protected]#$%!&G FREAK ROM!! :evil:

SD downloading, Sections=3, not allow update?! Why.......??

I've backup the BOOTLOADER + CE +Radio + Ext ROM to a file(use the command d2s adress1 adress2.........) and save it to PC already. (XDA II ) (for both Eng. XDA II and Trad. Chinese XDA II)
I've backup both version of Eng, and Trad. Chinese.
And then I copy the Eng backup combine rom to SD card and enter the bootloader mode in the Trad. Chinese XDA II, it work, it start to flash and completed.
I copy the Trad.Chinese backup combine rom to SD card and enter the bootloader mode in the Eng. XDA II , it work, it start to flash and completed.
It's several months ago, they works.
Yesterday, I try both the Eng/Trad. Chinese ROM on a arabic i-Mate XDA II, it fail at bootloader mode and stop at SD downloading, sections =3, not allow update, I just don't know why?
It's a matter of country ID or different between XDA II and i-Mate? What can I do to continue the flash?
With many thanks
rom for english xda 2
Hi sorry my answer is a bit OT... If you read here http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=10645 you'll see why I am replying to this I am looking for just the rom image you seem to have (english O2 xda ii).. any chance of arranging a way of sending it to me? ftp, instant messenger, mail r ok... how big is the file? TIA for your help, hope you find a solution to your problem :wink:
P.S. Sorry again for the OT... I am REALLY desperate, device is brand new
Re: rom for english xda 2
satrapo said:
Hi sorry my answer is a bit OT... If you read here http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=10645 you'll see why I am replying to this I am looking for just the rom image you seem to have (english O2 xda ii).. any chance of arranging a way of sending it to me? ftp, instant messenger, mail r ok... how big is the file? TIA for your help, hope you find a solution to your problem :wink:
P.S. Sorry again for the OT... I am REALLY desperate, device is brand new
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you want the whole bootloader + OSimage + radio + ext. ROM in 51.5M or just Bootloader + OSimage in 3xM?
Do you have FTP uploader provide? I can upload it to you.
cheers mate u r a life saver... check your PM
How do you backup bootloader? can you post the exact command lines u used (i have the link on how to update the 3 roms but it doesnt mention bootloader)
Also since it looks like we never online at the same time can u upload the image to the forum so everybody can use it, i think it would be big help for all the people in my situation
cheers fella
hi FlashGordon,
can you please show us how can you backup the BOOTLOADER + CE +Radio + Ext ROM? Can yu do it in XDA 1? Thanks
@flashgordon: it seems that all 1.72.xxx versions out there do an update of the bootloader from 1.01/1.03 to 1.06. i tried this by updating my o2 xda2 1.66.231ger to a qtek 2020 1.72.01ger (eplus). there is no set of update files out so far, so a brave guy copied the rom-images of his brand new qtek 2020 to sd-card and spread it around in a german ppc forum. unfortunately i got rid of my old bootloader 1.01 and have now 1.06. from this moment on i get the same message you get when i try to update using a non-o2 update. a second bad effect is that downgrading to version before 1.66 do no longer work.
this is no solution but a little more background informations for you.
good luck
Like satrapo said earlier. I 2 need the rom you have. either on an sd card of to flash to an sd card as i have one. Please could you send it me. i have WsFTP, ICQ, messenger or SD card through the post. I would give you some money when is end it back of course etc.... plenty ways to recieve it.. let me know which is best
I've study on how to post the file in these 2 days.
CE (Asia O2 Eng)
Not sections=3 is not allow to upgrade.
Even Sections=1, Sections=2 will not allow to upgrade
You can use your own Backup ROM to crack the restriction.
peter_altherr said:
@flashgordon: it seems that all 1.72.xxx versions out there do an update of the bootloader from 1.01/1.03 to 1.06. i tried this by updating my o2 xda2 1.66.231ger to a qtek 2020 1.72.01ger (eplus). there is no set of update files out so far, so a brave guy copied the rom-images of his brand new qtek 2020 to sd-card and spread it around in a german ppc forum. unfortunately i got rid of my old bootloader 1.01 and have now 1.06. from this moment on i get the same message you get when i try to update using a non-o2 update. a second bad effect is that downgrading to version before 1.66 do no longer work.
this is no solution but a little more background informations for you.
good luck
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my bootloader version is 1.02(shown on bootloader mode screen), after upgrade to i-mate 1.72 wwe, the bootloader version shown on bootloader(serial/USB) screen is still 1.02..........
and no radio stack ROM upgrade allowed, it halted on Radio Stack ROM upgrade and I need to flash it back to old version.
Radio (Asia O2 Eng)
Extension ROM (Asia O2 Eng)
CE + Radio + Ext. ROM (Asia O2 Eng)

S.O.S stuck on htc logo screen after failed atempt of radio update 1.57

guys and gals plzz help , i tried updating my htc athena i.e, x7500 to radio 1.57 now the device boots and gets stuck on the htc logo screen and for hours togather it does not move forward plz help what could be the problem and what is the remedy , i am really afraid as this device is my bros, and he would kill me if he finds this out....plz help ???
loginvicky said:
guys and gals plzz help , i tried updating my htc athena i.e, x7500 to radio 1.57 now the device boots and gets stuck on the htc logo screen and for hours togather it does not move forward plz help what could be the problem and what is the remedy , i am really afraid as this device is my bros, and he would kill me if he finds this out....plz help ???
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do you have spl 1.2 or 3.5 and can you get to Bootloader screen ( that tri color screen)
spl 1.2 and to get to the tri colour screen wat sud i do ???????????
plz help irius wat next ????????????
loginvicky said:
plz help irius wat next ????????????
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to get to bootloader press camera + reset and make sure you don't have mini sd card in
loginvicky said:
plz help irius wat next ????????????
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Don't Panic. Press cameraButton+ Reset by stylus for few seconds then you get the tri colour screen.
Then you you update again with Radio You will be ok if you have spl 1.20
Good Luck
God bless you both, thank god the tri colour screen did appear but when i tried the radio rom 1.57 flashing again, it goes till 7 percent then again shows error of rom image file corrupt please check kinda stuff, this is the same error which i got umpteen times after which the athena got stuff in the htc logo mode ........... still its there and yes that tri colour screen does come up.... plz help what to do next........ i dont want want to upgrade my radio now ...its ok even if i am able to boot in to my old good 6.0 os...., also the bootloader is 1.0 version not 1.2 .........plz guys help i really would pray to god to bless ur souls........ u are doing a fine job thanks.....
plz still stuck on tri colour bootloader , cud somebody help getting
hi, please help had downloaded irus ultra vanilla 83.4mb file but its a zip file for spl 1.2 version no ruu so how do i flash my device
just lemme know if any ruu i could use in the bootloader mode that should bring to life my now almost bricked dopod............plz smbdy helpppp
loginvicky said:
plz still stuck on tri colour bootloader , cud somebody help getting
hi, please help had downloaded irus ultra vanilla 83.4mb file but its a zip file for spl 1.2 version no ruu so how do i flash my device
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You can't update any other roms other than your original rom. Because your device still on SPl 1.10 factory ststus. Therefore you have to find the original rom which came with your device. you can find in this forum by search depend your device model (consider these X7500/X7501/ Dopod U1000, Uk/German/Italy/Usa, Tmobile/AT & T ) or Go to HTC website with your device serial number you will be able to download your device original rom.
Download your original rom and load it.
Then use Olipro's unlocker to unlock the CID from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=398406&highlight=olipro (But read the thread first carefully)
Then you can upgrade any radio or any other rom.
good luck
sabes143 said:
You can't update any other roms other than your original rom. Because your device still on SPl 1.10 factory ststus. Therefore you have to find the original rom which came with your device. you can find in this forum by search depend your device model (consider these X7500/X7501/ Dopod U1000, Uk/German/Italy/Usa, Tmobile/AT & T ) or Go to HTC website with your device serial number you will be able to download your device original rom.
Download your original rom and load it.
Then use Olipro's unlocker to unlock the CID from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=398406&highlight=olipro (But read the thread first carefully)
Then you can upgrade any radio or any other rom.
good luck
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After the above you'll be in spl1.2. You can only flash spl 1.2 based Rom. Do not use any SPL3.5 ROM
thnks a ton eaglesteve and sables well what if i want to upgrade to spl 3.5 what sud i do.............
loginvicky said:
thnks a ton eaglesteve and sables well what if i want to upgrade to spl 3.5 what sud i do.............
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Are you sure you want to get there? It is a one way street. You can't come back once you get there. This means you would have less choice in ROM. You can't run your original ROM anymore. If you need to send it in for warranty, you may have problem as you would have clearly shown that you have voided the warranty condition (depending on how alert the service guy is, you may or may not be caught, but just because many manage to get away does not mean that everyone would get away) You must have got the wrong impression that it is better. It is not the case. Many who are there are waiting to come back, but can't for now.
Everything you get in spl3.5 ROM you can get in spl1.2 ROM, except with spl1.2 ROM you have more memory for yourself.
Think carefully, and think again, and again, before you get there.

plz ,, i need to wm5

hi huys plz can anyone post a link for downloading the originally wm5 for imate jamin ,, coz i cant create an account on imate website
and that will be for charity lol
creepy11 said:
hi huys plz can anyone post a link for downloading the originally wm5 for imate jamin ,, coz i cant create an account on imate website
and that will be for charity lol
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Why not NVID??
WM5 (Prophet unbrick too RUU )
dioxda2 said:
Why not NVID??
WM5 (Prophet unbrick too RUU )
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after installed at 95%, there is "this NBF file cannot be used for your PDAphone. please check your NBF file "
where's the problem ?
I pushed down left small hole button of my Qtek S200 and now it hangs on bluescreen
Hello all,
I pressed down left small button of my Qtek S200 and now it is hanging after after taking a normal start on blue screen. I tried to fix the problem but I am unable, can any one helpme. my email is [email protected]
dioxda2 said:
Why not NVID??
WM5 (Prophet unbrick too RUU )
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hi.... is there any possibility to CID or SIM unlock phone stucked in bootloader? i've tried to upgrade, and f*cked up, and i noticed that IPL and SPL had changed then... now it is 1.01 for both of them.. and i don't remember what values they had before...
ausgemachte said:
hi.... is there any possibility to CID or SIM unlock phone stucked in bootloader? i've tried to upgrade, and f*cked up, and i noticed that IPL and SPL had changed then... now it is 1.01 for both of them.. and i don't remember what values they had before...
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Sorry to say that for cases of G3 G4 mess up flashing...... better bring it to factory.....

I can't update my HTC Advantage (FIXED)

Hello everyone, my Advantage now is only on Bootloader and say:
This happen because i use the X7510 hrd spl unlocker from wiki page.
What can i do now?.Please HELP ME.
I try with some ROM's and hrd spl's and nothing.PLEASE HELP ME.
vegaz said:
Hello everyone, my Advantage now is only on Bootloader and say:
This happen because i use the X7510 hrd spl unlocker from wiki page.
What can i do now?.Please HELP ME.
I try with some ROM's and hrd spl's and nothing.PLEASE HELP ME.
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You need to flash with the original rom that came with your advantage.
As far as I can remember you can only do the hard spl from an activesync connection so flash the right rom first.
I don't know what is my right ROM for my HTC.And don't have support in HTC.COM...
Please tell me what is my right HARD SPL for this version?
I can't find original ROM for my HTC
Please i am verry confused?
vegaz said:
I don't know what is my right ROM for my HTC.And don't have support in HTC.COM...
Please tell me what is my right HARD SPL for this version?
I can't find original ROM for my HTC
Please i am verry confused?
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The bootloader screen you showed is of an unlocked athena
This is the wiki page
It has an ftp link to some original roms
and some wm6 tmobile updates
try to load the wwe ones first and once you have done this apply the unlocker from olipro to be able to load cooked roms
Once this has been done you should have spl 1.2 and will be able to load spl 1.2 roms
Of course , most of the latter roms are SPL 3.5 which is changed by using the AP4 rom.
Good luck
No, I can't put nothing in phone ....
Allways i get error (INVALID VENDER ID, ERROR UPDATE TOOL...) and more, more.When i try to put ROM from MINI SD i get error 00028002, or 00068002.
vegaz said:
No, I can't put nothing in phone ....
Allways i get error (INVALID VENDER ID, ERROR UPDATE TOOL...) and more, more.When i try to put ROM from MINI SD i get error 00028002, or 00068002.
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To load from the sd card you need to extract the nbh file from the package and rename it athe.nbh (or something like that)
you also have to remove the sim card.
did you do this?
If you did, you are probably experienced and you could try talking to cmonex on IRC
She still uses this mc and helped write the unlocker software
Yes I try with SD upgrade but...Nothing aways i have error 00068002 or 00028002.
vegaz said:
Yes I try with SD upgrade but...Nothing aways i have error 00068002 or 00028002.
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Hey vegaz, I see you got your athena working again by using cmonexs mac1exe.
did you get to talk to her on irc or did you just try it?
I saw you post last night but I was too busy to talk.
I thought from what y ou posted that your SPL was not corrupted.
Anyway am interested in the process that led to your solution
regards lakeman
vegaz said:
Hello everyone, my Advantage now is only on Bootloader and say:
This happen because i use the X7510 hrd spl unlocker from wiki page.
What can i do now?.Please HELP ME.
I try with some ROM's and hrd spl's and nothing.PLEASE HELP ME.
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(sorry for my english)
I have the same problems. Here is the solution
I fix my problem with help from CMONEX
vegaz said:
I fix my problem with help from CMONEX
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did you consider a donation to her paypal account in her sig on xda?

