sd card use - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Im new to xda's and pocket pc's ...I just bought a sx56 and am trying to figure out how to download music from my pc to the sd card on my sx56 via the active sync connection....the amount of space available on my device is very little and so I dont want to use it up but it wont let me store any music directly from pc to the sd card..I can drag and drop files to the sd card but then it wont read it be cause the format is not changed!!

Your music files need to have the extension .mp3 or .wma if you're using the Windows Media Player shipped with the SX-56.
What is the extension of the file(s) you're copying to your SD card?

in activesync you can choose explore device
and then pick mypda or something that gets you out of
the my doc dir and then you can access your sdcard
that way and it auto converts files which require that
i always just use a sdcard reader to copy and i never had any problems reading the music files

mvsmith07 said:
Your music files need to have the extension .mp3 or .wma if you're using the Windows Media Player shipped with the SX-56.
What is the extension of the file(s) you're copying to your SD card?
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My bad...Im new to pocket pc, I figured it out now, just drag and drop in to the sd card folder! I must have droped the wrong format file before thats why it didnt work...
Thanx for the help though


accessing sd card

ok brought a 256mb sd card and put a few video clips on and mp3's but dont know how to access them from the xda, any ideas or am i thinck and missing the very obvious
Accessing SD Card Files
- OR -
If you are simply interested in playing the files you have stored there, open Windows Media Player and they will be listed in the Playlist menu item.
and btw:
and btw:
here is, how to convert movies for the the MDA / XDA:
There a 2 tabs: One is about Divx, the 2nd is about wmv files.
regards, Koponet

How can I transfer files directly to my SD card?

I have a 128MB SD card, and I want to put some mp3s and videos on it, but I cannot see how to store it directly to the card. I dont have an external reader writer. So far I've been saving to the PocketPC's HD, then transferring to SD. But the files I wna tto put on it are to large to fit on my HD, even temporarily.
Thanks again
well you can get a 8-1 flash reader which read all know flash types for about 40$ but apart from that then maybe if you brows the pda when it's connected to the activesync you can get hold of the sd dir
When you have the xda connected to your pc with activesync just go to the files you wish to transfer to sd card, choose the files then right click and choose copy, you then go to "explore" in activesync, click on pocket pc then on storage card, right click then "paste"
Thanks crusin-thru- worked like a charm.
dumber question-how do i delte stuff? I put some things on that need to leave now, and when I hit delete, it tells me the files I'm trying to axe cant be deleted. I've made sure they weren't running in any programs, in fact I closed all progrms to be sure. Tried it on and off the cradle.
Feelin' Silly
Try removing the sd card, reinserting, soft reset, then try deleting.

[Q] Invisible files in Windows 7 & Vista when mounted via USB?

When in phone I use ES File Explorer, all files and folders show fine.
But when i mount the phone via USB some of the folders and files (app files) are invisible, if i try to copy them from PC to the same place as I did before, it says it cannot copy (the ones with the same names already exist, just invisible for some reason).
Any idea why it happens?
I never see something like that with SGS2 and HTC Sensation
Hi there,
Do you have the files on your SD card or on the internal storage of the phone?
I got the same issue and I got the files on my SDCard which is exFat formatted... I guess the exFat system causes the issue with my files...
This is with 64GB Sandisk microSDXC card
So, do you mean that we need to make it NTFS?
I am having this same issue. I have also 64GB exfat. So far I haven't found a solution. I tried to unmount the card in the phone and it did show all the files for awhile but then most of the files disappeared again. Hopefully someone can solve this annoying issue.
Could you tell us what kind of files are hidden for you?
I have some APK files and folders with APKs hidden
I have music folder which includes lots of music files (most of them mp3) and also folder with JPEG files which aren't visible.

Trouble transfering files onto sd card

I have several videos i want to transfer from sd card back to my computer.
But everytime i try it just cuts of the transfer and doesnt move any files.
With my old phone it was read as removable device and with teracopy i could move all that i wantd.
But with S3 it mounts my device as "GT-I9300 Portable Media Player" not as SD card.
I would use a sd card adaptor but my sd card is encrypted so will only work with phone.
Is there a way around this and mount the phone as a removable device or are there programs to manage the file transfer from phone to pc?
wbb1 said:
I have several videos i want to transfer from sd card back to my computer.
But everytime i try it just cuts of the transfer and doesnt move any files.
With my old phone it was read as removable device and with teracopy i could move all that i wantd.
But with S3 it mounts my device as "GT-I9300 Portable Media Player" not as SD card.
I would use a sd card adaptor but my sd card is encrypted so will only work with phone.
Is there a way around this and mount the phone as a removable device or are there programs to manage the file transfer from phone to pc?
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WiFi file transfer Pro is my suggestion. It doesn't require a cable - you just connect to the same wifi network as your comp. and then type an adress in the url bar and then download/upload as you please to both internal and external sd.
Thanks for your reply.
Wifi file transfer pro is a paid app, if there a way to do this using the transfer cable as i usually move several gigs over from my phone to computer and back and prefer to use a reliable connection.
Also i am unable to use teracopy to transfer my files like before i am limited to just move and when try moving several files it makes the next set copy across instead of moving.
Use Airdroid
It's free & it's actually the dogs nuts. It's on every pc, laptop & phone I own.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2

music players not finding music on external sd

As above. I'm running Rootbox JB (AOKP/CM) and using my default player power amp I can navigate to the folders on the external card where 95% of my music is held. However player pro or jet audio do not find this by default and I have been unable to manually navigate to the card. I've tried renaming the folder from Music to Songs to no avail. Any clues guys ?
robinta said:
As above. I'm running Rootbox JB (AOKP/CM) and using my default player power amp I can navigate to the folders on the external card where 95% of my music is held. However player pro or jet audio do not find this by default and I have been unable to manually navigate to the card. I've tried renaming the folder from Music to Songs to no avail. Any clues guys ?
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have you checked to see if the music folder has a .nomedia file in it? use es file manager (or similar) and select show hidden files, if it's there delete it.
No there's no .nomedia file in the folder or sub-folders
I thought I'd sussed it. This is a new 32gb card that I had formatted in Cw recovery. When I put the card into the PC windows couldn't 'see' it. I found the file structure was RAW. so I transferred the files off. Reformatted as NTFS and transferred back. Now the computer can see everyrhing fine, but the problem is still there with the music apps.

