win 2005 vs win 2003 - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

What are the main differences, advantages of upgrading from 2003 to 2005?

Darko3 said:
What are the main differences, advantages of upgrading from 2003 to 2005?
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why don't you try can always revert back or vice versa with no probs at all...
you can also back-up your original rom if you want too... here all the topic rgding wm4 and wm5...
conclusion(my opinion)...if you are a heavy 3rd party application user, wm5 not your place...not yet until our genius people here got a full or a 90% bugs solution for it...

where can i find win05 to try ?

dragons said:
where can i find win05 to try ?
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get it from our Ftp
read this also...

I have Windows 2003 SE on my Qtek 9090, can I install Windows Mobile 2005 on it?

if it gets released for that device because you cant use the himalaya or any other rom not made for your device


wm2005 link

Here is a fully working link of wm2005 and activesync 4, goto, and its in the news, download and reg!
or if u just wanna be a jerk and suck bandwidth ;
blackhat said:
Here is a fully working link of wm2005 and activesync 4, goto, and its in the news, download and reg!
or if u just wanna be a jerk and suck bandwidth ;
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anyone care to comment? how's the compatibility? 2003/2003se applications are compatibile? BT?
read this it's 99% the same rom
May this work on ipaq
Hi may i noe if this upgrade can be done for HP Ipaq h5450???
so anybody who manage to get a rom from another device working on their pda is an impressive d00d
windows mobile 2005
hi guys i have an imate pocketpc 2003.i tried to upgrade to wm2005.the upgrade went smooth.but when I started my gave me authentication failure your device manufacturer.
thankx to the forum emails i reverted the device back to the boot loader state and reinstalled wm2003se back.
it was really a nightmare.
any comments how to use wm2005 on the imate pocketpc .
which is similar to xdaII
??? Any ideas ???
I have installed Mobile Windows 2005 on my XDA II but without any risult. When I have reset my palm has appeared me an error of erred ID. Can you give me some suggestion?
Re: windows mobile 2005
zubairshafi said:
hi guys i have an imate pocketpc 2003.i tried to upgrade to wm2005.the upgrade went smooth.but when I started my gave me authentication failure your device manufacturer.
thankx to the forum emails i reverted the device back to the boot loader state and reinstalled wm2003se back.
it was really a nightmare.
any comments how to use wm2005 on the imate pocketpc .
which is similar to xdaII
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I am exactly at the same place which u posted you where? Device Authentication...error while upgrading from Win 2003 to Win 2005. I am stuck!
And u had win 2003 SE, but i dont have it!
What to do man!
Please respond at earliest, as I can't use such an expansive paper weight!
Dr. Kushal
Re: windows mobile 2005
zubairshafi said:
hi guys i have an imate pocketpc 2003.i tried to upgrade to wm2005.the upgrade went smooth.but when I started my gave me authentication failure your device manufacturer.
thankx to the forum emails i reverted the device back to the boot loader state and reinstalled wm2003se back.
it was really a nightmare.
any comments how to use wm2005 on the imate pocketpc .
which is similar to xdaII
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Could you please PM me with the instructions so I will have them for the emergency cases? ;-))) Or better to send them here so that everyone can enjoy recovery
:arrow: For "Device Authentication Failure":
:idea::idea: Use "patch1.exe"
:arrow: For "Country ID":
:idea::idea: Edit it Using the WinMobile 2003 ROM Editor(ER2003Edit_1_4_26.msi)
All files here:
access to ftp:
AAARRRGGGHHH!! It won't work!
I'm useing an XDA IIi with wm2003 se, and active sync 4. the problem is that whenever i try and use the upgrade tool it fails for some reason. i'm gunna try again and take a screenshot so i can show you guys.
hi blackhat,
I downloaded the zip. It contained three *.rar files. I unpacked those as well but the part2.rar file wants to overwrite the first on. What to do?
Well, then I ran HimaUpgradeUT.exe. It starts but drops my activesync connection and then thells me there is a connection problem. How's that, do I have to install AS 4.0 first?

h4150 upgrade

is it possible to upgrade to wm5 or wm6? i have some exp with flashing and upgrading vga.s and some mobile phones so it shouldnt be a problem but i wanna know is it possible and is there any guide to do it. thx a lot for help
smigl said:
is it possible to upgrade to wm5 or wm6? i have some exp with flashing and upgrading vga.s and some mobile phones so it shouldnt be a problem but i wanna know is it possible and is there any guide to do it. thx a lot for help
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ANyone have WM5 or WM6 for this devices?
I own a hp ipaq 4150 and managed to run Windows 98 on it with some help from my friends. But i can guarantee there wont be WM5 / WM6 for the 4150 cuz this model is like 3 years old and there isn't enough ROM memory to store a WM5 / WM6 ROM image.
Alan Chan said:
I own a hp ipaq 4150 and managed to run Windows 98 on it with some help from my friends. But i can guarantee there wont be WM5 / WM6 for the 4150 cuz this model is like 3 years old and there isn't enough ROM memory to store a WM5 / WM6 ROM image.
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Really, I will be amazed at what some people can do, I have a motorola MXP200 first windows mobile phone and now I have WM6 on it thanks to the people here, is uses the SD card ram to built the OS. Only bad thing was the battery didn't last very long.
Kiwi_hknz said:
Really, I will be amazed at what some people can do, I have a motorola MXP200 first windows mobile phone and now I have WM6 on it thanks to the people here, is uses the SD card ram to built the OS. Only bad thing was the battery didn't last very long.
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LOL yeah its a big Innovation especially when someone can run the latest WM6 smartphone ROM on a 4 years old outdated device.
When i ran Windows on my pocket pc, I remember with the help of several hackers, they used sth like a bosch emulator to get Windows 98 running. But booting up takes like 10 minutes
is it really possible to have wm5 on hp ipaq 4150????
if yes then from where i can have this ????
holy cow, did you not read a single post in this thread?
Awais said:
is it really possible to have wm5 on hp ipaq 4150????
if yes then from where i can have this ????
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Qtek 2020 how-to...

Hi Folks,
i have a qtek 2020 with original ITA 2003 win on in...
...i'd like to try a newer one...but i am a absolutly n00b with flashing pda...
....and in wiki i don't find my way out...
Is there anybody having a free minute, to tell me how to do?
I'd like to have a newer ENG version on it possible?
all roms packs comes with a readme.txt which desribe step by step how it's flashed
Hmmm, ok..but which rom can i try?
..and...can't i do this under Linux system? I haven't Win on my PC....
any you like the himalaya forums just under this one
called windows mobile 2005 and wm6 and such are full
of posts with links to various roms
never heard about a linux flashtool and not sure if the himaupgradeut_noid.exe would run under wine
i would prob bring my xda to a windows xp pc and do it there
Thx very much for the help!
I'll try it on my mum's notebook...
Yeah, really NICE!!!
WIN 6.1 pro is very nice...all working until now...
I am glad to read it here.

imate 2002 upgrade

I have a imate WM 2002.
It is working great except that I need old version of activesync to sync. Can I upgrade it to WM5 or WM6 so that it syncs with latest activesync ?
If yes, how ?
Yes, upgrading to Windows 6 will ensure you can use the latest activesync. Before you upgrade you have to find out whether your Jamin is G3 or G4. You will get information here.
You can just follow the steps here. It is a neat tool by bikertibi that does the hard work for you. Just select the right options. You are flashing for the first time so you will have to select HardSPL. That is permanent and there is always some risk with flashing your PDA. Mine still works great after at least 25-30 flashings so if you're willing to take that risk select a ROM and flash.
jagatnibas said:
I have a imate WM 2002.
It is working great except that I need old version of activesync to sync. Can I upgrade it to WM5 or WM6 so that it syncs with latest activesync ?
If yes, how ?
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WAIT WAIT WAIT.. Are you in the right place first? The HTC prophet never came with wm2002 installed.. it had wm5 installed as standard! Do not upgrade your phone until you are sure what device you have! You could damage your phone if you dont know what you doing! The HTC Prophet was released by imate under the name "JAMin".. is that what you have?
Edit: I think you most likely have an imate smartphone 2002.. which is unfortunately VERY OLD.. in which case there might be an upgrade to 2003 somewhere that might help.. good luck
I have this model
please confirm if i can follow aahd81's procedure
yeah, so you mean to say this imate 2002 can at best be upgraded to wm 2003 ? If it is upgraded to 2003, can it be snced with the latest active sync ? Can you please point me to download link ?
jagatnibas said:
I have this model
please confirm if i can follow aahd81's procedure
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for this model not exist upgrade higher than 2002
P.S. Sorry my english
jagatnibas said:
I have this model
please confirm if i can follow aahd81's procedure
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It is HTC Tanager, SPV e100 .....
look This:

[Q] How to downgrade TG01 - help me please!

Hi All!
I am not very in with all these smartphone innovations and wm-world but i am trying to get in touch. So my problem is that i would like to run the "zeno" usb-keybord driver but it doesent work on my toshiba tg01 with windows mobile 6,5 professional (phone is bought in germany from o2). after i was researching the net for coupple of days i saw that non of the people who was running it on 6,5 had the stock rom.... but i do and i have absolutely no idea how to change that thing. I read aswell that it normally doesnt work on 6,5. So i decided to downgrade - but that is not easier for me. I hope you will excuse me for my maybe idiotic questions but i really have the good will to learn - i allready learned and did a hard reset on my tg01 . So my questions are:
1. How do I downgrade to 6,1 from 6,5 professional?
2. If i have to change the ROM - how do I do it without bricking the phone?
3. Is there any other way to plug an external usb keyboard to my tg01?
Thank you!
santosinio said:
Hi All!
I am not very in with all these smartphone innovations and wm-world but i am trying to get in touch. So my problem is that i would like to run the "zeno" usb-keybord driver but it doesent work on my toshiba tg01 with windows mobile 6,5 professional (phone is bought in germany from o2). after i was researching the net for coupple of days i saw that non of the people who was running it on 6,5 had the stock rom.... but i do and i have absolutely no idea how to change that thing. I read aswell that it normally doesnt work on 6,5. So i decided to downgrade - but that is not easier for me. I hope you will excuse me for my maybe idiotic questions but i really have the good will to learn - i allready learned and did a hard reset on my tg01 . So my questions are:
1. How do I downgrade to 6,1 from 6,5 professional?
2. If i have to change the ROM - how do I do it without bricking the phone?
3. Is there any other way to plug an external usb keyboard to my tg01?
Thank you!
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hello and welcome, santosinio.
i write a PM Private Message to you- in german
gruß, miro
Thank you for the PM. I want to try it and i will give a feedback.
Please help in downgrading TG01
Hi all. I'm quite new to all these smartphones.
I wish to perform some data acquisition using TG01 but the software of data acquisition can only support up to Windows Mobile 6.0. Can I know any ways to downgrade my current OS (WM 6.5 Pro) to WM 6.0? Is it possible to downgrade it?
Thank you.
hoiyin said:
Hi all. I'm quite new to all these smartphones.
I wish to perform some data acquisition using TG01 but the software of data acquisition can only support up to Windows Mobile 6.0. Can I know any ways to downgrade my current OS (WM 6.5 Pro) to WM 6.0? Is it possible to downgrade it?
Thank you.
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There is no way to downgrade further than WM 6.1, and even then, you cannot downgrade to official 6.1 rom as there isn't one available unless i am mistaken, what you could do is try and flash a WM 6.1 custom rom from Miro or Ferapont, these are the latest 6.1 roms available.
hoiyin said:
Hi all. I'm quite new to all these smartphones.
I wish to perform some data acquisition using TG01 but the software of data acquisition can only support up to Windows Mobile 6.0. Can I know any ways to downgrade my current OS (WM 6.5 Pro) to WM 6.0? Is it possible to downgrade it?
Thank you.
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It is fairly unusual for software to completely fail to work on a higher version WM OS, though sometimes may have some slightly odd video effects. Can I just ask whether you have proven it doesn't work or are going by the stated compatibility ?
If not, then I'd definitely recommend giving it a try with WM 6.5 first and see what happens. You may get a pleasant surprise.........
Hi Kevin,
I had tried to connect the phone to the software at PC but the software seems couldn't recognise the device.
Too bad. I'll try to find other alternative.
Anyway, thanks for your advice.

