Activesync remaining connected with WM2005 - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

I have a problem with AS4 and WM2005.
When I remove the device from the cradle the Activesync icon shows as still connected AND the device is r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w!!
The simple resolution is to soft reset, but as you can imagine, this isn't a desirable solution.
(I remember seeing a post about something similar but i can't find it now).
Any advice is much appreciated.

if you turn the power button off for three seconds after you remove it from the cradle, it will notice that it no longer in the craddle. That also only work if you remove it from the cradle while active sync was idle. If if was syncing, then you have to do a soft reset to fix it.
If you don't do the above and you let it continue thinking it is in the cradle, it will drain your battery pretty quickly.


How to hardreset without a hardreset-switch?

I can't ound the answer with the forum search.
My Wallaby does not have a hard-reset switch. How can I hardreset it without to disassemble and take out and in the battery?
Sometimes I try functions in the bootloader menu, and after it, the Windows does not start. Only display the background with the radio and wince version number. In this case only the hardreset helps.
Any idea?
Sallala said:
How can I hardreset it without to disassemble and take out and in the battery?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It would be possible to write a program which causes a hard reset. But in the situations where you'd need it, you can't run the program anymore. You could try wiring in a new pushbutton if you're really (really!) good with a soldering iron, otherwise I'd refrain from playing with the bootloader on such a unit.
If you leave it in bootloader mode, this will drain the batteries really quick (causing a hard reset) since the backlight stays on and power-management happens. This would still take up to a few hours, but would save you the hassle of opening it up.
Thank you!
So there is not a special key-combinations like the new iPAQ-s.
I use it for three days. I must to hard reset two times. (After I try to changed something in the bootloader)
In the first time, I pressd various key combinations, and I could hardreset it, but I can't remember how
Ok, your tipp is a good, if I'am not at home, and do not reach my torx
I find it hard to believe that there is no button combination for a hard reset
have you tried reading your Wallaby manual?
In any case, I have an app installed called THM Task Manager, and it has a "shutdown" option which INCLUDES hard reset. I haven't tried this yet (for obvious reasons) but you're free to so if you'd like.
Hope this helps
you have not tried inserting the unscrewed cap of your pen into the lower right pinhole on the side of your xda?
There is no hardreset micro-switch inside.
On the mainboard there is only the place for the switch, but no switch.
I read the wiev the manual for the Qtek1010 only, that I downloaded, and not found any text about hard-reset key-combinations.
I bought it from a guy, who build a working xda from two killed devices. I gave only a sync cable, no manual or anithing else.
Hard-reset program sometimes can't help. As I wrote, I needed hard-reset two times, after I changed something in the bootloader. The device stops at the windows welcome screen, wher the version number displays. I can't start any hardreset program at this tiem.
Thank you,
ic, so it's a sort of "refurbished, frankenstein" unit. the guy must've forgotten to put on the micro switch, when he was putting the thing together.
you could disconnect the battery and wait till the backup batt drains too. that should hard reset the thing, when you reinsert the main battery
Download PHM Task manager here:
Install it.
Then go to the shutdown menu - there in is a "hard reset" option
Follow the warnings etc and execute - your device will then be hard reset!
PS: please post if this solves your Frankenstein units problem...
I thought the hard reset was a hardware feature on the xda that isolates the battery physically from the board, is that possible to implement in software??
Admittedly - I never used this method on my old XDA; however, I have used this on two Toshiba PDA's (e740 and an e755) and it works.
To the best of my knowledge, this works via software by telling the device to release/erase everything in volatile RAM - ie a hard reset w/o cycling the battery.

ActiveSync Problem with XDA2

I have been experiencing some issues when trying to connect and synchronise my XDA2 with my desktop and I was wondering if it was a known issue. Firstly, the XDA2 has had it's ROM updated to 1.60.50.
The problem is when I try to connect to ActiveSync 3.7.1 more often than not, it connects, user authenticates and shortly after disconnects before it even starts synching. The only time I can guarantee it will work is when I re-install ActiveSync 3.7.1 and bond the devices for the first time. Eventually I isolated it down to a problem with the XDA2:
I have two means of synchronising - with the USB cradle and via a bluetooth dongle therefore it is not a case of a faulty cradle. The USB's on my computer are USB 1.1, not the latest USB 2 but I do not see that as an issue.
After a hard reset of the XDA2 and no extra software installed, I still experience the problem so it is not a software issue, which only leaves a problem with the XDA2. There is a possibility that the user authentication fails and that is the reason it disconnects but I would expect an error message telling me so - is this the case?
So in summary, connects when re-install activesync 3.7.1 and will continue to reconnect while the computer is turned on. But after you turn the computer off and restart it, more often than not when you attempt to synchronise, it opens the port, connects, user authenticates and then suddenly stops. The signal bar changes to the connected columns and then back to the normal radio columns.
Have there been any issues like this before?
Activesync XDA II problems - a coincidence ?
I have exactly the same problem. I'm not sure exactly when it started, but I think it was about a week ago.
I've done hard resets on the XDA and tried everything I could think of, but still can't get it working. Up until about a week or so ago it was all working fine and had been for months.
Some of the things I have tried have been :
- hard reset the XDA.
- uninstall activesync 3.71, delete the activesync dir, download a fresh copy and install.
- do the above but using version 3.7
- delete partnership.
- delete the PPC device from Device Manager and start again.
- switch off AV software, firewall etc
- uninstall and re-install Outlook 2000.
- uninstall Outlook and install Outlook 2002
- Tried connecting using IR instead of USB
- Tried BT but the port sets itself up as COM10 which AS cannot see !
- numerous other things that I won't bore you with !
Nothing works. I get a brief glimmer of hope and then it packs up again.
I'm using a Toshiba Satellite Pro with XP Pro and I was at the point where I was about to back up back up my personal files and use the system restore disk on it. I was chatting to a friend this afternoon and mentioned my problem. He told me that there are a number of people in his office, all of them have XDA II's, and all of them have got this exact same problem. All of them had a working and stable Activesync until about a week or so ago and now NONE of them can get connected and have the same problems that you described.
This seems more than a coincidence to me and doesn't sound to me like an XDA problem. Could this be some Microsoft updates / patches that have screwed things up ?
BTW - the XDA seems rather useless when you can't get any software or data in or out of it !
I also had exactly the same problem for me.
I tried everything, nothing worked.
I had to make a hard reset then reinstall manually all the software (backup didn't solve the problem too).
Now, everything is OK, far!
ActiveSync problems
I think the difference is that both myself and the guy that started this thread have done hard resets and it still doesn't work.
I think I have found a routine whereby it seems to work (although this could be all nonsense).
Right click on the activesync icon and open it, click on Options, do nothing and close the dialog box (that part probably isn't necessary), now try to sync from the XDA2. Using a bluetooth dongle to sync, this now works everytime (so far)
I thought you had cracked it. It synchronised ok, but then dropped the connection shortly afterwards. It's now back to sitting with the spinning green wheel and the message 'Connecting ...', which never actually connects. The XDA displays a message box saying 'Communications Error', 'Cannot start communications with the desktop computer. Re-connect your device. If the problem persists, see Microsoft Activesync Help'. Which is a fat lot of good !
It's all back to where I started !

Sometimes I can't connect to ActiveSync

Very often, I have a connection/synchronization error:
I put the Wallaby to the cardle, I hear WindowsXP's USB connection sound (not sync sound), PDA start to connecting, but it hangs on "Status: connecting to host" screen. After 4-5 seconds, the window is closing, but nothing happen.
The only way, to start synching, to restart PDA.
This happening on my comuter at my work place. This was ROM version 4.00.16 and 4.01.16 too.
Usually, I can connect first time, but after I put the PDA out of the cardle, and back again Sync does not start.
Whrer is the problem? In my XP activesync, or pda?
Help, this take me very #@&"+!%#&@&
Hi Sallala,
I had similar problems too.
One time Active Sync runs smoothly.
Remove XDA from cradle and put back 30 sec. later and Active Sync doesn't work. My solution was to reboot the PC. It seemd safer than resetting the XDA.
I found a tool "ASReboot" on the Internet. Google around and you will find it too.
This tool reboots Active Sync on your PC, so no need to reset the XDA.
It helps for me. I hope it will help you too.
I can reboot ActiveSync by kill the processes wcescomm.exe and WCESMgr.exe with taskmanager, but it usually don't help. And I restart my computer sometimes, but it does not solve the problem to me. The only way is reboot the XDA..
I think there is another thing to solve our problem. If no others talking about this problem, probably this is not a common error, and maybe we do something wrong :S Or we are useing some applcation (eg. firewall) on XP maybe that conficts with activesync, but I don't know, what
However I will try this app that you suggest.
Thank you,
Hello Sallala,
On my Desktop PC I have no trouble at all.
On my Laptop I have a wobbly USB connector, so sometimes no ActiveSync connection is made whatsoever.
ASReboot cannot fix this either.
Just unplugging and plugging in again resolves the problem.
No reboot from Laptop or XDA neccesary.
Perhaps you have a wobbly USB connector too ?
Don't worry guys, this is a common problem. It is a Microsoft product don't forget! :wink:
From my experience, it seems that killing "wcescomm" in the task manager then running it again (via the Activesync folder installed on your PC) does work, however not straight away. I found that it would re-connect after about 30-40 seconds.
Also, try closing Activesync on your XDA too, before running it on your PC. This might help too.
Finally, make sure that the version of Activesync you have is the latest (3.7.1)
Hope any of this has been a help

[Q] No usb connection :(

I experience a very weird problem with my HD2.
When I want to connect my HD2 to pc then my pc (and other pc's) doesn't recognize my phone, nothing happens. Also my phone isn't giving me the option between "Activesync" "Disk drive" or "Internet sharing". (Altough the option to ask it on connection is turned on under settings). So not an active sync problem I guess. The usb doesn't seems dead because it still charges, on my HD2 the power sign comes up when I connect the usb to pc and the led is on. When I pull it out then the led goes off and the power sign dissapears. But no "data" connection is possible anymore.
Is something broken in my registry? I tried soft resetting several times.
No hard reset yet but I am waiting to do this, maybe someone here knows the answer.
I started experience the problem after I used Tomtom last week ( i used it alot already) . I experienced a problem that my HD2 was stuck in "Carkit mode" thus when someone called me he flipped the screen and putted speaker on. Even when I set it off under settings it. Navipanel was also turned on. I downloaded the hotfix from HTC for Navipanel and now that problem is gone. My phone is again in normal mode when I call or receive calls. BUT the usb data connection doesn't seems to be working anymore .
Someone here knows the magic answer ?
Can you post the Radio version and ROM version you are using?
ROM version : 1.66.405.2 (76641) WWE
Radio version :
Have you ever changed the ROM on your device or is all still origional as you got it from the store?
If origional:
1) bring it back for repair, since its not your fault
2) or install HSPL change your radio and rom
I would just send it for repair when that happens. Specially when its in origional state.
I had this problem once but at the moment i connected the phone through a USB Hub
No it is the official upgrade rom from htc site.
Phone is acting weird also.
Everytime someone is calling it puts the speaker on .
Maybe I try a hard reset for this "fkd up" software?
Would this help?
Hmm did a hard reset and the problem persists.
No usb data connection.
Speaker turns to loud when someone is calling me.
Screen flips sometimes.
Guess it is a hardware problem.
Going to turn it in.
Although I completely agree that your unit is probably on the fritz, take into account that the MicroUSB cable can be the problem as well when it comes to connecting to your pc. I bought some Ebay cables and my phone wouldn't connect properly with those. Charging was no problem.
Yes it is on the fritz i guess.
The problems started suddenly and I also tried another usb cable who was also working fine before.
I managed to get connection yesterday just once after pushing it in the phone and moving it a bit. So I guess the usb input is broken or the motherboard. Guess it is the motherboard because of the other weird problems (when want to call someone the screen turns vertically and puts the speaker on), also when i got called. And this after a fresh hard reset.
Hope they will replace the unit without a hassle.

[Q] Device Freezing / Dying?

Has anyone experienced their phone freezing/locking up? I'm not talking about lagging/freezing applications, but the whole phone actually locking up.
My phone seems to be freezing up about twice a week and has been for the last 3 weeks. Each time it has been when the device was in my pocket or on charge at night (and subsequently the alarm does not go off).
When the device is frozen like this, it has no indications of even having power.The power button will not turn the phone off, on, or wake the device. Plugging the phone into power doesn't even turn the orange/green charging lights on, nor play the tone for when power is connected.
I physically have to remove the battery for a few seconds from the phone and re-insert before the phone will start up. I have even performed a hard reset on this device.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I'm thinking that it might be a hardware fault, or at a really wild guess maybe the HTC Attentive App.
I'm having no problems with crashing or freezing!
I have actually found the device to be very stable, a lot nicer cleaner and stable than my previous device (Sony Ericsson Xperia X10).
Had exactly that problem a couple of times already. The only solution is to pull the battery out.
Still - better than an iPhone crash which requires you to plug it back into the PC before it will work again.
I had a similar situation:
I was making an international call (card service), when finished i heared the card IVR prompt if i need to make another call. I wanted to hang up but the screen was black adn dead. power button did not bring into life and i was keep on hearing the active call. had to take the battery out to kill this situation.
typically windows behaviour
Thought I had narrowed this down to the HTC attentive app, but alas the phone froze again this morning after hitting snooze 3 or 4 times. Oddly enough, the power button would turn the screen on and off, but the lock screen wouldn't show, nor could anything be moved or controlled on the screen (live tiles were still animated though). Battery pull again.
Yeah, typical windows behavior. No where near as bad as Windows Mobile which I came from though
I have the same issue. Can be in the middle of a call or anything. Had it reboot once while on charge too. Did you just remove the attentive app? Would it be worth trying a Hard Reset if that wipes the device. If so how easy is it to put your old Apps back on. Or do I need to write a list and search manually.
I did a hard reset and just didn't install the app again.
"When you buy or download apps from the Zune PC client, those apps are automatically redownloaded to the phone when you reset the device and login with your Windows Live ID again. When you download apps from the phone itself, you have to go to the Marketplace again to manually find and redownload the apps you want."

