Crash My MDA during upgrade - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

I was doing rom upgrade my MDA for WM2005 but during the rom upgrade my MDA's usb cable was plug out and connection lost. Now my MDA don't open and don't connect with computer because I start rom upgrade program (Hima Upgrade UT) it wrote ERROR101:CONNECTION ERROR . I did hard reset several times but didn't change anything.Please help me how will I solve this problem


help upgrade failed & imate died¡¡¡

I tried to upgrade my imate with bluetooth (instead of cable, because it is in my job)and now the only thing i see in the screen is "Serial v1.02" I have tried to do a full reset but nothing changes. What can i do??? Thanksss
:lol: not buy serial cable!!!
there is an OFFICIAL UPGRADE ready and existing, but not yet PUBLIC,
it is one nice 40 MB RUU file which will uprgade your unit to english language:
Microsoft Pocket PC version 4.20.0 (Build 13252)
ROM version: 1.60.00WWE
ROM date: 12/03/03
Radio version: 1.06.01
Protocol version: 1337.16
ExtROM version: 1.60.06
What you may try to do, for a start, is to reinstall the ROM upgrade once again, USING THE USB CRADLE and nothing else. Better remove the SIM card before installing the upgrade. Also, make sure that the battery is fully charged. All through the upgrade process, do not touch the device.
Next day When i was in my job put my imate in the cradle, ran the upgrade and it worked.....I am happpppppy ¡¡¡¡
Upgrade failed
I had the same problem as dherrero. However, I have no luck as him. My XDA II still dead can not be boot. Anyone can help? Thanks.
I have a MDA from T-Mobile for 3 weeks now. I find out about the rom update (RUU16006WWE_T-mobile_NL.exe), tried it and got the message that the update failed.
On my MDA screen therse is only the message "USB v1.01".
Running the update again doesn't help.
Is there a solution or do I have to contact T-Mobile?
Hi all ,
One of my Friends had the same problem , he tried another computer and it works , then guess what was the problem ???? We found that it was ZONE ALARM !!!
So please check You'r computers guyes ,it might be another software makes the upgrade failed .
Hi all!
We have to be aware, that the upgrade program says "NO PROGRAMS RUNNING ON THE PPC AND NO PROGRAMS RUNNING ON THE PC ITSELF"
It's a hard lesson i learned years ago while flashing a BIOS..... if possible, do it at an UPS equipped PC (or notebook btw) to reduce your chances of killing your device.
Windows XP has many more programs running than one would suspect. As a first measure, kill all the ones you can in the right side of your taskbar, shut down your Anti Virus and Firewall, and cross your fingers while upgrading.....
Should we also shut down Activesync? Or is it needed for the upgrade?
I am in the same boat this day. Please help !!! I tried to upgrade the imate threw the club imate ... i downloaded ok i believe ... i did not use the cradel just a mini sync usb cord ... i used this before many times to sync... but when i tried to run the official update it stopped and now it says only serial v1.02 when i put it in the cradel it says usb v1.o2 its dead... no light for batter scharge nothing???? no sync at all please help
ActiveSync is not involved in the upgrade process. The upgrade program runs out of this, with it's own connection and settings via USB.
I haven't used the mini cord, so I'm of no help about it.
Try the upgrade program again, looks like it failed to fully flash your ROM. (That's why you don't see the charging light, it's Software controlled)
Good Luck!
Try to update your imate using a cradle connected to a pc(usb). It should work
i have the exact same problem as highlighted by the others here, USB and v1.02 screen. Question is, how do you continue to flash your rom after it fails and you put back your unit into the cradle and activesync does not sync it anymore
the upgrade doesnt use activesync so it doesnt matter. Just put the imate in the cradle(in other pc, if possible) and run the upgrade
qtek rom update problem
hi guys. my qtek only says USB v 1.02. I cannot do any rom flash. what rom should i use. where can i download it from?

plz help, i-mate dead after failed flash, error 101

hi everyone,
i have a huge problem. my rom flash for my i-mate (qtek 2020, mdaII, XDAII) hung during flashing (from 1.66 to 1.72 official i-mate rom) during the ce upgrade step 2. now my i-mate just hangs at the blue i-mate screen and i cant connect to it through pc anymore, get error 101. is there any way to get a good rom on it again (can i connect to the ppc by another way, other software or sd-card0 so it will work again, or does it have to be epaired at at a rapaircenter?
thnx, sorry for the bad english
See the pm i send you.
I have the same problem ...
plz tell me how u solve it
Best regards
plz help, i-mate dead after failed flash, error 101
If all that happened was it hung during upgrade you can put the device into bootloader, power+d-pad+softreset button, and attempt upgrade again, but if OS you were upgrading to is corrupt causing the hang a new rom might be the way to go, has everything i needed, or
I have same problem. My q-tec100 is reseting so I can' connect it to pc for flashing again. Please tel me what is bootloader and what is d-pad button so thad i can stop it from reset and connecting for flash
hi friends i have the same prob. somebody plz help me too

Upgrade problems 1.66 -> 1.72

I have an Qtek 2020 (bought in Greece).
I had the 1.66 ROM installed and tried to upgrade to the 1.72WWE version dowloaded by the xda-developers ftp site.
In the installation, at the time when the program erases the previous ROM I get the following error message :
To continue the upgrade please :
1. disconnect the Pocket PC from the USB cradle
2. perform a normal reset
3. reconect the Pocket PC and restart the upgrade
tried the above procedure with the same results.
Anyone having any hints?
I had the same, trying to upgrade. Just do as the screen says (i.e.: restart the upgrade). Worked fine for me!! :lol:
done it at least four times with the same result.
The strange thing is that i performed an upgrade already to 1.66 withoutany problems a short while ago. The only difference was that I got the upgrade from my provider intead of xda-developers

Dead xda2 stuck in seril v 1.06

Hi ,
I had 1.72.00wwe on my phone but i was tryin 2 upgrade it further but it got stuck while upgrading and its showing seril while not on cradle and while on cradle its showing usb 1.06
plz hlp me iam newbee and not good in programmin .I also have asecond Xda2 with 1.66.00wwe plz tell if it can b of any help
Reset your device, place it in the cradle and re-run the upgrade.
thanx i tried it already from 2 computers in one its showing error 103 no rom image found and in another its showing error 101 country code problem
Which ROM are you attempting to upgrade to? Which one exactly had you previously upgrade to? What operator do you use?
I'm asking all this to try and get a better picture. Normally, people in your situation can recover by applying the same upgrade again, or, at worst, re-applying the one they are upgrading from.
Make sure you are in bootloader mode (by pressing Jog button and Power button at the same time as pressing reset) before retrying any upgrade. Also make sure the USB cradle is plugged directly into a USB port on your PC and not through a hub and that the power supply is connected to the cradle. It may help to make sure that Activesync isn't running also.
active sync
in the active sync tray it shows that not connected
Well i had 1.72.00wwe rom image 1.14 earlier and iwas tryiong to upgrade to 1.72. something can't remember exactly but it was with rom image 1.17 it was downloaded from t mobile and my current phone is from o2
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Activesync is not needed for upgrades. The upgrade process looks after its own connection. I suggest you follow the procedures in my post here to overcome the Country ID error problem. You will need to know what the device's operator and language IDs are currently set to, which is why I asked you above. I suspect you won't have Devicedata.txt, so it becomes necessary to know what operator and language the previous upgrade was.
to revive your XDA2 again
The main point is what is ROM 1.66 come from (e.g. i-mate ot T-mobile)
If you doesn't upgrade 1.66 ROM by yourself or it came from factory ,you must tell us which operator did you buy from.
If you try upgrade across operator ,it will hang on boot loader screen.
And again, which 1.72 ROM did you try to upgrade from?

I am in deep sh.., WM6 update screwed and bootloader does not work

Hi all.
I tried to update to WM6 on my Dopod 818 Pro with ProphetTouchIXbeta2. It displayed and error and after hard resetting I can only get the splash screen. So I roamed the forum the whole day downloaded a couple of other WM6 packages (I could not get the WM5 files from the WM6 upgrade guide, link is dead). So I downloaded the ROM updates from the HTC websites for the 818 Pro. I can start the 818 Pro into Bootloader, but whatever ROM file I use will tell me Update Error 260 Cannot connect!!
The Bootloader tells me the following: IPL 2.15.0001 / SPL 2.15.0001 and USB connected. Active Sync will not connect.
Sorry, I am a newbie and should have waited for the official upgrade. But I had to try
Thank you in advance for any help!
i had the same trouble some time ago. The false was, that I connect my NEO on an USB Hub, take a direct connection between your PC and your XDA. Also, if it's possible, try another PC. HTH
Put your Prophet in bootloadermode: press Camm button and soft reset at the same time.
In ActiveSync on your PC: DISable connectionsetting "Allow USB connection"
Conect your Prophet to a USBport directly with a cable.
Run a NVID-RUU, perhaps the official VID-RUU doesn't recognize your device anymore.
This should do it.
i can confirm this process
Thanks guys, but the main issue is:
1. I can get into Bootloader
2. BUT ActiveSync does not make a connection with my DEvice in Bootloader and the ROMs I tried cannot connect to my device then.
I tried it on 2 machines (Vista and XP)
starkus said:
Thanks guys, but the main issue is:
1. I can get into Bootloader
2. BUT ActiveSync does not make a connection with my DEvice in Bootloader and the ROMs I tried cannot connect to my device then.
I tried it on 2 machines (Vista and XP)
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Activesync is not supose to conect to phone in bootloder
just run the wm5
but if I run the WM5 by HTC its only goes to the Verify information screen and after that. it says Error [260]: Connection. The Update utility cannot connect to your PDA Phone.
And in the beginning of the process it displays a couple of steps, like check that your battery is at least 50% charged and other ssteps, of which one is, that I have to make sure that ActiveSyc is connected.
Ok, the issue was that only this file from HTC would do the update: RUU_Prophet_2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
Alle the others I downloaded would not work, also not the files I got from here. One was by the way full of Viruses !
Thanks for your help guys! Will try to get to WM6 again now
starkus said:
Ok, the issue was that only this file from HTC would do the update: RUU_Prophet_2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
Alle the others I downloaded would not work, also not the files I got from here. One was by the way full of Viruses !
Thanks for your help guys! Will try to get to WM6 again now
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which one was "full of viruses" and how you checked it ?
Sorry should have mentioned it before:
It was Prophet"s_2.20.7.34_2.20.7114_02.69.21
Virus or unwanted program 'W32/Sality.L [W32/Sality.L]'
All .exes were infected in that package.

