o2 XDA II - Moving to T-Mobile - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hi There,
Wonder if some kind person could help me? I have a o2 XDA II which i got off e-bay. The unit is great and all i wanted it for was to collect my e-mails on, whilst on the move. Got a PAYT o2 sim card, popped it in. No GPRS. Phoned o2 and they don`t support it on PAYG. Great. My contract is with T-Mobile. I was wondering if this could be flashed so I could use T-Mobile on it. I know i can pop the card in and manually set it up, just wondering if its possible to remove all the o2 branding and backdrops and everything and put some T-Mobile ones one? Also has anybody got the setup guide for setting up t-mobile GPRS on this?
Many Thnaks

1 yes use allInone unlocker from unlocking it forum
2 you can remove the entry's for o2 stuff from the startup in windows dir or unlock the extented rom and rmove the o2 stuff and hardreset
3 do a search in the networking it forum for "tmobile AND grps" tons of posts will come


Dilemma - O2 XDA2i

I need to purchase a pda phone for a project that I am on. I have decided to go with one of XDA2i or XDA2s.
I only need to run one j2me application with the CDC config and Personal Profile on the pda phone and nothing else.
What I am unsure about is what is my best option in purchasing an XDA2i/s. I can do one of the following
1) Purchase the XDA on contract from o2 and then flash it so it has none of the o2 software on it which I do not require.
2) Purchase the XDA unlocked from expansys.com for about £600.
The problem is that I need to use the vodafone network in the UK as thats who our network provider is. I do not think Vodafone has the xda2i on its network and also if it does I still do not like the pre-installed software that comes with it.
So can I flash the XDA2i from o2 so there are no operator installed software?
longshanks said:
I need to purchase a pda phone for a project that I am on. I have decided to go with one of XDA2i or XDA2s.
I only need to run one j2me application with the CDC config and Personal Profile on the pda phone and nothing else.
What I am unsure about is what is my best option in purchasing an XDA2i/s. I can do one of the following
1) Purchase the XDA on contract from o2 and then flash it so it has none of the o2 software on it which I do not require.
2) Purchase the XDA unlocked from expansys.com for about £600.
The problem is that I need to use the vodafone network in the UK as thats who our network provider is. I do not think Vodafone has the xda2i on its network and also if it does I still do not like the pre-installed software that comes with it.
So can I flash the XDA2i from o2 so there are no operator installed software?
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you can make it simlock free
the sw can be found here in the forum.
you can also put another rom on it like the one i build (Diamond rom)
link below
I dont think the XDA unlock programme works for XDA2i version?
Also do you have more information on your rom? As long as I can get rid of all the operator settings and then just add the GPRS settings for vodafone then I am happy. The pda will be used for a singel application so the less programs in memory hopefully the faster it will run.
longshanks said:
I dont think the XDA unlock programme works for XDA2i version?
Also do you have more information on your rom? As long as I can get rid of all the operator settings and then just add the GPRS settings for vodafone then I am happy. The pda will be used for a singel application so the less programs in memory hopefully the faster it will run.
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you can always change the gprs settings maybe a cab is uploaded here in the forum.
im not sure about the unlock prog but with my Himalaya it worked i suggest 2 read the post at the top of this page.
to get 2 know more about my rom click on the link below!
longshanks said:
I need to purchase a pda phone for a project that I am on. I have decided to go with one of XDA2i or XDA2s.
I only need to run one j2me application with the CDC config and Personal Profile on the pda phone and nothing else.
What I am unsure about is what is my best option in purchasing an XDA2i/s. I can do one of the following
1) Purchase the XDA on contract from o2 and then flash it so it has none of the o2 software on it which I do not require.
2) Purchase the XDA unlocked from expansys.com for about £600.
The problem is that I need to use the vodafone network in the UK as thats who our network provider is. I do not think Vodafone has the xda2i on its network and also if it does I still do not like the pre-installed software that comes with it.
So can I flash the XDA2i from o2 so there are no operator installed software?
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O2 does offer IIi in UK, as far as i can see from O2 UK website. if you really hate those so called pre-loaded software. just do a hard reset follow by a soft reset before the auto install begins.

GPRS does not work for my Atom Exec!!!

Hey all,
I am hoping somebody will have a solution to my problem as it is driving me mad.
I have an 02 XDA Atom Exec & am on the T-Mobile network in the UK & I am unable to connect to the T-Mobile GPRS service.
I have put in the correct setting but for some reason it keeps trying to connect then eventually come up with a notice that Cannot Connect & that the answering modem has disconnected.
I do not understand what this means & by the sound of it neither do T-Mobile customer services, but understandly maybe as they don't do it!!!
I hope one of you guys can help me with this problem.
Thanks Guys.
can you check with another sim card?
maby different operator?
If you will have same problem, the source in GSM module, otherwise, go to your operator.
hi, i have the same problem with my atom on UK Vodafone, it says it connects fine, but then cant locate any web pages or anything like that!
I have tried with my vodafone PAYG sim card with the vodafone settings & it works fine, but still having problems with my T-Mobile sim.
I think I may have to phone customer service again & try get a solution from them otherwise I will cancel the web & walk & just keep the free minutes.
Spuddle, I have tried with the Vodafone sim & mine worked fine, Are you sure you have the Vodafone settings on there???
im sure i have, because it will connect, and says connected, just when i go to ie it keeps saying any web / wap page cant be located.
where did you get the settings from??
I got the settings from http://www.filesaveas.com/gprs.html.
Let me know if they are the same settings that you used, If it saying that it was unable to load up the page do a reset ot try closing down running programs & try again.
its still not working!
I have just got a T-Mobile account with the Web'n'Walk and I am experiencing the exact same problems.
I have used my Atom Exec on Vodafone AU, Vodafone UK, O2 UK and they all connect straight away. (and when the SIM is inserted there is a G in the top next to the telephone signal strength)
But as soon as i put in the T-Mobile SIM in the G is no longer there and it is an X and when i try to connect i get the error:
The answering modem has disconnected
faulkss, That is exactly the same message that I get.
Have you tried phoning up T-Mobile at all???
Yeah like 5 times!
And I have even gone in to a T-Mobile store...
They have nothing at all!!! They all say that the settings are all correct, my SIM is GPRS enabled, and that there is nothing that they can do.
I have put my SIM in an MDA Vario and it works like a dream???
So last night I was going through the registry on the MDA and looking for keys that I did not have and then manually entering them... but still no luck.
I am guessing that there is some setting somewhere that the SIM is looking for and does not find, hence the X instead of the G.
To be honest I think that I am in a little over my head.
But I have just signed up to this so that I could use Push email, and it is like 5 days into a 12 month contract, so I really want to get it to work!
Well I have called them again, and they have no idea and really don’t want to find out why as they have never heard of the ATOM Exec (poor them as they are missing out).
So I have just cancelled my contract with them, and since I have only had it for 5 days there is no penalty.
I am going to sign up for an O2 plan and add the blackberry (£10) option on it.
It might be an extra 10er a month on the T-Mobile plan, but at least I will have everything that I want.
Yeah, good on you!!!
If T-Mobile can't be arsed to help you they do not deserve the money you would have given the.
The only thing is that I am on 18 month contract with about 9 months remaining, so the choice for me will be to either sell the Atom Exec ( even though I love it!!!) or go back to my trusty MDA Vario.
Decisions, Desisions!!!!
I have until monday when i send it back to get it working... and i have been looking on the msdn site at programming different settings in the regitry...
if i get it before monday i will let you know
Thanks dude.
did not get it to work which is a shame!
I am sure that it is to do with the settings within the registry, but no matter what i tried nothing seemed to work.
Thats cool dude, at least you gave it a go.
Did you cancel your T-Mobile contract???
yeah ... in time no to have to pay anything
I had problems twice connecting via GPRS. The latest one on the imate JAMin (HTC Prophet). I had to delete the GPRS modem and created new one with different name but same settings and it worked. Good Luck.
it works fine on an imate jam ... it does not work on the atom exec's

HTC Prophet GPRS/MMS Vodafone PAYG

hi guys,
im getting pretty frustrated right now, i unlocked my M600 to use with a PAYG vodafone sim card. I have been trying and trying to get the GPRS/MMS set up and cannot find anything. I called up vodafone and asked to be sent similar setting (the ones for the Vodafone v1605) and they told me to go to a vodafone store, unfortunatly the assistant there was lets say, 'not too technical'.
I have been on the HTC website and the only settings they have are for contract users.
Has anybody been looking for the same thing and, if so has anyone found anything!?!
I am on a contract, and I called vodafone to get the settings required for my prophet. It's a manual setup and they recommend you do not call on your mobile as you have quite a bit of setup work to do.
The tech support person just went through the settings with me, then sent me an MMS to test it was all good.
So I guess call them up again and ask for the PDA settings for PXT (thats exactly what I asked for)... they can't be sent to you like they can for other mobile phones.

SIMs not finding phone network?

Hi all...
I recently picked up a cheap UK Orange SPV M600 (G4 Model) from eBay, and I've been able to follow all the instructions on here to try a few different ROMs already
The problem I have is that everything works perfectly, except for the phone!
It was (obviously) originally on Orange, but I used LokiWiz to get the SIM unlock code, and then entered that successfully with an O2 SIM in the phone... but now it won't work with any SIM apart from a Greek Vodafone one which I had lying around.
I've tried various Orange and O2 SIMS, and none of them work apart from the Greek Vodafone one
All the SIMs I've tried are recognised by the SIM Manager tool, and I can view and edit the sim contacts etc... but all I get for the phone signal is "searching...", and it never locks on to O2 or Orange... only Vodafone.
Any ideas or suggestions please?
[edit]Just realised that I didn't say i HAVE already tried all of the different radio roms available on here, and none make any difference
Another question?
OK - no replies to my first post, so I guess nobody has any suggestions, but I've done a little more reading myself and I now wonder if the M600 has been previously reported as stolen or lost and is now network blocked by it's IMEI??
As far as I can tell, O2 and Orange will refuse to connect an IMEI blocked phone to the network at all, while Vodafone will allow it to connect, but won't allow you to make or receive calls... which does seem to be what's happening with my old Greek vodafone SIM installed.
Can anyone confirm if my understanding of IMEI blocking is correct, and can anyone tell me how I can find out if a specific IMEI is on the UK blocked list please?
As I said, I bought this through eBay recently, so maybe I could still get my money back if it's been stolen and then sold on through eBay, but I guess I'd need to know that's definitely what's happened before I could try that, so ANY help would be much appreciated.
Bad netiquette to reply to my own OP I know, but I thought that would be better than just editing my original... sorry if anyone gets annoyed at that.

Useing UK Orange/T-Mobile Hero On O2 Network

Hi there,
I am looking to purchase a sim free hero and I am hoping to use it on A sim only 02 tariff (in the UK). Chances are that it will be an Orange or T-mobile model as these are most coomon.
Just wondered does anyone know if I will face any problems running it on an O2 sim only tariff?
Is the new rom update avilable for both orange and t-mobile now? Is it easily upgradeable without rooting etc.
Would it be better to update the rom first then unlock it? Also will unlocking be a problem? And will inputing 02 web settings be an issue?
Any help much appreciated
HI There
I brought T-Mobile G2/Hero from ebay
and i m using o2 Uk sim only tariff,
unlocked from unlock-now.com, code came in 15 min after payments pretty straight forward
using internet and email using o2 setting no problems at all
also updated to newest version from T-mobile
the only thing is i can not root now as i wanted to go for HTC's original ROM instead of T-Mobile but that's my choice you don't have to do that if u don't want it
need any other info more than happy to help

