Dilemma - O2 XDA2i - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

I need to purchase a pda phone for a project that I am on. I have decided to go with one of XDA2i or XDA2s.
I only need to run one j2me application with the CDC config and Personal Profile on the pda phone and nothing else.
What I am unsure about is what is my best option in purchasing an XDA2i/s. I can do one of the following
1) Purchase the XDA on contract from o2 and then flash it so it has none of the o2 software on it which I do not require.
2) Purchase the XDA unlocked from expansys.com for about £600.
The problem is that I need to use the vodafone network in the UK as thats who our network provider is. I do not think Vodafone has the xda2i on its network and also if it does I still do not like the pre-installed software that comes with it.
So can I flash the XDA2i from o2 so there are no operator installed software?

longshanks said:
I need to purchase a pda phone for a project that I am on. I have decided to go with one of XDA2i or XDA2s.
I only need to run one j2me application with the CDC config and Personal Profile on the pda phone and nothing else.
What I am unsure about is what is my best option in purchasing an XDA2i/s. I can do one of the following
1) Purchase the XDA on contract from o2 and then flash it so it has none of the o2 software on it which I do not require.
2) Purchase the XDA unlocked from expansys.com for about £600.
The problem is that I need to use the vodafone network in the UK as thats who our network provider is. I do not think Vodafone has the xda2i on its network and also if it does I still do not like the pre-installed software that comes with it.
So can I flash the XDA2i from o2 so there are no operator installed software?
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you can make it simlock free
the sw can be found here in the forum.
you can also put another rom on it like the one i build (Diamond rom)
link below

I dont think the XDA unlock programme works for XDA2i version?
Also do you have more information on your rom? As long as I can get rid of all the operator settings and then just add the GPRS settings for vodafone then I am happy. The pda will be used for a singel application so the less programs in memory hopefully the faster it will run.

longshanks said:
I dont think the XDA unlock programme works for XDA2i version?
Also do you have more information on your rom? As long as I can get rid of all the operator settings and then just add the GPRS settings for vodafone then I am happy. The pda will be used for a singel application so the less programs in memory hopefully the faster it will run.
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you can always change the gprs settings maybe a cab is uploaded here in the forum.
im not sure about the unlock prog but with my Himalaya it worked i suggest 2 read the post at the top of this page.
to get 2 know more about my rom click on the link below!

longshanks said:
I need to purchase a pda phone for a project that I am on. I have decided to go with one of XDA2i or XDA2s.
I only need to run one j2me application with the CDC config and Personal Profile on the pda phone and nothing else.
What I am unsure about is what is my best option in purchasing an XDA2i/s. I can do one of the following
1) Purchase the XDA on contract from o2 and then flash it so it has none of the o2 software on it which I do not require.
2) Purchase the XDA unlocked from expansys.com for about £600.
The problem is that I need to use the vodafone network in the UK as thats who our network provider is. I do not think Vodafone has the xda2i on its network and also if it does I still do not like the pre-installed software that comes with it.
So can I flash the XDA2i from o2 so there are no operator installed software?
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O2 does offer IIi in UK, as far as i can see from O2 UK website. if you really hate those so called pre-loaded software. just do a hard reset follow by a soft reset before the auto install begins.


GPRS does not work for my Atom Exec!!!

Hey all,
I am hoping somebody will have a solution to my problem as it is driving me mad.
I have an 02 XDA Atom Exec & am on the T-Mobile network in the UK & I am unable to connect to the T-Mobile GPRS service.
I have put in the correct setting but for some reason it keeps trying to connect then eventually come up with a notice that Cannot Connect & that the answering modem has disconnected.
I do not understand what this means & by the sound of it neither do T-Mobile customer services, but understandly maybe as they don't do it!!!
I hope one of you guys can help me with this problem.
Thanks Guys.
can you check with another sim card?
maby different operator?
If you will have same problem, the source in GSM module, otherwise, go to your operator.
hi, i have the same problem with my atom on UK Vodafone, it says it connects fine, but then cant locate any web pages or anything like that!
I have tried with my vodafone PAYG sim card with the vodafone settings & it works fine, but still having problems with my T-Mobile sim.
I think I may have to phone customer service again & try get a solution from them otherwise I will cancel the web & walk & just keep the free minutes.
Spuddle, I have tried with the Vodafone sim & mine worked fine, Are you sure you have the Vodafone settings on there???
im sure i have, because it will connect, and says connected, just when i go to ie it keeps saying any web / wap page cant be located.
where did you get the settings from??
I got the settings from http://www.filesaveas.com/gprs.html.
Let me know if they are the same settings that you used, If it saying that it was unable to load up the page do a reset ot try closing down running programs & try again.
its still not working!
I have just got a T-Mobile account with the Web'n'Walk and I am experiencing the exact same problems.
I have used my Atom Exec on Vodafone AU, Vodafone UK, O2 UK and they all connect straight away. (and when the SIM is inserted there is a G in the top next to the telephone signal strength)
But as soon as i put in the T-Mobile SIM in the G is no longer there and it is an X and when i try to connect i get the error:
The answering modem has disconnected
faulkss, That is exactly the same message that I get.
Have you tried phoning up T-Mobile at all???
Yeah like 5 times!
And I have even gone in to a T-Mobile store...
They have nothing at all!!! They all say that the settings are all correct, my SIM is GPRS enabled, and that there is nothing that they can do.
I have put my SIM in an MDA Vario and it works like a dream???
So last night I was going through the registry on the MDA and looking for keys that I did not have and then manually entering them... but still no luck.
I am guessing that there is some setting somewhere that the SIM is looking for and does not find, hence the X instead of the G.
To be honest I think that I am in a little over my head.
But I have just signed up to this so that I could use Push email, and it is like 5 days into a 12 month contract, so I really want to get it to work!
Well I have called them again, and they have no idea and really don’t want to find out why as they have never heard of the ATOM Exec (poor them as they are missing out).
So I have just cancelled my contract with them, and since I have only had it for 5 days there is no penalty.
I am going to sign up for an O2 plan and add the blackberry (£10) option on it.
It might be an extra 10er a month on the T-Mobile plan, but at least I will have everything that I want.
Yeah, good on you!!!
If T-Mobile can't be arsed to help you they do not deserve the money you would have given the.
The only thing is that I am on 18 month contract with about 9 months remaining, so the choice for me will be to either sell the Atom Exec ( even though I love it!!!) or go back to my trusty MDA Vario.
Decisions, Desisions!!!!
I have until monday when i send it back to get it working... and i have been looking on the msdn site at programming different settings in the regitry...
if i get it before monday i will let you know
Thanks dude.
did not get it to work which is a shame!
I am sure that it is to do with the settings within the registry, but no matter what i tried nothing seemed to work.
Thats cool dude, at least you gave it a go.
Did you cancel your T-Mobile contract???
yeah ... in time no to have to pay anything
I had problems twice connecting via GPRS. The latest one on the imate JAMin (HTC Prophet). I had to delete the GPRS modem and created new one with different name but same settings and it worked. Good Luck.
it works fine on an imate jam ... it does not work on the atom exec's

o2 XDA II - Moving to T-Mobile

Hi There,
Wonder if some kind person could help me? I have a o2 XDA II which i got off e-bay. The unit is great and all i wanted it for was to collect my e-mails on, whilst on the move. Got a PAYT o2 sim card, popped it in. No GPRS. Phoned o2 and they don`t support it on PAYG. Great. My contract is with T-Mobile. I was wondering if this could be flashed so I could use T-Mobile on it. I know i can pop the card in and manually set it up, just wondering if its possible to remove all the o2 branding and backdrops and everything and put some T-Mobile ones one? Also has anybody got the setup guide for setting up t-mobile GPRS on this?
Many Thnaks
1 yes use allInone unlocker from unlocking it forum
2 you can remove the entry's for o2 stuff from the startup in windows dir or unlock the extented rom and rmove the o2 stuff and hardreset
3 do a search in the networking it forum for "tmobile AND grps" tons of posts will come

HTC Prophet GPRS/MMS Vodafone PAYG

hi guys,
im getting pretty frustrated right now, i unlocked my M600 to use with a PAYG vodafone sim card. I have been trying and trying to get the GPRS/MMS set up and cannot find anything. I called up vodafone and asked to be sent similar setting (the ones for the Vodafone v1605) and they told me to go to a vodafone store, unfortunatly the assistant there was lets say, 'not too technical'.
I have been on the HTC website and the only settings they have are for contract users.
Has anybody been looking for the same thing and, if so has anyone found anything!?!
I am on a contract, and I called vodafone to get the settings required for my prophet. It's a manual setup and they recommend you do not call on your mobile as you have quite a bit of setup work to do.
The tech support person just went through the settings with me, then sent me an MMS to test it was all good.
So I guess call them up again and ask for the PDA settings for PXT (thats exactly what I asked for)... they can't be sent to you like they can for other mobile phones.

Australian Network Original ROMS - Updated 3 Jan 09

Hi to all budding cooks!
I have links here - thanks to HTC e-Club Australia - for those who wish to download the original signed ROMS for three of the four Australian mobile network providers: Optus, Vodafone and 3 Mobile. Unfortunately the folks at HTC haven't seen fit to publicly release a Telstra-specific ROM for the Next-G network, or else I'd have a link here for that too.
The ROMs available from the links below include the radio in the package, and will install it along with the network-specific stuff for each provider.
Click on the link to start your direct-to-PC download:
Hutchison Telecoms - 3 Mobile (this is the latest one, released on December 4, 2008)
Optus and Vodafone Networks (this is the same one HTC released on October 27, 2008 - no other update for Optus/Vodafone available as of January 3, 2009)
Links also added to the Raphael Wiki Page
Hope these can be of help to someone.....
Thanks for these. Have you tested any of them
Optus / Vodafone ROM
OK I have flash to this rom and so far so good.
It's a fully unbranded rom. Not even the program shortcuts in touchflow have been inserted.
This upgrade has fixed a main problem of mms for me where I can now send and receive mms again. I could not do this with.405 WWE rom. Radio is the the stock radio and I have had not improvment here in AUS and will upgrade to .28 or .32 shortly.
No speed diffrence and you will need to redo your confiqs again or restore from backup
aussieak said:
Thanks for these. Have you tested any of them
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Only the 3 Mobile and Optus ones, and both work well. Haven't tried the Telstra ones, 'cos I hate Telstra and everything they stand for. My only dislikes are the telco's brandings everywhere on the 3 Mobile ROM, other than that they run exactly like the stock HTC ROM.
As for the radio I'm using with Optus, it's, and here in Newcastle it's clear as crystal. Send/receive MMS is fine, and SMS goes on GSM like it always has with Optus.
djshotty said:
Only the 3 Mobile and Optus ones, and both work well. Haven't tried the Telstra ones, 'cos I hate Telstra and everything they stand for. My only dislikes are the telco's brandings everywhere on the 3 Mobile ROM, other than that they run exactly like the stock HTC ROM.
As for the radio I'm using with Optus, it's, and here in Newcastle it's clear as crystal. Send/receive MMS is fine, and SMS goes on GSM like it always has with Optus.
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Great thanks. Yes I am using the Optus one as well and still on orignal radio and so far so good, only had issue restoring the backups would not reinstall the programs and settings which is a bit of a pain But the Rom feels faster after the settings applied then the orignal I had. I don't know why I could not get mms to work on orignal rom .405 I had all the correct settings and it would never send now it's like perfect again.
Will upgrade radio next as .19 always has some lagg in connecting to the network
The file name of Telstra rom seems like Diamond... I don't think Diamond and Raphael shares the same rom right?
katsuya82 said:
The file name of Telstra rom seems like Diamond... I don't think Diamond and Raphael shares the same rom right?
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It is for the Touch Diamond, yes, you're right. Apologies, and all references to it are now removed.
any ideas if this rom works on a vodafone uk device?
robnewton1 said:
any ideas if this rom works on a vodafone uk device?
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Not sure, mate. Seeming though I live in Australia, I haven't been able to set up my computer somewhere in the UK and get my hands on a Vodafone UK edition Raph to test it. Maybe you could test it yourself, see how it goes, and post your results here.
There's nothing to worry about. Only one of four things could happen, and all of them are reversible.
(1) The flash is a failure: you brick the phone. Elsewhere in this forum are threads committed to helping those with bricked phones;
(2) The flash is a success, but you don't like the look, feel and speed of the ROM post-install;
(3) The flash is a success, but the Radio/modem isn't working well for you on your particular network, or
(4) The flash is a success and the whole thing works to your satisfaction.
Trial and error is the key to advancement. You will get nowhere if you don't try, and you always have here a number of others with the same device, to help you out of a bind if you get stuck. Great minds think alike, and as Dr. Conrad Zimsky said in 'The Core', "That's all science is, is best guess..."
cheers mate, my only worry is bricking. im new to winmo so all the flashin is new to me.
robnewton1 said:
cheers mate, my only worry is bricking. im new to winmo so all the flashin is new to me.
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I suggest first and foremost you go to the Raphael Elite Team Thread and grab the HardSPL from there. For further instructions on how not to brick your phone, check out this thread. If you haven't already, install ActiveSync 4.5 for Windows XP, or Mobile Device Center 6.1 for Vista. Make sure you download and install the correct version for your operating system, as there are 32- and 64-bit variants.
Connect your phone to your PC through whatever Sync application you installed, then Flash your phone with the HardSPL first. Trust me, I've done it myself and it works, as long as you follow the instructions the boys have left in a text file included in the *.zip's you'll grab from that thread. After that, it's all smooth sailing. Installation of ROM's from wherever you decide to grab them is a risk each time you do it, but make sure that if the ROM's chef has specified a certain Radio to use with what he's cooked, that you Flash that to your device first then hard-reset, then Flash the ROM.
Hope this has helped a little bit.....
hmmm i think i must be missing something. ive flashed hardspl no problem but i get an invalid vendor error when i try to flash the voda rom, i thought hardspl stopped that? maybe im just a noob missing something
robnewton1 said:
hmmm i think i must be missing something. ive flashed hardspl no problem but i get an invalid vendor error, i thought hardspl stopped that? maybe im just a noob missing something
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Try going back to the original SPL that you can grab from the same place you got the unsigned from. Then try flashing with the Vodafone/Optus one I've posted links to @top of thread.
same error. everything back to stock & nothings bricked so no biggy. i wanted the radios more than anything because i get pretty sucky reception at home but vodafone say i shudnt. oh well, no harm done a least.
Thanks for your help.
Can anyone verify if the optus rom gives access to the WCMDA 900 band that we know the device is capable of? Cheers
Mrjasjam said:
Can anyone verify if the optus rom gives access to the WCMDA 900 band that we know the device is capable of? Cheers
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As far as I am aware, the device flicks between whatever frequency is available. That is, if the 900MHz band is there, then it uses it, but when the 2100MHz band is around, it'll switch to that one. I was happy with that stock Optus ROM in my Raph, using my Optus SIM card, but have gone back to the T.I.R. (PDM) one simply 'cos I like it.
My Raph is an original outright device bought from 3 Mobile - with the 3 generic ROM installed - but because I jumped from a stock Vodafone service to Optus ('cos Vodafone here in Newcastle are not providing 3G/HSDPA) I chose a ROM I liked the look of.
djshotty said:
As far as I am aware, the device flicks between whatever frequency is available. That is, if the 900MHz band is there, then it uses it, but when the 2100MHz band is around, it'll switch to that one. I was happy with that stock Optus ROM in my Raph, using my Optus SIM card, but have gone back to the T.I.R. (PDM) one simply 'cos I like it.
My Raph is an original outright device bought from 3 Mobile - with the 3 generic ROM installed - but because I jumped from a stock Vodafone service to Optus ('cos Vodafone here in Newcastle are not providing 3G/HSDPA) I chose a ROM I liked the look of.
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Hi there do you get the UMTS 900 band option in the band tab? My 3 rom only gives me 2100, 800, 850 options in UMTS and the usual GSM frequencies.
Mrjasjam said:
Hi there do you get the UMTS 900 band option in the band tab? My 3 rom only gives me 2100, 800, 850 options in UMTS and the usual GSM frequencies.
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I just check out the Optus /Vodafone ROM and the the GSM/UTMS band options have dropped down to 2 options
UTMS (900+2100)+GSM(900+1800)
Netwrok type is
My settings are auto auto and get HSPDA all day in Canberra
aussieak said:
I just check out the Optus /Vodafone ROM and the the GSM/UTMS band options have dropped down to 2 options
UTMS (900+2100)+GSM(900+1800)
Netwrok type is
My settings are auto auto and get HSPDA all day in Canberra
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Perfect! Thanks very much for the info.
Hi, this is an interesting discussion about band freq's here...
I'm running with ROMeOS 1.21 WWE and I see the following options:
I'm with Vodafone. I do not experience any call quality issues, slow call connection or internet speed issues... so I'm not too sure if this changes anything considering Vodafone mainly uses 1800 and they're still in the process of running out 900MHz.
FWIW... I tried running Radio but I did experience issues with my camera, which is why I'm back on .19

[Q] Remove Telstra Settings from the HD2 (Australia)

iv been wanting to buy teh htc hd2 for a while, and now that it has been released here in australia it is only exclusive to telstra!! im going to stay with my current provider vodafone!
ONE problem....... the phone is installed with teh telstra stuff, which i don't want!!! as i would like to use the phone with its original settings, (without telstras software installed!!) therefore i would like the phone to its custom and manufactured settings!!
is this possible?? can anyone please help??
Quite easy to do - have just finished the same myself. The Telstra-branded version is not operator locked, so all you need to do is install HSPL, followed by any of the HD2 ROMs (official or otherwise) here. I've loaded a couple of different ROMs so far, and am still trying to settle on which one to use permanently. It should also work with SSPL, but I found the HSPL route to be quick and easy.
The alternate ROMs do not affect the phone's ability to function on Next-G (mine is with Testra for the time being), and I've tested it brefly on a Vodafone SIM as well, with no problems.
I'm certainly no expert on this, but I'd be happy to help if you need any advice or assistance.......
So using the Official WWE would remove the Telstra stuff? I would just like a standard HTC ROM.
Yup - loading another ROM gets rid of ALL Telstra customisations. No loss of functionality that I've noticed, and I'm sure that you can still access mobile Foxtel etc if you wanted, just by entering the appropriate address in the browser (not that I've tried)......
thankyou for you reply cheesekeeper!!!
im sorry to be a pain but i am new to this i understand how to install HSPL, but i would liek to know which rom is safe to use and where can u get a good one from? the OFFICIAl htc website does not have any roms as it only has an upgrade for the camera at this stage!
So which one should i use? could you please guide me to one, i would be happy with any that would simply get rid of the telstra stuff!! so nothing too complex!
PeterMav suggested using the official WWE as he wanted a standard htc Rom... (its sounds like what i want) now how do u do that and where is that from.
i have done quite a bit of reading for most of the day today and it hasnt been as succesful as i hoped, but i feel im getting closer in finding an anwer now!! so i thankyou for you help!!
i also have another question....when i purchase the phone, i understand that wen my vodafone sim goes in, the internet will not work! but im guessing wen i ring vodafone they will send me settings to the phone....NOW do i get the settings sent after i do a rom update or before?
i thankyou for any help possible
This Link has the official WWE from another thread here.
Only got my HD2 today and been reading since this morning trying to get as much info as I can before I flash it.
to flash that rom do u still need to install HSPL on the phone or just leave as is and use activesync?? as on the official htc website it doesnt say to do so.
By the way would it be still ok to upgrade using that rom being its not specifically for Australia or is it?
I assume you still need HSPL i'm trying to find that out.
And it should be fine for us in Australia from what I have read.
Warranty issue
HSPL will void your warranty. Make sure you read the threads before FLASHING your ROM.
And as for changing to another ROM you can still use your phone with all its functions.
I'm OPTUS user and I have dZenkinZ ROM installed on my HD2 works perfect, and is stable with minimal BATT drainage.
Can you please tell us what RADIO version TELSTRA uses.
Radio version is for Telstra
So can you flash without using HSPL everything i've read so far says you need it.
saied16 said:
HSPL will void your warranty. Make sure you read the threads before FLASHING your ROM.
And as for changing to another ROM you can still use your phone with all its functions.
I'm OPTUS user and I have dZenkinZ ROM installed on my HD2 works perfect, and is stable with minimal BATT drainage.
Can you please tell us what RADIO version TELSTRA uses.
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i havnt got teh phoen yet, so i couldnt tell you, i wana know if i can change teh telstra before i actually buy it, thats y i am asking these questions!
SAIED16, do u have to install HSPL?? the clip i watched in you tube named "htc HD2 (leo) unlock. How to flash cooked rom" showed that it did not have hspl installed at the 4.30 min mark. it had spl.
besides that even if i want to instal an official htc rom from their website will that work and not void the warranty when i purchase the phone??
Well I just FLASHED the official WWE ROM.
I used HSPL and then run the ROM all the Telstra crap is gone and so far it's working great.
Took a whole 3 minutes to do.
YOu may want to check once you update to a Vanilla ROM that the BAND Selection still includes the NextG Frequency, ie WCDMA 850Mhz, thats if you still want to use the NextG Network. If it is missing you need to add some entries into the Registry to be able to select the WCDMA 850 Band
To check what BAND options you have, goto Phone -> Menu -> Options -> Band Settings.
pies1 said:
iv been wanting to buy teh htc hd2 for a while, and now that it has been released here in australia it is only exclusive to telstra!! im going to stay with my current provider vodafone!
ONE problem....... the phone is installed with teh telstra stuff, which i don't want!!! as i would like to use the phone with its original settings, (without telstras software installed!!) therefore i would like the phone to its custom and manufactured settings!!
is this possible?? can anyone please help??
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Hi pies, Im just curious does the Vodafone HSDPA network cover the 850/2100 MHz frequency that the Telstra HD2 is soley supporting?
pies1 said:
i havnt got teh phoen yet, so i couldnt tell you, i wana know if i can change teh telstra before i actually buy it, thats y i am asking these questions!
SAIED16, do u have to install HSPL?? the clip i watched in you tube named "htc HD2 (leo) unlock. How to flash cooked rom" showed that it did not have hspl installed at the 4.30 min mark. it had spl.
besides that even if i want to instal an official htc rom from their website will that work and not void the warranty when i purchase the phone??
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I would hold off because if you want to use Vodafone HSDPA then the Telstra version wont have any or as much covereage as the European one, 850 MHz is only used by Telstra as far as I know, whereas 3, Crazy John, Vodafone and Orange all use the 900/2100 MHz frequency.
hi flashmore,
so you think i should wait for the phone to be open to all networks? (i spoke to htc and they said after then it shall be available to the open networks) i know telstra only has the rights until the end of march! so i guess ill wait till then!
thanks flashmore.
pies1 said:
hi flashmore,
so you think i should wait for the phone to be open to all networks? (i spoke to htc and they said after then it shall be available to the open networks) i know telstra only has the rights until the end of march! so i guess ill wait till then!
thanks flashmore.
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Nothing would change at the end of March Telstra will likely re-contract, however, just do some research and check to make sure my info and other info is correct. I bought HD2 from UK which comes standard with a 2 year warranty, AUS you will most likely only have one year warranty, mind you I have the hassle of sending HD2 OS if there are any issues. That is no big deal to me really.
The phone cannot be open to all networks on HSDPA (sort of) since Telstra are the only comapany in Aus using the 850MHz frequency, Telstra model also supports 2100MHz HSDPA so you should get some coverage but not everywhere.
AUS, Telstra HSDPA (NextG) 850/2100 MHz
US, AT&T HSPDA 850/2100 MHz
Rest of the world (including Australia) HSDPA 900/2100 MHz
So the summary If you plan to use Telstra only then buy a Telstra branded model. If you decide to switch providers you will lose some coverage with a Telstra (NextG) model.
Sorry I need to correct myself FLASHING to a none official ROM will void your warranty.
I used a HTC TOUCH HD, which I bought from TELSTRA. and was Telstra branded. I had to take for warranty claim, since I FLASHED to a non Telstra ROM HTC claimed they will not fix it because I tampered with the phone.
HSPL is like jail breaking iPhone. and you can flash from your SD, and with SSPL you need your PC. Also with HSPL you can revert to Official ROM if something goes wrong during FLASHING which means you could get away with warranty issues. Read post 7.
Telstra flashing
Hello I am hoping to flash an official ROM to get rid of the telstra stuff, but still use the phone on the Telstra network- specificaly the 850 3G network
So could I get confirmation from somebody that the 850 UMTS frequency is still available to use after flashing, and if so which ROM did you use. (note that the phone working after flashing doesn't necesarily mean the 850 frequency is working- you may just be using Telstra's inferior 2100 frequency.
non Telstra HTC HD2 no next G
Hi, im older, and not real high tech savvy but my new HTC HD2 from ebay did not work with Telstra MMS,they sent me settings for other model because theres none on auto config site. OK got MMS but appears only E for edge I assume is 2.5G? I have tried all settings on net and fiddled now got no MMS and Telstra sent me to HTC for rom upgrade..there is none..SO.
How can I get NextG or 3.5G whatever on this phone,getting dropouts as in country area. I would be happy for Telstra branded if the thing worked on Next G. I know settings up the creek as when send mms test message I get reply Pocket NEWS :code is invalid.ha ha ha boy im gonna be iNVALID soon.
Any help would be great .need sort of step by step config thanks
If you bought your phone off ebay it probably does not have the 850 frequency- check the back- if there's no telstra logo you don't have the 850 frequency. No 850 frequency means no access to Telstras (better) Next G 3g service. This is a hardware problem, you can NOT fix it with a ROM unfortunately. Can't help with the MMS settings sorry- I find it cheaper and easier to send emails via my phone.
Onto my question-
anyone in Oz flashed their Telstra edition HD2 with a (non Telstra) stock or custom ROM and had it still work on the Next G 850 UMTS frequency, and if so what radio did you use?

