Newbie - How to download ROM image to XDA II - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hi All,
I am a newbie when it comes to flash my XDA II. With respect to my question, I searched all over this forum, but could not get the solution that is working for me. May be I got confused between different procedures for different ROMs.
Earlier, I tried upgrading my XDA II from PPC 2003 to WM5. While doing that all I did was took a backup of my origional PPC 2003 ROM using XDA OS Image Tool from XDA Toolkit. That is the only thing I have - ROM.nb1.
I successfully upgraded to WM5, but now started getting too meny warnings about Low Storage Memory. Frustrated with that, I decided to go back to where I was - with PPC 2003.
While doing so (downgrading from WM5 to PPC 2003), I used XDA OS Image Tool to write earlier created ROM.nb1 to my XDA II (with ActiveSynch 4.2 connected). OS Image tools shows copying the file and the first error comes up -
ERROR: GetDeviceData - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. error getting devicedata
After that prgramme a v1.09 comes up say to hit next. Once I go through the couple if next buttons I get a second error -
Cannot execute the remote communication program. Please make sure that the USB/Serial Cable is properly connected.
The cable is connected and activesync works normally.
I would like to mention here that while flashing my XDA II, all I have is earlier saved .nb1 file.
Am I missing something here ?
Please guide me.
Thanks in advance,



i have a O2 XDA II . it came loaded with 1.66WWE. i wanted to put 1.60. i downloaded it from
then double clicked the installable. it started the downgrade . it said it will take 30mins & started deleted the rom image.. i then went for lunch & came back in 15mins.. the phones now totally dead.
If i dock it , the screen says USB V1.06
if i remove it the screen says Serial V1.06. I cant hard rest it nor can i soft reset it. i huess cause there no rom image in it.
What do i do.. please help with as many links software as one can..
ive got 1.72, but when i try that. it says country error.??
can that be resolved.. i dont mind loading 1.72.
the good news is that it seems you still have the boot loader working ... use ER2003 tool to modify the country code of the 1.72 ROM file ... or you can use the xda2nbftool.exe if you like the command line mode
thakns, but i have the 1.72 as an exe file. can i use er2003 to edit the file ??
hyper said:
thakns, but i have the 1.72 as an exe file. can i use er2003 to edit the file ??
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Unpack the .exe file with winrar/winzip. And you're good to go.
Edit this file: ms_.nbf
managed to unpack it... now when i try to load 1.60 it says model id error & if i try to load 1.72 it says country id error.
what do i change in the ms_.nbf file ????
do i only change this file fields or all three??
i even removed the battery & checked the model ID. on my phone it says PH10B
i changed all the three files to PH10B ..
Now i get Connection Error.....
Now what???
now the error is ERROR 101... connection error.
(i'm loading 1.60)
also is it possible for me to do it via my emory card (i have a MMC32MB & 128MB)
if so, what file do i need to copy & then whats the procedure??
i got 1.03.00 rom on mine. my xda 2 is 2 days old now dunno wht rom to load it up with now. whts the best & safe rom now. i have no apps or nething to back up so its oki. the phone was bought from u.k. and was locked on O2 network. now its unlocked and being used in India. plz advise wht ROM to d/n and use. if possible the d/n link as well. thx
Why do you want to downgrade your phone? :shock:
For upgrade to 1.72:
1. Download i-mate 1.72 update and xda2nbftool
2. unpack that update to any directory on your harddrive
3. download script from this post to created directory (unpack it too)
4. copy xda2nbftool.exe to that directory
5. run provided script
6. insert XDA2 to cradle and then HimaUpgradeUt.exe
You will i-mate splash screen from i-mate though, but working device.
thanks for all the help. but im yet getting country ID error even after running the process .
this process basically converts the id to O2, in a batch dos mode... right??
then y is the problem yet there.
i wonder... most O2 XDA II come with 1.6 rom version. mine came with 1.66. could that mean its not O2 even though its written O2 on my phone? could it mean its T-Mobile or something??
can someone post a link or software that i need to put onto my MMC card & then use that to install the rom from the card inserted in the phone??
hyper said:
thanks for all the help. but im yet getting country ID error even after running the process .
this process basically converts the id to O2, in a batch dos mode... right??
then y is the problem yet there.
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So, what's that problem? Can you run it?
Try to run it in command prompt... And if it writes any error, post it here...
Can you access the file system of your XDA2 from ActiveSync -> Explore?
now i managed to get the problem of Country error out of the way , but now im getting the ERROR 101 - Connection Error.
no i cannot browse any files & my active sync does not show connected.
what files do i need to copy paste onto my MMC card so that i can flash it by executing the files with the camera button & the MMC Card inserted??
im dowloading the NTRW & 1.72 NK.nb1 file. do i just copy & paste it on the mmc card & then instert the card into the phone & then press the camera button.. should this do the trick??
this is all that i have tried so far... yet no luck.
my phones originally from malaysia , its an O2 XDA II
i have the following rom with me. my bootloader is V1.06
1. RUU172800WWE_CDL_SKU1
2. XDA_IIupgrade_v16050
3. RUU172104wwe-t-mobile-uk
1. i removed the battery , dcoked the phone, connected the charger to the docking bay at the back...the red light on the phone lights up.... the bootloader screen shows up ina slightly distorted manner.
i then ran all the three roms as it is..without editing anthing. The error i get in all the three times is ERROR 101. CONNECTION ERROR. it tells me to check is usb is connected, charger is connected usb port is conencted & the phone is on. .......... everythings connected but obviously phone can only be in bootloader mode.
2. i put the battery back in dock the phone, the charger is yet connected to the back of the docking bay. .. i try all three installations withour extracting or editing as they are exe files..... now, all the three times i get COUNTRY ID ERROR OR MODEL ID ERROR.
3. when i edit the ones that give me model id error then i get CONNECTION ERROR AGAIN. (this is again with the battery in & charger plugged in)
i downloaded the NTRW & 1.72 NK.nb1 file. but the one that is available on this forum is corrupted. so i cannot extract it.
NTRW ive downloaded seperately. i need the nb1 file now. can someone post a working, no-corrupted image rom image file?
once i get the correct Rom.nb1 file... all i have to do it copy & paste the correct rom.nb1 & ntrw.exe file onto my MMC card & keep the battery in the phone & insert the MMC card & press the Camera button .... is that correct? i'm guessing that this will run the ntrw exe file & load (dump) the Rom.nb1 file onto the phone. is that correct?
please do let me know what else i can try & dowload a newer RUU or something. i think the best way is to SD flash the phone.
i dont even mind flashing it to a PPC2002 version & then upgrading it from there. if thats possible.
As far as the connection between the USB Docking Bay is concerned,...everytim i connect or disconnect the phone, i hear the familiar XP "TING" which shows that some USB thing is connected, but my active sync does not show that the phones connected, i guess that cause it got no rom in it.
Also when i edit the ms_ / NK / Rom files er2003 i get an error everytime i start the software, but i just press IGNORE & continue. i always get ROM successfully written & then the error pops up again but i keep pressing ignore. this works... but whats up with the CONNECTION ERROR. IF ITS NOT CONNECTING TO THE PHONE, HOW DOES IT KNOW THAT THE MODEL ID OR COUNTRY ID WRONG ???
If any ROM update can detect your device (as we can see error messages COUNTRY ID ERROR or MODEL ID ERROR), there is hope, you can update your device.
If it's 1.72 ROM (that writes COUNTRY ID ERROR or MODEL ID ERROR), use the solution I send you few posts ago (unpacking, running batch script etc.)
When you updating, keep battery in your device and charger of device connected to cradle! Don't remove anything.
BTW: Don't use RUU172800WWE_CDL_SKU1 update, it just update only part of your device (ExtROM)!
BTW2: Read this:
thanks againa beecher. the problem is that once i use the patch & then run it. it does not show me the country id or model id error (for which i thank you) but then it says error connecting.
i have a USB to serial connector. should i try serial connection?? or maybe try it on another computer.
can anyone please tell me how do to a SD flash step by step with the Rom.nb1 file attachment of link.

please help me.. Connection ERROR!!!!

I have downloaded the wm2003se from lumpinstefan and i could change the rom of my pocket pc to that version by using ActiveSync.
Now i downloaded another version of the rom and i tried to install it on my Qtek 1010 (Wallaby) and it in the black window on my computer appears:
"ERROR: GetConnectionType - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the rem
ote host.
error getting connectiontype"
When i press the next button in the setup it says " cannot execute the remote communication prgram. please make sure that USB/Serial is properly connected". and the setup shuts down.
i Need You to know that before the new rom i downloaded from lumpistefan i was using pocket pc 2002 on my pocket pc.
Now it's clear that there is some problems in the connection. i tried it on several computers but i faced the same problem. is there any setting on my pocket pc to change??
Please somebody helps me i really need to know how to solve the problem.
Regards, and thank you.
Try searching the forum.
It´s an old problem copncerning to some T-Mobile ROMs
You have to flash your device via SD-Card....
Try also some looking in the wiki. The process how to flash vi SD-Card is there described...
And please do not post multiple threads with the same topic....
ROM Upgrade communication error
Yeah I am having the same problem after installing the T-Mobile ROM, the same communication error when I try and change the installed ROM Image.
I did think it was something wrong with ActiveSync or my laptop :twisted:
Has anyone got any hints on how to do this on a Wannaby? (Saves me getting the wrong idea whilst reading through reams of text).
Many Thanks
Yes i have upgradet my rom via sd card and it worked. it is easy....
Any way thanks so much buddies... tell me something, is there a place in this forum where i can download the windows mobile 2005 version?
I am abit of a newby to this site. I havent seen 2005 yet. Can I ask where I can find instructions for writing an SD card and how to apply to my PDA?
Andy - Whos scratching round for an SD card
ROM Version
Ahh, I see from other threads, ROM Version 4.01.16 prohibits upgrade via EXE! Damn! Ive just checked and thats what I have installed!
The T-Mobile image I'm using at the moment is very slow and comes up with application errors occasionally :x
Re: 2005
amtrakuk said:
I am abit of a newby to this site. I havent seen 2005 yet. Can I ask where I can find instructions for writing an SD card and how to apply to my PDA?
Andy - Whos scratching round for an SD card
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Hmm doesnt work for me. I am selecting the browse button to select the nbf file from the image and in the second drop down box selecting the sd card. When I press copy it comes up with the error ITWriteSDCard: The media is write protected, error opening target device. The card isnt locked as I can read and write files to it using explorer. Whats going on?!?!
Growing frustration!!!
Some internal SD-Card Writer make problems. i Think you can use also the SD-Card-Slot in your devuce, or you have to get an external Writer...


Hi guys,
I have to compliment Stefan for personally e-mailing me back about a problem I was having and pointing me here. Hopefully I can become a little less clueless through the forums.
When using kitchen, I get the ROM.EXE update. I understand I run this on my PC. My phone is a Wallaby, with WM2003 first edition. I've written down my t-mobile settings and I'm ready to flash it. However, when attempting to run the ROM.EXE program, I getting the following error:
Cannot execute the remote communication progra,
Please make sure that the USB/Serial cable is properly connected.
The phone is connected to the PC directly over USB through it's cradle and I have ActivSync 3.7.1 running. Any ideas what my problem could be?[/code]
Alrighty, after reading those, I figured I had to write the WM2k3SE ROM to a SD card. After extracing the NK.NBF from the ROM.EXE I have to a directory, I fire up the XDA OS IMAGE TOOL and select it in the SOURCE. I choose "SD CARD" for my destination and produce the following error:
NK.NBF: Incorrect Filesize(33554464), file size should be exactally 32505888 bytes. Error opening input file.
A quick search of the forums didn't show anything that might apply. According to these wiki instructions this looks like the correct thing to do. Is it possible that I have a bad kitchen rom?
Because of an different Memory Usage of the WM2003SE ROM, thes ROMs could only be flashed via EXE. OSImagetool used for writing this file to SD-Card reports an incorrect Filesize. If you have installed a T-Mobile ROM that prohibits upgrading via EXE-File (you get an error in the DOS-Box) you have to downgrade your phone to 3.17.03 via SD-Card and then use the WM2003SE ROM....
OK, but is the procedure I'm following correct? Download a WM2003FE ROM.EXE at version 3.17.03 and then extract the NK.NKF from the executable and flash with that? This will allow me to use the ROM.EXE of my WM2003SE kitchen image instead of using the OSI tool? (If this works, I'm going to go add to the wiki).

Bluetooth A2DP installation on XDA II

Hello Everybody! Hope Christmas has been good to you...
I've got a question: How do I Install A2DP on my XDA II ? I tried programs like Enable A2DP.ZIP but my XDA II (from O2) said this is not a valid Windows CE Setup Data.
I've got a nice BT Headset from Jabra BT 320s. And I wanted to hear stereo music with it.
My op. System on XDA II is...Microsoft Pocket PC Vers. 4.20.0 (Build 14053)
Thanx for quick answers!!
"not a valid Windows CE Setup Data."
is a typical issue with a user trying to run an pc activesync application install exe file on the pda rather then on the pc
Sorry for the unclear formulation:
The was of course extracted on the desktop pc. The two *.CAB files were sent to the XDA II folder. After trying to install these files, the error massage appered. There was no *.exe file at all.
Thanks again,
aczede said:
Sorry for the unclear formulation:
The was of course extracted on the desktop pc. The two *.CAB files were sent to the XDA II folder. After trying to install these files, the error massage appered. There was no *.exe file at all.
Thanks again,
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is ti possible for you to post the cab files you ran here? that way we can see what cab files?

Urgent Help for T Mobile MDA aka o2 XDA

Hi All,
Thank you for such a great forum. I tried to read as much as I can but still unable to solve the problem which I am facing currently.
I had a T Mobile MDA (HTC Wallaby) with the German Language. I tried to install a new ROM but after few seconds of connecting with the PC, the connection was broken and the computer doesnt
recognize the PDA. The only message i see in the screen is
my Base ROM is 4.00.33 GER
I tried to cook the ROM with this base ROM and tried the steps ( Flashing with a SD card). I also downloaded the XDA tools and tried to run OSImagetool. Then chose the source file as the one
i downloaded with .nb1 extension. the chose SD card as the destination but i get this error message
"error opening device \\.\PhysicalDrive1 for writing: Access is denied.
error opening target device"
Please help me how i can restore the XDA to its original setting. I have already spend about 4 hours on this but cant get any further
ps. solved the problem.
had to use another Laptop.

