Crossbow Officialy Released - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

Over At Engadget They've Just Posted That Crossbow Has Been Release Officialy.
They Also Say In Another Post That They Have A Few Devices With Late Pre-Release Crossbow Installed On Them.
I Wondered If Anyone Knew Anyone Who Was Testing This Pre-Release OS Or Got Sent A Pre-Release Device. As The AKU 3.3 Image Scenario Shows There Are People Within This Community Who Are Very Well Connected.
Looks Good Though.

Don't we have enough "Where is my Xbow update? Pleeeeease... there must be somebody outthere willing to sacrifice his job for my curiosity..."?

We never reach Crosbow on Hermes Faster cactus grow on my hand

HTC developers are lazy and slowly like turtles

i beleive the only wm6 we will see on our devices will be a cooked one.
god help the noobs who dont know where the soft-reset hole is.

jasjamming said:
i beleive the only wm6 we will see on our devices will be a cooked one.
god help the noobs who dont know where the soft-reset hole is.
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soft-reset hole? you can reset your device?

Wots a r-e-s-e-t?

I use a hammer.

nice pic

How does MS release beta's of Crossbow?
I never notice it in any MSDN Subscription..
So do you need to register as a developer or a manufacturer of WM equipment?
Anyone know the procedure?

sariel said:
HTC developers are lazy and slowly like turtles
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It's not nice to bite the hand that feeds you sariel
Seriously.... all rhetoric aside, the reasons are obvious:
no cooking solution for hermes so impossible to mask source of any leaked ROMS
m$ would fry our butts if we posted anything here before the official release.
Speaking of "official release", there has been none. M$ simply made an official announcment of an upcoming 2Q07 release for a new mobile operating system to be named "Windows Mobile 6.0"

Sleuth255 said:
It's not nice to bite the hand that feeds you sariel
Seriously.... all rhetoric aside, the reasons are obvious:
no cooking solution for hermes so impossible to mask source of any leaked ROMS
m$ would fry our butts if we posted anything here before the official release.
Speaking of "official release", there has been none. M$ simply made an official announcment of an upcoming 2Q07 release for a new mobile operating system to be named "Windows Mobile 6.0"
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yeahhh feeds my angry

Crappy norwegian IT page,
they said WM6 is being launched at monday

In all honesty, I dont think I will be seeing Wm6 on my hermes as I receive a replacement PPC every October. Maybe the upcoming HTC's with GPS will be nice if they have wm6, or maybe, and thats a big maybe, an iphone if they come in 3G towards the end of the year with an open OS.
But in the end, no matter how many bugs and problems we run in to with M$, its all good fun and keeps you on your toes. This is what separates us from the lay consumers and gives us the upper hand.

yep. I live for this


TyTn upgrade at last from HTC Europe

Herewith an email I have just received from the HTC Europe.
HTC Europe are releasing a ROM update for the HTC TyTN (expected release date end of January 2007).
The ROM will be posted in the support section of the HTC Europe website.
This ROM update resolves all known issues with the HTC TyTN."
Yours sincerely
Dan Mackie
[email protected]
Man this is good news and we will at last know in which direction HTC is moving. Just patching problems with the existing software or patches and real development. It's the moment of truth!
Roll on end January.
I believe that the upgrade will be AKU 3.? and that "WM5 second edition" will form the nucleus of this upgrade.
It looks like Microsoft is comming to the party!
Cant wait for end-Jan now ...
This ROM update resolves all known issues with the HTC TyTN."
>"This ROM update resolves all known issues with the HTC TyTN."
thats fantastic news!
Awesome news! looking forward to it...... fix voicemail dismiss issue? please??
is this aku 3.0?? or just another aku 2.3??
edit: after test it is the same thant the latest rom htc, sorry
Sounds good, really looking forward ta having many of the bugs fixed on my Tytn.
does HTC Europe mean HTC the corporation is going to release the updates to all carriers or just European carriers?
Have to wait and see. I'm sceptical about HTC these days. My tytn doesn't work like it should be and like i want it.
Did send two mails to HTC and received one back. One mail was redirected to my local distributor and was also waiting and disappointed about HTC for ROM updates.
My other mail was send directly to HTC and nada responce. shame on you HTC.
Have my device for more then five months and now they are releasing out of the blue a ROM update, gonna be a update of disappointment. It doesn't gonna fix that much. ( !!! bluetooth > carkits!! and speed !!!).
Let's hope.
Dear [email protected] , you're fired!
In a company "promishing" is "fried air selling" as we say in Italy.
You will buy "fried air"? Yes, when it will be available, practically NEVER
In the management schools they suggest, when you want to talk about future, to say a deadline of your statement. If you want to make marketing campaign use "rumors", on-line "stolen" (not really) ROM test.
This is IMO another example of joung (and confused) company growing up too fast for his management.
So I suggest to believe to this "end of the month fix", with ALL KNOWN ISSUES FIXED when we will see it flashed in our phones; if you search in this forum we are full of "next month" upgrade.
Latins... are always valuable "spes, ultima Dea..." means "Hope is the last God remaining at our side". So the lesson learned from this HTC customer care could be... the TyTans are defeated but Spes (Hope) is still with us. Hey HTC, do you know that Hermes is the God of the robbers?
:Mode Happy new year ON:
Also Hermes tortured TyTan (owners?); Zeus (HTC) sends Hermes to confront the enchained Titan (Our phone)Prometheus about a prophecy of the Titan's (owners) that Zeus (HTC) would be overthrown (From Nokia? From Motorola?). Hermes scolds Prometheus for being unreasonable and willing to endure torture, but Prometheus refuses to give him details about the prophecy ( )
I've understood at least wy they called HERMES the TyTn, it was a prophecy, we will be tortured!
TheNinthPlayer said:
does HTC Europe mean HTC the corporation is going to release the updates to all carriers or just European carriers?
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As I was in contact with them about issues on my TyTn, I believe this will be an update from HTC for their TyTn branded phone. I guess the other operators will follow with their own ROM updates, based on this one. ?????
We will have to wait and see what AKU version will be used but I predict it will be 2.6 - but hey maybe we get lucky! I doubt if the ROM will be much different to the one released in the RSA. Bootloader 1.9!
I still think their service is poor as HTC has taken more than 6 months to notify us of an update, knowing that their phone was buggy.
On service alone they should not have had the TyTN named "Phone of the year - 2006" ( Check website)
I think you're shooting too low with your AKU prediction. I'm going on record as predicting it'll be at least AKU 3.2... My rational is that to "fix all bugs" will require a massive BT stack improvement. M$ didnt' release these improvements until AKU 3.0
basilrsa said:
As I was in contact with them about issues on my TyTn, I believe this will be an update from HTC for their TyTn branded phone. I guess the other operators will follow with their own ROM updates, based on this one. ?????
We will have to wait and see what AKU version will be used but I predict it will be 2.6 - but hey maybe we get lucky! I doubt if the ROM will be much different to the one released in the RSA. Bootloader 1.9!
I still think their service is poor as HTC has taken more than 6 months to notify us of an update, knowing that their phone was buggy.
On service alone they should not have had the TyTN named "Phone of the year - 2006" ( Check website)
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I think they could made a bigger effort than a 2.6 AKU, and may be they will, having a look to the only frightening number for a CEO: revenue trends!
Look here:
They have this year many different devices compared with 2005, they have a new strategy (HTC directly involved instead of I-Mate, QTEK) and november revenues, compared to last year revenues....
I hope today is happening what I was hoping: they will listen the stakeholders (we) only when the shareholders (they have Nokia phones ) will notice some warning from analysts.
At that time we will have our 3.2 AKU for TyTn, or may be we will have even Crossbow (not as a gift I'm afraid)
When was the last time anyone ever "fixed all bugs"? And whenever they do fix the bugs, when have they not create newer ones?
Don't you guys know the difference between "all" and "all known"? For instance, when I mailed them with hang after wake up issue, they answered, they are not aware of this problem, that all works good in their tests (="we still don't know about this problem")!
bogus or not
it's a hell of a news..after 6 months...
Lurker0 said:
Don't you guys know the difference between "all" and "all known"? For instance, when I mailed them with hang after wake up issue, they answered, they are not aware of this problem, that all works good in their tests (="we still don't know about this problem")!
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Sure I know the difference. But since when do software developers exaggerate their deliverables? If they say all, they mean all. LOL
I don't know what you're talking about perlmane, my software doesn't have bugs. It exhibits "undocumented features"
Think of them as little suprise gifts that push you over the edge one day causing you to upgrade!
Hey, may be we are the poor cousins having the hermes (no caps lock on h). In this forum there are guys having some other Hermes (with caps lock). I believe it should be another model, because they wrote messages informing us that they HAVEN'T any hangup or sofware "undocumented features"
I called the the Hermes customer service but there was an aswering machine
Here is the link...

More bad nes for Dopod Users...(Definatly no AKU3.3 ROM)

Well, after the last email i sent to dopod about a newer firmware i posted here, i sent another one, as theres obviously AKU3.3 updates from HTC themselves.
Dear Michael,
The 838pro ROM code is AKU2.3
I checked our schedule again for you and nothing has changed since your last email . There would not be any new ROM update in future for the Dopod 838 Pro.
If you want an updated unit, we suggest buying the newer Dopod 810. I appreciate that the Dopod 838 Pro is our current top PDA, however, we feel no update is needed. If your not happy with not having WPA2, i suggest more care in selecting a PDA next time.
Kind regards,
ANZ Service
Dopod International (Australia New Zealand) Pty Ltd
ABN 48 119 011 639
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Be rest assured, the "CARE" i take next time, will be NEVER to buy, or recommend a Dopod to anyone ever again. Considering they are trying very hard to break into the Australian market, they've done an appaling job at winning customers with crap service like this.
And no offence but its clear they don't care and are employing monkeys with there "engirsh"
8one pissed off Dopod owner8
Gosh That's really bad news...
I will also Inform and Definately NOT recommend to any of me friends/forums on DoPoD Devices (YuCK!)
or you can politely make it known to them that we've a aku 3.3 update for hermes here so they can just put a note in their future sales boxes to inform customers to come here to update a software that they are too lazy to do
:LooooooooooooooooooooL: m8!!
They surely are lazy!
that is fu**n s**t of Dopod as im using a Dopod 838 Pro.... as i stuffed by radio when trying to unlock the CID im now stuck to Dopod... might just have to go and buy the IMEI-CHECK unlocker....
Ahh wells.. At least they are the OEM distributor for HTC. We still can get nice updates.
Thats the bit about it all i don't understand.
HTC own Dopod now. There supposed to be HTC's break into Asia pacific etc.
Even though HTC release newer, needed ROM's, dopod's answer to that is essentially "Go F**k yourself, we want more money from you, so to upgrade buy another PDA"
Rest assured, when i buy a new PDA, especially in Oz, it won't ever be a Dopod thats for sure.
If your not happy with not having WPA2, i suggest more care in selecting a PDA next time.
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Someone interacting with customers and talking like that will soon find out that this can be "career limiting experience".
What is the email for the support or the person you contacted?
I reckon if enough of us ask about it they might respond
If they're owned by HTC, I'd forward that onto them. It is not good customer service to respond like that. A
nyway the problem is that when you are buying a device finding information in that much detail is very hard and it is completely capable of WPA2 and you would assume a market leading device would be capable of that.
-wireless- said:
What is the email for the support or the person you contacted?
I reckon if enough of us ask about it they might respond
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[email protected]
I've fowarded onto HTC. Lets see what they have to say about how there new retail arm treats HTC's new market and potential customers.
Seriously, i can handle them not doing an update (although that in itself is poor customer after sales support, basically buy the unit then we don't give a f**k about you) but the complete lack of respect for me and their own company pisses me off.
Oh well, how ever much i actually love the device, another dopod product will never grace my hands again, thats for sure.
yeah, dopod service sucks in this part of the world. you should pray that the device has no issue. i have a loose stylus issue and would rather not send it in for servicing
I appreciate that the Dopod 838 Pro is our current top PDA [...] i suggest more care in selecting a PDA next time.
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what a tool!
Some people really dont understand how to treat their customers. There are hundreds of better ways he could have gotten his point accross without being rude, and contradicting himself.
Hi, first post here.
I have owned numerous PDA's over the last 5yrs or so and cannot remember any of them getting an upgrade for the firmware. There have been various updates to fix minor bugs but usually if you wanted a newer OS then you replaced the PDA. HTC and Dopod arent doing anything different than any other manufacturer. I dont like it either but can see that if they released a new OS for the product then no-one would buy the newest kit.
It stinks but thats how it is
Umm, clearly you are very mistaken.
PDA's have had continuos updates for bug fixes etc for a long time. The Hermes has bugs that need to be resolved.
AKU3.3 is NOT a new OS. Its WIN CE 5 still, just with latest patches. Nearly all other manufacturers release updates. I don't care what happened 5 years ago, then industry and its problems then are nothing like they are today.
Its perfectly acceptable to expect a third party producer of a product, that the main manufacturer has released updates for, to get of their own lazy arses and customise that update for them.
What your saying, is its perfectly fine to release unfinished, bug ridden hardware/software and then the consumer should just pay for a whole new unit on a hope that that one isn't as bad.
Or, would you expect a simple update that they have to do very little work to customise to be released when its spoon fed to them.
Tell you what, buy a car from me, i won't include wheels with it. Everythign will work, but it will be usesless to you. You'd expect me to supply some simple wheels, but i will palm you off with bad service, **** english and tell you you should buy the newer, better car as that has wheels.
Um, clearly in my post i stated:
There have been various updates to fix minor bugs but usually if you wanted a newer OS then you replaced the PDA. If this is a MINOR update then I stand to be corrected.
You can keep your car by the way
No its not minor, its probably in the same capacity as SP2 was for XP.
However, nonetheless, it is an update thats needed to make the devices function as they are supposed to.
The update has been released by HTC to carriers. Dopod, are simply to tight and lazy to do anything, and beleive it acceptable to shaft its customers, rather than what some of the better carriers are doing (HTC direct, AT&T etc) and releasing an update thats much needed.
Im not asking for them to update to Crossbow for free. Im asking them to release a standard upgrade, to help their device they released to function properly.
you just got the standard Customer Support bugger-off-with-with-new-rom-inquiries reply, it's not up to him to know whether it will be available or not..

Roms will disappear from FTP.. time for torrents??

Hi all,
I read the thread about M$ that wants xda-developers to take the htc roms from ftp. One more time M$ disappoint their customers that just want to take the max from their htc pockets (We paid 500€ more or less for a pocket, I thing is legitimately that we want to take the max from our pocket).
So I think that htc roms must be available in torrents using public trackers and publish in, or other torrents sites available. If everyone seed some roms they will always be available for public.
What you think about this?
I am down... just don;t know how to package them up or else I would. I get a new pc this week and have though of making my other one a file store...
We must build a private network for Forum users, We can use KDX a multi platform peer to peer client/server app, it is like Hotline.
boycott microsoft!
i was thinking of upgrading to Vista. now i changed my mind! u dont piss off your customers that supporting u!
Since i have a hermes and i live for xda, I'm backing up the ftp and i'll store it. Possibly setup ftp access for requested users.
I think we should tell M$ to ........................................KISS OUR A$$..............................OUR...................................."ENTIRE......A$$"...............That's what "I" think............................
That being said........ start backing up the ROMS etc...... we'll figure out how to get them out to users.......... if you can download the things from HTC.......why does M$ have their panties in a bunch?????????? Sheeesssshhhhhh what a bunch of CRY BABIES!!!!!!!!
Why is it that Big corporations treat their customers like dirt!
Its the enthusiast that keeps them making money! I am constantly "selling" the merits of M$ powered PPC's to anyone who will listen, I am in the IT industry and have in the last 3 or so years been responsible for over 50 sales of M$ based devices to customers and friends. Because of XDA Dev I will buy a WM device again and again. But if M$ plays the Bully and forces the demise of XDA Dev I will have no reason to by a WM device again. I will then look into other devices such as Sony etc.
I'm sure you are all the same as me, its the the amazing endless customization options that XDA and WM devices offer you that keeps you coming back, without that its no better than any other device.
But sadly Big Corporations don't care, even if we could get a petition signed by 10 000 users they would just shrug and say "So what, there are millions of other users"
What I would like to know is what possible damage can be done by having M$ roms available to M$ customers. Its not like someone can make his own device and then download a rom here. If you use a rom from XDA Dev then you own a M$ device! and you have paid M$ for the rom, Why then are you not allowed to make it better!
No if/when we can get a working Linux solution we can once and for all "dump" M$.
Maybe HTC will bring out a device running Linux in the near future.
Yours in Hope
As annoying as it is this is the right thing for MS to do to protect themselves.
If it was a little company would you feel less angry?
The only reason you feel angry is due to them being a multi billion dollar corporation beating down on "the little guys" aka us.
How are they loosing revenue from XDA Dev?
If they were charging users for updated OS versions then I could see their point of view. But I can't see how XDA Dev can have any negative impact on M$. If I am missing something here then please inform me.
The way I see it, allowing people to down load different ROM's hurts no one. Al they are trying to do is fix up the defective software. If MS spent more time fixing the defects in their software and less time with lawyers people would not need look around for other ROM's. There is prima facie a very powerful case for a class action against MS for the defects in WM5.
We are talking about tracking down a solution to hacking WM6 to run on a Hermese for starters and I know they will charge for that.
ZaJules said:
How are they loosing revenue from XDA Dev?
If they were charging users for updated OS versions then I could see their point of view. But I can't see how XDA Dev can have any negative impact on M$. If I am missing something here then please inform me.
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Frustrating thing is its not about profit etc... i read that IP (Intellectual Property) law in US states that if you knowingly let ANYONE (not just in US) use your IP without correct license you stand to let anyone do that. Since you have willingly let someone get away with IP infringment you couldnt claim say if the vista source code was used without permission!??
A simple agreement between xda-devs and MS would get passed this but i guess the boffs in the MS law department arent willing to listen. We are possibly the best source of FREE testing and debugging they have!
And may i remind everyone we have ALL paid for a WM license, this is not (as some idiot has said in the "sign the petition" thread) software piracy, it is FREELY available from operators and HTC!
Well, for what I read M$ says that many customers are pissing of their mobile phone providers with roms that are unsupported by that provider.
And for that reason, they say........, roms must not be available here.....
It's fine we can put them elsewhere.
This saves the forum from being shut down or having any legal problems at all. This ensures a long lasting community without having to go underground.
suineg said:
We are talking about tracking down a solution to hacking WM6 to run on a Hermese for starters and I know they will charge for that.
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I will pay for an upgrade, but if they don't make it available I have no moral problem of using a hacked version for the Hermes. It's not that M$ will loose any revenue if the product isn't available to buy. Not having VM6 will not make me buy a new phone faster either. As most of us I guess we're stuck with a 2 year contract or so anyhow.
It seems like a really bad thing on MS' side but really its not that bigga deal.
With so many of us here it is easy to build another database at other places and even servers like rapidshare, megaupload etc. They might take them down but they will be back up very quickly. That being said once the network is made all we need to do is get the word around via PM's as to keep it off the boards to keep MS from being able to do anything. Simple
Upload the roms, have in your sig you have links, give out the links in PM's and we are all good to use xda as the great community it always has been
vador said:
Hi all,
I read the thread about M$ that wants xda-developers to take the htc roms from ftp. One more time M$ disappoint their customers that just want to take the max from their htc pockets (We paid 500€ more or less for a pocket, I thing is legitimately that we want to take the max from our pocket)....
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Actually; it's HTC we should be mad at... If they would release some decently functioning firmware for our devices in the first place, there would not be any need for a ROM archive so we can cook up our own ROM sets...
And i really supect HTC has also triggered this M$ action, because of the appearance of diverse test-ROM's for Trinity and Hermes among others...
Just like someone said before: why do these multi-billion-dollar-bohemoths of companies piss on their customers like this ??? It's truly shocking how they crank out half-working product and kick them on the market, and forget about them instantly (support for existing customers? what's that ...?).
They should better concentrate to work with us, and create a better user-experience for all their customers... But since we have a thing called "world-economy", don't count on it to never will...
Makes me sad....
ZaJules said:
Why is it that Big corporations treat their customers like dirt!
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Not that I like that the ROMs were removed, it was a very helpful service.
But this anti-MS ranting does not help. MS is not the salvation army, and they do (and have to do) what is legally possible to protect their business interests and that of their customers. The free download of one of their OS is not something to can seriously expect them to tolerate in the long run.
Wiki's are editable by everybody... especially the place were "links to roms" are.
XDA will fight any m$ attempts to have us remove links to roms. That amounts to web censorship.
Well I had just made an excalibur torrent, but I like hermes better, I should have everything down tomorrow and a torrent ready then, sucks Im not gonna be able to use orb. if you havent I suggest you register at there are other torrents there you may find interesting.

News - Official Verizon Software Update

Hello all,
Spoke with a few people today from UTStarcom and Verizon and got quite a bit of information about this long awaited update. Figured I'd share with you.
Called UTStarcom and spoke with Orlando, an engineer with them. He forwarded an internal memo to me (I can't post it on here, don't bother asking). I can tell you what was in it though.
The update is complete and was received by Verizon mid June.
Rom version number is 3.36.605.0. I know a lot of you are going to say "but we already have 3.56 blah blah", but those are Sprint updates and just because the version number is different, doesn't mean it's not newer.
The update addresses the following (straight from the memo):
-Update to Windows Mobile 6.1
-Update to EVDO Rev. A
-Update location based services (GPS)
-Update bluetooth profiles
Update is complete on their end, waiting on Verizon to give the go ahead. He said he would speak to his superiors and find more info and for me to call back Thursday (he gave me his extension).
I called Verizon and spoke to Wes, a WDTS Tier 3 Tech.
He confirmed what Orlando told me. The completed update was received by Verizon and has been in final testing. The last update he had was July 3, been in testing for a while with no problems. Projected release set for end of the month/early August.
He also told me it's been so long due to the fact that they decided to add WM 6.1 (previously it was only expected to address EVDO Rev A / GPS)
Fugg yes!
Now, does this potentially include aGPS? Will we get the lock times of Sprint? Any other potential goodies that could be included? Lastly, what will DCD be looking to extract to improve in his ROMs?
Dude, you rule.
Can't wait...
Now I have to check the vzw or utstar sites every day!
thundaar2000 said:
Can't wait...
Now I have to check the vzw or utstar sites every day!
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Where would you look on Utstarcom if it were there? I know it is not yet but I can't even find anything close except this and it is a dead link here.
Link please...
serfboreds said:
Where would you look on Utstarcom if it were there? I know it is not yet but I can't even find anything close except this and it is a dead link here.
Link please...
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Perhaps... here???
Idk though, they didn't update the sprint one yet
Excellent news GC - hopefully it might add some more functionality to the GPS, although with your fix, it seems to work really well now!
Thanks for the info!
scrawnyb said:
Perhaps... here???
Idk though, they didn't update the sprint one yet
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Thanks, this is great. I am sure GC or DCD will have this dissected well before it hits Slorizon's website (or the UTStarcom one you posted), but it is exciting none the less.
I'll be sure NOT to hold my breath waiting on their release
So...did you happen to ask him about what it would take for an "Accidental" leak of the beta? Because I am sure a few of us would drop some money into an unknown Paypal account if such a thing were to happon.
OK... so I'm not trying to be a bad news guy, but I pretty much got the exact same story from UTStarcom back in April, but the release date was May.
When I called in May they said it was release to VZW and was up to them to do something with it. I never was able to get anyone at VZW to admit they had the update (in fact some really bad Help guy yesterday told me that a) any updates would come from the mantufacturer and not VZW, and b) anything, and I mean ANY application you add to the PPC is bad for it and will cause it to slow down. (He was a real piece of work, and when I asked what about things like Microsoft's Live Search which was MADE by MS for this type of phone, he said ANYTHING would basically bog it down and if it stopped VZW would not replace it... schmuck).
Anyway... the UTSarcom site is a good one... but where might we search for Verizon updates???
I am surprised anyone told you anything except "let me check another, I don't see anything may want to keep checking the website if they ever have updates for the phone," schmucks for real. Speaking to higher tier techs is probably more realistic information as they will be seeing memos that other people will not.
Anyways, here is the XV6800 page on vzw:
OK... so I'm not trying to be a bad news guy, but I pretty much got the exact same story from UTStarcom back in April, but the release date was May.
When I called in May they said it was release to VZW and was up to them to do something with it. I never was able to get anyone at VZW to admit they had the update (in fact some really bad Help guy yesterday told me that a) any updates would come from the mantufacturer and not VZW, and b) anything, and I mean ANY application you add to the PPC is bad for it and will cause it to slow down. (He was a real piece of work, and when I asked what about things like Microsoft's Live Search which was MADE by MS for this type of phone, he said ANYTHING would basically bog it down and if it stopped VZW would not replace it... schmuck).
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If you read my post you'd see that I asked about what you're referring to. The "release date" for May was for EVDO Rev A & GPS. They decided to add WM 6.1 at the last minute, which prolonged it. The difference is, you never got anyone from Verizon to admit to it, while I have spoken to several people since May who all have confirmed it.
You guys have to trust that I know what I'm doing....this hasn't been my first time calling and I know what to ask. They pretty much know me by name now when I call lol. In fact, I don't hang up until I speak with someone who knows what they're talking about.
As far as the update itself goes, it will be on HTC's site when it's available, not UTStarcom's or Verizon's.
OK thanks... I had been to that page many times before, but didn't know that they might post anything like a ROM update there.
We'll see....
And yes, senior techs are probably better... just didn't have the time to wait yesterday.
gc14 said:
As far as the update itself goes, it will be on HTC's site when it's available, not UTStarcom's or Verizon's.
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Do you have a link for where you would look for this upgrade on I know you and DCD will be releasing ROMs before I find it but curiosity reigns supreme.
This is what I found but I don't think this is anything more than a marketing page:
It will be posted on this site under the appropriate phone. Since there have not been any updates for VZW you won't find the xv6800. Correct me if I am wrong GC.
Do you have a link for where you would look for this upgrade on I know you and DCD will be releasing ROMs before I find it but curiosity reigns supreme.
This is what I found but I don't think this is anything more than a marketing page:
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First, that link is for the TyTN, not the Titan. 2 Different phones. The TyTN is actually the HTC Hermes, as the TyTN II is the HTC Kaiser.
Second, when it's available you'll be able to find it here:
except when it's released, there'll be an icon next to "Tips & Tricks" called "Software Download" similar to the Sprint Mogul page located here
gc14 said:
First, that link is for the TyTN, not the Titan. 2 Different phones. The TyTN is actually the HTC Hermes, as the TyTN II is the HTC Kaiser.
Second, when it's available you'll be able to find it here:
except when it's released, there'll be an icon next to "Tips & Tricks" called "Software Download" similar to the Sprint Mogul page located here
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Thanks, thats the link I was looking for. You are one resourceful dude GC.
Do you work in the phone industry?
Do you work in the phone industry?
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Nope. Computer Engineer specialized in Embedded Systems Design
Maybe this seems a bit off subject, but why would a company with proprietary information share there potential release dates and internal memos with a guy that calls in a lot for tech support?
Hope that doesnt sound rude, its more me just being inquisitive. Essentially, how do you manage to be seen as someone worth sharing that information with?

Not looking too promising eh?
AndyFZ1S said:
Not looking too promising eh?
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I smell BS since this "news" is only a day after another "insider" said it was coming to all WP7 devices.
Erik Latranyi said:
I smell BS since this "news" is only a day after another "insider" said it was coming to all WP7 devices.
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Trust nothing and no one until the fat lady sings.....
theguy said:
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Verge has become an Android-wh*@# recently. They are hungry for the clicks and hence their anti-Lumia articles. Then they followed it up with anti-Windows Phone and this. I would say, if you own anything but Windows Phone, only then you should read Verge. Their sources always want to be unnamed and always want to be anonymous!
Atleast that dude was filmed and we know him! - I trust what I see. Even if he joked he had balls unlike verge's anonymous people they make up!
drupad2drupad said:
Verge has become an Android-wh*@# recently. They are hungry for the clicks and hence their anti-Lumia articles. Then they followed it up with anti-Windows Phone and this. I would say, if you own anything but Windows Phone, only then you should read Verge. Their sources always want to be unnamed and always want to be anonymous!
Atleast that dude was filmed and we know him! - I trust what I see. Even if he joked he had balls unlike verge's anonymous people they make up!
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Well that article points out how the guy in the video has retracted what he said in the video. Here's the original link:
Imagine all the people that went and got the Lumia and all the money wasted on advertisement only to say.. Nope that phone we threw at you telling you its the best won't see Apollo... Here buy this one instead. Along with the Titan One/Two. Businesses have made stupid mistakes and Microsoft might do another dumb move and spit on your faces.
Only take what comes officially from Microsoft not some websites with no affiliation or some lonely employee.
I am pretty sure none of us will and should get an "Apollo". We clearly don't have specs for that.
However, what we will get is skinned Apollo. We are sure to get all the features of the OS e.g.
1) better multitasking
2) better UI consistancy (if applied)
3) better integration of features (plus additional ones)
4) better or/and faster IE
5) better bluetooth support
These stuff don't need all that extra hardware specs, so we could safely have them.
The rumours of Lumia 610, 800 being tested with Apollo could well be true considering the above could be applied with no extra hardware that comes with Apollo.
Let us keep in mind that Android users are the most ignored for official upgrades (unless you come to XDA).
The article reads like they HOPE MS leaves current hardware behind for Apollo.
Looking at the Tango update and the fact you will be able to send MMS video& ting , As long as we get a few other treats thrown in then I don't think I will be that bothered if I get an Apollo related update or not, TBH I was extremely happy with my HD2 but upgrades and progress lead me over to the Darkside of WP7 and although I suffered from boredom before nodo and see it through to Mango I don't think It will ever be what everyone wants, There will always be a better handset on the horizon and if it turns out MS don't fully deliver then simply change platform.
I too am not bothered about the apollo update if it does not reach the Titan. I too am more than happy with the OS as it stands.

