Glitch with Xplore 1.1 - G4

My FP, but I have been reading here a lot for the past week or so.
I am a Linux user... so I know a bit about what I'm doing. However, these phones are a different animal that I am not too familiar with.
I recently flashed my 15 day old 8125 with the Xplore 1.1 WM6 rom. Works great, but only one problem, sometimes when It goes to "sleep" it will not intercept a call one out of 5 times. If I wake it during that call, the indicator will pick up that it is ringing at the top, but will not intercept the call, and lock the phone up. It will fail to display some notifications as well... And the time doesn't sync to cingular. Im not on edge, I use the wifi for internet since my town is covered with APs. No, no apps are running on the phone during the call interception problems.
The ONLY progs im running on the phone are winrar, and wififofum2.
I Suspect that activesync may be causing the problems, because it.... runs
for no reason sometimes even after being turned off.
I have flashed the phone back to factory just to test this and see if it is in fact Xplore 1.1.
I want a WM6 rom, and I like Xplore, and appreciate the work done on it, but would like some help. I can't stand WM5. The tool bars are too plain, and old looking, and the stock HTC rom is a RAM hog.

OryHara said:
My FP, but I have been reading here a lot for the past week or so.
I am a Linux user... so I know a bit about what I'm doing. However, these phones are a different animal that I am not too familiar with.
I recently flashed my 15 day old 8125 with the Xplore 1.1 WM6 rom. Works great, but only one problem, sometimes when It goes to "sleep" it will not intercept a call one out of 5 times. If I wake it during that call, the indicator will pick up that it is ringing at the top, but will not intercept the call, and lock the phone up. It will fail to display some notifications as well... And the time doesn't sync to cingular. Im not on edge, I use the wifi for internet since my town is covered with APs. No, no apps are running on the phone during the call interception problems.
The ONLY progs im running on the phone are winrar, and wififofum2.
I Suspect that activesync may be causing the problems, because it.... runs
for no reason sometimes even after being turned off.
I have flashed the phone back to factory just to test this and see if it is in fact Xplore 1.1.
I want a WM6 rom, and I like Xplore, and appreciate the work done on it, but would like some help. I can't stand WM5. The tool bars are too plain, and old looking, and the stock HTC rom is a RAM hog.
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Why don't you post problems with my rom on my thread? It's your right.
I am not familiar with this bug, post it again in the Xplore 1.1 thread and see if somebody else has it.
Also, when you say that your phone has problems, provide the ipl/spl G3/G4 ...and other info you think it may be helpfull.

Hi I'm a bit of a N00b about pdas
sorry if im asking a dumb question, but will Xplore 1.1 work on my WM5 dell AXIM X51v? and is this a wm6 update or just a wm6 addon (do u need wm6 preinstalled?) Also will this work with most wm5 programs??

potentpoison said:
sorry if im asking a dumb question, but will Xplore 1.1 work on my WM5 dell AXIM X51v? and is this a wm6 update or just a wm6 addon (do u need wm6 preinstalled?) Also will this work with most wm5 programs??
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You maked me laugh, sorry.
NO, it doesn't work for other device than HTC Wizard ... you have a Dell X51V
But I'm impressed that one Dell user is wanting my rom
This is not even a dell Forum ... how did you get here ?


SPV WM6 white screen?

i installed the XDA Windows mobile 6 about 3-4 months ago on my SPV M3100,
everything worked fine untill just lately it started displaying just a plain white screen, not bricked because if i rapped on the power button a few times it would display everything normally?
problem is it has started doing it more and more often untill lately it decided to completely go white - i found out the phone still works just a blank screen? also some of the mounted buttons stopped working at times and would work othertimes?
ive fully charged it, turned it on and plugged it into my pc but im not sure what to do?
is it something to do with XDA, maybe some kind of virus or should i literally re-install the orange windows mobile 5 and send it back?
any help would be great! - im in a bit of a pickle here
thanks -Edd
wm6 spv m3100 white screen
hi there
if anyone is following this thread, i too upgraded first to 4.01 as good as gold, then to 4.30, Schaps ROM's. all fine but then the white screens started in 4.3, in the end about 10-14 days i had to remove the battery to boot the unit, and only thrn with PSU/USB plugged in, so power issue?
anyway i pushed thorugh to 4.31 alls currently well, keep you posted
cheers in all others senses great work all round
cheers pete
Yep, I've got this issue with my HTC Hermes but it only manifested itself after the upgrade to WM6?!
Can you ALL please tell us what bootloader you are running?
I followed the online instructions for getting Schaps WM6 ROM on board for my SPV. I shall dig them out.
mrvanx said:
Can you ALL please tell us what bootloader you are running?
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Hi Folks
My Hermes/Tytn is an Orange M3100. Recently it has begun dropping calls, or rather, ignoring them. The caller could hear a ringing tone but the phone wouldn't switch on, show me an incomming call or anything. A short while later, usually after I'd switched it on (I mean, the screen, "off" is that it's on standby) I'd get the notification of a missed call. More often than not it would come through after I had made a call.
This reached a "point" on the weekend where I missed about 17 calls from the Agency to get work for me as I was the only one available
So. I upgraded as reccomended on here. Up to HardSPL 2.10, Radio version 1.41 and then upgraded to Schaps 4.22 WM6 Rom.
Now, I made sure that ActiveSync has connected and synchronised, and all my contacts and PIM info is in Outlook. However, A/S won't transmit the information to the PDA, even though it tells me it's synchronising.
The only way I have managed to get my PIM data/address book back onto the PDA was by running a custom SPB backup file to restore the calender, sms and phonebook.
This is where the fun starts. My PIM and Tasks then go "read only" merely by having a warning telling me I have no memory and to go and close other programs down. But there isn't anything else running!
Fine. Right. Ok. Obviously I've done something wrong. I did a hard reset this evening. It wiped all the data internally and reset it. I changed the details to match the username that was already stored in A/S and plugged it in.
It tells me "Connecting" and the green thing swirls around but doesn't actually do anything.
I have heard mention of the MTTY software, so I've got that here. But it won't allow me to connect on USB, only Com1, 2 or 3.
So I've a pretty useless phone at the moment. It's got none of my files on there, the satnav is rendered useless merely because I can't install the sod and all the other problems to go with it.
Short of screaming abuse at it and throwing it across the room I'm a bit stuffed. And I can't spend anymore time on it as I've got to be getting up for work at 4am (only finished tonight at 8pm ) for another full day
I've read the wiki, I've gone through the pages and pages and, er, pages of posts but I'm hitting a brick wall somewhere. I'm not as bright as you guys, but I get by.
TIA. Elwyn
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The device is no longer worthwhile for me and have spoken to Mike Channon over it. If you can change that or help me change it I would be grateful
Mikechannon is the main man when it comes to the hardware side of things, if it was an early bootloader issue (related to bad NAND blocks) then thats what i was questioning your SPL version about.
If mike is confident it is the hardware problem then id take his word for it, the guy rocks
/me has to get his mikechannon ass kissing back into shape again hehe.
mrvanx said:
Mikechannon is the main man when it comes to the hardware side of things, if it was an early bootloader issue (related to bad NAND blocks) then thats what i was questioning your SPL version about.
If mike is confident it is the hardware problem then id take his word for it, the guy rocks
/me has to get his mikechannon ass kissing back into shape again hehe.
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Not entirely sure what it is yet. If WM6 wrote to the 'wrong' part of the memory, would reflashing back to WM5 fix this?! Is there a way of repairing NAND issues?
MrVanx, I looked in the original thread that I posted in about this issue and followed you're link. Not sure whether I did or didn't at the time, but I can see there are instructions for downgrading the ROM from 6 to 5. However I am now in the situation that I can't use the USB cable as it causes it to white screen, but probably could if I did it via memory card....
white screen continued
hi there
sorry about lack of info i installed olipro 1.4 as per the instructions at the wiki i think. mine doesnt boot white, it turns white/fades to white when in use, or more commoinly i will press off after use, then later turn the unit on, and it will come white. first few times it si normal after 2nd on/off, then it stops completly requiring a hard boot, then that stops and it requires a battery off, then that stops. however it always seems to repsond when power connected, even if 100% charged or just off.
it feels to me like a power issue, still there in 4.31, wasnt there in 4.01, going back now to see if its hardware.
i will give as much info as you guys need, i got my phone from orange in may 2007
white screen update
hello again
still on 4.31 activesync isnt playing at teh moment but anyway.
on the screen thing, if i leave the unit standby itself and then power back on it seems fine, so far 3 hours of good, no white screens.
thanks pete
hi there i face this problem with my imate jasjam sorry to tell you that but this problem is a hardware problem you be confirm that it hardware by push by your 2 fingers below the screen and above the keys like you catch"hold" something bush the power key again the white screen will be disappear .sorry if you don't understand me because of my English.
Hi everybody.
Anybody solved problem with white screen?
I have the same truble as EddTQ - White blank screen & also some of the mounted buttons stopped working rarely 2 week before white blank.
same problem here.
Maybe a radio problem?
The problem you are describing sounds like the flex connector.
This thread should give you some details. I had the same problem but phoned Orange who sent me out a new one in 9 hours!
What happes is exactly the problem explained by alkizmo ...

Device screen sometimes does not turn on.

I have tried about 5 different WM6 roms from here mostly Gullums roms(VII, VIII, IXb, X). I am sure there are other roms that I cannot remember. By the way thank you to Gullum for his hard work cooking these roms. They seem to work fine for a few days then my device's power button will not turn on the screen and I cannot pick up a call or use the device unless I do a soft reset. The last rom I had which was VIII would require a hard reset and a lost of data. My question is wether this is the roms which have issues or just my device which is dying slowly. When I first got this device I had to ship it back to Spain because the motherboard died after a few days of use and flashing from WM5 in Spanish to WM5 in English. Has anyone had similar issues with their qtek s200 after flashing.
hope it might help!
yamilrx said:
I have tried about 5 different WM6 roms from here mostly Gullums roms(VII, VIII, IXb, X). I am sure there are other roms that I cannot remember. By the way thank you to Gullum for his hard work cooking these roms. They seem to work fine for a few days then my device's power button will not turn on the screen and I cannot pick up a call or use the device unless I do a soft reset. The last rom I had which was VIII would require a hard reset and a lost of data. My question is wether this is the roms which have issues or just my device which is dying slowly. When I first got this device I had to ship it back to Spain because the motherboard died after a few days of use and flashing from WM5 in Spanish to WM5 in English. Has anyone had similar issues with their qtek s200 after flashing.
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i am pretty soure but i have been using Gullum for very long time and i didn't get any trouble like u but this day i found some other too so i am suing othere too. but i never found like u have the problem.
so why not try from other master so u could have solved by ur self.
i have read on this forum and some where else it said if u do restored then u might got this problem but as u said it nbot
so just change clean rom WM6 and try sor some days i guess u will find findout. hope.
hope it might help u out
I am now trying transformer 1.1 and so far no power button issues. Its only been 24hrs. The problem tends to happen anytime but usually after 1 week of installing. The other issues I was having with the other roms listed was that the program would get stuck on the second screen past the initial ipl/qtek screen. Hopefully this rom will work.
I have this problem as well, but believe it has to do with Pocket player. Are you using any applications that listen to button events?
DarkMannen said:
I have this problem as well, but believe it has to do with Pocket player. Are you using any applications that listen to button events?
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I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean the windows music player. I am trying the transformer 1.1 rom but after 48hrs, today the same thing happened. I was just surfing the web on opera while in line to vote. It has happened while receiving a phone call as well and I cannot turn the screen on to answer. I did a soft reset and everything was ok. Unfortunatelly sometimes also what happens is that the software doesn't load and it requires a hard reset.
Actually i had the same problems when i use gullums rom for some reason.. I have had this problem with all of gullums rom except the coffie rom ! Try that and report back..
sorry, thread flush only~~
I also had the mentioned problem, especially with the battery <50%.
Sometimes, when I'm listening with the built in audio player and the screen is off, the playback stopps right after a track and the screen won't turn on again.
A softreset helped each time.
Also the phone is logged in in the gsm net, the caller hears the ringing, but the phone didn't ring.
Strange thing. I had the problem with ProphetTouch IX and VIII, yesterday I flashed number X.
ganjaninja said:
I also had the mentioned problem, especially with the battery <50%.
Sometimes, when I'm listening with the built in audio player and the screen is off, the playback stopps right after a track and the screen won't turn on again.
A softreset helped each time.
Also the phone is logged in in the gsm net, the caller hears the ringing, but the phone didn't ring.
Strange thing. I had the problem with ProphetTouch IX and VIII, yesterday I flashed number X.
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I have had same issue with all of those. I'd hate to downgrade to wm5 to try it a couple of days and see. Maybe I'll do that.
After closing all running programs, especially Conduits Pocket Player, this problem seems to go away. I have noticed that when I start the pocket player and wait until the screen turns off, I can not turn it back on with the power button.
I my case it seems to be connected with Pocket Player, but it could just as well be ROM related. I'll keep looking for a source.
I hope there is a simple solution to this, as it is quite annoying.
i have the same problem b4 last time, when the batery status- lock device when wake up fuction is tick.


Hey I've been having this problem with my Titan. I have Keys 1.31 rom and every once and awhile when I turn on my Titan it gets stuck on the the windows mobile start screen. Im able to get my phone working again if I reflash Keys rom.
So far this has happened 3 times in the past month.
Any ideas on what could be causing this?
Bell 6800
Keys 1.31 ROM
3.35 radio
Just for future reference...never has your phone been a brick. A bricked phone is just that...a brick, a paperweight, won't do anything at all. It can't be turned on, it can't boot, it can't be reflashed or fixed. It's obvious you're having a problem with something, but I constantly see people on a daily basis saying their phone is bricked when in actuality, very very few people have actually bricked phones.
Sorry, but I have no idea. You're apparently alone in facing this.
Have you tried reflashing to another third party or stock radio/ROM combination to help rule software or a bad flashing out as a cause?
mrfantastic said:
Hey I've been having this problem with my Titan. I have Keys 1.31 rom and every once and awhile when I turn on my Titan it gets stuck on the the windows mobile start screen. Im able to get my phone working again if I reflash Keys rom.
So far this has happened 3 times in the past month.
Any ideas on what could be causing this?
Bell 6800
Keys 1.31 ROM
3.35 radio
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What bootloader are you running? Maybe a bad install of the bootloader?
no, that's not a possibility, the bootloader isn't like a copy of Windows... besides, it's getting stuck on the windows mobile logo, that means its at the kernel.
my advice is to dump that ROM and flash something else.
Olipro said:
my advice is to dump that ROM and flash something else.
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In case that is interpreted negatively, quite a few are using builds from my kitchen and he's been quite alone in reporting this.
Sorry, I just had to chime in to defend my work.
That said, if one is facing such problems the first avenue to problem solving is not to keep flashing the same radio/build of an OS ROM into perpetuity. Mix things up. Isolate.
I'm not saying i'm 100% positive on this one, but sounds like to me he's using some kind of software that is coded poorly, or something that is corrupting his kernel or the necessary files that boot the os. Sounds like the phone is getting hung up right when it's trying to execute these files at boot.
My advice to you, that is if you want to keep using key's rom, is to create a CLEAN rom, and don't install any software. Run it for a while clean and see if the problem goes away...if that's the case, you need to re-evaluate which software you use.
HTC home. The silly green screen that says windows mobile? Yeah, HTC home is causing it to fail to boot, this has been covered before.
This is a very misleading title for this post. You can't unbrick a true 'brick' - unless it was a brick because you left the battery out.
A true 'brick' can't ever be turned on. It's a dead paperweight. So, there's no chance of unbricking it.
Flashed Keys rom to few phones....never had a problem !
I used olipro 2.40
Right now the phone is fine, it appears to happen randomly, Keys rom is great otherwise (no insult intended). What was meant by the problem with HTC home?
HTC home. The silly green screen that says windows mobile? Yeah, HTC home is causing it to fail to boot, this has been covered before.
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The windows mobile splash screen or the "silly green screen that says windows mobile" as you put it is not HTC Home. It is not HTC Home that is causing him to lock up at boot time.
To the OP, read my post, it's some piece of software that is causing your lockup. Guaranteed, if you make a clean rom (no software installed except the rom, with nothing cooked into it) I bet you see your problems go away. I then would install each piece of software one by one testing to see if you see the lockups after each one.
Can Any One Tell Me How To Go Back To WM 6.0 From WM6.1 I'm HAVING More Problems Then I Want With 6.1 But I Have No Idea How To Change It Back.
kaos29205 said:
Can Any One Tell Me How To Go Back To WM 6.0 From WM6.1 I'm HAVING More Problems Then I Want With 6.1 But I Have No Idea How To Change It Back.
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You will find you get more answers by posting in the appropriate thread. This is not a WM6 thread so chances are that most ppl would ignore your post.
As you are probably on dcd 3.0.x, I have answered your question over there in the dcd 3.0.4 thread.
Apart from the fact that your are more likey to recieve an answer when posting in the correct thread, it will also help others with the same problem find the answer wheb they do a SEARCH.
Also another good place to find general information is in the titan wiki (see the sticky at the top of the titan upgrading section).
Lastly, you could try starting a new thread if you just cant seem to find the appropriate place to get your answer.

WM6 Upgrade on my hermes.. call delay problems..

Hi there all,
So I finally got around to flashing WM6 onto my hermes... to give you a bit of background; I had completely stopped using my hermes and had gone back to my ancient (in tech terms) Nokia 6230i after WM5 had become perishingly slow. It had become so much of a pain to connect to my parrot handsfree that I had stopped using that too... (£114 wasted). Also on every phone call there was at least a three ring delay from someone calling me, to my phone realising it should be ringing... not impressed.
So I thought that a flash to a WM6 rom might help, after having a look around for a little while, I went for Schaps 4.31, initially, its a massive improvement, the phone is quick and responsive, and generally runs much quicker, plus there are lots of nice little things like HTC home...
However the delayed phone ringing still seems to be an issue... when I am in the middle of using the phone or if the phone is out of standby and I receive a phone call, it seems to react much quicker than WM5 ever did, almost instantly realising that it should be ringing, much better. However, if the device has gone into standby, then it will completely ignore that there is an incoming call... It simply does not ring... I have just tried 3 or 4 times and my phone hasn't rung once, after I have hung up on my home phone I have been bringing the device out of standby to see if it has registered the call at all, as soon as I turn the device on there is a missed call on it...
This is so intensely irritating! As I am sure you can appreiciate! At least with WM5 there would be a wait of 3-4 rings beofre it brought itself out of standby and then it would ring, but with WM6, nothing! Surely I can't be the only one experiencing this? I can't even say that this might be just my hermes, as I had it replaced by vodafone about 2 months ago...
Sadly... I will be reverting back to my Nokia after I have written this, at least it is able to send/ receive calls without falling over... I cannot belive that I have a piece of hardware sitting on my desk that is, after all the bells and whistles, supposed to be a phone, and doesn't work as one!!! If an old Nokia can manage it why cant my hermes? At this moment there is a hermes selling on ebay of £139, I am very tempted....
Annoyingly my friends iPhone seems to do all the phone functions flawlessly along with lots of lovely web and data integration... It is still apple though..
Does anyone have any suggestions to improve my woes?
Sorry for the massive <\rant>
About half an hour ago I completed a radio ROM update to, I thought that updating the radio stack might go some way to solving my delayed call issues.
Well it hasn't helped at all. The acquisition of signal, and the strength of that signal seems improved, but if my device is in standby then it simply doesn't wake up if there is a call coming in. This effectively renders my tytn totally useless...
Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this? I am sure I can't be the only person experiencing this...?
For reference my phone is now running:
Rom: Schaps 4.31 LITE
Any help would be hugely appreciated...
You could try updating the os to fix the standby problem... Schaps 4.31 LITE is fairly old now, If I was you I'd try a wm6.1... They're fairly stable now and are pretty quick too. You could also try to update the .net framework on your PDA to 3.5 but this may require you to do some registry tweaking. Easier to find a cooked os with .net 3.5 already cooked in.
I've always had my phone wake up when a call comes in - even in standby so not sure why yours doesn't. Could be a setting you or your network have imposed.
Make sure you've Hard SPLed your phone before flashing though...
Thanks for your reply ultramag, I think I did at some point have a 6.1 ROM on my hermes, and I don't think it made any difference to the call delay issues. I will flash one again tonight and then report back...
Which 6.1 rom would you recommend?
Why would updating the .net help with incoming call issues?
For the wm6.1 roms I prefer the PDAViet roms and PDACorner roms. Other roms are good too but I like these ones best...
I don't know if updating the .net framework on your phone will speed it up but it does seem to speed up windows. I may be wrong, but if you can speed up the time it takes windows to register the call then wouldn't it speed up the time it rings?
I believe you can change the call forwarding time up to 30 secs if the network only gives you 5 or 10. Its in settings>personal>phone>services>call forwarding.
Hope this helps...
Will upgrade to WM6 lock phone again?
Greetings to All and Thank God For this Forum
I successfully unlocked my Cingular 8525 >year ago. I am still running WM5. I would like to use a micro sd card greater than the 2Gb now installed and believe that is possible with WM6 OS. I'm concerned that I not lock my phone if I upgrade with AT&T's download of WM6. TIA-
docwollf, not sure posting in here will get you very far, try posting in the main forum...
ultramag69, thanks for your suggestion about the PDAviet and PDA corner roms, I tried both, and still my phone doesn't want to work.... Do you think that flashing an "official" rom might help? There has been some mention on here that if your phone starts to become unstable then flashing an official ROM may help, do you think it might help me?
Does anyone have any idea at all why my phone might not ring when it's in standby? Its starting to become intensely annoying to be honest....
Try flashing the official rom first, then flash your phone with hardspl, then try the new rom. That may work, but it almost sounds like you have a hardware issue.
Thanks for your reply backspacepc,
When I said to install an official ROM, I meant one like the at&t one or the dopod aisa one, I don't have a WM6 ROM for vodafone, they never released one... would going back to the Voda WM5, then hard spl, then a WM6 ROM help do you think?
I am thinking the same as you about hardware... is there a firmware upgrade at all? I have tried over 10 different ROM's now, some WM6 some WM6.1, still no improvement on the ring delay....
If I hadn't have voided the warranty by flashing etc, I would be sending it back....
Any help is hugely appreciated, as you can probably tell, getting quite exasperated with it now...
If you downgrade the SPL back to stock and the original os back to stock then you can take it back under warranty. There are instructions in the wiki on how to do this. I believe you may ALREADY have Hard SPL on your Hermes (to check go to bootloader - hold power, OK button above flywheel and reset with stylus, hold in untilyou get to the tri-colour screen. If your SPL is 2.10 olipro, its Hard SPLed) which means you're gonna have to downgrade the SPL. Unless you supercid your Hermes.
You can find the downgrade instructions, I believe, in mr Vanx's tutorials...
Thanks for your reply ultramag,
I do indeed already have Hard SPL on my hermes, I put it there...
I have been looking at downgrading back to stock and then seeing if I can get it replaced, I find it unlikely that voda will even consider it to be honest... HTC might though...
Is there a hardware upgrade that I can try out at all?
If you open it then you will DEFINATELY void warranty... If you still are within the warranty period its better to send in for repairs than to fiddle yourself.
There are manuals floating around (HTC service manual) that tells you how to take apart and put your Hermes back together, just do a search. Or if you want try Mike Channon's webpage, found at the bottom of his posts. However, if you still have warranty, thats the best way to go...
Sorry! I didn't mean hardware upgrade, I meant firmware....
Are there any firmware upgrades around? It strikes me that the phone doesn't know how to handle a call when it is coming in, so it just ignores it... A firmware issue?
Cheers, sorry again for the mix up!
1st thing I'd do is to check all my settings. Both phone and volume. Maybe, if you back up and restore the same settings, you've backed it up for silent or vibrate only.
I know that when a call comes through that its slower to wake up from standby when it also has to access the sd card for an MP3 ringtone....
Check out, with Schapps advanced config, how long it takes the battery & AC to resume from timeout. I set mine to about 10 secs.
Also, you should check how much time it takes before call forwarding kicks in. Go to settings>personal>Phone>services>call forwarding. You can set it to a maximum of 30 secs.
These may or may not help, I'm just throwing ideas out.
Hope they help...
Well I didn't back up my settings, it was a brand new phone when I started so I didn't have any settings to restore.
I have mine set to 10 secs too...
My call forwarding is also set to 30 secs...
Thanks for all your suggestions, I think I might downgrade everything back to stock and see what happens from there...
I'm still wondering what exactly is going wrong in my device... It must be some kind of programming setting that has been set wrong... utterly bizzare... can anyone offer any advice to this end?

Constant Freezing Verizon DCD 3.2.6

My phone was fine for a while, although I noticed that the time that it took to load my today screen after a reboot was extremely prolonged after time. I did a hard reset today and backed all my files up with spm back up or sbp? Anyway as I loaded the backup file executable, I noticed when it loaded system files that I saved from my passed phone my phone froze. So I went back and loaded all the files except system and it has been working fine and loading a lot faster, but the freezing still happens. I will list the times I have noticed when it will frequently freeze on me:
When I get a call it will just keep vibrating then I will have to soft reset
When I get in and out of MMS or finish a text
Sometimes my screen won't even turn back on after I didn't it after a day of paintball.
I use Radio rom 3.42.50
Also, this freezing awkwardly began to occur when I started having long conversations with this chick on the phone. Maybe it is a battery problem? If so, if any of you would be kind to get me the stock rom and or dcd 3.2.6 if i need to reinstall anything. I also used the usb unlocking cab not the memory card one, I will even offer money. This is very irritating because this is my business phone and the soft resets lose the last calls and texts I receive. Most of them are very important which is why this sucks so bad, excuse if this is long but many people do not provide sufficient info to troubleshoot to problem.
Thank you guys once again.
P.S I will post in both Titan and Titan upgrading since I am unaware to post this , mod please delete if I am breaking any of the rules.
sporty18 said:
Also, this freezing awkwardly began to occur when I started having long conversations with this chick on the phone.
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I suspect that this is the issue... stop doing this, cuz it's against "The Man Law" Article 8, section 4.... "A man shall NOT engage in lengthy phone chat with a women unless it's about sex, hunting or eating..."
Oh trust the conversation was full of sex , and phone sex
You aren't alone; I was having all sorts of problems like this from 3.26 onward... but now that I've been using 6.5 builds from PPCGeeks, this problem has gone away entirely.
Make the jump d00d.
Can I get a link for that? Any of you think it may be the battery? Yesterday when it was out of battery I plugged it in and it didn't even want to start up anymore. Also the battery was getting pretty hot that usual , very much like it has been used for a long period of time.
I wonder if anyone on Bell is using 6.5. Maybe I should make the jump.
Just installed 21501 by Tplane and got a freeze already. Is there any possible way the issue may be the battery.

