Roaming - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

I just got my 8525 last week and I am totally new, but I took a chance and downloaded the VP3G Official AT&T Rom. I think it works great. The only issue I have found is when I try to send an e-mail thru Xpress Mail, I get "You are currently roaming. Synchronizing may result in additional charges." I reloaded the Mobile 5 rom from the HTC site and didn't have this message. Is it anything I should be concerned about? I guess I will find out on 8/9 when I start a new billing cycle.

There is a new beta floating around somewhere that is made for WM6, or you can do this:
SOLUTION: How to disable the Xpress Mail Warning about Roaming
To those of you who are experiencing the annoying warning message about Roaming Charges when manually trying to retrieve Xpress Mail, here is the solution:
Add this to your registry:
Key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\ShowRoamWarning
Value: DWORD:0

Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, that key was not in my registry. I temporarily solved the problem by removing Xpress mail and going back to the old way. It is slower, but at least it works.
Thanks again.

Just add a new key. I didn't have it either, wasn't sure about the space in the word "War ning" so I added 2 keys, 1 with and 1 without the space.
Works like a charm for the roaming error message, but I have disabled my GPRS so now I get an Inteernet connection error message
Anyone know the key for disabling the internet connection error, or better yet, to stop messaging from going to GPRS for an internet connection?

Do a search for NOGPRS.


strange problem sending emails

Since yesterday I noticed a sudden problem with my XDA I can not sort out, and I would like to ask this community for help on this one:
Emails stored in the outbox do not get transmitted during a GPRS connection with my provider.
The login process goes as usual, it even says "sending emails ...", which takes the usual while, incoming mails get downloaded to the device, but after the connection is over it says "could not upload emails, check your setting or talk to the provider" in an alert box. When I look into the outbox all the mails I wanted to send are still there, and they are not just forgotten to delete after sending (I sent some to myself to check).
I have of cause checked the settings, and I know the account is working, because I can access it via my laptop.
The radio must be able to send, because it would not be able to establish a connection otherwise.
I resetted the device, but this had no effect.
I thried to use the dvice in a different GPRS zone (other city) but the issue remains the same.
I searched the forum, but did not find any usable information.
Have these things be observed before?
Does anyone have a hint on how to sort this issue out or what to look at closer?
Any hints would be appreciated,
i had this prblm b4...but then i used nPop and it worked fine, but now i dont even use that, i just use "" as the outgoing mail, but thats just 4 TMO :wink:
martin kopplow said:
Emails stored in the outbox do not get transmitted during a GPRS connection with my provider.
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Well I know I cannot do that with my Device.
Here in NZ the ISP's block access to the SMTP servers from any connection outside their network.
They do this to stop Spammers using their SMTP servers.
Often they still allow access to the POP servers, because they are authenticated, which fits your symptoms, you can receive, but not send, via your GPRS.
One solution is to set the account up to use your cellphone companies SMTP server if they have one. So you send your mail via for example.
Thank you for your replies!
I checked with my provider to find out if they changed their POP/SMTP settings, but they didn't.
It then took me a while to find out this is a software issue.
In fact it is in some software on the device, and it comes back after hard resetting and copying back the SD backup. I did a double hard reset with a clean reinstall of all software and now I'm able to send mails again.
I could not exactly find out which part of the software, because I can not extract or delete individual files from the backup or resore thm one by one to eliminate faulty files. (is there a tool for this?)
I have the suspicion that establishing two active sync partnerships did the change: Before I had the problem, I had only one computer I synced with, but short before that I bought a new Laptop and now sync with two computers (one being a server, via a network). This might have corrupted something within the networking settings, that is not accessible via the option and connection setting pages.
I'd really like to have an overview page to check on all current settings instead of using settings... and options... dialogs in different locations, but that's another story.
It's working again.
Thanks once more for your replies!
My post is even more basic. I would like to see a short, simple sequence of events to "send an e-mail" from my sx-56.
A. Which program do I use to send (if there is a different one to receive, what it that)?
B. What are the entities that I have to enter into the fields, on which program?
C. What is the procedure for composing and sending the e-mail once the preliminary data has been entered?
The PDA works fine
The phone works fine

NEED HELP sending emails through WIFI on my MDA

For some reason I can do everything through Wifi except send emails. I can successfully receive my emails, view them, download attachments, browse with internet explorer, and chat on all messenger programs! I have spoken to upper tier level support people at T-mobile and they confirmed my outgoing settings are correct. I use yahooo small business email server and outgoing is set to: Can anyone help me with this problem?
This is the error message I get: "messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then try to download messages again".
Is this a problem that you have just encoutnered or a longer running one. I find that I sometimes get this message if my PC is off (killing the wifi network) or if my internet provider webmail server is down. It may ahve been a glitch that will sort itlsef.
Don't bother phoning and paying fpr Tmobile support - trust me - they don't know anything about the phone you have - stick with the forum!
Hi, I've had this problem from day 1, never been able to send emails
try this
you could try instead of outgoingserver smtp.bizmail
just type in this text
and furthermore leave the boxes requires ssl connection and outgoing mail requires authentication OPEN.
hope this works for you as it works for me.
Thanks for the suggestion... Tried it, but still no success. Anybody else?
DO you use outlook elsewhere for this/these accounts and have you double checked that the settings are identical?
Can you send via GPRS?

Radio from official FUZE ROM Breaking MMS

Is it just me or is anyone experiencing a "Forbidden" error when sending/receiving MMS after updating to AT&T's new ROM with Radio?
I've reflashed the updated AT&T ROM and then flashed NRG's latest 6.5 ROM with the correct Rilphone.dll and still have the Error. I even tried sending from the new stock ROM and got the error. I did this multiple times to make sure it wasn't a bad flash and still have the "Forbidden" error. Did I do something wrong when I flashed the new ROM and Radio? The settings in MMS are correct and I didn't load anything else prior to testing MMS.
At first I thought it was AT&T and wasted over 30 minutes with a rep that knew next to nothing. Then it dawned on me that this all started after I updated to the new ROM/Radio release for AT&T on HTC's website. So, I reverted back to the original shipped ROM with Radio, flashed NRG's latest 6.5 ROM and can now send/receive MMS.
I had the same forbidden error and had to talk to tech support from att.. apparently it's because i had placed my sim into an iphone and we all know iphones can't send mms so it registered into their system that i was using an iphone thereby causing the iphones imei to register to my number hence why it's forbidden to send/receive a mms. did you perhaps do something similar?
ATT0001 file can't open it
Hey Guys... sorry than I can't help to solve your problem.. But i have a problem too with the MMS... what happens is that every time I send or receive a mms to a windows mobile phone comes as ATT0001 file and I can not open .. I need help with this thanks
Loner2DEnd: I did but only to unlock one. I've done this before and have never had that problem up. I only noticed that I wasn't able to send/receive MMS after I had the official update from HTC for the FUZE. I was on the phone with the tech and they told me that using my SIM in an iPhone wouldn't have updated my account. You can log onto your online account with AT&T and see what phone/IMEI is registered with your account. Mine still has my FUZE and correct IMEI. Everything is working now that I reflashed the original shipped ROM with the Radio.
I downloaded another copy of the ROM update from HTC for the FUZE and ran the same tests to see if maybe it was a corrupted file/bad flash and I still had the same issues with MMS. My internet still worked but I got the same Forbidden Error. For now, I'm going to just stay with my current (original shipped) Radio since everything's working.
Dannyedilber: I'm not familiar with that Error. Sorry man. I don't know much about MMS and had to do some homework and some trial and error to finally find this solution. Maybe one of the seniors can answer your question.
I've had this problem a few times but usually fixes itself after a reset or a quick disconnect/reconnect of the radio.
I find that if I leave my data on for an extended period of time, it seems to happen. Almost like AT&T is seeing the high traffic and cutting me off.
Also check to make sure you guys don't have Data disabled in your accounts.
@Dannyedilber: I don't even know what an "ATT0001" file is?
@Loner2DEnd: My wife just returned her iPhone because she said it sucks compared to Windows Mobile (smart girl eh?) and went back to her old Samsung Blackjack. We did this yesterday, after her having the iPhone for a little under 30 days. I just sent her a picture and she got it.
From AT&T
The data network works for all of our devices and the Windows Mobile devices are the only ones that seem to have had some issues with the way the data network is configured. Rather than trying to re-configure and potentially break the network for other users, we have been working on a fix for the Windows Mobile issue. We have a fix that will be implemented by the end of this quarter and we should have the problem resolved at that time.
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From AT&T
Just wanted to let you know that I did get an update. The project to "fix" the 403 error is moving forward. Right now we plan to have the implementation complete in June with Project closure in Early July. I will follow up again in about a month to see the status and provide closure information.
Just for clarification: This project hasn't slipped a month, we keep the project open during a "soak" period to ensure that everything is going as expected. Also, as we apply the fix to the elements in the network the fix will be applied to certain markets and complaints should drop for that market dramatically. I haven't seen this issue in a while here so I believe that the patch has been applied for the Minneapolis market.
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An easy temporary fix is to put your phone into flight mode and then take it out. A new data connection almost always works. Worst case scenario soft reset the phone.
so its by market then?
I flashed the new rom about last week, had no issues receiving and sending MMS on it and on NATF's 4.7 rom.
Still No MMS
nmbr6 said:
...An easy temporary fix is to put your phone into flight mode and then take it out. A new data connection almost always works. Worst case scenario soft reset the phone.
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My MMS is not working incoming or outgoing. I have tried it from TF3D2, Titanium, after reset, after airplane mode and reset with no success. I put my SIM card in my backup phone and MMS send and receive worked flawlessly. I do not get the forbidden error message some of you have gotten; it just does not work. I have reset the RegEdit keys several times and they are currently set at 1.2mb. I know that 6oo K is at&t max, but the two test MMS messages are 77K and 317k. Thanks - David.
Black C5 said:
My MMS is not working incoming or outgoing. I have tried it from TF3D2, Titanium, after reset, after airplane mode and reset with no success. I put my SIM card in my backup phone and MMS send and receive worked flawlessly. I do not get the forbidden error message some of you have gotten; it just does not work. I have reset the RegEdit keys several times and they are currently set at 1.2mb. I know that 6oo K is at&t max, but the two test MMS messages are 77K and 317k. Thanks - David.
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It sounds like you have a different issue altogether. My posts were answers from AT&T strictly for the 403 forbidden issue.
Player911 sorry that I was not very specific...whats happening is when I send a ATT MMS to someone who have a HTC touch pro to her hotmail account.. she can't open it because the picture come as ATT0001.. even when I send att MMS to myself at my email account I receive as a ATT0001
Need help with this guys.. please
Sorry my english
Hi All:
First off thank you for the info in resolving this issue. Since swithing back to the original shipped ROM with radio then flashing EnergyROM 3.0 Phoenix 6/12, I've had no problems with MMS Forbidden Error. It's been a week now and I've had no data/network issues either. I'll try again with the new Radio/ROM this weekend when I have some free time and will report back. Thanks everyone!
Tru using a registry editor and go in and change the registry in Arcsoft under HKLM>Software>Arcsoft>Arcsoft MMS UA>Config>MM1>MMSCSetting>SampleMMSC>Wap1SendDefault and Wap2SendDefault and change to a desired number. For instance, I have 102400 set to send up to 1MB.
See if that allows you to send.
try enabling ATT's proxy. This always works for me.
1. Enable the proxy
2. Kill the data connection
3. Reconnect data
4. Try sending or receiving.
This has worked countless times for me.

On Rogers with SMS time problem..

Hey all, i originally posted this problem in January, still no fix.
Wondering if any of the new folks to the forum have any suggestions.
I am using an unlocked TG01 from Orange (UK) on Rogers in Canada (GMT -5), using the official 6.5 ROM. CE OS 5.2.21840 (Build 21840.5.0.60)
My SMS messages recieved are logged 5 hours behind current time. My SMS messages sent are logged at the current time. My suspicion is that it has to do with the origin of the phone, from the UK.
I have searched xda forums and modaco forums, microsoft, and google.
I have total commander, and have modified the registry in a few was, as described below:
I have added the TrustTimeZoneField field dword (in HKLM\System\Phone Settings\OEM ... or whatever it was.)
I have modifed HKLM\Time Zones to include Eastern Standard Time with the proper TZI file.
I have tried to set the timezone to another setting (like GMT -3) reset the phone, and then change it back, and it doesn't not work.
I have download a cab file that was supposed to fix it too.
I am looking for any other ideas, please, and thanks.
Rogers Canada Connections Settings
I followed rogers settings I found on from another site , but although I managed to get the sms working, MMS is still ignoring me. I also cannot connect to the internet/skype using 3G, only wifi, which is quite annoying.
Anyhow, give this a try and see where you get. I found that the Toshiba framework doesn't allow you to add all of these settings, so that might be part of the problem. Anyone have a .cab that might allow for a more comprehensive wifi/3G settings input?
Settings: I followed this from another site , but although I managed to get the sms working, MMS is still ignoring me. I also cannot connect to the internet/skype using 3G, only wifi, which is quite annoying.
Anyhow, give this a try and see where you get. I found that the Toshiba framework doesn't allow you to add all of these settings, so that might be part of the problem. Anyone have a .cab that might allow for a more comprehensive wifi/3G settings input?
source site:modmymoto, forums, thread 17207
Could you provide a direct link to that thread? I'm not able to find it.
ya i got the same problem but with the topaz
Anyone out there got a "new" fix?
Rogers settings
Hi, I can't remember where i found this, but here is a .cab file for rogers EDGE, and sms settings. Works easy for hard resets.
that_dood said:
Hi, I can't remember where i found this, but here is a .cab file for rogers EDGE, and sms settings. Works easy for hard resets.
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Thanks for the reply. I applied the cab, soft reset, test SMS has the same problem. Time sent 2:16am, time recieved 10:16pm
Did you ever get your mms working?? I got mine going with this

[SOLVED]No multimedia msgs - phone problem??

So, this morning was the first day of school for my kids. Of course I snap several photos then go to txt the pictures to the grandparents. And the phone goes to send..... and then just sits there.... for ages. Then eventually errors out. Odd, but you know, at&t is kind of crap so I figure I'll try it when I get to work. A few mins later I receive a picture msg from my sister and I cannot open that either.
Anyway, it looks like I cannot send or receive multimedia messages now. After chatting with the at&t support person for what seemed like hours, he says the problem is likely with my phone and i need to do a warranty replacement.
I am thinking that's a ROM bug/issue, right? Would doing a master reset possibly fix this? Has anyone else had this problem? (I'm running the at&t official GB ROM, I did not do the OTA update though. I did the full pudding/root pre-install load.
Mmm, I don't how it is named in English, but you should have something called "data management" in the setting.
In there there a 2 menus : in the first "data stream control" (or something like that, again I have a French rom) you should deactivate it or MMS can not been sent/received.
At least that was the case for me. This also prevent from doanloading app with only 3g, you must have wifi.
This is quite annoying because I can't control the data AND send MMS but wel... maybe there is another workaround.
Edit : I'm in 2.2.2, I don't know if that will be the same in 2.3.4.
You need to have the correct APN settings. Check in your Mobile Network options.
Who is your service provider?
Hot damn rush! I had changed my APN to a custom one a while ago (just apn defined as 'phone' nothing else set.) I changed it back to the default HSDPA and la-da!
I wonder why that custom APN stopped working?
Glad you have it working now, enjoy.

