what do u do for hardcopy of all contacts on single page - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 ROM Development

we are constantly updating our handsets but i was wondering about a method to get all contacts printed on a single or double page via printer by saving them as CSV or some method which you might know to get all 300 contacts into paper format for safe backup as a hardcopy. which method would you use which can print them all in one go with minimum number of pages?

kamalneet said:
we are constantly updating our handsets but i was wondering about a method to get all contacts printed on a single or double page via printer by saving them as CSV or some method which you might know to get all 300 contacts into paper format for safe backup as a hardcopy. which method would you use which can print them all in one go with minimum number of pages?
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Well, the most simple way is to synchronize with Outlook on your PC and print it from that application. In that case you can have it anyway you like!

thanx any application names are invited


Edit Contact Fields?

Is there any way I could change the contact fields. For example...I want to add another cellphone num......because on the orig fields only one mobile num is allowed.....anyone? :?:
damoncarl said:
Is there any way I could change the contact fields. For example...I want to add another cellphone num......because on the orig fields only one mobile num is allowed.
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From what I've gathered, not really. Although I'm not a hardcore Pocket database hacker. You could put a second mobile phone under 'car', which would at least leave intact the ability to send SMS to that number. But having used the Nokia 9210, I will readily agree this Pocket Outlook thing just isn't good enough as a contacts manager.
I use Agenda Fusion as a third party add-on because I like their easy entry of calendar items (among other things) but it also has these limitations because it interfaces with the same database underneath.

How can I edit contacts in batch?

Hello, I must edit all my contacts to remove area code. My new mobile carrier doesn't support it. I've tryed export it from google to csv -dos, csv outlook. Then I edited with Excel and removed the numbers, but when I try to import it, everything went wrong, without any configuration/
Does someone know any app that to this job? Or someone know how must I proceed? Thank you !
why don't you define in excel maximum digits as the length of your numbers?
for example if you have this number stored:
10123456789 (1 is the area code)
execute in excel so it saves the last 10 digits so it'll apear like this:
you should limit the numbers of characters in a cell.
i actually don't remember the exact steps but i'm sure you could find it with search, it should shorten your "work".
good luck !
You should be able to export from Google as CSV edit in Excel then reload as CSV
actually I tried all those things, and when I try to export it again to google, I lost the previous settings.
I found a brasilian app "operadora DDD" and it does the job! It´s in portuguese, but u can acess the app, then UNCHECK "ativar", and press menu on your phone. U must chose "alterar agenda", click on the number and try every option. when u check some box, the number change showing your choice (with/out " ( ) ", "-", "+" etc)
raphaelmo said:
actually I tried all those things, and when I try to export it again to google, I lost the previous settings.
I found a brasilian app "operadora DDD" and it does the job! It´s in portuguese, but u can acess the app, then UNCHECK "ativar", and press menu on your phone. U must chose "alterar agenda", click on the number and try every option. when u check some box, the number change showing your choice (with/out " ( ) ", "-", "+" etc)
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I used to use Contacts Clean-up by Peter Baldwin, but that is not compatible with newer versions of Android. If you have access to an older phone, you could use that to edit them and then resync to the new phone. That's probably what I'm going to do tomorrow...
hmm, this is interesting and yet frustrating. I'm also in need to edit my contacts in batch, especially to change the area code and include a country code, but it seems that the .csv that I've edited cannot be read by google contacts.
anybody can get around with this?
AzureV said:
hmm, this is interesting and yet frustrating. I'm also in need to edit my contacts in batch, especially to change the area code and include a country code, but it seems that the .csv that I've edited cannot be read by google contacts.
anybody can get around with this?
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Download my phone explorer to your windows PC From Here
Srart my phone explorere on your PC then go to File > Settings > Sync andmake sure the setting are like the screen clip in the thumbnails below
Connect your phonevia USB it will install teh client on your phone, once it connected (you may have to give it a name) click on Contact (to expand the list if it is not already expaneded) then click on phone and click the Blue sync icon from the top menu bar.
Once your contacts are listed make any changes you want when finished just click sync again this will update the changes to the phone.

[Q] Can someone help me find an email client with these basic features please?

I've been on Android about 6 months now. First I had a Galaxy Note & now I have a Galaxy Note 2. In that time I've tried around 30 email clients (some free & some paid versions) but I've still not some across a client that can offer me some (what I consider) very simple features.
What I'd like the client to do is:
1. Be able to resize within the email view so I can see the whole email (or at least the width of it if the mail is longer than one page length). This is such a simple thing but the only one I've found that does this is the official Hotmail client but that brings with it a whole load of other issues... Even the Gmail client doesn't let you do this & you're forced to scroll around the screen trying to put together a virtual jigsaw puzzle in your head of what the whole email should look like.
2. Be able to set an option in the settings to always allow images. Again a simple feature. Something similar to the Gmail app would also be OK where you set it for each sender separately.
3. Always display as HTML.
4. Push notifications that display the message title/sender in the notification.
Hopefully someone knows of such a client but I haven't found one yet.
Thanks for your help people.
Nuwidol said:
I've been on Android about 6 months now. First I had a Galaxy Note & now I have a Galaxy Note 2. In that time I've tried around 30 email clients (some free & some paid versions) but I've still not some across a client that can offer me some (what I consider) very simple features.
What I'd like the client to do is:
1. Be able to resize within the email view so I can see the whole email (or at least the width of it if the mail is longer than one page length). This is such a simple thing but the only one I've found that does this is the official Hotmail client but that brings with it a whole load of other issues... Even the Gmail client doesn't let you do this & you're forced to scroll around the screen trying to put together a virtual jigsaw puzzle in your head of what the whole email should look like.
2. Be able to set an option in the settings to always allow images. Again a simple feature. Something similar to the Gmail app would also be OK where you set it for each sender separately.
3. Always display as HTML.
4. Push notifications that display the message title/sender in the notification.
Hopefully someone knows of such a client but I haven't found one yet.
Thanks for your help people.
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Have you tried Enhanced Email? It does all these things that you're looking for.
omitav said:
Have you tried Enhanced Email? It does all these things that you're looking for.
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Thanks. I downloaded Enhanced Email from the play store. It does most of the stuff but doesn't let you know the source or title of the incoming mail. Just tells you that you have new mail.
Also having some problems with formatting emails in mobile view.
It's probably the best I've tried though.
You probably won't find an email client that tells you the sender and title because usually people receive multiple emails at a time from various senders.
And try K 9 mail
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
Having used enhanced email for a few days I can say that it's definitely not up to use full time. When ever I reboot my phone it deletes my Hotmail account, it doesn't notify properly, has no push for Gmail, can't format html into mobile view effectively & has a poor gui. Very expensive for why it does.
I have tried K9 before & unless it's been updated recently there isn't an option to resize an email so that the while mail is displayed at once is there?
Nuwidol said:
Having used enhanced email for a few days I can say that it's definitely not up to use full time. When ever I reboot my phone it deletes my Hotmail account, it doesn't notify properly, has no push for Gmail, can't format html into mobile view effectively & has a poor gui. Very expensive for why it does.
I have tried K9 before & unless it's been updated recently there isn't an option to resize an email so that the while mail is displayed at once is there?
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What do you mean resize your email? You can pinch to zoom in it though, I used it a week or so ago
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
gagdude said:
What do you mean resize your email? You can pinch to zoom in it though, I used it a week or so ago
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
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Yes, you can pinch to zoom but I'd like to display the whole email on screen at once & then decide which part of the email I'd like to zoom into (if any). K9 & most other Android clients don't allow this. The only app that I've found that can do this at all is the official Hotmail app but the rest of the app is so basic its shocking. It doesn't allow you to always show images & on my current phone its a 3 click process to show images (in every mail you view). It also truncates all mails to a maximum of 100kb do anything over this takes a further 3 clicks to display properly. Very poor.
Try Aquamail. I absolutely love it, and it has all these features. Their mobile view is the main reason I use it. Make sure you pick up the latest beta version 4 here: www.aqua-mail.com/?page_id=217
The mobile view used to be incorporated into the appstore version. The developer took it out temporarily, and it is only in the latest beta.

[Q] Merging Whatsapp history for 2 numbers

Is it possible to merge the chat history for 2 Whatsapp accounts since I have another number?
Even I am looking for this. I have whatsapp on two numbres. One is running on bluestacks on my pc the other on my phone. Both have the same contacts and almost the same groups. But there are many that I only a member of on the PC. I want to avoid asking the admin to add my new numbers in al those groups. So I was looking for a way to merge it.
Bluestacks is really taking a lot of RAM and CPU power so I have decided to use Web.whatsapp on chrome. My main intention of using bluestacks was to be able to save pictures to my PC without having to connect my phone to the PC.
I saw another guy do with with the Web whatsapp extentinos easily.
Now I know I can just change my number on the phone to the one I was using on Bluestacks.
What I am not sure is how will it merge my account.
I know that I can change number. But I fear if I change the number then Whatsapp will overwrite my new account with the old account settings.
If someone could confirm that does not happen and it actually merges both groups and friends then I could go ahead and do that.

V20 / H990 - Business and Private - One Device!?

Hello erverybody,
I am looking for a solution to use both things on the phone at the same time (Business and Private).
The Problem is to separte the contacts and mails so i wish a similar solution as Samsung my knox / secure Folder.
i have read some small News about LG Gate on the web that this will provide similar functions...
But i can't finde the App on my Phone or in the LG Smart World
at this time i give a try for 'Nine' but this solution is not the best...
Than i will not Sync the Buisiness contacts to my private contacts and so i can see the buisiness contacts of my Exchange account in the Nine App.
This works good but the incoming Phone calls on the Business Sim Card will not identify.
phunkybeam said:
Hello erverybody,
I am looking for a solution to use both things on the phone at the same time (Business and Private).
The Problem is to separte the contacts and mails so i wish a similar solution as Samsung my knox / secure Folder.
i have read some small News about LG Gate on the web that this will provide similar functions...
But i can't finde the App on my Phone or in the LG Smart World
at this time i give a try for 'Nine' but this solution is not the best...
Than i will not Sync the Buisiness contacts to my private contacts and so i can see the buisiness contacts of my Exchange account in the Nine App.
This works good but the incoming Phone calls on the Business Sim Card will not identify.
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If you have root you could enable "mutiuser guest mode" which allows another user to use this device and it is totally seperate access. When you add another user it will walk yoi through the setup wizard again, just like when you first setup your v20.
I can't remember if it can share apps, I think thats optional and has to be set using the primary account.
If you have root you can flash the option to "enable" it here
If you find this or any posts be sure and hit the thanks button on the bottom left. Only saying this because it looks like, by your post count, you are starting to be more active in discussions.
Thank you Stangedriver for you're replay!
But i have found another pefect solution for this case for free and without root rights
The Solutions is "Android Enterprise " based on the Samsung Knox System, here you can creat a Work Container
with seperated Apps and Contacts. The Trial or Demo for Android Enterprise is completely sufficient for this case
- The phone can identify the incoming calls from both Adressbooks
- You can install a second WhatsApp account without a other help app such as parallel system
More infomations you can find here: https://www.android.com/intl/en_uk/enterprise/management/
phunkybeam said:
Thank you Stangedriver for you're replay!
But i have found another pefect solution for this case for free and without root rights
The Solutions is "Android Enterprise " based on the Samsung Knox System, here you can creat a Work Container
with seperated Apps and Contacts. The Trial or Demo for Android Enterprise is completely sufficient for this case
- The phone can identify the incoming calls from both Adressbooks
- You can install a second WhatsApp account without a other help app such as parallel system
More infomations you can find here: https://www.android.com/intl/en_uk/enterprise/management/
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you can use Island by oasisfeng for your purposes..
Link : https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/closed-beta-test-incoming-companion-app-t3366295

