Edit Contact Fields? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Is there any way I could change the contact fields. For example...I want to add another cellphone num......because on the orig fields only one mobile num is allowed.....anyone? :?:

damoncarl said:
Is there any way I could change the contact fields. For example...I want to add another cellphone num......because on the orig fields only one mobile num is allowed.
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From what I've gathered, not really. Although I'm not a hardcore Pocket database hacker. You could put a second mobile phone under 'car', which would at least leave intact the ability to send SMS to that number. But having used the Nokia 9210, I will readily agree this Pocket Outlook thing just isn't good enough as a contacts manager.
I use Agenda Fusion as a third party add-on because I like their easy entry of calendar items (among other things) but it also has these limitations because it interfaces with the same database underneath.


what do u do for hardcopy of all contacts on single page

we are constantly updating our handsets but i was wondering about a method to get all contacts printed on a single or double page via printer by saving them as CSV or some method which you might know to get all 300 contacts into paper format for safe backup as a hardcopy. which method would you use which can print them all in one go with minimum number of pages?
kamalneet said:
we are constantly updating our handsets but i was wondering about a method to get all contacts printed on a single or double page via printer by saving them as CSV or some method which you might know to get all 300 contacts into paper format for safe backup as a hardcopy. which method would you use which can print them all in one go with minimum number of pages?
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Well, the most simple way is to synchronize with Outlook on your PC and print it from that application. In that case you can have it anyway you like!
thanx any application names are invited

SyncML Program

I'm wondering if anyone know a good free SyncML program available?
to what O/S are you trying to sync? i use Synce to sync with Linux:
Hi catfishk,
Thanks for the reply. I'm looking for a client program for the Tytan which this program will not do.
Any one have any suggestion?
tssi said:
Hi catfishk,
Thanks for the reply. I'm looking for a client program for the Tytan which this program will not do.
Any one have any suggestion?
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Try Funambol. It's open source and configurable... let me see... yes, here: https://www.forge.funambol.org/
Thanks Drnoir,
I have look at this product. It is very nice but the only thing that I don't like is that it Sync all your phone contact, and schedule information to the Funambol server. I was looking for a client which will sync with my office instead.
If you tell me what office service you're using, I might be able to help. Let me know what the specific platforms are and what you need to do to be more precise.
Also, bear in mind that it will also work with any service using SyncML services, not just Funambol.
That said, if it's MS Office you're trying to sync, there is also an Outlook Funambol plugin that will let you pull down the data from the Funambol server. Thus, the server is just the bridge to your data sync needs.
Hi drnoir,
It's for a an email system called firstclass by open text http://www.firstclass.com/ .
I know, not many people used it but our organization is using it.
tssi said:
Hi drnoir,
It's for a an email system called firstclass by open text http://www.firstclass.com/ .
I know, not many people used it but our organization is using it.
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OK, I did some searching (all hail Google!) and found this article:
http://www.firstclass-groupware.de/FirstClass Extras/S00496427-00496428
with the following instructions:
Basic SyncML device setup
To transfer data from your device or application to your FirstClass account, make sure that the field names you enter match the names on FirstClass. To begin your device setup:
1 Open the SyncML client or menu on your device (refer to your product documentation).
2 Open the settings or profile item (different vendors use different terms for this).
3 Enter the Server URL/address of the FirstClass synchronization server as provided by your system administrator.
It will look something like:
http://<IP address of FirstClass Internet Services server>/cgi-bin/sync
4 Enter your FirstClass user ID and password in the appropriate fields.
5 Select the data types you want to synchronize.
You must set the folder/database names as follows:
Data Type Enter
for contacts contacts
for calendar events calendar
for tasks (to-do items) tasks
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Please note that both the account, the server and the desktop client need to be configured too. Instructions are further down the line on the original document.

[APP] My Position - send your position to others

With My Position it is possible to se actual GPS information via the phones built in GPS and send the position to others via sms or email.
When sending the position via sms or email it is possible to enter a telephone number or email address. It is also possible to select a contact from the contact list.
Sending the position is possible in three diffirent ways.
1) As coordinates which can be inserted directly in Google Earth or Google Maps.
2) As a link to Google Static Maps. When the receiver opens the link the phones default web browser connects to the internet and shows the position on a map in 400x400 pixel resolution.
3) As a link to Google Maps. This option is mostly suitable when sending the position via email.
It is also possible to see ones own position on a map where Google Static Map is being used. The phones default web browser will open and connect to the internet and shows the position on a map in 400x400 pixel resolution.
This is a very good function when you are in a big city with many streets.
There is also a sos function which sends the position and a message of help. Again it is possible to send via sms or email.
The application is developed on a HTC Touch Diamond 2 with Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro. Maybe the aplication can be used on other WM 6.1 phones but that have not been tested.
The application requires .NET Compact Framework 3.5 which can be found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2ZGV1DNJ (to HTC TD2).
When the application is installed it can be found in Start --> All --> My Position by using TouchFLO.
Everyone is welcome to express theirs opinion about the program, cons, pluses etc.
Last I want to tell that installation is ones own responsibility.
All pictures:
A couple of problems
This app is so close to what I want but it has a few problems.
When selecting a contact to send to, it adds a right paren ")" to the email address or phone number. It also includes this person's name when sending an SMS message. This causes the email to bounce and the phone number to be invalid for an SMS message.
When sending a message with a Google Maps link it would be nice to be able to select which language to use for Google Maps. I would like the english version.
Does anyone know of another app with similar functionality?
3/7 update, I found this app, GPSLocation and am using it instead.

[Q] Fields in GS2 Contacts

Dear all GS2 holders,
I'd like to know to what extent how GS2's contacts compatible with Gmail's contacts?
I am using HTC Incredible S, all fields and data in Gmail's contacts can be synchronized with Incredible S and vice versa.
However, I have the experience that Sony Ericcson's Arc which it even doesn't have birthday field and many other fields in its Contacts. Have to download 3rd party app to show those fields on the phone. Therefore I am worried whether Galaxy SII's contacts is fully compatible with Gmail's contacts that all fields can be synchronized properly.
It would be great if you can take some photos to show how many standard and customized fields in the Contacts on GS2. Thank you!
it allows 1st name, 2nd name, home/mobile/work/home fax/work fax/pager/other/custom number, internet call, home/work/other/custom email, multiple IMs, address, organisation, notes, nickname, website, birthday, anniversary
i'm pretty sure it'll be fine for you
viva.fidel said:
it allows 1st name, 2nd name, home/mobile/work/home fax/work fax/pager/other/custom number, internet call, home/work/other/custom email, multiple IMs, address, organisation, notes, nickname, website, birthday, anniversary
i'm pretty sure it'll be fine for you
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Thanks for your reply, really appreciate it.
Is it only has 1st and 2nd names? how about prefix, suffix and middle name as shown in my attached screenshot of Gmail contacts?
scott4 said:
Thanks for your reply, really appreciate it.
Is it only has 1st and 2nd names? how about prefix, suffix and middle name as shown in my attached screenshot of Gmail contacts?
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Yes, it also allows the following fields:
Middle name
Family name
Name suffix
Phonetic given name
Phonetic middle name
Phonetic family name
Sleepycat3 said:
Yes, it also allows the following fields:
Middle name
Family name
Name suffix
Phonetic given name
Phonetic middle name
Phonetic family name
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Fantastic! Any photos? ^^
scott4 said:
Fantastic! Any photos? ^^
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Here you go. This is the New Contact-screen.
mljjlm said:
Here you go. This is the New Contact-screen.
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You are so great! thanks!

[Q] Display contacts in an auto expanded list. Is there an app?

I've been searching all over and can't seem to find a suitable app for this.
A family member has jumped from an endless parade of dumbphones to an Android based smartphone. Got all setup with a Google account and then I sat for about an hour or so manually entering names and numbers into Google Contacts, so they'll sync all nice and easily to the phone.
Now, no matter how I try to explain it, she doesn't quite get that if you open the contacts list on the phone and select a name, it presents you with all configured numbers, home, cell, work, etc, which you then just tap one to call.
No, she'd rather do extra work and create a separate contact, one for each possible number. "So that it looks like it used to...."
"Mr Contact One (home)"
"Mr Contact One (cell)"
"Mr Contact One (work"
So, does anyone know of a contacts app that displays all numbers in an auto-expanded list? Sort of like...
"Mr Contact One"
\_555-555-5555 (home)
555-111-5555 (cell)
555-222-5555 (work)

