help required - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

Hi guys,
I've got a T-Mobile MDA Vario 2 (Hermes).
i used the "HTC Hermes SIM & CID Unlocker *New* version v3a" tool so i could then load any ROM i want. I followed the instructions perfectly and then ran the unlocker, and that went fine too, however, when i'm trying to change to a particular ROM version, it gives me a "error 101 : Connection Error" after it tries to check the status of the gets to the tricolour bootloader screen absolutely fine and the screen shows the following -
IPL - 1.01
It sits saying 'Checking the information onyour device..........please wait' for around 2 minutes, then kicks back and gives me the "Error 101 : Connection Error".
I have tried the search function, but there's not a lot i can find on the problem.
Can anyone help?

That drove me crazy too until I finally found a post on another board explaining what to do.
If you notice when the updater is running, your activesync program will exit. Immediatelly restart activesync when you see it exit. It will not reconnect to your device, in fact it will show not connected but that is ok. The ruu is only using the activesync program, not to actual connection to communicate with your device.
I actually created an easily accessible activesync icon on the desktop of my PC so I can restart it quickly. Watch it closely, I have had the activesync program exit up to two times before I ever get the installation underway.
I guess this is normal, based on what I have read elsewhere.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you are successful with this method.


SPL flash failing

I'm following Mr Vanx's guide for upgrading my Jasjam from WM5 to WM6, but am having trouble with flashing the new bootloader onto the device. It's a second-hand telstra imate. I just bought it off ebay a couple of weeks ago and need to upgrade it to get it to read sdhc memory cards. I can't get it to connect to optus' (my mobile contract provider) mobile internet either, which I did via GPRS on my old phone. I'm hoping by upgrading the OS I can remove all of Telstra's code so It's not trying to connect to telstra's 3g network when I start the web browser.
When I get to the last step of the Hard-SPL installation, where the "updater will flash the new SPL and then restart your device (this will take generally less than a minute)" , the phone restarts almost immediately after clicking yes when prompted on the phone. The screen quickly goes to the bootloader screen, which says
"herm 100
Herm 100
The PC says that it can't connect to the phone and I should check the cable, which is still connected
The phone stays on the bootloader screen until I hit the soft reset, and WM5 boots like normal.
Has anyone else had this happen?
Same problem over here. I had the problem before. But i fixed it! The only question is how did i do that? short term memory.
I'm trying to solve the problem. If its solved i will let you know.
Till then hang on
I've been trying again today. Still getting the same result, though I figured out if I just leave it when it gets to the bootloader screen, the pc I'm installing from eventually comes up with Error 260.
I'm thinking now that the XP firewall may be the issue, but I'm having trouble disabling it because it's managed by "group policies" (it's a work computer). I'm going to try either finding out which port to unblock, or starting the pc in safe mode so I can disable the firewall altogether.
I fixed the problem with the following softwaretool Hypercore. Just intergrate the Hard spl from olipro. After this the error dissapears.

M3100 ROM Upgrade

Hi, Excuse me if this has been answered already but I couldn't find it if it has!
I'm trying to upgrade my M3100 to WM6 - Schaps 4.31. I've unlocked the phone and installed Hard SPL v7. When it goes through the Schaps upgrade, I get to the final 'next' button, press it and then the progress bar appears. The M3100 screen goes blank, activesync closes and then the upgrade hangs. Then a Error 260 conection message comes up and, after a few minutes, the M3100 bursts into life.
I've tried resetting the PC and the M3100 with no sucess. I am using Activesync 4.5 & Windows XP SP2
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Try disabling all firewalls, it may be worth trying to flash using the SDCard method. This is a very common issue I'm sure if you search the forum for 260 you will find loads of entries.
Also have a read of this which should help you.
The official Orange M3100 ROM (and probably most official ROMs) comes with a doc which explains all of the error numbers and what to do.
My suggestion would be to do the following as you'll be told to try this before looking further into it:
instead of connecting to ActiveSync and running the update .exe file, do this:
Disconnect device from desktop PC altogether;
Open ActiveSync;
Go into File > Connection Settings and UNcheck the 'allow USB' option - odd as that may seem;
Put your Hermes into bootloader mode (press and hold left-side 'ok' button and right-side 'power' button whilst soft-resetting with stylus), seeing tri-colour screen and the word 'Serial';
When in tri-colour screen, with 'Serial' displayed, THEN connect device to desktop PC via USB cable, even though you've disabled USB connections;
'Serial' will change to 'USB' on the tri-colour screen;
Run the update from Schap's or whoever.
Hopefully that will have worked. Good luck, mon ami.
Chunkymonkey, Progress I think....
Bootloader screen comes up but now I get 1% progress on the update and then Error 244 Invalid Model ID.
For info - bootloader screen reads:-
SPL-2.10 Olipro
pbunn said:
Chunkymonkey, Progress I think....
Bootloader screen comes up but now I get 1% progress on the update and then Error 244 Invalid Model ID.
For info - bootloader screen reads:-
SPL-2.10 Olipro
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Invalid Model ID?
Although you have Olipro's clever rework of SPL on (good), have you also Super-CIDed your M3100?
chunkymonkey said:
Invalid Model ID?
Although you have Olipro's clever rework of SPL on (good), have you also Super-CIDed your M3100?
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Click to collapse
I thought I had - I tried a Vodafone SIM card in it and it worked. I'll do it again to be sure.
Used HTC Hermes SIM & CID Unlock - v3a to Super-CID - I still get the error 244 Invalid ID....
are you connecting thru a usb hub/multi port,if so dont,,,,,, only connect thru a direct usb connection
pbunn said:
Used HTC Hermes SIM & CID Unlock - v3a to Super-CID - I still get the error 244 Invalid ID....
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Odd. Should only do that when the Hermes believes the ROM you're using isn't meant for it.
Can't remember if the Super-CID happens automatically with the SIM-unlock using that tool or if it is optional. If it was optional, might want to make sure it actually IS super-CID as you might just be sim-unlocked maybe.
To check CID status use mtty.exe. Put your phone into bootloader, disable USB connections in ActiveSync on desktop PC (File > Connections > Disable USB connections) and then plug Hermes to PC. Run mtty and type task 32. Response "Level=0xFF" means it's NOT Super-CID. Response "Level=0" means it IS Super-CID.
Came back with "level=0" but still no joy flashing the rom.
I'm trying to upgrade my M3100 to WM6 - Schaps 4.31. I've unlocked the phone and installed Hard SPL v7. When it goes through the Schaps upgrade, I get to the final 'next' button, press it and then the progress bar appears. The M3100 screen goes blank, activesync closes and then the upgrade hangs. Then a Error 260 conection message comes up and, after a few minutes, the M3100 bursts into life.
I've tried resetting the PC and the M3100 with no sucess. I am using Activesync 4.5 & Windows XP SP2
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I had exactley the same problem with my M3100.
Try using a different USB port on your PC. Don't what the difference was but it worked for me.
Re downloaded Schaps_WM6Pro_Hermes_4.30_WWE_Full.exe and all seems to work OK. Not sure if there was an issue in the original download but it all looks cool now.
pbunn said:
Re downloaded Schaps_WM6Pro_Hermes_4.30_WWE_Full.exe and all seems to work OK. Not sure if there was an issue in the original download but it all looks cool now.
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probably would have been worth loading 4.31 WWE. Very stable and fast.
pbunn said:
Re downloaded Schaps_WM6Pro_Hermes_4.30_WWE_Full.exe and all seems to work OK. Not sure if there was an issue in the original download but it all looks cool now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nice one mate
Now gone to version 4.31 and the phone skin has gone back to the old style.
Do you know where I can get the updated one from? Is there a cab file available?
if you go to --> Start > Settings > Today it should show a list of themes you can apply. just select one and press 'ok'. sorry if this isnt what u mean
raggers said:
if you go to --> Start > Settings > Today it should show a list of themes you can apply. just select one and press 'ok'. sorry if this isnt what u mean
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No that's not what I mean. In version 4.30 there was a different phone pad tothe one I have with version 4.31 - it has gone back to a wm5 type. Also - there is no 'Airplane' mode in connection manager that allows me to turn everthing off in one hit.

Cingular 8524, upgrade to, in Vista, getting 294 error

Alright so I am so frustrated with this...and I am sure there is a simple solution for it. The screen on my old 8525 got messed up and since it was under waranty they sent me a replacement...the screen is ok on the replacement, but the phone isn't working (shows exclamation point next to "wine glass" rather than signal strength bars).... after hours and several phone calls to tech support, High End Devices waranty dept and who knows where else, it was determined that the current ROM version is incompatible with the AT&T network, I have to upgrade. So the version of the ROM on the replacement is 2.15.502.3 which makes wonder why in the world would AT&T send me a phone that would not work on their network? (I'm really trying not to vent here...) Anyways so I go to the HTC website as directed by the Tech. Support person download the stuff and after another hour on the phone with HTC and every possible sollution that they know is tried still can't install. I am running a Vista 64 machine and after getting around all the Vista quirks I am finally able to get to the Bootloader screen (button combination is: Side button [Ok] + [Power] Then push [Reset]...if done correctly your phone goes to the 4 bar boot loader screen, if not your phone soft resets and you have to try it again...) anyways in the bootloader screen it goes to the installation bar on both phone and PC and goes to 1%, then durring that one percent I get the horrible "ERROR 294 : INVALID VENDOR ID" on the PC and the Phone resets.....No matter how we have tried it it is always the same thing...redownloaded the file 3 times, restarted the phone about a gazillion times and the PC about 2 or 3 times. What can I do? I would love to have Ms Windows Mobile 6, but all I really want is a working phone....can anyone please help?
Some more info for those of you that can help:
On "Device Information" screen here is what I have:
ROM version: 2.15.502.3
ROM Date: 04/09/07
Radio version: {blank}
Protocol version: {blank}
On Bootloader screen:
In the top (red) section:
(in white)
(in yellow)
and then at the bottom (white) section:
(in black)
(it says Serial when I unplug the USB cable)
I am trying to install the ROM titled:
downloaded from:
found by going to, Support, AT&T 8525, Software Download.
Thank you for any help you can give.
u cant be got an invalid model ID from an 8525 while trying to install an update from at&t itself.
well the solution would simply be to install hardspl (see the sticky) and then install the update. although there are many other easier and faster solutions i think this is the *safest* way. but then the fact that your radio version shows nothing makes me wonder......maybe a corrupted radio or something, which may or may not be related to the invalid model ID error.......anywho, search the forums for error 294 its probably been discussed many times
First of all thanks for your help. So I tried installing the 2.10 - Hard-SPL-V7 and it wont finish the install. I connect the device follow through the installation and when I get to the point where I push Yes on the 8525 the screen goes to the red/green/blue/white bars screen shows
then the Computer shows ERROR [260]: UPDATE ERROR and the installation stops....
error 260 is an open port error, reboot your computer, and try again, if it doesnt work, try a different usb port, also disable watever firewalls or antivirus software you have
Okay so I diabled both the firewall (Windows Firewall) and the antivirus (AVG) and restarted the computer...tried 3 different USB ports...still the same problem....You don't think it could have anything to do with Windows Vista 64 and Windows Mobile Device Center. BEcause as soon as I go into the new Bootloader screen, the WMDC shows that the 8525 is diconnected now...even though it's not. I saw a post on here about installing drivers to get Active Sync on a Vista machine, but the drivers it provides are unsigned and Vista won't let me load what's the next step? And again thank you so much for your help.
Is there any use in putting more effort into this or should I just have AT&T send me a new one?
whether there's any use left is ur decision, dont ask me to help you make your decision.
i know you can install unsigned drivers on vista, i dont know how, use the search. i have also heard that updating wmdc to the latest version helps too.
or you can either try and install hardspl using the microsd card, again use the search.

[solved] What should I do now? Error while ROM flashing

I'm trying to flash my Wizard (T-Mobile Mda Vario to be exact) to WM6 ("SNN Edition Version 3.0 LITE"). And I'm stuck
Before I touched anything that was what I got:
IPL: 2.21.0001
SPL: 2.21.0001
GSM: 02.19.11
OS: 2.21.26
// Just after I got my Wizard I have used lokiwiz03a to be able to use it with my Orange SIM card, but after that I have hard reseted it.
Here's what I have done:
- I'm using a Windows XP computer
1. I took off the SIM card and SD card.
2. Turned on my Wizard and connected it via USB to computer (with the latest ActiveSync - don't know the version but I've just downloaded it from Microsoft site).
3. It has synchronized.
- my battery was 85% full
4. I've downloaded "Wizard Service Tool" and clicked the wide button on the top "Enable RAPI..." or something like that (at the black screen on the left it said that I should click this button before doing anything else with this program). Then I clicked "Device Info" to be sure that I have a G4 Wizard.
5. I have unplugged the Wizard's USB (I don't really know why, but I've been nervous).
6. Then plugged it again and waited until the ActiveSync has synchronized.
7. I've used HardSPL as told in "Wizard Windows Mobile 6 for newbies" - everything came fine. I got the white screen and after my device has restarted I had:
IPL 2.21.0001
SPL 2.21.olip
// I don't remember what OS version was, and I got no GSM line
8. I waited for ActiveSync to synchronize and then ran ROMUpdateUtility_Wizard_NoID.exe (from "SNN Edition Version 3.0 LITE" -
9. I did what the program had told me to do (it has been the same as HardSPL).
10. In one of the final steps (after clicking "UPDATE") it hadn't written any information about "Image Version" and "Language" in "To" section but I didn't take this as an issue and clicked "next".
11. I got the progress bar, my Wizard's screen went black.
12. Finally, on the PC I got the information saying that it can't accomplish the upgrade and I should get a newer version of RUU or something like that (I freaked out and closed that window without making a screen shoot). I didn't get even 1% (I had 0) but I've seen the progress bar.
What I have now on my Wizard are three colored bars on my screen. In the top right corner it's written "RUU", in the bottom left "USB". I also have "IPL 2.21.0001" and "SPL 2.21.olip" written on the bars.
Please tell me what should I do now?
Should I unplug my Wizard's USB from PC?
Should I click any button on my Wizard?
Do I already have a brick or is there a chance for me?
Please help.
Thanks in advance,
From the "Wizard Windows Mobile 6 for newbies" guide, download the Mun RUU and use that. Extract it somewhere and paste the nk.nbf file from the ROM you wish to use and it should be ok. If you reset your wizard it will boot in WM normally. There's nothing wrong with it.
Thank you very much. You gave me hope
I'll do what you've said when I calm down.
Man, that's great. I have the WM6
Thanks a lot again
You are welcome. Glad everything worked out well.

Upgrading my 8525

So I had an 8525 stored in the closed cause i had another phone.
So I powered it up after charging and its been working great.
About a year ago I had upgraded from WM5 to WM6 the official ATT release update.
I want to get 6.5 now but when I try to flash HardSPL7 it fails.
Before doing this I wanted to make sure I could sync and see my memory card, backup data and all that was successful via USB connection.
When I do the SPL it goes all the way to update it so I click on update and my phone asks me that it will run a program that might be harmful. I click yes and it goes to a rainbow colored screen. After about 1 min. My computer closes the connection to the phone and I get an error saying to check usb cable..etc.
On the phone it still shows USB. If i disconnect it it goes to Serial. If I connect it shows USB again, but the Hardspl7 program just closes out because it can't connect.
What could be the problem.
I have windows Vista
I checked troubleshooting but didn't find anything relavant to my problem.
Go to page 116, post 1160 of the Hard SPL thred. It will give you instruction on how to flash Hard SPL using the sd card method.
To flash roms using this method, drop the steps using SSPL.exe (Soft SPL).
Solution found, thread closed

