New AP4 FAQ In the WiKi - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo ROM Development

Greetings to All,
I have started an AP4 FAQ and want to include content and information that is useful to people that have AP4, Who are considering AP4 or are having issues with AP4. Please have a look and let me know if you things you would like added by posting in this thread.
I hope you will find this FAQ usefull.

Thanks for that, you've immediatly answered one of my first questions about the auto rotate thingy - it is a cool function, but doesn't half cause TT to flip out during use

Digital.Diablo said:
Thanks for that, you've immediatly answered one of my first questions about the auto rotate thingy - it is a cool function, but doesn't half cause TT to flip out during use
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Try reading an ebook with that enabled (I disabled it)

i know in the wiki there is a compatibility issue regarding the igo 6 and htc home.. i disbled htc home and i am still not able to launch the igo application.. solution anyone?
i depend on gps everyday in between clients and i cant really use the google maps one .. help please

dj_gabzz said:
i know in the wiki there is a compatibility issue regarding the igo 6 and htc home.. i disbled htc home and i am still not able to launch the igo application.. solution anyone?
i depend on gps everyday in between clients and i cant really use the google maps one .. help please
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There has been a great deal of discussion about this issue in the Kaiser forums since there is alot of wm6.1 development going on there. here is a very good thread on the topic.


Great Cabs for Titan

Until someone figures out how to cook and upload a custom ROM, here are some cab files for the Titan.
The first is the Home Plug-in used by the Touch. It shows the Weather etc. You
The second is a Music Plug-in
The third is a X-Button program. It's button appears at the top right of the today screen. One can close all programs or any one running program easily.
There's also a streaming video cab which lets one watch YouTube on the Titan. This website would not let me upload it. Search for it elsewhere. It's labeled as follows: RvBCrS_HTC_Streaming_Media
Just put these on your device and click.
out of curiosity, how much memory do you have free on a fresh reboot after installing all of these?
Dishe said:
out of curiosity, how much memory do you have free on a fresh reboot after installing all of these?
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i have all 3 installed and after soft reset im at like 20-22 max.
hey thanks for the cabs man they are awesome but i had one question about the audio manager, i have a microsoft zune so i get all my songs thru marketplace but i wont let me pay them on my mogul do to licensing is there anyway to bypass that?
Does anyone know how to make the Weather in Fahrenheit and not Celcius?
What is the difference in the X-button cabs. Some are 120kb and some are 240K? I installed version 1 of x-button and had to hard reset my Mogul. I want to make sure the version and size of the Cab are correct.
sportsfreak2159 said:
Does anyone know how to make the Weather in Fahrenheit and not Celcius?
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hit where you select you city then go to menu/weather options you will see it.
raidens330ci said:
hey thanks for the cabs man they are awesome but i had one question about the audio manager, i have a microsoft zune so i get all my songs thru marketplace but i wont let me pay them on my mogul do to licensing is there anyway to bypass that?
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I'm not sure. I've never bought anything from marketplace. Please give me the URL of the site. What file format is the music in .wma?
I downloaded a song from Sprint and was wondering how to play it on my laptop. The .koz files are supposed to be really compact. However, I'd like to play them on my laptop. Sprint's music store's offerings aren't bad. However, after logging in on my PC, I cannot get to their music store. I've talked with two techies who say they'll fix the link between my account and the music store. So far - No go. At one time, Sprint supposed let you download an mp3 or wma to play on your laptop.
DiSephano's Cab Collection
I've tried to upload several neat cabs to this thread but the system would not allow me.
Here's a link to DiStephano's awesome collection of cabs. Most work on the Mogul.
Schen's 6 Button HTC Home Cab.
Here's a link to Schen's 6 Button Cab. This works good on the Mogul. It has everything in one package. I didn't use the colors but the 6 Button Home is great and makes the device so much more useable. Follow the link and read instructions.
Thanks a ton, I have been looking for the Audio Manager Plugin for a while.
tap on the city then menu in the left corner weather optionsthen you can change it.
great cabs
GeLopez said:
great cabs
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To quote you again from one minute earlier...
GeLopez said:
and this thread is old ...why are we reviving it from the death?
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This one is almost two years old, and I think there are updated versions of each of these programs.
Yea I am starting to think this person is begging for problems.. Here is a post from the Titan/Titan subforum.
He revived yet another post from the grave for no particular reason. What he doesnt realize is that people may actually use the software/information in these old threads and then have to uninstall and install again once locating the newer versions or information. Thats simply not cool.. Even though its not that big of a deal, this place isnt for fooling around.
Please appreciate that this forum has been open that long and prospering. And that XDA still keeps your threads/posts around for years to come. Dont abuse or make fun of the fact that they provide us with those resources.
Cheers XDA
GeLopez said:
yea great job for adding the subforum lol
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Direct link to which thread/post I am referring to.
to me these are great cabs. and i can post that if i want to.
GeLopez said:
to me these are great cabs. and i can post that if i want to.
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Yes you can, but at least practice making usefull posts..
like yours? pleassssseeeeeeee.
now xda has a post moderator who decides what is good and what is not?
then go ahead and delete it if its not good enough
GeLopez said:
to me these are great cabs. and i can post that if i want to.
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No one is saying that you cannot post that; it is merely a question of advisability of reviving a 2 year old thread and bringing outdated applications back to the foreground of the forums.
New users are attracted to the smartphone/pdaphone scene every day, and this website is one of the more prevalent sources of information. Old apps that may or may not work are just going to create problems for newer users if they do not work; and add more unnecessary questions being asked in the forums. When validating a new configuration, it is best to use the latest components that are available unless there is a specific reason for using older components; weather its on a pda or otherwise. New users don't always think of that, or think to search for a newer version, but instead post complaining that X component does not work and ask how to fix it. Leaving things like this buried saves those problems.
And if you like a application or enhancement that much it is not difficult to look for the most updated version you can find, state that its a great app, state that you have posted the most updated version available to you, and state the relavant revisions of radio firmware or OS rom you have validated the component on.
Food for thought
food for thought...i like that

Qwest Mogul Upgraded.. now I need..

Hey all,
Thanks to you guys, I was able to upgrade my Qwest Mogul by installing (in order);
3.35.651.2 Official Sprint ROM
So far, everything appears to work.. I haven't (yet?) encountered any GPS, Bluetooth, Contacts or WiFi issues as I've been reading about, and hope it continues working properly.
I'm now looking to restore/achieve the following;
1.) I want the stock games back
2.) Which GPS launcher is best to use with TomTom Navigator 6 so I don't have to open Google Maps every time?
3.) How can I fully customize the Today screen and the window borders? I thought there was a way when using a custom ROM.. so far, I've found only the stock skins..
for the stock games run a search in the forum for it, i dont use them so i have no idea where they are.
the rom should have included "quickgps" i think it is which should initiate gps for your tomtom.
Today screen is going to be the same, you can't do much to it unless you install WAD/WA, spb mobile shell, etc. Check the dev/hacking section of this site for themes/skins/etc
Glad to hear it all went well. If you really want you can try the kitchen next, you can choose the "entertainment" option for the games, but i'd read up on kitchens quite a bit before messing around with them.
What exactly are the kitchens for? I've got one of them on my desktop and didn't know what to do with it..
.mak said:
What exactly are the kitchens for? I've got one of them on my desktop and didn't know what to do with it..
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I just added a section to the wiki on Kitchens, check it out and let me know if it answers some of your questions.
add link to that wiki
kitchens are used for "cooking" a custom rom.

IGO 8 in PK 4

Hello ,
I did installed the IGO navigation software and I can't open the application .
I got the icon on today , the icon in programs , but no chance to start it. Does not react to any enter , click or anything?
Anybody does have the same problem?
theaxter said:
Hello ,
I did installed the IGO navigation software and I can't open the application .
I got the icon on today , the icon in programs , but no chance to start it. Does not react to any enter , click or anything?
Anybody does have the same problem?
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Yes, Many, many people had this issue and asked the same question. Have you read ANY of the AP4 threads?
It seems based on what I read, that if you uncheck/remove the HTC home screen form the today screen you may get it to work. Not sure as I don't use IGO, if that doesn't work check the various AP4 threads or search the threads
Good Luck!
Agreed I found that disabling the HTC Home plugin allowed iGO8 to run; others have found it necessary to disable Touchflo as well.
I assume you have a legitimate version? The cracked versions can be much more troublesome
NeilM said:
Agreed I found that disabling the HTC Home plugin allowed iGO8 to run; others have found it necessary to disable Touchflo as well.
I assume you have a legitimate version? The cracked versions can be much more troublesome
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Not touchflo, but vueflo. I had some problem with screen orientation when i tried to start the app...
igo 8 touble
had to go back to ap 3 dual, igo is my main app and with ap 4 has probs
gtm55 said:
Not touchflo, but vueflo. I had some problem with screen orientation when i tried to start the app...
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In settings I did tried to stop it , but there is no aption. Either touch or Vue Flo
eagle 1 said:
Yes, Many, many people had this issue and asked the same question. Have you read ANY of the AP4 threads?
It seems based on what I read, that if you uncheck/remove the HTC home screen form the today screen you may get it to work. Not sure as I don't use IGO, if that doesn't work check the various AP4 threads or search the threads
Good Luck!
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I did remove it. Does not work. I did tried to launch the IGO 8 from the today , menu , own folder , programs. Always , no result
with the keybord pressing enter...same.
Is not a legitimate copy, but installed on a Asus 636 works smoothly but not on a real PDA/UMPC
theaxter said:
I did remove it. Does not work. I did tried to launch the IGO 8 from the today , menu , own folder , programs. Always , no result
with the keybord pressing enter...same.
Is not a legitimate copy, but installed on a Asus 636 works smoothly but not on a real PDA/UMPC
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1)disable htc home in today settings
3)disable vueflo from settings/system/athena config app (optional) it may work without this step
4)start igo
gtm55 said:
1)disable htc home in today settings
3)disable vueflo from settings/system/athena config app (optional) it may work without this step
4)start igo
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I've got the info that the last try was unsuccessful , then the splash screen and the application start , but then it goes back to today with no change
anything else that I can check in the settings? I did tried to start the application in 2 resolutions 9medium and low)
theaxter said:
Is not a legitimate copy, but installed on a Asus 636 works smoothly but not on a real PDA/UMPC
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I really don't think we should be providing technical support for warez
apd said:
I really don't think we should be providing technical support for warez
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It's not warez mister Legally Advisor. I assume that you have no demo on your computers / pda . You paid for everything that you are using , and did not remove the commercials from the free items like YM etc.
In this real world , sometimes you have to get first something , see if is working , then when the trial is done , you decide to buy or not to buy. I do not want to put 100 Pounds in something before I see it working.
But I am sure that you are some ASDA customer and you got the PDA from your employer so this problems are not common to you. Please keep away from the posts that are not for you. This is not a food thought forum. Thanks
theaxter said:
. This is not a food thought forum. Thanks
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Here's some 'food thought' for you.
Your exact words were 'Is not a legitimate copy'. Therefore you are using warez. The demo version is legitimate.
apd was quite correct to point out that we will not provide support for warez. We also won't help those with bad attitude, so you are SOL.
gtm55 said:
1)disable htc home in today settings
3)disable vueflo from settings/system/athena config app (optional) it may work without this step
4)start igo
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I couldnt get australian maps till recently and following above instructions with "evaluation"version of Igo8 am running it on ap4 without htc home.
I like it better than Igo2006se as reattaching the keyboard doesnt stuff up the controls.
Also I can change the orientation of the screeen and Igo remains in landscape whereas Igo2006 would again stuff up.
lakeman said:
I couldnt get australian maps till recently and following above instructions with "evaluation"version of Igo8 am running it on ap4 without htc home.
I like it better than Igo2006se as reattaching the keyboard doesnt stuff up the controls.
Also I can change the orientation of the screeen and Igo remains in landscape whereas Igo2006 would again stuff up.
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Unfortunately it does not work , so I had to downgrade to AP 3.5 that sucks and the resolution even more The splash screen was showing up and the App Ini as well , next step the IGO was gone
Pantaloonie said:
Here's some 'food thought' for you.
Your exact words were 'Is not a legitimate copy'. Therefore you are using warez. The demo version is legitimate.
apd was quite correct to point out that we will not provide support for warez. We also won't help those with bad attitude, so you are SOL.
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Do not worry , nobody is asking you. Stay calm and chew your frustrations in other threads.
theaxter said:
Do not worry , nobody is asking you. Stay calm and chew your frustrations in other threads.
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Funny that you're getting so angry if your software is legal...."is not a legitimate copy" were your words.
If warez are condoned on this site, it will eventually have problems. and then we all lose out. Go reflect on that and try not to be quite so sanctimonious next time.
apd said:
Funny that you're getting so angry if your software is legal...."is not a legitimate copy" were your words.
If warez are condoned on this site, it will eventually have problems. and then we all lose out. Go reflect on that and try not to be quite so sanctimonious next time.
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Really .... OMG ?! And who will come to inspect my PDA around the world ?! I think that you have a problem called frustration , cause you can't find cheap software. Try with doctor Phil ....
An intersting scenario I found when on holiday in Slovenia this week- in a quiet moment, I installed the Manila Dialler (I'd never tried it before!); I then forgot I'd done it.
I then needed SatNav in a hurry due to some roadwords and lack of road signs- could I get iGO8 to start? No Soft reset, tried disabling all Today Items, disabling VuFlo- still nothing. Gave up.
Got back to hotel and decided to look in ' Remove Programs' then remembered the Manila Dialler. Removed it, and iGO worked again
So, iGO8 in AP4 doesn't like Manila, or HTC Home, but for me is OK with VuFlo active.

[RELEASE] AKToggleWifi

One of the most common tasks i do many times a day, is turn the wifi in my ATT Tilt on and off. For this I have to go to the Comm Mgr and toggle it on and off. I've always wanted a one tap way of doing it, and had used BatteryStatus in the past, but its icon was too small. With Manilla2D, we dont even have that option anymore, but we do have the nice big manilla launcher.
So i put together some C++ code from myself and from samples around the web, and made a simple exe that just toggles the wifi on and off. I've cabbed it up, so that it will install into \Program Files and put a shortcut in \Windows\StartMenu\Programs called AKToggleWifi.
You can now add it to the Manilla launcher and it will show up as in the attached screenshot.
You can uninstall it from the Settings\System\Remove Programs.
I havent tested it on any device except my Tilt/Kaiser running a 6.1 ROM from Sakajati (Hyperdragon/Blackstone).
let me be the first one to say: THANK YOU.
many, many people have been waiting for this kind of solution before.
nice solution =D
if you got your keyboard open (for the tilt) you can always hit fn + right and it has the same effect. i just discovered the button a few days ago and it made my life easier but so shall this app.
Just flat out awesome. Works perfectly, using the default AT&T WM6.1 ROM minus bloatware.
Thread moved to Dev and Hacking as Per OP request.
Moving to Development & Hacking as requested by OP.
LOL, talk about timing.
P1Tater said:
LOL, talk about timing.
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i use Hbutton for that much more easyier
Wow.....useful. Thanks
rohithathie said:
i use Hbutton for that much more easyier
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to be honest... it's recommended for anyone.. Hbutton is very very fast and works smoothly.. and also very stable.
you can set multiple apps for every button and there are many options to customize the way it loads them... also there are options to assign
Quit, Ok, Toggle WiFi, Toggle BT.. and many more options.
mmh, i use such a wifi toggle since one year, so i´m wonderíng why you made a new one, or did i miss anything ?
the one i´m using at the moment is also here at xda devs:
here is another one that is 2 Years old but i think i rember it works only on wm5 (look at SmartUtilities)
so thank you for your work, but maybe next time some searching ?
big thanks for this function!!!
i'm looking for this for a long time!
i have a P3300 with alot physical buttons
then i searching to activate the wifi without switching to my home screen or comm manage to activate it.
if you can create samething for phone function
i'll be very very happy !!!!
thanks again for your work !!

i wanted something extremely simple to use, needed no configuration and didnt need other apps to be installed on the device. Hence i wrote this in C++. Yes, other tools can do more and thats great, but they all might require some setup. Since i flash often, i wanted something for myself that i can just use without using any brain energy. Hence the simple app. I'm glad some people find it useful... i certainly find it extremely useful for my own usage style. I released it to everyone rather than keep it to myself, because i have benefitted from the work by other developers on this site, and even if 1 other person finds it useful, i'm satisfied.
bluemetalaxe said:
mmh, i use such a wifi toggle since one year, so i´m wonderíng why you made a new one, or did i miss anything ?
the one i´m using at the moment is also here at xda devs:
here is another one that is 2 Years old but i think i rember it works only on wm5 (look at SmartUtilities)
so thank you for your work, but maybe next time some searching ?
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do you mean you want something to turn just the phone radio off, similar to how this one turns wifi off? i'll look into it..havent looked at those api's yet, but it should be possible. However, just out my curiosity, why you want to turn the phone off so often?
Thol said:
big thanks for this function!!!
i'm looking for this for a long time!
i have a P3300 with alot physical buttons
then i searching to activate the wifi without switching to my home screen or comm manage to activate it.
if you can create samething for phone function
i'll be very very happy !!!!
thanks again for your work !!
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akarnik said:
i wanted something extremely simple to use, needed no configuration and didnt need other apps to be installed on the device. Hence i wrote this in C++. Yes, other tools can do more and thats great, but they all might require some setup. Since i flash often, i wanted something for myself that i can just use without using any brain energy. Hence the simple app. I'm glad some people find it useful... i certainly find it extremely useful for my own usage style. I released it to everyone rather than keep it to myself, because i have benefitted from the work by other developers on this site, and even if 1 other person finds it useful, i'm satisfied.
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hehe dude. don't take this the wrong way. no one's judging. developing new apps is ALWAYS good.
cheers for the initiative.
I agree! Good on you for contributing! I want to say thanks for this app and I will be using it.
i am sorry AK and thanks again for your work.i just want to inform that there are allready existing such wifi toggles. they are simple small exe files and dont need any other application or must be modified, like yours.
Thanks for this great tool!, I will save some of my times
Could it be possible to get the same but for bluetooth ?
@akarnik: thanks mate, for a useful application. Cheers!

new to iolite, quick question

Hi guys having my touch diamond replaced on insurance with an xda guide looking fwd to getting hold of it was just wondering cant find anything about it but does the guide have an accelorometer on board like my old diamond many thanks look fwd to chatting when i get it many thanks
Not really the best section for that (you are in the rom developement...), but no, it does not have a G-sensor.
many thanks only realised after i posted sorry but thanks anyway
hudytheone said:
many thanks only realised after i posted sorry but thanks anyway
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Not really a problem, happens every other time to someone...
Best regards,
Not sure if this is the correct thread so I appologise in advance.
Bought an Iolite from O2 which and the phone is currently unlocked.
I cannot install some applications (although I've installed Skype for ex). I get "installation was unsuccesful". I thought is all about decertifying so I looked for information about changing registry values and registry editors etc but apparently, values in registers cannot be changed or deleted. Any ideas, please?

