HOW TO: Dramatically increase DCD ROM performance - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

I've had some "conversations" with others about how the stock VZW roms, at least with the applications I use, are noticeably faster than the dcd roms (I have nothing against the dcd roms - they are great). This includes the original stock rom and the new updated rom.
So last night I decided to stay up late to do some benchmark testing with the updated rom and the dcd 3.2.6 rom - let me just say that it blew trying to do this since I had already updated to the new vzw rom and had to go through that entire "hell" process in getting it all "fixed" in order to get the dcd rom installed.
Anyway, needless to say, I forgot to save the benchmark logs, both times, before flashing (thats what happens when you are tired). Now you are probably wondering "what good then does this thread serve" - I'll tell you.
I used the application SKTools for the testing - in doing so, that was the only application installed on the device and testing proceeded AFTER all the sktools optimization and tweaks were run.
Without hardcore numbers, here are my usage impressions:
SKTools did very little to improve the performance of the updated stock vzw rom. There was an improvement, but not enough to justify spending money on the application (it isnt free, but comes with a trial period).
SKTools, however, SIGNIFICANTLY sped up the performance (and even freed some extra memory) of the DCD rom to the point where the dcd rom is now noticeably faster than the stock rom (again, I've had different experiences than other users, but I know I'm not alone). To be sure, I then installed a bunch of applications I generally use and saw no noticeable decrease in performance with the DCD Rom after running SKTools. I continue to run certain programs within SKTools in order to keep the dcd rom in top shape.
The program is not free ( but it comes with a time-limited trial version, enough time to optimize and tweak the device to its top performance.
I'm going to continue to test both roms (its going to be a long weekend of flashing and calling tech support) but wanted to offer this up for others to take a look into and post their impressions.

Post benchmarks please Numbers don't lie..

Yes, and also, since I also have SKTools, please post exactly what you did with SKTools to increase performance. There is a lot of tweaks and options in SKTools so users (like me) need to know which ones you picked to increase the performance.
Chimp (Tom)

SimpTheChimp said:
Yes, and also, since I also have SKTools, please post exactly what you did with SKTools to increase performance. There is a lot of tweaks and options in SKTools so users (like me) need to know which ones you picked to increase the performance.
Chimp (Tom)
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All of them
Honestly, I ran every performance enhancement and tweak that SKTools allowed
I havent played around with it yet as to whether running all of them are necessary but it sure didnt hurt anything.
As for benchmark numbers - I'm going to have to think about it. Getting that would require going through the entire official VZW upgrade and then downgrade process to get back to where I can run dcd roms since I know for a fact that after the performance enhancements, the dcd will run faster.
It almost doesnt pay to even try to get numbers - more like a "trust me", after running sktools performance enhancements and tweaks with a dcd rom, you'll love it
I can, though, get numbers for the current dcd rom - if someone that has the vzw mr1 update installed wants to get those numbers we can post both
I'll see what I can do this weekend

Yes, and also, since I also have SKTools, please post exactly what you did with SKTools to increase performance. There is a lot of tweaks and options in SKTools so users (like me) need to know which ones you picked to increase the performance.
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yes pleasy, tell us what you did in sktools... i bought the program and i hardly used it... i want to take advantage of all the tweaks it can take...
thanks man!!!

agreed... more detail on what you did in SKtools other then "everything" so the novice user like my self may benifit from the the programs enhancements. other wise this thread is useless

Well let's see...
Under "System Tweaks":
a) Choose "Optimize" and run all the available options. I'm not going to list each one - just run them all. Also, since I only have the trial I could only choose the 6 options they presented but it helped tremendously. I'll probably purchase the program but am holding off for right now
b) Choose "Clean Up" and run "Invalid Registry Entries" and "Invalid Registry Values" Then run "Registry Optimizer"
c) Choose "Maintenance" and run "Windows Startup" - delete all the programs you dont want to run at startup (frees up memory)
Then I ran the FreeUP Ram program (part of sktools but installed seperately) to, well, free up RAM. I run this program occassionally to help with performance.
Thats all I did and saw a huge improvement in the dcd 3.2.6 rom performance. If you have the registered version of SKTools, you will be able to choose more options than what I presented here. Whether it will help further is not known since I couldnt try it.

deeznuts: When you picked the optimize function, which check mark did you have selected? If you click the Action buttion on the lower left, one of the selections (Performance, Memory, Stability, Maximum Memory) should be checked.
Which one did you use?
Chimp (Tom)

SimpTheChimp said:
deeznuts: When you picked the optimize function, which check mark did you have selected? If you click the Action buttion on the lower left, one of the selections (Performance, Memory, Stability, Maximum Memory) should be checked.
Which one did you use?
Chimp (Tom)
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Performance - I think that is the default
Its possible that using different profiles on a dcd rom than on the vzw official update rom will produce similar performance between the two but I only experimented with the performance profile on both roms. Quite frankly, I'm happy now with the dcd rom and no longer see a reason to go back to the vzw rom. I also dont have the time or patience to experiment with all the different profiles on both roms - if someone wants to give it a go, be my guest.

deeznuts2 said:
Well let's see...
Under "System Tweaks":
b) Choose "Clean Up" and run "Invalid Registry Entries" and "Invalid Registry Values" Then run "Registry Optimizer"
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I did that with 3.25 and HHC and another program which I can't remember did not function until I reinstalled it.
I use DinarSoft's Memaid and have it optimized for speed and I have not looked back since.

I didn't notice any increase in performance whatsoever, matter of fact seems a little slower to me, I think DCD has spent enough time with this device that he has it very optimized to begin with, I find it hard to beleive that a "generic" program could possibly increase performance any further than the personal attention and knowledge dcd has put into optimizing his rom.

I've found that SKTools slows down the performance and can lead to registry errors and instability. No thanks.

nonegiven said:
I've found that SKTools slows down the performance and can lead to registry errors and instability. No thanks.
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yes, if you dont know what you are doing and just arbitrarily delete things that the program tells you are "okay" to delete.
Its not for complete noobs - if you dont know what you are doing you can mess up your device. The program is an advance tweak program - not for your average user to just click here and there and then click "go!" with the hope that all will be well.
Its no different than playing around with a kitchen or flashing a custom rom - if you dont know what you are doing, you will run into problems.
jjlwork said:
I didn't notice any increase in performance whatsoever, matter of fact seems a little slower to me, I think DCD has spent enough time with this device that he has it very optimized to begin with, I find it hard to beleive that a "generic" program could possibly increase performance any further than the personal attention and knowledge dcd has put into optimizing his rom.
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Depending on what you did, your results may be different. I found a significant improvement with dcd's rom after running a few of the system tweaks.
And unless anyone actually did re-coding of files, no rom is going to be "optimized". Optimization is more than just leaving out unnecessary files and/or putting in newer versions. Programs like sktools actually change system settings for the os, which usually are not easily changeable without getting into the root of the system and re-coding system files after installation, deeply modifying the regsitry, or re-coding the install files prior to installation. I doubt anyone is doing most of these with their roms.
But again, depending on what you do with these programs, your results will vary - play around, its easy to fix if something goes wrong (which it shouldnt)

deeznuts2 said:
yes, if you dont know what you are doing and just arbitrarily delete things that the program tells you are "okay" to delete.
Its not for complete noobs - if you dont know what you are doing you can mess up your device. The program is an advance tweak program - not for your average user to just click here and there and then click "go!" with the hope that all will be well.
Its no different than playing around with a kitchen or flashing a custom rom - if you dont know what you are doing, you will run into problems.
Depending on what you did, your results may be different. I found a significant improvement with dcd's rom after running a few of the system tweaks.
And unless anyone actually did re-coding of files, no rom is going to be "optimized". Optimization is more than just leaving out unnecessary files and/or putting in newer versions. Programs like sktools actually change system settings for the os, which usually are not easily changeable without getting into the root of the system and re-coding system files after installation, deeply modifying the regsitry, or re-coding the install files prior to installation. I doubt anyone is doing most of these with their roms.
But again, depending on what you do with these programs, your results will vary - play around, its easy to fix if something goes wrong (which it shouldnt)
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Quite the opposite. Noobs might need a program like SKTools to guide you around WM6 but more knowledgeable users have the ability to edit the registry correctly on their own.
If SKTools works for you, I'd suggest sticking with it and not attempting any manual registry editing on your own.

nonegiven said:
Quite the opposite. Noobs might need a program like SKTools to guide you around WM6 but more knowledgeable users have the ability to edit the registry correctly on their own.
If SKTools works for you, I'd suggest sticking with it and not attempting any manual registry editing on your own.
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Please dont assume you know me or what I am capable of doing. I'm well rehearsed in file system modification, thank you very much. That doesnt mean that using programs like SKtools are useless. Nor does it mean that anyone can use it - you still need to understand what the changes mean and what they will end up doing. I would never tell a "noob" to just click on anything in the program. I only suggested that here since folks on this forum are not your typical user.
If you dont like the program, fine. I found it to be a great help hence the reason for posting.

I wonder if dcd uses this program when building his own roms...

In my experience I've found the following:
DCD has tweaked the hell out of these roms for performance. I'm sure he hasn’t performed every tweak possible.. but he's done a lot.
Programs like Tweaks2k2 and SKtools when run across the board may in fact undo many of the tweaks performed by DCD. Because they are designed to work off of the stock settings.
For example DCD may have tweaked some Cache setting entry in the registry from 4K to 16K because he found the performance to be best... A program Like SK tools may change that to 8k, Because 8k would normally improve performance over the default 4k setting.
Also.. those of you who do a full backup (including the Registry) Then install a DCD rom, then restore may have also overwritten DCD default tweaks. So a Tool like this could increase performance for you… more than someone who didn’t perform a restore.
When you install a DCD Rom, you should re-install your software either manually or with an automated tool.. restoring from backup is probably not the best idea because you risk losing the latest performance tweaks. This is the cause of LOTS of the people reporting that "this or that" isn't working on theirs... but it works on everyone elses... They overwrote it.
You are better off finding these tweaks, going into the Reg and seeing what you HAVE vs what the tweak says will perform better… you may already be optimized or MORE optimized than the tool would make you.
In the end it's really about individual user preference and how you use your device. As we see in this thread for some the tools are great, for others.. not so good.

deeznuts2 said:
Depending on what you did, your results may be different. I found a significant improvement with dcd's rom after running a few of the system tweaks.
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All of them
Honestly, I ran every performance enhancement and tweak that SKTools allowed
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Okay, so you can't recall or won't post any specifics of what tweaks you did and you said earlier you did ALL the tweaks SKT offers, then you say "a few of the system tweaks." Of course, "depending on what you did" doesn't jive at all with "Honestly, I ran every ..... tweak..." IF you got improved results after SKT, you should surely recall something. What was the original result vs the improved? You can't recall how much improvement, but it was "significant." You can't recall ANY real benchmark results and you "lost the log files both times." How convenient.
Previously we witnessed your unwillingness in another thread to list ANY of your specific software (even when I sent you a private message) which you said runs better on a stock VZW ROM vs DCD. Claims that can't be tested, of course, are very convenient.
Skepticism about someone's motives and truthfulness result from making unverifiable, undocumented claims. Do yourself a favor and post some specifics.

deeznuts2 said:
And unless anyone actually did re-coding of files, no rom is going to be "optimized". Optimization is more than just leaving out unnecessary files and/or putting in newer versions. Programs like sktools actually change system settings for the os, which usually are not easily changeable without getting into the root of the system and re-coding system files after installation, deeply modifying the registry, or re-coding the install files prior to installation. I doubt anyone is doing most of these with their roms.
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First: SKtools is NOT "Recoding files" All SKtools does is make registry changes for performance.. thats it! And those are pretty easy if you know how to use a registry editor.. (the registry is where those "System settings for the OS" are that you are talking about)
Second.. Thats the point of a DCD rom.. when you install a DCD rom The tweaks that he's tested are already there. He's building a rom that has more features and performs better than stock. He's not just some hack who is removing things.. He's recompiling the entire rom. I'm not sure to what extent DCD actually recodes any files... but I DO know that he includes custom files that others may have made / recoded.
The fact that you would even suggest that SKtools has the ABILITY to do more than DCD or GC14 or any other experienced mobile developer takes the gold medal for dumbest thing I've heard this month.

i've tried
honestly i've tried those programs and i believe while they are tweaking some things they undo some of the stuff that dcd has done to make the rom work like it does. All i use its tweaks2k2 for a few options that i really like but no more sktools for me


Rom Update ???

Well I finally have my new device and it looks like i might have a little time this weekend to make an update and fix some minor bugs in my rom. please post suggestions here. All suggestions need to be in my friday midnight EST. thanks
How about making these changes to your last ROM?
- 16mb page pool to see if it goes a little faster.
- Do not auto download the quick gps data during the setting phase, since the device does not have time and data connection yet at that phase.
- update the large menu text cab so that it works. I had to look for the cab elsewhere last time.'
- Focus on speed.
- Keep it ultra vanilla. This is your number one selling point for me. I don't want all third party application to be chosen by myself and not seeing duplicated application/old versions/unused application.
- Make sure it is spl1.2. Do not want to lose memory for useless applications.
- If you intent to use newer built (Are you thinking of Touch Pro?), make sure it still supports Gsen application, and has random access for contact application. I personally love these two features.
- Make sure it has no htc touchflo or Ftouchflo. Have Ftouchflosl trial version if you wish. Else leave it for user to decide.
- Again, leaveb out realVGA. Some of us don't use it anymore.
- Continue to leave out HTC Home, and have just one theme. HTC Home They are all add ons.
- An important bug to fix is its inabikity to delete POP3 mails. Currently I can only delete non-POP3 mail, but for my pop3 mail, I'm forced to sign into the web-mail to delete them to prevent mail-box overflow. This is a pain.
Frankly, I'm still so happy with your last ROM, although I feel the speed could be further improved. So if there is only one change, let there be just speed improvement.
Thanks irus. I look forward to your fantastic ROM.
I'm now using Michy's rom whose main merits are speed and stability, but I like your Gsen function very much. I hope you can integrate the above-mentioned features in your new rom.
I would suggest no changing from your latest rom which I think is perfect, only bugfixes.
Changing could be for a newer release while I think your last one deserves just a trimming to be a reference rom. (I can't download full messages from the mail program???)
I would say fix the known bugs, increase speed if possible. After releasing that version, you can spend sometime looking at other possibilities (lite version, other builds or base, new features, etc...).
The lite / vanilla builds never actually worked in the long run for me because it always seemed something was missing which caused other applications not to work properly. They always seemed fast and potentially stable for a few weeks. After installing my apps and heavy usage, it always seemed to have gone down hill. Nonetheless, a lot PPL here love them.
It is also very important that auto rotate, gsen, and other features continue to work because I believe a lot of PPL stuck with this base because that stuff work well with on this ROM.
I never tried your rom mainly because I had the impression it was missing MMS. I know it is fairly easy to install myself, but I hadn't time to look for a proper version.
If your rom contains MMS, then forget about this post
Yes! also mms. I would consider the missing of it nearly a bug to be fixed as it is a standard feature of the athena missing... It is true that most of us don't use mms, but just in case...
ok these are all good suggestions, i will keep them in mind
I currently use your FULL ROM/3.5 and find it to be excellent. I hope you will NOT include any real VGA additions. Every one of them I have tried so far causes display problems with my "must use" apps.
Thanks for all your hard work.
I've tested All Athena ROM available.
I am using now the Sogarth base, isn't the fastest, isn't the most complete, but it is stable, has gsensor, big htc home, audio player doesn't stop working in suspend mode, index bar in contacts, battery life is great WITH BT enabled and some diamond enhancements.
The probem is ... it has to be tweaked
.net35 AND net2.0 to have compatibility with older and newest applications (modaco netcf config), some registry tweaks to improve the speed , michy's sound enhancement are much better, athena sensor service has to be stopped, IMHO are needed:
1) a newest remote desktop,
2) wifirouter (ori ICS control) ,
3) schaps advanced config ,
4) moblue,
5) total commander,
6) irus fsplayer,
7) pocketrar,
8) omnia d3d drivers,
9) Gsen,
10) wkTask (HTC Xbutton removed),
11) cyberon voice dial
12) I need mms too
I don't need realvga, the applications I like could use VGA resolution without realvga! Last, but not least, having and athena ROM CLOSER to diamond ROM should be easy to have compatibility with diamond and raphael applications (the most "developed" HTC model)
I strongly suggest a newest Sogarth, not "Extreme" but improved one (SPL 3.5). and "Extreme Sogarth" lite SPL 1.2 and 3.5 tweaked for maximum speed
irus said:
Well I finally have my new device and it looks like i might have a little time this weekend to make an update and fix some minor bugs in my rom. please post suggestions here. All suggestions need to be in my friday midnight EST. thanks
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I have forgotten if you use the extrom.
If you don't , could you ask michyprima for his ap to access this .
It is called "Addins"
there's a new base rom popped up in the general forum..
Scratch that I can't find it now..
lakeman said:
I have forgotten if you use the extrom.
If you don't , could you ask michyprima for his ap to access this .
It is called "Addins"
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I think that app is good but only if you have the loop problem as all my roms are uc compliant, which is the same thing just launches from the sd card not ext rom.
my 2cents: irus in your knew rom maybe you can focus on a new build and speed speed speed.
lennie said:
my 2cents: irus in your knew rom maybe you can focus on a new build and speed speed speed.
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well i like this build and i don't have the time for a full update but i will def focus on speed speed speed
build 20721 aku 1.4 is out r u planning for this
irus said:
I think that app is good but only if you have the loop problem as all my roms are uc compliant, which is the same thing just launches from the sd card not ext rom.
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I haven't used the uc app.
does it allow you to choose what you install , or does it install everything in the list?
lakeman said:
I haven't used the uc app.
does it allow you to choose what you install , or does it install everything in the list?
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it installs everything in the sdconfig.txt file but if you don't want something just delete that line of text. when i release my next version i will put a template of sdconfig.txt but this will only work for people without the loop problem.
Hi Irus,
What about the following:
1- Fnger touch
2- More diamnod drivers, graphics & functions like in ap5
3- check this link and sea if we can avail such functions
wsayed said:
Hi Irus,
What about the following:
1- Fnger touch
2- More diamnod drivers, graphics & functions like in ap5
3- check this link and sea if we can avail such functions
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sea = the ocean: "look at the ship way out there in the sea"
see = look: "did you see that?"
hope this helped

What is the advantage of cooking a ROM in a kitchen?

I did a bunch of searching but didn't come up with a clear answer (probably due to just how much info is out there on cooking).
Why do people cook ROM's in kitchens? What is the advantage of it, vs taking a clean rom, and installing the .cab's for the various programs / options you want, using a program like Sashimi or even manually?
It seems like if it's cooked into the ROM, a program can't be removed or upgraded. Is there a storage size benefit or some other benefit? Thanks in advance.
Well some people like to REMOVE stuff that they don't use. DCD includes a lot of stuff by default that I personally remove when I use the kitchen. Likewise, he doesn't include some of the stuff I like to install that isn't (officially) in CAB form.
A good example of this is that I remove all Voice-related stuff and add the Entertainment pack to my Kitchen ROMs, as well as some generic stuff like TomTom7.
As far as auto-installing using Sashimi or Autorun/etc, I can't really answer anything related to those, but integrating into an OEM eliminates the need to install via CAB (it's basically installed when u flash).
I hope that helps some. If not, ask away.
One benefit I see is if you have some form of a tracking tool, if someone steals your phone and does a hard reset, if you have it cooked in the rom via kitchen, then it restarts back up and will be able to help you recover your phone.
For tools that don't update on a regular schedule, there is the benefit of not having to reload it from a cab. In my case I have it auto-configure my exchange settings, owner info, load a few games that I don't have a cab for, and to change a few of the programs that DCD provides that I don't use.
I can hard reset my phone in the field and within 30 seconds my data is already being synced back to my phone with only a few clicks.
BillThyCat said:
One benefit I see is if you have some form of a tracking tool, if someone steals your phone and does a hard reset, if you have it cooked in the rom via kitchen, then it restarts back up and will be able to help you recover your phone.
For tools that don't update on a regular schedule, there is the benefit of not having to reload it from a cab. In my case I have it auto-configure my exchange settings, owner info, load a few games that I don't have a cab for, and to change a few of the programs that DCD provides that I don't use.
I can hard reset my phone in the field and within 30 seconds my data is already being synced back to my phone with only a few clicks.
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The hard-reset idea was what I used to claim, but not anymore. I flash a new ROM on this phone like every 2 weeks. (addiction?) Having most of my apps cooked on after flashing is the biggest benefit for me now. Since I've got all my apps in OEM form (some already made, some I created on my own), I just simply use them in whatever kitchen. So now, no matter what ROM I flash to, it's still the "same" for me
i do it mainly for convenience, its a lot easier for me to configure all my email, owner info, reg tweaks, and other stuff on my PC before flashing than on the phone after flashing
Great question!
Protonus said:
Why do people cook ROM's in kitchens? What is the advantage of it, vs taking a clean rom, and installing the .cab's for the various programs / options you want.
It seems like if it's cooked into the ROM, a program can't be removed or upgraded. Is there a storage size benefit or some other benefit? Thanks in advance.
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I'm very new to this, but now that I've installed my first custom ROM I've been wondering the same thing. I find the responses you've received very interesting - for instance, how do you
configure all my email, owner info, reg tweaks, and other stuff on my PC before flashing than on the phone after flashing
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If I can do that, then it would seem to make sense to put up as stripped a ROM as possible and load all my normal programs on the storage card.
I used a tool called OEMIzer, it let me preset owner info, email server info, default theme, etc.
BillThyCat said:
I used a tool called OEMIzer, it let me preset owner info, email server info, default theme, etc.
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Thanks, BTC. By the way, I was at UT getting my MBA when Berkeley Breathed was starting up many of his characters in the Daily Texan . . .
I miss Bloom County..... None of BB's comics since have been as funny or as thought provoking.
My brothers "hacker" alias was Oliver Wendell Jones.
I was in HS at the time, so you got a few years on me
BillThyCat said:
I miss Bloom County..... None of BB's comics since have been as funny or as thought provoking.
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BillThyCat said:
I was in HS at the time, so you got a few years on me
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Amen to that. My wife tells me I am too old to be playing around with custom ROM's and assembling my own PC's, but I figure if I'm not learning every day I'm dying. (grin)
CorkVDH said:
If I can do that, then it would seem to make sense to put up as stripped a ROM as possible and load all my normal programs on the storage card.
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thats pretty much what i do, i dont cook any apps into the rom, just settings, then i have cabs for all my apps on my storage card, i dont install them to the card because of access speeds
defaultdotxbe said:
thats pretty much what i do, i dont cook any apps into the rom, just settings, then i have cabs for all my apps on my storage card, i dont install them to the card because of access speeds
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So do you put all your data files (Excel workbooks, Word docs, databases, etc.) on your card? With 8 to 16 GB cards, there's little worry about running out of storage now.
I've installed nearly all of my (non-MS) apps on the card currently; loading doesn't seem to be a problem except for Skyfire. Next ROM image I assemble I will minimize everything in ROM and use your "CAB on Card" idea.
Thanks for the comment. cv
For quite some time, I used the kitchen on my Apache & then some with my Mogul.
For the Apache, the biggest benefit was saving memory by getting rid of all the crap Sprint loads on the phone. For the Mogul, memory isn't as big an issue, anymore.
I quit using the kitchen because the results were too buggy with my Mogul. I need my phone to operate every single time I use it and the one in a hundred times my kitchen-ized phone wouldn't work right was one time too many.
One of the annoying things about the kitchen, imo, is that there are dozens of wonderful apps with no explanation as to what they do. I've inquired about them a few times & rarely ever gotten a clear answer. Most of them can be Googled, but many can't. It seems like a waste.
In the end, I'm using Sprint's latest official ROM with lots and lots of upgrades. I also have figured out how to delete most of the files that are installed by default using various file explorers, so I've cleared up even more memory. Now, my phone is rock solid... doesn't have a single glitch... works 100% of the time at 100% capability. I do not worry that the bluetooth will decide it's not going to work, don't worry that the answer button won't work when I receive a call, don't worry that it's going to freeze up for no reason...
The kitchen is fun, and with my Apache, was a lifesaver.
I just don't feel the bugs I get from the kitchen outweigh the bugs Sprint's 6800 rom gives me (I haven't actually found any, yet.) With the Apache, the equation worked the other way around.

WMRegOptimizer - v0.1, October 6, 2008

This small tool was originally inspired by this thread:
WMRegOptimizer is a small tool that tries to optimize registry access - "defrag" it, if you will. It doesn't perfectly defrag it, but it goes a long way. This results in somewhat faster registry access for applications where this is the bottle-neck.
So this speeds up my device?
Not really. It lowers latency for certain system calls, which may result in some things being a bit faster. It doesn't magically make your device faster, but it may be more responsive in some situations.
Install the attached CAB on your device, and run WMRegOptimizer from your start menu.
Before pressing Go, make sure you do the following things:
- Close all running applications
- Uncradle the device
- Put the device in airplane mode
- Be sure your battery isn't on the low side
After the app says it's done, close it, and soft-reset your device.
The app may appear to freeze at times. Do not soft-reset or terminate the app. It will continue. The entire process may take up to 5 minutes.
Things going wrong is unlikely but by no means impossible, we want to minimize that chance. We do this by making sure as few apps and services as possible are using the registry. Mucking about with the registry is a dangerous thing, and if things do go wrong, often a hard-reset is needed to put things right again.
Why soft-reset
Some apps 'monitor' the registry, these will be informed of the changes. This is why you may for example get a QuickGPS popup or your backlight will go to full-power all of a sudden when the app is running. Soft-resetting makes these apps reread the correct data from the registry. The whole operation also messes with the registry a LOT, and this slows down the device as well (probably a bug or memory/handle leak in registry handling somewhere in WM). Again, soft-resetting clears this up.
This tool has been tested on my Raphael (Touch Pro), Diamond and Kaiser (TyTN II), and seems to work fine. Your milage may vary. The interface isn't much, but hey, it's about what it does
DO NOT USE THIS APPLICATION ON A STOCK ROM, YOU WILL BE SORRY. Custom ROMs usually have the right registry permissions/policies to do this, but if not, there's a bigger chance things may go wrong.
Chainfire you are amazing. Thank you for all your valuable contributions!
...will give this a swirl and report back...thanks for the creation! i correct in thinking that sktools has a similar feature with reg optimizer...
Faster = Better
Thank you for sharing.
Best regards,
Installed and ran the program , worked great !
Great job !
thank you very much Chainfire
it works fine on my polaris. thanks man
sounds good. Thanks 4 sharing.
Cool for Diamond
Hi Chainfire, thanks for the tool. I've just run it on my Diamond and everything still works I'm happy to say. I can't notice any immediate difference but then I didn't expect too, any way seems to be a good app. with no diamond issues, Thanks again.
So would you recommend running this regularly, I seem to install and un-install stuff all day long, so is this reg. defrag going to help keep my phone in slick order?
no good with my tilt,when i soft reset as said to do when it was finished it reset but got stuck on bootscreen
yes! its works!
thank you very much for your great program! I installed it on my Gene P3400 (lomlom's 20755 rom with manila2d), it definitely response quickly when try to go to setting - system, it is also have improvement when I try to make a call, it is much more faster when I try to send a sms from my contact list, strongly recommended to all Gene P3400 user!
Installed and ran it on my sprint mogul. All is well. Thank you for this, dschoenike
oh, nice thingy, will test it ASAP.
thank you, working great on my kaiser!
Seemed to work fine.
The only issue that I had is the completion percentage never exceeded 80% even though the text eventually updated to Complete or whatever the done message happens to be.
Best regards,
uniqueboy said:
So would you recommend running this regularly, I seem to install and un-install stuff all day long, so is this reg. defrag going to help keep my phone in slick order?
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Not really. It may help, but it's unclear how fast this whole registry muck-up is, it really depends on your usage of the device. I'd say once a month would be more than adequite for even a heavy user. Unless you notice your device is getting slower and slower, then give it a shot.
Or in short: who knows
boggsie said:
Seemed to work fine.
The only issue that I had is the completion percentage never exceeded 80% even though the text eventually updated to Complete or whatever the done message happens to be.
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That probably means that at 80% it got to a registry key it was not able to manipulate and aborted the operation (note that 99% of the time it will abort in such a case before it 'damages' your setup). Not to worry though, at 80%, you've had pretty much all the registry keys who 'fragment' a lot and cause the slowdowns.
I'll add some code in the next version that just skips the relevant key or gives you an actual error message or whatever
I don't see any change for the moment, but thks you for your job
thanks for this, trialing it out and will report soon, done it and it seems to have improved, any improvement is good improvement for a device this old, until I get my touch 3G!
Edit it seems to be good for the hermes, the only downside if it is a downside is that it removed my wallpaper, which I can re set by going to the today screen config anyway. But everything seems swell. SPB mobile shell 2.1 crashes less with this, normally it would crash for me once in a day after heavy use. Hasn't yet touch wood.
So ... all in all, I think follow the instructions good for the hermes.
Thanks, i install and run it on my POlaris with the RTM from M-amine.
See any change for the moment, i just lost my register manila weather city and my manila favorite contact after rebooting.
(that's not important i'll add them again)
I have just installed and run on my TP. No problem

New, read for 9 hour's and confused. Help Please?

I am a little overwelmed which how much stuff you can hack up or modify with this compared to my Compaq iPaq I had about 9-10 years ago. I could really use some help with a few questions. My 1st post here, and i am going to try not to be a newbie, i do a lot of developing with FoFiX, and XBMC skins, and know what it's like to get newb's asking questions already answered. But i have searched and read for 9 hours straight now and just confused still about a few things. If anyone doesn't mind answering these and just had some time, I would really appreaciate the help.
I already messed around with trying out the other home alternative, and iPhone clone, and after playing around since with the manila/TouchFlo, so far it's the best one out with being skinable and also is smoothest and nicest looking, with easiest finger touch control. So i am now wanting to learn as much as i can. I'm by far no stranger to MOD'ing stuff , so i mostly understand the dAnGeR's and terminology. I am already going to start converting an XBMC skin i co-develop ('Back-Row') for ever one to use. I do a good bot of all the graphics for it, and doing all the work to update it for 1900x1080 realms.
1) Currently i am using Manila2D_1.00_1819.2926 for now, and still can't quite figure out about the differences of using either 'kitchen' or 'Loaded' manilla ROM files. I am gathering from reading that this allows you to replace your current rom with another ROM that already has manilla inside/cooked so you are running it directly, as part of the overall OS, thus saving internal memory, allowing certain problems from happening. Like it here and there switches programs (opera) back to the touchflo screen, as well as it prompting "Tap here to start Touchflo" and having to do this every here and there.
2) The touchflo 3d isn't available yet, and possible/definitely wouldn't run on a HTC Mogul (64megs internal, 1?? storage), 4 gig stick memory card (got an 8 gig stick on the way from Amazon-$14.99) or maybe??? Cube seems to work ok so far, alongside with Manila2D_1.00_1819.2926. I read about install problems and such with Manila if cube was installed, it's working fine for me.
3) When i make a contact memory, i notice it doesn't seem to hold the memory setting. As when i go back, they are all blank again "+"), is there possibly a file that needs a reg switch or is this just a bug? My favorite program links I set stay just fine though.
Again, thanks for any help on this guys. I am still reading and searching, and will keep an eye on this thread in case someone will hopefully answer this. And thanks again in advance.
Here's the deal. HTC Titan has only 64 Megs of RAM, ~25-27 of which are usable at bootup. This means a beautiful app such as M2D takes up its fair share of memory and CPU, causing intensive programs such as Opera Mobile to crash now and then.
If you want to make that sacrifice for a pretty, flowing interface, you will not be alone. Scrosler makes an excellent ROM [variant of DCD's 3.2.6] which I've found - over the course of a few weeks - very stable.
Again with the cube interface.. it's just pretty graphics and will eat up alot of precious memory once you get some intensive programs running. If you just want your phone to be impressive and fun - cool, go for it.
With respect to the contacts vanishing, that is a problem with the way your Windows Live is set up. To resolve it I think you must force the server to -not- attempt to sync your contacts. Also, use dotFred's PIM Backup [found in development & hacking] and you will be able to save your contacts, messages, tasks, etc. on a single backup file.
If you are going to get into flashing various ROMs, I suggest picking up UC Autorun. Had I used it from the start, I would have sliced off several days of reconfiguring.
I've read this numerous times. I consistently see people write that if one runs M2D, especially on scrosler's ROM, that one sacrifices memory and that's why opera and things have problems.
I disagree. Because the ROM already has so much free RAM, I have more memory running M2D on this ROM than I did running a stock ROM.
The R4R ROM, if one installs the HTC Task Manager, has EnableAutokill enabled by default. This is what's killing your apps when you start running low on memory. I recommend disabling it. There are instructions if you keep reading that thread. Or you can download my updates to this ROM, which are also linked to in the R4R thread. Maybe a couple more hours of reading and you'll get through the whole thread.
I disagree.
bitserve said:
I've read this numerous times. I consistently see people write that if one runs M2D, especially on scrosler's ROM, that one sacrifices memory and that's why opera and things have problems.
I disagree. Because the ROM already has so much free RAM, I have more memory running M2D on this ROM than I did running a stock ROM.
The R4R ROM, if one installs the HTC Task Manager, has EnableAutokill enabled by default. This is what's killing your apps when you start running low on memory. I recommend disabling it. There are instructions if you keep reading that thread. Or you can download my updates to this ROM, which are also linked to in the R4R thread. Maybe a couple more hours of reading and you'll get through the whole thread.
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I really appreciate the opinions and such for responses. That's helpfull to me. Today i removed the cube program, since i store the cab file on my 8 gig storage stick in case i want to dump it on, but also since a fair bit of what it does i can still also do with M2D anyway. Although yes it's cool looking, the main purpose can be done with M2d, and for the most part i now have "Free:18.70MB" of free available space from "Free: 10.24MB", almost doubled the amount of free memory space. As well as freeing up the space from "In Use:42MB" down to now being "In Use:34MB". So at least now programs aren't crashing.
Now things are working fine. I still need to mess with the contacts not saving, but program links are fine. Trying to understand about the mentioned how to possibly fix this with Windows Live and syncing. And also why touchflo still throws the 'Tap to load Touchflo' problem. Would flashing with this said 'Kitchen' ROM or the extra one include touchflo so it's always kind of running? This is the last 2 questions for me to work out, everything else i got going and understand already.

What Manila, Titanium, etc...

Ok, I've tried searching the forums to see what these are but I can't find the explanations. So, what is Manila, Titanium, Rhodium, PagePool? If there is a site with this info i'd appreciate it. Since I highly doubt Sprint will release Windows 6.5 for the Touch Pro (I hope they do though), I'm seriously thinking about flashing a custom ROM but before I do, I'm trying to do as much research as possible. Any and all help is appreciated.
any one??????
I am not an expert so maybe someone can give you a more detail explanations but here is what I know...
Manila is TouchFlo3D, it is a Tab based system that basically masks Windows Mobile. You can turn it off and use just windows mobile if you prefer.
Rhodium is TouchFlo3D2, it is similar just has a few enhancements. A couple additional tabs and a few extra features...Five day forecast, search internet, calendar...
Titanium is something developed by windows that is similar in function to TF3D but looks completely different. It allows you to operate your phone with your thumb, for the most part. I believe this only comes with WM6.5, not sure tho.
PagePool...I have no idea, never heard of it.
Thank You Gators, that cleared up lot of my confusion. Does anyone know detailed differences between them, and what is pagepool?
Pagepool I believe is an amount of the devices RAM that's set aside at boot for the pagefile (swap file) only. Usually I'm seeing 16-24MB for these lately, which really makes the phone fast, at the expense of having a few less programs open before it runs out of memory.

