E-mail Redirector - Touch Pro CDMA

One thing that I didn't like about Sprint is that it didn't offer a desktop redirector software for e-mail. In my case, my company uses MS Exchange, but doesn't have OWA setup for my phone to be able to sync. Alltel and ATT I know for sure have desktop redirector software, not sure what ATT calls it but Alltel calls it "Office Sync". It basically just redirects your Exchange features (email, calander, tasks, ect) to your phone.
I have no idea how long Seven has had their beta program open, but I recently found it and it works great. So if anyone else was in my boat, have fun with this. Here is the link.

cforster said:
One thing that I didn't like about Sprint is that it didn't offer a desktop redirector software for e-mail. In my case, my company uses MS Exchange, but doesn't have OWA setup for my phone to be able to sync. Alltel and ATT I know for sure have desktop redirector software, not sure what ATT calls it but Alltel calls it "Office Sync". It basically just redirects your Exchange features (email, calander, tasks, ect) to your phone.
I have no idea how long Seven has had their beta program open, but I recently found it and it works great. So if anyone else was in my boat, have fun with this. Here is the link.
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I was in the same boat as you, I came from Verizon Wireless where I was using their Wireless Sync program on my desktop since my company does not allow me to go directly to our Exchange servers. I thought when I went over to Sprint they would have a comparable application - I didn't do my homework very well. I was not so worried about losing wireless sync for calendar, tasks, and notes, ActiveSync when I get the chance is fine. Email was another thing. My solution, which was not so elagant, was to setup a server based rule to redirect all email out to my personal pop3 email account which I setup especially for this purpose using the same name as work, just a different @ address. This insures that my email responses contain a from address as close as possible to my work address.
That having been said, you are the first person who has proposed anything similar to VZ Wireless Sync. I am anxious to try this out but am sceptical about using beta software. I will investigate the company you provided with caution. Any additional insights would greatly be appreciated. Thanks again for a least giving hope....

Try mail2web.com.
Just forward your mail there.
They are a free exchange service.

trwm said:
I was in the same boat as you, I came from Verizon Wireless where I was using their Wireless Sync program on my desktop since my company does not allow me to go directly to our Exchange servers. I thought when I went over to Sprint they would have a comparable application - I didn't do my homework very well. I was not so worried about losing wireless sync for calendar, tasks, and notes, ActiveSync when I get the chance is fine. Email was another thing. My solution, which was not so elagant, was to setup a server based rule to redirect all email out to my personal pop3 email account which I setup especially for this purpose using the same name as work, just a different @ address. This insures that my email responses contain a from address as close as possible to my work address.
That having been said, you are the first person who has proposed anything similar to VZ Wireless Sync. I am anxious to try this out but am sceptical about using beta software. I will investigate the company you provided with caution. Any additional insights would greatly be appreciated. Thanks again for a least giving hope....
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Let me know what you think. This solution was perfect for me, no problems at all, works great all the time.


Work Email Account on Sprint Touch Pro

Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows how to make the sprint touch pro compatible to a work account? I contacted the people that handle the work email accounts and they said my phone isn't a supported device but the blackberry is so I thought there might be a way to make it so I can get my work email. Also, how do I go about removing my hotmail account from my email, I have tried but not had luck. If this is easy, I apologize in advance but I am new to all of this.
Have you tried Blackberry Connect?
I have and I absolutely can not get it to work on Sprint.
Anyone been able to get Blackberry Connect software to work on a Sprint TP?
I have tried everything available at http://www.sems.org/entry.asp?ENTRY_ID=276 and several versions that are not there as well. Someone has go to be able to solve this issue...
groffnuts said:
Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows how to make the sprint touch pro compatible to a work account? I contacted the people that handle the work email accounts and they said my phone isn't a supported device but the blackberry is so I thought there might be a way to make it so I can get my work email. Also, how do I go about removing my hotmail account from my email, I have tried but not had luck. If this is easy, I apologize in advance but I am new to all of this.
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By work e-mail are you referring to an Exchange Server? If so, all you have to do is set up the e-mail account via Active Sync (on your device, not the PC). You will need certain information such as Username, Password, Domain (Name of the server), and server address (ie webmail.yourcompany.com).
I have never tried BB Connect, but it can't hurt to try it out.
Good luck!
egzthunder1 said:
By work e-mail are you referring to an Exchange Server? If so, all you have to do is set up the e-mail account via Active Sync (on your device, not the PC). You will need certain information such as Username, Password, Domain (Name of the server), and server address (ie webmail.yourcompany.com).
I have never tried BB Connect, but it can't hurt to try it out.
Good luck!
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Some companies, like mine unfortunately, fall for the Blackberry Enterprise Server propaganda and opt to manually disable the OTA Exchange Server connection and instead force all mobile devices to connect through BES... The big problem is that Blackberry devices suck, as recognized by Blackberry, for which they created Blackberry Connect Software so that your WinMo phone can connect to BES. My problem is that Sprint will not allow me to add Blackberry Service to my WinMo phone... So I am trying to find out if anyone knows a way around this? I am sure there are some Sprint pros here.
maskedlion said:
Some companies, like mine unfortunately, fall for the Blackberry Enterprise Server propaganda and opt to manually disable the OTA Exchange Server connection and instead force all mobile devices to connect through BES... The big problem is that Blackberry devices suck, as recognized by Blackberry, for which they created Blackberry Connect Software so that your WinMo phone can connect to BES. My problem is that Sprint will not allow me to add Blackberry Service to my WinMo phone... So I am trying to find out if anyone knows a way around this? I am sure there are some Sprint pros here.
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Just ask your IT department to set you up for pop3 or IMAP.
A company that disables OTA Exchange server access and forces Blackberry would never go for IMAP or POP....
maskedlion said:
A company that disables OTA Exchange server access and forces Blackberry would never go for IMAP or POP....
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Not true, I know firsthand... Besides, it wouldn't hurt to ask them.
Can you access your Exchange server via the web? If you can access owa.<yourcompanyname>.com to get your email via a browser then you can setup Active Sync on your device.
I am using my Sprint Touch Pro to get my Exchange mail/appts/tasks. Our official policy is that only BB are supported but it doesn't necessary mean that you can't use it. What I had to do was install a couple of certs to allow syncronization but you may not need to - depending on what CA your company is using.
gorby911 said:
Can you access your Exchange server via the web? If you can access owa.<yourcompanyname>.com to get your email via a browser then you can setup Active Sync on your device.
I am using my Sprint Touch Pro to get my Exchange mail/appts/tasks. Our official policy is that only BB are supported but it doesn't necessary mean that you can't use it. What I had to do was install a couple of certs to allow syncronization but you may not need to - depending on what CA your company is using.
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I do have access to owa.mycompany.com, I have grabbed the cert from this site and attempted to connect this way, however, there is no documentation out there for how to do this, so I may have done it incorrectly. Can you detail how you did this?
maskedlion said:
I do have access to owa.mycompany.com, I have grabbed the cert from this site and attempted to connect this way, however, there is no documentation out there for how to do this, so I may have done it incorrectly. Can you detail how you did this?
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PM me your owa.<yourcompany>.com address (if you are not comfortable with posting it here) and I will take a look at the certs information that your company is using and walk you through it. If you can access owa site, you should be able to sync with no issues.
System SEVEN
I had the same issue, unable to connect my Sprint Touch Pro to my company Exchange server. The IT department wouldn't budge on granting me access.
I now use System SEVEN 'Out of Office' since January and haven't looked back; It works perfectly for me and syncs everything. Check it out at www.seven.com.
what do i need to do to set up my work email on my touch pro... and where do i get the correct certs from?.
bump... i still need help w/ this! anyone please?
Can you tell me what error are you getting when you set up your exchange sync?
Edit: If your error with missing certificates, then by looking at your owa site I can tell that you need to have these public certificates installed: click here to download
Download the file above, unzip it and you will see three verisign certs. Copy them onto your phone and click on each to install them. Try to sync to your server and let me know what happens.

[Q] Help with Exchange email

Hey guys-
I had been using TouchDown Exchange to access my work email. When I first got android I asked my IT department if they could set it up for me but they replied that they "don't support Android, and because there are so many different android phones, they probably wouldn't ever support". Anyways, I found I could use the web-exchange server (http://xxx.xxxxxxxx.com/exchange/) as my domain on the android app and it would end up sync'ing my email to my phone.
I guess they eventually found out I was doing this somehow and they blocked it. They do support the iPhone, though, and through a coworker I was able to get the server and domain that they use.
Is there anyway I can trick the server into thinking I'm using an iPhone so it will allow me to connect and sync? I tried using the "ActiveSync Device String" and setting it to "iPhone" before connecting to the server, but that didn't work. I don't know much about exchange servers if you couldn't tell, but is there a way they can authorize only certain users to connect? Could I potentially borrow my girlfriends iphone, have them set it up on her device, and then once I get the login permissions, switch the info over to my fascinate?
Sorry to any IT administrators out there, I bet this post will annoy you haha. I just want to have email on my phone because I hate walking into work in the morning and getting blindsided by an email that was sent to me at 2am.
Thanks in advance for your help guys.
Our IT department also has a "no android" policy but I figured out that if I left the Domain blank and used the Webmail url as the Exchange server address everything would sync perfectly. I started out using Touchdown but dropped it for the stock email client.
They specifically denied your phone from syncing via ActiveSync? Even with Touchdown, which more fully supports the ActiveSync protocol than even the iPhone? Sounds like your IT guys are morons. I can fully understand not wanting to support Android phones because of all the variances. I know, because I work for an ASP hosting company that does just that. But really, if they wont support Touchdown, they're just shooting themselves in the foot, because that app will work the sane no matter what Android phone it's installed on, meaning you will have a standardized mail platform for Android that supports any and all necessary security features, including full encryption of the local mail database and any data it stores on the SD card.
I don't know if you'll get anywhere with it, but I would recommend showing the the feature list for Touchdown, including the security features, and ask them to support that one app. If you make the case that they only need to support one app for any Android phone, they should be willing to work with you on that.
Besides, every serious corporate user should be using Touchdown anyway. The stock mail client, no matter what Android phone you have, is lacking some of the most basic features, is buggy,and is essentially useless. And if days encryption is required, you're out of luck with the stock clients. Exchange syncing is really an afterthought by Google, and until they make enterprise features and data security a primary focus, things wont get any better.
Sent from XDA Premium on my Super Clean Fascinate
Oh, and btw, I'm not an expert on the matter, but I know that mobile device syncing can be disabled on a per-user basis. What I'm not sure about is if it can actually allow only certain devices to connect or not.
Sent from XDA Premium on my Super Clean Fascinate

[Q] Exchange email folders do not alert of new emails

I just got the Photon this week, it is my first Android device (coming from a TP2 w/Energy rom).
At work I use exchange server with lots of folders. Incoming emails are automatically (by rule) moved into their respective folders. With my old phone, I can tell that I have a new email in one of the many folders because that folder will be bold.
With my new Photon, I setup "corporate mail" and I only get notification of new emails in the INBOX only. If I want to check for new emails in one of the folders, I have to click on each folder and check to see what is inside, this is ridiculous b/c I have about 20 folders! The folders do not alert me of new emails within them like my crappy wm 6.5 device used to.
FYI in the folder sync options, I set the folders to "Background, Default" already.
I'm hoping someone can tell me I did something wrong! I particularly chose this phone since its advertised as a "business" phone. Hopefully there is a setting for this email issue... Thanks!!
Hi, I'm a Sprint Launch Ambassador supporting the Photon. Are the folders that your emails are being moved to on the server or are they offline? If Outlook is automatically moving them to offline subfolders then the mail client on Photon has no way of knowing you have new mail. If the subfolders that Outlook is moving new mail to are online then let me know and I can do some testing on my own device to see if I can duplicate.
If you're a heavy Exchange user, I HIGHLY recommend investing in Touchdown. It's expensive @ $20, but worth every penny. It is the best Exchange e-mail client out there and is extremely powerful. It also allows me to segregate my work e-mail from my personal e-mail (Gmail). Look into it, I believe there's a demo/trial that you can run with for 15 days.
"Incoming emails are automatically (by rule) moved into their respective folders."
mattvalenz, I can confirm that every Android unit i've used has never alerted me for this.
My Sprint HR folder is set up this way. It never hits the inbox, hence no alert. This is an Android thing, but I'm not sure if there is a way to set up syncing properties of that particular folder to alert when the rule is used and it dumps an email there.
It's something I've never really looked into.
Other than that, since all 150+ emails a day from everyone else for me are so different, they all flush to my main inbox so I get an alert.
Beknatok said:
If you're a heavy Exchange user, I HIGHLY recommend investing in Touchdown. It's expensive @ $20, but worth every penny. It is the best Exchange e-mail client out there and is extremely powerful. It also allows me to segregate my work e-mail from my personal e-mail (Gmail). Look into it, I believe there's a demo/trial that you can run with for 15 days.
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I've never known any Android device to mix Google and Exchange accounts. Even the Photon natively segregates Gmail from the Universal Inbox.
Do you by any chance have your Gmail account set up as POP? That is the only way it would even be conceivable that Gmail would end up in the Universal Inbox. At any rate, HTC Sense keeps all inboxes segregated... I wish the Moto UI allowed for this.
In response to the OP, I can give you this insight: I'm an Exchange administrator, and inbox rules such as you have set up are not supported by Android (or the iPhone for that matter), but Windows Mobile does have the necessary extensions to support Inbox rules. They're both Microsoft products, and proprietary at that
mattvalenz said:
Hi, I'm a Sprint Launch Ambassador supporting the Photon. Are the folders that your emails are being moved to on the server or are they offline? If Outlook is automatically moving them to offline subfolders then the mail client on Photon has no way of knowing you have new mail. If the subfolders that Outlook is moving new mail to are online then let me know and I can do some testing on my own device to see if I can duplicate.
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They are on the server. If it helps any, my exchange server is hosted online (www.sherweb.com).
As a temporary fix, I changed the rule so that it "placed a copy" of the email into the respective folders. This keeps an email in the inbox, but it defeats the purpose of keeping my inbox clean...
Beknatok said:
If you're a heavy Exchange user, I HIGHLY recommend investing in Touchdown. It's expensive @ $20, but worth every penny. It is the best Exchange e-mail client out there and is extremely powerful. It also allows me to segregate my work e-mail from my personal e-mail (Gmail). Look into it, I believe there's a demo/trial that you can run with for 15 days.
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Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Doesn't sound promising given the posts regarding the being MS proprietary-ness.
Outer Marker said:
I've never known any Android device to mix Google and Exchange accounts. Even the Photon natively segregates Gmail from the Universal Inbox.
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You can if you use k9-Mail, but not by default, on which you are correct. My bad for not being clearer.
I'm glad to see that i'm not the only one with this problem.
My email server is comcast. We use cached exchange mode. No idea what the means. But I can use outlook on any network. The rules exist server side. I am able to see the new email in folders but I get no notifications.
Neither Touchdown or K9Mail are a viable solution. Touchdown is too expensive when I only get 5-10 (albeit important) emails a week, and I don't recall it really doing a good job of notifications. I tried K9 but it also does not properly notify, and it is EXTREMELY convoluted and difficult to use, and I'm a power user.
Why can't someone just write an app that watches those folders and notifies the user of email, or better yet why can't google just make their exchange app work right?
My evo used to notify me on subfolders. Not photon though.
Sent from my MB855 using xda app-developers app
I ended up purchasing touchdown. The price didn't bother me as I'm a heavy exchange user for my own business. The principal of the matter bothered me though-- Photon was advertised as a business phone yet it has such a simple yet important feature missing. I really regret purchasing the photon, wish I got an HTC phone instead.
Counting down the days my 2 years is up!
fusQer said:
I ended up purchasing touchdown. The price didn't bother me as I'm a heavy exchange user for my own business. The principal of the matter bothered me though-- Photon was advertised as a business phone yet it has such a simple yet important feature missing. I really regret purchasing the photon, wish I got an HTC phone instead.
Counting down the days my 2 years is up!
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did u try K-9? open source and free
my sub folders send alerts
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium

Did anyone get Exchange emails working yet? [CM 7.1.0]

SGH-i777 running CM 7.1.0 on Android 2.3.7. Carrier is obviously AT&T.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to add my Exchange account to the stock e-mail program. I've tried:
* Countless variations of server, domain, and username settings. I've followed this guide **can't post link** and several other guides. I do have access to my company's server information, and while I'm not sure which server is actually being used, I've tried them *all*, several times, and gotten nowhere. With a WiFI connection (no firewall) and just 3G data, signed in or signed out of Outlook Anywhere. No luck, just "Unable to open connection to server".
* K-9 connected to my account, but I was unable to see any e-mails - none would load, even when I had it force check. So I uninstalled it (would rather use the stock app anyway).
Is this a problem with my signal? I read that someone got help from their carrier - they made a custom APN, but that was in another country so I'm a bit skeptical. Can't call Samsung (it's Sunday) and their website offers no help. It's possible my IT doesn't allow phones to read mail, but that's highly unlikely - we've got lots of employees in the field, so this seems like common sense.
I did a lot of digging and this might be an old issue, but it gets pretty technical and I'm obviously a n00b.
What am I missing here???? PLEASE fill me in - I've put hours into this!!
It's quite possible that your IT group who manages your Exchange environment isn't allowing non-approved devices to connect. Typically these are security-certificate based and/or mandatory VPN requirements. I would suggest asking your Exchange administrator in your IT department about this policy.
Under Domain/username, did you try putting the "\" in front of your username? To configure mine I did this and had to use the host name as the Exchange server. Some things to try anyway if you haven't already.
Also ran into issues setting up under a public wifi at work, had to use the ATT network to make it connect for some reason.
I have my work exchange account set up.
Are you making sure to connect to the external exchange server (sometimes different from internal)?
Have you asked your administrator for exchange login details (my IT dept sent out a company-wide email once with those details)?
You might have to type the server name in manually if it doesn't auto-detect (the case with my work email).
Now, my work isn't as strict, but as the previous poster said; you're exchange server might not allow unauthorized devices to connect. In which case you'll have to contact your IT dept.
They may have simply blocked all android devices (until recently didn't support hardware encryption, and spoofed exchange permissions). If that's true, educate them.
The server name may be a link rather than a server name. Ours is mibile.XXXXX.com for example.
probably related to your company's settings. I run my own exchange server and got it sync'd fine with the current cyanogen nightly
I had problems with the stock email and our ms exchange server. I could set it up, but after a while it stopped syncing and I could never really get it back to work. I switched to Touchdown, and after a little trial and error with setup, it's working fine for me. There is a trial version for 30 days or so that you could give a shot. Happy to give you some pointers.
AtlanM87 said:
I had problems with the stock email and our ms exchange server. I could set it up, but after a while it stopped syncing and I could never really get it back to work. I switched to Touchdown, and after a little trial and error with setup, it's working fine for me. There is a trial version for 30 days or so that you could give a shot. Happy to give you some pointers.
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+1 for touchdown. I've been using it for about a year. It's far superior to any exchange solution the Google offers. I only wish it would populate Google calendar as it does the Google contacts. The UI is getting dated as well. I wish they would come out with a cosmetic update or theme capability.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium

Inconsistent Email (Exchange Server)

I have searched endlessly for an answer to my question and maybe I am missing something, but my exchange email service is very flaky. I carry two phones (iPhone 4s - work ATT and the Note - personal ATT) and the Note will just stop getting my exchange emails throughout the day. I have tried everything. Currently I am Dag Overclocked Kernel and Saurom RC4a but I went back to stock rom, I exchanged for a new note, and every thing I do the system still fails to deliver mail consistently.
I dont have Juice Defender running, I have no peak scheduling set up, and all power savings are turned off. Does anybody have any ideas? Can it be an exchange server configuration? My iPhone always works, and this is driving me nuts.
I was going to post this exact same thing. I have my email on my iPhone and my Note, both from the same exchange server. My iPhone consistently gets email long before my Note does.
Are you using office 365/exchange online by any chance?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note
We are using Exchange 2007, and we are in the process of migrating to the latest version. In the meantime, I installed Touchdown for Activesync on my Note, and it seems to be very consistent, in so much that it gets all my emails before any of my other devices, including my desktop at work!
I guess i will license a copy if it makes it through the week with no hiccups. Stupid that it cost 20 bucks to get my mail working correctly. I cant believe the default app on the Note cannot handle my work email needs.
Sounds like you are running an in-house mail server. I didn't ask which version of Exchange you were connecting to but specifically if you were using Microsoft-hosted Exchange as part of the Office 365 or Exchange Online program. They have a server redirection setup that some versions of the Android mail client do not understand, so when they change servers on you on the back end (which happens with alarming frequency) the Samsung mail client is unable to connect to the mail server. iOS devices know how to handle the internal redirection as do some versions of Android mail. But not the version on the AT&T Galaxy Note. ICS is rumored to fix this. Anyway, that's probably not your issue, but it is mine and my symptoms are identical.
I have Touchdown as well; it has a lot of features but I don't love the interface, and there's a lot to be said for having a single email client for multiple accounts. Default Android mail is woeful and has always been so IMHO. Have you looked at Enhanced Email? I would use that except it is very hard to deal with if you have many folders and you try to move messages from your inbox to your nested folders (I've submitted a feature request for them to handle that the way Touchdown does, but I don't think it's a high priority item for them because it's been missing for a long time).
Maybe you can troubleshoot with your Exchange admin when you fail to receive messages and they can look into debug logs.

