Anyone with a Hard Button Fix???? - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

I got a phone off ebay yesterday, still in the process of upgrading and whatnot, but it seems that the hard buttons are not working after bootup. Mechanically they function fine, as I can go into the bootloader, or do a hard reset without a problem. But no matter what rom, radio, or bootloader I put on there they just don't work in windows mobile. It seems like it would be an easy fix, but if not, I guess I'll deal with it since it was stated in the auction that it had "button problems". But it seems others are having the same problems, as I had noticed multiple locations on the forums where someone had requested help with the same situation. Who knows, it could have been the guy that sold me the phone cause he gave up on finding an answer. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated!!

I can't help you with a solution but I had a 6800 for one day and the hard buttons quit working. I returned mine back to Cellular South for a replacement. My replacement has been fine. I tried hard resets and all; I had not even modified the phone in any fashion. Good Luck!


Front Buttons INOP?!?

I have searched this and could not come up with any fixes, but here goes.
On my 8525 most of my front buttons would quite working (Send, End, OK, Start Menu, and Both Top Menu select buttons) on every Cingular 2.06 Rom. This would be a daily thing that could be fixed by a soft reset. Then I upgraded to XDA Live 2.0 everything worked great for a while when all of a sudden all of the front buttons stopped working, all of them except the dpad. I did a soft reset and even a hard reset, and every time it would still not be working. I freaked out the only thing I could think to do is to downgrade to the original Rom 1.34 that was on it when I received it so I could try to send it in for warranty. After the downgrade all the buttons have been working now.
So in my mind I am thinking this is a software issue rather than a hardware problem. But if that is the case what would cause this? Is there any kind of fix?
I really want to put WM6 back on my device, but not at the cost of my hardware buttons.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Aww cmon nobody has anything to say and nobody has ever run into this? Should I just try to reupgrade with different radio and BL. Would the BL or the Radio have any remote relation to this problem?
Need your help here GuRu's.
Never heard of this problem before. There is a fix for the 8525 keyboard in the XDA Live extras, but I'm almost certain it doesn't affect the front buttons.
I'd almost say that its a problem physically with a broken/barely connected button membrane or something similar.. and the action of you moving the phone to reset it/pressing the button is enough to connect it again.
If you're sure its working 100% now, try flashing XDA Live again and seeing if it kills it again!
Philux-X said:
Aww cmon nobody has anything to say and nobody has ever run into this? Should I just try to reupgrade with different radio and BL. Would the BL or the Radio have any remote relation to this problem?
Need your help here GuRu's.
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Just a couple ideas. First, what 3rd party apps have you installed after upgrading and have you changed anything in the "softkey" program? Also, when you said you did a hard reset, was it a real hard reset, or just a power down? Some people at first get the two mixed up.
Also, the radio and bl wouldn't have anything to do with a problem like this.
Like TAURUSBulba said, I would think that it HAS to do with some cab/registry or executable you install that is common to all the ROMS that makes it do this. I would suggest you check out your installed applications and research what might create this problem.
The Rest was an actual "hard reset" with nothing else installed on phone except for system files (fresh system). I did not think the BL or Radio would have anything to do with it, I just wanted to be sure. I will try to re-upgrade to XDA Live 2.0 again when I can find some extra time. I will post results if anything changes or I continue to keep having this problem.
I appreciate your feedback.
Thank You

Disappearing radio?

has anyone come across the problem that when you move to say 3g from gsm or back or you loose signal as your in a bad signal area and then get it back, the phone actually looses the radio says "operation failed" and relocks on to the signal?
mine will sometimes loose the signal need restarting and on the boot screen will show NOGSM when its clearly installed as it worked 20seconds ago. i have tried many types of radio rangeing from 1.07 to 1.41 and all their varients. i am at a loss why my phone just looses it and then forgets it has actually lost it untill i try to make a call or send an sms. no calls or sms's can be received by me whilst the phones done this and it does it a hell of a lot.
sometimes it also just looses the radio half way through a call or data call.
anyone got any ideas?
i have a m3100
IPL 1.04
bootloader 2.10oli
and the XDA live OS installed. however it does it on any OS i have tried so far. and thats alot of them.
Same for me.
Same problem for me.
Often I get the message "operation failed" or "the phone is not ready, wait 15 seconds and try again". Thought it was a problem with the new 1.38 radio, but it seems to be something different.
i also get all those error msg's. i have no idea how to fix it either and no 1 here seems to have a clue either :-(
i Had the same problem with mine it due to hardware i guess. Your phone might have fell down or something then this kind of problem starts I fixed mine by opening my phone up and fixed the arial part properly
is there a guide you follow for that or can you give me any tips to do it myself?
Smith2001 said:
is there a guide you follow for that or can you give me any tips to do it myself?
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I fixed my phone almost the same way as Torrentulla did. I'm my case it seems that something was damaged when I dropped my phone a few weeks back. I discovered that when I pushed at a spot right below the flashlight that the radio kept coming up all the time.
These are the steps I took to repair:
Remove all 4 screws (very small torx) at the back of your hermes
Remove back
Put a little piece of paper on the "pressure" spot
Put your phone back together
Turn it on and enjoy!
I hope you'll manage to fix yours aswell!
Phone sometimes shows No GSM, fails to ring
Hey guys, I posted this in the dead hermes thread, but decided to post it here as it's not really bricked. I think it may be a faulty component or something.
My phone was working fine this morning, then in the afternoon I noticed I would have to try to make a call 3 or 4 times before it would go through, it kept on giving me the error (Can't connect, or something along those lines).
Then, I checked my voicemail and found that I had 10 messages from people who had been trying to get in touch with me, but my phone hadn't been ringing.
The kicker came when I soft reset my phone and all of a sudden No GSM popped up! I soft reset it again, and it was gone, and worked fine for a couple of hours. Now its back to not ringing again.
I flashed radio about a week ago, and have been running fine with no problems since. I haven't flashed any rom's in the past week, and this problem just started yesterday. No new software has been installed (except Pimp my black v0.1).
I don't know a lot about the radio, but I didn't think it could become corrupted during regular use, I thought you could only mess it up when you were flashing the phone. I wonder if there is something wrong with the radio? Could the hardware be faulty? This phone is about 8 months old and hasn't had any problems up to this date.
I'm going to flash radio again and see if that makes a difference, but I'd like to know if anyone has any ideas as to what could be causing this.
Sorry this post was so long,
it seems i don't have a pressure point on mine as the radio is working as and when it likes. which is not alot
gotta sort it out somehow, will take it apart and see if theres anything obvious.
I have the same problem too, phone sometimes shows NO GSM on startup and sometimes it works. Here's where I posted :
Now its not even showing NO GSM it just says: NONE, NONE
Also, I noticed that it will only last about 6 hours on a full charge before the battery is absolutely dead.
I'm beginning to think that it may be my radio
It seems strange that all of these people are suddenly having this problem now.
Whats the warranty like on these devices? Is it a 1 years parts and defects warranty? Or is it some ****ty 90 day warranty?
As it is my phone is a piece of garbage, not worth using at all, I am very disapointed in it.
It's a hardware problem.
Hi guys,
I'm experiencing the same problems since two months and I've been struggling with all kind of OS, ROM, RADIO and bootloader, without even gettin close to solve them.
My phone randomly loads the RADIO (otherwise I get the "No Gsm" message), even when loaded, the connection is not suitable and my phone is often unreachable on the net. The battery life is very short because the phone always looses the signal and then seraches till he find it, before loosing it again.
So I disassembled my phone and did a lot of testing with hardware connections. I have found that the motherboard connection with the flash/scroll module isn't stable at all. You can easily move it and find that this affects the phone ability to load the RADIO. It seem strange but it's true. I can't solve the problem and I'm very upset with HTC because of their hardware components lack of quality. I would like to try to change the module to but I can't find a place where i can buy HTC hardware parts.
So I'm going to change my pda, I'll never buy HTC anymore.
Any help?
Has anyone figured out the problem? If it is hardware, what "pressure" spot is it? I tried, but wondered if I'm not in the right place.
In my case it was a spot right below the flash/scroll-part. As said earlier, i put a piece of paper on the spot and reassembled the phone. It still works excellent after a week!
My dopod can't connect to the mobile network as well, but only with the 3 network. It seems fine when being connected to an Optus network. Have you guys tried using a different network simcard?
I'm not sure if mine is a physical problem but maybe a setting which i need to configure so i can connect to a 3 network. Help anyone?
ROM version : Pro BLACK 3.0
ROM date : 01/04/07
Radio version :
mine also works just under the flash with the cover off, but if i hold it too hard then the screen goes all white and doesn't work, until i can get the case off its a hit and miss game at the moment.
thanks very much for the tips and help
Larrys said:
So I'm going to change my pda, I'll never buy HTC anymore.
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I cannot agree with this more.
I am sick to death of this phone. I had one of the first in the country for normal sales and spent weeks arguing with HTC who flatly denied the screen alignment issue. EVENTUALLY I got them to fix this after referencing posts in this forum.
I continued to suffer the "coma" software issue - why is it so F*((&&^ dificult for a device to wake up when its auto-sleeped?
And finaly, to top it off, I have been suffering this problem. I cannot express how mad I am. Did I buy a cheap phone? NO. I have had nothing but problems with this phone and will NOT buy another HTC.
Oh and if anyone knows how to repair a failed Radio upgrade, please help me! I don't have any choice but to use it until the IMate Ultimates come out.
Due to seeing this radio problem I thought I would try downgrading the radio from 1.4.summint or other (the latest) to a slightly older version. This was of course before I saw this thread. During the downgrade the installer stopped at 15%. Now no matter what I do it sits at the IPL/SPL screen (3 colour bars+white). I have done the obvious i.e. follow the installers error procedure (remove the battery).
Device: HERM200
Please help me be able to use this for another month or two at most - i hope!
Thanks guys
OK Guys
thanks to this thread:
I now have it trying to boot the o/s. I get the message "No GSM" on the boot screen but when it boots up it asks me for my pin number and freezes. I guess its locking up because it has no "phone" part? According to the instructions in the other thread I am supposed to flash it again but I can't as the phone locks on boot.....
Any ideas?
*FINALY* got it back into pre-flash feck up situation. Sadly, this still leaves me with the hardware problem. HTC can go poke themselves until the cows come home. Im taking my money somewhere else.

[Q] "Insert sim card" error :(

Recently my S2 just stopped reading my SIM when I was going to call someone. Since then it has refused to read my SIM, or any other SIM for that matter.
To fix this problem I've tried resetting the phone to factory settings (in 3 different ways ( )) with no luck.
I've also tried installing alternative ROM's, but with the same result.
The phone was already rooted with an insecure kernel when this happened, so warranty is long gone.
Though, one thing I did realize was that even though I did hard-reset the phone several times, some of the settings on the phone remained untouched, like my locking pattern and a few other settings. Does this mean that hard-resetting the phone isn't really an actual hard-reset? If that's so, is there any way to properly 100% reset the phone?
In short; I'm running out of options on how to fix this. I refuse to believe it's hardware related, just because I'm stubborn like that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated (really).
Habitats said:
Recently my S2 just stopped reading my SIM when I was going to call someone. Since then it has refused to read my SIM, or any other SIM for that matter.
To fix this problem I've tried resetting the phone to factory settings (in 3 different ways ( )) with no luck.
I've also tried installing alternative ROM's, but with the same result.
The phone was already rooted with an insecure kernel when this happened, so warranty is long gone.
Though, one thing I did realize was that even though I did hard-reset the phone several times, some of the settings on the phone remained untouched, like my locking pattern and a few other settings. Does this mean that hard-resetting the phone isn't really an actual hard-reset? If that's so, is there any way to properly 100% reset the phone?
In short; I'm running out of options on how to fix this. I refuse to believe it's hardware related, just because I'm stubborn like that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated (really).
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You can refuse to believe in gravity too, but falling from high distances will still hurt.
If you tried more than one SIM in the phone and none work, but those same SIMs work in other phones, than more than likely, it is hardware related.
Did you check you imei?
078gregory brings up a good point. So if it's not missing IMEI info, THEN it's likely hardware.
Isn't it funny how everything suddenly works itself out once you cry out for help?
Today I've been trying around 10 different ROM's on the phone. Custom and stock. As one last attempt I gave a random ICS 4.0.3 march ROM a last try, and guess what. I got the SIM prompt. I can not believe it. So yeah, it's working now. I have no idea what caused it, but I believe the phone was stuck in flight mode somehow, and just needed an extra push to get out.
Either way, it's working like a charm now. Thanks for the replies though.
Habitats said:
Isn't it funny how everything suddenly works itself out once you cry out for help?
Today I've been trying around 10 different ROM's on the phone. Custom and stock. As one last attempt I gave a random ICS 4.0.3 march ROM a last try, and guess what. I got the SIM prompt. I can not believe it. So yeah, it's working now. I have no idea what caused it, but I believe the phone was stuck in flight mode somehow, and just needed an extra push to get out.
Either way, it's working like a charm now. Thanks for the replies though.
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Don,t forget to press THANKS button on ctomgee
Hi people. I have the same problem Habitats decribes. Mi s2 is stuck in flightmode and cant get out! i have reset the phone in every kind of way but no succes. Now i read here on this forum that flashing my phone to ICS 4.0.3 can help solve the problem. I'm on 2.3.6 now. This flightmode thing happened al over sudden. I have done nothing strange with the phone. Its not rooted either. I was planning to go to a samsung servicepoint and let them check whats wrong. But now i read this thread and see that i can relate to this problem of Habitats. I think a also will try to flash ICS 4.0.3 and watch what happens. But theres another problem. KIES don't recognize my phone anymore so what can i do? Can someone please help me out? Thanks in advance
I'm having the exact same problem, could you please tell me which rom worked for you Habitats? Thanks in advance!
Update:Last tuesday i went to the vodafone store were they have a samsung service department also. I explained my problem to them but they don't seem to recognize the problem. Although i read that many people here at xda's and over the internet have similar issues with this phone.Strange! So they sent it to the repair centre. Yesterday i could see in the track and trace menu of the repair centre that my fone was ready and send back to the vodafone store. Status: Boardswap. So they swapped the whole board! Didn't know that the problem was that serious! So i hope i can pickup my galaxy s2 soon this coming week!! I can't wait!I'm on my old HTC Touch HD now. Its ok with the windows but on Android....Arggghh!! Whatsapp is a pain and more. Its so laggy!. I will give an update soon again!

*Wi-fi And Bluetooth* HARDWARE ISSUE! Please help!

Hello all, I suddenly had a problem which causes wifi and bluetooth stop working. What happens is;
When I click turn on wifi button, 'Error' message shows up under the button in order to turned on or connecting after 5-10 seconds.
And when I click turn on bluetooth it only loops, turn on, turn on, but never turns on.
I seached a lot in the web and in XDA, there is nothing to solve the problem. My warranty is over and I switched my country. I have to fix it by myself.
I watched this video,
that French guy is solving the problem which I have. But everyone says that it solves the problem temporary. I have to solve it permanently.
IS THERE SOMEONE who know how to solve the problem, and what should be done? I can try anything to solve it.
please do not say that, do factory reset, full wipe, try another rom, flash radio.... etc. BECAUSE I have done all. I'm pretty sure that it is a hardware problem.
Lots of people have this problem and this topic can help them too. THANKS!
Sadly I had the same problem, and the only information I could find was to flash it back to stock and etc. you've already read that and done it (as have I). If it doesn't work under stock conditions, it is a hardware problem, meaning the wifi/bluetooth chip is broken (unless for some miracle it is a stubborn software problem that nobody has figured out yet, but don't count on that). This is the case with my atrix. There is nothing we can do besides sending it back for repair, or somehow repairing it ourselves since our warranties are long expired.
I'm looking to get a new phone, since wifi is absolutely critical for me (200mb/month data plan). I am deeply saddened that I will lose my Atrix, it was truly an amazing phone. It happened to break right before the upcoming ICS update. I'm torn between Atrix HD ($50 at Costco online with a lot of extras thrown in for free, plus free activation.) and the HTC one x (80 with less goodies, free activation) I would go SG3, but that is 200, and I'm leaning towards the htc 1x right now...
Thanks for your reply
Thank you so much for your answer. I guess it is a hardware problem too. But I have to fix it. In my country I dont know how to find someone who can fix it, because Motorola is not so common in here. Can I fix it by myself with someone's guidance? I'm planning to sell the phone after I fix it. I will be really appreciated if someone can help.
Has the information on finding if you have official warranty left and how to schedule a repair, about halfway down.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Touch screen not working entirely on any ROM.

Alright, guys; I need some help. I previously had the classic all to well known problem with my digitizer, where I was missing about a half inch of touch input on my screen. I had gotten used to just rotating it to type, cause I was out of warranty, and I'm upgrading soon.However, more recently, I have developed a much bigger problem. My touch screen no longer works, AT ALL.
The issue first started when I attempted to install "Someone's ROM" with "That libs". I got screen fade-out that some other users reported, so I pulled the battery and flashed back to my EPinter's CM10 backup. After it had booted, I went to unlock the screen, and NOTHIN'. Not registering any presses or swipes what so ever. I then went into recovery and cleared everything, still nothing. Hooked it up to my PC, ran a FULL wipe (OS included), and flashed a fuitcake. After booting; still no touch screen. A helpful member of this forum suggested I try the PDS fix, so I did. Still left with the same result.
So, my question is... Is there any way that someone MUCH smarter than I can look at some type of statistic I can pull from my phone to see if there's a software problem causing this issue? And if so, is there any way I can retrieve said info with out being able to use the phone it's self? I really don't want to go the next 2 weeks with a flip phone. heh.
EDIT: If anyone can figure this out and get it fixed, I would be more than happy to donate.
Mast likely your digitizer is just broken!
Happens quite a lot on that phone.
They are not that expensive! (see for example
If you can't change it yourself see if you find someone to do it.
Yup. Sounds more like a hardware issue since you already did all recommended procedures.
Sent from that Atrix.
Yeah, I figured as much. Just hard to accept that it's finally completely gone out on me. Especially since it happened at the exact second I tried flashing experimental, untested firmware. I am aware of how simple a digitizer replacement would be, but I don't want to spend $40 on a new one, when I'm about to dump another $300 into a new phone in two weeks, ya know?

