DCD's Roms Back Up - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

It looks like the link to DCD's Roms are up again. Hopefully this means he's still interested in continueing development on our Titan's.
I personally wanted to thank him as my Titan works so good now that he saved me $$$ by not buying the Pro
DCD's Roms

Thx Gimpdog..... i for one am certainly glad to hear it.... I hope they got it all worked out....

I agree. Welcome back dcd. Glad to see you and hope everything worked out OK.

It's a step forward. I am glad to see things are moving ahead. We are still here with ya DCD...
Lets Go Red Wings!


What if...

So, for all of us DCD fans, could it be that DCD has offered us his last ROM release for the forseeable future? What if it is true (and believe me I hope it isn't)? Has anyone started researching other "stable" alternatives?
Just thought a thread for people to post suggestions or ideas for where we DCDers might go until he returns (if he returns)...
rsempsey said:
So, for all of us DCD fans, could it be that DCD has offered us his last ROM release for the forseeable future? What if it is true (and believe me I hope it isn't)? Has anyone started researching other "stable" alternatives?
Just thought a thread for people to post suggestions or ideas for where we DCDers might go until he returns (if he returns)...
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if dcd is goin to be done then i hope he drops DCD3.2.7m2D
without dcd, titans will never keep advancing
dont know about any other stable alts
nuerom 3....
maybe DCD is a student or sumthing...the summer had a lot of releases...maybe he's too busy now to be tinkering with the titan
Don't get me wrong...If DCD is done or just taking a break, that is totally up to him...this is not his job and he certainly doesn't owe us anything. I'm not here to bash him or beg him, just looking for alternatives that might be close to as good...I agree with megaprime.."without dcd, titans will never keep advancing", but we will have to keep working...
I think he's just been busy
pdub73 said:
I think he's just been busy
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Searching his recent posts makes it appear he's been busy in the Raphael (Touch Pro) forum. Wonder if he got himself a new phone? Or maybe he's just looking at porting the newer Raphael ROM to the Titan. Whatever, I am sure he's got a good reason for not being around... remember, this is a hobby for him, not a business, and anything he provides to us users is a gift.
answerman said:
Searching his recent posts makes it appear he's been busy in the Raphael (Touch Pro) forum. Wonder if he got himself a new phone? Or maybe he's just looking at porting the newer Raphael ROM to the Titan. Whatever, I am sure he's got a good reason for not being around... remember, this is a hobby for him, not a business, and anything he provides to us users is a gift.
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dcd said he would get a Touch Pro when it was available. It makes sense that he somehow has one or surely will have one shortly. I hope he has as much fun with it as he had with his Mogul. Ditto for gc, also, when VZW releases its xv6850...... July or August, perhaps..... 2011 or 2012. ;-)
You might want to take a look at this ROM:
It has the manilla 2d already in it. Pretty fast ROM.
Otherwise you can also watch ppcgeeks.com for new ROMs/Kitchens over there.

Athena Project Redux - Elite Team Release - [UPDATED] - beta download availble

So an update eh? How about a public beta? Sorry you all have been waiting so long, there has been much going on in the world of athena on our end and much more in testing. One thing we worked hard on is a true 6.1 NK.exe the ONLY rom anywhere that will have that, a work done by the hardworking cmonex herself. To download go here: http://eliteteam.htc-hackers.mobi/pub/AthenaProjectRedux/ Download the nbh and the wrapper. If you'd like to there is also the pagepool app that you can play with pagepool settings. Please all download play with it and see what you think. Thank you for your support and patience
Added by DaveShaw in LTxda's absence, take from a post by AstainHellbring here.
...more coming soon.
Project Goals
- New Build
- New Life
- New Features
- New Speed
- New Stability
- Updated Software
- Two Versions - Packed and Clean but nothing in between (wow that rhymed, pretty cool)
- More to come soon...
no promises but if stuff in school calms down and i find the time i will make that come back tour i was talking about. going back to square one though and making a whole new kitchen if i do. lite and full rom. latest stuff from blackstone, raphael, and diamond. touchflo2d maybe. touchflo3d not in near future. also might be one rom only as im still looking into getting a blackstone.
Pawel062 said:
no promises but if stuff in school calms down and i find the time i will make that come back tour i was talking about. going back to square one though and making a whole new kitchen if i do. lite and full rom. latest stuff from blackstone, raphael, and diamond. touchflo2d maybe. touchflo3d not in near future. also might be one rom only as im still looking into getting a blackstone.
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Bro, you're always welcome back. Meanwhile we'll keep the machine well greased and parts moving. Come back when you can, we'll all be here waiting on you.
We have some nice plans for this next ROM so check in from time to time and flash your Athena and provide feedback.
ltxda said:
Bro, you're always welcome back. Meanwhile we'll keep the machine well greased and parts moving. Come back when you can, we'll all be here waiting on you.
We have some nice plans for this next ROM so check in from time to time and flash your Athena and provide feedback.
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Yo ltxda,ya giving me a hard on with these roms lol.Good to see the ap team on a comeback.I miss them days on irc waiting for ap4 and pre-testing,at the same time bashing on good ol' irus lol.Still trying to figure out building the cannon .God bless you ltxda,your daughters health,and the rest of ap team.
btw ,ya still on irc?
any help you need lemme kno.
looking foward! peace!
D1ab70 said:
Yo ltxda,ya giving me a hard on with these roms lol.Good to see the ap team on a comeback.I miss them days on irc waiting for ap4 and pre-testing,at the same time bashing on good ol' irus lol.Still trying to figure out building the cannon .God bless you ltxda,your daughters health,and the rest of ap team.
btw ,ya still on irc?
any help you need lemme kno.
looking foward! peace!
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Thanks for your kinds words bro. We sure are on IRC. There isn't much activity for this yet in the public. Today I flashed a alpha ROM to my Athena and it booted fine, all is looking good for this project so far....but i never thought it wouldn't
We should be active in IRC soon with some more testing once we port some nice things over to the ROM. I can't wait. These newer builds, I'm hoping will make the Athena snappier and a bit more pleasant to use.
For now, let everyone know about the project so we can get things going again. I can't wait to see how the thread will turn up again. LOL
Those were some crazy crazy times. I'm sure many people had to replace the F5 key on their keyboards from hitting refresh so much.
ltxda said:
Thanks for your kinds words bro. We sure are on IRC. There isn't much activity for this yet in the public. Today I flashed a alpha ROM to my Athena and it booted fine, all is looking good for this project so far....but i never thought it wouldn't
We should be active in IRC soon with some more testing once we port some nice things over to the ROM. I can't wait. These newer builds, I'm hoping will make the Athena snappier and a bit more pleasant to use.
For now, let everyone know about the project so we can get things going again. I can't wait to see how the thread will turn up again. LOL
Those were some crazy crazy times. I'm sure many people had to replace the F5 key on their keyboards from hitting refresh so much.
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Hellz yeah Bro!
Tha ap4 thread was wild!
its irc.freenode.net #xda-devs is the channel right?
Mods need 2 sticky this!
D1ab70 said:
Hellz yeah Bro!
Tha ap4 thread was wild!
its irc.freenode.net #xda-devs is the channel right?
Mods need 2 sticky this!
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Yep and sticky on the way.
Thanks for all the hard work AP Elite Team. Hitting F5 and charging my Dopod U1000 .
Dusting, dusting away...
Hi Team I just dusted off my X7500 and will make sure it's all charged up for our next adventure!
Welcome back!!!!
greeeeeeeeeaaaaaat news, ole, ole, ole, the best team for the best rom.
could you please try to port the driver from kaiser or diamond to have all athena users manila 3d working?
wellcome back dudes. dusted off my athena as well. ready 4 action
If you guys can come up with something better than MiChy, I will be seriously interested - I have been rock solid with MiChy 2.04D and not seen the need to upgrade further.
One small request - if you can build on Pawel 's work on BlueTooth improvements, that would be awesome. Its my only real gripe at present
Liking the interest already. Spread the word and I hope there is as much interest in the project as there was "back in the day"
Nice, really looking forward to an new AP rom!
Mrsums said:
If you guys can come up with something better than MiChy, I will be seriously interested - I have been rock solid with MiChy 2.04D and not seen the need to upgrade further.
One small request - if you can build on Pawel 's work on BlueTooth improvements, that would be awesome. Its my only real gripe at present
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Thanks. Although we're not competing against anyone, I'm going to flash his ROM to see what it's about. Our goal is not to compete but to do the best job we can and hope that's enough.
We still have all our old tricks in the bag as well as a few new ones.
Still running AP4 and would be happy to move up if it looks good.
Prayer said for your daughter, BTW...
What about a x7510 version?
I'm glad to hear this news.
The problem is that I have updated my athena to a x7510.
Do you plan to make a versiĆ³n for this model? Now that we have the HardSPL for the x7510 (thanks cmonex), we need good ROMs.
If you don plan to release a version for the x7510, would you give me authorization to port your new ROM to the x7510? (or at least to try it, because I'm quite new to ROM cooking )

Just a Thank You

I have just flashed my first ROM on my 4 week old ATT Fuze. I am excited at how easy it was to do and look forward to playing with different ROMS.
So, from someone who is about to waste a good bit of time fiddling with my phone, I just wanted to say thank you to all the talent assembeled here that makes this so easy.
I love this stuff.
Doug M.

Opinions on SSK ROM

My Verizon Touch Pro comes on monday. First thing i'm doing is flashing it. I'd like to get some opinions on the best ROM's at the moment to start with.
Hands down it's the best out there.... especially with the kitchen bc you can customize it to your liking instead of only having what someone else decided to cook up for you...
sounds good, now just so I don't get lost, I'm kinda new to this. What's the difference between a ROM that's been cooked and then one that has a kitchen. Is it the fact that the entire ROM is customizable?
whysopro said:
sounds good, now just so I don't get lost, I'm kinda new to this. What's the difference between a ROM that's been cooked and then one that has a kitchen. Is it the fact that the entire ROM is customizable?
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A cooked rom comes pre-built - you just flash and away you go
A Kitchen is a small program which lets you customize what you want, then create the ROM files automatically - then flash.
The Kitchen is more hands on.
I actually am using mighty rom 4.16 (Flashed a few others, but keeps going back to mighty mike).
SSK is good!
When my girlfriend got her Touch Pro the stock TELUS rom was horrible! Crummy performance, crashed often.. minor glitches.
I'm a fan of cooking a completely custom ROM but SSK really worked in a pinch. She's been using it two months steady with no complaints.
I tried JD's, Juicy, and mighty.......but im staying with the SSK rom now. Its perfect for me and my VZW. you will love it. Mighty was cool.....but i had to do all this customization to get it about how i wanted it, and then it was buggy. SSK was flash and go for me. I just added my own theme, apps, and did an active sync.
Just got my TP (VZW) on Friday. i loaded SKK It works seamlessly. SKK and POINTUI is the way to go
thanks guys, i really look forward to being an active member here
whysopro said:
thanks guys, i really look forward to being an active member here
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I've been flashing every build SSK puts out for the last couple months, and have enjoyed every one of them. When I was first learning how to use the kitchen, I wrote up extensive documentation on how to do it. My .doc file is a little to large to attach here, so let me know if you would like it via PM.
I for one, would love the document. If you get a chance, I would appreciate you sending it. Thanks.
impudent1 said:
I've been flashing every build SSK puts out for the last couple months, and have enjoyed every one of them. When I was first learning how to use the kitchen, I wrote up extensive documentation on how to do it. My .doc file is a little to large to attach here, so let me know if you would like it via PM.
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IBTRules said:
Hands down it's the best out there.... especially with the kitchen bc you can customize it to your liking instead of only having what someone else decided to cook up for you...
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SSK is the way to go!
neophyte.vii said:
When my girlfriend got her Touch Pro the stock TELUS rom was horrible! Crummy performance, crashed often.. minor glitches.
I'm a fan of cooking a completely custom ROM but SSK really worked in a pinch. She's been using it two months steady with no complaints.
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Glad I made your G/F happy! WAIT THAT CAME OUT WRONG!!!! But you know what I am saying!
Thanks for the support!
YL Groper said:
I tried JD's, Juicy, and mighty.......but im staying with the SSK rom now. Its perfect for me and my VZW. you will love it. Mighty was cool.....but i had to do all this customization to get it about how i wanted it, and then it was buggy. SSK was flash and go for me. I just added my own theme, apps, and did an active sync.
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Glad you liked it!
ggaeta said:
Just got my TP (VZW) on Friday. i loaded SKK It works seamlessly. SKK and POINTUI is the way to go
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I agree, I may even do a Point UI ROM one day.... One day... Working on some new stuff as we speak.
impudent1 said:
I've been flashing every build SSK puts out for the last couple months, and have enjoyed every one of them. When I was first learning how to use the kitchen, I wrote up extensive documentation on how to do it. My .doc file is a little to large to attach here, so let me know if you would like it via PM.
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impudent as the bomb! His docs are pretty damn good. I reviewed them myself and thought they were accurately accurate ;c)
Check out Scott's new website with forum for all of your SSK needs!!
For those who Don't know, Scrosler has released a ROM from his his newly formed kitchen SSK 2.0. After 4 days of being posted, no bug reports are coming in. The full Kitchen will be released very shortly. Check in on him at
Scott is realeasing ROMS and Kitchens for the Sprint Diamond as well. Documentation can be found at that site.
ggaeta said:
Just got my TP (VZW) on Friday. i loaded SKK It works seamlessly. SKK and POINTUI is the way to go
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I would definitely suggest using SPB Mobile Shell 3. I've never been a fan of SPB things, but MS3 has made terrific improvements to its Shell, and now I can't go back to anything else. Hands down the fastest and most convenient Shell out there.
Try it out, and temporarily disable POINTUI Home first beforehand. You will love it!
This ROM, any from the SSK line up, will sadly leave you wanting for more...
More ROMS! Because they are the best with the fewest problems. It will make a huge difference to your phone. You will sit up at night, staring at your computer hoping Scott will put a new one up without warning. Then you will stay up all night downloading and flashing. It will affect your marriage and your job. But you won't care beacuse now your phone will amaze you.
Do it. Do it now. Do not wait. Flash a ROM or build one in a kitchen, you will never regret it.
I wanted to just flash something fast and bug free and be done with flashing (after 6+ months of constant flashing). Happy to say that SSK HD 6.1 did the trick. Great battery life comparted to other HD 6.1's I had tried as well.
SSK Rules
The newest SSK ROM out is awesome. For those of you that don't know whick one, it is SSK 2.1.1. He has WM6.1 and WM6.5 both available with a premade ROM or a kitchen.
IDK if its a problem in the build or just with manala but the weather tab has some issues. when i try to add my town, i go to the state, then try to scroll to the town and all it shows is the first few cities of the a's and when you try to scrool it goes strait to the end of the z's. so it might be better to install just a rom without manila and load that on your own.
So... maybe its just been a long day but does anyone know if sskusers.net not work anymore? It keeps taking me to godaddy. wtf? And I cant seem to find any links that will take me to download the 6.5 Roms... Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I saw some posts on ppcgeeks that mentioned that Scott was taking the site offline and would not be doing further development work on his ROMs. I'm on his Touch Pro 6.5, it really works well and I'll stay with this one until I buy a Windows Phone 7 (as long as it has GPS and can run a few select apps I'm using now) at the end of the year.

Thanks to All / Donate to the Masters

Thanks to all who responded to my PMs about how they liked their iolite. From the feedback you guys gave, I trusted it and I ordered mine tonight from selectgsm.com which is in HK and will ship in a day or two. I will soon really be selling my ATT Fuze and my LG Incite. Both good phones, but even after flashing them with 6.1 and 6.5 roms, not quite good enough in battery, response, call quality, call volume.
Moving on...with me also soon to owning an iolite, I...like many peeps in this forum also wants a HARD-SPL and thus to be able to flash to great, updated /custom 6.5 and 6.1 ROMs, but I have learned as my hair has gotten grayer, that you can get more bees with honey. Given the bees are olipro and cmonex in this case, and the honey is the money in the form of donations.
While no doubt they do not do this stuff for the money it always helps.
Below are some links to give the bees some honey. I suggest donations to both of them:
Olipro is at
cmonex is at
Good luck at all!
Best and with fingers crossed soon to be happy flashing,
Keep the honey coming!

