I am thinking of upgrading to a Vodafone v1605 on Monday.. and I can see lots of information about changing languages etc... but it is getting confusing for me...
Is there are concise account on how to install Japanese on a UK Vodafone V1605?
I am new to this and only have experience with Palm PDA's. I am a bit worried about editing registeries etc..
search the forum
been there, done that.. that's why I posted.
Have you read this?
What have you read?
Hi hanmin,
thanks for your reply,
" Have you read this? "
Yes, I have read aquasesh's thread and also the links posted within.
I think perhaps. this thread is most useful.
and I can see these links to asukal's site.
then install this
I have also read this over at Brighthand
Reading all of these makes the process seem quite simple, but later on in the threads people post idffierent problems. I know it is perhaps true that they did not follow the instructions to the letter.....
I have also read this thread
So you see, I did use the search, but was hoping to find a summary of how to install full Japanese support, like a beginers guide.
I will read these again to try to get the process into my head. And will also read these pages thoroughly
Currently I use a Tungsten T3 PDA paired to a 802SE and can see Japanese in my email, and also reply in Japanese. But my T3 's battery only lasts an hour when out and about.
I also use a Sony Vaio VGN-TX51B which has the Japanese OS but of course, it is not always convenient to carry it around.
I know very little about the TyTn and things like re-flashing roms. and am wondering whether to buy a sim free unlocked no branding TyTn or just go for a Vodafone one as my upgrade is now due.
Thanks again for your reply,
Read this one if you read Japanese. It has the step by step comprehensive instruction on how to do it.
Well, from my experience, Asukal's works.
Anyway, I personally wouldn't suggest a ROM flashing for other language support unless you very much prefer having interfaces in other languages. I had my Chinese language support from Asukal, it works wonderfully. I did a beginner's guide at the Wiki under WM5.
Anyway, I'm sure you can get your stuff working. It is difficult to judge the difficulty of a certain task based on posts as many that got the thing working won't post at all. So, the success rate may be much higher than what you thought.
Anyway, Tytn or Hermes are waaaaay out my league (I'm poor), so I can't comment on which one you ought to be getting. You can look for some other thread discussing this issue.
Anyway, if you can, once you got your thing working, do a begineer's guide at the Wiki then.
Thanks harryk1372 and hanmin!
harryk1372, I will check out the link you gave now,
Yes, many people who have success do not post.
I did find this page just a few minutes ago,
and deleting the _README.TXT reveals fonts, cabs and exe files.
" Anyway, if you can, once you got your thing working, do a begineer's guide at the Wiki then. "
Yes, I will do !
Thanks again !
ofiaich said:
Thanks harryk1372 and hanmin!
harryk1372, I will check out the link you gave now,
Yes, many people who have success do not post.
I did find this page just a few minutes ago,
and deleting the _README.TXT reveals fonts, cabs and exe files.
" Anyway, if you can, once you got your thing working, do a begineer's guide at the Wiki then. "
Yes, I will do !
Thanks again !
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the rough process is as follows. i think you can find details yourself.
1) override wince.nls
2) install a japanese font
3) change font registry
4) install atok for ppc (don't reboot yet)
5) install DefSipChange to change default sip from atok to something else
6) install pqzii to map a key to start ime
the key is that atok tries to become default sip after installation. when atok is the default sip, the system just gets hung up, and all you can do is hard-reset. defsipchange detects and prevents atok from becoming default, and you can choose another sip as default. english key map does not have KANJI (ime) key. pqzii is a very useful program to map the ime start function to any key.
if you wanna save disk space, i recommend you use docomo rom.
thanks qtotter!
I got the idea but need to do more serious reading, looks daunting for a beginner !
I got a chance to buy an unbranded, unlocked TyTn, or use my Vodafone upgrade and get a V1605.
qtotter said:
the rough process is as follows. i think you can find details yourself.
if you wanna save disk space, i recommend you docomo rom.
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i had a problem when i was experimenting the docomo rom that you can find at the wiki site. no matter how many times i tried flashing it, it stopped exactly at 47% all the time giving me an error that there is a communication error. looks like there are many of those who succeeded flashing it though. were you able to flash it?
harryk1372 said:
i had a problem when i was experimenting the docomo rom that you can find at the wiki site. no matter how many times i tried flashing it, it stopped exactly at 47% all the time giving me an error that there is a communication error. looks like there are many of those who succeeded flashing it though. were you able to flash it?
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i am using docomo rom on x01ht since it does not have a sim-monitoring process although i don't want to see docomo logo everyday. i could update the rom w/o any problems, but i did not download it from here.
try to download the file from here again or look for "Herm_China.rar" (it was named like this, originally) elsewhere on the net.
and before you update the rom, be certain that your device is fully charged, that there is no anti-virus software, no screen saver, no unnecessary software running on PC, and that there is no sim or no microsd left in the device.
if you still get the same error, simply chage the cable or try on another pc.
Hi qtotter,
thanks for your reply...
i do have "Herm_China.rar" downloaded but just thought that the one uploaded here by pof is from that and is the same thing. i too didn't want to see docomo bootsplash on x01ht and flashing it was only experimental after seeing Asukal's post on his web that he succeeded flashing it on x01ht.
i personally prefer i-mate roms and i have i-mate rom flashed on my Universal although i have changed the bootsplash by following the instructions on and i don't have to see i-mate logo on a Dopod device. i now have TyTN rom flashed on my x01ht as it doesn't have any brand logos other than HTC bootsplash. I'll stick with TyTN rom until someone finds the way to cook nbh roms and the way to change bootsplash and so forth.
thanks again for your advice anyways...
change bootsplash and rom cooking will be possible soon
Hi pof,
that's fantasitic. you are the man!
pof said:
change bootsplash and rom cooking will be possible soon
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wonderful news! i really hate the docomo logo.
I have downloadet file from another threat.
Is there anything that I should think of before I'l go on?
I know I need to take backup first.
But anything else?
And 2 more thing.
I know 3g talk is not working on wm6. Is there something else problem with it?
And is there possible to install the public release when it is released? (after I have installed this version)
Edit: Sorry for bad language.
I'm from Norway. And I spent to little time in my class
Before flashing your device:
Is it sim-unlocked and superCID ?
what is sim-unlocked and sid unlocked?
The phone is bought without simcard og something.
I can use whatever simcard I want
First Unlock
You will first want to download and install the program in this thread Make sure you read all the instructions and understand exactly what you will be doing. Then your phone will be ready to install WM6
I have read the post now.
Do I need to whatch the movie? Or is the steps readable from the exe fil when running it?
I'm in linux now and can't check the exe before rebooting.
Thanks for helping me
The steps are readable during the install but since you might not feel comfortable with english you can watch the video which always helps.
Thanks for the help. Read english is no problem. I'm just bad at writing it
First do the unlock program.
And then go for the rom file that I have mentions in first post?
Thanks again for the help
It failed after step 2. Black screen and nothing is working.
I got no error on step 1.
I have tryed to use cam button and reset to get it in debug?
And I get many colors and some info about firmware.
And there is standing USB.
Others are talking about a loading screen. Where can I find that?
Iminzilion said:
It failed after step 2. Black screen and nothing is working. I got no error on step 1.
I have tryed to use cam button and reset to get it in debug? And I get many colors and some info about firmware.
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That multi-color screen sounds like the bootloader. Assuming you are now super CID (not sure because your message doesn't say what the "some info" is), you simply establish a USB connection between a PC and your 7500, download the WM6 ROM on to your PC, and execute it. This was exactly my experience (just got to step 1, black screen on step 2). Lot of posts on this, so make sure you do your research before proceeding. Hope this helps, and good luck.
thanks. love it. JUST LOVE IT.
I have fixed it before you posted. mmmm.
I have tried it all. Just to confirm the HTC touch DUAL is the niki right? This was bought from HTC so its not branded by any cell phone company. Can som one please give me a dummy step by step info on how to upgrade to win 6.5 please??? cheers
To see what you device is for sure take the cover off and remove the battery. Above the large CE it will say NIKI200 or similar.
To upgrade to WM6.5 you'll need to flash an SPL, unlock your device and probably upgrade your radio. Information on how to do all these things is on this forum, I found it when I was a newbie. Have a look around, use the search and you'll find it soon enough. I always think it's more satisfying when you work things out for your self with minimum help.
One more piece of advice: make sure you flash things in the right order and read the instructions through twice before following then through to the letter.
All sorted. Cheers buddy
Hey Everyone!
I have been trying everything to get my kaiser (at&t tilt) to flash android on it. I have looked through tons of posts on how to do it, but most of them start talking about the vogue (is that kaiser??!!!) and one post says to flash original rom, gives a link where there is sprint, verizon, etc... but not at&t...
I am using windows xp to connect b/c my phone will not connect to my other computer (win 7). Here is what I have, or atleast the background of this phone. I have flashed different roms onto my phone, I assume its unlocked then, but I don't know. I am an amateur at this stuff, but very good at following directions. When I enter bootloader, it says...
I have tried everything that posts say, but I have not found one thread strictly for kaiser that says how to flash android to NAND... Some places say they do, but do not have the downloads necessary available (yeah that helps me, let me try and find them all from random websites that don't specify kaiser?!). I just cannot understand why there cannot be a simple post with directions and downloads for kaiser.
I really would appreciate someone's help on this. I have been through everything, I even tried to re-lock my phone to unlock it with cokeman's unlocker, which is what one post said to have. Re-locking didn't work...
I really want android on my kaiser... so whoever helps me the most on getting it to work, i will gladly pay $10 through paypal. the only requirement is that it must be flashed to nand and working, not just try to get working. I know there is not way to tell that I will pay, I can only say that I am an honest person and it is well worth $10 to me to get android on this phone that has been frustrating me for over 6 months. I would really appreciate your help. thanks.
nevermind. I PM'd someone after noticing this is completely in the wrong section.
go in sd folder "andboot" and inside all file now touch haret and run...
Hi guys,
Mods - first time post and im not a regular user so if im breaking the rules i apologise. I have spent hours already trawling the forums, but i am now admitting defeat and I need your help!
My Problem:
I have an x7501 SPL 1.06 0000, WM 5.0, GERMAN OS
I want to upgrade this to WM6.1 ENGLISH
I dont care what the SPL is, as long as it works, is reliable, and wont disable any standard WM functionality
I am not interested in tweaks, hulks, or other (non standard) tricks, i just want to get the device running a stock WM 6.1 rom
That said - if you guys think that going to 6.5 is the best (non beta, no risk) option, then im quite happy to go that route.
$50 reward to the first person who provides the following info IN A FORMAT THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND. im good with computers for a non pro (and can follow instructions , but this is just over my head!
I Need:
1) Link to an unlocker and instructions how to use, that will give me the required SPL (note my SPL is 1.06 - will this require two SPL flash steps??)
2) Link to a stable ROM that retains all windows functionality, and instructions how to use it.
If i find that i used two or more peoples help i will split the reward accordingly!
thanks in advance and keep up the good work!
Alan K
First you need to download the unlocker from this thread and follow instructions...
This will give you SPL 1.2
Here is a handy thread with step by step instructions on upgrading your roms you should read through before beginning to flash...
Unfortunately, the stock-like wm6.5 roms made by michy-prima that ran on spl1.2 are no longer hosted on any sites anymore. I can try to contact him for you and see if I can get a copy directly from him. I will see if I can do that.
Otherwise, you can change your spl to 3.5, which you might as well do anyways, as there are more roms for that spl and even the stock-like michy-prima roms were made in spl3.5 also, so if I can get those, I will get the spl 3.5 versions.
So to then change your spl to 3.5, you must have first used unlocker to make spl 1.2, then the only way that was made to change spl to 3.5 was to flash the Athena Project 4 rom, so go to this thread... and download the AP ROM V.4, unzip it, and run the flasher while your phone is connected with active-sync to your computer. This will install the spl3.5 and the AP4 Rom.
Now that that is done, you can choose any SPL3.5 ROM to flash... (make sure to only flash SPL3.5 Roms now... if need be, there is a way to go back to SPL1.2 if you need to, but there really is no reason you would need to.)
Probably the most modern rom with the most features would be the AGB Version 3.00 ROM, The Hulk one (I know you said you didn't want that, but it is the most current rom, and you can easily change the theme and wallpaper on it. This is the ROM I have on my Athena... its a nice ROM.) Here is the thread for that ROM...
Just unzip the rom after you download it, and like before, hook phone up to computer and let it sync, then run the installer. You can also use the ealier AGB roms, too, if they look better to you, or any rom you come across as long as it is a spl3.5 rom.
And I will try to contact michy-prima to see if I can get one of his old clean wm6.5 roms or his stock wm6.1 roms, but I wouldn't count on me being able to get one from him. Personally I think the newer AGB ROMs are alot better and more recent and updated and would recommend using them.
Also, here is a convenient thread I just found that has links to many different builds and useful tools and guides... ... so if you want to try out a couple wm6.1 while you have spl1.2 or even after flashing spl3.5, as a lot of roms are made for both spls. Just make sure you only flash roms made for the spl that you have on your phone.
I hope this helps... if you have any more questions, feel free to pm me and I'll be glad to help. Happy flashing!
Hi Zarathustrax,
Thanks for the extensive instructions. I will be checking it this week so hopefully ill be sending you some greenbacks by Friday!
Thanks again!
bigalk said:
Hi Zarathustrax,
Thanks for the extensive instructions. I will be checking it this week so hopefully ill be sending you some greenbacks by Friday!
Thanks again!
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Like I said, if you have any more questions or problems, feel free to ask here or pm me.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Also, if you prefer to have a winmo 6.1 ROM over the 6.5 ROM I suggested, there are links to many 6.1 ROMs in that last thread I linked. Here's the link again...
MichyPrima's roms are no longer hosted, but I have heard good things about Taxists and Sogarths ROMs. You can easily try a rom and then flash another if you don't like it. Just remember, make sure to flash roms for the spl that you have. If you have SPL3.5 and want a spl1.2 rom, there are links to the tool to change back to spl1.2. The only way to go from spl 1.2 to spl 3.5 is to flash the Athena Project 4 ROM, then after that you can flash any spl3.5 you want. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Hi Zarathustrax,
just to let you know - i still havent managed to allocate time to this yet.
I havent forgotten about you, and im not pulling a fast one!
thanks again for your time and effort!
Hi Zarathustrax,
In the very first step (unlocker link) Olipro says "follow the steps...."
I cant see the steps he mentions anywhere? This is one of the reasons for my original post
any ideas?
Forget my last question - unlocker has the steps!
Hi Zarathustrax,
tried twice and i keep getting error 202 - "check cables....... cannot connect to phone"
I have:
1) connected and synced via active sync
2) set active sync not to sync any items except for files
any ideas?
Ive tried everything i can. ALL windows updates installed (along with .net 2.0)
AV disabled
Athenaunlocker added to firewall exceptions - im on a work network so firewall is controlled through group policy - so i cant completely disable. do you think this might be the problem?
bigalk said:
Ive tried everything i can. ALL windows updates installed (along with .net 2.0)
AV disabled
Athenaunlocker added to firewall exceptions - im on a work network so firewall is controlled through group policy - so i cant completely disable. do you think this might be the problem?
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Hmmm... might be. I'll look into this and see if I can figure anything out.
Oh, by the way, sorry I missed your messages until now. I don't check these forums daily, so if you need to contact me quicker, send a private message to me.
bigalk said:
Hi Zarathustrax,
tried twice and i keep getting error 202 - "check cables....... cannot connect to phone"
I have:
1) connected and synced via active sync
2) set active sync not to sync any items except for files
any ideas?
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I've been reading through the forums trying to find an answer... at what point does it show this error? Is it right away? Does the x7501 change screen at all or do anything? I think I remember having problems like this when I unlocked it years ago... but can't remember exactly what I did. Does the x7501 go to it's tricolored bootloader screen at all? It maybe is having problems installing usb drivers while it's in bootloader mode if it changes into bootloader mode when you get that error. Let me know asap so we can get this solved. Also, have you tried using another cable at all?
Putting phone in usb Mode
Try installing before using the olipro unlocker.
Are you still on this
When you run the unlocker there are 3 steps - these are three separate buttons that appear on the flasher each time.
Can you indicate at which step you get this error? Go to this link
...IT IS IN GERMAN...but it gives very nice pics of the process...using google translate you can get some idea. BUT if you can indicate which step you were able to complete.....we can help better !
Also, what windows operating system?
bigalk said:
Ive tried everything i can. ALL windows updates installed (along with .net 2.0)
AV disabled
Athenaunlocker added to firewall exceptions - im on a work network so firewall is controlled through group policy - so i cant completely disable. do you think this might be the problem?
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chappatti said:
When you run the unlocker there are 3 steps - these are three separate buttons that appear on the flasher each time.
Can you indicate at which step you get this error? Go to this link
...IT IS IN GERMAN...but it gives very nice pics of the process...using google translate you can get some idea. BUT if you can indicate which step you were able to complete.....we can help better !
Also, what windows operating system?
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I'm kinda thinking he gave up or something.... I've pm'ed him and have been trying to get more info on his problem for a couple weeks. I think he was having the problem on the first step... and the enablerapi will probably solve his problem.
But doing all this reading and trying to solve this problem has got me to pull out my old athena and start playing with it again... it's been a couple years since I've used it... I'm on the HD2 now, dualbooting WP7 and android.... but I've gotten an interest in getting my athena set-up and working again. The athena was way ahead of it's time.... if we could get devs interested in it again and get a good android build ported over, it would make an awesome tablet/phone. I think I'm gonna try to play around with getting android booting on it, but my knowledge of linux and low-level kernel work is limited to none. The best I can do is try to put together a build with what kernels/tools are already out and working on the athena, which isn't much. I think they had it booting and got touch screen working, but not much past that.
Hi zarathustrax,
no i havent given up . was checking in regularly to see if i had any response from you but never even looked at the pms. sorry.
i have a few hours to crack into this now so ive set up on a new machine (different av and firewall) and im going to have a go.
will report back - thanks for all the additional info my man!
ok - so i unlocked successfully but i think i may have fcked up. when i read olipros unlocker thread its says that only step 1 is necessary, ("but if you do step 2 you must also do step 3")
as i was trying to get to spl 3.5 i presumed that i didnt need to do step 2 or 3. this might have been a bad choice.
heres what happened:
ran unlocker step 1, it worked, phone rebooted. i finished there as i wasnt sure if i needed step 2 or 3
loaded bootloader screen to check spl. spl said olipro 1.2. i though cool - rebooted phone and now its a black screen. i can get into the bootloader screen whish says:
SPL-V1.20. Olipro
have been reading up on next steps, or how to get rid of blackscreen but no conclusive answer.
its friday so im off home - battle lost but the war aint over!
Well. I'm not an expert (my Ameo was unlocked as I bought it) but if I understand, the black screen is because the ROM on your device dont match the new SPL you have. Try to flash a new ROM (SPL 1.2, right?) should help.
bigalk said:
ok - so i unlocked successfully but i think i may have fcked up. when i read olipros unlocker thread its says that only step 1 is necessary, ("but if you do step 2 you must also do step 3")
as i was trying to get to spl 3.5 i presumed that i didnt need to do step 2 or 3. this might have been a bad choice.
heres what happened:
ran unlocker step 1, it worked, phone rebooted. i finished there as i wasnt sure if i needed step 2 or 3
loaded bootloader screen to check spl. spl said olipro 1.2. i though cool - rebooted phone and now its a black screen. i can get into the bootloader screen whish says:
SPL-V1.20. Olipro
have been reading up on next steps, or how to get rid of blackscreen but no conclusive answer.
its friday so im off home - battle lost but the war aint over!
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Just replied to your pm before checking this thread, so I see that you can still get to SPL bootloader screen. So, what you should be able to do now is get your phone to bootloader screen and hook it up to pc like that. Then let any drivers that are installing finish, and where it says "serial" at the bottom should change to "USB".
At this point, you can now run a custom rom installer and flash a new rom. Since you want to change to SPL3.5, you should install the Athena Project 4 ROM.
Or if you want to leave it at this SPL for a while and test out a couple WM6.1 ROMS that use this SPL, just flash one of these. Here's a good thread that lists almost every ROM available with links and says what SPL they're for...
I'll do a little more research also about the screen not coming on to make sure it's not some other problem, but it probably is just the current rom isn't compatible with the new SPL.
I'm sending this post to your pm too.
Also, make sure you have the SD card and sim card removed when doing flashing. And check what radio you have on your phone... you must have atleast radio 1.50 or higher to use Athena Project 4 or most WM6.1 or WM6.5 ROMS.