Voice calls while in data - Touch Pro CDMA

I've had no luck being able to answer voice calls when I was in a data session. The incoming call screen will come up, but when I touch the green answer button, as well as the hardware answer button, all it does is mute the ringer. I can't answer the call. I've tried editing the registry:
if it reads GPRS (or something like that) make sure you change to 777#"
but it won't let me edit it with CeReg editor. I've tried all the settings for GPRS in advanced config with no success either. Anyone have any ideas aside from a hard reset?

Found a solution to the reg edit issue at:http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=40427&page=8 reply #78. Works great now with the reg edited to reflect #777.


Missing phone calls

I'm missing calls with this unit all the time. When I call the unit, it does not even ring until second or third ring... am I doing something wrong here?
I'm with Fido.
I had the same whith ELF . The problem is that it has priority for data connection . (and i can guess that you are checking mail every 5 min with sevelal accounts ). so when it use mail-push ----you miss calls
Solution to my mind is to check mail manualy or not every 5 min
I myself have ELF for telefon and reminder and X7500 only for DATA (mail internet massanger) and as organizer (more convinient to write than with ELF)
You can also call your carrier and ask them to add more time before voicemail picks up. My mother had this problem - picked up after 3-4 rings so she never had time to get it out of her purse. She got it extended to 6-7 rings and now she's fine.
My Athena rings on the 2nd ring, but my Jabra starts vibrating on the 1st, so I haven't had a problem.
marek101 said:
I'm missing calls with this unit all the time. When I call the unit, it does not even ring until second or third ring... am I doing something wrong here?
I'm with Fido.
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Click to collapse
Make sure you use a .wav ringtone and not a .wma one
normally there is a 3 second delay. Try changing the registry to remove the delay
You've just to edit the follwing reg value:
edit "Script" value to apw0r
that's a zero in apw0r
Another issue that effects the time to ring is the type of ring tone. .wav files will ring quickest.
I just found a long list of registry hacks, and one of them might be very useful for this thread - you can change how the phone rings/handles incoming calls. Maybe playing around with this you can get your phone to ring sooner?

How to block calls while on EVDO?

Hey guys, I put this over in the regular titan forums, but I wasn't sure where it belonged.
I am wondering if there is any way to send all incoming calls to voicemail when I am using PDAnet to get online. I know there is a PDAnet setting to "allow calls when connected" but even if I uncheck this, calls still come through and discconect my internet.
The reason I'm posting this here is because if something specific to PDAnet isn't available, or possible, is there anything that I can do to the phone to not have incoming calls disconnect my internet connection? I had a Motorola Q for a little while, and there is a "bug" that actually does this automatically (sends call to voicemail while on EVDO). It was a setting in the DEBUG menu, in the field test option, called DDTM, and it was by default on (I think), and so people had to change that to off (could be switched) to allow incoming calls. It was perfect for me though. Now, I think I tried looking for a DDTM setting in the mogul and I had found it a while back, but I dont think it did anything with regard to my situation. So my questions are:
Is there anything with PDAnet that I can do besides the setting I talked about? Registry or something...?
If nothing with PDAnet, then does anyone know how to change the DDTM setting on a mogul? I got into the DEBUG menu (##33284#) and I didnt find any DDTM setting there.
Besides the DDTM setting (since it hasn't worked for me in the past) is there any other method you guys can think of that will do what I want?
Call Filter
Yes there is There is a program called, Call Filter. you should be able to google it an find it.
SPB Phone Suite can also filter calls.
My understanding of call filter programs is that they screen the calls once they come to the phone and then prevent the phone from ringing. I would imagine this would still disconnect my internet services. I messed around a little with SPB phone suite, and I have nexvisions rom, which comes with Call SMS blocker (it has a call filter option). With SPB phone suite with the filter enabled, I couldn't even connect via PDAnet, it gave me an error 619 or something. With the Call SMS blocker, the program didn't block my incoming call at all, so that's more the program's fault. But am I mistaken in thinking that a call filter program would not work for my needs?
You don't need those programs to do it. Go to phone setting > Mode of Operation > change to EVDO only. This will automatically block all incoming/outgoing calls.
PS you might have to edit your registry if Mode of operation doesnt show.
I believe DCD's clean rom has it on his rom.
basian2001 said:
I believe DCD's clean rom has it on his rom.
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Click to collapse
Yes it does.
That does seem to work for my last option. But I cant receive any calls at all when in this mode, so I guess I would have to manually change this each time . Is there any way this entry can be automatically changed somehow with a script or a registry change? Also, this wouldn't work in areas without EVDO right? Since I'm disabling 1x, it would seem like it. So no software solution for this eh? Wierd how the glitch with the Q was perfect for me...
You are stuck with the manual fix tbh.

SMS sent notification

Most people in these forum try to find ways to disable the "sms sent" notification. However it's no problem for me and it helps a lot in low-signal areas.
However, I got another problem.
In some point recently the notification changed sound, without me doing anything.
I searched through these forums and the only thing I could find is this topic:
I changed the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877D65B-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408} Wave into \Windows\Alert-Exclaim.wma (my old sound) but the sound remains the same.
Anyone know how to I can change this sound again? Is there another reg key I should change?
Moreover I found out that current used sound is inside the Windows folder with the filename "Default".
Any help would be greatly appreciated
And even if you dont know but you still use the notification, could you please check your registry entries and tell me what you see?
I think you edit a wrong reg key ...in my device this reg key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877 D65B-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408} is for new message received notification ...I'm not sure but I think the sound for sms sent notification is here "settings -->sounds -->warnings"
Are you sure that it is that?
In mine it still has the same under Warnings. If you change it does it change the "message sent" sound?

[Q] cm7 voice dialer issue

I've tried searching, but haven't found an answer, so here we go,
when I use the voice dialer to call someone that's already in my phonebook, it dials and calls properly, but if I try to call a place such as autozone or any other business by just saying, "call autozone," it finds the number and tries to call it but it puts a + in front of the phone number and never goes through. I have to end the attempt at calling and go back and edit the number to remove the + from it. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I'm running cm7x2 and haven't changed any performance settings.
Thanks, Curt
EDIT: it works now after a couple resets and sbfs later

S8 clear view case question

When getting incoming calls, I no longer get the option to answer or reject the call. I get the caller ID info, but nothing else. I have to open the case to answer the call. Any ideas why or how to fix this? I've gone through all the settings I can think of but nothing has corrected this issue.

