Peeps - There in an Official Kitchen.... It has been released by the FINE folks over at
Please check it out....
Thx to all those responsible for this release.... You are very exceptionally talented people to whom we owe a debt a gratitude too.....
What are the advantages/disadvantages of using this kitchen over DCDs 3.0.1?
Isnt this an Apache kitchen?
Looks like the apache kitchen. Which reminds me how slow that PPC used to be. Then last night, I was playing around with the Touch. No keyboard was horrible, but it was so much faster. Didn't suffer from memory problems. If only the Mogul had 128 MB ram...
Titan compatible or NOT?
azclown said:
Peeps - There in an Official Kitchen.... It has been released by the FINE folks over at
Please check it out....
Thx to all those responsible for this release.... You are very exceptionally talented people to whom we owe a debt a gratitude too.....
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Ok, have you used this to build a rom for the titan? it only builds for apache, one good thing though, I'm able to get updated and new oem's which I'm able to use in DCD's kitchen.
wondabwoy said:
Ok, have you used this to build a rom for the titan? it only builds for apache, one good thing though, I'm able to get updated and new oem's which I'm able to use in DCD's kitchen.
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I have been following this it is supposed to eventually be a universal kitchen for multipple devices, checking it out tonight perhaps they have included the titan now.
Yup, looking at their main page they are thanking No2Chem for the titan kitchen, looking to see if I can find it now, perhaps DCD will be releasing his a compatible version of his kitchen, he and No2Chem seem pretty tight.
EDIT: Not quite ready for Titan yet here is a chat transcript from their chatroom>
<jjlwork> I noticed you are thanking no2chem for the titan kitchen, but i do not see anywhere to d/l throguh the updater, am I missing something?
<naigaman> jjlwork we are working on releasing that soon
So stay tuned!
It looks like a pretty intuitive kitchen, I hope we can get it released for the Titan, but until then DCD all the way.
If you read the full article HERE, You can see the dropdown box for what device your cooking for - I'm assuming there's a Titan device available, as dcd is listed in the credits aswell. In anycase I can't wait to try it tonight when I get home!
Jaquers said:
If you read the full article HERE, You can see the dropdown box for what device your cooking for - I'm assuming there's a Titan device available, as dcd is listed in the credits aswell. In anycase I can't wait to try it tonight when I get home!
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Don't waste your time, titan is not an option yet.
Damm, finally got back to my PC after the updater finished and alas....... IT IS NOT FOR THE TITAN.... When I read the read more section, down at the bottom I saw it say No2Chem for Titan Kitchen and bout pissed myself... SORRY to everyone who got too excited by my overzelous post........
jjlwork said:
Don't waste your time, titan is not an option yet.
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Damn, that sucks. I went and got all excited... Really the only functionality I want from that is the ability to change the boot & splash screens.
Just recently coming from the 6700/Apache camp I can tell you how much I MISS the Apache kitchen. It was nothing short of a ROM addicts dream...
I got kind of spoiled using the kitchen and the Apache. Yeah, the 6700 was a somewhat limited device compared to the 6800 but it's the Kitchen that really made it compelling and seriously, probably kept it going for so long (and still going...)
Hopefully the Mogul development will eventually get there, but for now you can always dream....
i actually just spoke with gguruUSA and he said that the noChem's titan kitchen has been implemented, but the only delay is with the release of the new official rom, so they're working to make everything compatible. So, hopefully soon we'll be cooking roms apache style.
Jaquers said:
i actually just spoke with gguruUSA and he said that the noChem's titan kitchen has been implemented, but the only delay is with the release of the new official rom, so they're working to make everything compatible. So, hopefully soon we'll be cooking roms apache style.
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I don't know if anyone cares, but it seems there is now a version for the Titan.
juneau_shublik said:
I don't know if anyone cares, but it seems there is now a version for the Titan.
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It's No2chem 5060 (very nice), updated PPCGeeks_OEM.rar, and updated Shareware_OEM.rar.
this is my passout thread (IE sleep)
DCD or nue?
Which one you think will come out with a new one first? Looked through the bugs for Nue3pre3 and looks like alot (a few which prevent me from going their) as for DCD am using 3.2.6 right now (a few bugs which others have reported but usable overall)
no arguments as to whos is better and what not... just who thinks who will out the next one first (DCD had a leak due to a friend testing for him and nue has been saying hell get 3pre4/whatever out for like the last month, and its been the bigges break in updates that I can remember for the Titan) and being as my MB BIOS and VGA BIOS are now at their latest versions (well MB has a BETA version that ACTUALLY fixes a MAJOR problem i had) and my phone with its lack of memory problem is just begging for an update/flash (and VGA drivers! come on finish the drivers already)
Simple as that... (well not so simple... but whatever... im literally going to passout)
Betting On
Im Betting on DCD. They both are very creative but I think he will be the first to come out with a ROM that is new and improved. Who knows he may borrow some of nue's memory saving techniques.... That would really rock.
no2chem's latest blog entry states he is coming out with a combined NueROM3 kitchen (along with Touch Pro/Diamond) for Titan in next couple days. He states he hasn't forgotten the Titan. I'm running his pre3 release now and I like it. Sadly, I'm not nearly as optimistic about DCD releasing anything further. I ran 3.2.6 almost forever and he's the first rom developer I liked so much that I felt compelled to donate to in support of his work. Don't get me wrong...I got my money's worth and more but I think DCD has moved on to other things. In the grander scheme of things I don't think there will be many more (or any at all) 'Titan' releases since the manufacturers are releasing new hardware, etc and our device like all others before it will eventually become obsolete and less interesting which is a shame cuz I really like the Titan. Just my .02
I win!
DCD Has posted a ROM today.
dcd's titan ROM 3.3.4
LOL i hate to totally disagree with you blueglide... but... DCD's rom got leaked a little while back when he was giving it to a friend to test for him! meanwhile nue has gotten the Touch Pro and ever since that nothing else for the Titan has come to light...
also... DCD just posted his new version... LOL
Kane3162 said:
LOL i hate to totally disagree with you blueglide... but... DCD's rom got leaked a little while back when he was giving it to a friend to test for him! meanwhile nue has gotten the Touch Pro and ever since that nothing else for the Titan has come to light...
also... DCD just posted his new version... LOL
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Wow...I called that one wrong....maybe I should express my opinions more often...LOL...can't wait to try it!
lol! you should!
But anyway... as it stands... i dont know the situation with DCD nore do i care to follow it o so well (but i do check this site EVERY day to see if something new is released and what changes have been made, but not only for DCD's rom)
as for nue... hes a bright guy... and very talented when it comes to programming/gfx designing for the WM environment... however... being one of those poor people who cant afford to upgrade to the TouchPro... I kinda feel like nue has been a MSFT developer (WM on Mogul) and all the sudden upgraded to Linux developing (WM on TouchPro) and therefor quality of/existance of work for the titan will diminish more then it already is
(i hope that explanation was easy to follow... basically Mogul VS Touch Pro in the hardware aspect since nearly 80% of everything meant for the Touch Pro will NOT work on the Mogul ex: QVGA v VGA)
the rom development scene here for the titan seems to be grindin to a halt
i always relied od DCD for my roms and updates from my mogul...seems the drama llama did a driveby on him and he's MIA
i've seen 3.3.4 here and 4.1 on ppcgeeks. i've tried 3.3.4 but i lacks a kitchen and i need to find perticular cabs for apps there were in the kitchens, mainly Windows Live. I haven't tried 4.1 cuz i dont know how stable it is? anyone wanna chime in....
I've also seen other kitchens and prepared meals (MR1, M2D) with a lot more ingredients i havent tasted before (u still followin me?)
If i decided to install the DCD 4.1 rom where can i find the packages that where included in the last DCD kitchen?
Hi there! I understand your pain.
3.3.4 was the last "official" DCD release. 4.x have not come with any release notes from DCD. Some people feel they are stable, some dont - but thats also the case with release 3.3.4...
DCD is not going to be making kitchens for his ROMs anymore. You can learn all the reasons for this by searching this forum, but one big reason is that it means the ROM build becomes platform independant. You're right, that does mean that you'll have to find CABs for all your programs. Fortunately many CABs can be found in this forum if you search a little. Live can be downladed from
The MR1 & MR2 ROMS just plain work. Everything on them works and works reasonably well. The UI is boring and the OS is sometimes a little slow, other than that these ROMs are perfect...funtionally.
What some people are doing is waiting for the next "official" DCD ROM and collecting CABs while they wait
Thanks dereck
looks like i have a new options..6.5!
Fr3nZy said:
Thanks dereck
looks like i have a new options..6.5!
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lol yp another nice rom to play with lol + lastest WM OS
First, let me say thank you to all of the developers as well as users who make suggestions in this forum.
I am overwhelmed with information at this point. I have been using DCD's ROMs for about a year, and currently run 3.3.4.
So where to next for a nice STABLE flash?
6.5 Kitchen Beta 4
M2D 1.3.2
DCD 4.1.2
WM 6.5 build 21159
Roms are mostly personal preference. Flash each one then pick the one you like best.
no opinions?
I'm surprised. So many opinions on other threads, but only 1 post in two days. I was looking for a respose such as:
I recommend _________ because of ____________
For everyday use, go with M2D or DCD.
For playing around or helping beta testers, run one of the beta's and provide feedback for issues.
I am currently running Skip's 1.1 Rom. I would give it a try, I had been using DCD 3.2.6 rom. After a clean install Skip's rom leave with about 25 of ram, after I did my installs it came down to 20mb of ram.
friedmjb said:
First, let me say thank you to all of the developers as well as users who make suggestions in this forum.
I am overwhelmed with information at this point. I have been using DCD's ROMs for about a year, and currently run 3.3.4.
So where to next for a nice STABLE flash?
6.5 Kitchen Beta 4
M2D 1.3.2
DCD 4.1.2
WM 6.5 build 21159
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you are very welcome ..
cmf04 said:
For everyday use, go with M2D or DCD.
For playing around or helping beta testers, run one of the beta's and provide feedback for issues.
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x2 .. R4R 1.3.3 is very nice .. best WM6.1 M2D IMO .. DCD seems to be the
base for most if not all of the WM6.1 ROM out there .. 6.5 is a little different
as it leaks out and a lot of ppl knows how to do translation and or have the
ability to swap out the correct/known .dll's/cpr that affect on-screen text ...
ALL 6.5’s are beta, Built 21139 is more stable as its closer to the final 6.1 build,
6.5 build 21159 is also “now” stable but still lack overall snappiness, issue is
CPU related, so even when the official 6.5 is release that will always remain an
Issue for us Titan guys.. 6.5 is meant for newer phones with more memory and cpu power,
but one way or the other we will have it running stable and clean on our little Titan
But yeah as stated before it’s a personal preference .. and I have personal loaded up
just about every ROM built for the Titan lol
For a M2D 6.1 ROM .. R4R 1.3.3 FTW!! For a none-M2D 6.1 ROM Skip's or one of the DCD’s
for WM6.5 well right now I am working on both lol build 21139 and 21159 so its all good
I need more testers
Another 1-up for Scrosler's (now bitserv's) Titan Reloaded M2D 1.3.3, which came out yesterday. It is a fantastic ROM. I used DCD's 3.3.4 for a long time, since it came out pretty much, and tried the 4.x series but I think it's still in the beta stage, and didn't suit me so I went back to 3.3.4. I wanted a ROM with TouchFlo and this is by far the best one. Big two thumbs up!
vegeta77778 said:
Another 1-up for Scrosler's (now bitserv's) Titan Reloaded M2D 1.3.3, which came out yesterday. It is a fantastic ROM. I used DCD's 3.3.4 for a long time, since it came out pretty much, and tried the 4.x series but I think it's still in the beta stage, and didn't suit me so I went back to 3.3.4. I wanted a ROM with TouchFlo and this is by far the best one. Big two thumbs up!
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im gonna have to give this one a try....
is there an easy way to find these roms other than looking through thread after thread to find a link that may or may not work i looked all morning for DCD 4.1.2.
jmartin72 said:
is there an easy way to find these roms other than looking through thread after thread to find a link that may or may not work i looked all morning for DCD 4.1.2.
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Google is your friend. Wow I found dcd after two button pushes. Try googling "dcd 4.1.2: and pick the second link. then try the first download link. Most recent roms will be in recent threads.
I'm running Drellisdee's 6.1 Titan ROM.
Never been happier. It is quick and very stable.
FYI, DCD 3.3.4 had bugs in it that DCD himself realized that he couldn't fix and he abandoned it.
DCD 3.2.6 was stable, but the TitanReloaded actually is built on it and fixed bugs in it and freed up even more memory with a more optimized boot image, so if you want to run DCD 3.2.6, I'd actually recommend just using TitanReloaded 1.3.4 and disabling touchflo (M2D).
DCD 4.1 is beta, but DCD needs beta testers. If I had time to beta test other ROMs besides my own, I'd be testing one of the windows 6.5 ones, though.
Ok guys, sorry to bother you, please excuse if I sound like a newb on here.
I just bought a Touch Pro (Raphael) from Verizon, and the verizon ROM blows, honestly, so I am thinking about flashin to a better rom, and I'm considering going to 6.5, so I have 3 questions and if someone could please help me I would appreciate it.
#1 Is windows mobile 6.5 worth using? Does is Have TOuchFlo 3D or Manila 3D? And are there even ANY 6.5 ROMS that work with Verizon Raphael?
#2 I've read that SSK is the best 6.1 Rom out, and I would like to try it, but I cannot seem to find a link to it. If someone could post a link I would appreciate it.
#3 This may seem like a dumb question, but is there a way I can backup the ROM from my phone, so I can do a flashback for warranty, etc?
Thanks guys, and keep up the good work!
6.5 is not even "out" yet, its only in beta phases. If you want to be smart, wait until its actually supported by microsoft when it releases this summer,
Honestly I dont think I want to flash my Verizon HTC. I love gadgeting it, but I dont want to risk irreplaceable damage, hence why I make record of my registry edits, etc.
I loaded JD CDMA 6.5 in to my Verizon Touch Pro a few weeks ago. It's pretty damn fast but that was compared to stock rom. Perhaps the 6.1 JD would be much faster as well. It does seem to work and I really like the new user interface. JD's is for Sprint but yet it work ok on Verizon. There are bugs so I would also advise that if you don't want to deal with bugs then wait and go with 6.1 for now (such as 5-10 soft resets before it will actually come up without locking on boot up). I can't give any advice on 6.1.
At the end of the day, I am a Newb as well so this for what it's worth. There are far more knowledgable people out there.
I'm a fan of MitghyROM (currently 4.16) over at
Its a solid ROM, although you need to downsize the PagePool for the VZW ROM (I hate having to do that).
XBMod is working on TF3D 2 for the 6.5 ROMs, but its also beta. Beta + beta = not such a fun time usually.
They actually have the stock ROMs available at PPCGeeks, so no back up necessary.
Go here...
I cooked a WinMo 6.5 rom, build/version 21202, using SSK (Scott's Simple Kitchen) 1.7, and it worked very nicely on my Verizon Pro. I didn't encounter any bugs, but didn't use it that extensively either. Performance was good, but not as good as the tweaked 6.1 roms I've cooked with the same kitchen. I've been running a rom I cooked in that kitchen, build 20954 with a tweaked XIP by FormerPalmOS, and it is faster than any of the over half a dozen roms I've tried, and boot with about 75 MB of ram free.