corrupt bootloader? - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

I was loading a radio when my phone went blank...... I downgraded to a pre-gps rom and was working on getting to back to the newer roms when this happened....
Now im stuck with nothing..... black screen with only a red light when phone is connected to usb or charger....
soft reset
hard reset
trying to get to bootloader mod
none of these work for me....
nothing detected when trying to flash
phone is dead..... is there anything i can do?

there is a big chance that ur battery is dead so check that first. i have seen this a lot, LOL.


No OS on my G4, Help!!!!!!

Ok, so I tried to flash my G4 wizard to wm6, went all the way through the flash, got to 99% and stopped, giving me a comm error. I did the recovery and im in an endless flash to 99% loop. When I turn it on, I get the bootloader (3 stripe) screen, with the following:
RUU upper right corner
IPL 2.25.0001
SPL 2.25.0001
USB lower left corner.
I have spent the last 4 hours reading posts and cannot fix this thing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
did u flash it back to carrier rom?
Flash it back to the original carrier ROM (should be available on the website) and then use ShellTool to flash the ROM. make sure that you follow the instructions exactly, otherwise, you will end up with a bricked rom.
The only rom I can find on Cingular's web site, once downloaded says its corupted, and I cant find one on XDA at all. Anybody know where else I might find one?
Wizard Love rom is another one you could try.
Wizard Love got me goin again, I love me some wizard.
Thanks for the help guys!!!
Same Problem I Have Faced.... And Also Solved.
u have Radio Rom problem....
search the latest radio rom and upload to your rom... and restart your pda...
reply me..... sooon because same problem i had faced and solved also.
Same problem
I was having the same problem yesterday. Eventually i got it to work again. It was a little confusing though because i used the rom from the HTC website to get it up and running again with wm5 and then used ShellTool from the sticky in this forum to flash it with a wm6 rom. From what i gather it's because my phone was CID locked, something that none of the roms include in their instructions to watch out for. Maybe a sticky in the forum for newbs like me containing things to watch out for while flashing roms?
A side note:
I had to download the rom from the HTC site twice in order for it to flash back to the original OS. The first time i downloaded the rom i kept getting an error. I guess it was a bad download or something but the second one worked in the first shot.
think i bricked my wizard
oops !!!!
think i flashed a g3 rom onto my g4 wizard and for a while it stayed in bootloader screen (tricolour) now the wizard is dead with no charging light when plugged in and performing hard reset does nothing
please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gripper said:
oops !!!!
think i flashed a g3 rom onto my g4 wizard and for a while it stayed in bootloader screen (tricolour) now the wizard is dead with no charging light when plugged in and performing hard reset does nothing
please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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There is no help for you if you did flash a non-official G3 rom onto your phone.
Recent Official carrier releases are the only roms that contain bootloaders that are safe to flash into a G4. (Note older carrier releases could possibly fry your phone as well as they may not contain G4 bootloaders)
If you flashed a custom rom with IPL/SPL your device is done for good.
Though you said it went to the bootloader prior to going dark so you may just have a dead battery and a bad flash. Get a battery from a friend or buy one and then see if the device will power on. If you can't get it to power on with a known good battery then it is most likely fried. If it does boot at least to bootloader then you should be able to recover your device. Most chargers will not charge the battery of your phone unless the phone is fully booted into windows. So it is very important to have a contingency plan in case of a bad flash with these phones as playing/troubleshooting while trying to recover from a bad flash will drain your battery possibly leaving you with not enough juice to complete a flash.
hi zzan
thanks for the reply, i think your right about the battery it actually turns on for about 10 seconds now into bootloader but then the battery dies again so i gonna source a battery.
gripper said:
oops !!!!
think i flashed a g3 rom onto my g4 wizard and for a while it stayed in bootloader screen (tricolour) now the wizard is dead with no charging light when plugged in and performing hard reset does nothing
please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Remove the battery for about 5 minutes, then put it back in.. then try booting in bootloader mode <tri color screen> .. then flash with an OFFICIAL Carrier ROM ..
I flashed my hermes yesterday <changing the spl and stuff> and it was dead for a little bit, until I took the battery out and put it back in.. <for some reason it was like a de-fibrilator..>
Try that.
hi madcap,
not looking good i toook it to a phone engineer and he says it is corrupt ? he has tried flashing it, apparently there is a guy who will put in a new chip ? i am such a fool i bricked my phone just to get rid of o2 stuff !!!!!
gripper said:
hi madcap,
not looking good i toook it to a phone engineer and he says it is corrupt ? he has tried flashing it, apparently there is a guy who will put in a new chip ? i am such a fool i bricked my phone just to get rid of o2 stuff !!!!!
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A new chip?!?!??
The problem is the in the IPL area which can now be flashed only via JTAG (cable system that doesn't require booting files since it operates directly on the chip)
Take it to an official repair.
I have almost the same problem. I tried to flash to WM6.1 for wizzard, it got to 99% and failed (connection lost). I then tried the recovery process but that didnt work.
Now I can boot to the booloader, and see the IPL/SPL versions (2.25.0001) and can see USB on the lower left. But , it is not making a connection to my PC. None of the RUU, ROMS, HardSPL, or SoftSPL apps can connect to it.
They all report some connection error, "Device not found", or "Connection Error 264"...
I have read a bunch on this forum, and tried alot of stuff but nothing worked.
I started up my own thread on my issue, but hope someone could help me, help someone else in the process here..
How can I get this thing flashable again?
Madcap180 said:
Remove the battery for about 5 minutes, then put it back in.. then try booting in bootloader mode <tri color screen> .. then flash with an OFFICIAL Carrier ROM ..
I flashed my hermes yesterday <changing the spl and stuff> and it was dead for a little bit, until I took the battery out and put it back in.. <for some reason it was like a de-fibrilator..>
Try that.
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This worked for me and now I can connect the apps to the phone again. But after I try to install the default rom, everytime at 80% it looses the connection again.. .
Anyone know a good WM6.1 rom that works with 8125 G4
end123 said:
This worked for me and now I can connect the apps to the phone again. But after I try to install the default rom, everytime at 80% it looses the connection again.. .
Anyone know a good WM6.1 rom that works with 8125 G4
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Fully recharge your battery, then try to flash again. Low/dead/misreporting battery will kill a flash as surely as disconnecting the cable in mid-flash. Oh, and try WizFlo...really cool! (I had to fiddle with the Opera Browser install to get the Internet connection to work correctly, but who cares, it was worth it!)

8125 Bricked HELP !!!

I was trying to update my WM5 to WM6 I have the G4 8125 , now it wont turn on I plugged it in to the charger port and the light that shows it's charging doesn’t even come on. Last night after I was trying to update it went completely blank, I tried to run the Official AT&T RUU_Wizard_225111_22511102_022511_CWS_WWE_Ship_1 and it wont even connect to my phone it gives me the connect error, every now and then last night it would show the boot loader screen but now its doing nothing someone HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZ Does this mean my phone is bricked ???
brick is normal!
you should donate the brick to xda-developers now!
What you mean is normal ? is their anyway way i can get it fixed or is it just a paper weight now ?
probably runed out of battery. you should charge the battery in some way. try to power on the device while pressing camera button. it should show a boot loader screen. the you should flash a G4 SAFE ROM (with no spl/ipl) like "wizard love". if that doesnt help, sorry mate, you have a brick
are you able to enter bootloader?
hold down camera and either press power or reset button
No im not able to do anything on the phone lastnight it would go into bootloader randomly evey now and again but it isnt doing nothing now.
Ugh , i hope it is just the battery if it isnt then theirs nothing i can do for the phone unless i can get it in to bootloader mode right ?
your battery is dead...that's why you can't enter bootloader.
Moving to wizard G4.
Only the original charger is capable to charge your battery (it has a little bit more power), if it's fully charged... go into bootloader mode and install your official ROM the normal way.
It worked for me.
im dealing with the same issue and my battery isnt dead
tasky smokey newbie bricks!! yomy !!
charly_mx said:
tasky smokey newbie bricks!! yomy !!
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That's not very encouraging and nice thing to say.We all came here as newbies,not a big deal.
We all hate to see a guy loose his device like this,after all it's a developer's forum,we shud be atleast concerned and help out,if we can.
Hope you two be able to get your devices working again soon.
Good luck
I just wanted to thank everyone for your help , i got my new battery in yesterday and my phone booted up flashed back to at&t orginal rom. Thank So Much.....

[Q] [q] vibrant does not restart after update with kies

Please help!!!!
After a couple of days of investigations i flashed the new vibrant through odin with the firmware t959uvjfd. Everything worked well.
After this i connected the phone through kiesand one message appear that a new firmware is available for update...i pressed yes... Update completed succesfuly but when to restart the phone it remained with black screen. No signs of activity...
Before to start update through kies the 3 buttons recovery worked. After finished update through kies nothing was bottom keys, no signs , no logos on the screen. The only sign that something is happen is that the batery is droping off and the phone is heating somehow...but as i said any of the 3 buttons is working.
I did the soft reset, taking off the batery wait for 2 minutes reconect it ...still nothing. The usb is not recognized in the computer at phone-computer sign (black screen of death at all) the screen remains just black...
I think this issues is already hardware but i want some opinions if somebody else faced this problem before...thank you!
paraschiv eliza said:
Please help!!!!
After a couple of days of investigations i flashed the new vibrant through odin with the firmware t959uvjfd. Everything worked well.
After this i connected the phone through kiesand one message appear that a new firmware is available for update...i pressed yes... Update completed succesfuly but when to restart the phone it remained with black screen. No signs of activity...
Before to start update through kies the 3 buttons recovery worked. After finished update through kies nothing was bottom keys, no signs , no logos on the screen. The only sign that something is happen is that the batery is droping off and the phone is heating somehow...but as i said any of the 3 buttons is working.
I did the soft reset, taking off the batery wait for 2 minutes reconect it ...still nothing. The usb is not recognized in the computer at phone-computer sign (black screen of death at all) the screen remains just black...
I think this issues is already hardware but i want some opinions if somebody else faced this problem before...thank you!
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Read the noob guide at the top of this thread, it should get you back on track.
paraschiv eliza said:
Please help!!!!
After a couple of days of investigations i flashed the new vibrant through odin with the firmware t959uvjfd. Everything worked well.
After this i connected the phone through kiesand one message appear that a new firmware is available for update...i pressed yes... Update completed succesfuly but when to restart the phone it remained with black screen. No signs of activity...
Before to start update through kies the 3 buttons recovery worked. After finished update through kies nothing was bottom keys, no signs , no logos on the screen. The only sign that something is happen is that the batery is droping off and the phone is heating somehow...but as i said any of the 3 buttons is working.
I did the soft reset, taking off the batery wait for 2 minutes reconect it ...still nothing. The usb is not recognized in the computer at phone-computer sign (black screen of death at all) the screen remains just black...
I think this issues is already hardware but i want some opinions if somebody else faced this problem before...thank you!
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I have a similar issue.. Updated my phone and now its hard bricked. I just ordered the riff box to hopefully bring it back to life. I believe the bootloader got messed up.. if it works i will let you know.
Read the noob guide...but still in truble...
I did not tried yet the jig cable as now I can not get one.
The point is that the normal usb cable is doing nothing when conecting to charger/pc...the only hope I see is that riff box....otherwise the hardware damage will come in front...
Riff box worked!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
paraschiv eliza said:
Please help!!!!
After a couple of days of investigations i flashed the new vibrant through odin with the firmware t959uvjfd. Everything worked well.
After this i connected the phone through kiesand one message appear that a new firmware is available for update...i pressed yes... Update completed succesfuly but when to restart the phone it remained with black screen. No signs of activity...
Before to start update through kies the 3 buttons recovery worked. After finished update through kies nothing was bottom keys, no signs , no logos on the screen. The only sign that something is happen is that the batery is droping off and the phone is heating somehow...but as i said any of the 3 buttons is working.
I did the soft reset, taking off the batery wait for 2 minutes reconect it ...still nothing. The usb is not recognized in the computer at phone-computer sign (black screen of death at all) the screen remains just black...
I think this issues is already hardware but i want some opinions if somebody else faced this problem before...thank you!
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i'm now facing this same issue.. any updates on how to fix it?
Samsung is telling me that because i used a 64bit software that it is not compatible. WTF
Sending the phone to them for warranty repair

[Q] bricked phone

my phone is dead! suddenly it turn it self off and didnt wake up any more...
i tried all the button combination without success , and i ordered a factory cable and again nothing happened when i plug it in, when it happened my phone just lie down on the table next to me, not in a middle of a flash process , my question is i had root on my phone and a different official rom from the one i got the phone with, i want to send the phone back to the store, i afraid that if they fix it they will see that i have root and different rom, someone sent the phone with root? what they will do? charge me? any suggestion what to do?
Have you tried charging it?
Also if it won't turn on even with a factory cable that would mean that the phone is screwed. Therefore they won't be able to turn it on and see that it rooted an ROM'd.
Hope I helped

Frozen boot loop..frozen!? Tried everything..

Hey Guys, im desperate..
two days ago i charged my phone overnight as i normally do. Woke up and it was in SOD, which happens all the time (agni kernal, no fix yet).. Pulled the battery, but phone wouldnt boot. Turns out, it freezes during booting resulting in what appears to be a frozen boot loop.
Then i tried to plug it into my recharger, and it was showing a grey battery icon and was frozen on that screen always, the screen doesnt turn off, the battery icon isn't showing that its charging. doesnt change, just shows the same empty battery grey icon with the refresh circle-arrow in the middle.
I tried taking the battery out leaving it out for 5 minutes, draining the battery from the phone by holding the power button for 10 seconds, then trying to charge the phone. Same issue, only showing the grey battery icon when trying to charge and it never changes or goes away.
SO i tried to boot up the phone, but it wont go past the samsung text logo.
I tried entering recovery, but it just freezes on the samsung text logo.
I can not enter download mode either. So ihave no way to run odin from what i can tell.
Im losing my mind here, ive tried almost everything i can think of. And would really appreciate any help on this. It feels like a hard core brick.. I LIVE on my phone due to work and im losing money every day i dont have it. DESPERATELY need this. HELP!!
A usb jig will probably be able to force the phone into download mode again so you can restore it with Odin. If you're up to it, you can do a Google search to get instructions on how to make your own.... or you can buy one online pretty cheap. Here's one on eBay (USB JIG) that looks good with good feedback from the seller.
Thank you.. Ill order one today and report back.
What could have gone wrong you guys think? How did the phone just do this?
I guess no way to get my pics off huh?
I hope the jig will work for you so you can restore the phone back to stock 4.1.2 and start over fresh.
I'm not sure what would have caused the phone to have started boot looping like that. My guess would be that something got corrupted.
There's a thread in the general section on how to Odin flash the stock recovery onto the phone so you can wipe cache and do a factory reset.... (EDIT: Click here to go to the thread) . This is a long shot, but if you can get the phone back into download mode with the jig, you could try installing the stock recovery and just wiping cache without doing the factory reset... then see if you can get the phone to boot up so you can recover stuff off of it.
As far as the pictures go, they may have been saved to the external sd card. You could pop the sd card into another phone if you've got another functioning phone laying around... or use a sd card adapter to mount it straight onto your computer so you can check.
The jig did the trick.. thank god..
The flashing stock recovery did not work. I ended up going back to stock firmware.. 4.1.2 i think..
Thank God i have this back.. Thanks SO much for your help.
DatacomGuy said:
The jig did the trick.. thank god..
The flashing stock recovery did not work. I ended up going back to stock firmware.. 4.1.2 i think..
Thank God i have this back.. Thanks SO much for your help.
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That's great to hear. Too bad the stock recovery didn't work, but I'm glad the jig worked and you were able to fix your phone. :thumbup:

