I don't know why I use HTC_Uni_SIM_Unlock_v1 with my phone !!!!
Now I can,t use IT. During the boot stops same seconds after the windowsmobile screen. It's impossible to contact it.
Read "Problem 5: Device shows NO GSM when booting" on the Common Upgrading Problems in HTC Hermes" wiki page. Solution is there for you
Maybe we should post a warning along with the Universal SIM Unlock tool instructions... such as
There seems to be at least a couple of new victims every week!
I follow solution n°5 but I have a broblem with the bootloader. The Buttons are correct ?
domomedia5 said:
I follow solution n°5 but I have a broblem with the bootloader. The Buttons are correct ?
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I not be able to connect via USB the phone ! The radio rom don't recognize my phone
is this the correct rom
Yes, this is the correct rom:
If you get a "ERROR 120: COUNTRY ID ERROR", do not disconnect the device, run MaUpgradeUt_noID again.
when I arrive to the window from ver. to ver. there are no description of the version !
what can I do
No problem, this is normal it is because the device is in bootloader mode.
how many minutes I had to wait
no more than 30min
It's stop from 30 minutes on cheching information on your device !?!?!
If the Hermes screen shows "Upgrade Radio Stack Please wait........." just wait until it finishes, if not, reset your device and put it back in bootloader mode, and run MaUpgradeUt_NoID again.
Make sure you've previously run the 'erase' commands in mtty sucessfully:
If you can not success with radio upgrade, do a full rom upgrade using a rom matching your CID, start the upgrade from bootloader and make sure usb connections in activesync is disabled.
Apparently, I'm pretty stupid.
I just got the Cingular 8525; I have spent two hours on this site.
Things I've noticed:
One page says go into bootloader; one page says not to allow usb connections.
I do not know if I am supposed to have my non-Cingular SIM card already in the phone when attempting to do anything.
I have seen connect via USB and use mtty (with what settings do I use when I click on USB from the dropdown menu (if any) and do I connect with mtty via USB in bootloader or when the phone has booted into Windows 5.0 and again what about the non-Cingular SIM card?).
I have flashed my computers BIOS several times but I do not understand how to flash this phone based on the myriad of instructions all over this site (and RFTW did not help which is why I am here with 40000000 questions).
The steps to go from SPL 1.06 to an unlocked SIM/CID phone are?
Things I do understand:
I have SPL 1.06 (I know this from bootloader).
I must downgrade to 1.04 from 1.06 then run the upgrade to 1.06 from the Hermes Upgrade wiki page (I already downloaded all of the Cingular files).
Thanks in advance for any clarification.
I unlocked my 8525 last week, I had bootloader 1.06 so I downgraded to a ROM with boetloader 1.04(you can find it here ).. then just follow the instructions in the zip file you downloaded(i used HERM_Unlock_v2a), which are:
1. Enter bootloader mode on your Phone. To do this, simultaneously hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus.
[You should see SPL-1.04 on the top of the tri-color screen, if you see SPL-1.06 this unlocker will not work, please wait for the next version]
2. Connect your phone to your computer using the USB lead.
3. Run the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe program – this will reflash your phone with a patched radio ROM required to unlock.
4. Wait patiently.
5. Once the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe upgrade completes, it will end up saying "Upgrade Error 114", but the patched radio ROM will be flashed anyway, dont worry about that error!
6. Soft reset with stylus (Device will not be hard reset and no data will be lost)
7. Allow your phone to reboot. Once it has, connect to your PC using Activesync, and copy the HERM_Unlock_v2a.exe program onto your phone. Alternatively, copy it to an SD card and insert into your phone.
8. Run HERM_Unlock_v2a.exe on your phone. Wait about 1 minute.
9. You should see a "SUCCESS!" message from HERM_Unlock_v2a.exe, after that soft reset your phone.
10. Process is (hopefully) complete!
11. If the phone requests unlock code when you put a locked SIM, the code is: 22051978
I assume I want go to 1.04 for Cingular which is 1.30.502.1.
What about my SIM card? Is it supposed to be in phone when I run this file? (it's a t-mobile sim).
I assume the activesync connection via usb is okay? I cannot get it to connect (even though the phone is on and booted into Windows 5.0); is this because I have not inserted the SIM card into the phone? Note: after I unplugged the device, setting allow USB connections on the device in the ActiveSync settings, then plugging it back in, it connected via USB in ActiveSync (4.2). However, I just got a box saying the version of ActiveSync is not compatible with this mobile device. This occured after I started the installer and it showing Verifying the information on your PDA phone.
I received an update error 260 since it thinks the phone is not connected via USB (and I noticed the ActiveSync icon in the system tray is gone).
I went to check the M$ page to see if there is a later download; there is not. Then, the AS icon return (trying to update outlook, install nero mobile) so I decided to run the installer again and now sees my current version 1.34.502.1 and I have the option to upgrade ROM
MilanoRex said:
I unlocked my 8525 last week, I had bootloader 1.06 so I downgraded to a ROM with boetloader 1.04(you can find it here ).. then just follow the instructions in the zip file you downloaded(i used HERM_Unlock_v2a), which are:
1. Enter bootloader mode on your Phone. To do this, simultaneously hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus.
[You should see SPL-1.04 on the top of the tri-color screen, if you see SPL-1.06 this unlocker will not work, please wait for the next version]
2. Connect your phone to your computer using the USB lead.
3. Run the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe program – this will reflash your phone with a patched radio ROM required to unlock.
4. Wait patiently.
5. Once the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe upgrade completes, it will end up saying "Upgrade Error 114", but the patched radio ROM will be flashed anyway, dont worry about that error!
6. Soft reset with stylus (Device will not be hard reset and no data will be lost)
7. Allow your phone to reboot. Once it has, connect to your PC using Activesync, and copy the HERM_Unlock_v2a.exe program onto your phone. Alternatively, copy it to an SD card and insert into your phone.
8. Run HERM_Unlock_v2a.exe on your phone. Wait about 1 minute.
9. You should see a "SUCCESS!" message from HERM_Unlock_v2a.exe, after that soft reset your phone.
10. Process is (hopefully) complete!
11. If the phone requests unlock code when you put a locked SIM, the code is: 22051978
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crazyut said:
I assume I want go to 1.04 for Cingular which is 1.30.502.1.
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crazyut said:
What about my SIM card? Is it supposed to be in phone when I run this file? (it's a t-mobile sim).
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doesn't matter
crazyut said:
I assume the activesync connection via usb is okay?
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It is ok, but generally it causes more problems than it helps. Best is to disable the checkbox that says "enable usb connections" on activesync settings and you'll see the icon on the system tray turn gray with a red "X". Then you need to start the RUU when the device is in bootloader mode (tri-color screen). After you have upgrded the rom (or radio rom) you can reenable activesync again if you want.
crazyut said:
I cannot get it to connect (even though the phone is on and booted into Windows 5.0); is this because I have not inserted the SIM card into the phone?
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SIM card and activesync have nothing to do.
crazyut said:
I received an update error 260 since it thinks the phone is not connected via USB (and I noticed the ActiveSync icon in the system tray is gone).
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Icon was gone because RUU checks your current rom version using activesync and then kills it an put device in bootloaer mode. If RUU cannot kill activesync correctly errors happen:
You will avoid the 260 error if you disable usb connections on desktop activesync as I told you, and start the upgrade in bootloader mode... only difference you'll notice is that RUU will not report your current rom version.
Hey. I left the RUU software running (the 25+ minute variety) while I went to buy a case and care charger. I came back and evidently, the phone had rebooted because, it is at the Windows Mobile screen to setup the Windows Mobile device. I assume it is safe to do the 2a software. After that, am I able to update the RUU back to 1.06?
Thanks for your help, Milan and pof!
I rebooted into bootloader to confirm successful downgrade to 1.04 from 1.06 and it was. The RUU software from the upgrade page for Cingular appears to have been successful.
I am now going to attempt the 2a software.
Yes, now follow all the instructions on sim&cid unlocker v2a, and when finished, flash the cingular 1.34 rom again.
pof said:
Yes, now follow all the instructions on sim&cid unlocker v2a, and when finished, flash the cingular 1.34 rom again.
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It's now on the upgrade screen to Radio but it does not show the previous version. Is this normal? I have not pressed upgrade yet. I have the splitter with the AC and USB cables into the phone (currently in bootloader mode at SPL-1.04).
yes, it is normal... i told you before:
pof said:
RUU checks your current rom version using activesync
start the upgrade in bootloader mode... only difference you'll notice is that RUU will not report your current rom version.
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pof said:
yes, it is normal... i told you before:
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I got the 114 error as promised in the readme. I exited the program using the EXIT button.
The next step:
6. Soft reset with stylus (Device will not be hard reset and no data will be lost)
On the phone display, it still shows Upgrade Radio Stack Please Wait..
The soft reset is the simultaneous OK and Power?
I just took the battery out and reset; it appeared to go okay. I copied the exe file to the phone and was able to run the file as in the readme. I then reset the phone, put in the t-mobile sim and it works.
Thanks much to POF and Milan for their straightforward approach. You can use this thread as a tutorial!
Is there any reason I should add the 1.06 file back to the unlocked 8525?
SPL 1.06 to SPL 1.04 back to SPL 1.06?
I followed pof's (with pof's help) tutorial on how to unlock the Cingular 8525. I am currently at SPL 1.04 (downgraded form SPL 1.06) and had run the v2a software to unlock. It works great with T-mobile (I was a Cingular customer but made the switch).
My questions are:
Is there any reason to go back SPL 1.06?
If I do go back to SPL 1.06, it does not affect the unlock status of the SIM or CID?
I still am confused about the Radio and what that does in relation to the CID, SIM, or phone. I assume the Radio is affected the SPL version that you have?
I have tried to peruse through various pages regarding downgrading (the 13 page thread for example) to see if that question is answered.
The radio ROM controls the GSM/GPRS/UMTS hardware in your hermes. You cannot independently upgrade it unless you are running SPL 1.04. There is no reason IMO to go to any other bootloader version.
Sleuth255 said:
The radio ROM controls the GSM/GPRS/UMTS hardware in your hermes. You cannot independently upgrade it unless you are running SPL 1.04. There is no reason IMO to go to any other bootloader version.
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Oh okay, that clears up yet something else I did not understand
Thanks for the tip on the bootloader version; I will leave it at SPL 1.04.
That being said, I am currently in the middle of the Radio 1.20 thread; I have not finished reading it yet (I can only do so much at work before people wonder what I am doing). Have you upgraded to Radio 1.20? If not, what radio are you running and what do you think of its stability and/or functionality?
I'm running the 1.20 radio. It and the 1.35 TyTN ROM are the best combination I've used so far.
Hi does anyone know if there are WM6 ROMs for the SPV C550 if not are there any good WM5 ones?
look topic about wm5 for hurricane, there are also links to wm6 for hurricane device
hello again
here is latest, almost perfect rom for hurricane:
and new SPL for this device:
lazaj007 said:
hello again
here is latest, almost perfect rom for hurricane:
and new SPL for this device:
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Has anybody tried this ROM?
lazaj007 said:
hello again
here is latest, almost perfect rom for hurricane:
and new SPL for this device:
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Ideal thanks
So is the the WM5 or WM6 rom and has it been tested?
Whats the new SPL?
hI ALL, can u tell me the mini guide how to install this rom? I did it once to my sda but I dont remember now, where is the nbfupdatetool and RUU and patched RUU..???
when I type l c:\wm6.bin it give me this:
clean up the image temp buffer at 0x8C080000 Length 0x01B00000 MTTYDownloadImageNot allow operation!
Error : DownloadImage return error (code = 0xFFFFFFFF)
maybe damaged rom, or any idea?
Gang: Make sure you're CID unlocked. (Eg, when you issue "info 2", it says HTCSuperCID).
How can do that cid unlock? give me some working link to download that tool or something. thx
here you go
you must check "CID Tool (Alpha)" and click set CID=11111111
after this restart your phone
and short solutions about wm6 installing:
* installation is the same like typhoon
-unlock Super CID
-upgrade new SPL (Patched ruu)
-disable USB connection in ActiveSync
-switch off your phone
-press and hold camera button, and put USB cable to your phone
-next check "Y"
-when your phone will be in bootloader mode (tri color screen) run mtty
- check USB connection in this program
and write: - info 2
- format BINFS
- l c:\566.bin (localization of your rom)
after succeful installising reboot your phone and it will be end
rom is very good, baterry work better
hmm, thx for guide, I believe it will work, but I have little problem : now I cant even connect to activesync so I cant do cid unlock, any idea how to fix that
lazaj007 said:
here you go
you must check "CID Tool (Alpha)" and click set CID=11111111
after this restart your phone
and short solutions about wm6 installing:
* installation is the same like typhoon
-unlock Super CID
-upgrade new SPL (Patched ruu)
-disable USB connection in ActiveSync
-switch off your phone
-press and hold camera button, and put USB cable to your phone
-next check "Y"
-when your phone will be in bootloader mode (tri color screen) run mtty
- check USB connection in this program
and write: - info 2
- format BINFS
- l c:\566.bin (localization of your rom)
after succeful installising reboot your phone and it will be end
rom is very good, baterry work better
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Thanks for helping out!
A few questions?
1. This link "http//" takes me to Wikipedia.
2. Where can I find the patched ruu to update the spl. It wasn't in the zip file?
Thanks in advance!
to Mr MIAGY :
1. just write that link starting with www. (without http//, or type http://)
2. in ''wm6 for c550'' topic u will find patched RUU and all needed files, they are ziped together
gangstaunitg said:
to Mr MIAGY :
1. just write that link starting with www. (without http//, or type http://)
2. in ''wm6 for c550'' topic u will find patched RUU and all needed files, they are ziped together
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DoH! I didn't notice the missing ":"
Anybody have idea why I cant connect to activesync after spl upgrade ? Before spl upgrade it all goes well. Can I do something with it?
if upgrade was complited succes then you must turn off USB connection in Active sync, then run bootloder mode and do everything with instructions.
I did it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THank u all, thankS
This rom is amazing, everything work perfect, and it looks beautiful,
one more time thank you. jUUHHHUUUUUUUUU
lazaj007 said:
if upgrade was complited succes then you must turn off USB connection in Active sync, then run bootloder mode and do everything with instructions.
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Upgrade reported as success
However after reboot I see the WM6 boot screen - loverly ...
Then the Mobile Operator Splash screen ... THEN
After too long ... the phone switches itself off and I have to take the battery out to get reponse again.
Any ideas?
It's a C550 ....
MrMiyagi said:
Upgrade reported as success
However after reboot I see the WM6 boot screen - loverly ...
Then the Mobile Operator Splash screen ... THEN
After too long ... the phone switches itself off and I have to take the battery out to get reponse again.
Any ideas?
It's a C550 ....
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Ok, so a report. The phone boots, goes through WM6 splash screen, then operator screen, then APPARENTLY dead black screen.
BUT I plugged in the USB cable and the screen came on! WM6 Setup screen! All good go through setup eveything looks GREAT!
Only problem is, if I leave the phone alone for a bout a minute, the screen goes black AGAIN. Then no amount of key pressing on the device will bring it back to life.
Plugging the USB cable in brings it instantly back to life! But This means I can't wander too far from my PC ;-)
ANY Ideas
BTW IT LOOKS FANTASTIC! If I can just get around this issue ;-)
MrMiyagi said:
Ok, so a report. The phone boots, goes through WM6 splash screen, then operator screen, then APPARENTLY dead black screen.
BUT I plugged in the USB cable and the screen came on! WM6 Setup screen! All good go through setup eveything looks GREAT!
Only problem is, if I leave the phone alone for a bout a minute, the screen goes black AGAIN. Then no amount of key pressing on the device will bring it back to life.
Plugging the USB cable in brings it instantly back to life! But This means I can't wander too far from my PC ;-)
ANY Ideas
BTW IT LOOKS FANTASTIC! If I can just get around this issue ;-)
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Heh heh ... seems I'm posting to myself ... that's cool I like my own company ... So I reflashed the SPL and some of the problems have gone away.
Phone will boot OK now ... but it will still "go to blank screen" and require plugging into the USB cable to "wake it up"
I'm out of ideas now ...
Hi, Excuse me if this has been answered already but I couldn't find it if it has!
I'm trying to upgrade my M3100 to WM6 - Schaps 4.31. I've unlocked the phone and installed Hard SPL v7. When it goes through the Schaps upgrade, I get to the final 'next' button, press it and then the progress bar appears. The M3100 screen goes blank, activesync closes and then the upgrade hangs. Then a Error 260 conection message comes up and, after a few minutes, the M3100 bursts into life.
I've tried resetting the PC and the M3100 with no sucess. I am using Activesync 4.5 & Windows XP SP2
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Try disabling all firewalls, it may be worth trying to flash using the SDCard method. This is a very common issue I'm sure if you search the forum for 260 you will find loads of entries.
Also have a read of this which should help you.
The official Orange M3100 ROM (and probably most official ROMs) comes with a doc which explains all of the error numbers and what to do.
My suggestion would be to do the following as you'll be told to try this before looking further into it:
instead of connecting to ActiveSync and running the update .exe file, do this:
Disconnect device from desktop PC altogether;
Open ActiveSync;
Go into File > Connection Settings and UNcheck the 'allow USB' option - odd as that may seem;
Put your Hermes into bootloader mode (press and hold left-side 'ok' button and right-side 'power' button whilst soft-resetting with stylus), seeing tri-colour screen and the word 'Serial';
When in tri-colour screen, with 'Serial' displayed, THEN connect device to desktop PC via USB cable, even though you've disabled USB connections;
'Serial' will change to 'USB' on the tri-colour screen;
Run the update from Schap's or whoever.
Hopefully that will have worked. Good luck, mon ami.
Chunkymonkey, Progress I think....
Bootloader screen comes up but now I get 1% progress on the update and then Error 244 Invalid Model ID.
For info - bootloader screen reads:-
SPL-2.10 Olipro
pbunn said:
Chunkymonkey, Progress I think....
Bootloader screen comes up but now I get 1% progress on the update and then Error 244 Invalid Model ID.
For info - bootloader screen reads:-
SPL-2.10 Olipro
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Invalid Model ID?
Although you have Olipro's clever rework of SPL on (good), have you also Super-CIDed your M3100?
chunkymonkey said:
Invalid Model ID?
Although you have Olipro's clever rework of SPL on (good), have you also Super-CIDed your M3100?
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I thought I had - I tried a Vodafone SIM card in it and it worked. I'll do it again to be sure.
Used HTC Hermes SIM & CID Unlock - v3a to Super-CID - I still get the error 244 Invalid ID....
are you connecting thru a usb hub/multi port,if so dont,,,,,, only connect thru a direct usb connection
pbunn said:
Used HTC Hermes SIM & CID Unlock - v3a to Super-CID - I still get the error 244 Invalid ID....
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Odd. Should only do that when the Hermes believes the ROM you're using isn't meant for it.
Can't remember if the Super-CID happens automatically with the SIM-unlock using that tool or if it is optional. If it was optional, might want to make sure it actually IS super-CID as you might just be sim-unlocked maybe.
To check CID status use mtty.exe. Put your phone into bootloader, disable USB connections in ActiveSync on desktop PC (File > Connections > Disable USB connections) and then plug Hermes to PC. Run mtty and type task 32. Response "Level=0xFF" means it's NOT Super-CID. Response "Level=0" means it IS Super-CID.
Came back with "level=0" but still no joy flashing the rom.
I'm trying to upgrade my M3100 to WM6 - Schaps 4.31. I've unlocked the phone and installed Hard SPL v7. When it goes through the Schaps upgrade, I get to the final 'next' button, press it and then the progress bar appears. The M3100 screen goes blank, activesync closes and then the upgrade hangs. Then a Error 260 conection message comes up and, after a few minutes, the M3100 bursts into life.
I've tried resetting the PC and the M3100 with no sucess. I am using Activesync 4.5 & Windows XP SP2
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I had exactley the same problem with my M3100.
Try using a different USB port on your PC. Don't what the difference was but it worked for me.
Re downloaded Schaps_WM6Pro_Hermes_4.30_WWE_Full.exe and all seems to work OK. Not sure if there was an issue in the original download but it all looks cool now.
pbunn said:
Re downloaded Schaps_WM6Pro_Hermes_4.30_WWE_Full.exe and all seems to work OK. Not sure if there was an issue in the original download but it all looks cool now.
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probably would have been worth loading 4.31 WWE. Very stable and fast.
pbunn said:
Re downloaded Schaps_WM6Pro_Hermes_4.30_WWE_Full.exe and all seems to work OK. Not sure if there was an issue in the original download but it all looks cool now.
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Nice one mate
Now gone to version 4.31 and the phone skin has gone back to the old style.
Do you know where I can get the updated one from? Is there a cab file available?
if you go to --> Start > Settings > Today it should show a list of themes you can apply. just select one and press 'ok'. sorry if this isnt what u mean
raggers said:
if you go to --> Start > Settings > Today it should show a list of themes you can apply. just select one and press 'ok'. sorry if this isnt what u mean
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No that's not what I mean. In version 4.30 there was a different phone pad tothe one I have with version 4.31 - it has gone back to a wm5 type. Also - there is no 'Airplane' mode in connection manager that allows me to turn everthing off in one hit.
OK, so I tried to install nand android on my htc hd2 and firstly I installed hspl 3 on it then as instructions said I updated ROM version to MAGLDR ... And now phone is frozen right after I turn it on it only shows me O2 welcome message. Please don't tell me that it is coz the phone is locked to o2 network because there r so many threads and no one mentioned that u can't install android if the phone is locked or I missed something SO any help pls? I am freaking out that my phone is dead.
RAM 512
When I press a red button near the sim card while holding volume down and it shows 3 colour screen and connect it to the pc , pc does make a sound as phone was recognised but it doesnt come up with any windows or anything that I could see that phone is there.. Is there any way I can install old rom or smthing to get my poor phone back, please help me, I am not experienced in this at all and first attempt failed
Put the phone into BootLoader mode. At the bottom of the screen you will see 'Serial'. Now plug it into your computer and the 'Serial' changes to 'USB' - you have made a good connection to the computer. The computer doesn't recognise it as a phone, because the phone firmware has not been booted up, so don't wory about it.
Run the O2 ROM form the computer. One of the conditions is that you have made an ActiveSync connection, just tick the box and proceed.
Once the ROM has flashed, it is advised to do a hard reset, but I have never had a problem not doing it.
Now you are back to the begining.
You are getting a little mixed up between Operator (SIM) Locked and Firmware Locked. They are independant of each other. You can SIM unlock your phone, which means you can use any telecom's SIM card in your phone even though the phone boots up with an O2 logo. You can unlock the firmware (HSPL) so that you can use the stock HTC ROM (not the 3.14 version) or one of the excellant custom ROMs, now the phone won't show any of the O2 stuff but you are still limited to using O2 SIM cards.
Now you have to Run HSPL2 and select the SPL 2.08.HSPL. Since you want to run Android NAND you have to flash a .50 RADIO - try the RADIO.
I would have a real good read * HERE *. And if you want to go ahead, the read it again.