uscc downgrading - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

found a uscc rom.
little lost as to which re-locker to use as the one in the other threads... titanrelocker.exe always gives me an error saying missing titanrelocker.bat have redownloaded it several times. not getting it.
anyway is there a nother relocker or spl that works... i cant find the oilpro 2.4 or 1.2 or anything plz help

Can you post the stock USCC ROM?

now i found out what my prob was... its not signed... therefore you gotta run the relocker after you load it but It also doesnt have the stock radio... anyone know how to dump that?
Man... I forgot how long it took to download.... i'm using my phone in a non 3g area. slower than old people doing it.
i apparently cant because of a security token.....
I will tell you if you go to ppcgeeks and search "titan stockroms" it will be there just click on the punctuation after the warning statement.


HArd SPL V6 Issues

Hey, first post here. I've tried searching for people with similar issues but I couldn't find anyone. I got my Cingular 8525 yesterday and I am trying to upgrade to WM6. I followed the guide on flashing it to Hard SPL v6, since I have SPL- 1.06 and I can't seem to get past the screen where I have to choose which bootloader version I have. Mine is not listed on there, and it won't even let me choose some of the other options. I can only check "Is this Hard-SPL?" and the "Force Ussing SPL" option. I thought about upgrading to SPL1.04 then to 1.4, but I am not sure as I don't want to brick my phone. Any suggestions? Thanks. Sorry if this has been covered once again, but Ive been looking for about 2 days and can't seem to find it.
Here is part of a guide written by Mrvanx. Following the guide is highly recommended. You should use the sspl option. It will load SSPL by Des which will in turn load Hard SPL V6 to your device. Good luck flashing!
The autodetect button didn't work for you??? You should be able to use the Force option to upgrade to oli's SPL and you should have no problem. If you're unsure, follow this guide:
Also, there's lots of great info here in general:
Thank you. The version I was looking at
told me something else. Thanks for your input. I'll flash it right away.
a7xsoad said:
Hey, first post here. I've tried searching for people with similar issues but I couldn't find anyone. I got my Cingular 8525 yesterday and I am trying to upgrade to WM6. I followed the guide on flashing it to Hard SPL v6, since I have SPL- 1.06 and I can't seem to get past the screen where I have to choose which bootloader version I have. Mine is not listed on there, and it won't even let me choose some of the other options. I can only check "Is this Hard-SPL?" and the "Force Ussing SPL" option. I thought about upgrading to SPL1.04 then to 1.4, but I am not sure as I don't want to brick my phone. Any suggestions? Thanks. Sorry if this has been covered once again, but Ive been looking for about 2 days and can't seem to find it.
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I grey out the options to make it clear what to click on... and the universe throws it back in my face and just creates an even bigger idiot.
oh well, no hard feelings, good to hear you figured it out.
Olipro said:
I grey out the options to make it clear what to click on... and the universe throws it back in my face and just creates an even bigger idiot.
oh well, no hard feelings, good to hear you figured it out.
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I prefer my analogy...........lemmings is a good game but you can only save so many until you have to nuke the rest!!!!
haha.. well all is good.. and thanks I guess it was just my fault in not being smart enough to figure that one out...( radio just flashed and now onto WM6)
a7xsoad said:
haha.. well all is good.. and thanks I guess it was just my fault in not being smart enough to figure that one out...( radio just flashed and now onto WM6)
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good stuff....what flavour of WM6 and which radio??
Newest Radio 138.00.10.. and of course I had to go with Black 2.0... Just the issue on roaming right now... came across it on here before, so i'll figure it out...
Okay.. well now I that it's all flashed i connected to the internet, but i can't send MMS. I tried putting back the factory settings listed here
but Black 2.0 doesn't seem to have a media net button and it won't send any mms.. any suggestions. I think I might have to downgrade back to WM5 get used to it and then possible come back to WM6... thanks.
a7xsoad said:
Okay.. well now I that it's all flashed i connected to the internet, but i can't send MMS. I tried putting back the factory settings listed here
but Black 2.0 doesn't seem to have a media net button and it won't send any mms.. any suggestions. I think I might have to downgrade back to WM5 get used to it and then possible come back to WM6... thanks.
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Forget the settings on cingulars website, they assume you are running a cingular rom.
Search the wiki page and there will be a .cab file to install the settings.
Either that or enter them manually. There are plenty of users running Black 2.0 on cingular

Tried upgrading radio and now won't boot

So I did the HardSPL when I redid the phone a couple of months ago and lately it hasn't been getting service and just stopped altogether. So I looked to see what radio version I had and it said none.
So I proceeded to update the radio but I did not do the HARDSPL again as I already did it before. Well as I went through the whole process it said there was an error and told me to remove the batter. I did all this and now it won't boot up its just at the ROM screen or whatever with the three different colors.
How do I get it to boot up so I can get it to activesync and reimage it? I'm stuck and it just won't boot so I don't know what to do. Thanks
Oh and I've tried all the steps in getting by the bootloader by disabling usb and all that and it still doesn't work
I had the exact same problem yesterday ... connect it to your USB cable, and flash it with a STANDARD ROM, ie one downloaded from your phone's provider's site.
ie. We get our TyTNs through a local HTC distributor called Leaf Wireless. I downloaded the AKU3 rom from their site, and ran it. Reflashed my TyTN to their original AKU3 ROM, and after that I could reflash with whatever I wanted to
How do I reflash if I can't get it to activsync with mycomputer or don't you need to with a standard rom flash?
So I tried to do it with an original ROM and it gets to 12% done and fails everytime. How do I get this to boot back up normally?
If you go to the wiki it tells you how to do a rom upgrade off an SD card. I would try that route and re flash a ROM and radio that you know works, then take it from there.
Is all in the wiki.
Good luck.
Can you post a link to that wiki? I couldn't find the one you were referring to. Thanks
I have had the same issue and even though I still have gotten it to somewhat work I'm almost sure something is wrong and I will have to send it in for a warranty repair. Here are the steps I followed using the official 8525 rom download.
After that Windows worked fine but still no radio (no gsm error). I downloaded the new radio only file off of the forums which didn't seem to work. I took my phone into the att wireless store and the lady reset my sim, somehow the radio started showing up and working.
I literally spent all day on this yesterday and it is hell. If you have any questions let me know I can guide you through it.
Check your pm's
JaredYng said:
Can you post a link to that wiki? I couldn't find the one you were referring to. Thanks
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Not sure how you couldn't find it. Anyway here you go>>

Help!!! trying to find Olipro 1.2

I'm sorry but i really need help...I've searched a few forums including yahoo and google and i do find olipro 1.20 but always for other phones like hermes and trinity but not the titan...I previously had one of the gps roms but it didnt include mms and so i went back to my original custom rom but now im stuck with the 2.40 bootloader...I have tried to no avail to find it because i didn't want to bug anyone for help but now im in a corner...can someone please help me..thanks in advance
What is your carrier? I run Verizon and MMS is great and I see there is a fix put out for Sprint MMS by no2chem.
lllboredlll said:
If you want to go back to the original ROM you need Titanrelocker not Olipro
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He says he wants to go back to a custom ROM, so Olipro 1.2 is what he needs.
Geckotek said:
He says he wants to go back to a custom ROM, so Olipro 1.2 is what he needs.
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Ya I've done made an edit. I suffer from ignorance from time to time.
Geckotek said:
He says he wants to go back to a custom ROM, so Olipro 1.2 is what he needs.
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thanks guys i could'nt get it to work so im just stuck with the 2.40..the only problem is my phone going to sleep and me not being able to wake it with the power button. I just turned that setting off so it only dims which is fine and Geckotec did you look at my screename? a she ..hence the name im 1 bad az chick and i really appreciate you guys trying to help me because i normally search and search without asking for help but i did that and came up with with the unlocker from the first posting but couldnt get it to work and thought maybe i was trying the wrong thing...i'm no expert obviously so i'll just be content that everything else works perfectly minus that one little thing lol
im1badazchick said:
thanks guys i could'nt get it to work so im just stuck with the 2.40..the only problem is my phone going to sleep and me not being able to wake it with the power button. I just turned that setting off so it only dims which is fine and Geckotec did you look at my screename? a she ..hence the name im 1 bad az chick and i really appreciate you guys trying to help me because i normally search and search without asking for help but i did that and came up with with the unlocker from the first posting but couldnt get it to work and thought maybe i was trying the wrong thing...i'm no expert obviously so i'll just be content that everything else works perfectly minus that one little thing lol
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What's funny is as I was typing "he" I thought to myself, this might be a she....but then I was too lazy to look back at your screen name.
Always nice to have a chick among the geeks. LOL
What happened when you tried to flash back to the original bootloader (relocker)?
Wait.. so if I have Olipro 2.4 and want to go back to 2.xx based roms I can run Olipro 1.2 to downgrade? OR: Do i first need to relock, then patch with 1.2, then reflash to 2.xx rom?
Geckotek said:
What's funny is as I was typing "he" I thought to myself, this might be a she....but then I was too lazy to look back at your screen name.
Always nice to have a chick among the geeks. LOL
What happened when you tried to flash back to the original bootloader (relocker)?
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Geckotek said:
What's funny is as I was typing "he" I thought to myself, this might be a she....but then I was too lazy to look back at your screen name.
Always nice to have a chick among the geeks. LOL
What happened when you tried to flash back to the original bootloader (relocker)?
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its ok Geckotek and yes i'm a chick lol...thanks...i also love to tinker with things...even when i don't know what im doing but you live and you learn lol....well when i tried to flash back to th eoriginal(i'm not as advanced as you guys so humor me lol) it didn't work...i downloaded the unlocker ...double clicked it but nothing happened and then i did ALOT of reading and saw a posting saying to make a folder (C:\temptnt) and put the unlocker there but again i missing something besides the basic knowledge and im not even blonde(no offense blondes of the world) ...after getting frustrated and tired i ran the relocker(did that first and again after i could'nt get the unlocker to work) flashed it back to sprint and then unlocked it again with 2.40 and put my regular custom rom that i has previously back on with the 2.40 being the only thing out of place lol...everything works though...with as i've said before...the exception being the power button ot working to put it into stanby or bring it out of standy so i set it not to go into standby...oh and before i unlocked it with the 2.40 the power button worked WOW! i rambled please forgive me lol
im1badazchick said:
after getting frustrated and tired i ran the relocker(did that first and again after i could'nt get the unlocker to work) flashed it back to sprint and then unlocked it again with 2.40 and put my regular custom rom that i has previously back on with the 2.40 being the only thing out of place lol...everything works though...with as i've said before...the exception being the power button ot working to put it into stanby or bring it out of standy so i set it not to go into standby...oh and before i unlocked it with the 2.40 the power button worked WOW! i rambled please forgive me lol
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Try running the relocker and then running the old unlocker (the 1.xx, not the 2.40) available in the thread pointed to in Geckotech's first post in this thread; it should work without the need to reflash the ROM. If you get stuck in the bootloader, run the exit-bl.exe.
Yesterday I got frustrated as well. I ran the re-locker and called VZW and worked out every issue until my phone worked perfectly.
THEN I flashed to the 2.4 bootloader, flashed the unauth'ed Sprint 3.16 Sprint ROM (and since I have Verizon I made sure it did not let it boot up and run the customizations), then I loaded my cooked DCD 2.3.2 ROM.
All is well and working great now. YEAH!!
bakntyme said:
Try running the relocker and then running the old unlocker (the 1.xx, not the 2.40) available in the thread pointed to in Geckotech's first post in this thread; it should work without the need to reflash the ROM. If you get stuck in the bootloader, run the exit-bl.exe.
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ok Bakntyme thanks for replying so if i run the relocker to lock it back to the factory spl(easy part)....and download the version that Geckotech linked to(still easy) puts a lock icon on my desktop....i double click that but get an error there something that i'm supposed to do that i'm missing?...should i be using it with something else because the only thing that downloads is the lock icon(exe) and the rom that i had on originally isnt one of the gps roms(i have a tom tom already so i didnt need it but i thought that it was cool so i tried it but i wanted to go back to the other one after the first week)..can you dumb it up for me lol
im1badazchick said:
ok Bakntyme thanks for replying so if i run the relocker to lock it back to the factory spl(easy part)....and download the version that Geckotech linked to(still easy) puts a lock icon on my desktop....i double click that but get an error there something that i'm supposed to do that i'm missing?...should i be using it with something else because the only thing that downloads is the lock icon(exe) and the rom that i had on originally isnt one of the gps roms(i have a tom tom already so i didnt need it but i thought that it was cool so i tried it but i wanted to go back to the other one after the first week)..can you dumb it up for me lol
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The unlocker that Geckotek's post pointed to is in a zip file. You need to use an unzipper to extract the .exe file, then you can run it.
If you do not have an unzipper, look for pkZip, Winzip, IZArc, or 7-Zip. There are others, but these names came to mind.
edit: When you originally installed your first custom ROM, how did you unlock the phone? That unlocker, if it is still on your computer, should work again after you relock.
bakntyme said:
The unlocker that Geckotek's post pointed to is in a zip file. You need to use an unzipper to extract the .exe file, then you can run it.
If you do not have an unzipper, look for pkZip, Winzip, IZArc, or 7-Zip. There are others, but these names came to mind.
edit: When you originally installed your first custom ROM, how did you unlock the phone? That unlocker, if it is still on your computer, should work again after you relock.
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thanks i understood all of that and i really appreciate you guys trying to help but i actually figured out what was going on...i updated my pc with the newest .net version 3.5 and as soon as it finished i double clicked the titan unlocker and it ran perfectly...guess my computer needed to be updated...i hadnt done that in awhile since i got the phone as a christmas gift and have been sooooo entranced with it that i neglected my pc lol... everything went smoothly and it's all working like it should now...power button included...hope you guys have a great week...well one more day and its the weekend
bakntyme said:
Try running the relocker and then running the old unlocker (the 1.xx, not the 2.40) available in the thread pointed to in Geckotech's first post in this thread; it should work without the need to reflash the ROM. If you get stuck in the bootloader, run the exit-bl.exe.
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I tried it,it worked,thank you.
that link to the prior forum topic only lets me have 1.10 from the download. or is 1.2 buried a little further in? Thanks!
whoa, you got your power button to start working again? How did you do that exactly? Was it just the .Net 3.5 update? I find it so annoying that my power button doesn't work. I have to have S2U2 come up when i hit the power button just so the phone will wake up when i hit it again.

Need help with a VX6800

I read all the posts on upgrading the titan, and I think I might have been confused with posts for the mogul and the vx6800. I loaded the 3.35.04Radio Rom from the following post, I let the entire installation go through, it actually setup sprint settings on the phone, then I loaded DCD 3.0.4.
Now everything says sprint I can make and recieve calls, but I can't get online. If I access anything online it says it can't Dail #777. I tried IOTA and that just errors out, I think thats for sprint too. I tried to flash the old radio back 3.27.00 but it only goes to 9% and spits out an error. I figured I could flash the stock back on, and then go back to DCD but I can't seem to flash backwards.
I'm not sure how to proceed from here? I felt confident, because I have used kitchens for my kaiser, and lots of different roms on my kaiser, but the TITAN is kicking my a$$. Any Ideas? I could really use some help.
you werent supposed to run customization on the sprint rom... I believe you have to flash to orginal rom then start over again. When you flash the spring 3.35 radio stop when you get to the (tap the screen) page when you first boot... then flash to dcd rom.
I just remember reading that flashing to orginal rom is easiest way to reset your phone settings to what they are supposed to be, When you ran the sprint customizations you changed phone settings you werent supposed to. You may want to search the forum a little to find another easier way to fix
robrest said:
I read all the posts on upgrading the titan, and I think I might have been confused with posts for the mogul and the vx6800. I loaded the 3.35.04Radio Rom from the following post, I let the entire installation go through, it actually setup sprint settings on the phone, then I loaded DCD 3.0.4.
Now everything says sprint I can make and recieve calls, but I can't get online. If I access anything online it says it can't Dail #777. I tried IOTA and that just errors out, I think thats for sprint too. I tried to flash the old radio back 3.27.00 but it only goes to 9% and spits out an error. I figured I could flash the stock back on, and then go back to DCD but I can't seem to flash backwards.
I'm not sure how to proceed from here? I felt confident, because I have used kitchens for my kaiser, and lots of different roms on my kaiser, but the TITAN is kicking my a$$. Any Ideas? I could really use some help.
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Here is the thread you need my friend.... XV6800 back to Verizon Stock ROM
hope that helps ya....
That should get you on the right track....
azclown said:
Here is the thread you need my friend.... XV6800 back to Verizon Stock ROM
hope that helps ya....
That should get you on the right track....
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AZCLOWN, that sounds like a plan!!! I like it. I'm downloading the the revert ROM now. Wish me luck. I'll fill you guys in later.
Got it.... Kinda
i folowed all the posts and got the original verizon rom installed then re did the radio skipping customization, reloaded dcds latest rom. booted up great! BUT there always a but... i cant get data, i get a PPP authenticATion error. its looking for a password. i read a couple of posts that said i should load the VZW rom again and place the phone in airplane mode. i dont know now.
Do you have your username and password entered in the network settings? All Verizon customers who upgraded to this radio and rom have had to re-enter that info.
Not sure if you have or not so I will included this just incase.
Goto settings/connections/edit existing connections
Keep hitting next until you come to the screen for the user and pass.
User.... xxxxxxxxxx(your phone number)
Pass.... vzw
He went back to stock radio, then went back up to 3.35.04 which usually clears out all settings. He can try manually editing the settings such as MDN and MSID in EPST, or he may have to call Verizon if he needs an A-Key.
no good so far....
I tried the ID and password from lllboredlll, then I went back to stock rom, which contains the old radio still the same thing, even if I try the ID again. I'm gonna call verizon. I gotta call them when I have a spare couple of hours.
Any other ideas? I tried #228 still no good! o well
You are going to need to call vz and tell them you did a hrd reset and need a new a-key.
You didn't have to flash back the second time, get the rom you want set up, *then* call them. They won't give you a hard time as long as they think you did a hard reset.
Good luck,your almost there!
nuguy said:
You are going to need to call vz and tell them you did a hrd reset and need a new a-key.
You didn't have to flash back the second time, get the rom you want set up, *then* call them. They won't give you a hard time as long as they think you did a hard reset.
Good luck,your almost there!
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I called VZW and I was on the phone with them for exactly 2 hours, after getting hung up on twice.... Thay actually had to ask me where I was located, and reset a switch where my connection was "stuck" After that I reloaded the radion, without customization, and then loaded DCDs rom....ITs all good now!!!! YUP YUP

Titan Upgrade help...

, I've been tryin to update my Mogul's ROM to the newest DCD ROM(3.2.6 i think) and I ran into some issues that I can't seem to find on the wiki. The first thing I did was upgrade the SPL using nueSPL-2.47 by putting onto a FAT32 Sd card(1gb). That worked out fine it looks like. When I go into the bootloader it says what it should.
So then I moved on to upgrading the radio ROM. For this I used Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50. Inside the RAR file it came in was TITAIMG.nbh. The wiki said thats what I need so I loaded that onto my Sd card and entered bootloader. It found it and asked me to press the power button and then did the update and said it was a sucess. From there... nothing happens. it stays at the gray screen. I figured I need to reset it myself so I pressed reset and now it hangs at the big yellow screen that says SPRINT and doesnt load into the OS.
The wiki says this is because I didn't load the right rom for my phone, but I'm almost positive this is the right radio for the mogul, no? I don't know what went wrong, so I'm at a complete loss.
Anyone have any ideas on how I'm messing this up?
you need to read this:
your radio has to be matched with a compatible rom, since you're on radio 3.42.50, you need a gps/reva rom, any of the ones listed at the bottom.
you can flash a rom via microsd as well, but it wont load the stock os, which is what im assuming u are still on, with a newer radio.
good luck
donpedfodelruvo said:
The wiki says this is because I didn't load the right rom for my phone, but I'm almost positive this is the right radio for the mogul, no? I don't know what went wrong, so I'm at a complete loss.
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You've mentioned installing an appropriate bootloader and radio for DCD's 3.2.6, but you have failed to state what OS ROM is loaded or if you did attempt to flash to 3.2.6.
Hmm.. Yeah I am still on the stock Os Rom. I didn't realize the newer radio would make it incompatible. I suppose the dumb mistakes are the easiest to make.
So now, I need to update the OS Rom and I should be fine. Only problem is... I can't figure out now how to update to dcd 3.2.6. I need to flash via the SD card but I can't find the .nbh file in the RUU directory. What else am I missing?
*edit* Figured all this out, see post below.
Okay... I spoke too soon, cause I'm not out of the woods yet. i upgraded the Rom and have it working on the phone. Cept', I guess my account is no longer tied to the phone anymore, cause I can't make calls or do anything related. Is the simple way to fix this just calling sprint up and just saying I want to switch my account over to this 'new' phone? I've done that plenty to switch back and forth between the two phones I own, but I'm wondering if there's something else wrong.
I did install the sprint carrier .cab, so I know that's not an issue.
donpedfodelruvo said:
Okay... I spoke too soon, cause I'm not out of the woods yet. i upgraded the Rom and have it working on the phone. Cept', I guess my account is no longer tied to the phone anymore, cause I can't make calls or do anything related. Is the simple way to fix this just calling sprint up and just saying I want to switch my account over to this 'new' phone? I've done that plenty to switch back and forth between the two phones I own, but I'm wondering if there's something else wrong.
I did install the sprint carrier .cab, so I know that's not an issue.
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don't tell them you want to switch or anything... Just tell them you hard reset your phone and now your having this problem.
depending on the issue.. I know with verizon I either cant make calls (needs an Akey reset) or I cant get data (needs a DMU reset). I just call them and tell them I performed a hard reset because I had an issue and now I need (one of those things) reset. I'm sure it's the same for you.. this will happen when going from non GPS to GPS radio.
i usually flash the rom first then the radio both from sd. plus i dont think the card can be a sdhc

