hi, i think this is one of the fastest athena roms ever. Have link to this rom? can be claen or full. I cant find it. thanks
sadly my prophet's wm5 configuration is not ok anymore and i get more and more problems with it.
i have to hard-reset my device, but instead of starting again with i fresh wm5 i thought i simply flash a wm6 rom on the device.
my problem is, that i don't want to do this several times a month. so i am looking for a wm6 wwe rom, without any (still open) major bugs.
i thought the smart v3 rom is ok, but in its thread i read, that it doesn't charge while it is connected to the pc and that mail accounts get lost after soft-resets.
do you know, which rom would satisfy me?
i don't need any built-in third party applications, so a clean rom would be nice.
also i want to be able to reassign all hardware buttons to other apps.
thx in advance for any suggestions
if you want a stable bug-free wm6 rom for your prophet. There is none. read the thread for each of the roms if you want a clear picture of what to expect. Otherwise, i suggest you stick with the original rom. In my opinion, that's the best "bug-free" rom...
mr_yellow said:
if you want a stable bug-free wm6 rom for your prophet. There is none. read the thread for each of the roms if you want a clear picture of what to expect. Otherwise, i suggest you stick with the original rom. In my opinion, that's the best "bug-free" rom...
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I got the same question about the available ROM. I've already took a look on some of the threads...why do the have to put all these piece of crap which I will never use...??? I also want something clean and tidy I could custumise myself...
I`m new user of MWg atom life, so excuse me if i ask lame questions...Now I have installed some of PDAVIETs ROM with M2D but the Atom works so slowly... So I`m trying to find some stable and clean ROM, without m2d (can be PDAVIET), or maybe I should get the original MWg ROM instead ? Thanks for Your advice,
Best regards,
This one is fast, clean and veeeery stable. And You still got 25MB of free RAM just for You. It never failed me. Tried many ROMs - PDAViets and other but I'm always returning to this one. Here's a link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=365869 . Enjoy!
Ok thanks I`ll try this one and report my feelings
I vote for this one as well
ATOM LIFE WM6.1(build 5.2.19199)
EDIT: Sorry I meant http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=435647
I'm new to the Advantage-modding community, so I'm kind of lost when it comes to the vast selection of roms out there.
I just ordered an HTC Advantage x7501, and am [excitedly] waiting on it's arrival. The seller states it has Michy's WM6.1 WWE 1.56Diamond Edition flashed on it already.
So I'm wondering, what's the latest and greatest rom available for the Advantage as of April 2009? The Athena Project 4.0 [Link] looks nice, but I'm not sure.
I appreciate your help very much!
*Edit: I already know which is the newest rom. I'm simply wondering in what ways do the top roms [Namely Athena Project roms and Michy roms] outweight each other.
DystopiaDelusion said:
I'm new to the Advantage-modding community, so I'm kind of lost when it comes to the vast selection of roms out there.
I just ordered an HTC Advantage x7501, and am [excitedly] waiting on it's arrival. The seller states it has Michy's WM6.1 WWE 1.56Diamond Edition flashed on it already.
So I'm wondering, what's the latest and greatest rom available for the Advantage as of April 2009? The Athena Project 4.0 [Link] looks nice, but I'm not sure.
I appreciate your help very much!
*Edit: I already know which is the newest rom. I'm simply wondering in what ways do the top roms [Namely Athena Project roms and Michy roms] outweight each other.
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Welcome to the forum
The athena AP 4.0 rom is getting a bit old now and AP 5.0 never got past beta stage, BUT to swap to SPL 3.5 you have to flash with AP 4.0 first, HAVE TO!!! most of Michy's roms are on SPL 3.5 so when you get your x7501 hard press the camera key and press the reset hole to see what SPL it is. He does do some SPL 1.2 stuff so tread carefull. Please dont try to flash a rom with the wrong SPL, it causes all sorts of troubles. You cant go wrong with one of Michy's roms. 1.88 is an XP style, 4.1 is a vista style, 6.1 is a manilla touch style rom, and now he is moving on to WM 6.5, his beta 4 is quite usable. It is mainly down to taste these days. most of the bugs are beta tested out, so they are better than stock roms these days. WM 6.5 is still beta so expect bugs and hangs. While you are waiting why not read the WiKi to get to know it better.
Thanks for your reply. I recieved the Athena not long ago. I found out that it has the 1.2 SPL.
Can you perhaps link me to a thread that describes in detail how to flash different roms/SPL's? I'm interested in that 6.1 Manilla rom, but I'm at a loss of how to do it. I've been browsing around that Wiki and can't really find a guide to flashing roms. First of all I have to figure out how to get rid of the rom that's currently on it.
DystopiaDelusion said:
Thanks for your reply. I recieved the Athena not long ago. I found out that it has the 1.2 SPL.
Can you perhaps link me to a thread that describes in detail how to flash different roms/SPL's? I'm interested in that 6.1 Manilla rom, but I'm at a loss of how to do it. I've been browsing around that Wiki and can't really find a guide to flashing roms. First of all I have to figure out how to get rid of the rom that's currently on it.
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Read this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=429013
But I would suggest experimenting with loading SPL1.2 roms first to get some confidence if you haven't flashed before.
Michy's roms from here are the most recent and fully featured http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=397518
Good luck
That was just what I needed, thanks a million. It was much easier than I thought it'd be.
Hi all, pls what´s the best rom wm 6.5 or 6.1 (stable & faster) for wizard?
Thks for your time....
You'll get a different answer from almost every person on the forum, so the best thing to do is just to try a few.
If you want extremely fast, try 6.5 Professional Clean by Ham3r, or Scripted Angel.
For loads of features, try CRACING or X2H's ROMs
Or for something stable with Manila2D (TouchFlo), try Wizflo.
i am an oldschool WMer...6.5 just too slow and some bugs to me...
DICKEN1989 said:
i am an oldschool WMer...6.5 just too slow and some bugs to me...
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As far as i know there is no official way back, you have to install a 6.1 cooked rom.
Havent used it myself but others seem pleased with FFBOY'S 6.1 ROM. Other than that, which site did you see the offical rom at? If its a ch rom then its probably for the T01A and i believe it will need some conversion before flashing to a TG01. Hope i've helped
Edit: sorry the bit refering to a ch rom is aimmed at that_dood who asked a similar question in another thread so i pointed him here.
i have try that...maybe i love to find the offical 6.1 one...simple START with TOSHIBA MENU...I GOT VERY BAD ENGLISH...haha sorry...
dicken1989 said:
i have try that...maybe i love to find the offical 6.1 one...simple start with toshiba menu...i got very bad english...haha sorry...
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I've had this phone since Feb this year,got it off eBay already upgraded to WM6.5,and want to have the original WM6.1 to put on it as I like the simple drop down start menu and the non honeycomb menus too. FFboy's 6.1 rom looks the business apart from one thing,it's the missing recently used applications icons that gets on my nerves. Have tried everything to rectify this but it seems I can't,are there any ideas out there to solve this issue? I've tried registry modifying and other software but nothing I've tried works,and I don't know if it's the rom or the phone thats the problem.
ffboy2009 said:
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