[Q] I bought my phone yesterday... - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My current programinformation
operativsystemversion: 5.2.21869.
Manilaversion: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM version: 1.66.413.2 (76641) SVE
IS the above old versions or new?
I have dowloaded some apps and other things for my HTC HD2.
Htc Flashlight, artemis, htc hd2 tweaks and apps, and more.
How do I install these apps and tweaks?
Where do I put them on the phone, in which folder?
How do I install them?
Do I have to update ROM or something else?
I have activesync on both my phone and pc.
I have no idea how to do, and the Q&A doesnt help. I know pretty much about windows pc use, but im a totally newb when it comes to mobilephones, I dont even know what manila, or ROM is :O

If they are cab files (ie *.cab), just save them to the device in any folder and "click" on them to install. (c0-y the files via USB or via microSD card)
You will be prompt to install either on device or microSD.

silverpressen said:
My current programinformation
operativsystemversion: 5.2.21869.
Manilaversion: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM version: 1.66.413.2 (76641) SVE
IS the above old versions or new?
I have dowloaded some apps and other things for my HTC HD2.
Htc Flashlight, artemis, htc hd2 tweaks and apps, and more.
How do I install these apps and tweaks?
Where do I put them on the phone, in which folder?
How do I install them?
Do I have to update ROM or something else?
I have activesync on both my phone and pc.
I have no idea how to do, and the Q&A doesnt help. I know pretty much about windows pc use, but im a totally newb when it comes to mobilephones, I dont even know what manila, or ROM is :O
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Welcome Silver. Cookies home tab & Cookies home tab editor are the apps you should start with. They will totally revolutionise the way your phone looks and works! Before you download them to the phone, you have to install NET3.5 framework. Download these three apps to your computer, then connect your phone via the usb it came with and select disc drive option and press done on the phone. Copy & paste or drag/drop these files into the program files folder on the new disc drive icon in your my computer window. Click the safely remove icon on the task bar and disconnect your phone from the pc. Now click the window icon on the phone, and scroll to the file explorer icon and press it. Click on NET3.5 and install it to the device when prompted. Do the same with CHT & Editor and be prepared to say WOW!!! Post here if you have any problems.

Hulmeman said:
Welcome Silver. Cookies home tab & Cookies home tab editor are the apps you should start with. They will totally revolutionise the way your phone looks and works! Before you download them to the phone, you have to install NET3.5 framework. Download these three apps to your computer, then connect your phone via the usb it came with and select disc drive option and press done on the phone. Copy & paste or drag/drop these files into the program files folder on the new disc drive icon in your my computer window. Click the safely remove icon on the task bar and disconnect your phone from the pc. Now click the window icon on the phone, and scroll to the file explorer icon and press it. Click on NET3.5 and install it to the device when prompted. Do the same with CHT & Editor and be prepared to say WOW!!! Post here if you have any problems.
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thanks for the help! I was suspecting it was the program folder. I downloaded net framework from microsofts homepage, and the hd2 says its not a valid program.
this is the name of the file: dotNetFx35setup. is it the right one?

silverpressen said:
thanks for the help! I was suspecting it was the program folder. I downloaded net framework from microsofts homepage, and the hd2 says its not a valid program.
this is the name of the file: dotNetFx35setup. is it the right one?
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Here's the link for Cookies home tab. If you scroll down the page, you'll also find NET3.5 as well.

silverpressen said:
thanks for the help! I was suspecting it was the program folder. I downloaded net framework from microsofts homepage, and the hd2 says its not a valid program.
this is the name of the file: dotNetFx35setup. is it the right one?
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Sir, you don't need to run/install Net Framework from your device, but you must run it from your PC via Active Sync.

I cant run the installation file _setup in the NET3.5 folder?

Hulmeman said:
Here's the link for Cookies home tab. If you scroll down the page, you'll also find NET3.5 as well.
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I cant run the installation file _setup in the NET3.5 folder?
is this the right ones? cuz I cant run them?

silverpressen said:
I cant run the installation file _setup in the NET3.5 folder?
is this the right ones? cuz I cant run them?
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Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
And follow the procedure like I mention before.
Sir, you don't need to run/install Net Framework from your device, but you must run it from your PC via Active Sync.
Q; How to install .Net Compact Framework on Your WM Device ?
1. Connect your Windows Mobile device to your PC via activesync
2. Download the .Net Compact Framework 3.5 to your PC
3. Double click NETCFSetupv35.msi to run the installer
4. Follow the onscreen instructions to perform the installation
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kurt-willems said:
And follow the procedure like I mention before.
Sir, you don't need to run/install Net Framework from your device, but you must run it from your PC via Active Sync.
Q; How to install .Net Compact Framework on Your WM Device ?
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nothing happends when I doubleclick, I press verify acces to windows bla bla, then nothing more happens

try this
First open the windows market and install any free game which require dotnet, by this process your dotnet will be installed and after that install all the above mentioned applications....

kurt-willems said:
Sir, you don't need to run/install Net Framework from your device, but you must run it from your PC via Active Sync.
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Thanks for the info Kurt. I wasn't even aware of the fact I didn't need to install NET3.5 on my phone? It's on there anyway, and I'm having no problems whatsoever. I'll be sure to include that info in any further advice I give.

tarunkrsna said:
First open the windows market and install any free game which require dotnet, by this process your dotnet will be installed and after that install all the above mentioned applications....
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How can I see what game that requires dotnet? is it only games or other apps aswell?

kurt-willems said:
Sir, you don't need to run/install Net Framework from your device, but you must run it from your PC via Active Sync.
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How do I run it from activesync? what do I press?

silverpressen said:
How do I run it from activesync? what do I press?
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Well you go on the website I give up earlier, or do a research on Google fore Net Framework. you download it to your computer, and you connect your device with USB to your PC. you will see the window of ActiveSync on your screen (your pc trays to connect to your mobile device)
run the Net Framework application (.exe) from your PC. follow the steps, that's it.

silverpressen said:
How do I run it from activesync? what do I press?
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Did you manage to get the NETCF3.5.CAB on your phone? I've done some digging, and you CAN install it on your phone. Connect the phone via usb and select the disk drive option from the phone screen and press done. Then go to my computer and click on the removable drive icon. Double click on program files icon and copy the NETCF3.5.CAB into this folder. Disconnect the phone from the computer, and press the windows icon on your phone. Scroll to file explorer icon and press it. Go to the top of the page and select the storage card. Press program files and find the net cab. Press it and follow the instillation process and it should install.

kurt-willems said:
Well you go on the website I give up earlier, or do a research on Google fore Net Framework. you download it to your computer, and you connect your device with USB to your PC. you will see the window of ActiveSync on your screen (your pc trays to connect to your mobile device)
run the Net Framework application (.exe) from your PC. follow the steps, that's it.
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I think I know what the problem is now, I have Windows Mobile Device Center, instead of activesync, should I uninstall Mobile devi... and install activesync instead?

silverpressen said:
I think I know what the problem is now, I have Windows Mobile Device Center, instead of activesync, should I uninstall Mobile devi... and install activesync instead?
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I don't see the different between this two?

Just run on PC through Activesync, not in activesync
silverpressen said:
I think I know what the problem is now, I have Windows Mobile Device Center, instead of activesync, should I uninstall Mobile devi... and install activesync instead?
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Activesync is for XP only, mobile devie center is the "ActiveSync" for Vista and Windows 7.
Functionality is equal (although perhaps when UAC active, one needs admin rights for full functionality - just guiessing about that though-)
You cannot run from activesync/mobile device center.
steps to follow:
1) Connect your phone to your computer
2) make sure you have partnership (even guest partnership is ok) betwwen phone and PC
3) Download the MS .net Framework from here and save it on your computer (eg in c:\tmp)
4) Run the downloaded package on your PC.
5) After running on PC, follow steps on your phone (if any)
It does not get any simpler...

Wilco said:
Activesync is for XP only, mobile devie center is the "ActiveSync" for Vista and Windows 7.
Functionality is equal (although perhaps when UAC active, one needs admin rights for full functionality - just guiessing about that though-)
You cannot run from activesync/mobile device center.
steps to follow:
1) Connect your phone to your computer
2) make sure you have partnership (even guest partnership is ok) betwwen phone and PC
3) Download the MS .net Framework from here and save it on your computer (eg in c:\tmp)
4) Run the downloaded package on your PC.
5) After running on PC, follow steps on your phone (if any)
It does not get any simpler...
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Thanks for that Wilco. I installed the NETCF on my device, but I've not had any issues as yet? Mental note made for future/current advice. P.S. Sorry for doubting you Kurt.


AS 4.0 to AS 3.8= >:(

After I uninstall AS4 and reinstall AS3.8, it won't work.. Synchronization won't start, Wcesmgr.exe (Activesync) won't start although wcescomm.exe had when I conect my Xda.. When I try to access the 'Mobile Device' under 'My Computer' it gives me error "Critical communications have failed to start. Try resetting the mobile device, and then connect again" regardless if my Xda II is connected or disconnected..
Anyway, I revert back to AS3.8 bcos AS4 doesn't has backup/restore option which I use a lot..
Anyone has such problem? Is there a way to fix this problem? Oh, btw the AS4 I installed is build 3434..
To successfully uninstall ActiveSync 4.0 and reinstall a previous version of ActiveSync on your desktop PC, perform the following procedure.
1. Uninstall ActiveSync 4.0.
2. Open File Explorer, navigate to the System32 directory in your Windows directory, and then manually delete the dynamic-link library Rapi.dll.
3. Reinstall the previous version of ActiveSync.
Shikra said:
To successfully uninstall ActiveSync 4.0 and reinstall a previous version of ActiveSync on your desktop PC, perform the following procedure.
1. Uninstall ActiveSync 4.0.
2. Open File Explorer, navigate to the System32 directory in your Windows directory, and then manually delete the dynamic-link library Rapi.dll.
3. Reinstall the previous version of ActiveSync.
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Thanks, Shikra. That solved my problem 100%
Ooops! Hold on a sec! Maybe 90%.. Now that AS3.8 is getting back to work, it doesn't automatically ask to create a new partnership as b4.. This is really annoying, now my contacts empty, and I don't want to refill the contacts one by one cos I got hundreds of them..
Any suggestions?
Yeah...couldn't get the AS 3.8 to automatically create a new partnership after the revert.
Well, I've to be a "Guest" until someone comes out with an idea to initiate the partnership screen to load up.
Hope some good samaritan will help out.
Btw...I running W2K Sp4 on my desktop. I know it will not work with AS4...I just didn't read the fine prints before installation. Now I can connect but have to remain as guest only (after the revert).
Now it couldn't even do backup/restore.. :twisted:

Windows add/remove and Start - sigh

Am I the only one that is annoyed that the programs I install on my Advantage feel the need to also clutter up my Start menu programs folder on my windows machine as well?
I installed the program on my device, I don't want any footprint of it on my desktop. Yet I find entries in my desktop start menu as well as the add/remove programs.
Any way to avoid this or just live with the fact I have to make sure to clean this out right after I install something new on my Advantage?
cab files
Install the programs from your Athena using the *.cab files of the programs you wish to install...
bins said:
Install the programs from your Athena using the *.cab files of the programs you wish to install...
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I try to use CAB files as long they are available. The problem is not all programs have that. Examples of this include microsoft voice commander. I wonder if there is an easy way to extract the cab out of all window install program. Anyone knows?
eaglesteve said:
I try to use CAB files as long they are available. The problem is not all programs have that. Examples of this include microsoft voice commander. I wonder if there is an easy way to extract the cab out of all window install program. Anyone knows?
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I have found success with some in checking the Temp directory of the PC when starting the install - the installation often extracts the cab to a new sub-dir there. An alternative is to try to install when the PPC is not connected - often a cab file is dumped to a sub-dir of C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync
apd said:
I have found success with some in checking the Temp directory of the PC when starting the install - the installation often extracts the cab to a new sub-dir there. An alternative is to try to install when the PPC is not connected - often a cab file is dumped to a sub-dir of C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync
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This is great tips. I'll surely take a look at C:\program files\microsoft ActivSycn from now on. Is that only for XP? What about VISTA?
eaglesteve said:
This is great tips. I'll surely take a look at C:\program files\microsoft ActivSycn from now on. Is that only for XP? What about VISTA?
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Haven't used Vista for a while, so can't help, I'm afraid
apd said:
Haven't used Vista for a while, so can't help, I'm afraid
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I found it in Vista. Most of the time, it is located at windows\windowsmobile\ directory.
You will find a directory name created by the PC installer. Go inside that, you will find the cab file.
In some cases, it does not go there. For example, microsoft voice command goes to Program files\Microsoft Voice Command\windows mobile pocket pc\us1.60 for M2M\
So, it is there alright, just got to find it.
Once found, copy it to your pocket pc manually. Next time you need to hard reset, you can do without PC all together. Also, now you can uninstall from the PC and keep your pc clean.

[TUTO] HD2 Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools on XP

1 : Download and Install :
2 : Create vm_web folder on C: extract the contents of the setup Windows phone 7 tools (vm_web.exe) package with winrar to C:\vm_web\
3 : Go to the folder and open the file baseline.dat in notepad
4 : Look for the section named [gencomp7788]
5 : Change the value InstallOnLHS from 1 to 0
Change the value InstallOnWinXP from 1 to 0
Save and close baseline.dat
6 : CMD+R C:\vm_web\setup.exe /web
Wait wait wait...
More simpler method below:
Originally posted here:
Hello everyone,
I want to simplify all those who want to install Windows Developer Phone Tools on Windows XP:
1) download the complete package at the official site
2) extract the downloaded package to a folder
3) copy and overwrite the file attached to the folder where you extracted the package
4) run the batch file Install ...
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I have used this method couple of times and I confirm it working on XP except you can not run emulator, that is not required in our case either I guess.
The problem is that I still could not unlock WP7. It stucks at Chevron unlocker stage. The same problem has been reported by almost all users here. I haven't witnessed anyone unlocking WP7 through WIndows XP machine.
i dont get the last part ......... what shuld i do
6 : CMD+R C:\vm_web\setup.exe /web
elvador said:
i dont get the last part ......... what shuld i do
6 : CMD+R C:\vm_web\setup.exe /web
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"CMD+R" = Run
"C:\vm_web\setup.exe" = $path where you extracted vm_web.exe
"/web" = this is option for web installation
Here's the way I got it to work,
bazinga said:
I finally got it to install on XP!
Here's what I did,
Download the .iso file (it's at the bottom of the page) :
After, make a new folder on your desktop and extract the ".iso" file into the folder.
Next, I grabbed the ".zip" file from here, : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=9618980&postcount=81
Take the baseline.dat from the .zip file and replace it in the one with the extracted .iso files. Then just run setup.exe from the file. It should work! But make sure you have about 3 gb free from your hard drive. And emulator doesn't work, but I'm sure its fine if your not a developer.
Remember to hit the thanks button if it worked for you!
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But I still can not get chevron to work.
bazinga said:
Here's the way I got it to work,
But I still can not get chevron to work.
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The procedure is same as posted in post # 2.
And with the same result too. Chevron opens but gives error.
i couldnt get chevron to work either on xp. i finally broke down and reloaded my vista and got it working. took me over two days to install vista and all the updates and service packs. i got an old slow computer.
How can install on Window7?
Excusme for my bad english
does the chevron executable even work on XP ?
u wouldnt want to use the SDK on XP if chevron doesnt
Soo?? Somebody got it working or what?
jcsy said:
does the chevron executable even work on XP ?
u wouldnt want to use the SDK on XP if chevron doesnt
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SDK is useful in a sense that it atleast makes Chevron open on a XP machine. Without SDK, you can not even open Chevron.
But once you click unlock in Chevron, it always gives you error whatever you do.
I personally had to install WIndows 7 Ultimate on my laptop and then the whole process was like of 20 minutes hardly. No problems faced. The tutorials posted are fantastic and makes your life easy.
Exploring unlocked and activated WP7 on HD2
So we have to purchase Windows 7 and delete everything?
I do not have money to do this...I hope the devs find a way.
I LOVE windows phone even in the sad state mine is in. I have a Zune HD, and I haven't used it since WP7 came onto my HD2...If I could access the marketplace, I'd love it...guess I'll have to download it (windows 7) tonight...
i had the chevron unlocker working with XP SP3. I'll try it again in a bit to verify it again. will let you all know.
I checked and double checked. My phone was already unlocked, so i performed a Re-lock.
Ofcourse, I couldn't get it unlocked again under XP. Having probs now as well with Win7. Scratching my head now. lol
elvador said:
i dont get the last part ......... what shuld i do
6 : CMD+R C:\vm_web\setup.exe /web
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There is no any SETUP.EXE!
Oh I found, used not winrar an the 1st time
When i run setup exe i the last passage it tells me that it cant install .NEt framework 4 multi-targeting package....whats that? please help me!
ow it tells me that i cant install the emulater x86...please
ChriGothiMark said:
ow it tells me that i cant install the emulater x86...please
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Emulator will never work on XP nor its required for you as you are willing to deploy things on actual device i.e. your HD2. In short, forget emulator.
For DotNet 4 issue, try installing it seperately.
If I am reading this right, having the SDK installed on XP is beneficial regardless if Chevron works or not. This is how I see the events playing out:
Use a Wiindows 7 Machine to do the unlocking process with Chevron
Use the XP machine to do the side-loading of applications.
Once the Chevron process is complete, there should be no need for a Windows 7 based machine, as the app loading will work fine from XP.
Am I correct with how I laid that out? I ask because my main workstation is an XP machine. I have 2 Windows 7 machines (my HTPC and my laptop are both Win7); the HTPC is buried under/behind the TV and does not have easily accessible USB ports, and the laptop has a small (17") screen and I can barely see what I am doing on it, which makes it a non-feasible option.
Now, if I were to use the laptop for a few minutes to do the unlocking with Chevron, I should (in theory) be able to perform all of the other options on my XP machine...I hop I am correct with that assumption, as it will be the best way for me to go about it.
jmhecker said:
If I am reading this right, having the SDK installed on XP is beneficial regardless if Chevron works or not. This is how I see the events playing out:
Use a Wiindows 7 Machine to do the unlocking process with Chevron
Use the XP machine to do the side-loading of applications.
Once the Chevron process is complete, there should be no need for a Windows 7 based machine, as the app loading will work fine from XP.
Am I correct with how I laid that out? I ask because my main workstation is an XP machine. I have 2 Windows 7 machines (my HTPC and my laptop are both Win7); the HTPC is buried under/behind the TV and does not have easily accessible USB ports, and the laptop has a small (17") screen and I can barely see what I am doing on it, which makes it a non-feasible option.
Now, if I were to use the laptop for a few minutes to do the unlocking with Chevron, I should (in theory) be able to perform all of the other options on my XP machine...I hop I am correct with that assumption, as it will be the best way for me to go about it.
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You are absolutely right. This is what I was doing before I moved back to NAND Android.
Applications can be deployed from a Windows XP machine if tools are installed.

USB Device Not Recognized - Windows 8

So I have a Samsung Vibrant(just got it recently) and I'm having problems when i connect it to the computer. It gives me an USB device not recognized on my windows 8 computer. I have spent all morning searching and reinstalling drivers and trying my old pc and new cables and i found out that my old windows 7 computer with 4GB of ram and an overloaded hard drive will detect my device the problem there is it not my main computer and i dont want to have to connect all the vga cables boot it up connect mouse and ect to use this computer just to be able to copy files, and do other things from my computer to my phone I dont know why my main computer dell inspiron windows 8 will not work when it was a couple of days ago when i had a problem with conectivity and had to flash back to stock but now it wont connect. could someone help me? Here's a list of things i've tried
installing kies
installing adb again
aoi tool and then drivers
a bunch of diffrent drivers found on the fourms
diffrent usb cable
i would like to be able to do it on my main computer but its not working if someone could help that would be great
also please dont hate on me for having windows 8 jk i dont care :good:
I'd have to say that your drivers are all scrambled. Look up "android SDK" here on xda and install that for a bigger variety of drivers. Or just download Google's USB driver and manually install it through device manager which always works for me. Windows 8 is new and very complicated.
Vono123 said:
I'd have to say that your drivers are all scrambled. Look up "android SDK" here on xda and install that for a bigger variety of drivers. Or just download Google's USB driver and manually install it through device manager which always works for me. Windows 8 is new and very complicated.
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I will try this when I get home from school this afternoon but i have tried downloading android SDK(adb correct?) and then going into device manager and then going to downloads/adb/sdk/exstras/google/usb drivers and it never finds anything.
apples723 said:
I will try this when I get home from school this afternoon but i have tried downloading android SDK(adb correct?) and then going into device manager and then going to downloads/adb/sdk/exstras/google/usb drivers and it never finds anything.
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Android SDK is installed in the main drive right? local disk c?
You have to click the folder (usb_driver) and then click update.
In the android sdk folder there should be and exe file called SDK manager. There you will be able to download all the drivers for your current android version also the latest Google drivers and SDK tools etc.
I was stuck on this process for a long time because it allways works different for everybody. Just keep me posted on what you do I'm more than glad to help.
Vono123 said:
Android SDK is installed in the main drive right? local disk c?
You have to click the folder (usb_driver) and then click update.
In the android sdk folder there should be and exe file called SDK manager. There you will be able to download all the drivers for your current android version also the latest Google drivers and SDK tools etc.
I was stuck on this process for a long time because it allways works different for everybody. Just keep me posted on what you do I'm more than glad to help.
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everything is up to date in the sdk manager do i need to reinstall it? also it still wont find the drivers i have atatched some png files take a look the picktures and it will show you the where the drivers are and what im selecting
I forgot to mention i tried it at school on a windows 8 computer and it worked fine its my crappy computer thats only five months old
apples723 said:
everything is up to date in the sdk manager do i need to reinstall it? also it still wont find the drivers i have atatched some png files take a look the picktures and it will show you the where the drivers are and what im selecting
I forgot to mention i tried it at school on a windows 8 computer and it worked fine its my crappy computer thats only five months old
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So what exactly happens when you click update? What does it say?
Is your PC up to date? (update wise)
Do you have the the drivers for the phone itself like samsung drivers?
And did you try rebooting your PC after installing your drivers? <-- that is important. You should always reboot after install or uninstalling drivers otherwise you'll end up scrambling them.
From the pictures it shows you have the drivers but I'd also try going deeper than usb_driver, try clicking on i386 or amd64.
Vono123 said:
So what exactly happens when you click update? What does it say?
Is your PC up to date? (update wise)
Do you have the the drivers for the phone itself like samsung drivers?
And did you try rebooting your PC after installing your drivers? <-- that is important. You should always reboot after install or uninstalling drivers otherwise you'll end up scrambling them.
From the pictures it shows you have the drivers but I'd also try going deeper than usb_driver, try clicking on i386 or amd64.
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i have the latest update from microsoft and yes i have the drivers for my phone itself and i rebooted a right after i installed the drivers and then unisntalled and i have gone into i386 and amd64 give me a second and i upload a picture of the error
i uploaded the pictue of the error im getting
apples723 said:
i have the latest update from microsoft and yes i have the drivers for my phone itself and i rebooted a right after i installed the drivers and then unisntalled and i have gone into i386 and amd64 give me a second and i upload a picture of the error
i uploaded the pictue of the error im getting
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OK make sure there are no HTC drivers on your PC. When you hook up your phone does USB storage work or anything like that?
Check those out and then I want you to go to Google, download pdanet latest version via pc (dont install yet) and go to the play store and install on your phone turn on USB debugging and the install non market apps and hook your phone up to the computer. Then install pdanet via PC and see if that works. HTC drivers get in the way of Samsung's BTW.
Vono123 said:
OK make sure there are no HTC drivers on your PC. When you hook up your phone does USB storage work or anything like that?
Check those out and then I want you to go to Google, download pdanet latest version via pc (dont install yet) and go to the play store and install on your phone turn on USB debugging and the install non market apps and hook your phone up to the computer. Then install pdanet via PC and see if that works. HTC drivers get in the way of Samsung's BTW.
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you want me to install pdanet on my phone too and by the way there is no htc drivers that are on my computer
apples723 said:
you want me to install pdanet on my phone too and by the way there is no htc drivers that are on my computer
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OK good and yes its in the play store for free but I don't think you have to install it but it makes the process more easy for ya.
You do have usb debugging and install non market apps checked right? You need those on.
Vono123 said:
OK good and yes its in the play store for free but I don't think you have to install it but it makes the process more easy for ya.
You do have usb debugging and install non market apps checked right? You need those on.
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still giving me the error i think its my computer because it works on our family laptop school computer and basment computer how do i totally unistall drivers not from device manager theres a difrent way i think not sure
apples723 said:
still giving me the error i think its my computer because it works on our family laptop school computer and basment computer how do i totally unistall drivers not from device manager theres a difrent way i think not sure
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I want you to uninstall all your Samsung drivers(not android SDK) under control panel/uninstall programs. If you see something like Samsung kies definitely uninstall it. Reboot your computer and follow this guide for windows 8:
After this if it doesn't work I'd recommend pulling out your old computer for android modding lol. I'll still look up some threads for your problem. Let me know what's going on after that. Make sure when you follow that guide your phone can not be plugged in the computer. And when you plug your phone into the computer after everything is done and after you reboot your computer for the second time, USB debugging has to be off and when phone is done unplug and turn back on USB debugging and plug back in and wait for that. Adb should work.
[Edit] you can also try running your drivers in windows 7 compatibility. Sorry I couldn't help much.
Vono123 said:
I want you to uninstall all your Samsung drivers(not android SDK) under control panel/uninstall programs. If you see something like Samsung kies definitely uninstall it. Reboot your computer and follow this guide for windows 8:
After this if it doesn't work I'd recommend pulling out your old computer for android modding lol. I'll still look up some threads for your problem. Let me know what's going on after that. Make sure when you follow that guide your phone can not be plugged in the computer. And when you plug your phone into the computer after everything is done and after you reboot your computer for the second time, USB debugging has to be off and when phone is done unplug and turn back on USB debugging and plug back in and wait for that. Adb should work.
[Edit] you can also try running your drivers in windows 7 compatibility. Sorry I couldn't help much.
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ive tried so many things i give up it makes me mad that any other computer even ones with windows 8 on them it works fine with out any sepecial installation but on my current computer it doesnt
apples723 said:
ive tried so many things i give up it makes me mad that any other computer even ones with windows 8 on them it works fine with out any sepecial installation but on my current computer it doesnt
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I think I know what the problem is. Make sure you uninstall all the previous drivers, then have the correct drivers ready.
What you have to do is to disable driver signature enforcement.
Step 1. Go to the right bottom corner of the desktop and wait for the side menu to appear. When it's there click on the gear icon with the title "Settings".
Step 2. Now click on the entry "More PC Settings", then click on the entry "General".
Step 3"Restart now" (under "Advanced start up ") and click it.
Step 4. Now click "Troubleshoot", then "Advanced Options" and after that click "Windows Start up Settings".
Step 5. Click on "Restart" and wait, then on the next screen press F7.
You will now reboot, and try now to install the drivers (by manually selecting the folder in device manager).
I'm not sure what is the correct drivers for you.
But try this. It's still worth a shot.
binaryfalcon said:
I think I know what the problem is. Make sure you uninstall all the previous drivers, then have the correct drivers ready.
What you have to do is to disable driver signature enforcement.
Step 1. Go to the right bottom corner of the desktop and wait for the side menu to appear. When it's there click on the gear icon with the title "Settings".
Step 2. Now click on the entry "More PC Settings", then click on the entry "General".
Step 3"Restart now" (under "Advanced start up ") and click it.
Step 4. Now click "Troubleshoot", then "Advanced Options" and after that click "Windows Start up Settings".
Step 5. Click on "Restart" and wait, then on the next screen press F7.
You will now reboot, and try now to install the drivers (by manually selecting the folder in device manager).
I'm not sure what is the correct drivers for you.
But try this. It's still worth a shot.
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didnt make a difrence still getting error i think its something with my system so i guess without a full diagonostic it wont work

Transfer contacts Phone->SIM

Hi guys,
i have HTC Leo HD 2 with Energie ROM WM 6.5. I dropped my phone ot the floor and the screen got crashed. Now my sense doesn't work and all my phone contacts are in the phone. Please, help me with coppying all the contacts to the SIM card without using the touch screen ????
vladi_90, install Activesync or WMDC to your PC. Install Microsoft outlook (part of the office) to your PC. Connect HD2 to USB. When sync software starts - sync your contacts with Outlook. No SIM is needed.Another thing - if you have a file manager on your PC with mobile plugin support (Total Commander for example), you can sync the phone, open it in file manager on PC an run executable of backing up contacts to SIM straight by clicking it on PC. (In case you have yhid backup program on your phone)
connect to PC & use MyMobiler (link in my signature) depends on default setting of usb connection though.
Mister B said:
connect to PC & use MyMobiler (link in my signature)
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Your in-signature stuff is useful only to run phone's build-in SIM Manager from PC. Nothing else. Sync transport anyway must be installed (activesync or wmdc depending on OS)
AndrewSh said:
Your in-signature stuff is useful only to run phone's build-in SIM Manager from PC. Nothing else. Sync transport anyway must be installed (activesync or wmdc depending on OS)
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Correct & that all you really need, but you could also install whatever contacts backup software you want so can be useful but not always the answer for all scenarios.
Other options are copying the pim.vol then using the wm6.5 emulator to load the pim & retrieve data.
Activesync & WMDC are all in HD2wiki
Mister B said:
Other options are copying the pim.vol then using the wm6.5 emulator to load the pim & retrieve data.
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Heh Dude does not know that the easiest way to keep his contacts safe is to just have outlook.com email and you want him to use emulator and to deal with pim.vol?
Mister B said:
Activesync & WMDC are all in HD2wiki
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Sorry, never read any wiki for HD2, Because I don't need it - I usually cooked my own roms for HD2 and never used someone's else. To know this - you may read my sig.
AndrewSh said:
Heh Dude does not know that the easiest way to keep his contacts safe is to just have outlook.com email and you want him to use emulator and to deal with pim.vol?
Sorry, never read any wiki for HD2, Because I don't need it - I usually cooked my own roms for HD2 and never used someone's else. To know this - you may read my sig.
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Problem is if he not by default set for sync by usb then it a bit of a problem using sync & outlook or any other option requiring sync.
In that scenario recovering the pim.vol via sd card extraction software is not a bad option .
Dudes, i can't transfer the contacts ......
I'm installing activesync 4.5 for XP, after that installing MyMobiler, connecting my HD2 with USB to the PC and on the desktop of the phone to default is the second option - Disk Transfer. At the screen of the PC i'am seeing this:
tinypic_____com/view.php?pic=29erkw0&s=8 (i don't have 10 posts and i can't add a link, please put instead of "____" "." )
Ideas ??
Is your device connected in storage mode !
Have a look in 'My Computer' at drives & if showing SD card of the HD2 then that the issue .
For above suggested ideas involving Activesync you need your HD2 to be set in Sync option for USB & obviously you can not change that as touch not working on the HD2 (as mentioned in post #7)
Your best bet is using the autorun feature from SD card to copy the PIM.VOL from the HD2 to the sd card then use emulator or request help for someone use emulator to load the pim.vol & export contacts.
See post below (#3) for general details/download.
You could also try removing SD card & connect via USB & see what access you have yo HD2 with likes of Total Commander from your PC.
mister b said:
is your device connected in storage mode !
Have a look in 'my computer' at drives & if showing sd card of the hd2 then that the issue .
For above suggested ideas involving activesync you need your hd2 to be set in sync option for usb & obviously you can not change that as touch not working on the hd2 (as mentioned in post #7)
your best bet is using the autorun feature from sd card to copy the pim.vol from the hd2 to the sd card then use emulator or request help for someone use emulator to load the pim.vol & export contacts.
See post below (#3) for general details/download.
you could also try removing sd card & connect via usb & see what access you have yo hd2 with likes of total commander from your pc.
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it's done !!! Thank u !! I remove the sd card and connected via activesync ))))))
Yes I see if remove SD card it reverts USB options to sync which very good
glad you got it done, well done

