[Q] WIFI calling on the HTC HD2? - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was wondering if wifi calling is done with software or hardware? If it's done with software would there be a way or perhaps a rom that would enable wifi calling to work on the HTC HD2? I don't know much about the inner workings of things so don't bash me too bad, I looked into it and there wasn't many answers if it can be done or not and or if it's trying to be done now. I just didn't know so I was hoping one of you experts, or chefs, could tell me if it's possible or what the story is. when I had my blackberry it had wifi calling and it was great just for the main fact that I live at the bottom of a hill and I get awful reception nomatter what phone or carrier, but with wifi calling, WOW I really liked that but when I weighed my options I really wanted an HD2 rather than a blackberry, (I guess it's the geek in me). Well thanks for reading for those who read.
[email protected],

its called skype/fring for winmo/android

oh ok,, thank you!!

souljaboy said:
its called skype/fring for winmo/android
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I think OP was looking more at a UMA feature than at Skype or Fring. Some Blackberries support calling over a wifi network - so the same T-Mobile number is used for inbound/outbound calls, even without a cell signal.
I don't think the HD2 supports UMA; but LetsTalk has it listed as a supported feature for the HD2. I'm looking into this myself to help with poor signal quality in the lower level of my home.

Yes I was and I just got confirmation the other day on Twitter from T-mobile USA that the new Mytouch 4G will have wifi calling and will be coming to other devices in the coming months. In app form I believe but still very cool. My mouth is really watering over this Mytouch 4G but I really can't afford it right now. Gosh I only had this HD2 about 6 or 7 months. I gotta wait until I'm AT-LEAST eligible for a one year handset upgrade, and if these android HD2 Roms Keep coming out working so nicely and perhaps I can use wifi calling on my HD2 I'll wait for my 2 year upgrade.. I'm sure by then They'll have a f**k ton of new good phones and the prices should drop on some of the others...

knotrkr said:
I was wondering if wifi calling is done with software or hardware? If it's done with software would there be a way or perhaps a rom that would enable wifi calling to work on the HTC HD2? I don't know much about the inner workings of things so don't bash me too bad, I looked into it and there wasn't many answers if it can be done or not and or if it's trying to be done now. I just didn't know so I was hoping one of you experts, or chefs, could tell me if it's possible or what the story is. when I had my blackberry it had wifi calling and it was great just for the main fact that I live at the bottom of a hill and I get awful reception nomatter what phone or carrier, but with wifi calling, WOW I really liked that but when I weighed my options I really wanted an HD2 rather than a blackberry, (I guess it's the geek in me). Well thanks for reading for those who read.
[email protected],
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It's officially out for G2 and I posted the update that made it possible here:
Just have to see if any of the developers can make it work for HD2, at least on the android side.

Don't understand why this won't work
Ok I don't understand why this won't work on the HD2 windows mobile pro 6.5, HTC had it working on the shadow which runs WM 6.1, can someone please explain it to me? Is it just no one interested in developing it cause hardware wise if it can do it in android I am unclear why it can't do it in windows

technically hardware supports it but software side has not been implemented fully for HD2
A few sip efforts been made that implement with stock dialler & some more stand alone but think most have some issues when in use ...
One example being >


ROM version 2.73.728.5 anyone?

There are a few people on the web reporting their HTC Hero is running a 2.73.728.5 ROM. I wonder if anyone here has seen this in the wild and could report whether this is a provider customized 2.73.405.5 or yet another new build?
And, with the release of Donut, I hope we have another update coming this side of Xmas!
Whatever that Hero update contains, it'd better sort out Bluetoothing. When I say Bluetooth I mean by way of file sharing with other phones not just with a headset.
Anyone get an answer from HTC about sorting this Bluetooth filesharing issue out? I've tried tweeting HTC, but get no reply.
P.S. the market apps don't work, even with root access. Sending AND receiving. Come on HTC sort this out, it would make the Hero a killer phone.
I honestly don't see how BT filesharing can be a big issue. Maybe a nice feature. I doubt it's on anyone's 'urgent list' at HTC or Google.
Airtel (India) comes with a factory default of 2.73.720.5.
wouwout said:
I honestly don't see how BT filesharing can be a big issue. Maybe a nice feature. I doubt it's on anyone's 'urgent list' at HTC or Google.
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Well, it really should be considering that any old phone can do it these days, yet top of the range smartphones like the Hero can't do it? Ridiculous.
Maybe not an important thing in the US, but it is widely used globally. Research by Microsoft and MTV shows 75% of European 16-24 yr olds) 'Bluetooth stuff' to their friends. It's huge in Asia also.
You can do it on most HTC WinMo phones. I am frankly embarrassed when a friends asks me to bluetooth them a song or photo and I have to admit I can't.
I can see why Apple don't want to do it on the iphone, as they dont like the idea of moving music from one phone to another, but Android has no such ideological reasons for doing it, just a massive oversight.
Check out: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=1725
Plenty of people there who want it.
edit to add:
IN fact its the second most requested item: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/list
Come on Google, pull your finger out!
ptashek said:
There are a few people on the web reporting their HTC Hero is running a 2.73.728.5 ROM. I wonder if anyone here has seen this in the wild and could report whether this is a provider customized 2.73.405.5 or yet another new build?
And, with the release of Donut, I hope we have another update coming this side of Xmas!
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I have that exact ROM build. I just received my HTC Hero and I love it. I could not tell you the difference in builds, but the HTC website states im not eligible for their latest ROM upgrade to 405. I bought mine online unlocked and using on the AT&T/Cingular Network in S.Carolina. Works just great with Wifi, on Edge, I dont have any Bluetooth devices, but soon to get some.

Skype for all Android

that's right, is doesn't work on the Vibrant.
guess what it does not work on vibrant 2.1
amorek13 said:
guess what it does not work on vibrant 2.1
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It appears that it doesn't work on any galaxy s phone..
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
It's a POS app
no Video calling
no group calling
They waited this long to release this Garbage?
Fring was doing an excellent job, until Skype shut them down.
UGH SKYPE is a POS company
Galaxy S owners get the shaft ... yet again! Maybe we should just recognize the fact that AT&T/iPhone 4 is the best game in town and quit trying to play catch up.
There is a GPS fix that allows it to work excellent. Get over it.
dcchristopher said:
Well, at least we all now know a little more about the two of you. I don't blame you entirely for your disgraceful behavior. Surely your upbringing had a lot to do with it.
I don't see how what I said was inflammatory but perhaps it was misperceived. Allow me to explain: I paid $500 for this device. I honestly don't even need the phone aspect of it. I just need it to access the internet (email, web, etc), then as a media player, and then occasionally as a GPS device. The calling capabilities are literally icing on the cake. Let's just skip the whole GPS part since that needs no introduction. It simply doesn't work (unless you consider your location jumping around every 10 seconds "working" ... yeah, what fun it is to be hearing erroneous directions from your GPS device). T-mobile's voice and data services have been quite paltry in my experience. Calls drop quite often and that's something many Tmo subscribers complain about, especially near downtown and on a NexusOne. Moreover, data takes FOREVER to connect. I could be getting 4mbps/2mbps one second, then 750k/300k the next, then incessant data connection attempts with no data being transmitted ... until I reboot my phone. WTF??? A month ago I was driving from Dallas to San Antonio and got nothing but Edge the whole way down ... all along an interstate highway (albeit one of the worst I've ever seen) ... the phone was even occasionally switching to "G" and it took me forever to remember what that stood for ... GPRS!!! I haven't seen that since the 90s.
If you guys think it is acceptable to get ripped off like that, for hardware and services, by all means continue condoning and promoting Tmo and Sammy's failures and inaction by rewarding them for all that. These phones went on sale 7/15, around the same time Tmo announced their HSPA+ network. Three months later, you expect at least "an" action. No credits, no buy-backs, no remedies ... only failed promises. If you bought a car that couldn't perform as advertised and spec'd, I'm sure you would act differently.
But ... judging from your comments above, you guys are entirely worthy of your fate.
P.S. I dislike Apple fanboys just as much as the next guy but at some point we all need to man up to the facts ... the iPhone has the best user experience ... and Windows Phone 7 offers the best development experience (trust me, I have written/am writing apps for all three). The only thing positive about Android in my opinion is the tight integration of all the Google apps and services ... which oddly are not favored by many Android fans on this site ... in addition, they are increasingly being integrated in the other platforms as well (albeit not fast enough). Again, why Android? If it's because you want to be this decade's equivalent of the 90s' Linux geek who spends all day customizing the OS and the environment instead of actually using it and putting to good use, then have fun! Don't feel bad ... most people do not learn from history's lessons either!
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Believe me I hear you, but you make your case weak. Individual experience differs from Joe to Jane.
The biggest advantage of Android over the other's is the hardware support for every major mobile manufacturer.
And Windows Mobile 7? We will see how the numbers look by the Xmas.
Yes, I am a linux geek, but I didn't purchase my phone because I am one.
As for the OP, Skype went downhill once they went to bed with the big red.
So why do you have a tmo vibrant? Why not get an i*hone? There are pros and cons to any device and any carrier...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
lqaddict said:
Believe me I hear you, but you make your case weak. Individual experience differs from Joe to Jane.
The biggest advantage of Android over the other's is the hardware support for every major mobile manufacturer.
And Windows Mobile 7? We will see how the numbers look by the Xmas.
Yes, I am a linux geek, but I didn't purchase my phone because I am one.
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I really wanted Android to succeed but it hasn't and I'm not necessarily blaming Android itself. I just don't see how I can choose it when the hardware and carrier are dropping the ball. All three (OS, hardware, carrier) are part and parcel. "Hardware support" is not enough when the hardware itself is not cutting it. First the Hero had build quality and connectivity issues, now the Vibrant has an elusive Froyo build and major GPS issues (in response to a previous post, I have yet to see a truly working "fix" and I have installed most if not all of them ... whoever claims it's now perfectly working is smoking something he/she should share with the rest of us).
Thank you for keeping an open mind and I do agree with you that individual experiences will vary but let's agree that this forum is proof that there are major unaddressed problems with this phone.
junkdruggler said:
So why do you have a tmo vibrant? Why not get an i*hone? There are pros and cons to any device and any carrier...
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Thank you for applying intelligence and not resorting to childish name-calling ... simply put, I left AT&T after a decade of being their customer because my non-iPhone superphones (usually purchased from abroad but compatible with US 3G) were being intentionally disregarded by their network in favor of the iPhone devices out there ... $110 a month for a discriminating data service is not acceptable. iPhones are also a little "too user-friendly" for me. I preferred a more open platform. At this point though, I will settle for a device that "just works". That is what every iPhone user will tell you out there ... the s*** just works. A phone is something that should enable you to do things with it, whether it's productivity, app development, multimedia, services, etc. A phone is not a perpetual hack factory, at least not as a primary device. If people want a side project to play with, great. What I have seen on this forum though is that most people need a phone that works for them, not the other way around.
I am waiting for the first generation WP7 phones to roll out and see what drama will ensue, if any. As you very astutely stated, "there are pros and cons to any device and any carrier". I really enjoy the WP7 mobile app development environment and so long as the phones are not involved in yet another fiasco, I will most likely get one. If not, the iPhone it is.
I'm not trolling and I do not mean to offend hard-core Linux super-users/developers but this business of shoddy phones, shoddy service and endless "hacking" is not right when we're all paying 50-100 a month for service and 200-500 for devices. I am surprised that people are not up in arms about it. There really needs to be a class-action lawsuit over this. I know, a handful of lawyers will just make a shipload of money. Still, companies cannot get away with this sort of negligence. This isn't the first time and it sure as heck won't be the last.
Vote with your dollars and best luck to you,
If browse over the iphone forums you will see the plethora of posts complaining about this and that on the iphone too.
There is no magic cookie cater for anything, you will always find something to be not up to your standards.
What confuses me the most is people complaining about the features that are not being the prime in the market cliché they are shopping - for instance, neither Android nor iOS are good examples of the enterprise use, but people still insist that my phone does not integrate well with my corporate Exchange environment the way I *want* hence the product sucks.
Everything has its pluses and minuses, it's up to an individual to weigh in the pros and cons to make a conscious buying decision.
lqaddict said:
If browse over the iphone forums you will see the plethora of posts complaining about this and that on the iphone too.
There is no magic cookie cater for anything, you will always find something to be not up to your standards.
What confuses me the most is people complaining about the features that are not being the prime in the market cliché they are shopping - for instance, neither Android nor iOS are good examples of the enterprise use, but people still insist that my phone does not integrate well with my corporate Exchange environment the way I *want* hence the product sucks.
Everything has its pluses and minuses, it's up to an individual to weigh in the pros and cons to make a conscious buying decision.
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I really want to say "I hear ya" but here's the deal ...
a) I glanced over the iPhone fora and I am not seeing anything glaring ... mostly basic user ignorance (configuration / customization issues)
b) all the iPhone users I have asked what their biggest complaint is about their phone give me the same "huh?" look ... their phone just works
c) all the major issues with iPhone 4 were addressed with some sort of fix or another, even if all it took was a rubber band ... I have friends who exchanged their phone well after the 30 days because of the proximity sensor issue (just as an example) ... clearly, Apple took ownership of resolving the deal-breaking issues
When I walked into a T-mobile store after the first 30 days and said "I will not put up with this GPS BS" they kindly restated their return policy, gave me Samsung's support number and sent me on my not-so-merry way. When I contacted Samsung, I was told to simply wait for the update as there was no fix for it so a replacement wouldn't accomplish anything. The customer service rep literally laughed when I mentioned a return of the product for refund.
You're absolutely right ... there will always be issues but this isn't a matter of preference or individual taste ... these companies are failing to deliver what they promised and what we have paid for and rightfully deserve. I am in no way saying that the iPhone is perfect; I'm sure I would have something to complain about from time to time ... but when I borrow friends' phones to "play" with, the iPhone is fast and responsive and hasn't failed me once. Load SpeedTest side-by-side. The "Begin Test" button lights up literally instantly. I know the Galaxy S phones have the same hardware. Why is it they can't be as responsive?
As I previously mentioned, I was with AT&T (or one of the companies it acquired or merged with) for over a decade until the Hero came out and I switched to Sprint. Then I went to T-mobile for the Vibrant. I will just make my rounds until I find something that works. My problem is that I get way too overexcited about the technology and jump ship before it has had a chance to prove itself. Right now the iPhone 4 has proved itself fairly well. As I said though, as a mobile apps developer, I really want WP7 to work out so I will _try_ to wait and see. The development experience is "magnifique!"
It's really disheartening to see android sinking like this because if googles ignorant attitude. I agree with you, if google woukd be a bit more proactive like Apple or Microsoft (now that they revamped) and set a standard for the OS requirement, quality control. We can all breath better. I have a bad feeling that once wm7 hit, Android will be the new WM6.5, a cheap buggy and unorganized akternative for manuftre and carriers.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
PaiPiePia said:
It's really disheartening to see android sinking like this because if googles ignorant attitude. I agree with you, if google woukd be a bit more proactive like Apple or Microsoft (now that they revamped) and set a standard for the OS requirement, quality control. We can all breath better. I have a bad feeling that once wm7 hit, Android will be the new WM6.5, a cheap buggy and unorganized akternative for manuftre and carriers.
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Thank you for chiming in. Hopefully Android will survive, even if only because competition is a good thing. I think most of the issues faced today (so-called fragmentation, etc) will be resolved in the re-architecture being introduced in Android 3.0. I'm more concerned about the carriers and hardware manufacturers closing up shop after a phone has been released and only looking forward to the next model. What good is it if Android survives and succeeds if I am the one left holding the dud? "Oh, just pay another two to five hundred dollars." The worst part is that the user/owner community turns a blind eye to the egregious failures in the name of fandom. That is NOT the way to organize and effect change.
dcchristopher said:
I really want to say "I hear ya" but here's the deal ...
a) I glanced over the iPhone fora and I am not seeing anything glaring ... mostly basic user ignorance (configuration / customization issues)
b) all the iPhone users I have asked what their biggest complaint is about their phone give me the same "huh?" look ... their phone just works
c) all the major issues with iPhone 4 were addressed with some sort of fix or another, even if all it took was a rubber band ... I have friends who exchanged their phone well after the 30 days because of the proximity sensor issue (just as an example) ... clearly, Apple took ownership of resolving the deal-breaking issues
When I walked into a T-mobile store after the first 30 days and said "I will not put up with this GPS BS" they kindly restated their return policy, gave me Samsung's support number and sent me on my not-so-merry way. When I contacted Samsung, I was told to simply wait for the update as there was no fix for it so a replacement wouldn't accomplish anything. The customer service rep literally laughed when I mentioned a return of the product for refund.
You're absolutely right ... there will always be issues but this isn't a matter of preference or individual taste ... these companies are failing to deliver what they promised and what we have paid for and rightfully deserve. I am in no way saying that the iPhone is perfect; I'm sure I would have something to complain about from time to time ... but when I borrow friends' phones to "play" with, the iPhone is fast and responsive and hasn't failed me once. Load SpeedTest side-by-side. The "Begin Test" button lights up literally instantly. I know the Galaxy S phones have the same hardware. Why is it they can't be as responsive?
As I previously mentioned, I was with AT&T (or one of the companies it acquired or merged with) for over a decade until the Hero came out and I switched to Sprint. Then I went to T-mobile for the Vibrant. I will just make my rounds until I find something that works. My problem is that I get way too overexcited about the technology and jump ship before it has had a chance to prove itself. Right now the iPhone 4 has proved itself fairly well. As I said though, as a mobile apps developer, I really want WP7 to work out so I will _try_ to wait and see. The development experience is "magnifique!"
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I guess I went to the apple forums before the proximity sensor issues were resolved, and it was Vibrant GPS Redux over there.
I am glad that Apple took care of the problem after a few updates to their iOS, but as with the GPS issues on our phones the proximity sensor should've been caught during the QA, I am not gonna say anything about Antennagate.
Hopefully GPS will be patched for good on the Vibrant too, and no I do not need the proof that it is addressed with the latest update - faster locks does not mean accuracy.
scrizz said:
Fring was doing an excellent job, until Skype shut them down.
UGH SKYPE is a POS company
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Its those bloody Iphone Users that were clogging up the servers using Fring that caused fring to gett banned from skype
cdill3000 said:
Its those bloody Iphone Users that were clogging up the servers using Fring that caused fring to gett banned from skype
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Don't let Skype off the hook though ... I used to be a big fan of theirs but they've been very slow with delivering platform-specific clients and they seem to be playing favorites and such. Closing the door on fring, a very, very open solution out there, was a deplorable thing to do.
It doesn't matter folks ... when Google comes out with their VOIP service, and you KNOW they will (Gizmo5 acquisition, etc), all these other (dis-)services will be obliterated. I predict Google will establish its own data-only cell carrier (cause data is all you need anyway) ... hopefully within the next 2-3 years.
I know this thread kinda derailed off topic, but imma put my two cents in.
I do kinda agree with DCC, at my workplace pretty much everyone has some sort of smart phone. When the subject of phones comes up, I am the first one to bang my chest and yell ANDROID~!
But the sad truth is, iphone users like the iphone because IT DOES WHAT THEY NEED IT TO DO. they really dont care about all the stuff we have come to love about android.
So they are happy and content, while we are up till the wee hrs of the morning trying to make our phones have a milli-second faster lol.
And to me its not really trying to make our phones better than the iphone, its me just making my phone better than it was.
I am disappointed in samsung about the lag issue and the gps issue.
I dont complain about it though, cause we are all here at this website to make our phones better than it is from stock. and I am 100 percent sure , once its said and done, this phone will more than satisfy me.
As far as I've read, Fring violated Skype's API and when they were challenged Fring, instead of changing their code, resolved to drop Skype support altogether. It's basically Fring's fault for not playing according to the rules. Fring issued a statement saying that Skype blocked them. It's an unlikely story since Skype has a fairly open API and would be leaving itself open to lawsuit if they did so.
Where are you guys reading or hearing these things from?
cashless said:
As far as I've read, Fring violated Skype's API and when they were challenged Fring, instead of changing their code, resolved to drop Skype support altogether. It's basically Fring's fault for not playing according to the rules. Fring issued a statement saying that Skype blocked them. It's an unlikely story since Skype has a fairly open API and would be leaving itself open to lawsuit if they did so.
Where are you guys reading or hearing these things from?
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Umm, definitely NOT from either side's highly partial blog, that's for sure ... which, by the way, you are misquoting. Fring did not drop Skype support all together. They temporarily disabled video calls because Skype and the carriers were *****ing about it (due to the excessive load on their networks). Then they were suddenly blocked from routing connections through Skype. This is an obvious behind-closed-doors ganging up of Skype+carrier(s) against Fring who stands alone and is one of the most open companies out there.
I get it, no one here really knows what happened when and why but ... Skype is no victim. On the other hand, the Objectivist in me says Skype should have every right to deny Fring (or any individual, company or group in the world) access to their systems. I just wish they would come out and say it instead of being all sly about it.
dcchristopher said:
Umm, definitely NOT from either side's highly partial blog, that's for sure ... which, by the way, you are misquoting. Fring did not drop Skype support all together. They temporarily disabled video calls because Skype and the carriers were *****ing about it (due to the excessive load on their networks). Then they were suddenly blocked from routing connections through Skype. This is an obvious behind-closed-doors ganging up of Skype+carrier(s) against Fring who stands alone and is one of the most open companies out there.
I get it, no one here really knows what happened when and why but ... Skype is no victim. On the other hand, the Objectivist in me says Skype should have every right to deny Fring (or any individual, company or group in the world) access to their systems. I just wish they would come out and say it instead of being all sly about it.
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Saying that a company violated API publicly when they didn't is libel.
Just answer the question, your smugness, where did you get your info (especially seeing as you're stating that it's an obvious behind-closed-doors ganging up of Skype+carrier(s) against Fring. I guess you're one of these people behind these closed doors?
Lemme get your "jump to conclusions" board for you.

HTC Titan - Who's the daddy?

I have been following the forum since I got this beast.
Personally I have had a very pleasant Windows Phone experience using Titan. However in last few days the negative feedback threads have increased in number. Presuming that number of end users is increasing, the amount of threads/feedback would have increased anyway. But then does it mean that majority of users are regretting buying this beast? - I am not.
However after looking at few threads, I've noticed that majority of issues with Titan are to those owners who are on AT&T. Could it be carrier modifications in the USA? Is Titan available on any other network in the US? Anyone have feedback?
Most Europe based users have not give much input in those problem threads, so am assuming it's just AT&T handsets that go weird.
But it will help if we guessed a rough number of Titans and their providers/sellers.
Not sure what a poll of owners will show you without correlating it to how happy they are. I am on AT&T and am quite happy - other than WIFI being a little over sensative. If I did not turn off the sound enhancements, I think I would be very unhappy.
I am on at&t with the titan and have no issue with it. Its been an amazing phone, best i have ever had.
AT&T here, other than my disappointment at "4G", everything is fine. Most notably, I don't have any signal issues while holding the phone, I ran several tests with the app Bandwidth
Astute observation. As another poster said on another thread, we drooled over the Titan so much that there had to be a little bit of let down.
I tried to balance my likes and dislikes in another thread, but my bottom line is that the good still outweighs the bad, and much of the bad is software, not hardware, so might be fixed in the future.
I would agree that, yes, the Titan is the best phone I've ever owned, period.
All that said, I just picked up my wife's Focus not ten minutes ago, and I really miss its form factor, weight and saturation.
Thanks for voting guys!
The only reason I din't correlate it to happy or not happy was because it will be too relative an idea of happiness. e.g. I might be happy even with those wifi issues, purely because I am with a network provider that gives me unlimited internet and never use wifi!
However, it is definitely a good idea to have a poll correlating experiences with geographical purchases.
By the looks of just initial 9 votes it looks like either way the views are from AT&T users majorly - happy or unhappy ones. I am just a little inclined to believe AT&T modifications could be at the root of all these(?)
Can someone let us know if on WP AT&T puts it's own bloatware like on Android? Or is bloatware additions just restricted to manufacturers and not network providers?
I know here in the UK Orange is nasty and very notorious in terms of modifying any OS to an extent by their useless bloatware. But am not very sure about AT&T, however would be good to add to my knowledge
drupad2drupad said:
Thanks for voting guys!
The only reason I din't correlate it to happy or not happy was because it will be too relative an idea of happiness. e.g. I might be happy even with those wifi issues, purely because I am with a network provider that gives me unlimited internet and never use wifi!
However, it is definitely a good idea to have a poll correlating experiences with geographical purchases.
By the looks of just initial 9 votes it looks like either way the views are from AT&T users majorly - happy or unhappy ones. I am just a little inclined to believe AT&T modifications could be at the root of all these(?)
Can someone let us know if on WP AT&T puts it's own bloatware like on Android? Or is bloatware additions just restricted to manufacturers and not network providers?
I know here in the UK Orange is nasty and very notorious in terms of modifying any OS to an extent by their useless bloatware. But am not very sure about AT&T, however would be good to add to my knowledge
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They install a couple AT&T specific apps, but you can uninstall them. Other than that, it is as stock of a rom as you can get. No bloatware.
I had all the att stuff off ,except for the Myatt app, within an hour of getting and activating my Titan. Love it, only hiccups so far are getting my old word,excel docs off my old Fuze- not all of them are docx format. Hope the next update includes the ability to mms with gif and audio files. I have fun just turning it on and flipping screens smooth and bright.
Edit to the office docs: had to reset the office hub on the phone, no problems now reading earlier versions of office and can edit newer versions.
Dragon Queen said:
I had all the att stuff off ,except for the Myatt app, within an hour of getting and activating my Titan. Love it, only hiccups so far are getting my old word,excel docs off my old Fuze- not all of them are docx format. Hope the next update includes the ability to mms with gif and audio files. I have fun just turning it on and flipping screens smooth and bright.
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Haha exactly my feeling! turning on and flipping screens gives me so much of satisfaction!
Now that we know ATT bloatware is nearly zero, I am struggling to figure out how come so many ATT users have dodgy titans that need to be replaced within one week. Again not 'so many' probably 5-6 that might be reported out here in the forum.
My Titan after 7740 update has worked so much flawlessly and everyday I keep discovering new apps that never imagined to exist on my old Android phone! This WP Titan is a treat to my eyes!
Thank you for your replies, they have defiantly given me something to think about.
I think your correct, a Android to Titan? thread might be useful, especially with these great answers. Will sort it now.
Thanks again for your responses.
Edit, its sorted. Thread created titled Android to Titan? I have moved the responses there. Hope its useful
original_ganjaman said:
Thank you for your replies, they have defiantly given me something to think about.
I think your correct, a Android to Titan? thread might be useful, especially with these great answers. Will sort it now.
Thanks again for your responses.
Edit, its sorted. Thread created titled Android to Titan? I have moved the responses there. Hope its useful
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That was quick! Thanks
drupad2drupad said:
That was quick! Thanks
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Only a BUMP!
my 2 cents worth,unbranded sim free europe with zero issues from day one. love this phone
stevov said:
my 2 cents worth,unbranded sim free europe with zero issues from day one. love this phone
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me too,the phone is just great.No problem so far.
Well for one thing us AT&T users are running older software on our Titans than the rest of the world because AT&T sucks.
Unbranded Titan UK, No issues, Perfectly happy and hope it stays that way.
Unbranded UK on orange no problems so far, battery lasting much better than i hoped slight issues with the radio and wifi , not had any screen lack of response as metioned in other forums, last phone was HD2 running 'everything'.
This phone is the only upgrade i could go for after the HD2. Sadly just lurking in hope of the 'custom ROM' i know the geniuses here will eventualy produce
After putting WP7 on my HD2 I decided to get myself a Titan until something better comes along here is Australia.
So I got myself a AT&T branded unit off ebay, SIM unlocked it using htcimeiunlock.com (which took all of a couple of minutes) after AT&T customer serice told me I couldn't unluock it and I'm now a happy camper on the Telstra NextG network here in Oz wiht my Titan.
I am seeing 3G/WiFi issues like others but other than that the unit is going well.
Oh I also got the Mugen Power 1950mAh battery, which I can run my Titan for almost 2 days, with bluetooth and often WiFi on as well.
Now if only we can get a custom unlocked ROM the world would be perfect

Noob Needs Help linking wifes Epic to Archos Tablet.

OK, just bought the wife a Archos 101 G9 tablet yesterday and first thing I did was upgrade it to the ICS that was available. My wife has been using an Epic 4g(slider) from sprint now for about a year. I've really done nothing with it as I'm, more or less, a windows person.
Anyway. she wants to use the Tablet as a video viewer/movie watcher when on trips, on top of using it to continue with our son's education with online courses through his school. We had thought we'd be able to link her Epic w/ Gingerbread to the tablet with Ice Cream sandwich via either BT or WiFi tethering so her phone would act as the modem. I can't seem to make that happen. When both items are searching, niether one can find each other. i tried it with my WP7 HTC Arrive and they did find each other but could not link up due to incompatibility. the usual $20+ fee extra per month from Sprint would allow her to Hot Spot her phone but I was wondering if there was another option?
My WP7 phone doesn't allow tethering but I was hoping someone, somewhere might know of an app or other means, besides fully Rooting/jailbreaking/hacking(Bricking) her phone.
Any and all help/insight is appreciated.
OK, can somebody direct me to a good thread on the easiest way to root Android, or my wife's phone (Epic 4G slider). I need the absolute most simpleton, hand holding, beginner version out there. I'm pretty much new to all of this since I've never really dealt with Android before, I've always been a Windows person but now I'm my wife's tech support for her phone and now tablet.


Hello to all! :fingers-crossed:
As you know, HTC has decided not to pursue certain MAJ who were scheduled yet on our beloved models. I invite you to sign the petition on line for validate your displeasure by HTC company policy to its customers. Click "sign" [/ b]...
Here is another link to a petition for SHD posted...
Here is the text of the petition posted for the flyer:
Distinguished leaders marketing HTC,
We call out to date show you our dissatisfaction your decision not to propose to the SHIFT ICS (where possibly another) Obviously your ad had the effect of a Treason in the world to the owners of Tablet Flyer famous who have seen this act deliberate killing programmed from HTC.
Indeed, the Flyer is your only so far shelf and it will not be entitled to benefit from last improvements in google.
We do not understand your approach knowing that this product has one year old! From a customer relations standpoint, it is totally outrageous.
There may be a technical problem because the Developers are most certainly the height to solve some technical problems. If it turns out that this is a business decision, we think this is a huge mistake and that it wrong in the sense of logic, why private that a better enchant owners.
Other products have also seen a change radical from you.
We ask you to please rethink your decision on the judgment of the SHIFT shelf Flyer because it is your duty as provider mobile phone to offer the best services and follow-up to these clients to be missed manner most who follow you from the beginning.
The angry customers! ...
thank @+ Kacaouet
People...HTC is not obligated to provide us anything besides basic hardware/software support. They are not required to give us a upgrade, heck they aren't even required to give us bugfixes. When you buy a tablet or phone you are buying it with the current software load, meaning you need to make sure you are happy with what it runs and how it runs. Can we PLEASE stop beating this horse?
thewadegeek said:
People...HTC is not obligated to provide us anything besides basic hardware/software support. They are not required to give us a upgrade, heck they aren't even required to give us bugfixes. When you buy a tablet or phone you are buying it with the current software load, meaning you need to make sure you are happy with what it runs and how it runs. Can we PLEASE stop beating this horse?
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It's your perspective and you've made, it is!
This is not the generality of people who think that, already after just seven months of existence, it simply removes purtement and the evolution of the tablet, this is not normal.
They are not obliged to provide it to us for free, okay, at least that we are proposing an alternative to évolution.
Knowing that the products were sold frozen and for the typical person, not necessarily easy to change OS as two shirts!
If you can afford to buy every two weeks, good for you and too bad for us ...
@ + Kacaouet...
As far as I recall, there is some kind of agreement between Google and the main manufacturers to give proper support/updates for products for at least 18 months after its initial release.
Now, as the HTC Flyer has been released < the mentioned 18 months I expect HTC to honor that agreement.
And please do not forget that the HC update was rubish and should not be called an update but a downgrade (as some features do not work (as well) as they did before).
If you would own a car, and for some reason they upgraded some kind of software @ the garage which resulted in non functioning blinkers/signal lights and you had to put your hand out of the the window everytime you are about to switch lanes or make a turn in order to warn the other drivers about your actions, would you accept that? I WANT MY HARDWARE BUTTONS BACK!!!
Everyone is free to make his voice heard and if you don't like topics like this one, than please .. by all means .. stay out.
Yucko said:
As far as I recall, there is some kind of agreement between Google and the main manufacturers to give proper support/updates for products for at least 18 months after its initial release.
Now, as the HTC Flyer has been released < the mentioned 18 months I expect HTC to honor that agreement.
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It's SUPPORT not upgrade, and in no way does SUPPORT entail a UPGRADE.
And please do not forget that the HC update was rubish and should not be called an update but a downgrade (as some features do not work (as well) as they did before).
If you would own a car, and for some reason they upgraded some kind of software @ the garage which resulted in non functioning blinkers/signal lights and you had to put your hand out of the the window everytime you are about to switch lanes or make a turn in order to warn the other drivers about your actions, would you accept that? I WANT MY HARDWARE BUTTONS BACK!!!
Everyone is free to make his voice heard and if you don't like topics like this one, than please .. by all means .. stay out.
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First off I LIKED the upgrade, so you can't make a blanket statement calling it rubbish. The pen support with Honeycomb is pretty slick and I enjoy it. Second that's not a valid comparison, in that case they removed REQUIRED functionality, in this case they just replaced it with something else. And if you want your hardware buttons back then downgrade, or install Lee's Honeycomb. Viola. Your last statement is TOTALLY contradictory friend, first you says we can all make our voice heard, and then you tell me to stay out. Also the purpose of a forum is for discussion, you all seem to just want people to agree with you. I'm just getting tired with everyone starting a new petition or "HTC sucks" thread. If you feel betrayed then deal with it, HTC has done nothing legally wrong so everyone is stuck.
What are we talking about? What in the world is a SHIFT Flyer Ics? Is this a petition to ship Flyers with Need for Speed SHIFT on them? I'm confused
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
Cor-master said:
What are we talking about? What in the world is a SHIFT Flyer Ics? Is this a petition to ship Flyers with Need for Speed SHIFT on them? I'm confused
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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Lol. ( its just Google translate)
To all:
Something is not happening right. We are arguing on wrong issues. Some points I noticed and I would like to emphasise upon are:
1. Yeah they gave us honeycomb. But its not perfect. Chiefly the internet browsing experience. Internet is the soul of computers, tablets, smart phones, ipads etc. and we need a solid browser to experience it, which is not there. It leaves a lot to be desired considering:
a. Flyer has 1gb ram, a powerful processor, 1 GB system ROM, Enough Internal Memory
b. Initially it was sold for exorbitant price (700$+, though mine 32 gb, 3g cost $390)
c. It was told by Google about an year back that all devices should be supported till 18 months.
Yeah, flyer has beautiful features like pen, hd cams, srs, mhl out, brilliant screen, top battery. But it lacks a solid browsing experience. In my view what the majority of us want is a solid browsing experience. Now that comes with a HC update or ICS update will not matter to me.
Many people are talking of broken GPS. If its really broken, then its HTC's duty to repair it, not the developers'. If its not broken, we should forget about this issue. Now if someone says it requires just a change in config file to repair it, I agree to it but this small repair forces you to root and risk bricking.
On another note of doctorlirio campaign: he should not have raised the issue of GSM calls with HTC. HTC didn't give us calling functionality, xda did.
So, why we are always wanting better? Because it has become our need and habit to stay ahead and overcome the weaknesses of our devices. We can't stand any weakness in our devices. And for me, a solid browsing experience is my primary need where my flyer doesn't satisfy me fully. Whether its HTC or developers, we always want better for our devices.
( though opera mobile works a little better in browsing, but sometimes ( may be often) it also fails to function perfectly on high load web pages.)
Lastly, I feel that, its a little too late now for us to keep chasing HTC. ( though HTC is to blame for a weak internet browsing experience and those who paid exorbitant sums for buying this are even more right in blaming htc)
lekhwani said:
Lol. ( its just Google translate)
To all:
Something is not happening right. We are arguing on wrong issues. Some points I noticed and I would like to emphasise upon are:
1. Yeah they gave us honeycomb. But its not perfect. Chiefly the internet browsing experience. Internet is the soul of computers, tablets, smart phones, ipads etc. and we need a solid browser to experience it, which is not there. It leaves a lot to be desired considering:
a. Flyer has 1gb ram, a powerful processor, 1 GB system ROM, Enough Internal Memory
b. Initially it was sold for exorbitant price (700$+, though mine 32 gb, 3g cost $390)
c. It was told by Google about an year back that all devices should be supported till 18 months.
Yeah, flyer has beautiful features like pen, hd cams, srs, mhl out, brilliant screen, top battery. But it lacks a solid browsing experience. In my view what the majority of us want is a solid browsing experience. Now that comes with a HC update or ICS update will not matter to me.
Many people are talking of broken GPS. If its really broken, then its HTC's duty to repair it, not the developers'. If its not broken, we should forget about this issue. Now if someone says it requires just a change in config file to repair it, I agree to it but this small repair forces you to root and risk bricking.
On another note of doctorlirio campaign: he should not have raised the issue of GSM calls with HTC. HTC didn't give us calling functionality, xda did.
So, why we are always wanting better? Because it has become our need and habit to stay ahead and overcome the weaknesses of our devices. We can't stand any weakness in our devices. And for me, a solid browsing experience is my primary need where my flyer doesn't satisfy me fully. Whether its HTC or developers, we always want better for our devices.
( though opera mobile works a little better in browsing, but sometimes ( may be often) it also fails to function perfectly on high load web pages.)
Lastly, I feel that, its a little too late now for us to keep chasing HTC. ( though HTC is to blame for a weak internet browsing experience and those who paid exorbitant sums for buying this are even more right in blaming htc)
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I came to that conclusion today about Web browsing actually. I wanted something that would be as useful as a laptop and Web browsing has never been stellar on it. And the best Android Web browser isn't available on it!
Senseless helps with browsing big time but unfortunately I still find myself grabbing the laptop and getting frustrated with the browser when I need to get something done.
As for everything else its perfect but the one thing I bought it for is its greatest weakness. I didn't buy it expecting any update, but I was hoping we'd get ics to fix the Web browsing. Web browsing is fully gpu accelerated in ics and my phone whether I'm running chrome or the stock htc browser is pc quality. The flyer is more akin to my old captivate.
Firefox might be the answer if they ever optimize it for tablets
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2

