Replacing my vibrant - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have one of those vibrants that cant handle OC what can I do to the phone that falls under warranty replacment and get a new one?
And what are the chances that the new one is going to be a hardware lock?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

shabgard said:
I have one of those vibrants that cant handle OC what can I do to the phone that falls under warranty replacment and get a new one?
And what are the chances that the new one is going to be a hardware lock?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I'm not saying you should you do this but this is what I would do .Call t mob and tell them your having connectivity problems (dropped calls not getting texts ,low voices over incoming calls lots of echos so on and so forth) then ask to speak to customer loyalty, explain the "problems"and they'll probably send you a new phone.....just saying thats what I would do im not telling you to defraud yourself or t mobile
I have no clue if the new one would be hw locked at all
Times never wasted when your getting waisted

willsnews said:
I'm not saying you should you do this but this is what I would do .Call t mob and tell them your having connectivity problems (dropped calls not getting texts ,low voices over incoming calls lots of echos so on and so forth) then ask to speak to customer loyalty, explain the "problems"and they'll probably send you a new phone.....just saying thats what I would do im not telling you to defraud yourself or t mobile
I have no clue if the new one would be hw locked at all
Times never wasted when your getting waisted
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Yep and when new phones and plans start costing more and more, we'll know who to thank!
Seriously, why do you want to overclock your phone?

Chalup said:
Yep and when new phones and plans start costing more and more, we'll know who to thank!
Seriously, why do you want to overclock your phone?
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He asked
Times never wasted when your getting waisted


First call XDA wont connect?

Have u encountred calling but the xda wont respond.....after pressing the redial it will make a there a solution for this? :lol:
Trying ROM upgrading
ARZLEB said:
Trying ROM upgrading
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I did. still the same problem
same here.... and i have the latest updates to
Why are we let down. Such a great device but so many flaws.
I guess that's what happens when you use micro$oft products. Imagine being in a position where you had to design extra outlays of yours business. We would call it expanding yes? Well no, Mr Gates, uses these extra M$ arms of his business to shrink his huge profits. Why, because he keeps getting threatened with splitting the company into smaller seperate peices...
Just imagine being that minted !! !!
Are you sure it's the 'First Call'?
Are you sure this happens on the 'first' call? Can you try dialing a busy number? (Try calling a landline with the phone off-hook)
When I try calling a busy number, the xda ends the call without any response. (i.e. 'Call Ended')
Call the Help Line
I had the same problem, the reason in my case was that I'd gone over the limit of £100, Call the help line (Number on Bill) and ask them to up the limit...

[MOD] VZW 3g hotspot app for froyo leak

How to use the 3g hotspot app for free
I looked and looked and didnt find this anywhere except for eclair and just got done doing mine a little bit ago as the steps are different now.
You used to be able to select dial up mode in wireless settings but now if you have the new froyo leak. Now you dial **usbui and change usb mode to modem. Plug in to pc fire up qpst add port once you see phone select start clients/service programming. next click read from phone, password should be typed in already as 000000. scroll over to m.ip and select the active profile, should be profile 0 and change tethered nai to [email protected] the phone will reboot and your good to go start tethering with apmode. Some may choose to reenter the usb modem settings and change it back to pda(the first step) but i do not see it as neccessary. If this has been posted by someone else already feel free to delete and if in wrong catagory feel free to move.
Just remember these steps are for FROYO leak anly not for eclair users although they may work for that also just dont have an eclair phone to test on.
I have done this for a long time and never encoured any charges although i am not liable for any problems you may come across, ive never had any. As long as your not seeing the verizon webpage when you access web via your phone then your set.
Any questions feel free to ask but i may just tell you to google it.
There was a reason you didn't find threads on it.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
adrynalyne said:
There was a reason you didn't find threads on it.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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And that reason is?
dalrym05 said:
And that reason is?
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There is supposedly monitoring built into dl30 that allows verizon to track tethering
..that's why theres the warning in the original leak
nitsuj17 said:
There is supposedly monitoring built into dl30 that allows verizon to track tethering
..that's why theres the warning in the original leak
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I have read that also. Im calling verizon everyday and playing dumb and making sure im not being charged additional and so far nothing has been added to my account. And i likehow its supposedly built in. Ill be the guinea pigand report back and keep everyone update one big bill wont bother me
Running the hack on 2.1, 3g drops like crazy as soon as i turn on hotspot, any suggestions?
Sent from my stock 2.1 unrooted, fully bloated Fascinate
dalrym05 said:
I have read that also. Im calling verizon everyday and playing dumb and making sure im not being charged additional and so far nothing has been added to my account. And i likehow its supposedly built in. Ill be the guinea pigand report back and keep everyone update one big bill wont bother me
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How is this for supposedly?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
adrynalyne said:
How is this for supposedly?
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Why can't that file just be removed from the ROM? Would it cause the rom to just not work at all?
Forgive me for probably not using the correct terminology but does the mobile hotspot app handle tethering the same as say the wifi tether app? I just wonder if one sets off the flag to verizon where the other wouldn't.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Tkun said:
Why can't that file just be removed from the ROM? Would it cause the rom to just not work at all?
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It will break wifi if you remove the module. It ties into dhd.ko, the wifi driver.
Play nice everybody
Just got off the phone with Verizon. Been using the 3g hotspots for several days now tethered more then a gig so and I called and just asked if I was being billed for the hotspots app and they said there is nothing on my account about it that I've never had it and I would never be charged for it unless I actually signed up by changing my plan. So I'm gonna keep using mine. If anything changes I will let everyone know but I personally believe it is safe to use. I think that moniters for when you hit the 5 gig mark on your data then they start to throttle it. But this is just my opinion. But I think its a good one.;-)
Not to mention I've been using it for a pretty long while on eclair before froyo.
In fact I'm tethering right now to my gtab.
I have a couple problems with that.
First, if you admitted it, your account was likely flagged.
Second, VZW reps change their stories each time you call.
The monitor wasn't in place on eclair.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Does the same thing hold true if you wanted to use WiFi Tether for Root Users? Maybe this has already been answered, but I'm just looking for confirmation. TIA...
We don't know.
adrynalyne said:
I have a couple problems with that.
First, if you admitted it, your account was likely flagged.
Second, VZW reps change their stories each time you call.
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If it's any consolation, VZW doesn't have a flagging system, at least not one the frontline reps can access, so mentioning it on a call won't flag you. And the reason the stories change each time you call is because you might get a guy that's adept at what he does on the first call, then the next call you might get an outsourced moron from AFNI, and the next time get a person taking their first week of calls....
When you call, they are going to the features list, and looking for the feature called "Mobile Broadband Hotspot 2GB $20". Upon seeing it is not there, that is what they tell you.
What you NEED is a tech rep (like myself) to go into the back-side of the billing system or the switch, and check your records there. The switch will tell me if something is 'off' about your data, like if a rate limit has been added. The billing system will tell me if there are DUN (dial up networking) connections being reported. But, in all likelihood, the groups doing any kind of monitoring are **NOT** the folks taking your calls. They work in the switches or corporate, and their goings-on are a mystery to us that do take your calls. So, they could be minutely tracking each byte and I, as a tenured Tech rep, wouldn't have the foggiest idea what they were doing.
Just to share with you how 'in the loop' we in the call centers are kept, I had an engineer call me last week complaining that his test device couldn't authenticate phone calls. I asked for the number, and it pulls up a device listed as "Test Device 7". I asked for the make/model of the phone, and he tells me, "I can't tell you that, it's unreleased and classified". I then tell him, without even a brand, I can't create a new authentication key and give him steps to program it into the phone. He still wouldn't tell me anything, so I told him to seek help with the person that gave him the top secret phone and hope they can do my job too.
if the op wants to disregard the warnings and tether...then by all means tether...but theres a reason monitoring was put into froyo...and i cant imagine it was for our meh
adrynalyne said:
How is this for supposedly?
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Is it possible to modify the file, this is way over my head but if the file points to a certain location to send the info, maybe we can modify that address and avoid been flagged by verizon...
like i said way over my head but what do you guys think (the ones that know bout this kinda stuff)?
adrynalyne said:
I have a couple problems with that.
First, if you admitted it, your account was likely flagged.
Second, VZW reps change their stories each time you call.
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I didnt admit it i told them a family member had my phone and when i got it back the hotspot app was on my homescreen and wasnt for sure what they did with it. Besides even if they do charge me which i doubt they will its only gonna be 30 bucks. I can handle that to let everyone else know what really happens. But its just like people worryjng about sending back rooted phones with changes for warrenty replacements. I just wipe my numbers out and send it rooted boot animation changed everything even a custom rom and theme one time. They dont pay attention to the phones. They get them plug them in and flash them to stock. Just mt two cents. When i recieve my feb bill ill let you know whether or not i get charged anythjng for tethering.

HELP! Keep getting phone calls from myself.

I keep getting phone calls from my own number. When I answer the phone nothing. I also occasionally get anonymous texts with no text or any other content. I am running trigger 2.6. Just curious if anyone has had similar problems or could offer any insight. Thank you
Just ODIN back and start over... that sounds way crazy and not related to the rom. You may just have a bad app though.
Lol, ghost of the vibrant rom!!! Whooooo
You just got punked by someone using Bluff My Call .
hmm.. there's apps that fakes numbers..
Androidwhiz said:
I keep getting phone calls from my own number. When I answer the phone nothing. Thank you
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u hoped hearing ur self w/o talking ? roflmao
Androidwhiz said:
I keep getting phone calls from my own number. When I answer the phone nothing. I also occasionally get anonymous texts with no text or any other content. I am running trigger 2.6. Just curious if anyone has had similar problems or could offer any insight. Thank you
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Talk to your doctor and tell him the medication isn't working anymore and you need a stronger prescription.
The real question is:
if you called yourself, would you answer?!?!?!?
No, the REAL question is where can I get ME some of that!?!?!
LOL this is so funny
xtone said:
hmm.. there's apps that fakes numbers..
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What is the name of that app?
LOL those apps are very annoying

[Q] Can someone explain the steps to getting a free replacement?

I've just become aware of the new replacement program for problem Fascinates. I've been reading the forums but it wasn't completely clear EXACTLY what i need to do in order to be offered a replacement. I bought my Fascinate on eBay like 3 months ago (pre-rooted with a Blackhole ROM i believe) and while i do like it, it does have it's share of issues. i get the phantom button press a lot, GPS is VERY slow to lock at times, i occasionally get random voicemails from calls i didn't know i missed, my screen timeout setting is constantly changing back to 15 secs when i set it to 2 minutes, and MMS rarely works.
so yea, from what i've read so far, it seems like i'm prime for a replacement. but i need to know first off, do i need to flash a stock rom or will it not matter? will i need to take it in and prove it's not working because it only has these issues sometimes and i may not be able to replicate on the spot? also what exactly do i need to say (and who do i call) in order to prompt them to offer me a new device? thanks in advance for the help and i apologize if this is explained somewhere already. i've looked and it just seems to mostly be people talking about their new phones and not how they actually got them.
1. Go to Walmart.
2. Buy knee pads and lip gloss.
3. Go to Verizon.
4. Put on knee pads and a good amount of lip gloss.
5. By now you should know where this is going.
superchunkwii said:
1. Go to Walmart.
2. Buy knee pads and lip gloss.
3. Go to Verizon.
4. Put on knee pads and a good amount of lip gloss.
5. By now you should know where this is going.
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seriously, i would like to know how to get this free upgrade.
Just act stupid and say your phone doesnt work right and yes u should change everythin to stock couz root voids your warranty. But sometimes they still replace even if i did it. But change back to be safe
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
You may have a problem because you didn't get the phone directly from vzw & they can find that out. Also, they're getting hammered right now with people trying everything to get this deal whether they need it or not. Seems like they're becoming a little more stringent with their criteria. But I think the real problem for you is where you got the phone.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA Premium App
B1gC72 said:
seriously, i would like to know how to get this free upgrade.
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Ugh! I hope you get nothing. vzw knows YOU didn't buy the phone from them.
good day.
I wish I could tell you good news, but I've been down this road before. My hub bought a phone off ebay and found out something was wrong with it that same day it came in the mail. He went to Verizon and asked them if they could do anything and they said since he bought it from ebay they can't do anything. They are going to look into your account and know that you didn't get it from them, so I don't think you have any hopes at all getting it replaced.
You could however flash it back to stock and try...if you don't succeed...keep it stock and put it back on ebay. The fassy's are still selling for quite a bit and use that to purchase new phone.
well thanks for all the help. some people seem really offended but the only reason i even asked is because people on other forums said they traded in their eBay Fascinates and got the deal. i don't know if the warranty is transferable or not, but it's still been out less than a year and should be covered. also, there is no way they can tell i bought it on eBay either. the most they should be able to see is when i activated it and maybe track the ESN back to the original owner, still doesn't say i bought it on eBay. i didn't buy it directly from Verizon but the guy i bought it from did. people were even having success with phones bought from Best Buy.
You don't understand.... It's people like you taking advantage that makes it harder than it needs to be for people actually having problems and honestly want to return the phone...
It's people like you also who everyone thinks badly of in there heads and in the IRC xD
And you really don't think they can't tell where you bought it?
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA Premium App
chopper the dog said:
Ugh! I hope you get nothing. vzw knows YOU didn't buy the phone from them.
good day.
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Do you think it only has to be from an authorized retailer? I bought mine from Best Buy and they never even asked me where I got my phone. So maybe they can somehow tell if it was either bought from them OR an authorized dealer OR maybe the reps that I worked with didn't care.
They probably won't be doing swaps anymore because ED05 is official and ready.
times_infinity said:
They probably won't be doing swaps anymore because ED05 is official and ready.
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For sure the swap ended yesterday due to the new ED05 update. Right now, they're only offering replacement Fassys. I was however, able to talk them to giving me an early upgrade for the trouble since I REALLY hate this phone. Better than nothing, and they were real cool.
trailblazer101 said:
You don't understand.... It's people like you taking advantage that makes it harder than it needs to be for people actually having problems and honestly want to return the phone...
It's people like you also who everyone thinks badly of in there heads and in the IRC xD
And you really don't think they can't tell where you bought it?
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i understand perfectly. and don't you think your being a little extreme? it's not like my phone doesn't have issues. it WAS bought from Verizon and it has a warranty. so I didn't personally buy it from Verizon but what the hell difference does it make? if it's messing up and under warranty, they should fix it or give me a replacement. did you even read my original post? i said what was wrong with the phone so it's not like i'm making stuff up, i just wanted to know what they were listening for in order to qualify for the upgrade replacement since i have more than one issue. don't make me out to be the bad guy, read on other forums where people are just saying they have issues to get the upgrade when their phones work fine. i even saw one story where a store manager encouraged someone to say they were missing calls to get a Charge for free when the guy said he was saving money to replace his Fascinate. so it really falls on the reps to do their jobs anyway since they are supposed to actually check for issues, so isn't it their fault if they don't? i ended up not even calling anyway, so get off your high horse guy.
and no, i don't think they can tell where i bought it. they can most likely tell where it was originally purchased and see when and where it was activated and deactivated but how can they possibly know more than that? stop spreading propaganda.
call vzw and tell them the problem and theyll tell you if you are eligible for one
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
fordee11 said:
call vzw and tell them the problem and theyll tell you if you are eligible for one
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i'll probably just wait for a new ROM based on the latest update now if that actually fixes the issues. sure the allure of a new device is intriguing (especially if it's free), but i don't dislike the phone, i just want it to work like it's supposed to.
trailblazer101 said:
You don't understand.... It's people like you taking advantage that makes it harder than it needs to be for people actually having problems and honestly want to return the phone...
It's people like you also who everyone thinks badly of in there heads and in the IRC xD
And you really don't think they can't tell where you bought it?
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA Premium App
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I love the holier than thou forum white knights. I swear you relative moralists leave no forum untouched with your auto-ego stroking.
Listen, everyone who owns a Fascinate and went through the OTA update process had the same issue with missed calls and texts. Furthermore, even custom ROMs (CM7 included) experienced this issue. Until now, there was no work around and not everyone is an XDA daily driver and knows that ED05 has been released. We all went through the exact same run around waiting for Froyo, I know I for one wasn't about to sit back and wait for this release to be pushed back 4-5 times. I took the free upgrade and I don't feel the least bit bad about it. I even posted the script that worked for me on the first try, because at the time ED05 had no firm release date and I feel like everyone pumping out $200 for a phone and $100+ a month deserves a product that won't cause them huge issues like the Fascinate caused for me. I lost thousands in sales because I missed calls and the Google Voice missed notification wouldn't show up for 15-20 minutes.
Bottom line is, don't try to crucify everyone that asks for help with this situation. Odds are they don't know about ED05 being released and they probably don't trust Samsung to get an update out on time because they never have. The only reason this one came so fast is because Verizon/Samsung were losing their asses on replacement costs.
TLDR: Don't be a ****.
B1gC72 said:
i'll probably just wait for a new ROM based on the latest update now if that actually fixes the issues. sure the allure of a new device is intriguing (especially if it's free), but i don't dislike the phone, i just want it to work like it's supposed to.
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+1 and I also would enjoy the better camera and front facing as well.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Tell them you lost it somewhere where there is a high volume of people coming and going i.e the mall, hospital etc. if you have insurance on your phone you should be able to get a new one
Sent from my I500 using Tapatalk
If you think you can call Verizon and say your phone is defective and expect them to send you something different then it wont happen.
1. You bought the phone off eBay, thus you no longer have a one year manufacture warranty.
2. Without the manufacture warranty they cant send you a replacement phone.
3. Your best option is to see if you have an upgrade or go through your insurance and see what kind of phone they will send you. You never know sometimes they send you UPGRADED phones!
To the people WHO ACTUALLY GOT THERE PHONE THROUGH VERIZON. If you are within a year and your phone is "defective" then you can call them and make it clear that you have done a full factory reset and everything you try doesn't work. They will then send you a replacement, it might be the same phone or you might get lucky and get an upgraded phone.
I work for Verizon and I've had customers come in with a Droid and manufacture sent them a Droid Three.

Wifi calling, voice get delayed the longer the conversation.

This is unbelievable to me. I finally update to ICS and now everytime I use wifi calling for more then 15 mins, the voice gets delayed. The person I talk to on the other end hears what I say 3 to 5 seconds after I say it into the phone. This has been going on for days now and also happens with a friends Amaze at his own place.
What in the world am I suppossed to do now , since its impossible to have a normal conversation with people.
Anyone else have this issue? I am about this sell this phone now. I am not rooted and stock so I cant revert back to GB
This is unbelievable to me. I finally update to ICS and now everytime I use wifi calling for more then 15 mins, the voice gets delayed. The person I talk to on the other end hears what I say 3 to 5 seconds after I say it into the phone. This has been going on for days now and also happens with a friends Amaze at his own place.
What in the world am I suppossed to do now , since its impossible to have a normal conversation with people.
Anyone else have this issue? I am about this sell this phone now. I am not rooted and stock so I cant revert back to GB
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try this from the market >> Call Delay Patch <<
now those few 3-5 sec is NOW FIXED
hit thanks if i helped
Jay_Rulen said:
try this from the market >> Call Delay Patch <<
now those few 3-5 sec is NOW FIXED
hit thanks if i helped
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I read that app only works for when you pick up the phone and there is a delay. Ill give it a try though. It gets extremely annoying talking to someone and then they start talking thinking I am not talking and my 5 second delay cuts them off.
I read that app only works for when you pick up the phone and there is a delay. Ill give it a try though. It gets extremely annoying talking to someone and then they start talking thinking I am not talking and my 5 second delay cuts them off.
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ya ik what you mean try it if it works your all set if it don't i'll look for something to help you out im just on lmfao just waiting on new energy ics rom update i hope
Yep, an issue since the first ics leak and I have no clue how to fix it. Me and GG have been complaining about this for awhile
Yup... Known issue since the first leak... It gets worse as conversation goes on. I just said **** it and installed quick-sense and selected to remove WiFi calling. I can't believe tmo put the option in a device on gb, it didn't work, so they update to ics, and don't fix it? Smh fail
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
glacierguy said:
Yup... Known issue since the first leak... It gets worse as conversation goes on. I just said **** it and installed quick-sense and selected to remove WiFi calling. I can't believe tmo put the option in a device on gb, it didn't work, so they update to ics, and don't fix it? Smh fail
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Anyways, I talked to the tech department about it and the girl knew everything about it.
She set me up with a service ticket and they would check things out, but we both dont think much of it.
Shes going to call me back in 3 days. She said that its not a device issue, that its an OS issue, which I already knew.
She said after the 3 days we will probably do the warranty exchange. She doesnt know if the replacement phones will have will ICS or GB though but if its GB, dont update to ICS because its a known wifi calling bug. That is if they even have the amaze to replace with. I dont mind waiting because I am curious what there going to say.
So you're going to exchange your phone because wifi calling doesn't work properly? A little extreme, no?
mrmako777 said:
So you're going to exchange your phone because wifi calling doesn't work properly? A little extreme, no?
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I dont get service in my apartment. I rely on it to make all my phone calls when I am home. Without it, its almost useless. Having a conversation where the person on the other end doesnt answer you for a few seconds cuz its delayed is pretty annoying. Not to mention when they start talking again because they think I havent answered, and then it cuts them off, and there is a WTF moment lol
Yeah this is annoying I've had people click on me because they think I'm playing with them or calling to mess with them.. Hopefully tmo fixes the issue soon
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
I dont get service in my apartment. I rely on it to make all my phone calls when I am home. Without it, its almost useless. Having a conversation where the person on the other end doesnt answer you for a few seconds cuz its delayed is pretty annoying. Not to mention when they start talking again because they think I havent answered, and then it cuts them off, and there is a WTF moment lol
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gotcha. have you asked about the signal booster they offer? are you s-off? why not just flash back to gb?
mrmako777 said:
gotcha. have you asked about the signal booster they offer? are you s-off? why not just flash back to gb?
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Yeah I just dont wanna go through the trouble of signal booster when Wifi calling is supposed to work just fine yano? The girl said alot of people have been calling with issues about the new update and there working with HTC to try and correct them.
I am running stock on my phone. I was thinking about messing with the phone but I dont like the idea of messing up the warranty when I use it a few times during the year
The girl said alot of people have been calling with issues about the new update and there working with HTC to try and correct them.
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this is good news. guess this means we'll possibly be getting another leak soon...
Anyone ever factory reset the phone and see if the issue gets fixed at all?
Of course I told them I did it to avoid that nonsense, but now I am considering it. Just dont wanna lose all the work I put into with using facebook pictures for peoples faces when they call. Apps I can always re download
Whats even more annoying is I had the phone for 1 month and havent even begun to pay me 20 dollar a month for 20 months payments! So in the end if they send me another, Im paying for a refurb phone lol. Honestly thinking about when the GS3 comes out, selling my amaze, paying off what I owe with the money I get for it, then restarting a payment plan all over for the GS3. Yeah thats overthinking right there.
Anyone ever factory reset the phone and see if the issue gets fixed at all?
Of course I told them I did it to avoid that nonsense, but now I am considering it. Just dont wanna lose all the work I put into with using facebook pictures for peoples faces when they call. Apps I can always re download
Also, I see that my lynksys router firmware is from 2008 and has an update. I wonder if updating the firmware mix help. Its just a firm believer when it comes to routers, if it aint broke, dont fix it lol
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Yes. I've reset and flashed new roms. It doesn't help. I also have a 4yr old linksys wireless n crap router though... And some ppl say WiFi calling works fine with them. I haven't tried on a netgear
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
glacierguy said:
Yes. I've reset and flashed new roms. It doesn't help. I also have a 4yr old linksys wireless n crap router though... And some ppl say WiFi calling works fine with them. I haven't tried on a netgear
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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I wonder if people dont realize the problem cause they dont talk on the phone much.
My wireless N linksys router is 4 years old also.
Also, I see that my lynksys router firmware is from 2008 and has an update. I wonder if updating the firmware might help. Its just a firm believer when it comes to routers, if it aint broke, dont fix it lol
its an ics bug. you could have the best router in the world and it will still lag
Yeah heres my own personal fix. Hang up the phone and call back every ten minutes
So in reality, rooting a phone only affects the manufacturer warranty? Something I will never and have never needed to use.
I have premium handset protection with T-Mobile. If I need to exchange through t-mobile or asurion, all I need to do is unroot it right?
Hmm Now I need to go learn how to do all this to get back to GB.

