facebook sync x10 2.1 fw - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was wondering how do you sync your contacts with facebook
just like to check their statuses on the phonebook like we used to see on 1.6
thanks a lot

Open your phone book, open a contact, press edit at the top, press the menu button (silver one at x10 bottom), select "join", select the facebook account you want to add, done!!
Some notes
1. Login and setup the facebook app, the sony phone book requires this
2. I also recommened setting up facebook on timescape
3. This last one annoyed me. On 1.6 you could add any facebook contact to any contact name on the phone, but not anymore. ex. My friends name in the phone book is "John", but his facebook profile name is "Alex". If I try to add "Alex" to "John", it won't even show up in the list of facebook profiles to choose from, I had to rename "John" in my phone book to "Alex", then I could see "Alex" in the selection list. This is really annoying as I have most of my friends set up with nicknames, but they use their real names on facebook, thus forcing me to rename a few on my phone book. Anyone have a solution for this?

thanks for that help
and it sucks i'm like you, always having diff names for ppl not fair we have to rename them
omfg it is auto naming my contacts after joining them wtf

clozecall said:
Open your phone book, open a contact, press edit at the top, press the menu button (silver one at x10 bottom), select "join", select the facebook account you want to add, done!!
Some notes
1. Login and setup the facebook app, the sony phone book requires this
2. I also recommened setting up facebook on timescape
3. This last one annoyed me. On 1.6 you could add any facebook contact to any contact name on the phone, but not anymore. ex. My friends name in the phone book is "John", but his facebook profile name is "Alex". If I try to add "Alex" to "John", it won't even show up in the list of facebook profiles to choose from, I had to rename "John" in my phone book to "Alex", then I could see "Alex" in the selection list. This is really annoying as I have most of my friends set up with nicknames, but they use their real names on facebook, thus forcing me to rename a few on my phone book. Anyone have a solution for this?
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There is show all contacts menu item.

this is really painfull. i cannot add the contact because i using nickname in phonebook. is there some application which it does?
sweet 1.6 DD

In the top left corner of the phone book there's a filter button, click it and have it display facebook contacts as well. Then start merging contacts. If the names are off ie. alex and john, it seems to keep the name of the contact that you started with.
*Facebook app needs to be installed.
*Also as akila87 mentioned if the names are not the same there is show all contacts bar when merging them.
Edit- Actually naming appears to be completely random.... =/


Moving phone contacts to google contacts

I'm I'm a new G2/Hero user, great forum here.
I really like the fact google contacts sync up with the phone & are phone independent, is there any way of making your normal contacts become google ones or an app to do it?
many thanks
If you set your phone up with a Google account then by default all your contacts will be synced with Google. Most mobile phones offer a facility to export the address book, often via MS Outlook which can then be further exported to Google and from there propagate to your phone.
I set it up with a google login first time I used it. The google contacts sync up fine but the rest of the contacts listed as 'phone' dont sync to google.
So what I was hoping is I can change the type from phone to google in the contacts listing then edit them on my computer & sync them back to the phone?
One other question does the google sync work both directions? Facebook images don't seem to appear in gmail?
Yes and yes. Make sure that the contacts are set as 'Google' and it should all work
Unfortunately after setting up some "Phone" contacts you cannot edit them and save as "Google" - or am I missing something?
And BTW, I'd like to ask people who are actually syncing their contacts and using Google Contacts as their primary source whether they suffer from the fact that Gmail adds all the email addresses that they had a conversation with as a new contact. Is that actually an issue?
dkodr said:
Unfortunately after setting up some "Phone" contacts you cannot edit them and save as "Google" - or am I missing something?
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that's exactly what I'm trying to do with no luck. New contacts I will set to google but I imported a load from my sim (150) which are all set to 'phone'
Another problem I had with the calendars, if you set them to only be google it doesn't change the new entry type from 'phone' so I put load of appointments in & couldn't see them which totally threw me. Luckily it does remember the type you set but it should change the default type when you set the view!
no, you cant change the contact type once it has been set. you'll need to delete them and create/import them as google contacts.
when in people and you press menu import, select google to import to the google list. that way they sync up automatically.
If you can't be bothered deleting all the ones in phone, just hide them...on the people list, press menu and select view, only tick google and voila, all the others are hidden.
to stop google from synching all the email addresses as well, go into people, go to the groups tab, press menu and select sync groups.
tick only 'My contacts'
problem solved.
thanks for the reply rhedgehog
rhedgehog said:
to stop google from synching all the email addresses as well, go into people, go to the groups tab, press menu and select sync groups.
tick only 'My contacts'
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I can only select "Sync all contacts" and a couple of groups I created - no option for "My contacts".
strange, i get it, and it should be there as it is a standard google contacts group....
There is an app on the market called ContactSync can help you with this. It's free.
tsekh501>> Worked like a charm, cheers mate
I wonder if anyone can help me. My contacts were stored as 14 on Google and 76 on 'phone'. I used the contactsync app and it said all contacts successfully synced to google. On my contacts list they all have 'Google' next to them.
The problem is, when i log into my google account on my pc I only have 14 contacts listed? Am i missing something here or is there something wrong?
PS - just to add, when i go to menu- settings - data sync - google - sync settings on my Hero, when i tick/untick contacts to try and force it to update i get a 'Sorry The process android.process.acore has stopped......Force close.
Bump! Anyone?
Getting the same problem... Running MCR 2.0...
Odd one this, and I only get the error message when I set the phone to sync my contacts.
Anyone wanna bid in on this one?
Bad idea?
tsekh501 said:
There is an app on the market called ContactSync can help you with this. It's free.
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Tried this advice, and even threw in a reboot after running the ContactSync app. Got the same error-message. Has anyone completed this successfully?
I've been having the same problems- first the change only showing on the hero- and now the random crashes?
I since backed up my contacts to sd with exportcontacts (free on the market) as .csv and then uploaded them to my gmail via my pc.
Strangely,when I did, both copies of the contacts showed up online and I had to manually delete the second copy of each. I know it was both copies as i'd sorted them all into groups after using contact sync and the groups showed only on one of each contact.
Slight feature missing with the new Modaco rom. Did anybody use the feature where you could sync only certain groups in your contacts? This feature was present in the old firmware but is now missing.
Before you could go to People > Groups > Menu > Sync groups and the select the groups you only wanted to sync. This is not present with the new version. Also I can't seperate Google contacts as well. Annoying change for those who sync their contacts with Google.
technononsense said:
I've been having the same problems- first the change only showing on the hero- and now the random crashes?
I since backed up my contacts to sd with exportcontacts (free on the market) as .csv and then uploaded them to my gmail via my pc.
Strangely,when I did, both copies of the contacts showed up online and I had to manually delete the second copy of each. I know it was both copies as i'd sorted them all into groups after using contact sync and the groups showed only on one of each contact.
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Similar experience. However, I experienced an additional difficulty when importing the .csv file to gmail. When it imported the fields was all messed up. I tried to edit it in excel, but didn't get it to work. Quite a hassle, this. Wish they could have streamlined it just a tad more
So far with the 2.1 roms I have tried to sync my contacts that are not part of google contacts without success.
There seems to be no way of getting the option to make a contact a google contact if it is not already so.
I tried the ap loaded kindly on this thread:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=5879272&postcount=6763 - which call contactsync (as above post)
but it doesn't work - saying something about the database being wrong.
Is this something that the chef's can make available in their roms (a hidden menu - or a menu option that could be put into contacts/people app) ? I think it's something HTC just overlooked when they created the app.

[Q] Contacts Links To Facebook

Hi Guys,
I have Upgraded to Generic 2.1 and i am very impressed by 99% of the update.
I am trying to link some contacts to facebook, most of this is trial. However, contacts that are not saved under the same name as in facebook, are trickier?
It used to be a case of just clicking link contact, and choosing a facebook profile, but i can not find this option.
Can anyone help please?
Solved.. Thanks!
Im too having problems with this,
i dont really want my phonebook to be full of firstnames and surnames just so i can see facebook updates,
Press menu once inside the edit window of the contact u want to pair and press join and just choose the profile that fits better then choose the pic to show or just change it by clicking over it.... For me its workin great i dont c the big deal... Good luck
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
well, i've tried this metod and the problem basically remains.
- you long click on your friend name in the contact list and choose "join..." (friend listed here as for example "kleenex")
- you pick your friends facebook profile (he entered on facebook "Kris Leenox")
- the profiles are joined BUT are displayed in contact list as "Kris Leenox".
the name is there, the surname is there, the nickname is set, BUT you see Facebook's name on the list. And editing this joined contact gives under "facebook" - "you cannot edit facebook on this device" or something like that.
so, basically, it sucks.
I AM choosing my names on contact list, F..k Facebook, i wont surrender my freedom just like that
ahh thanks for your help, ive linked them all now,
but yeah i know what you mean about the names thing
I dont mind somepeople having full names, like there are about 7 adams in my phone so its usefull there, but i dont want my mom and my girlfriend to have their fullnames displayed too
damn you 2.1 update,
i love you but you dont half make things a ballache
I notice there is another problem, I have 2 same names of my contact which is as below :
1) Jason
2) Jason
[email protected]
So which is the correct one?
If we link to the correct facebook profile, when we click on their picture from the phonebook, should it appear the Facebook icon from the options?
Damn phonebook
Here I was, thinking that the "social phonebook" would work wonders.
Sort of, yes, but the naming thing is a real pain in the neck. Pleeeeeze, if only I could control which name is shown in the phonebook. So, actually, this doesn't merge contacts, rather it just mixes them into big contact cards, with possibly duplicate numbers. The worst is, apparently the new details, from facebook or twitter aren't synced back to the contact details e.g. in your gmail contacts.
Still stranger, the contacts on the phone don't even exist? I mean, the gmail contact cards reside "somewhere" and are not the same as those saved on the phone. That's not syncing, either.
What to do?
In the interim, I'd be happy with a 3rd party app that merges & syncs back & forth, but.... which one delivers? (The ones I've seen so far just mess up your contact cards, sometimes very badly).
Just to add to the confusion... I seem to have two Facebook phonebooks on my X10:
For some contacts, when I enter edit mode, there is first the section from my gmail account, then there's the section from Facebook Timescape, then there's the section from Facebook [my email]!
Anyone know why that is? Is facebook in timescape treated as a different profile from the built-in facebook app?
The two facebooks situation comes from a) timescape and b) the facebook app, which asks initially if you want to sync your fb contacts to the phone. These are shown as facebook ([email protected]) in the phonebook.
Defaulting to the fb name is super annoying. What's even more odd is that for some friends, it does default, for others, your gmail contact name is "the stronger one". What gives?
Does anyone has a solution for the problem with the names (forced Facebook names)? Or is it a bug, too?
Like most of the users here, I love the 2.1 update, and HATE the names-problem. Really really HATE IT.
So far, all I've been able to deduct is that the shown name is decided alphabetically. The name that's further down in the alphabet will be shown. So, if your contact name is aJhon, the facebook name is bJhon, twitter is zJhon, the shown name would be zJhon.
Hope someone finds a solution or SE releases a patch or something.

2.1 Contacts + Timescape = aaaargh!

I seem to have found an Android 2.1 bug, and it's due to the supposedly improved integration with Timescape and Contacts..
Timescape now automatically updates your contact list with facebook and twitter contacts. That's nice, isn't it?
Unfortunately, I don't know anyone on my twitter account (it's all software houses and product updates and stuff), and I don't know (or want to know) the phone numbers of most of my facebook friends.
Luckily, there is an option in contacts to only show contacts from certain sources, so you can tell it not to show contacts from facebook or twitter, or even google or the phone.
Alas, you can tell it until you're blue in the face, but it still shows them, no matter what you yell it to show. :|
But fear not; there is also an option to hide contacts who have no phone number! Sweet, huh? Well, no - that doesn't work, either. :'(
So now my contact list is full of people I don't want to phone, and the only way to get rid of them is to sign out of my accounts in Timescape, meaning Timescape is useless. I'm just glad I'm not one of those people with hundreds of random facebook friends!
Yep. I have exactly the same problem. It's weird though - I have a Google contact, and a facebook contact. The FB contact is correctly linked to the google contact but in some situations (Usually where the FB name has a nickname or summat) they're displayed again. But you can 'delete' them.
I'm just dealing with the Big List. I came from a Palm Pre so I'm fairly search oriented anyway.
same problem here; i don't think this bug is related to Timescape... the whole options screen is buggy, you can see the "google", "facebook", etc labels go away when you select one of them.
Dr.Pat said:
same problem here; i don't think this bug is related to Timescape... the whole options screen is buggy, you can see the "google", "facebook", etc labels go away when you select one of them.
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i have no problem with that on my phone, i have link my contacts with timescape, facebook and twitter and i still only have my google contacts shown in contacts
Did you upgrade to 2.1? Does the "hide contacts without phone number" (or whatever it is in english) option also work?
Dr.Pat said:
Did you upgrade to 2.1? Does the "hide contacts without phone number" (or whatever it is in english) option also work?
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yes all works
i also noticed that the starred (favorites) contacts tab disappeared from the contact list.
...ok, solved! It's a Launcher PRO default shortcut bug. If you open the contact list from the applications list, all the problems (missing starred tab, messy list) go away. So... delete the default contact list icon, and recreate it.
Dr.Pat said:
i also noticed that the starred (favorites) contacts tab disappeared from the contact list.
...ok, solved! It's a Launcher PRO default shortcut bug. If you open the contact list from the applications list, all the problems (missing starred tab, messy list) go away. So... delete the default contact list icon, and recreate it.
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Erm... i think i love you
Dr.Pat said:
i also noticed that the starred (favorites) contacts tab disappeared from the contact list.
...ok, solved! It's a Launcher PRO default shortcut bug. If you open the contact list from the applications list, all the problems (missing starred tab, messy list) go away. So... delete the default contact list icon, and recreate it.
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Click to collapse
I want to have your babies!
Thank you so much!!!

[Q] Caller ID pictures?

I have synched my contact list with Facebook, but when someone rings me their picture is really poor and pixelated. Is there a setting or something I need to change to display it properly? Does anyone else have this problem?
Probably this problem http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=4147
Working workaround: create contact with name and photo only on phone then connect to facebook/google contact. Works but you must delete image from google contact (i didn't found option to choose[\b] account photo source).
Really I'd like to know is there a real cure for this.
I had this problem to. You can't see the pics if you sync it with the Facebook app. Instead I sync my contact (only) with Samsung's Social Hub and then manually join any contacts which the phone can't find automatically. Then I see all the pics, and they also get updated.
NOTE: I can also see the contact pics in LP People widget
Or just install this.
I use it on my desire hd and the caller id pic is very clear.
Sorry I'm probably being thick but could you explain that workaround a bit more?
I have the same problem, the pictures are really pixelated, both when you get a call and when you have them as a buddy widget on one of your homescreens!
mwilson1987 said:
Sorry I'm probably being thick but could you explain that workaround a bit more?
I have the same problem, the pictures are really pixelated, both when you get a call and when you have them as a buddy widget on one of your homescreens!
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Yeah, sure
1. You can install the Facebook app, but don't sync the contacts.
2. Open Samsung's Social Hub. Click on the menu button and then "add account". Choose "Facebook" and add enter your username and password. Choose to sync your contacts (and also the calendar and events too if you want).
Now you should see your Facebook contacts in your phone book (if you don't you need to enable it in the phone book's options).
The phonebook might be able to join your normal contacts with the Facebook contact, but on mine in didn't match too many.
To join them manually, long press on a contact and choose "join contact" - now choose their Facebook profile and they should now be joined.
When that person call's you should also see their status update on your screen.
If the pics on the widget come up blurry then press the widget and it should automatically adjust the image.
Hope this helps...

Merging contacts...

I have an issue, I am trying to add phone numbers to existing facebook friends in my contact list and it won't let me. It is saying that since it is just a facebook contact it cannot be edited...PLease help, I have many contacts in my phone twice, one is the facebook contact and the other is the phone number. Thanks for any help!
brimart37 said:
I have an issue, I am trying to add phone numbers to existing facebook friends in my contact list and it won't let me. It is saying that since it is just a facebook contact it cannot be edited...PLease help, I have many contacts in my phone twice, one is the facebook contact and the other is the phone number. Thanks for any help!
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i attempted to do the same thing, and here is a very, very annoying workaround i had to do.
go through and rename all of your contacts to match their first and last names on Facebook; after that, remove your facebook account and add it back in. if it won't allow you to re-apply your facebook account, you're going to have to change your password. i don't know why, that's just what worked for me after searching for a solution for about 3 hours.
it might not update your contacts immediately, i have to do this process everytime i add a new contact to facebook/my phone and i want them synced. the longest it's taken my phone to sync back up with Facebook is about 15 minutes.
remember, their names have to be exact for this to work.
Try separating the contacts, adding your changes to the non-facebook entry and then rejoin them.
magecca said:
Try separating the contacts, adding your changes to the non-facebook entry and then rejoin them.
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That's the problem, I have tried that and there is no option to "merge" them together.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
brimart37 said:
That's the problem, I have tried that and there is no option to "merge" them together.
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You've hit menu, edited the contact and then hit menu again? That's where the 'Join' option is. Once they're joined, I hit 'done' and all set.
I've noticed that I need to delete their icon on the original contact if I want the their FB profile photo to take effect.
Not sure if I understood what you need... but I think Contact Analyzer 2 could work for you. I had a lot of duplicated contacts. That program helps you to merge contacts, delete duplicates, etc.
I believe pre-GB the the buttons were just there when you edit the contact, on GB there is that additional menu button to get to them.
here is how i merged mine. example
joe smith 111-111-111 joe smith facebook contact
you should have 2 entries in your contacts. one with a number and one facebook contact.like you said you can not edit the facebook contact. so while on the facebook contact hit menu - edit contact. that should bring you to the screen where it tells you it is not editable. the boxes done and revert should be at the bottom. hit menu again, in the lower right hand corner should be a join option. hit join and it will bring you to a join contacts screen. now just select the contact that has the phone number.
I don't know how to thank you guys' enough - I thought I would have to resort to a third party app or removing/re-adding Facebook... God, I don't know why they made it so much more convoluted in GB to do something that was easy enough in Froyo.
buffalo06 said:
here is how i merged mine. example
joe smith 111-111-111 joe smith facebook contact
you should have 2 entries in your contacts. one with a number and one facebook contact.like you said you can not edit the facebook contact. so while on the facebook contact hit menu - edit contact. that should bring you to the screen where it tells you it is not editable. the boxes done and revert should be at the bottom. hit menu again, in the lower right hand corner should be a join option. hit join and it will bring you to a join contacts screen. now just select the contact that has the phone number.
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Thankyou very much man , finaly i sync facebook contact with my sim contact , with your help! thankyou
Plz dont mind i have tried all nothing woks
I have tried all the methods but nothing seems to work really

