progress on sense for vibrant? - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i havent seen any word or movement about this topic just trying to see what is the progress on sense ui on vibrant?
or did the devs stop working on it

I agree...being a BETA TESTER myself, havent heard any info AT ALL since the Sense Dev thread was closed....

Didn't someone donate $50 to those guys? Money well spent it seems...

i dont knoe but ill donate , this was really cool idea porting sense to the vibrant,

Ive asked Eugene and Barak on twitter and thier answer...Must not want my donation money...all i want is a simple answer..yes it is being worked on...or no it isnt..
O well R14 is out in about 30 mins...

true all we want to do is get some info on the progress thats it

wats R14 anyways? sorry im kinda new

I donated the $50! And I have not heard one thing about progress. I'm also supposed to be a tester for it
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

yeah bro idk i think they stop i hope not *cross my finger* i really want this on the vibrant

other than the widgets....why? it doesn't offer much that you can't mimic with themes..

lol i knoe just there is something about sense that i love,
other then this rom i would flash axura or cm6

Barak, nor I was the one Heading up the port... It was only done as Proof of concept...

If you want a progress report, ask the ppl in charge of it.
jeezz just ppl looking for an excuse to bash on Eugene...

scrizz said:
If you want a progress report, ask the ppl in charge of it.
jeezz just ppl looking for an excuse to bash on Eugene...
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Dude....You're exactly where XDA has gone....NO WHERE IN THIS THRED IS ANYONE TALKING BAD ABOUT EUGENE!! Stop taking stuff out of context, or XDA will continue down the black hole

Was the donation a proof of concept?
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scrizz said:
If you want a progress report, ask the ppl in charge of it.
jeezz just ppl looking for an excuse to bash on Eugene...
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because this was really a reason to bash on Eugene?!?!?! but ok thanks for answering my question,

lightninbug said:
Dude....You're exactly where XDA has gone....NO WHERE IN THIS THRED IS ANYONE TALKING BAD ABOUT EUGENE!! Stop taking stuff out of context, or XDA will continue down the black hole
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thank you someone knoes , just looking for progress,

lightninbug said:
Dude....You're exactly where XDA has gone....NO WHERE IN THIS THRED IS ANYONE TALKING BAD ABOUT EUGENE!! Stop taking stuff out of context, or XDA will continue down the black hole
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Well first.. No need to TYPE LIKE THIS, it is really annoying and hard to read.
Second "Ive asked Eugene and Barak on twitter and thier answer...Must not want my donation money" that is a bold statement, doing the port wasn't about who wanted some money... If it was that easy to do, it would of been done. You guys don't understand how hard it is to do some of the stuff, we had it booting & we ran into a few major issues like no signal (We just needed to replace some drivers) and it was just lagging to hell.... I wen't into the chat about a week ago after having my own stuff to do & it was basically deserted.
And to that person who donated $50 to the project, I would contact Whosdaman about that because he was the one who got all the donations I believe... If you wanted.

Master™ said:
Well first.. No need to TYPE LIKE THIS, it is really annoying and hard to read.
Second "Ive asked Eugene and Barak on twitter and thier answer...Must not want my donation money" that is a bold statement, doing the port wasn't about who wanted some money... If it was that easy to do, it would of been done. You guys don't understand how hard it is to do some of the stuff, we had it booting & we ran into a few major issues like no signal (We just needed to replace some drivers) and it was just lagging to hell.... I wen't into the chat about a week ago after having my own stuff to do & it was basically deserted.
And to that person who donated $50 to the project, I would contact Whosdaman about that because he was the one who got all the donations I believe... If you wanted.
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Thank u master for clearing these things up for us. And also i apologize for these comments. Just wanted to see what the progress is on we havnt heard anything recently.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Master™ said:
Well first.. No need to TYPE LIKE THIS, it is really annoying and hard to read.
Second "Ive asked Eugene and Barak on twitter and thier answer...Must not want my donation money" that is a bold statement, doing the port wasn't about who wanted some money... If it was that easy to do, it would of been done. You guys don't understand how hard it is to do some of the stuff, we had it booting & we ran into a few major issues like no signal (We just needed to replace some drivers) and it was just lagging to hell.... I wen't into the chat about a week ago after having my own stuff to do & it was basically deserted.
And to that person who donated $50 to the project, I would contact Whosdaman about that because he was the one who got all the donations I believe... If you wanted.
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Yes, all donations went to him and I have contacted him.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App


Delete please

I really want to learn how to make roms and themes, I know I know, there are tons of tutorials and guides on how to do this. What I want to do is be someones apprentice. I learn really quick and have been repairing computers and troubleshooting them for about 10 years. My only problem is that I don't know coding. Just want someone to teach me the ropes. I know a lot of you devs are busy because of CM7 but I can learn really fast! Hopefully someone can help me!
Sent from my GSBv1.5-ERIS using XDA App
"It is better to LOOK stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Seriously, over 100 views and no one wants to help me out. Screw it. nevermind, delete this post moderators.
And that's why no one wanted to help you out.
I'd suggest reading your quote again....
Point being?
Sent from my Ginger Tazz using XDA App
I'm not sure how old you are but you sound incredibly childish right now. Maybe someone would be willing to help if you weren't throwing a tantrum.
Sent from my GSBv1.5-ERIS using XDA App
spc_hicks09 said:
Point being?
Sent from my Ginger Tazz using XDA App
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You're a little ***** making yourself look stupid by opening your mouth.
Turnyface said:
You're a little ***** making yourself look stupid by opening your mouth.
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My quote is just that, a quote. The fact that 2 of you are getting butthurt about it shows how mature YOU are. It's just a quote, it means nothing and if people aren't grown up enough to understand that then they have no place on the internet. All I was asking for was help so I could learn how to cook my own Rom. Then next thing you know, here comes some people talking smack and showing how much of an ass they can be. It's just a quote, it's not my philosophy on life or anything so calm down. If anyone is acting like a child, maybe you guys should go back and read your posts. I simply posted a question and got replies about how my signature is the reason no one would help me. It's fine though, whatever.
spc_hicks09 said:
My quote is just that, a quote. The fact that 2 of you are getting butthurt about it shows how mature YOU are. It's just a quote, it means nothing and if people aren't grown up enough to understand that then they have no place on the internet. All I was asking for was help so I could learn how to cook my own Rom. Then next thing you know, here comes some people talking smack and showing how much of an ass they can be. It's just a quote, it's not my philosophy on life or anything so calm down. If anyone is acting like a child, maybe you guys should go back and read your posts. I simply posted a question and got replies about how my signature is the reason no one would help me. It's fine though, whatever.
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First off, thank you for serving our country!
I can understand both sides of this argument. You defend our rights, including freedom of speech. It is just a quote, but when you have as large an audience as the net provides, you need to watch what you say and do. Even tho quotes like that are fine when you are with your friends, all it takes is one person to be offended and your done. Arguing isn't going to help, they have the right to their opinions too, you defend them as well.
Sometimes you just need to smile, say "you're right, I'm sorry", remove the offending item and carry on (it's how I've stayed married for as long as I have ).
Be nice to the Guy, he is asking some honest questions. I remembered when I was interested in starting out 2 years ago. OP you can pm me if you need any help
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Turnyface said:
You're a little ***** making yourself look stupid by opening your mouth.
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Can somebody say Troll? Quit pissing in our tank, Hicks was just trying to get somebody to help him help us. His quote may be in poor taste, but it's accurate and is his right. There are better ways of letting him know that.
Hey thanks for the support guys really ! Sorry if I offended anyone, quote has been removed.
spc_hicks09 said:
Hey thanks for the support guys really ! Sorry if I offended anyone, quote has been removed.
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No problem
Sent from my Ginger Tazz using XDA App
Why don't you just use the easy-dev script hicks? Takes around an hour to compile the latest cm6.
No idea what that is, where to download it, or how to use it lol.
So you don't know what it is, but you know you don't know how to use it.
chicken59 said:
So you don't know what it is, but you know you don't know how to use it.
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Uhh yeah obviously if I don't know what it is then I won't know how to use it smartass. What is wrong with some of you people? Stop being assholes about it. Either answer the question or not. No need to be a **** about it.
Sent from my Ginger Tazz using XDA App
Dude it's a script. Download it, rename it, double click it in linux. Can you do this?
chicken59 said:
Dude it's a script. Download it, rename it, double click it in linux. Can you do this?
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Why don't you just go troll some other damn post ok ? I've never used any of this stuff so I know nothing about it. Which is why I'm asking questions *****. Go mess with someone else .....language edit.....

[Q] Why is So many devs moving away from XDA

As title says did i miss something?? Is it all the noob questions? or the constant same question asking or maybe Devs stepping it up a notch in competition between themselves I just remember the old eris days not being like this
Chingys gone
Team Bamfs gone
Virus is gone
idk i came from a htc inspire on att that had any rom u can possibly name to the thunderbolt which is dying slowly
sent from my pony
carycooke said:
As title says did i miss something?? Is it all the noob questions? or the constant same question asking or maybe Devs stepping it up a notch in competition between themselves I just remember the old eris days not being like this
Chingys gone
Team Bamfs gone
Virus is gone
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perhaps because a lot of people make threads without doing the proper research??
kriskmk said:
perhaps because a lot of people make threads without doing the proper research??
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Like that won't happen when Rootzwiki is bigger?
kriskmk said:
perhaps because a lot of people make threads without doing the proper research??
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Yes this is the reason, devs are starting to resent each other because noobs are doing what they always have. Genius.
Devs love to dev. If they don't do it here, you can find them by doing a little searching. The problem is like any work place, organization, etc.....basically anywhere people are involved with other people everything gets ****ing political.
mohkg said:
idk i came from a htc inspire on att that had any rom u can possibly name to the thunderbolt which is dying slowly
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troll attempt is pathetic...
its great the devs want to leave because they are open to make their own rules. they are mad that admins arent doing their job and getting pissed off and packing their bags. now, they are making their own sites and are going to tear noobs a new one every time something is asked. so therefore, the users are going to leave.
nothing will last without users, these developers do great work but when users leave so do donations and people willing to try their roms out.
Maybe the famous enough that they don't need xda anymore lol, who knows man you will get some either way, developers come and go, life changes all the time, you notice more if your a flashaholic like I used to be I got tired of flashing more then on ROM at day so I enjoy life more and actually use my phone more often pics look great on this phone BTW
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
I just realized that this thread is titled, "why IS so many devs." lol good one
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bthomp21 said:
its great the devs want to leave because they are open to make their own rules. they are mad that admins arent doing their job and getting pissed off and packing their bags. now, they are making their own sites and are going to tear noobs a new one every time something is asked. so therefore, the users are going to leave.
nothing will last without users, these developers do great work but when users leave so do donations and people willing to try their roms out.
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You act like the developers need users, when it fact, it's the other way around lol. Developers first and foremost develop for themselves and then later share what they made with the world. No Rom developer is getting rich off this, it's a hobby.
There's a reason you dont see developers asking where the users are, but you see plenty of threads from users asking that question.
Users will go where the developers are or they wont get their work.
Devs are probably sick of all the useless comments people post that are useless. The flaming and so on...
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using Tapatalk
If developers wish to leave xda wishes them the best of luck, thread closed.

Cm7 on photon (closed thread)

Asking for thread to be closed.
Sometimes we fall victim to thinking each forum is the same as others. Any person who came from the evo to the photon knows how quickly a bounty thread can turn into us vs them.
us=those for bounty
them= those against bounty
Me I just rather not be involved in such behavior because at the end of the day we are all here for one thing:
the link isn't working
I pledge 10$
The link isn't working for me either. Once it's working I'll put in $10.
Edit: craigbailey1986 is correct about t0dbld being the official Atrix porter. My bad, no hood winking by heroine addicts going on here.
Sent from my Photon 4G
I would donate 10...
and LOL at the hood winked
and the link isnt working...
" Sorry - your last action could not be completed
If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.
If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and try again.
If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left-hand corner to return to the home page and try again. You might have to log in again."
Sorry guys about the link. And when I get to my computer I will fix it !!!
Hood winked?? That's a bit weird to say, since the guy I listed does the porting for the atrix. But I will fix in a few
The link is correct, it is our browser on the phone that is not allowing it to go to the correct page. I am on the computer and it goes to the correct place... sorry guys... download miren browser and it will work properly.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
I'm in the process of porting CM7 for the Photon lol... and guess what? I'm doing it for free. Once gets online I can get the correct source code... the one I pulled from was broken.
mrinehart93 said:
I'm in the process of porting CM7 for the Photon lol... and guess what? I'm doing it for free. Once gets online I can get the correct source code... the one I pulled from was broken.
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I am always down to donate when someone makes something I want or feel is enough of a benefit to everyone, I don't really feel the same if I am basically paying someone ahead of time to "try" and do something. I really appreciate the many people who spend their personal time to make things work or work better for everyone. They definetly deserve the little bit of beer money they get from us.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
beers for whoever gets cm7 on my photon first!
mrinehart93 said:
I'm in the process of porting CM7 for the Photon lol... and guess what? I'm doing it for free. Once gets online I can get the correct source code... the one I pulled from was broken.
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Well i will let this die!!! Thanks!!
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craigbailey1986 said:
Well i will let this die!!! Thanks!!
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Why would you let this die? Why are we hoping and praying that 1 person is going to bring the pain...I mean...CM7?
Plus I'm pretty sure you started the CM7 thread first. All I'm saying is if people are willing to develop, why not support them?
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
No what was said was give up enough money to buy a couple ppl phones and "they" will try to port it. Very different then chipping in beer money for someone who made something you might use. It its called a donation because it its voluntary and all dev its done with no warranty, if you brick your phone it's on you.
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jamesdwalters said:
No what was said was give up enough money to buy a couple ppl phones and "they" will try to port it. Very different then chipping in beer money for someone who made something you might use. It its called a donation because it its voluntary and all dev its done with no warranty, if you brick your phone it's on you.
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I dont think you understand what a bounty is or just looking for something to complain about.... It is paying for something you want before you get it.... I am not asking for anything nor is the atrix team. He stated they would need a phone to properly port and test it for us. We must realize that I went seeking them not them just porting on their own free will.
---------- Post added at 03:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 PM ----------
justforflashing said:
Why would you let this die? Why are we hoping and praying that 1 person is going to bring the pain...I mean...CM7?
Plus I'm pretty sure you started the CM7 thread first. All I'm saying is if people are willing to develop, why not support them?
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
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I said let it die because, look at how many views we have on this thread and how many actually said they were willing to donate for the cause. If rinehart can get it done and he has the phone might as well just donate to him , ya know. But hey lets see what happens
I appreciate your use of capslock. It would be ironic except it is fitting. Maybe the people working on CM7 will make the official post about CM7. How about that?
craigbailey1986 said:
I PLEDGE $10.00
Original Atrix CM7:
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the2dcour said:
I appreciate your use of capslock. It would be ironic except it is fitting. Maybe the people working on CM7 will make the official post about CM7. How about that?
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Not sure if that is sarcasm... But guess either way its not worth feeding into.
A bounty is usually applied AFTER service is complete. You don't see bounty hunters getting paid BEFORE they bring the guy in...
boun·ty   /ˈbaʊnti/ Show Spelled[boun-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural -ties.
1. a premium or reward, especially one offered by a government: There was a bounty on his head. Some states offer a bounty for dead coyotes.
Why would we pay him before he does something when someone else could potentially do this before him? Appreciate what you are trying to do and when we get CM7, you'll see my $10.
R2DeeTard said:
A bounty is usually applied AFTER service is complete. You don't see bounty hunters getting paid BEFORE they bring the guy in...
boun·ty   /ˈbaʊnti/ Show Spelled[boun-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural -ties.
1. a premium or reward, especially one offered by a government: There was a bounty on his head. Some states offer a bounty for dead coyotes.
Why would we pay him before he does something when someone else could potentially do this before him? Appreciate what you are trying to do and when we get CM7, you'll see my $10.
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Thanks for explaining it and saving me the time. I wasn't being a **** just explaing how I saw it. I like the idea of people doing this because they want to not just for $.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
I would just ask if you guys would look around the site. Most device dev section have a bounty thread for something someone wants and doesnt mind paying for it or paying for the tools the dev needs to start.
This thread was not about giving money to anyone for producing cm7 but helping the atrix team get a photon, so they could port cm7. As I stated before this thread can die since rinehart said he was porting it and had the phone already.

[BOUNTY] thederekjay - ROM & Kernel Developer

To All, Let's get clear what kind of bounty thread is acceptable and what is not :
A bounty thread that is posted for anyone to claim should they solve a problem or provide a fix is Acceptable.
A bounty thread like this which is to provide a person money or specific team money...etc IS NOT ACCEPTABLE........
I used the T989 (S2 for T-Mobile) before switching to the note and I must say that his guy is one of a kind and would be a great asset to the i717 dev community.
His T988 ROM (Darkside) is very popular as well as his kernel (Darkside Kernel). Used by 7+ different roms.
I managed to talk to him via PM about helping us out and would contribute if only he had the device.
I will be collecting the funds on his behalf and paying the rest needed for the device within a week or two tops so he can start developing
He's a great guy so please let's not piss him off with ETAs and unnecessary requests.
Lets set our goal at $750 for a new one from Bestbuy or $550 used from craigslist/ebay.
I'll start the bounty with $50 and will pay for the rest for a device after two weeks tops.
Donations List
djxcee - $50
Master&Slave™ - $10
DAGr8 - $5
djwascom33 - $5
?????????? - $50
Total Contributors: 5
Total Donated: $120
Thank you to all that donated
This is going to be interesting to see how many people respond.. This is bounty is legit. I honestly never do bounty threads because i seen a lot of them bust. @djxcee convinced me to help you guys out and I am willing to contribute whatever I can..
First off, no disrespect for you in this post, thederekjay, don't know your work, I'm sure you're great.
But OP, your thread title is disrespectful to the devs working on the Note today. Just because you have a favorite dev/rom on another phone/etc, doesn't mean you should post with that sort of slant. Devs are taking enough crap here lately for no reason.
khaytsus said:
First off, no disrespect for you in this post, thederekjay, don't know your work, I'm sure you're great.
But OP, your thread title is disrespectful to the devs working on the Note today. Just because you have a favorite dev/rom on another phone/etc, doesn't mean you should post with that sort of slant. Devs are taking enough crap here lately for no reason.
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didn't mean to disrespect anyone but I changed the title to be a bit more board.
Hope its fine now.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
I HIGHLY recommend donating to this guy.
He has created some amazing roms/kernels/tools for the t989.
I know people in the t989 forum would get this phone just because he's deving for it.(which may not be a good thing based on how things turned out)
Good luck...I had a troll get the bounty someone set for me, deleted...
TDJ...Nice to see u still at it
Honestly goodluck where ever u go man.
I ordered a Galaxy Nexus a few hours ago.
Wait your saying you WILL buy him a device regardless of how $$ you receive ?
add myname to the list .
I will put in 5$
We def need new devs here .
I have faith in this Dev . Plus his work is amazing
I donated 5.00 hope more people try to help make it happen
i can vouch for that dev .. His work is incredible i had a t-mobile galaxy s2...I used his roms over on SGH-T989 board....i will donate in a couple days for sure...this is great we do need more development here.
DAGr8 said:
Wait your saying you WILL buy him a device regardless of how $$ you receive ?
add myname to the list .
I will put in 5$
We def need new devs here .
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It doesnt matter how the money is received IMO. As long as donations are for a good cause (Hence Getting TDJ here) then it shouldnt be a problem. People get burned everyday with money, people donate to even "greater real world causes" and get burned, its the way it is, not saying that thats how it should be.
I had no intentions on development for this phone until yesterday night when a few guys insisted that they wanted me to dev for it. They started a bounty the same as this one. I didnt have anything to do with what happened to you all with these other guys that came in and did nothing "per say", so it was not fair at all for my thread to get deleted, nor trolled. I thought the rules were "A dev couldnt ask for money to get his/her a device"
But anyways, im donating 10$ to TDJ Because he is loyal and he works very hard, i have much respect for the man. His Rom was very great, not to mention I even used his kernel and advertised his super wipe script in both of my ROM threads.
Last time im gonna be here...Good luck TDJ
Donation Confirmation
As promised..
Confirmation number: 3UP51465HH082710J.
Phenomnal of many great devs from the MT4G forum. I currently run his Darkside kernel...excellent work !!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
Master&Slave™ said:
It doesnt matter how the money is received IMO. As long as donations are for a good cause (Hence Getting TDJ here) then it shouldnt be a problem. People get burned everyday with money, people donate to even "greater real world causes" and get burned, its the way it is, not saying that thats how it should be.
I had no intentions on development for this phone until yesterday night when a few guys insisted that they wanted me to dev for it. They started a bounty the same as this one. I didnt have anything to do with what happened to you all with these other guys that came in and did nothing "per say", so it was not fair at all for my thread to get deleted, nor trolled. I thought the rules were "A dev couldnt ask for money to get his/her a device"
But anyways, im donating 10$ to TDJ Because he is loyal and he works very hard, i have much respect for the man. His Rom was very great, not to mention I even used his kernel and advertised his super wipe script in both of my ROM threads.
Last time im gonna be here...Good luck TDJ
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Thanks... appreciate the kind words! Wish you the best of luck with the GN.
romuloxiii said:
Phenomnal of many great devs from the MT4G forum. I currently run his Darkside kernel...excellent work !!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
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Do you currently have a note? I actually still have my mt4g, sitting around haven't touched it in awhile.
DAGr8 said:
Wait your saying you WILL buy him a device regardless of how $$ you receive ?
add myname to the list .
I will put in 5$
We def need new devs here .
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Pretty much . However if donations is low I will probably get a used one vs new one.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
Got a donation for $50 from someone. Please don't be shy and post here so I can add your name to the list
Thank you for contributing!
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
Can't believe Braway made CWM work without a note and he only got 4 to donate? I hope people realize this...
djxcee said:
Got a donation for $50 from someone. Please don't be shy and post here so I can add your name to the list
Thank you for contributing!
Sent from my SGH-I717R using xda premium
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No need to add my name to the list. I just want this phone in more dev's hands. This is by far the best phone I have ever had and we need more dev's on this platform.
This phone is why I don't use my tablet anymore. Makes you think about why apple doesn't want a phone with a larger screen.
Put me in for $40
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
TheMrRoxtar said:
Put me in for $40
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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I.miss deejays from.the hercules forums.he was great. As was MASTERSLAVE.
Hope wE Get I Guy!!!!!
thederekjay said:
Do you currently have a note? I actually still have my mt4g, sitting around haven't touched it in awhile.
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

[how it works] BOUNTY

ok here is a heads up how bounty works .
you dont donate up front you put your name in with the amount and once it reaches the amount needed IF the DEV still wants in at that time well THEN and THEN only everyone pays .
I have seen and heard way too many devs get paid for nothing , while the best of them struggles to get new devices .
Its way to easy to have your friends/fans open bounty for you .
I am not pointing fingers at anyone (I am sorry if you feel the hats fits you ) and I will not entertain any arguments with anyone in this thread
and I vote to sticky this !
Sticky this anyone ?
ok guys i successfully have gotten a few devs devices on the skyrocket thread feel free to look at the threads i started by looking at my thread posts.... Ive created Johnsondr80 one a few months back and he was one of the first i got a device for and he helps the skyrocket community alot.... I propose you guys consolidate donations into one thread just look at what i have done its called a [DONATION ROTATION] thread if u have questions ask as i read rules on the matter and have mastered it... as well it helps if the devs make a chip in so everyone knows the donations go straight to them
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
kornklown69 said:
ok guys i successfully have gotten a few devs devices on the skyrocket thread feel free to look at the threads i started by looking at my thread posts.... Ive created Johnsondr80 one a few months back and he was one of the first i got a device for and he helps the skyrocket community alot.... I propose you guys consolidate donations into one thread just look at what i have done its called a [DONATION ROTATION] thread if u have questions ask as i read rules on the mtter nd have mastered it as well it helps if the devs make a chip me so everyone knows the donations go straight to them
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The goal is to avoid money going left and right if you recall I was interested in your thread but I stepped back when you asked me to make a chipin page because money gets spread thin .
I believe the only proper way is the same way the t-mobile bounty was made .
Gather up ppl ready to give money then , point it all at ONE dev with a poll if needed . otherwise money goes left and right and you never know who really buys the device .
DAGr8 said:
The goal is to avoid money going left and right if you recall I was interested in your thread but I stepped back when you asked me to make a chipin page because money gets spread thin .
I believe the only proper way is the same way the t-mobile bounty was made .
Gather up ppl ready to give money then , point it all at ONE dev with a poll if needed . otherwise money goes left and right and you never know who really buys the device .
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understand what you are saying... but i did successfully get 3 devs devices though and i did want you on the skyrocket thread coulda been number 4 as Canadians love you ! and they all contributed may i add
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kornklown69 said:
understand what you are saying... but i did successfully get 3 devs devices though and i did want you on the skyrocket thread coulda been number 4 as Canadians love you !
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Yes your way is good , but again one dev at a time is the way to go then if for example it takes too long for a dev and he buys another phone . there is always another one ready .
for example we have braway working BLIND ( cough cough) on our phone waitign for ppl to help him get one since day one , not asking for asingle donation , he s also the source of all the roms here since he made CWM .
but we see money going separate ways for flavored roms .
Where do these "rules" come from? Didn't know you were a mod. Saw you close down a great devs bounty page. Good to know you got scared by competition
---------- Post added at 07:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 AM ----------
Oh and building roms blind don't yield the best result not that yours are bbetter with device.
Holy hell a Dev worth while was getting donated to, its a good thing you were here to let us all know how prissy "some" people are. Pretty pathetic there Dag.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
jeet92 said:
Where do these "rules" come from? Didn't know you were a mod. Saw you close down a great devs bounty page. Good to know you got scared by competition
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what rules ?
XDA rules ? read them . posting here off topic is breaking one of them btw....
I do not make them nor do I choose which get shut down , if a thread got shut down it s because it wasnt legit according to XDA not according to me .
this thread 's goal right here is so users dont give money left and right . Many users got burned already and in the end the community suffers .
We can all get together and finance great dev for coming here , I ve freely given donations many times already and will do it again .
I do not have a facebook page , I do not ask for users to buy me devices I do not make chipin pages , I own only one device ( the other one is almost 2 yrs old) I do customize the phone for my need and share with the community , some users help me some users donate , some users join me .
Some devs hate me ? sad story .
but what is your point ? if it s OT again please dont bother ./
ptmr3 said:
Holy hell a Dev worth while was getting donated to, its a good thing you were here to let us all know how prissy "some" people are. Pretty pathetic there Dag.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
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ok lol so now all the t989 guys gonna come here and post to cry , what is pathetic of me exactly ?
there is a ' dev only section' for him to post there is pm and there is chat link on my sig if anyone wants to talk .. Im an open book .
please read my previous answer and stop hijacking thx
I coudl post here all that was said for what ?
Hahaha you're pathetic bud. Glad you made that more obvious for us. I'm out
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
jeet92 said:
Where do these "rules" come from? Didn't know you were a mod. Saw you close down a great devs bounty page. Good to know you got scared by competition
---------- Post added at 07:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 AM ----------
Oh and building roms blind don't yield the best result not that yours are bbetter with device.
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Good job on trying to protect your image as thebest dev on the note. Didn't know fear could make people stoop so low. I feel sorry for you. And now I leave you to yourself.
ptmr3 said:
Holy hell a Dev worth while was getting donated to, its a good thing you were here to let us all know how prissy "some" people are. Pretty pathetic there Dag.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA
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jeet92 said:
Good job on trying to protect your image as thebest dev on the note. Didn't know fear could make people stoop so low. I feel sorry for you. And now I leave you to yourself.
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thx for the compliment but Im not remotely close to being the best dev here on the note .
I can't blame a dev if they wanna leave the T989... phone is great but the forum is drama.
Compare it to skyrocket. Same device almost, completely different attitude. Not daily flame wars from impatient end users
Edit: it would be great to have m&s on the i717 & tdj as well... And think how much more peaceful it would be for them here. Whitehawkx would be great Dan Brutal too. And they would be appreciated instead of maybe being sorry they bought the T989
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
DAGr8 said:
Yes your way is good , but again one dev at a time is the way to go then if for example it takes too long for a dev and he buys another phone . there is always another one ready .
for example we have braway working BLIND ( cough cough) on our phone waitign for ppl to help him get one since day one , not asking for asingle donation , he s also the source of all the roms here since he made CWM .
but we see money going separate ways for flavored roms .
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i agree braway needs one i would definitely donate if he committed to a touch recovery
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kornklown69 said:
i agree braway needs one i would definitely donate if he committed to a touch recovery
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hes already wokrign on something else for us .
Im going to go against the horde here and say this. Until you start pumping it useful stuff to our phones how about people not piss off the people who are actually making this device move forward. You want another dev to have this phone go ahead. But don't knock those who are giving what they have done... I bet every tool here that just went against him is using a part of a script compiled by him.... Point your finger in the unclear.... Point your finger in the mirror...
themisfit said:
Im going to go against the horde here and say this. Until you start pumping it useful stuff to our phones how about people not piss off the people who are actually making this device move forward. You want another dev to have this phone go ahead. But don't knock those who are giving what they have done... I bet every tool here that just went against him is using a part of a script compiled by him.... Point your finger in the unclear.... Point your finger in the mirror...
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ok i am not up on thos highschool drama going on butt...edit this bro, cant understand a lick
I only pay for results.
What happened to the good old days when devs bought phones instead of begging for handouts? Its one thing for everyone to gather money for the cyanogen or miui team for a port but for another flavor of our existing roms? I'm more interested in donating to a dev that can build an ics kernel.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
I think the point is that we have had some developers working hard already. One of them brought us recovery without even having the phone, and he still doesn't have the phone. Nor has he been given enough in donations to buy this phone.
And now we have a number of developers showing up looking for donations to buy this phone to develop on. It seems to me to be insulting to start throwing money at individuals who haven't done anything yet vs those that have already worked hard.
Then again, everyone has the right to give money to who they want.
I really don't understand why people posting on a forum have to get downright rude because they don't agree with someone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
If that's how the t989 users act, I'm glad I purchased the Note. You're doing great Dag and don't let these kids get you down!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
kiltedthrower said:
...I really don't understand why people posting on a forum have to get downright rude because they don't agree with someone.
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+1 to this comment.
I Got my Note launch day & soon found a community that in a brief time offered me root, an OC kernal, CWM, and now 3 different ROM's that I didn't ask for or up-front pay for. That established pretty clearly that people here are doing things for others (I would be the one of the others- I have contributed now to several).
I can understand that we bring our own baggage and attitude with us when we (anyone) read(s) these forums. Please, if it sounds like a post is disingenuous, discrediting, slighting, or unflattering to someone, seek clarification before you let your attitude, especially if it's negative, run amok. It isn't necessarily how you perceived it & such vitriolic spewing can be downright poisonous to the community.
You may have a point, and it may be good for all of us to hear it, but the golden rule can't hurt, eh? Civility is an option.
As far as the thread is concerned, I think some planning and caution when it comes to donations to bring others on board is wise, so discussion about that structure is a good thing- this is a ripe field for trolls and scammers. Thanks DAGr8 for trying to set this conversation rolling.

